#at least internally for us we tend to think of opalescent/multichrome things as symbolic of our own plurality
paluimbel · 2 years
Does anyone know if there are any covert plural symbols? Like the "black ring on your right middle finger" thing with asexuality. I know there are already things like the ampersand and Emmengard's rings. But like. Those are the sort of things that are clearly symbolizing something, so even if singlets don't recognize them there's a good chance they might ask what they mean.
If not, I think maybe something opalescent/pearlescent/multichrome would be neat. Like. Many colors in one object and all. It'd probably have to be a bit more specific than that in order for it to actually work. Maybe the (left, apparently right is used for the wedding ring in some cultures) index finger? Or else, like, a ring worn on a bracelet, since that's not a common way to wear a ring, it could stand out while still being hidden.
Idk, I'm not really an expert on symbolism and all that. If anyone knows any pre-existing things like this or else has any ideas, feel free to add on!
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