#at least it saved all of my pictures......
karlachismylife · 2 days
I Need a Hero
Yup, I wrote for the second most voted again. Why? Cuz I'm a danger to myself. Also because Gaz is pretty boy and I want to kiss him.
CW: gn!civilian!reader, probably not very realistic, toothrotting fluff for the pretty boy and the heroic prince Kyle.
(Title obviously from Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero")
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You're beaming so bright, one could think it's you who's getting recognized and rewarded today - ironically, not for any of the terrifying world-saving missions, but for something small, an act of service Kyle didn't probably even notice in a chain of his usual bravery and heroism.
You noticed though. Every little thing, every feat and deed were carefully catalogued in your memory, even if he couldn't tell you anything besides "Was a rough one" or "Barely even did anything, angel". And today, finally, noticed others - Kyle, your Kyle, your sugarplum handsome pookie bear Kyle, was getting an award today. A nice, shiny reminder of all the good he's done to protect you and the country.
Of course he couldn't let you miss the ceremony. A few days prior you went shopping together and he bought you a nice outfit to match his, nothing too lavish, but definitely tasteful. Made you show it off before purchasing too, twirled you in front of the changing room and dropped a kiss on your knuckles.
To him, it's mostly a formality and a reason to show you off a little, but to you this whole day is about him. About that amazing, skilled man finally getting at least one percent of the praise he actually deserves. Sure, you know that his righteous Captain never takes his Gaz as granted and Kyle himself doesn't probably care for anyone else's recognition besides Price's and yours, but isn't it nice to have all these uniform-clad gentleman hold a ceremony in Sergeant Garrick's name?
"You look very good, handsome," you whisper quietly to him as you both stand in the narrow service corridor before you'll have to part your ways - Kyle has to come out on stage with several other officers getting awarded too. With loving hands, you adjust his collar and sigh dreamily as he catches your hands and kisses your fingertips. "Can I- oh," you have to scoot over a bit, a couple of stage workers shufflng through the narrow passage with some cables.
Kyle rubs your wrists gently, returning your attention back to him, and gives you a questioning nod, raising his eyebrows.
"You were saying, love?" You blink, once again (it'll never stop) struck by his beautiful features, and shake it off only when people start applauding out there.
The ceremony is about to begin.
"Just wanted to kiss you," you finally remember what it was that occupied your mind (as it always does, to be honest). Kyle's dark eyes sparkle with glee, but he still steals a look behind his shoulder, checking in case someone's out there looking for him.
"Here, right now?" he asks, turning back to you, and it's your turn to look puzzled. Chuckling, Kyle pecks your forehead quickly and lets go of your hands with visible whistfulness in his eyes. "Thought you'd like for me to give you a big smooch straight from stage, angel. Show everyone who's my biggest supporter."
And just like that, with a wink, he hurries away, leaving you to find your way back to your seat, cheeks warm with the imaginary picture of Kyle leaning from stage to recieve your congratulatory kiss. Can you really say no to that?
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shappobunny · 2 days
Stan Says Goodbye
I have never posted to tumblr someone pls tell me if it is abnormal to post a text this long.
Word count: 1764
“Stanford, you can’t keep hiding away in that cabin forever. Ma’s memory is fading and she’s not going to be around for much longer. Don’t you want to say goodbye?” 
Shermie had left a million messages on the Shack’s phone. Each one a mirroring plea of the last call, begging Ford to come see their mother before she passed. 
But it was Stan listening to these messages, not Ford. He had no right to go see her.
The last time he had seen his ma, he had been hiding behind a curtain and a pillar at his own funeral. He nearly blew his cover when he saw her. Her hair was greying, and she was standing a little less tall than she used to, but it was her nonetheless. Those warm eyes that used to come down to level with him and the smile she would give him when she called him her special boy — all of that was the same. 
He didn’t think his mother would show up, not after ten years. He knew she had no way of knowing where he was, but he thought she felt the same way everyone else did. That he was the fuck-up of the family. The no-good son that ruined their one chance of having a better life. Who could think anything else? 
And now he had pushed her other son into a portal, forsaking him to some unknown world without knowing if he was alive or not. He couldn’t face her until he brought Ford back. 
He had to watch as she cried over his casket and it damn near killed him the way it broke his heart. 
But he had promised that day that he would bring Ford back soon and drag him along to ma’s house to show her that he was alive, and Ford was alive, and that they got along… Just like in the old days. They would sit in the kitchen and finally have tea with her — maybe even let her read their tea leaves once they were done. He would have saved Ford’s life and the family would gather again. For the first time in years, he wouldn’t be the fuck-up; he’d be his mother’s free-spirited Stanley. 
Things didn’t quite work out that way for Stan. As they usually didn’t. 
After 25 years he still hadn’t succeeded in bringing Ford back. After 25 years of sleepless nights and lonely desperation, he had nothing to offer to his ma in reconciliation. 
Now he was sitting on his couch pressing through message after message from Shermie begging him to come see her one last time. 
“Whaddya want me to do Shermie…” Stan muttered, folding forward to put his head in his hands. 
Did he want him to lie to his own mother on her deathbed? Or to tell her that her other son was most likely dead and gone somewhere they’d never even find his body? 
Stan wondered if Ford would have even gone to see her. The way he was the last time Stan had seen him, it was like the last thing Ford wanted was to see anybody. 
The phone rang again and Stan let it ring. The answering machine beeped and Shermie’s tinny voice came through the speaker. 
“Stanford I’ll be away from the city tomorrow to get a few things in order for ma’s funeral… You’ll get a break from my calls at least,” Shermie paused for a long while, and Stan thought that maybe that was the end of this call until he said, “She keeps saying your name, you know. Yours and Stanley’s… She‘s waiting for you,” he sighed. After a beat of silence, Stan heard the click of the phone hanging up. 
He couldn’t sleep that night. 
Stan watched the shadows of the pine trees dancing across his ceiling. What did his father used to say about the men in the Pines family? 
He closed his eyes and listened to the wind outside his window. He could almost hear the sound of gulls and the crashing waves of Glass Shard Beach. He could picture Ford, red from being sat in the sun all day scribbling away the plans for their boat. 
That Ford would want him to say goodbye to ma. 
In his memory, Ford smiled up at him as he ran over and they raced towards the waves, letting them pull out their little bodies to the water. 
Stan finally fell asleep.
The next morning he closed up the shop, and put on his cleanest suit. He wore Ford’s glasses, and found some six-fingered gloves lying around to slip on. Nothing fit quite right. The glasses were a little too loose, and Ford’s jacket was a little snug around the arms. 
Looking up in the mirror, he looked like his brother. 
When he got in the car he sat there for a long while. Not having the courage to turn on the ignition until the sun came at just the right angle to blind him. He finally began the car and started driving. 
What would he say to ma? What would Ford say? Probably something smart, and then he’d invent the machine that would save her life. 
That damn know-it-all, showing him up even in his own damn mind. If it weren’t for Ford trying to send him away 25 years ago, maybe they would have made up. Maybe they would have taken ma in when she started feeling unwell. 
Maybe Stan wouldn’t have to say goodbye to ma alone. 
Damn it. Was he crying? 
He wiped at his eyes with his sleeves, steeling his nerves so he could drive straight. 
He picked up some flowers at a shop down the street from the home she was in, and he checked into the home using Stanford’s name. Stan stood in front of her door for a long time, listening to see if anyone else was in the room. The silence was almost worse. He had no excuse to turn tail and run. He had to go in there and say goodbye to his mother. 
He knocked, a quick three raps. 
“Who is it?” His mother’s voice asked, as strong as ever. 
Stan smiled and opened the door. “It’s me ma, Stanford!” 
“Stanford?” She looked up at him from her spot on the bed, her eyes narrowed like she couldn’t see him quite right. “Sit down over here so I can get a good look atcha.” 
Stan set the flowers on her bedside and settled into the seat next to her. She was wrinkled and all grey now, but her brown eyes were still the same. 
“How have you been doing, ma? Shermie’s left me a million messages saying you’re on death’s door!” 
She smiled. “That Shermie can be even more of a nuisance than you are, Stanley.” 
Stan froze for a single second before smiling. “Ma you’ve got the wrong twin. It’s me, Stanford.” 
She reached a shaky hand to pat his. “Stanley you think I wouldn’t recognize my own boy?” She smiled. “You must think so little of your old ma.” 
He took a deep breath to compose himself. Her memory isn’t right, that’s what Shermie said. She’s just misremembering. 
“Ma Stan passed away twenty five years ago, remember?” 
It took everything in him not to choke on his words. 
“And Stanford didn’t show up at all?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “You can’t scam your old mother, Stanley, I taught you everything you know. Stanford would show up at your funeral. That boy isn’t as cold as he thinks he is.” 
He couldn’t answer. 
His mother pat his hand. “Oh, there, there, sweetie.” 
It took him a second to realize she was comforting him because his vision had begun to blur. He felt the damp trail of tears on his cheeks as he took in a shaky breath. 
She tugged on his hand lightly so he would lean in, and he did. She put her arm around his shoulder as best as she could and gave him a weak squeeze. “Whatever fight you and Stanford have going on now, you’ll figure it out, sweetie. Ya always do...” 
Stan tried to stop himself from shaking so hard in his mother’s embrace but he knew he was failing. He held on a little tighter to his mother’s hand. 
“My sweet Stanley… You’ll figure it out.” 
“Ma what if he doesn’t come back?” Stan asked shakily. 
“Your brother is stubborn as a bull, he’ll come back just to prove you wrong.” 
Stan laughed at that and pulled away a little, to look into her eyes again. 
He missed her. So much. 
“Your breath is awful,” she said, grimacing. “Did I not teach you to brush your teeth?” 
Stan burst out laughing. “You don’t even have any teeth left, ma.” He didn’t want to tell her that he didn’t either.
“I’m on my death bed, what do I need teeth for?” 
A loud knock came at the door and Stan turned away, making sure to wipe his tears dry. He stood when the person entered. 
It was Shermie, holding a binder in one arm and a coat in another. 
“Stanford!” He said, his eyes widening in surprise. “You came.” 
Stan cleared his throat. 
“Uh… yeah, I couldn’t not come. It’s just been so… busy.” He tried to keep his voice low, hoping Shermie had forgotten what Ford sounded like at this point. 
“Well I’m glad you came,” Shermie looked over at their mother in her bed. “Aren’t you glad Stanford came by?” 
“Why would I be glad that this little brat ignored me for years just to say goodbye?” She asked gruffly. 
Shermie laughed. “Same as ever, ma.” 
Stan took the lighthearted mood as his means of escape. He began walking towards the door but took one last look back at his mother. 
She smiled warmly at him, her hands folded neatly in her lap. He wanted to burn this image of her in his mind, sitting tall and confident, reassuring him that things might turn out after all. 
When he found Ford, he would tell him about her on this day. How she knew without hesitation, how she made all of his loneliness melt away, and how she gave him the hope to finally bring him back. He would tell Ford that she loved them both until the end, just as much as she did the day she brought them home. 
Ford would cry with him 
“I’ll be back, ma,” he said with a smile. 
She winked at him before saying, “Doncha dare come back!”
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mordhiobhail · 23 hours
Thank you dear supporters for all the help you are offering the people of Gaza in this dire time. I am a father of four tender babies who are paying much of their childhood and innocence in this unfair war. Please do whatever you can to help me save my family till the war ends.
Despite the suffering and hardships of this fierce war , your support and assistance ease us and grant us power and patience. Your contribution keeps a whole family safe, that is why i am asking you to donate whatever you can of at least share my link so that other donors can know about my tragedy and pain.
adham is fundraising to support a large family consisting mostly of children, and currently only €306 has been raised.
the pictures on this gofundme don't show up in a reverse google image search, and your donation is protected, so please donate if possible.
please reblog adham's post and donate what you can
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Hello, I hope you are all well. I am Mohammed, a Palestinian from the besieged northern Gaza Strip. I was shot in my left hand by an explosive bullet and I need a bone graft and to build my home and the home of my two children, Ameer and Mamlak, who was born in the war and whose father is far away in Egypt due to the siege and war. He has not met them except for pictures. I ask you to support my newly created campaign to help my family survive the horrific war on Gaza to safety and peace. Life has become extremely harsh, difficult, full of hardships and painful suffering. We lack all the basic necessities and essentials of life such as food, water, medicine and other needs. The war has taken everything beautiful from us, leaving us homeless, displaced and unemployed. Everything is difficult and impossible to obtain. Water and living conditions are inaccessible and incredibly unreachable. The war has made our lives desperate and hopeless. My family of thirteen has been going through the hardest days they have ever experienced in almost twelve months due to the catastrophic war. The rise in prices of all essential necessities of life has complicated our living conditions, especially when all our savings have been spent on the least necessities and needs. A photo taken of me injured and the children who need to be evacuated. 😭😭😭That's why I'm asking you now to ease our burdens and the burdens of our lives through your contribution. You can help my family survive by donating whatever you can or reposting my messages My campaign 90-ghoset&@appsa has been documented.
Hello! Thank you for sharing your story with me. I can not imagine the strength it took you to reach out. I can't imagine the pain and hardship you've experienced either. I will spread your message as far as I can. Thank you, Mohammed. 🙏🇵🇸❤️
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starsalot · 3 days
Hello, I hope you are all well. I am Mohammed, a Palestinian from the besieged northern Gaza Strip. I was shot in my left hand by an explosive bullet and I need a bone graft and to build my home and the home of my two children, Ameer and Mamlak, who was born in the war and whose father is far away in Egypt due to the siege and war. He has not met them except for pictures. I ask you to support my newly created campaign to help my family survive the horrific war on Gaza to safety and peace. Life has become extremely harsh, difficult, full of hardships and painful suffering. We lack all the basic necessities and essentials of life such as food, water, medicine and other needs. The war has taken everything beautiful from us, leaving us homeless, displaced and unemployed. Everything is difficult and impossible to obtain. Water and living conditions are inaccessible and incredibly unreachable. The war has made our lives desperate and hopeless. My family of thirteen has been going through the hardest days they have ever experienced in almost twelve months due to the catastrophic war. The rise in prices of all essential necessities of life has complicated our living conditions, especially when all our savings have been spent on the least necessities and needs. A photo taken of me injured and the children who need to be evacuated. 😭😭😭That's why I'm asking you now to ease our burdens and the burdens of our lives through your contribution. You can help my family survive by donating whatever you can or reposting my messages My campaign @90-ghost @ibtisams @appsa @buttercuparry .
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0xeyedaisy · 2 months
It seems I have lost all of my art on my computer. Very unfortunate
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void-luna · 11 months
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Once again, this wonderful fic has been brought to you by Overgrownruins
Thus comes a close to all my pre drawn content for said fic, however should time and inspiration strike me I will draw for following updates anyway <3
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dreamaze · 4 months
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Save Giuk 4/� … from uninvited guests on the 'end of spring' mv set (tr. cr.)
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pardonmydelays · 10 days
I might not have ani's wloquence with words but I have percy, so here's a picture of him cuddling with his toys (i hope u like cats)
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oh my god please don't kill me i may have turned your cat into this little guy jdhdjhdhe i love him and i'm sorry
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
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May I offer you a smiling Makuu compilation in these trying times?
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lesbianspeedy · 7 months
im at the point where if youre in a conversation with me for more than five minutes i'll somehow bring up renee r@pp (censored to not appear in tags). like the rot is so severe
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microwave-core · 11 months
Yo, that Leon post was LEGENDARY, dude!!! If I kindly asked you to make the NSFW version of that, would you? 🥺🥺🥺
I can try, however I SUCK at writing smut. Dog-shit at it. We're talking my immortal levels of writing. I'm also very boring and don't have single dominant bone in my body. That being said, editing and refining goes a long way, so I'll try my best.
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Starting off, he's a bit inexperienced, which I mentioned previously. He hasn't been in many relationships, much less been intimate, and he doesn't fuck without feelings. Prefers to take things slow and can get overwhelmed easily at first. That being said, he's a quick learner.
In general, I'd say Leon is a soft dom. He's caring and doting, if not a little shaky at first, but he learns quickly. He's kind of an unstoppable force in his regular everyday life, so being dominant comes naturally to him. Could totally be on the submissive side, though, especially if he's tired.
He's normally gentle, but he can also be rough. His touches aren't always feather light and experimental. If asked, or if he's just stressed out and/or pent up, he can be more aggressive. Normally, he lets off steam during a workout, but, hey, if it works it works.
Very attentive lover. He likes to take his time learning the ins and outs of what his partner does and doesn't like. From their big kinks down to which spots make them sigh in content when kissed. Willing to experiment, but has certain lines that he won't cross.
Big on praise. He wants to know he's doing a good job, that he's a good boy, and loves to return the favor. On the other hand, he hates being degraded. He's a bit insecure, honestly, so being insulted just kind of hurts. Kills his mood. If asked, he can try to degrade his partner, but he's not very good at it. He doesn't want to be mean to someone he loves so much, even if they're literally asking for it.
Speaking of things he isn't a fan of: pain. Leon has no real interest in being hurt, nor does he want to hurt anyone else. Boy is strong, so he's sure to be careful, even when he's being rough. At most, he could potentially be convinced to do some light choking, but even that might be a bit too much for him. He can leave marks, sure, but that doesn't mean he needs to inflict actual pain, right? Also, hates having his hair pulled, his scalp is very sensitive.
Okay, last "things I think Leon wouldn't be into", bare with me. He's not into anything remotely public. The rush he feels in public is not that of excitement, but that of pure dread and panic. He has a reputation, if anyone found out, he would die from sheer embarrassment, mainly because his family would find out. He'd never be able to look his mum in the eyes again out of pure shame.
He's much more lenient with nudes, even if leaks can happen. It would still give him a heart attack if anyone found out, but it's far more socially acceptable to be found exchanging steamy pics with your lover than fucking in public. Tends to lean more on the side of thirst trap then full on nudity. Wouldn't make a sex tape.
Doesn't usually jack off. Doesn't usually feel the need to. He has other outlets for stress relief that get the job done better. That being said, he is considerably needier when he's in a proper relationship, but, even then, it's still not often. He'd rather wait to get off with his partner then do it alone, at that point.
We're far enough in the post where I can just be honest. The first thing that I thought of when I read your ask, anon, is that Leon eats an insane amount of pussy. And he'd also suck an insane amount of dick. He's Mr. Bi King, after all. He just really likes giving head and is incredible at it to boot. Receiving isn't his favorite thing, though. It's not that he doesn't like it, of course he likes it, it just makes him feel a bit awkward.
Slight oral fixation.
The other thing that came to mind is that he has a breeding kink. I completely forgot to put it on the main post, but Leon really wants a big family one day. He loves kids, he's great with them, and is all around family oriented. And so, the thought of starting a family gets him off. Like, a lot. It's a little embarrassing for him to admit that, though. It doesn't even matter if he can get his partner pregnant or not, honestly. At the end of the day, it's about the sentiment.
Also, slight pregnancy kink. It just goes hand in hand with the above.
Aftercare king. At the end of the day, Leon is a very sweet and caring person, so it only makes sense to clean his lover up in the afterglow. He's all about gentle touches and massages for bruised marks and tender skin. Whether he runs a bath or settles for a wash cloth is entirely dependent on how tired he is. Cuddling and pillow talk is an absolute must.
In terms of stamina, he's pretty decent, and can usually push two or three rounds if he paces himself properly. He likes to edge himself, though, so he tends to last for awhile.
His dick is thick and so are his fingers. Do with this information as you will.
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bibiana112 · 10 months
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Me everytime I need to get things written down by a deadline tbh
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Fuck it. Here's the oneshot I've mentioned
Summary: We're two weeks after the events of "Exes and Oohs", and Millie has been kidnapped. She's grudgingly enjoying solitary confinement in the world's dustiest yet simultaneously most pristine dungeon when an unlikely face from her past comes sauntering in; against her protests he decides to stick by like a leech, and they end up having a surprisingly genuine conversation years in the making.
Not a confession and… kind of critical?? Might qualify as a fix-it?? Honestly just wanted to give Millie the lore she was robbed of in that episode, as well as do a fun little show-don't-tell exercise. (Also, Chaz has a character now beyond walking penis gag. Sort of.)
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cheswirls · 4 months
also how have i never seen mithrun in any of the dunmeshi posting on my dash???? legit conned myself into believing the man dies earlier on or isn't an impt character but its jus that none of the dunmeshi ppl i follow have any taste. i see how it is /j
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
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-->And then – success! L. Faba bought the first item of the day by getting a strawberry fizz cupcake! :D And with her leading the way, the sales started pouring in – Victor, done cloudgazing and actually feeling a tiny bit social, came over to chat with customers Dominic and Clara as they bought an everything bagel (Dominic) and some pumpkin spice waffles (Clara), then Alice showed up (having finally finished her painting – also a masterpiece – and unsuccessfully scavenged in the park) just in time to see a few more plates of pumpkin spice waffles and banana split waffles, along with another cupcake and a bagel (L. Faba, returning for another go) get sold. I decided it would be nice to have her commemorate the occasion and had her take a couple of pictures from a couple of different angles of Smiler and the crowd. :) And then, right afterward, I had her grab some leftover pumpkin spice waffles someone had dropped and gobble them down so they wouldn’t go to waste. XD She started cloudgazing behind the crowd while I sent Victor (who wanted to level up his Handiness anyway) to upgrade the weather machine with a “moisture vaporator” so it would be even better at producing clear skies in the future –
And then I got an MCCC Error as Clara came back and got a slice of blueberry pie. *sigh* Oh, Sims 4, why you gotta be this way... I looked at the error log after the fact, and I think Alice was trying to say goodbye to her, but the interaction didn’t go off the way it was supposed to. *shakehead* Hard to tell if these errors are from mods or the damn game itself sometimes...
-->I soldiered on though (not the first time I’ve gotten an error) and had Alice hang out with Victor as he finished up his upgrades, having them talk about her lycanthropy and Victor’s magical status and getting in a little kissing and flower-exchanging while Smiler finished up their food sale. <3 The whole kit-and-kaboodle finally ended at around 6:30 PM in-game, with Smiler making an even $400 in profit (from two cupcakes, three pumpkin spice waffles, five bagels, four banana split waffles, and three slices of blueberry pie), getting level three of the Enterpeneur skill (meaning they can now research business plans if they want) –
And causing their number of thrown “social events” in their Party Animal aspiration to tick up a notch! Apparently food sales count! O.O Well, that’s good to know... Anyway, I had them clean up the food and pack away the stall, then sent them over to go get their flirt on with Victor –
Only for the skies to darken, and the rain to start falling again. Oops – thunderstorms are back! Time to get home before the lighting starts flying!
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