#at least esker was there aw
anyne-r · 1 month
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don't get too lonely out there, 'kay?
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inexplicifics · 2 years
Since its mentioned quite often in the consort fic plus the esker side story what exactly does a witcher going feral entail? And what would cause each witcher to go feral in the first place? How do they get back out of it? What sort of behaviours do they display? Much love and light in your days! X
A witcher going feral basically entails them going into a berserk fugue-state. It's unfortunately something Cats can do fairly easily, if provoked - which Cedric and Axel learn the hard way.
Severe injury or threat thereof, or threat or injury to someone very important to the witcher, can be enough; extreme rage can also be a trigger. Cats are the most prone to going feral; Bears are the least. (For which we are all grateful.)
Unfortunately, the behaviors they display are usually "kill everything that moves anywhere near me."
They can be broken out of it by the sight, sound, or scent of someone important enough to them to get through the rage, or by the passage of time, or by running out of things to kill.
Nobody enjoys this. A fair bit of witcher training is how to not do this. And at least in the AW AU, it's fairly uncommon.
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