#at least my opinions and my flags they can't take from me.
orcinus-veterinarius · 5 months
So... it seems I accidentally deleted an ask rather than answering it. To whoever asked "is it okay to visit SeaWorld? Does the money go to giving the orcas good care?"... here is your answer!
The SeaWorld parks, as well as Busch Gardens, Discovery Cove, and a few others, are operated by the recently renamed United Parks and Entertainment, a for-profit theme park company. Like any other corporation, their first goal is to remain profitable. Obviously, a large portion of that goes to corporate leadership and shareholders. But that's far from unique to United, or theme parks in general. It's a byproduct of the greedy world we live in. If you're willing to buy a ticket to Disney or Six Flags, then buying a ticket to a SeaWorld or Busch Gardens is no more immoral.
According to the AZA, approximately 46% of their members are for-profit. And while AZA zoos certainly vary in quality (anywhere from "acceptable" to "exceptional" in my opinion), for-profit status does not cheapen or detract from the work they do. In fact, for-profit institutions often have more financial freedom for animal care and conservation efforts than their non-profit counterparts. Non-profit zoos and aquariums are wonderful places, but believe me when I say there's a startling amount of politics in every aspect of their management. Non-profit status does not automatically make a zoo better, and for-profit status does not automatically make a zoo worse.
Now... do SeaWorld ticket sales go toward giving their orcas (and other animals) good care? Yes.
While it's certainly simplistic for parks to claim, as they do, "just by buying a ticket today you're helping save animals in the wild!"... it's not exactly a lie. Being for-profit, SeaWorld doesn't ask for donations to fund park operations or outreach endeavours. That revenue is generated by selling tickets, merchandise, food, etc. The same goes for their wildlife rescue and rehab program, Rising Tide conservation program, Coral Rescue Center, and the SeaWorld-Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, as well as partner organizations like OCEARCH and the Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute.
Take ticket sales away, and they can't care for their animals, or continue to fund conservation projects. While I don't know the whole story of what exactly is going on with Marineland Antibes, it appears that the park is in a dire financial situation due to plummeting attendance, to the point that they can no longer maintain their killer whale habitat and are trying to offload their animals onto an Asian aquarium or, potentially, an as-of-yet non-existent third party sea pen. While certainly well-meaning, years of boycotts against Marineland ultimately put their animals in a position where they are not being properly cared for. And it would be horrifying if the same thing happened to SeaWorld. I don't think many people, in their fervor to punish the parks for their perceived misdeeds and save the animals, thought about what the reality of driving a zoological facility into financial ruin would look like.
Don't get me wrong, SeaWorld's shift toward promoting itself as a thrill park that also does conservation rather than a marine facility that happens to have roller coasters annoys me. I would have rather they built a separate, neighboring park for the rides, or at least integrated them into the existing park less obtrusively (Disney's Animal Kingdom, for example, seemlessly integrates the theme park and zoo elements, although they have the benefit of the incredibly talented Imagineering team behind them). But as tiresome as the constant roller coaster announcements are, they are what kept the company afloat financially in the years immediately following Blackfish, drawing in a crowd that previously had no interest in the parks, and for that I'm grateful. Thankfully, SeaWorld is in a better spot nowadays. But the only way to convince them that their animals, not their roller coasters, are what people want to see... is to visit and see the animals.
In short, yes, part of your SeaWorld ticket funds care for their orcas and their many admirable projects. Now if only more of it went to giving their staff better salaries.
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statementlou · 6 months
i feel like i can talk to you about this because you have rational opinions. so louis bought a starbucks coffee at the airport and the fandom on twitter are eating him alive, calling him evil and wishing he goes to hell. i’m disappointed since starbucks is on the list of brands to boycott but i feel like this reaction is too much? someone even said jay would be disappointed in him, but people said that was taking it too far. i don’t know, i love louis and i’ll keep supporting him and his music but the fact he can be a careless millionaire is disappointing
1. thank you sweetie I would boop if I could 2. oh my god it's a fucking cup of coffee and if people think that's the worst thing Louis, a multi millionaire, has ever done financially they need a reality check! His money will be handled by bankers who are putting it into all kinds of evil fucking shit that he won't even know about, it's actually very hard to know or control that and there is no way trying is even on his radar. That's a passive thing and not on purpose; but the fact that people don't bother to know about that or care really speaks to how performative this kind of online approach to activism is, that they only care about image rather than effect (the effect of his investments would be easily thousands of times more than any number of coffees or even of the promotion Starbucks might get from him holding it.) But furthermore buckle in cause you hit a nerve: Starbucks isn't even an actual organized boycott target as concerns Palestine because THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT financially! The official BDS movement calls for boycott of very specific and pointed targets of which Starbucks IS NOT ONE it's literally just an online trend which is not the same as an actual boycott to materially impact a target! Losing them money is always great, they are a crappy union busting small business killing corporation, but it has zero direct effect to help Palestinians unlike supporting the meaningful boycotts called for by BDS. I don't think Louis has decided to buy starbucks because he has this analysis, but to me it's a pretty important point. Him crossing an actual picket line (playing Israel, playing Eurovision [lmaoooo that thought tho], waving an Israeli flag god forbid) would be a very different situation and something that would trouble me so the distinction matters to me. But I get that to people on twitter, that's what they feel like he has done. To which I would say...
There are so many fewer ways to help Palestine than we would wish, and it's SO hard to deal with feeling so powerless right now in the face of such horror, so I love that people feel so strongly about doing whatever they possibly can. But worrying about consumer spending, even on BDS targets, is perhaps the least effective of the things a person can do. Note that BDS boycotts do not mostly focus on asking people not to buy things; they list the products that are especially complicit, but the main work of the movement is to get large investors (corporations, public institutions, whole governments) to divest from the companies targeted because that actually hurts them enough that it becomes less profitable to continue to collude with Israel than to drop them as clients. Consumer spending is not enough to do this. It's easy and doesn't require doing actual work but it's basically virtue signaling, not organizing. Just NOT doing something (yes including voting) is not enough! I personally choose not to give my money to certain corporations because it feels bad to me and I can't stomach doing it, even if they never notice me doing it. But if I was running out of fuel and the only nearby station was a Chevron, I would spend a few bucks there and not beat myself up about it because it will have zero impact on their overall profit reports but a LOT of impact on my life. And if I was in the airport for the second time in mere days after circumnavigating the globe and playing a massive show and doing press and fan service before even having time to adjust time zones and about to get on another flight to another country I might buy a fucking coffee from whatever coffee shop was in there too! But Louis isn't me and I'm gonna be real honest I would be real surprised if he KNEW there was a boycott or gave a shit- he is not a political activist! It's reasonable to be disappointed if someone behaves not how you want them to, but just in general responding to being disappointed in people by lashing out at them is... not it. Not useful, not rational, and not actually an okay way to act to other people. Louis is an awesome sweet caring person who I believe tries hard not to have a negative impact on anyone directly and who cares very much about others; if that's not enough for someone to be a fan of him, okay then they should not be a fan of him! But warning: they're not going to be able to be a fan of anyone else either. No one is pure and perfect... maybe that energy would be better spent trying to make a meaningful difference in the world, and a great first step in that IMO is to recognize and challenge your inner cop. The better world I want to live in doesn't include policing other people, not on twitter and not anywhere.
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mixelation · 11 months
how's sasori obligatory round of book club go?
bc his role in reborn au is "mildly stalks team 4" i'm imagining 1) he's never actually formally invited, but 2) he just shows up for random meetings. it gets to the point where it's like "oh, akasuna no sasori shows up as a side character in this one, are you inviting him?"
but the FIRST time, tori has been busily "befriending" a random woman she found in the chunin break room. she walks her from work to get drinks before the meeting so her "friend" absolutely cannot escape. and then at the bar, fucking sasori shows up
tori: how did you even get in here?!
sasori: i was in the area. what are you doing i want you to look at improvements i made to one of my mind control seals. maybe find itachi too he's into this
tori: here if you can't just wait a couple hours, we're doing a book of short stories this week. read at least one of them
the woman recognizes sasori and she's like. um i would like to leave? and tori is like NO NO BOOK CLUB IS STILL ON and then blocks every single attempt to leave or flag down ANBU. we are going to book club, okay, new best friend????
(sasori: this is a random desk-nin? wouldn't even make a good puppet)
so the three of them go to book club, which is hosted in the hokage's house, and kushina opens the door and is like. hmmm. then she goes to minato making a vegetable platter and she's like
kushina: hey yeah so you know how sasori is stalking my students
kushina: well he's here for book club
minato: did you let him in?
kushina: i mean yeah? he had a copy of the book
minato: huh
so sasori is just. there. he's read three out of six of the short stories and he was very strong opinions. also itachi shows up so book club turns out to be very convenient for sasori? so he's fine. he behaves. he doesn't take the drink kushina offers him. minato DOES go drop naruto off at sasuke's so he's not in the house, but like. sasori is a fine edition to book club. he has well articulated and thoughtful opinions and has no problem telling kakashi his opinions are stupid, which is a pretty good litmus test for not being someone who's cowed by authority
tori's new best friend is losing her mind. what the fuck is happening. why is hokage-sama okay with this. why does respected famous jounin hatake kakashi think one of the most infamous missing-nin alive being here is funny. only shisui looks even slightly concerned. and then she can't even SAY anything because what is she supposed to do? talk back to her boss or the three separate anbu captains present??? she thought tori was a civilian
as they're leaving book club, itachi vaguely wanders after tori and the rando woman (who tori will NOT let leave her) because sasori said he wanted to talk, and sasori is like "well if YOU'RE not going to use her as a test subject, can i?" and tori is like NO OBVIOUSLY NOT SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND
(itachi: your best friend is a 30 year old career chunin with a child?)
the chunin lady finally successfully executes the emergency alarm jutsu and itachi is like "hi, i'm the nearest anbu" and then "why did you even bother, did you really sit with him and hokage-sama in the same room and conclude this was an appropriate response?" so he's. unhelpful and mean.
so the woman has a breakdown right there in the streets and tori has to be physically dragged away from her. they go find deidara. tori is mad the whole time but sasori considers the evening a success
tori several days later: can you BELIEVE she doesn't want to talk to me anymore? she tried to get minato to ban me from the chunin break room
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tomnookishot · 4 months
although i feel i will most likely expand on it more in the future as i discover more about myself and the Aromantic Lifestyle, i think for now this might be my hatoful aro masterpost. this all has been on my mind for the past few weeks without me even recognising it and so i kinda just want to touch on uh. almost all of the main characters tbh.
when, a few years ago, i made those UGLY pride headcanon pieces (and yes i hate ALL of them now even yuuya and sakuya and i have considered remaking them but can't muster the willpower to do so) i think i was still weaning off of my inner asshole fandom gay who sat me down and told me "hey bitch. these fags better be AT LEAST bi or else you are homophobic. that's right you HOMOPHOBE i'll KILL YOU!!" as a baby gay i never felt like it was my place to say "hey i don't actually think these characters would be gay" or "i think the emotions projected onto them are not fully fleshed out or accurate to their personality" because i thought expressing a differing opinion made me an asshole, and in my defense there were and continue to be people who say that if you DON'T hc a character as queer, and queer in an acceptable way, then you are homophobic. but look at me now! i'm an asshole! and im defending the rights of aros everywhere 😤 (it's me it's literally just me im the only aro im defending). all of this is to say i have changed a lot of my opinions on the characters through my own exploration of them and through other people's inputs. and im here to tell YOU that you are AROPHOBIC if you don't hear me out and proceed to align all of your headcanons exactly with mine and then give me all of your money and you don't want to be aphobic now do you?
the character that i actually initially wanted to make an aro post about was my sweet normal-type trainer ryouta. i have to be honest with everyone. i actually think ryouta might be hetero. i honestly had no solid idea about his identity when i made my omni hc i genuinely just looked up a list of pride flags so i could say something interesting and im not fucking joking. it was a different time in my life. i actually don't think he would have an interest in men. i just don't read it in him. he admires male characters but that hardly goes beyond signs of genuine friendship. if anything i can see what people say about him after bbl with sakuya but like. is it inappropriate for me to say that i see it as. sometimes going through a traumatic experience with a friend and then having them want you to be safe could be a sign of platonic bonding and trust. i am not sure if ill bring this up more in this post but genuinely one of my least favorite things about internet fandom culture is having to defend yourself when saying a pair of characters might be friends. it so often devolves into arophobia and the devaluing of friendship when I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP in the FIRST PLACE. im not here to say you're WRONG for reading it as romantic. in fact i think in this case it's lowkey fair to do so. but not only is my reading different, i would like to ask an audience that doesn't agree to go into the rest of this post being mindful of the prejudices that are involved with being deeply defensive about romantic headcanons, and that it SUCKS being aromantic and having to add disclaimers like this about your ideas when most queer fandom spaces never expect you to have them for headcanons concerning most other LGBT identities.
anyway. what just happened i blacked out i take no responsibility for anything that i just said. what i wanted to say was that while i really don't read The Gay on ryouta, i think demiro RADIATES from him. i don't remember what it came from, it might've been the qna translation i did, but that time moa was like "if ryouta couldn't be with hiyoko he would probably just be okay being single forever" had me thinkin. i think the typical allo interpretation would probably be "oh so noble he would be so hung up on his old crush that he would never move on to someone new" but i think, when you red string bulletin board this quote across a couple other loose pieces of evidence you can see that it's pretty g-dang demi of him. his attraction to hiyoko stems almost exclusively from his connection with her. he hardly ever makes comments about her looks or how pretty she is. his ideal relationship with her is to just continue the things they've been doing forever, except now they're married i guess. he loves her for the way he's always thought of her, and for the fact that she's such a wonderful friend. she's ALWAYS been strong and supportive, he says. that's what makes ryouta admire her, he says.
he gets defensive when someone gets emotionally close with her. something that always stood out to me in his talk with yuuya on the holiday star was when he says something along the lines of "nageki knows a side of hiyoko that i don't." his fears come from someone knowing hiyoko in a similar intimate way that he does, and i think that's because that's the only way he might process romantic attraction coming to be. he also invalidates the way he believes yuuya sees attraction. in that same talk he throws jabs at how yuuya plays with girls and doesn't really come to know them, and again, besides coming from a society that is against casual sexuality, i think that would make a lot of sense within the context of ryouta seeing deep emotional connection as the only way you can have a "real" romantic love. i think ryouta doesn't really have a want or need to dig deeper into the implications of his attractions, which obviously results in him not even realising he has a crush on hiyoko, but i also think he just isn't. that concerned with figuring out where he stands in terms of romantic orientation. in a world where he is mlm, i think he would probably never recognise that or at least never label it, but regardless, if he's demi i think he would just never see that not everyone experiences attraction the way he does. i think he would be infinitely confused with the people who get married based on five months of dating after meeting on a dating app, which is what i do. honestly i just think ryouta is so accustomed to the status quo of being a young supportive straight guy that he sees his own demiromanticism as, if anything at all, just him being peak love story protagonist. so in conclusion i see ryouta as a hetero-demiromantic who doesn't KNOW that he's demiromantic.
as im trying to decide how i want to order this, i think i have to get someone out of the way. everyone knows i hate him with a passionate fury and i genuinely don't like thinking about him BUT. i have shoe eewahmeanay thoughts. im sorry. i have read what the shuu likers have to say about him. i have read the accursed pieces on his relationship to ryuuji. and your first assumption may be that i would read shuu as aromantic, because i am a freak. well it's not true. i actually DON'T see him as strictly aromantic. i think reading emotions through a clinical and cold view is very common to the aspec experience, especially to romance- and sex-repulsed people. putting yourself completely outside of the actions and experiences and just viewing them through a purely scientific this-is-what-social-creatures-in-A-Society-do-sometimes standpoint, you can find more ease and comfort in examining how other people view relationships. but im not here to argue that this is something that makes shuu aro (considering that is literally something he does), rather i would like to argue that this is something that stems from shuu being a general freak when it comes to Having Relationships. i kind of assume shuu might be somewhere on the arospectrum and as a certified shuu hater it's not my place to decide exactly where but i still see a possibility of attraction being an element of his actions. but it's fucked up™ attraction. i think more than anything being a little neglected boy already part of an upper class where genuine connection is discouraged is the biggest factor in iwamine's stunted social development, but he's also just. i don't think he was ever wired to desire or feel connection, not like most other people at least.
i will happily back the idea that isa was desperate for a well-rounded father figure, and that this is what lead him to becoming so deeply attached to ryuuji rather than him just having a gay crush. he is extremely fucking complicated and i know the shuu likers know that. im pretty sure most articulated shuu opinions will probably factor in the bad childhood and unhealthy dependencies into isa's view on ryuuji. i also think, though, that it is entirely too interesting to imagine that isa cannot comprehend the weight or meaning of his own emotions. i don't know if he's aromantic because on a fundamental level i cannot understand any attractions that i feel and it is extremely difficult to parse through different types of attraction. i think that is exactly the kind of compelling idea to play around with for shuu. i think he would sort through his feelings about ryuuji only after his passing, that being the critical trigger for him to do so and he would be unwilling to think too much about it otherwise, and if/when he did, it would still be in his patented narrow, clinical view. i don't think it's ridiculous to believe that there are unknown and involuntary brain fuck-ups going on that stem from attraction in that guy. of course shuu as an adult can only define his relationship to ryuuji through given societal standards, and i genuinely think there is something deeper than romantic intention there, but shuu may only come to the conclusion of "i'm a fucked up little freak boy who secretly liked being cared about but also i kinda thought he was attractive" (paraphrasing) due to the few words that our world gives us to define different relationships. really he just needs therapy.
um but my issue, the only one that really made me think about my arch nemesis this much, is the sheer amount of fluff that people write him into. it's INSANE. THOSE are the shuu likers who i don't think are as articulated as the ones i RESPECT. regardless of how shuu feels about ryuuji or what attraction he feels for him, shuu shows time and time again an inability to actually express his feelings about other people in any typical way. most of the time he just. y'know. expresses himself through violence and negativity. his interactions with ryuuji are usually dry and riddled with criticisms. shuu ends up carrying out his legacy through genocide. any friendship he could've conceived with tohri was always shut down because isa was always blunt with him, although i think isa didn't genuinely have any ill will towards tohri; tohri is just kind of an insecure guy who is very sensitive to criticism. with hiyoko the only way he can live with her is through actual murder. oh and did i say live i mean commit suicide. i don't know how he feels about hiyoko and to be honest im not terribly eager to figure it out but my point is that shuu only ever expresses positive emotions through negative means. i don't care if you think shuu just wants to be ryuuji's son or if you think shuu is a raging homosexual. he wouldn't be able to make it known either way. there is a post, and i don't have the will to dig it up because to my memory it was very crude but i found it funny nonetheless. i think it was tumblr user fluffyheretic who made a post saying something like "shuu iwamine would not be a hot daddy dom he would be googling 'how to kiss' on google dot com" and honestly yeah. i-- like-- how would that man ever be hot or god forbid fluffy in any other context than his chubby widdle partwidge cheeks. he would not be able to fathom a romantic relationship with the people he knows. he'd probably just like. idk. fantasize about dissecting their body and that would be the only thing he could imagine for days on end. and OH MY GOD. no he would not fucking plan a date. i am throwing shade to the fucks on ao3. this fag would not be cute or romantic at all. he would be off-putting and then you would leave. that would be the date. you might get a back-handed compliment. that's literally how he "courts" hiyoko. NOBODY LIKES HIM. in-game i mean. he is unlikeable. he is a dickhead. hiyoko and ryuuji are the only people to ever form a positive opinion of him because they are positive forces who love everyone. everyone else at the very least says mean shit about him behind his back. shuu iwamine aka isa souma aka utsuro ichijou is an aspec anomaly to me and it doesn't matter if he's aro or not. it's not like he could ever fucking land a date anyway.
transition to someone who is kind of that bitch's opposite: sakuya. or i guess really shuu's good parallel. that constitutes an entire post of its own tbh but. i think in general, even people who aren't that invested in aromanticism in hatoful could probably get down with grayro sakuya. to me at least, it kinda just makes sense on a basic level. he's not really invested in interpersonal relationships, even during his dating route which, need i mention, has its arc revolve around sakuya's personal growth and hardly is it ever implied he is attracted to hiyoko. the only time he ever begins to really feel exceptionally strongly about the people around him is coincidentally the same timeline in which yuuya tells him about their shared history: bbl. that's when he gains a sense of responsibility for his actions and feels a genuine care for his friends, and of course a painful regret for how he treated yuuya in particular his entire life. im almost tempted to call him straight up aromantic but ill let him be grayromantic as a treat. i think it compliments ryouta's demi-ness as the other part of the bbl pair. it also makes sense to me in the context of his very rare flattery in response to other people's praise, i think particularly hiyoko's. i find the thing he says in response to that one question about romantic types, the "someone who has acquired high-class refinement and etiquette. if one does not have those qualities, then they do not deserve to stand by my side," also kind of telling about sakuya's relationship to romance. obviously it's influenced by his role as a noblebirdie and the expectation he finds a partner as a political duty, but also notice how he says it in response to "who is your type?" and not something like "who do you see yourself marrying in the future?" it's not a description of personality or looks, it's a description of behavior. it's a detached response, implying that romance, to him, is not about what he finds attractive. romance is something that is EXPECTED of him. it could generally be assumed, i think, that if you actually did have a type in people, then regardless of if you were to be in an arranged marriage you would be happy to tell other people of that type. I'm sure the most common spin of this is just going to be that sakuya is really dedicated to the whole aristocrat bit but i think it reflects a lack of real interest in romantic relationships. if i were an aro prince thing and the press asked me what my type was, id probably also just respond with how my parents are going to decide who to set me up with. i'm not really looking for anything else, am i?
now. i have something controversial to say. i have gone. back and forth a hundred times on this boy and how i think he feels. and to be honest with everyone i think i might be a yuuya aromantic truther. i think yuuya is a very flirtatious aromantic little freak. and i know, right, he's like the most romantic guy in the entire cast. but it's very similar to the yuuya asexuality logic where flirting and romantic facades are simultaneously his only way of connecting to other people and yet also something that drives a wedge further between him and his connections. when he actually gets close to hiyoko, which is one of, if not the most intimate relationship he develops within the series, it's honestly not that romantic in nature. they're kinda just like. hangin out, but spy-type hangin out. like the entire post i wrote about hiyoko and yuuya's friendship. i know the whole partners-in-crime, two-of-us-against-the-world trope is usually a romantic one, but consider the beauty of the platonic version. consider the freedom. the commitment almost feels more intense when you drop the chains of romantic pressure to stay together. i think the best possible outcome of yuuya's dating route is tosakazaki qpr. besties but with COMMITMENT. besties but they love each other more than ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. the word queerplatonic has been ruined for me for various reasons but i just know they can reclaim it. i think yuuya might be so casual about romance and sex because he knows it's not in the cards for him. i can say your mom and i are in a committed relationship together with a completely straight face because i will never ACTUALLY be in a committed relationship with your mother. yuuya, similarly, can say he is in a committed relationship with everyone on the planet with a completely straight face because he knows he won't ever actually be in a committed relationship with anyone on the planet. it's so baller of him. i send kiss emojis to my friends and call them hot everyday but i would vomit if they got too close to me. maybe yuuya wouldn't be as touch-repulsed as the little freak i am but i think he would understand flirting as this somewhat rude way to compliment other people without getting too close. that's like. his entire thing.
ill be honest i have very little evidence for aro yuuya i just really WANT it to be real. yuuya- and hiyoko-type aromanticism is just very relatable to me. i relate to and love how they obsess over their friends, especially the way yuuya does it from a comfortable exaggerated distance that makes it clear he just wants to flatter you, and i just WANT it to be in an aro way. because i need more overtly flirtatious characters who just Do Not Want romance. because i need on a visceral level to normalise the presence of romantic elements in a completely platonic setting. making hiyoko and yuuya aromantic, to me, is my big fuck you. i will make these romantic characters aromantic and i will do it again. epic fuck you moment for the people who insist there are things that have to be romantic. epic fuck you moment for the people who claim things that don't involve them as a romantic scenario. my omnipotent level takes on these stupid bird characters are leagues ahead of your stupid baby "weah weh but he risked his life for her that's romance" incorrect IDIOT im literally living my life out of bounds and you're still debating on whether it's gay for a character to literally just CARE about another person.
okay okay i know that sounded like a conclusion but it wasn't fuck off. i'm only halfway through the main cast do you really think im done?
i think nageki is one of the characters i actually don't REALLY care about in terms of romantic identity but i've defaulted to aromantic as a defense mechanism against uncomfortable shit. i think it makes sense with his character (i love autism) and his storyline. but there's a lot of projection there too. and my feeling of protectiveness over a character i really love in such a personal way. i also think it meshes cutely with the fact that hiyoko and hitori, his SIBLINGS!! are aromantic themselves. so that's my headcanon, but honestly i don't feel THAT headstrong about it. i don't think it really makes sense in my head for him to be gay but i dont really care either way about other people's opinions on the matter. i think what bothers me is just that he's REALLY young and there is some Weird Shit that people put him in. sometimes i see him portrayed as. weirdly lustful??? or like uncomfortably obsessive? and not only is that sort of thing low-key weird as hell but like. did you play the game LMAO. clearly you don't know him like i do. sorry everybody part of being aromantic and bringing that into your favouwite tings is being PETTY AS HELL!!! that's my job here.
i thought i had more to say about nageki considering he's like. almost my oldest aro og but i kinda. don't. actually i spent an undisclosed amount of time tracking down a japanese playthrough of hatoful to see which version of "i love you" nageki used in his final speech but it honestly didn't clear very much up. and keep in mind the fact that nageki is talking from such a place of emptiness. he talks about how he fell numb to pain and hiyoko brought back feelings for him but mostly those negative ones. the ONLY positive light in his world is hiyoko. so an intense display of affection is KINDA warranted. and hypothetically it would also be possibly the most logical misunderstanding of one's own emotions in the game. idk sorry everyone hiyoko/nageki sibling dynamic for life. i've stayed in that mindset for so long that on occasion i raise an eyebrow when i see them paired together and then im like Oh. Shit. I'm Being Unreasonable Here. hey but what can you do. nageki love of my life, walking aromantic flag, please tread lightly in the scary waters of fandom spaces.
anghel higure freak of st pigeonation's high baja blast advertisement self-described martyr public-described weirdo someone id totally clock as a trans woman due to the fact that no cis man plays dungeons and dragons liberal user of eyeliner the goth asshole taking all of the GOOD chains from goodwill. an enigma of a person. when sheltered white gay people who ask "okay but are you afab or amab" say we need more weird queers they do NOT mean him. he would say something in his foreign language that roughly translates to "hey if you're a dude bangin dudes then have at em man im not gonna stop ya" and that may lead you to believe he is a straight ally but do NOT look at the yaoi in his sketchbook it reveals something about his mind. he's bisexual he's a little TOO gay he's looking up "homosexual tendencies" and clicking on sketchy medical advice websites he's a lesbian but he isn't a woman he probably isn't a man but non-binary rubs him the wrong way where's that book for parents of closeted children he's a pansexual imp who'll die happy he has no idea what pride is he thinks neopronouns are neat but has no idea how to communicate that in a way other people understand his parents keep hinting that they know he's not straight but he thinks he's keeping it under tight wraps maybe he is straight but he just doesn't FEEL straight he could never catch a date and he's happy about it he gets flattered once and catches feels the hero getting the girl in the end is too cliché but the doomed lone wolf story isn't but hypothetically his story might be cooler with a love interest how about everyone is the love interest this is his otome wait i thought he wasn't a woman and what about that pretty girl the next classroom over who is willing to larp with him is she technically a male love interest actually it's weird if he's going to date everyone how about instead everyone is attracted to him but as the accursed fallen angel he has a duty to never reciprocate he WILL puke if you hold his hand he's probably on the lgbt spectrum but honestly he doesn't care enough to figure it out right now he's got this sick cosplay project he's working on do you wanna see? yeah i don't know what anghel is. he can be aromantic if he wants. but he has to be a weird aromantic. he can be loveless or alloaro or romance favourable or fuck it he's romance repulsed or maybe he wants to kiss but that doesn't mean anything besides the fact that he likes it. it doesn't matter as long as he's weird about it. the minute he stops being weird about it he's fucked.
im sorry everybirdie i didn't realise i had so much to say about the other characters but so little about these last three. and now my transitions between subjects would be too much of a hassle to change so i could organise this into a more well-rounded balance of long rants and short tidbits. i wanted to save hitori for last because when i tried to talk about why he's aromantic i felt like the audience was more concerned with the fact that i was trashing on his popular ships than the fact that He Is Aromantic Guys I'm Being For Real He Told Me Himself. so i wanted to clarify my reasoning more thoroughly as the final character in the lineup, but im actually pretty sure that i WAS clear about why i think he's aromantic at the time, and now i don't have too much i want to say. so here's a list of bullets explaining why he's aromantic:
it makes the most sense with his storyline and character - hitori really is a character defined by his relationships to this around him, but like. in a way that he never has the spotlight. he's providing for his little siblings. he's providing support for his students. he's making it clear that hiyoko needs to learn about herself before she ever gets close with him. hell, he kills a man not out of bloodthirst or malice but as a sacrifice for his brother. he STRIVES to be alone. his baby siblings are his priority in his life and that doesn't change for a second, because like a baby bird (ha) he's made this imprint on the only people he truly associates with love and losing them was like losing what love MEANS to him. which is literally what he says himself. so like. not only does that mean other relationship archetypes are not in his field of vision, but treating his loved ones with that brotherly, somewhat overwhelming care is the only way he really knows HOW. it's how he treats kazuaki (til the end OOPS) and his students and hiyoko. and like i said. in the end of his story (as in. not mirror universe), his outcome is that he is alone without his children to look after. he goes along with hiyoko's confession in the end not because he's actually interested but because. i guess he just doesn't really have anything else to do. i don't even think he believes he can love again. i think hiyoko just goes "it's too sad that you don't want to love again :(" and then kazuaki goes "*sharp nose inhale, midwestern thigh pat* so anyway if you're still interested in that whole dating thing we can probably do that later if you want." i just really think inserting romantic love into his story after nageki is such a disservice to this entire key part of his character, that being that he REFUSES to love again after the loss of his brother. also it just feels kinda weird in a mirror scenario or whatever to make him get romantically involved with anyone SORRY i've heard that boyish charm in how he speaks i can only see confused innocence in his eyes my apologies
can you REALLY imagine him in a relationship or do you just see a generic anime guy and want to ship him with the closest twink
it makes the most sense within the themes of hatoful as a game - HELLO least romantic romance game EVER like please. this game is about appreciating the little things and learning to love life and yourself through grief THERE'S NO TIME WE'VE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE DROP THE SHIPS FUCK THE THEMES THEY'RE GETTING CLOSER HELP HEEEELLLLP OH NO I LOVE MY LIFE AND IM OKAY BEING ALONE EVEN THOUGH I LOST THE PEOPLE I LOVE FUCK IT'S LIKE SOMETHING THAT PENETEATES EVERY ROUTE GAHHHHHH
that thing he said in the character interview about "never really having thought about [his romantic type]"
it is objectively funny
a few years ago at a high school show choir showcase there was a solo about a girl who was insane and falling in love with a hot coffee barista but he actually didn't know what romance is
all of the fan content surrounding him and romance is So bad and out of character (or even half portraying him as not wanting it in the first place) that i literally cannot see him as anything but aromantic. you guys literally ruined it sorry.
women are gross and men are gross and he didn't know people could be other genders until he heard some more in-touch teenager talking about it and honestly he's still pretty confused he's supportive but it's not something he could be into even just for the fact that he's nervous about offending them
it would honestly be embarrassing if he ever got into a relationship like all of that "my siblings are everything to me" and for what. you have a girlfriend now? that's gay
speaking of which him being straight makes like a thousand times more sense than him liking men but also i hate straight people
it makes ME uncomfy so i get to have my favourite boy be aromantic because i hate everyone here
sometimes i feel like applying really specific queer labels to characters is doing them a disservice in itself, because some characters seem Weird enough to delve into niche queer spaces and find those labels, but a lot of characters don't even know what pansexual actually means and you know it. my ideal way of defining a character's orientation is by looking at what would make sense for them to be attracted to and then just saying that's what they're attracted to, rather than saying they're gay or they're straight or bi or whatever. anyway that's just what i've been trying the make clear over the course of this post besides the aromanticism of it all.
i'm writing an entirely new conclusion from the one i wrote back in january. i think that aromanticism has become more of a rebellion than anything else to me. in all facets of my life. sometimes it's just so goddamn hard to EXIST as a PERSON when it's like nobody even believes you as you are. i feel like i've lost a lot of autonomy to be anything except a memory or a story. and im not interested in being erased. but i don't think any place has ever made me feel as seen and validated and VINDICATED as the aromantic community. it's like. Fuck you. yeah im not part of any boxes you'd understand. i feel like i didn't feel such a sense of free will until i found myself here. hell. i can do WHATEVER i want. i never thought about that. literally nobody can stop me. aromanticism cuts so many ties from other people's realities and what they believe to be real. so many people HATE aromanticism or what it stands for even if they don't want to admit it. and that is everything to me.
but in a fandom space, where rules are so much more rigid than they appear, where you come to share your favourite things with other people and only find that everyone is trying to make it known that their opinion is the Most Correct One about your beloved series or franchise or whatever the hell, it's like. kinda really hard to exist. as an aromantic and as a member in general. the other day i saw a community post on youtube by this girl who got popular in a niche community and she was just really conflicted because on one hand she wanted to move on from the space and make things she actually was interested in but on the other hand she didn't want to give up what she loved about this game and she also didn't want to lose her audience. and man the amount of times i've seen that shit is pretty disheartening. it's really not an unfounded fear. i have SEEN people who do cool stuff die out because they got popular for something very specific. it's so draining to motivation for them and it's always a shame to see people you like give up because they just don't matter to very many others. my point by bringing this story up is to just give an example that i saw recently of how suffocating fandom is. people are mean, man. for a lot of people fan spaces are freeing and happy but i feel like sometimes we just forget that they'll never be as good as just having a group of friends in real life to discuss your favourite things with. because the internet is designed to divide and organise and if we're being honest i think a lot of people fall into the trap of feeding the cycle of trying to make fandom this Very Specific Thing when it's really just a bunch of guys. and god. people who participate in fandom. well by default they are already very online and so g-dang it they're kinda just pricks. and sometimes the sheer amount of mental disorder within these spaces it. y'know don't fuckin deny it man it adds to the assholeness sometimes.
so like. being such a small minority within fandom, as an aromantic, is also my rebellion here. fuck you. i'm not falling into the tropes assigned seemingly at random to force a dynamic between characters. i can see without the blurred lens of the Shipping Glasses™. i am pretty sure that being aromantic kinda makes the grasp on characterisation a little stronger because im not looking at things the same way some other people are. sorry to be on my high horse everyone. Enjoying your hobby vs. Joining the subreddit for that hobby. everything is aromantic. i have a beam for it. i'm sorry to all of the other aros who feel excluded from fan spaces because of the sheer invasiveness that comes with shipping culture and amatonormativity and just plain Assholes within fan spaces. just something i've been thinking about for like. fucking. a few years idk. all of the hatoful characters have that aro in them because i couldn't give less of a shit about bad takes (bad takes being They Are Not Aromantic). i've got good takes. this is aromanticism baby. okay i'm gonna go hang myself from a tree now bye bye.
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porlatamconlouis · 5 months
louis in panamá! louis back in latam!!! louis is back in his spirit home!!!
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the crowd was amaaaazing! listen, every louis show i've been to holds a special place in my heart for different reasons. but being in a crowd where everyone around you gives out the same energy, even when they don't fully know some songs, is something i've been craving for a long time now, and it's just the beginning and i'm sooo excited. the venue itself was kinda meh inside, the way they used the space was terrible in my opinion but as a brightside, gaby and i had lots of space to jump and dance and lose our entire minds.
the setlist order change threw us off, but god i love it. the 'chemical' cover... idk how to explain it but the videos i've seen so far (which haven't been many, i'm on wifi most of the time) don't do it one bit of justice. his voice! his voooooooice! that's all i kept saying throughout the song. because i didn't know the song, and the arrangement was so punk that i thought it was a song from an early 2000s pop punk band that i wasn't recognizing. but duuuude, his voice. i hope we get a good version, because that boi whined away with his whole chest... honestly. and i can't fucking wait to see how more and more comfortable he'll get with the song and more people singing it with him, and just... yeah!
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oli, krystle and helen were in the open space where there were no chairs, right in front of us... oli walks to not draw attention to himself, but boi, most of us know you by now. i didn't see anybody coming up to them which was nice. they went to the sound booth for a big chunk of the show. and during ooms krys and helen came back to jump and dance to the side there. i loved seeing them like that!
the happiness we felt when we saw lucia coming down! gaby and i were jumping up and down screaming "lucia! lucia is back! lucia!", hajshajshs. and theeeen, at the end, as i always do if possible, we went to the soundbooth to thank my friends (jdelf, tom and oli c.) for the show, and we thanked them for bringing lucia (the lightbulb) and not leaving her behind, and they were amused (and probably a bit weirded out (they've seen me in the same shirt at least 4 times lmao)) and saying thank you for appreciating them and just yeah. i like to think maybe they already knew her name was lucia, but also, i'm glad someone on the ground straight up told them how fucking appreciated she is. 💚 look at herrrr! (lol)
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living all my favorite songs live again was so cathartic. didn't know how much i needed it, wow. also, how are we gonna call that insane set of songs before the encore? my vote is for "rip steve's arms" or "no breathing mix" or "lose your shit time". because going from 505 to bty to kmm to ooms is fucking wild, man. it was absolutely incredible, i think i ascended a little bit and was fully exorcised, thanks.
oh! the kmm lights? soooo good! i know they've been done at all the shows after '22 but like... idk. it felt a bit extra special? and he sensed it as well, he couldn't contain his little smiles. and he gave it a shout out. literally everyone knew they had to do it. so cool!
as a sad note, during sibwawc, the lights from the stage weren't really colourful, they just kinda went from orange to white from what i remember. gaby and i waved our flags for the entirety of the megamix (and a bunch of other songs too, hajshajs, duh) and since we were going off the whole time, and not as many people were, he did see us all the way to the back and pointed at where we were and we looked at each other and just kept going. we then corroborated our stories in the hostal, hajdhaj. enjoy the following video as if you were next to us and just jumping around, okay thanks (when you see everyone else jump around that's when he comes to our side).
anyway, i wrote all of this while on the airplane that's gonna take me to puerto rico, which is a bit delayed. oh, and el puma rodríguez is on this flight, lmao. iykyk. some ladies, while boarding, just stood in front of him and took a selfie, eeep. right, here's some carpet photos.
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i'm so lucky i get to do this insane adventure, i'm so happy.
(meant to save this in drafts while the video uploaded but guess it got posted instead, hajshajsh. anywaaaay... thanks for the lovely notes, loves.)
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
You hit the nail on the head! I‘ll ask for more professional assessment: honest opinion on Crystal?
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Following on from my ramblings about Sally Park. Oops! Edited to add in Zoe too.
Well written female characters in Lookism? Uhh...
When the bar is at an all time low, it's really not hard to step over it.
At this point, I've been pavloved to think that any female character that expresses a personality trait other than 'simp' is pretty good. Simp is fun when it's part of a list of characteristics (Zack, Ryuhei). Not so much when it's the only thing.
Long live PTJ, the greatest feminist. Anyway.
Female characters I like
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Mary Kim
Love her. Empress of 2 seconds. Queen of my heart.
Surprisingly kept a platonic relationship with Vin Jin, showing quite a healthy mixed gender friendship. Sassy and smart. Loyal. Good taste in men (Jace). Is shown having a life and interests outside of a man.
On my hands and knees praying that PTJ doesn't ruin her. Kinda glad she hasn't appeared in a while so she is kept away from his incessant need to turn everyone into a love interest.
Lua Im
Once we got over the odd Johan panels, which I heard the Korean audience didn't like and I'm quite happy about, she's fine. And it's not that I care that much about Johan staying a single dog-dad, I just needed a coherent reasoning/build up why they would be interested in one another.
Lua has potential.
Sourcing intel, even impressing the likes of Gun? A little Muay Thai knowledge? Jake and Jerry scared of her? Lol. Ok. Good. Let's build on this.
Just please don't white knight her.
Crystal Choi (meh)
And Ms. Choi, because anon specifically asked. I really don't mind her? I know she's meant to be anti-Lookism but still judges people based on their looks eh. That's fine. Pretty realistic actually. Whatever.
She can be a bit bitchy for no reason. So can I. Handwaving all that.
What I do take issue with though, is her so called title of Business Genius. Please show me the chapter where she actually does something to earn that title besides the one where other people ooh-ed and aah-ed over her in the meeting with DG.
Wow she's sooooo gorgeous. Ok good for her. If that's the route they're taking her character then at least OWN. THAT. SHIT. Use her beauty and looks to sign deals and get what she wants. GOOD. DO IT.
Zoe Park (also meh... Wait)
Sorry anon, I think 'really well written' is a bit of a reach... She does have some decent character development, starting as quite a flighty, shallow girl and then showing that she has a heart of gold, liking both Daniels and. Huh.
Wait. You're right. She is pretty well written. She's selfless and kind and loyal to her friends, putting up with Logan's bullshit. There's enough of a character arc for her from the Zoe we're introduced to at first.
And I do like that she's good at maths too.
Wasted potential
Minseong Kang (Jake's momma)
Appreciate this is the older generation and from a much more conservative culture. Saying that, I am so over the slighted and bitter housewife rotting at home while her big powerful husband cheats on her.
And then some sort of marriage redemption cos they pop out a kid. Whatever. (Sorry Jake bb, I love you).
If you were going to do that, give me the most toxic red flag shit where they are constantly at each other's THROATS. Show me how they are equals. Can't live with or without one another. That's the good kinda shit.
Leonn Lee
I just. What the fuck was this.
A girl in Burn Knuckles? A group that reeks of testerone and (positive) masculinity? Show us why she joined! Show us why she stays. SURPRISE. Main character trait?? Having a crush on Vasco.
She could have been SO interesting. And she obviously trains, why not get her to fight?
Hate for irrational reasons
Joy Hong
Listen, she's not really in enough or significant enough for me to really feel one way or another about her. BUT. The reason I HATE her is because I was trying to write a headcanon involving everyone and then I got to Joy and I was STUMPED.
Sub in a plank of wood, and it would have the same depth of personality.
Truly. Who is she apart from Jay's sister and a Daniel simp? At least everyone else has something.
I don't really think about them. Sera Shin has potential I guess.
And of course a special mention to Daniel's momma. She's not exactly a unique character, but who doesn't love her?
Lastly. Why can't we see women fight? Like the men's fights are realistic LOL. Ultra instinct? Smashing through walls? So why are women fighting men outside the realms of this.
And yes yes. Men are SoOoOoOo strong. But can they take a kick to the balls?
Are you saying Gun Park has been training his dick and balls and would be able to eat a hit there? He wouldn't go down like a heap of shit??
In Summary
Mary by and large is pretty well written. Lua has improved.
I don't care much about anyone else.
And I wanna see Gun, Goo, Sammy, Vin etc. get kicked in the balls in a fight.
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OOHHH Ive already been thinking about How the order of who Valentino meets First, Vox or Angel would realate to Vox's Jealousy:
Like, If Val and Angel are together since before the partnership their relationship has been going on for so long no wonder Val is so attached to him! is a form of comfort to him, something he is so used to having that the threat of losing it scares him, and something Vox has been "rivaling" for a while, but in that case i feel either Vox would have already done something about it or get "used" to it, so idk
NOW If Valentino’s relationship with Angel happens after he was already “with” Vox that would mean his jealousy even more interesting, cuz Angel is a new interest of Val that he clearly treats different from previous ones, at least from Vox reactions, maybe he was just as jealous of Val's previous "toys" but i don't think that, i think he notices how much more intense Valentino's obssession with Angel Dust is, and he doesn't like It one bit
Don't know witch of this scenarios are closer to canon but both are interesting enough i guess
done something about it or get "used" to it I mean the man is PETTY, I don't think he'd used to it. And if Val was attached to Angel, Vox wouldn't be able to do shit about him.
Why do I think Angel met Val first? Because to me, it makes sense that Angel fell for him when Val was still a nobody. Angel is neither dumb nor evil*, and in my opinion, the Overlord (or even a mobster with a position established enough to hang out with Vox) would be a major red flag for him. But a young, aspiring porn producer just looking for his first big star? Not so threatening. One can truly believe in the idea of a fruitful partnership, especially if love is involved. Since Angel has 40 years more experience living in Hell, I can't imagine him being easily tricked into the contract. The only way I can see him signing off his soul would be based on the conviction that Valentino won't hurt him.
Babe, for this whole plan to work for us I will need your help. A little power boost, let's call it. Don't freak out, that's not that big of a deal, but we need to do this if we want to kickstart our project. Treat it like an investment in our future, amorcito.
*it was pointed out to me that's a terrible oversimplification from my side and I agree. Lemme clarify: I excluded the possibility of Angel being simply desperate - as probably many people that fell for Val - because I think before Valentino wrecked it, his life had been good enough to not take such risk. Like, Angel is - and always has been - the one making money, Valentino is just parasite leeching on his talent.
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Padme and Anakin remind me of many straight couples who are extremely pathological: the narcissist and the enabler. Always together, in heaven forever. More often than not, they appear to be the traditional stereotype of an ideal couple. They are both young, handsome, smart, promising, loyal to each other, trying to build together their careers, their own family. The enabler ignores red flags, sometimes unconsciously, other times consciously. In a patriarchal society due to sociopolitical reasons, the enabler is more often than not the woman.
Till the day the enabler steps up. Then they meet the narcissist's fury. The one who promised him literally the galaxy minutes ago.
Chaos ensures. The divorce is ugly, catastrophic from all aspects. They both fail to be parents to their children. Padme because of sadness ( sometimes the enabler can't have the consequences leading to self destruction) and Anakin because of his raging obsession for power. It's undoubtedly true that both loved their kids. Padme would want nothing more than to raise her children and Anakin showed us in the movies his love for them. Yes, some narcissists can love their kids, especially the ones that score higher on the bpd spectrum than narcissism. In my opinion, this became clear as he grew older and thus, dropped the intensity of the narcissism magnified by his youth.
Many young people find the couple romantic and beautiful. As a young person myself ( 22), I completely understand the lure. But as a person that has experienced this in my own home, I fail at sympathising with the ship itself.
Obi wan loved them both. He tried to be there for both. He took care of their kids. His own life took the backseat. He was a person who saw taking care of others mistakes as a moral duty towards the great good. He was also attached to them. If not so attached, things wouldn't have gotten so far. But in the end, he raised his sleeves and tried to fix whatever was left to fix. It literally reminds me of Jesus who asked his Father why he should sacrifice himself, then did it because that's what he considered to be right. Obi wan's empathy works like that.
He sent Luke to face his father. To kill * Darth Vader*. Not Anakin Skywalker. Obi wan still believed that there was at least a piece of Anakin left in there. He doubted that for years but after decades of meditation accompanied by the wisdom of an old man, he knew this to be possible. But he could come to light only by his pure innocent love for his son, not from his love tainted with shades of hate and passion for Padme and Obi wan.
And that's why Padme and Anakin grow to love Obi wan with a deep sense of respect that they never had for each other. But it was too late for them. Both understood Obi wans value right before dying, when they saw a man caring for their kids, for themselves as well. But Obi wan forgave.
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gshina · 1 year
When I think about the difference between Finland and Sweden in Eurovision, it has always been clearly different for me.
Sweden knows how to be that factory-like perfect machine that creates songs. I myself have never liked Swedish representatives that much, I disliked Måns Zelmerlöw’s as well both Loreen’s songs with the simply reason - its boring. In the last decade I can name only two Swedish songs that I have liked which are Frans’s If I Were Sorry (2016) and Benjamin Ingrosso’s Dance You Off (2018). I've been of the opinion for a long time that swedish songs are the same, it’s the same perfectly sound pop machine song what you can hear every day on radio. it's like playing the same old record over and over and always the jury eat the same old smelly cheese and it's not fair. The problem with that is that it encourages countries to send in non-offensive pop music in order to appeal to the professional jury, most of which will be very mediocre and boring to watch. If the people didn't get a vote, we wouldn't see entries like Finland or Croatia. Those kinds of performances are what people watch Eurovision for! Nobody (should not) wants to see a non-offensive pop music contest. We want originality! We want fun! Eurovision is about the fun, this is not The Voice or Idols.
When I think about Finland, the success has been variable, but what I'm proud of is how at least Finland doesn't send the same old garbage every year. We have taken risks, risks which certainly not every one of them has been my favorite but I think that daring to take risks is one of the most appreciated quality what you can have. The last night Finland had one of the most unique songs ever and now I am not afraid to say how I feel I have been cheated. And before anyone has time to comment that "Finns are just bitter when Sweden took the victory in front of their noses" this is about much bigger than national cheating.
Käärijä's popularity among the international Eurovision nations has been extraordinary. During the five-day week polls, comment fields and reaction videos were filled with green emojis, Finnish flags and Cha Cha Cha shouts. The reactions of the live audience at the finals were also incredible. During Käärijä's performance, the large audience wildly sang along. The greatest moment, however, was when the impatient audience got tired of Sweden's growing neck in the town hall votes and burst into shouts of protest.
Three minutes later, in the midst of all this ecstasy, the rug was pulled from under our feet. The situation was simply awkward that all felt wrong in every blood cell of me. This can't go like this. The public had made Käärijä a phenomenon. The audience cheered Käärijä in a way that has not been seen before in the history of Eurovision but the professional jury made all of that look like nothing.
There are five music professionals in the jury of each country. So 185 councilors have been given the same power as hundreds of millions of viewers at home. council whose task was originally to prevent favoritism from neighbors? Nevertheless, year after year, it is precisely the "professional jury" who, by chance consider their own border neighbors and language partners the best of all. How is this fair?
The audience was just entertained by Käärijä. So much so that viewers wanted to use their own money to show their support for their favourite. Who is the show even made for if the audience doesn't get to choose their winner?
My not-so-unpopular opinion is that jury votes must be abandoned or at least reduced in weight. The Finnish Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu has already taken a great step in this regard, when in the finals of the competition, the public votes had a weight of 75 percent and the international juries only 25 percent. By renewing the voting system, the power would be given to those for whom the program is made to those who listen to Eurovision songs.
Today, Sunday, Finnish flags fly in Finland, of course, in honor of Mother's Day. But in my heart, the blue cross flags have been hoisted equally for Finland's victory.
Because that's who we are. Real winners.
In bitter disappointment I'm hovering right now and I'll be hovering for a very long time my mind also brushes with thoughts like how I would like to deny yesterday's results, abolish the jury vote praying so hard something shady happened with the jury votes and the result will be declared invalid oh and a bit also ban Sweden too, but especially the juries.
unfortunately I have to bring it up as well how we all know that Eurovision voting is also a bit shady..? It's Abba's anniversary next year? Doesn't seem suspicious at all. To win twice and bring back the trophy on an important year? yeah it does seem fishy. A lesser known artist catapulted into stardom? Loreen been internationally known for years. A country getting a chance to host after never/rarely doing so before? Sweden’s had it 6 times already. An underdog taking the crown by being an audience pleaser? She was the bookies’ favourite from the start. Eurovision being one of the biggest, most exciting things they’ve ever done? She’s done it all before.
None of these things are personally Loreen’s fault, and I actually feel bad for her that this win will be remembered as one that the public clearly wanted to give to someone else and being hated by so many people now and most won't even remember that she won. But it does all feel extra slimy and calculated on Sweden’s part, especially given the 50th anniversary of ABBA’s Waterloo just happening to be next year. It all feels very hollow and it will become pointless to argue.
I think that at this point it has become clear to everyone that I am from Finland myself yes and I really love my home country. My intention is not to bash Loreen this was not her fault nor to take away opportunities from any country. Sweden is my dear neighbor despite all this, but I hope that everyone understands the disappointment and even anger that I feel right now. I want to get justice that belongs to my country and was decided by the public and audience. For my country but also justice for every country that gets discriminated just because the jury think they know ”better” than the audience who is supporting, dancing, cheering, breathing and loving Eurovision air more than anyone else. Power belongs to the audience.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Answering all three Asks I have about The True Immortal Compliant in "The Monkey King and the Infant" au:
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Answering asks from @justweirddino and @kyliecatqueen + an anonymous;
Pretty much yeah; the whole Monkie Gang only start out barely tolerating True Immortal Compliant/TIC/Ruyi. Wukong (+ most characters who know about the incident) thinks he's a scumbag for extorting the Kingdom of Women all those years ago. But DBK really wants to see his little brother again (the bull has been locked up for hundreds of years) and begs for them to be at least polite when he visits.
TIC is like that creepy mega-right-wing uncle that you have to put up with at thanksgiving and/or christmas. Has really harsh, outdated opinions on womens health. Makes dirty jokes at others expense. But since he's a guest, you don't want to be rude and call him out. In general a dinner with him is more painful than the furnace in SWK's opinion.
After its over Shadowpeach are like; "Lets never speak to him again." "Agreed".
Then a couple of years pass and Spicynoodles are expecting their first baby(s). Uncle TIC makes himself known. At first DBK and Red Son believe he's emerged to establish contact with his future grand-niblings. PIF is suspicious; she knows her brother-in-law still has access to that Spring Water, and that TIC has been enjoying his new life of luxury in the Underworld...
Red Son is like the little kid who used to think his uncle was cool, then as he got older realized that a lot of stuff was red-flags. He makes sure not to give MK/Xiaotian any drink provided by TIC.
It comes to a head when TIC invites the whole Spicynoodle fam + grandparents to his palace in the Underworld in the lead up to the Spicynoodle wedding. The volcanic, super-hot Demon Bull Palace in the Underworld.
At dinner there's nothing but wine/baijiu to drink. Luckily most of the fam packed their own supply of water/iced tea for the journey and give that to MK to drink so he isn't dying of thirst. The micro-aggression does not go unnoticed however.
Later on in the night, MK gets out of bed to stretch his legs (babies making a ruckus), only to be summoned by TIC sitting in the drawing room. A platter holding a pitcher of water, two full glasses, and wedges of lemon just sitting there on the table.
TIC: "Why don't you sit with me and drink? I'm so sorry I'd forgotten your... limitation during dinner." MK: "Um... it's no problem really. I'll sit for a bit. Kids were just keeping me awake is all."
A few moment of awkward convo pass. @justweirddino describes the perfect proceeding scenario. MK is just swirling his glass of water, glaring into it as TIC sits with his own empty glass.
TIC: "You're not drinking." MK: "You poured the glasses before I came in. I didn't see you pour yours." TIC: *Pupils dilate a little but tries not to show any emotion* MK: *pours half the contents of his into TIC's own glass* "It wouldn't be fair to drink mine with yours empty. Drink up!" TIC: *hand shaking as he takes his glass. hesistates taking a sip.* MK, still as brightly as before: "The Demon Bull Family has such a rich history! I really can't help looking into it, seeing how I'm gonna be part of the family really soon!" TIC: *Sweats* MK: "And of course I love hearing how our families interacted during my dad's pilgrimage. Including a really funny chapter involving the Kingdom of Women." TIC: *oh shit reaction* MK, smile turning devious: "You really thought I was that stupid did you?" *lets out the loudest Help!/Danger! chirp he can* Outside the drawing room: *frantic boss music starts playing and getting closer*
TIC barely makes it out of the room alive.
Fun fact about the Spring Water. Half a bowl/goblet is sufficient to cure a pregnancy. But more than that? According to the old woman in Journey to the West that helped Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka; "Any more will dissolve your insides."
Wukong helpfully provides the above knowledge and proceeds to nearly strangle TIC to death.
It wasn't just a simple "remove future heirs"-plan.
It was also a "remove nephew's spouse"-plan.
Once the group learns that last bit, Red Son has to be held back by multiple family members/bull clones to stop him from delivering his Uncle straight to The 10 Kings themselves.
As you can imagine, this was the final straw for DBK. He can deal with a jerk of a little brother - but for his own flesh and blood to try and murder his future son-in-law and unborn grandbabies? Zero contact immediately. Thank you for dinner, never speak to us again or we will destroy you.
Bonus horror/crime idea of TIC;
Princess Iron Fan is comforting MK as TIC is being dragged away to answer for his crimes. She smells the glass and winces.
PIF: "Urgh. No wonder you noticed it. It smells so bitter. Almost like..." PIF: *Drops the glass, shattering it on the ground. Hands clutching her mouth as she remembers the times in the far past when she and DBK had tried for children. A servant always bringing her a familiarly-foul smelling tea when the queen became "nauseous/unwell".* MK, immediately worried: "Yuemu! [mother-in-law] Are you ok?" PIF: "...I'm going to kill him." *wind teleports out of there* MK: *is left confused, but understands her anger*
So yeah, when TIC shows up he doesn't escape post-S4 alive.
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putschki1969 · 8 months
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~』 Commentary
An exclusive streaming event was held for fan club members to celebrate Wakana’s 5th anniversary as a solo artist. She was joined by Hirotaka Sakurada on piano. Instagram post by Wakana | Tweet by Wakana
‖Event details “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” Date: February 6, 2024 Time: 18:30~ Starring: Wakana, Hirotaka Sakurada (Piano)
Live Commentary Ohhhh, what a lovely throwback to see Wakana in her 1st album dress. She looks beautiful😍
1.揺れる春 (Yureru Haru): Surprised by how much I like Wakana's high notes here. Usually I am not a huge fan. Very solid performance. 2.翼 (Tsubasa): Saku-chan's piano arrangement is lovely and Wakana is slaying as she always does with this song. MC: Pleasantly surprised to see her taking a longer break to talk to us. I feared this would be a somewhat rushed event with just a couple songs being performed. She is even reading through some of the comments. 3.愛の花 (Ai no Hana): *sobs* So happy to hear this again. It's one of my all-time favourites. Wa's voice was a bit shaky but she knocked it out of the park at the end. The oooh part killed me. Goosebumps all over. 4.アキノサクラ (Aki no Sakura): Hearing it live always makes me appreciate the song a bit more. Very nice! MC 5.オレンジ (Orange): The bridge was absolutely perfect. MC: Yay, we are gettng a Kalafina cover, honestly did not expect that. Wakana says she has a lot of fond memories of the recording when the three of them and Saku-chan all got together at the studio to record their parts. 6. 春を待つ (Haru wo Matsu): Waahhhh, this was even better than her performance from the "magic moment" live 7.標 (Shirushi): Always beautiful, especially in such an intimate setting. Her vocals are flawless here. MC: Now I need to get back to work so I can't continue watching. Will have to get back to this later. Thank God we are getting an archived version.TBC~ 8.金木犀 (Kinmokusei): First "Ai no Hana" and now "Kinmokusei"! Two of my faves. Unfortunately, this performance is a bit too shaky for me T_T Probably the weakest of this event, at least in my opinion. 9.Flag: Awwww, it's not a Wakana live without her screwing up some lyrics XD She handles it well though. She always sounds so epic at the end of this song. MC 10.magic moment: Never been a big fan of the song but this is a precious performance. The way she just couldn't figure out that final line and had to give it two tries. Poor baby!! She's so embarrassed. MC 11.そのさきへ (Sono Saki e): I kinda wish she had performed Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni (時を越える夜に) instead of this but oh well.
『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live』 Announced!
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana's solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! Once again, Wakana will be joined by Satoshi Takebe to deliver a unique live performance together with other musicians. Please look forward to it!
Title: “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live (tentative)” Date: May 12, 2024 Venue: I'M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
tig characters/couples as ts songs - rebecca and tolerate it
not only is this my favorite taylor song ever, but it's also a song rebecca would relate to. i've been wanting to make this post ever since i first read this series because i immediately thought of this song when i first met rebecca in the books. its been a while since i first read the books, but i'm currently rereading them so...
too lazy to proof read (as always)
"i notice everything you do or don't do you"
rebecca spent her entire life looking after emily from the sidelines, watching her, trying to be like her etc. she knows everything there is to know about emily, but emily doesn't know her the way she does her. not only did she never even make an effort to, but she also convinced her that, out of the two of them, she was more worth knowing. rebecca's parents grew up dotting on emily while rebecca was forced to watch them pretend her away. emily is who rebecca wishes she was.
"you're so much older and wiser and i use my best colors for your potraits... and watch you tolerate it"
emily tended to convince rebecca that she knew best, and that her needs were more important that hers. rebecca couldn't date thea because she wanted to please her sister, but what about her? although the older part doesn't apply, the way emily acted around rebecca (based on the interactions rebecca told avery about and stuff) makes me think of the way an older sister/brother might make their younger siblings feel lesser than or like their opinions don't matter. emily wasn't older, but she acted like she was, and made rebecca seem childlike (at least to me) (i can imagine her telling rebecca things like 'are you stupid, listen to me, i know what's best for you, people won't like you if you do this). emily's a master manipulator and it honestly wouldn't surprise me. rebecca clearly felt the need to prove herself to her sister. she made rebecca feel so insignificant and unworthy that not even her hair was hers. rebecca referred to it as 'out hair' when talking to avery because she can't ever have something for herself.
rebecca tended to ignore all the red flags because emily is her sister. thus, using her best colors for her portrait. emily would give her all of this advice and tell her she knew best, making rebecca sort of look up to her in a twisted, sick way. emily was so above rebecca in bec's head. not even emily's manipulations and hurtful comments and actions could change that.
rebecca felt the need to impress emily because of all of this, but emily didn't care. she was number 1, and rebecca always came second to her, no matter what. nothing rebecca did or said ever impressed her.
"i take your indiscretions all in good fun"
like i said, rebecca would ignore all of her bullshit and wrong doings because emily convinced her she was lesser than her. when you love someone so much, you tend to ignore the red flags because you don't want to admit to yourself that this person is actually no good, and you should leave them behind (like how people in abusive relationships sometimes have a hard time leaving their partner). rebecca couldn't imagine a life without emily in it.
everyone around her thought so highly of her, so why shouldn't she? if everyone else could forgive her so easily, why shouldn't she? emily's her sister, and admitting that she doesn't really see you as one and just sees you as an extension of herself is hard to admit to yourself. admitting that means accepting that you never meant anything to your own sister.
"while you were out there building other worlds where was i"
this is sort of the turning point for her. after emily's death, it became easier for her to accept that emily was a horrible person and hurt everyone around her (this is due to her seeing the destruction she caused in gray and jamie). emily got to live whilst she had to stand on the sidelines watching because "emily has a heart disease, she deserves it" or because "emily probably doesn't have long to live, but you do, so this is her time to shine". emily's death and her parents' reaction to it was sort of like a catalyst. her love for emily sort of turned into hatred, making her feel guilty because no one should hate their sister. she realized that she also deserved to live and that not everything emily says, goes. emily ruined her childhood, and her death is what made her realize this.
"i made you my temple, my mural, my sky, now i'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life"
i mentioned this before but rebecca grew up looking up to emily. she thought she was amazing and accomplished and everything someone should thrive to be. emily didn't think of rebecca the same way. she was conceited, stuck up and had this superiority complex. whilst emily meant everything to rebecca, rebecca meant next to nothing to emily.
"always taking up too much space or time"
this could be seen two ways. taking up too much space in her parents' lives or emily's. her parents were always dotting on emily, and completely ignored rebecca. she couldn't ask for anything without feeling like she didn't deserve the attention. this also applies to emily in the sense that emily had all of these things going on in her life, and she didn't really want to spend time with rebecca. she just liked to get her to do everything she wanted her to (she liked knowing she could manipulate the people around her to do what she wanted them to) rebecca needed her sister in her life, but emily didn't need hers.
"what would you do if i.... took this dagger in me and removed it"
rebecca finally starts to realize that emily is just a sick manipulator who doesn't deserve a second thought. she wants to get her out of her thoughts. she wants to forget about her and rip the dagger (that is emily) out of her mind. even now, after her death, emily is still managing to control her. the thing about being stabbed is that, by removing that dagger, you are basically harming yourself by letting yourself bleed out. that is why doctors recommend you to not remove the dagger when you get stabbed in order for you to not die of blood loss. the same applies to emily. by removing emily from her thoughts, she's removing her from her life. that isn't something you'd want to do to your sister even after her death and destruction. by forcing herself to let go of her sister, she's causing herself more pain because letting her go, even after all of the pain she caused her, is unfathomable to her. she can't live without her no matter how sick that is. rebecca has never really been her own person (she's always been an extension of emily), so, without emily, who is she? removing the dagger (emily) is removing a crucial part of herself. rebecca has always been emily 2.0 and not rebecca. the current rebecca is a creation of emily's.
this one was honestly super fun to make. i loved putting myself in her shoes and writing this. it's also made me hate emily even more.. hope you guys liked this (i'm really proud of this one).
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bl-bracket · 3 months
Hi do you know any bl dramas with characters like ai di from kiseki, ray from only friends, and black from not me?
ok so I've been thinking about this all day and have come to the realization that I am shit at recommending things lol but I'll try!
Ok so I think while these three may feel somewhat similar, they're actually quite different! But trying to find the lowest common denominators among the three, I think we're looking at characters who are operating outside of the law/doing crimes, not the best at interpersonal relationships, and/or try to do things in their own way.
First thought is HIStory 3: Trapped (2019), just because it is a lot like Kiseki: Dear to Me insofar that it is a Taiwanese BL about gangsters, though the crime aspect takes more of a backseat compared to Kiseki in my opinion since Tang Yi's gang is trying to go legit. You might like Jack from that!
3 Will Be Free (2019) also is tonally similar to me to the shows you mentioned, with a focus on crime and complicated relationships. Ter might be close to what you're looking for!
Manner of Death (2020) I think fits the vibe also. You've got the organized crime side of it, you've got the red flags are sexy side of it, and then there's even the social commentary side of it too. Tan would be your best fit.
I also thought of The Eclipse (2022) just in terms of like the kind of political commentary it's got going on, which if you like Not Me, you might find interesting, but I'm guessing you're probably already familiar with it based on the shows you've mentioned lol
Long Time No See (2017) also came to mind simply because it's about organized crime as well. It's been a bit since I last watched it so I can't quite remember how well the characters fit into the theme you've presented, BUT if you want to watch a crime based bl, then it's there!
Laws of Attraction (2023) might also be a good fit! Charn I feel like, while maybe not being too similar, at least bears resemblance to the characters you've presented
ANYWAYS, if anyone else has any recs, please feel free to mention it! I'm so bad at recs lol it's like I forget every show I've ever heard of before
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good-beans · 10 months
You talked a little while ago about why you don't think Shidou would make a good father to Amane (agreed) and proposed the idea of Mahiru adopting Amane. That's cute but I want to tell you about my post-MILGRAM headcanon:
Amane joins the Kajiyamas
Not Fuuta specifically adopting her, but like him taking her back to his family's house. I'm sure they'd have a spare room
I think people don't think about Fuuta's homelife much, or if they do they take Fuuta's one interrogation question where he calls his dad an old fogey and assume its like, abusive
And don't get me wrong, I don't think the Kajiyama household are perfect. Fuuta' beautician sister surely hasn't helped when it comes to Fuuta's body image issues and I'm betting they're all a bunch of tsunderes too embarrassed to say they love each other
But in a series where most of the abused characters are still convinced their abuser loved them/acted out of love. Seeing a guy not be afraid to call his dad a loser is almost a green flag
I think it'd be good for Amane to not necessarily be adopted as the lone child to a single parent but get to be introduced to a very different style of family unit from her own One where its normal to express different opinions or disagreements or even have arguments and not have it be the end of the world
Amane already has a snarky side to her, I bet it'd flourish in a brash household like the Kajiyama's (or at least how I imagine them to be)
OOHHH wait I love that so much! >:O
I agree -- I never interpreted Fuuta's family as abusive or harmful, just not super close and struggling a bit after his mother left. (And yeah, all as openly emotional as him😭) They seem stable and very capable to taking in a extra, very well-behaved child. Assuming Fuuta is the way he is because of them, that atmosphere of being very honest and forward would work well for her. They say things as they are, little by little pointing out the harmful parts of her worldview. Like you said, none of them make excuses about harmful behavior stemming from love, so she'd get a really healthy dose of truth in that area. She never feels coddled or treated like a baby. They care for her while treating her very maturely.
I absolutely love how well she and Fuuta get along, with that snarky side to her that you mentioned. It would allow her to fit in well in the new household, getting the sense of belonging she'll lose after leaving the cult. Also, seeing how Fuuta and his sister let things slip and aren't perfect sons/daughters, she'll be able to relax about earning a parent's love through perfect behavior. She'll probably stay exactly the same, but her stress about it will fade <3
I doubt Fuuta's father can ever replace the hole she'll have from her own father, but the addition of an older sister will be huge. Amane will never get the feeling her mother is being replaced, but the woman will still fill the gap of the older, same-gender role model she needs. Her beautician job may throw Amane at first (being an indulgence in vanity), but it isn't as in-your-face as other careers. I think she could definitely ease Amane into accepting it, and over time, accepting her own personal "indulgence."
Plus, her moving in would also be really good for Fuuta! I think he'd recognize there's a ton of fun things she missed out on, and that heroic side of him outweighs the part that cringes: he gripes and groans about going to "kid places," but he's always the one to announce "I can't believe you've never been to __, we're going right now!!" This allows him to touch grass leave the house and experience his own life to the fullest. He's able to channel his desire to help society into a healthier outlet. Also, seeing her studying habits and plans for the future might even inspire him to do the same. (might.) He becomes the stereotypical good big brother, though of course he denies it viciously...
I have recently been going insane over their friendship so I'm completely taken with this idea OUGH thank you for telling me ;-----;
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Ok so weird thing: Puppet Zelda. I mean, it was pretty obvious as a player Imo? But what I don't get: The tears show her ONCE! and it's the scene right before Ganondorf gives Sonia a backbreaking back massage. It's alluded to that she (he) did some other weird stuff to mess up for Sonia and Rauru, and it's not expanded upon at all. I was so put off by that, because it feels like that would have been a big chance for ACTUAL character development for ALL the characters from the past. What did P-Z do? Where was Ganondorf? Was he hidden, or was he inside the castle? How did Sonia react to it? How did Rauru react to it? How did Sonia catch on? Why was it only Sonia and Zelda confronting P-Z? Why wasn't Rauru somewhere hidden as well? I doubt Rauru would have dismissed such a serious accusation. Sonia confronts P-Z, Zelda comes out, then Rauru lies in wait to check for extra danger. The time it takes for Rauru to arrive also kinda makes me think he wasn't that far away? P-Z is a cool concept, but I'm still just so baffled by the absolute "non-story" they built by alluding to her bullshit.
Okay so. Yeah. I completely, 100% agree, and I want to use the opportunity to air out a very particular complaint I have not really seen a lot of people talk about, because I just rewatched that scene and I am shocked all over again.
The teacup scene, after Ganondorf submits, is, in my opinion, horrendous. Like not because of secret Problematisms (though yes also this, we just saw them asking their enemies to kneel and the very next scene they're having a little tea party with cake between royals while armed guards protect them and it's not supposed to be a red flag and it's wild to me), but because the actual writing, at a craft level, reads like a first draft at best. There are three narrative information beats that matter in this entire scene:
The war has stopped
Zelda wants to help her ancestors and not only return to her own era (??? okay, she already did and the problems are technically over already as far as they know??? and it's not a choice she's making since she still can't master her powers and never learn to btw)
Rauru learns Link's name
I'd argue the only real important thing is that Rauru learns Link's name, and it could have been done in a much more interesting and dynamic way.
Instead the scene just goes on and on with lore dumps that never go anywhere, reiterations of the bond between Zelda and Sonia we had already established, dialogue that is... shockingly bad...
Actually, let's examine just one case: "Ah. I can see that you have absolute faith in him."
Like, just, general pro-tip: if you use "I can see that X" in dialogue and it's not ironic or used as de-escalation and just there to reiterate what we have just immediately established, cut that line. It's doing nothing, it's dead weight, it's just grinding the pace of a scene to a halt for no reason (unless you want it to be about stagnation, like I could see a David Lynch dinner scene where every character restate each other's actions by saying "I can see that you really like the gravy." over and over but it's not.... very applicable to more generic situations). This is writing 101, and the scene is full of these nothing sentences that go nowhere and establish nothing about the characters or the world and set up nothing and pay off nothing and it's driving me wild!
(also it does my least favorite thing in game writing aka the game praising the player character for an unreasonable amount of time, but I realize this is a pet peeve and not as important but it always makes me roll my eyes incredibly hard when it's not earned and it wasn't earned or useful here, the fact that the scene ends on everyone being like yaaay link!!! is... completely disconnected from the actual story happening in the past and shouldn't be the focus of the characters at that moment --it would be more powerful if Zelda used Link as an image of strength to inspire Rauru after Sonia's death later, for example)
It's a scene that completely undermines the tension built in the previous memory, makes the timeline of events confusing, and it leaves a ton of questions open, like: where the hell is Ganondorf? What is he doing? What did Rauru mean by "keeping him close", if he isn't actually close? Do they think he returned to the gerudo lands while he actually stayed hidden in their palace to do his Puppet Zelda shenanigans? I don't know! There is no way to know, because we're being told about teacups and how Link is amazing instead of anything relevant to the plot!
So yeah. Would have *gladly* done away with that teacup scene and focused more on a very tense moment of Sonia and Puppet Zelda where she acts very suspiciously and maybe aborts a first attempt at stealing the stone that goes nowhere, and this is when Sonia catches on that something is off? Honestly, I would also have killed for an actual scene of tension between Zelda and Ganondorf where they, like. Talk to each other. Instead of this actual current version of the story where they never do. And maybe this is how he realizes that she has a special connection with Sonia and it's how he tries to get her.
But yeah. Sorry, I kind of hijacked the ask into a "this damn teacup scene!!!" *shakes my first at clouds*, but I think it mirrors the thought that priorities were not given to the actual tension points laid down in the story. Puppet Zelda inherently calls upon ideas of fear of imposture, of abuse of power, of insecurity, of a twisted version of what Hyrule *could* be, which is so interesting and ripe with conflict and counterpoints.
I would have done unruly things for a Zelda arc where she is struggling to be a ruler and she's still very insecure and wrecked by guilt over the Calamity thing and feel disconnected from the land because of the whole "being locked 100 years away fighting a demon" thing and her daddy issues, and this is this insecurity that Ganondorf picks up on and preys on by trying to dismantle Hyrule using her very image as he plans his Big Comeback, and our role is to unite all of Hyrule against this weird nasty caricature of her created by an envious man who was furious to see his rule rejected and his rebellion considered less important than peace, then go to her acknowledging the immense and unjust sacrifice she made becoming a dragon and being like "hey Zelda we all love you and we will all fight for you because we made the choice to believe in the future you want to build" and it would have been soososo powerful and I would have perhaps shed a tear or two or ten. ;_;
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lutawolf · 2 years
Love In the Air Ep 8 Review & Running Commentary
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We are now entering into the territory of Sky and Prapai. Be prepared people because there is going to be Sexual Assaults triggers. MAME does not do this for fun, it's actually a way of her dealing with her own demons. I think that's one reason why I'm less triggers, I'm used to listening to survivors. That and this should be less of a surprise which is what typically triggers me.
Sky hasn't had a particularly easy life. Which has created walls a mile high. His best friend Rain has made it past those walls. So when he asks for a favor, Sky reaches out to his abusive ex to achieve said favor. Which leads to a tailspin of him meeting Prapai who jokingly suggests that Sky return his protection for sex. Only for Sky to take him seriously and be down for it. Immediately Prapai is drawn to the sad and passionate boy, and he'll do whatever it takes to break the walls Sky has down. But can he handle the story that created the walls to begin with?
Let's start.. Ahhh, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a litter nervous to see how they handle this. So we are starting at the street race where they will eventually meet. I truly love Sky, he is sassy but will do anything for his friend. Even talk to his jack ass ex. Blah, blah, let us skip to Sky's intro. There we go. Ohh, I like how we have Prapai immediately noticing Sky. It's a cute back and forth, with Sky nervous and unsure and Prapai intrigued. Oh shit! the two coconuts noticed him. I'm gonna go ahead and forgive them since they help Rain later on but coconuts. Damn that music is making it intense right, I know what's going to happen cause of previous but still.
And there we go, "He's my boy." Then he takes him away and attempts to get some answers from him. While Sky looks scared, he isn't talking. "intruders like you can't leave" "What do you want?" "It depends on what you can offer me but if I can choose." To which he goes to touch Sky's face. At that point Sky knows what is up and rolls his eyes. "So you know what you need to give to get out of here?" "You better hurry up, the next race is about to start. Tik Tok." "Just take what you want" I got to be honest here, I really wish that had just stopped at the but if I can choose. Even in the book it was handled better because it's made to be a joke that Sky just happens to be good with. So yeah, I'm not thrilled.
Not Just Wind but a Typhoon.
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Okay so we can at least say that Sky is very involved in the kissing. He is not holding back in any way. He giving as good as he is getting. Ohhh, he even pulls him closer. Alright, not a great start but homeboy for sure wants this. OH hell to the yeah, I was concerned that wouldn't show him going down but they are not being shy. Give it to me baby, uh huh. Oh yeah, I don't think there is any doubt any anyone's mind that Sky wants this. DAAAAAAMN. And Sky rides and rides well. I love that they don't shy away from letting us hear them! So hot.
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Sky leaving Prapai's place, looking all kinds of sad. Damn, this pulling on my heart strings. Then doing a flash back to them in the bedroom and Prapai is not going to let go of this boy any time soon. Damn, Sky even tells him to bring it on. "They're all assholes." poor baby boy, are you trying to convince yourself. Though I got to admit he did act like an asshole baby boy but you seemed to enjoy the sex at least. Okay, I'm gonna say the book did this better because in the book when he leaves we know he enjoys the sex but he's like, walls are up and no emotions. Peace out dudes. Really wish they had kept that. This just makes it feel not good. Just my opinion don't come at me.
Oh wait, did I speak to soon. Are we gonna get that part? Much better. We know he enjoyed the sex but those walls are a mile high. He wants human contact but he doesn't trust it. Can't. Meanwhile Prapai is hooked, he can't forget him. That's a first for him. Awww, here is the cute little brother. Who flies a rainbow flag. Hahaha, mamma knows, she got slut babies. You about to lose your freedom buddy boy, I would say enjoy it while you can but you already caught.
"Shitty things always happen to me." You killing me baby boy. Now I'm back to not knowing how to feel about this. Yeah you guys, the book did it better. The inner monologue in the book really helped you to understand Sky. This just leaves me feeling like I got whip lash. Today's topic is "How to forget the one you want to forget" I guess this is supposed to be like his inner monologue? Ahh okay, that's exactly what it's supposed to be. They could have done this better but at least we are getting it, right.
Three Months Latter
Prapai really thought he could forget him and since he can't. Didn't he. Sig and Som really just need to fuck it out. Oh and back to Prapai, sorry buddy, there will be no next time. And back to Sky. Don't be stepping between these two, they really just need to fuck it out. And let us watch... Yeah we all know why Som is moody, he lost any chance with Payu. Som not the only one upset with Rain. Ple be riding the jelly train too. Try riding something else, it helps. Sig, you stupid buffalo, are you really making the rock and roll sign.
Look at the rider who would rather be ridden. That's all he can think about. His attention was on or. It means your obsessed. If you can't get something off your mind then you are obsessed. This isn't rocket science. "You either love it very much or hate it very much." Accurate. "Beautiful sky and perfect weather are perfect for making a decision." You guys should know that his name means wind. "I've made up my mind, if he won't get out of my head then I won't let him go." About damn time, now go get ya boy. I mean me too, I feel a little sorry for him but it will work out in the end.
This is totally me when I'm reading. I giggle and clap my hands. I'm redunk. Ohhh, this nerd understands! I feel that pain to my soul. Thinking you have all the series only to find out you missed one so you have to get dressed and reschedule everything to get it. Staying up all night to read is not relatable at all. Sky thinking it's Rain calling to complain about Payu. Instead it's Prapai beeeeeing creepy as fuck. What the hell. You might as well heavy breath too. Just stop the fuck boy flirting. I love Sky so much, he's like, this bitch. Prapai stop flirting like a fuck boy, that is not how you are going to win Sky. NO Prapai, you don't sound creepy and ominous at all. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Ahh there we go though, a reference to his name. "A hot wind god." "Brace yourself because I'm serious." Well at least there is that. Homeboy knows what he wants now. Ahh see Sky knew his name, he is like, no way. Impossible. "Someone like him won't be attracted to someone like me." That's where you are wrong baby boy. That's where you are wrong. Oh, did you block his number?? HA!
Look at you smiling like an idiot. Cause you an idiot. Okay but that's cute, you like your angry Sky. Did he really kiss his phone. He got it bad. Are the exercise machine advertisement? Opps, must not have blocked him. Oh their ceremony is cute! OH I'm Dying. Go Som Go!
And hello Prapai. Yes, Sky, that's brilliant. I now see why you and Rain are close friends. You both have white crayon moments. You cute and you smart but sometimes the common sense is lacking. He is literally standing right there looking at your dumbass behind a box. Oh, you fuck head Rain. You sold your bestie out did ya. Look at that look, that Sky is giving Rain. HA!
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So fucking lame Prapai. Sky is like wtf dude and I am dying. His facial expressions are the best. Fucking white crayon Rain. OMG, I love Sky's facial expressions so much. Look at Rain trying to make amends. You gonna have to do better than that buddy. I literally just laid my head down on the desk. He is whispering to Sky that Rain doesn't know about them and Rain is leaning in to listen. From even that range I would hear him. Dead. Rain is like, say bye to me damnit.
Oh, hands off buddy. Look at Sky still being polite and saying thank you for being dropped off. "You should find someone else to play with." "I wouldn't have been here if I wanted someone else." "Look, I don't want to play with you." "If you never try you never know." "It's because I already tried it that I don't want it." Ouch! Buuuuurn! Okay but Prapai is hilarious. Like are you serious that I didn't get you hooked just a little. "This is so unfair. Am I the only one that can't get enough of you." Homebody is hooked and wanting but Sky has been played. He has walls a mile high. You gonna have to prove it dude.
"Lets start over. My name is Prapai. See? I told you I am the hot wind God." "A wind God, I thought you were a Cyclops." Actually this should be “Prapai, right? I thought your name was Wirun Chambang.” Wirun Chambang is a giant that appears in Ramayana Buddhism stories. The joke still fits though, 🤣. We back to fuck boy flirting. Really. Aww Sky, can't you tell that Prapai only gets more enthralled the more annoyed you get. That boy thinks you cute. Danger! Danger! Will Robinson! He is in hot pursuit. "I can't believe how shameless that guys is." Umm, really? Cause I gotta say, I saw the clues a mile away. You don't stand a chance but make it hard at least. People don't appreciate what they don't have to work for.
"Rain will be dead meat tomorrow." Yeah, that's fair. Then he goes to look out the window. How freaking cute. See jitter bug got some feelings. "A guy like him only wants sex. Get it together Sky." Oh baby boy, you been hurt pretty bad. Prapai needs to get on that fix it train. Jitter bug got feelings but he is scared to have them. Yup, Prapai thinks Sky is adorable, he doesn't mind the grump at all. A fucking coffee receipt. At least he met his boy though. Let the wall destruction commence!
Haha Rain, take your punishment. Sky might thank you later but today is not the day. Damn, no wonder Rain is good at taking punishment. Boy been a sub to his bestie, 🤣🤣🤣.
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Sunflowers! So pretty! Really that's your note, meanie why can't I get you out of my head. Smh. Better than fuck boy flirting. He named him Psycho in his phone! Love it! Oh, we got a story too. "Cause the sunflower face the sky. I can't be the sun for you. But whenever you see sunflowers, remember that this wind is watching over the sky." Okay, yeah, you are upping your game. You are for sure moving away from the fuck boy moves into adult moves. Sky is like, that shits cheesy... Shit, I like it. Noooooo they are too pretty for the trash!
Choosing the flowers. "Sometimes sexy. Occasionally sad. Mysterious at times. But I want flowers that give off lovely vibes. So he'll give me a bright smile." First step to stepping of the fuck boy bus. Picking out the flowers yourself and delivering them yourself.
We are at the end! Okay I've got mixed feelings but I'm still liking it. I also think it will get better. I'm here for it. Hope you guys enjoyed. 💜💜💜 As always this is dedicated to the coconuts mafia. 💜💜💜
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