#at first i wasn't going to draw anything for valentines but then i felt bad. this is my otp so i made this
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arttsuka · 1 year ago
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💝 Valentines day 💖
Pretend the balloon looks like a balloon 🎈 pls
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lamentationsofalonelypotato · 3 months ago
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Chapter 16: I Thought I Was In Love Before
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV, Soldier Boy POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy, Protective Ben/Soldier Boy
Word Count: 10.3K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), IMPLIED SEX, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Sexual Innuendo, Heavy Petting? Making Out, Nudity, Illusions to Sex, A little bit of self-deprecating thought. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Listen While You Read🪴: "I've Been Waiting For You" by ABBA
Spotify Playlist 🪴
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A/N: This chapter is really just a whole lot of fluff and a bit of cheeky spice, that I couldn't help but write. I figured the two of them really needed just a chapter where someone wasn't being tortured, someone almost died, someone was hurt, or them fighting lol. ENJOY!
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There were more flowers in your entire apartment than in New York City on Valentine's Day, and you were sure that come morning there would be more flowers in here than what grew on the East Coast in the middle of spring.
Roses exploded from the bush in the corner splashing pinks and coral petals onto the floor, Lily of the valley dipped from outstretched stalks, honeysuckle, lavender, and lilac smiled from the pots on top of your dresser, and the gardenia on your bedside table filled the room with the sweet-smelling aroma. Even the pothos vines that trailed along your walls were brighter and greener, creeping along to secure your curtains while the Jasmine vines that crept up the wall behind your bed shed the white blooms over where Ben and you were laying.
You were sure that you had Jasmine smashed against your skin and threaded in your hair, but you weren't complaining. There was nothing to complain about, not if every time Ben took you to bed was anything like what had happened over the past four hours.
The number of men you'd slept with was in no way extensive, you could count it on one hand, which meant you weren't drawing from a wide range of experiences, not to mention that it had been probably over a year since you'd slept with someone, but Ben easily blew them out of the water.
Usually after you were with someone, you'd compare them to Newton, only because it was the longest relationship that you'd had and really the only guy you'd ever loved. When you'd finally slept with Newton, you'd thought that because you loved each other the sex was supposed to be good… but each time you were disappointed.
You could remember every awkward fumble of Newton's hands on your chest, every slobbery kiss, every time he said that he was "too tired" to return the favor, and every single time you felt unsatisfied while he turned over happy and drifted off while you tried to think of a way to muster up the courage to tell him that you wanted to try something new or at least tell him that you weren't happy.
Not being happy with Newton seemed to be a recurring theme and you didn’t know why you’d stayed with him as long as you did. Perhaps it was because you thought that it was true love, just as Ben stayed with Countess because he thought that was what love was like.
Turns out the two of you had just been waiting to find each other, and you couldn’t have been happier.
Nothing about the way Ben touched you was awkward or hesitant, it was confident, practiced, and just rough enough to give you a glimpse of how strong he really was. The way he kissed you was all consuming, as if he wanted to drink you in, swallow you whole until there was nothing left of you, as if he couldn't help himself but crash into you.
And Ben refused to let you touch him, until after he'd made you fall apart more times than you could count, whimpering, gasping, and screaming his name into the warm air of your bedroom with your hands tangled in his dark hair.
Not to mention you'd never get tired of the moans and breathy groans of your name on his lips. It made you feel powerful seeing Ben that way and hearing him say your name like that. Knowing that you were able to do that to him, to make him feel good the same way that he made you feel like you'd transcended to another plane of human existence. And you didn't think that you'd be able to stop anytime soon.
It was enough to make you regret making him wait for as long as you did. Maybe a part of you thought Ben was all talk, that there was no way that he was as good as he said he was, but you didn't expect Ben to know exactly what you needed as if he could see inside your head. And even though Ben said he wasn't gentle and didn't think that he could "make love" to you, what he just did for four hours came close.
Because he had unmade you, destroyed you, and then the shattered remains that pieced back together after he took you apart cell by cell was filled with so much love and ecstasy that you didn’t know where it all came from.
You'd never felt this way about anyone else in your entire life. Just as Ben thought he'd loved Countess, you thought that you loved Newton, but the way you felt about Ben was nothing compared to how you felt about your ex.
You weren't sure if you'd ever feel this way about anyone else ever. At the back of your mind the realization that you could potentially live as long as Ben did was hovering there and the truth was that you could see yourself spending all that time with Ben. You could see yourself spending the rest of your life with him. He was the only one you wanted and you hated how long it took you to admit it to yourself.
But there was a little twinge of something deep down that worried you Ben couldn't commit 100%, and then Ben would do something uncharacteristically soft and it would make you believe whole heartedly that he could.
And even if Ben couldn’t say that he loved you the traditional way, you knew he did. You saw it in the way he held you, saw it in the way he brought you coffee, saw it in the way he walked with you to and from work, and you saw it in the way he cared for you.
There weren't any casualties tonight, except the shower curtain and the rod. The shower had been a good idea in theory to cool off and clean up, until you grabbed the shower curtain and ripped the rod from the wall when Ben twisted his hips in a way that made you see stars.
You suppose that you had instigated it, after you laughed at Ben's inability to fit in your shower, and Ben took it as a challenge, but your plants had been spared.
And you were happy that your headboard had survived, it was antique, and you loved it, but there were a set of divots in the drywall behind the bed that made you hope that Mike wasn’t home and had witnessed what had caused them.
Though you had a sneaking suspicion that Ben had done that on purpose. It wasn't a secret to you how possessive and jealous Ben was, especially not after the way you'd seen him act around Jake. It was a trait that you'd never found attractive until you met him.
But there was something about the Ben’s jealousy and his almost primal need to claim you in every way he knew how that made you want him even more.
You hear Ben mutter your name faintly, breaking through your internal monologue.
You weren't up for moving now, your heart was thunderous against your rib cage, your limbs felt like jelly, and there was a layer of sweat coating your skin. You were laying on your back in your bed where the two of you had ended up, staring up at the ceiling in your bedroom trying to catch your breath, with the sheets and blankets tangled and thrown haphazardly off the sides at your feet.
And despite everything you thought about Ben, you never expected him to want to be close after sex, but he was laying on his side beside you, looking at you with a worried expression. His hand probes along your right wrist to catch your attention.
“Hmm?” You breathe because you can't seem to form words at the moment.
"You doing okay there Petals?" Ben looks smug, but you can hear worry slip into his voice.
It made you smile to yourself, because as rough and prickly as Ben's outer exterior was, you knew how much he cared about you even if he was unwilling to admit it aloud.
You take in a deep breath to find your voice and calm your heart. “Are you asking if you broke me with your dick? Or if you killed me with the almost Olympic level sex?”
Ben chuckles, propping himself up so he could stare down at you, his dark hair is falling forward over his forehead, and he's studying you with his green eyes.
He looks handsome. Ben always did, but here in bed with you, he looked normal, happy, and content. After the shower, his hair no longer had all the product that had been in it for the event at Vought, and after how many times you'd run your fingers through it, it was more tousled and scrunched than usual, but you loved it. He looked more like him again, not like the man that Vought had dressed up for the event. He looked like the man you'd fallen in love with.
You wondered if Ben noticed and liked that you looked more like you now, well, you as if you'd run ten miles. You were sure that your hair was a mess tangled and matted against the pillows, your cheeks flushed, and covered in sweat.
How the fuck can he look so good after doing that for four hours? Its unfair. I probably look like I've spent the past four hours trapped in a tornado while Ben looks like he's ready for a photoshoot for Vanity Fair.
"Because I never wanted to go to the Olympics, but I wouldn't mind going with you every once and a while." You cough out a laugh, still trying to catch your breath.
"Only once in a while?" Ben smirks. "Because you sounded like you'd be okay going every night not to mention it sure looks like you wouldn't mind going." He gestures to the blooms strewn around the room, before pulling one of the small, white fragrant flowers from your hair.
"Shut up."
Ben only laughs at you, flicking the flower away . "We can go whenever you want." He trails his fingertips against your cheek, brushing back some of the hair that was stuck to the flushed skin. “But you're okay? Sometimes I lose control-.”
“Some women like that.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.” He rolls his eyes at you and the hand that pushed your hair away cups your cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Ben's voice is soft and serious, his brilliant green eyes searching your face and then trailing down your naked body to look for injuries that you don't have.
Sure, you were a little bit sore, but it was a good sore, something that you wouldn't mind feeling all the time. The kind of sore that was satisfying to wake up to.
“Well when we first met-“ You begin to say, remembering when Ben had you by the throat and was preparing to rip you in half when he changed his mind and threw you across the room the day Homelander went on ice.
It was an odd first meeting and given how much Ben and you argued it seemed fitting that the two of you met how all great loves should, mid-fight.
You’d always wondered why Ben didn’t just kill you when he had the chance. It would have been one less headache for him to face that day. You remember looking into his eyes and seeing the anger and rage within, feeling just a feeling a shiver of fear skate down your spine when you realized it might be the last thing you ever do. It was honestly the only time that you'd ever been afraid of him. Pushing Annie out of the way had been worth it, knowing that you saved your best friend's life made your sacrifice worth it, but Ben hadn't killed you.
Ben swallows your next words, his lips moving fervently against your mouth, rough, with just a tickle of his beard against your cheeks. Honestly, your lips were already swollen and a little bruised, not to mention you had beard burn in a few places, but you weren't complaining and like hell you were going to stop doing something that felt so good.
 “Don’t fucking bring that up again. I hate that I hurt you.” Ben winces when he admits it, but his hand gently traces the gentle curve of your throat, a frown gracing his perfect lips as if he can imagine the bruised handprint you had for weeks later.
You'd caught him looking at the mark sometimes whenever you were on mission in those weeks together, but despite how the two of you had met, you weren't afraid of Ben. Sure, he had tried to kill you, but you'd done the same thing, so you'd figured the two of you were even. Plus, Ben annoyed you more than he scared you, and you didn't believe for one second that Ben would hurt you on purpose.
Ben might have been rough, but you didn't believe that he would ever find pleasure in hurting you or that he would beat you into submission if you pissed him off.
“It’s our history Ben.” You smile raising your hand to push his hair back, brushing your thumb over his cheek in a gesture that makes his lean subconsciously into your touch. “You can’t change it."
He frowns with a sigh, the green of his eyes lightening in the light from your bedside table lamp.
"Why didn't you kill me that day?" You whisper. "You didn't know me-"
Ben's expression turns to something that almost looks like shame for a moment, before it hardens. "You didn't belong there."
"In all that shit. I could see it in your eyes. I-" His jaw tightens. "I'd never seen someone like you before."
"Like me? Is this when you go back to insulting me again?" You snort.
"No. I-" He bites back his next words. "I've met other supes before, the ones that you said act like gods, the ones like my bastard son but you were-.” Ben huffs out a frustrated breath. “I don't fucking know you were just different, and I didn't want to-" Ben looks conflicted as if he can't find what to say.
Although you usually found Ben’s awkwardness in conversations when they got too personal cute, a part of you broke for him. You wondered if he’d been like that his whole life. If Ben had lived in a world, where he couldn’t open to anyone without an internal monologue from an unseen entity telling him that he was being a “pussy.” You remembered what your grandmother said about Ben’s father, and it only made your heart break more for him.
You made a promise to yourself right then and there that even if it took decades you were going to make Ben comfortable telling you what he was really feeling and thinking. You wanted Ben to know that it didn't make him weak to express emotion that way, that you thought it didn't make him less of a man to talk to you.
Your hand slips from his cheek trailing to curve around the back of his head, bringing his face to yours so you can kiss him, pouring as much emotion as you can into it. "It's okay." You murmur against his lips with a small smile. "I understand."
"You do?" He looks surprised.
"Yes.” You nod, trailing your fingertips in his hair. “No one else has ever said that to me or cared to notice. I think I wanted to be a part of that world because of Annie, to be closer to her, but I don’t belong in it. Even after everything that happened with Elijah and Darren-”
“No, you don’t.” Ben doesn’t say it cruelly or with disdain or in a way to belittle you, instead he says it with a sigh, his hand finding your hip, trailing his thumb over the curve of your pelvis. "I want better for you than this."
"You working for Butcher, working fifty jobs, coming back to this shitty apartment-"
You lock your arms around the back of his neck with a laugh. "We talked about this, I like our apartment."
Ben's entire body freezes where he's laying next to you, the thumb that was circling your pelvis coming to a halt. "You said our."
"Yes I did." You smile up at him, seeing the way his green eyes have brightened with the word. "The shitty apartment is half yours now."
"What a dream come true." Ben rolls his eyes. "At least at Vought it would have been quieter-"
"I think that Mike's screeching adds to the ambiance." You joke, loving the way his hair falls between your fingers and how Ben seems to lean into your touch before he can stop himself, that he reacts that way to you touching him just as you react to him touching him. But your smile turns sympathetic. "Poor Mike. I'm going to have to get him some noise canceling headphones-"
Ben's eyes darken to an emerald. "Let him listen, maybe he'll learn something. Plus, I did warn him my girl was kinda loud."
"Is that what I am?"
"Yes." Ben smirks. "Fucking finally."
You roll your eyes. "The way we started might have been rocky, but I like where we ended up."
“I do too, but I wish we had ended up here sooner.” His smile turns more into a smirk. Ben's hand grips your waist possessively, sliding you further across the bed towards him so he's leaning over you. “Told you it would be good. We could’ve been doing this since the day we met sweetheart.”
“Patience is a virtue.”  
“That I’ve never had.” Ben hesitates, something flashing through his eyes so quickly that you can't place it. “But you’re okay?” It comes out quiet, and you watch his gaze drop again to your body to check for injuries.
“No.” Ben’s eyes widen at your answer, before you smile and bring his face back down to yours, the words a breath upon your lips. “I’m better than okay, I’m with you.”
The look on his face breaks you, it's so honest, so unlike the usual hardened façade he wore that it made it difficult to breathe. It reminds you of the way your father looked at your mother whenever he'd get home from work, or when the two of them would sway back and forth in the kitchen to an ABBA song, and when he looked at her like she was his entire world and nothing else mattered.
You never thought that you'd want to see Ben look at you like that or that he would ever look at you that way, but now his green eyes are bright and happy, meeting yours and it made you feel so warm that you were sure you would just melt off the bed and into a puddle.
It was what you had imagined when you thought about falling in love with someone else, the past four hours had been exactly that too. It was the romance that you wanted, the one that you tried to use to block off Ben’s countless attempts to try and sleep with you.
And you couldn't have been happier.
"Are you okay?" Your smile turns more into a smirk. "No broken hip or anything? Because at your age I'd think that it's a hazard. Didn't think an old man could do any of that without serious injury."
Ben's gaze turns murderous, something dark shining in his eyes that makes your throat tighten. "You're gonna regret that Petals."
"Oh, am I?" You tangle your fingers in his dark locks, your smirk growing. It brought you joy to make him so angry, to annoy him as much as he annoys you.
"Yes." He growls into your mouth pinning you to the bed, his body caging you in against the tangled sheets and blankets. Ben's eyes are glinting darkly in the light and makes you lose all feeling in your legs. "You are."
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A little while later, Ben traces your lips softly with his thumb as you try to catch your breath. You were honestly beginning to fade in an out of sleep, and there was a pleasant ache along your limbs that made you smile with every drag of his fingertips against your skin.
“Yes Gramps?”
"Don't call me that."
"I think it's cute." You sigh. "I like how out of touch you are with everything. It's adorable."
"I'm not adorable." He huffs.
"Yes, you are Gramps."
Ben rolls his eyes, but then laughs under his breath as if he thinks it's ridiculous to try and stop you.
Good, he's learning.
“Will you say it again?” He whispers.
“Gramps?” You joke.
“No.” Ben sighs heavily and jostles your exhausted body to make you stop, but it only makes you laugh at him.
“Say what?”
“What you said before.”
“Ben, I can’t really remember where I am right now so I’m gonna need you to be a little more specific.”
“When we were at Vought.”
You press your lips together in concentration trying to understand what he means. You'd said quite a few things to him tonight, things that you'd moaned while gripping his shoulders so tight that you would have left bruises on anyone else, and you try to think of what specifically he could be talking about.
What does he mean- Oh.
“I love you.”  You say it without hesitation, without looking away from his gaze, and without regret. You didn’t hate yourself for falling in love with him and you didn’t want to deny yourself of him anymore. Not when he was holding you close with a softness that Ben had said he was anything but, not when Ben took the time to care about what you liked, and not when Ben seemed truly happy for the first time since he’d been out of Russia.
Ben leans down to kiss you, but this time it’s not rough, it’s not him in a frenzy taking what he wants, it’s gentle and turns hungry the longer his lips are against yours, his hands roaming places along your body that make you sigh and reach up grip his shoulders as an uncontrollable moan slips from your mouth.
If it was always going to be like this you were sure that you’d become insatiable, but you were never going to admit that to Ben. As if you needed to stroke his monumental ego.
Plus, you had a feeling that Ben already knew that.
“Do you believe me?” You murmur against his lips, shuffling your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, looking up at him with a gentle smile.
“Yes.” Ben whispers. “Because I know you wouldn’t lie about something like that.”
“I wouldn’t ever do that to you Ben. I want you to know that. And I wouldn't manipulate you into being something you're not-"
“I know.” He traces the soft angles of your face with his rough fingertips, sending goosebumps over your skin. “You’re nothing like her.”
He didn’t have to say Countess’s name for you to know who he’s talking about. The last thing you wanted was for Ben to believe that you were telling him you loved him to manipulate him to do something or become something he wasn’t.
“I hope not.”
“It’s what I like about you.” Ben continues. “You’re soft."
"Soft?" You raise an eyebrow trying to figure out if it was an insult.
He nods. "All the other supes I meet act like they have something to prove, but you-" Ben sighs. "You're different. You're kinder, even when you shouldn’t be.”
“Shouldn’t be?” You ask mildly confused.
“I-“ Ben hesitates as if what he’s about to say is difficult for him. “What you said that night at the fundraiser is true, I’m not this man. I’m not-“ His expression turns dark for a moment and you realize that Ben was about to say Jake’s name. Ben's jaw tightens and you can see how difficult it is for him to say what comes next. "But fuck Petals you make me want to be that man. I don't think anyone else ever has."
You could feel your eyes beginning to water with the emotion that swelled in your chest. You'd never heard Ben admit something like that, never heard him say that he wanted to be better for you.
“Ben, look at me.” You whisper cupping his cheeks to raise his gaze from your chin. “I don’t want Jake. I want you. I know what kind of man you are. I trust you-“
“But you shouldn't-“ Ben presses and it reminds you of the same thing he said to you before he took you to your bedroom.
“Why do you think that?”
“Because I’ve done terrible things. I’ve killed people, tortured others,-“
"I've killed people too-"
"Not for the same reasons. You killed them because they were going to hurt you."
You gently push his hair back from his face. “Ben?”
“Yeah?” He's frowning, eyebrows furrowed together, and you kiss away the frown on his perfect lips.
“I know you. I know about the things you’ve done. I’ve seen the darkest parts and I love you anyway. All the little pieces of who you are make you… you. You wouldn’t be the man I love if you didn’t have them."
“No buts.” You squish his cheek and Ben gives you an annoyed look that only makes you snort. He was going to need to get used to your antics if he was going to survive living with you. “Everything you’ve done, the choices you made, the things that have happened to you, shaped the man I fell in love with and brought you to me. No one is perfect Ben. Everyone is flawed, it’s what makes us human. But sometimes the flaws are the best part. So please don’t hide who you are from me, because you think you have to. You’re not going to scare me away.”
“How can you say that when I’m so different than you?”
“Because you’re forgetting all the important parts I love about you.”
“Which are?”
“Well now it kinda feels like you’re fishing for compliments Gramps.” You joke and this time the ends of Ben’s mouth quirk up in a half smile. “You protect me, you take care of me, you always listen when I’m talking and you actually remember some of the things I say, you pay attention to what I like, you try to make me laugh with your disgusting sense of humor-“
“You know you like it Petals.” Ben smirks.
“And you annoy me.”
He shakes his head with a chuckle. “Doesn’t seem to be a good thing. Annoying you.”
“It is.” You giggle. “Because no one else annoys me quite like you do.”
“You’re so fucking weird.” Ben says, but it's not hostile, he says it with love, almost as if he can't believe how lucky he is.
“I love you too Ben.” You pull his face down to yours, cupping his cheeks with your hands and feeling the beard scratch and scrape against your palms.
“You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” He murmurs, trailing his kisses down to your jaw.
“Pretty much everyone you’ve met is from another century so-“
Ben raises his head to glare at you. “You annoy me too.”
“And you see it as a good thing right?” You tap him on the nose.
“Fuck no.”
The bed shakes with your laughter, Ben is still leaning over you, his right hand pushed into the sheets next to your head, his body resting comfortably beside you. You could feel how warm he was, the weight of his body like a warm blanket, and you knew that you could get used to this. You wanted this life with Ben so badly it burned through your body like wildfire. It made your heart ache, just as it used to when you thought about having a romance like your parents, your grandparents, and Annie and Hughie. When you’d think about finding the person who seemed perfect for you in every way.
Funny, given that Ben seemed to be the opposite of you, but that was why the two of you fit so well together.  
“You never listen to me, you always argue, you always find something I’ve done to complain about-“ Ben continues.
“Are you going back to insulting me? Because it wasn't exactly fun for me earlier when you yelled at me."
“Give me a fucking minute.”
You wait.
His voice shifts to something a little gruffer almost confused. “You don’t ask me for anything.”
It was probably the last thing you thought he was going to say. If anything, you thought he was going to say that you’re always covered in dirt.
“Countess she always-“ Ben frowns. “She was always asking me for shit. Jewelry, clothes, a new car. I always got what she asked because I thought that’s what you do for someone you care about, but you always fight me whenever I try to buy something for you. I don't understand you."
"You've said that before-"
"I know, but it's true. I've never fucking understood you." He smiles when he says it.
"That's okay, you have time to figure it out."
Ben hesitates, his hand tracing your arm. "I guess you do too."
The comment is paired with another rare soft smile, the kind of smile that you wanted to make him have every day for the rest of your life, and you understood why he was smiling like that. Because Ben was allowing himself to be comforted by the idea that he wouldn’t have to worry about losing you, that he wouldn't have to be alone and that you would be with him for as long as he was alive.
Something inside ripped open and you felt your eyes begin to water with the weight of his words, because Ben was saying that he wanted to be with you as long as you wanted to be with him.
"Yeah." You breathe. "I guess I do."
You contemplate for a minute what he said about Countess asking him for things. "Honestly, I do like gifts, but I like gifts that mean something." You sit up, gently pushing him off you, so you can gesture to the bookshelf standing proudly on the other side of your bedroom, the one that Ben bought you at IKEA. "Like the bookshelf."
"I bought you a diamond necklace and you liked the bookshelf more?" Ben sighs incredulous.
"Yeah." You laugh. "I've needed a bookshelf for ages, but I never was able to afford one. Do you have any idea how long I've had piles of books? Years. And-" You shrug your shoulders, gently taking Ben's hand in yours, rubbing your thumb over the hardened ridges and rough patches. You couldn't go long without touching him, you were realizing that about yourself and now that you were finally allowing yourself to touch him you weren’t sure when you would be able to stop. "I've also always thought that spending time with someone else is more special than big extravagant gifts."
You nod.
"Because I think there's something wonderful about just existing with someone, of inhabiting the same space and doing nothing at all. Of sinking into someone and just being there." You could feel your cheeks flushing. "When we watch a movie or when we sit and read together or when you walk with me to the plant shop, I like things like that. Spending time together without expectations or a sense of urgency. Taking the time out of your day to be with someone else. And it doesn't have to be sex either-"
"Are you saying that you didn't like the sex?" Ben raises an eyebrow. "Because you certainly sounded like you-"
"No! I-" Your cheeks flush. "I liked the sex."
"Thought so." Ben smirks.
"You're insufferable." You roll your eyes at him, considering what to say next. "I know that it's a little different than the girls you've met in the past, and I know that it might seem a little strange, but you didn't have to take me to Vought to impress me or win my love or something."
Ben looks confused.
"I mean, if you'd shown up on my grandmother's doorstep with a giant box of greasy Chinese food, a cheap bottle of wine, and a small bouquet of flowers I would have been equally happy."
"Mhmm." You continue to trace your fingers over the palm of Ben's hand, loving the way it feels in yours.  "You've got some big hands there mister."
"There isn't anything small about me Sweetheart, you know that. Got to see firsthand" Ben teases sitting up and leaning towards you with a smirk that makes you roll your eyes. He takes your free hand in his left brushing his thumb over the palm. "Yours are kinda small."
"Sorry sasquatch, we can't all have meat hooks."
"I like it." He murmurs.
"That you've got meat hooks for hands?"
"No, I like how small your hands are." He smiles crookedly at you in a way that makes your breath catch.
"Just take the compliment Petals."
"Well, no one has ever complimented my hands before so…"
"I'm sure that I can give a compliment to every part of your sexy body.”
"If you're about to start talking about my ass again, Ben I swear I'm going to lock you in a tree."
“Songs should be written about it. I’m just stating the obvious.”
You shake your head at him and continue to stroke your thumb over his palm while Ben does the same thing. He was being surprisingly gentle, holding your hand as if it was a fragile bird that could fly away at any moment.
“Why do you like my hands?”
Ben is quiet for a moment. “I don't know I kind of like how delicate they are, and I like how you always seem to have some dirt on them-“ Ben smooths his thumb over your palm. “I like how small they look in mine.” He mutters more to himself than to you.
“Ben?” You whisper.
He glances up, an ashamed look on his face. “Yeah?”
“I like how they look in yours too.”
You nod before you look back down at his hands with red cheeks. “I like how big yours are because they feel solid, strong, but also just a little bit gentle.” You could feel yourself blushing all over again. “When we first met, I didn’t think you could be, but you are.”
Ben scoffs.
“Stop.” You look up at him. “You don’t have to pretend right now, it’s just you and me.” You whisper, squeezing his hand encouragingly. "I know that you think that you have to be this tough, no feelings, jerk or playboy or toxic masculinity poster boy, but you don’t. Not around me. I love you and you opening up to me more is not going to make me stop or think less of you. You can tell me how you feel without me judging you."
The look in Ben’s eyes softens for a moment.
“I like the way you are when you’re around me.” You continue in a whisper. “You always seem softer and a bit happier.”
Ben doesn’t answer immediately, instead he continues to let you stroke along his hands. “I-um-I” He clears his throat. “I like who I am around you too.”
Your cheeks warm with his confession.
Ben clears his throat still looking down at your hand watching the gentle movement of your thumb against his skin. "Look, I-" He pauses. "I wasn't just trying to impress you."
"At Vought."
"Then why-"
"I don't want you to worry about any of this shit anymore."
"What shit?"
"Paying rent, buying groceries that aren't name brand, walking because you can't afford a car-" Ben sighs. "Fuck, the day we went to IKEA, and you looked at the price of that couch, I hated how you looked and-"
"Ben it's okay. I budget things and it works out. I'm used to it-"
"But I'm not. It's not okay." His hand tightens in yours. "And I don't want you to worry about any of it."
"No 'buts' Petals. "
"I don't want you to pay for everything all the time!" You shout.
"Why not?"
"Because it's your money-"
"Not anymore. You're my girl and that means you're not going to worry about any of it as long as I'm here."
"Do you think you're going to stay a long time?" You say it hesitantly, the part of you deep down that worried Ben couldn't be in an exclusive relationship rearing its ugly head all over again.
"As long as you want me here." The determination in Ben's eyes makes your heart stutter a beat, but there was just a little bit of something behind his gaze, something that looked like vulnerability, but it vanishes in the heat of his gaze.
"I'm pretty sure that I'm always going to want you here. It's too quiet without you."
“Then I’ll stay.”
Ben pushes you back against the bed, fitting his body over yours like a warm weighted blanket designed especially for you, kissing you with so much enthusiasm you're not sure that you remember how to breathe. You didn't understand how it could be like this, how you could feel this way about him especially after he annoyed you so much.
But just as he reaches down to grab your thighs to pull them up around his hips, your stomach growls loud enough to wake the dead.
Oh, holy fuck that is so embarrassing.
Ben hesitates and looks at you, your cheeks burning a bright red. "When was the last time you ate?"
"Um-" You clear your throat. "I mean I drank some of my latte earlier but-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I should have known." Ben sighs and extracts himself from the embrace of your thighs, getting up from the bed, and muttering something under his breath that you can't understand. “You always do this.”
"Wait, where are you going?" You ask him as you sit up.
"I'm going to find my fucking phone and order a pizza." He says, running his hand through his hair almost a little angry.
“It’s okay you don’t have to do that-“
“Yes, I do. I mean, fuck Petals, why don’t you ever remember to eat?” Ben grouses.
“Because I have a lot on my mind! A few things happened today, and I was upset because you weren't in the apartment when I got home and-"
Ben leans across the bed to kiss you, securing his large hand at the back of your head. "I'm sorry that you were upset. I swear that I'm going to make it up to you."
"Ben I’m pretty sure that you’ve spent the last four hours making it up to me-“
"Not long enough." He winks in a way that makes your throat tighten. "But let me find my phone.”
"Okay." You reach for his shirt on the floor prepared to help him find it, but Ben's hand comes down to your wrist to stop you. “Let me help.”
"Don't bother getting dressed Petals. This’ll only take a minute." He says with a wide smirk. "And I'm not done with you yet."
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You're not sure how you ended up on the couch naked and eating pizza, but somehow that's exactly what happens. When the pizza guy had been buzzed up, Ben had answered the door only wearing a pair of his boxers, his chest still sweaty and his hair tugged in two different directions, but Ben couldn't have cared less.
Honestly, you'd had to stop him from answering the door naked. The guy had no sense of shame, but you figured that someone who had founded Herogasm and spent at least seventy five percent of his week bed-hopping, had probably lost his sense of shame years ago.
Bean and Rex were now sharing the dog bed in the corner, a surprising turn of events, but you hoped that it meant the two of them had sorted out whatever sibling problems they were having.
Ben's arm was thrown over your shoulders, pulling you further into him while you ate a slice of pizza with your head leaning against his arm.
I could get used to this.
You exhale a happy sigh and cuddle further into him. Ben wasn't a cuddler, but he was allowing you to cuddle against his arm. But he seemed to be enjoying himself, eating his own slice while taking sips of a glass of whiskey that he was sharing with you.
Sharing was a relative turn because the one time he gave you a sip, you'd sputtered it all out and almost coughed up a lung while Ben patted you on the back as hard as he dared, laughing all the while at you.
And predictably when Ben and you were done, he pulled you onto his lap, and the only thing you could think of was how wonderful you felt. Being with Ben made you feel vibrant and alive in the best way. He made you feel beautiful and made you feel as if Ben understood you more than anyone else ever had. That he saw through what everyone else called weird or unusual and loved you anyway. It was all you wanted for so long, a man who saw every part of you that others sneered at and fell head over heels.
Ben deepens the kiss, groaning into your mouth as his hands tighten on your hips hard enough to leave bruises, but you don't care. Everything about him felt right, the scruff of his beard scratching against your flushed cheeks, the smell of his shampoo (really yours) floating through the air with every breath you took of him, the soft pillow of his lips urgent as if he wanted to drink you in breath by breath and never come up for air, the rough trail of his calloused hands over your soft skin, and the hardness of his body molding around yours in the best way as you sat on top of him. You didn't feel self-conscious or uncomfortable, you couldn't, not when each time Ben touched you with a reverence as if wanted to savor you, to run his hands over every inch and discover new places that no one had ever been, and make you feel things that no one ever has or ever will.
You're so absorbed in Ben that you don't hear the jingle of keys in the lock of your front door, but you do hear the startled scream.
"What the fuck!" Annie screams as she enters the living room.
"Holy shit! Annie what the fuck are you doing here!?" You screech, diving off Ben and ripping the crocheted blanket off the back of the couch to cover yourself.
Annie had seen you naked before, what she hadn't seen was Ben naked or Ben and you having sex.
Oh, will the nightmare never end?
"I was just coming to find you! I was worried!" She shouts, her hand covering her eyes, but it was too late. You knew that she'd seen everything. And you mean EVERYTHING.
Well, it can't get any worse.
"Hey Annie did you find her and- OH HOLY FUCK!" Hughie exclaims as he enters the apartment behind Annie and immediately slaps his hand over his eyes so loud you can hear the sharp slap of his hand against his face. "I didn’t see anything!"
"Can someone shut the door before Mike comes in here and 'doesn't see anything either!'" You snap, clutching the crocheted blanket tighter against your chest. It was doing little to cover you, due to the wide spaces in between the granny squares, but it was the only thing big enough to cover all of you.
Because that's exactly what this situation needed, my neighbor coming in and getting everything on his Christmas list when he sees me naked on my couch.
"Why try to hide it baby?" Ben shrugs, leaning back against the couch not bothering to cover himself. "I want everyone to see what they can't have." He winks.
You smack him in the face with one of the couch pillows before shoving it into his lap. "You're not helping Ben." You wave a hand and a vine hanging on the back of your door shuts it with a slam.
"What?" Ben leans towards you with a salacious grin. "My girl is fucking gorgeous, should be the star of every wet dream-"
"Ben, I swear I will tie you up and-"
"But we already did that Petals." He grins. "I wouldn't mind doing it again-"
The wave of heat that travels through your body has nothing to do with embarrassment.
"Please do not finish that sentence." Annie interrupts, her hand still covering her eyes. "I'm already scarred for life."
"Join the club." Hughie mutters.
"You wouldn't have been scarred for life if you had just fucking knocked!" You shout at your friend. "Why are you here?"
"I was worried when you ran to the elevators and Ashley finally let me leave that ridiculous party! I tried to call you and you didn't answer, I went up to Ben's apartment and you weren't there, I called your grandmother and she said that she hadn't heard from you, so I figured you were here!"
"You called Di?" Ben asks.
"I was desperate!" Annie sighs. "I wanted to make sure she was okay-"
"Uh-huh well, you can see that she's fine and we were in the middle of something. Unless the two of you want to get another eyeful of my girl's perfect ass, you should clear out-"
"Ben!" You smack him on the shoulder.
"Absolutely, Annie let's go-" Hughie begins to say stepping backward with his hand over his eyes. He gropes through the air blindly trying to find her, but he comes up empty.
"Wait!" Annie removes her hand from her face, giving Ben a once over and not bothering to hide what she was doing.
"What do you have to wait for?" Hughie asks still reaching out for Annie with his eyes closed.
"Annie for fucks sake-" You groan, but Ben seemed to like all the attention.
She gives you a thumbs up. "I want details tomorrow."
It was more of a high five moment and you both knew it, but you weren't going to give her the satisfaction.
"ANNIE!" You huff face blushing an even brighter red. By now you were sure that you were as red as the strawberries that were hanging on the plant on your kitchen table.
"Bye babe!" Annie says cheerfully, pulling Hughie out the door behind her and slamming it.
"I'm going to kill her." You mutter under your breath, but Ben laughs.
"You're going to talk me up right baby?" Ben purrs wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you into him again. His lips fall to your ear, biting your earlobe before he murmurs. "Tell her all about how good I was?"
"Keep talking and I'm going to tell her that I had to fake it for four hours." You threaten.
It was an empty threat, like hell you were ever going to forget what Ben had done to you. And of course, you were going to tell Annie everything tomorrow over coffee or maybe over wine.
Definitely wine. I’m going to need to get a little bit drunk to cope with the thought that Hughie just saw me naked.
"Aww don't be like that Petals. We both know that you didn't fake anything."
“That you know.”
Ben’s gaze turns dark. “Oh really?” His grip on your waist tightens and he starts to pull the crocheted blanket away from your chest.
“Wait.” You say before you get distracted.
“What?” Ben pulls back. "What's wrong?"
"Annie called my grandmother, which means that she may have tried to call me." You look around the room for where your phone could be. It's between the couch cushions behind you and when you look at the screen you see that your grandmother had tried to call you twice, just as you suspected.
"She called me. She must be so worried." You push the call button.
Your grandmother answers on the first ring. "Hello?"
"Hey Gran, I'm sorry I didn't pick up. I was-"
"You don't have to explain. I know that you must have been preoccupied." The way she says preoccupied makes your entire body flush bright red.
Oh, sweet baby peony, please tell me that my grandmother didn't watch Ben and me having sex.
"Please tell me that you didn't-" You begin to croak.
"I didn't mean to." She breezes, and she doesn't sound ashamed. "But then Annie called, and I was worried about where you were so I looked ahead a bit and-“
"Oh, for the love of lemon cream pie." You groan, curling up into a ball because that seems the right thing to do after you've found out that your grandmother had a front row seat to see what Ben and you over the past four hours.
The couch shakes beneath you, and you realize that Ben is laughing. You raise your head to glare at him.
"Looks like the cats out of the bag Petals." He croons.
"I will kill you." You narrow your eyes at him.
"Sweet Pea, I was alive when Ben went to yearly herogasms, there really isn't anything I haven't seen." You hear your grandmother say.
"That doesn't matter." You groan, pulling the crochet blanket over your head in shame. "This is mortifying."
"Petals it's okay." Ben rubs your back, but it's not helping. "I did some of my best work, and you really did some-“
"Please do not finish that sentence."
"Honey, I didn't see too much." Your grandmother soothes. "But I am happy you called, because I want to speak to Ben for a moment."
You hold up the phone from underneath the crocheted blanket, remaining inside your cocoon of shame.
I'm never going to be able to look her in the eyes every again. Holy fuck why me? Why me!? I’d rather Mike walk in here while Ben and I were fooling around on the couch.
"Di, what's wrong?" You hear Ben say into the phone, but you don’t come out of your cave.
"What's wrong?" Your grandmother asks calmly. "Oh, let me think for a second… You're a complete MOTHER FUCKING IDIOT!" Your grandmother shouts it so loudly that you could hear it vibrating through the room.
You peel back the crocheted blanket on your head to look up at Ben who seems just as surprised at your grandmother's insult.
"Wait a minute, what did I-"
"No! No talking!" She shouts. "I couldn't have been any clearer, could I? Maybe if I'd hit you over the head with a frying pan it would have cleaned out your ears! Or given your brain a good shake."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"What am I talking about?! I told you what you needed to do. I told you that you needed to come here and what did you fucking do? You broke my granddaughter's heart and went right back to Stan Fucking Edgar!"
Ben's eyes shift to yours and you swear you can see a flicker of regret spark behind his gaze. It makes you reach out and take his free hand, squeezing it to ground him here with you. You knew that Ben felt bad about leaving you like that, you heard it in his voice when he talked to you back at Vought, had seen the regret in his eyes when he told you that he ‘should have been there.’
"That's not-" Ben says half-heartedly, his gaze still on you.
"No! It's exactly what happened."
"Stop anticipating what I'm going to fucking say!" Ben snaps.
"And you stop interrupting me!" Your grandmother shouts back.
"Benjamin, you better not fuck this up, because if you do, I will fuck you up." The threat hangs heavy in the air. "Now put my granddaughter back on the phone."
Ben huffs something under his breath and hands you back the phone, fuming. You give his hand another apologetic squeeze.
It was embarrassing enough that your grandmother had seen Ben and you having sex, but now you were mortified that she had yelled at him. You understood that they were friends, but Ben was still your boyfriend.
"Gran you shouldn't talk to him like that." You say into the phone, leaning into Ben's bare shoulder to show him that you weren’t angry with him. "He's apologized and it's okay-"
"It most certainly is not okay." Your grandmother says. "And somebody's got to talk to him like that, so it might as well be me."
"But Gran-"
"No buts sweet pea." She interrupts. "Now I know the two of you are busy today, but I would like you to come out here next week."
"Next week?"
"Yes. It's the annual town fall festival and I've got about a million things to bake, and I could really use the help." Your grandmother states. "Plus, Annie's mother is driving me up the wall about it and it would be nice to have someone here to make sure that I don't kill her."
"Oh okay." You frown and the thought of leaving Ben. The two of you had just finally worked it all out and now you were going to have to go back to Illinois. But you couldn't leave your grandmother high and dry. She needed you there and you loved your grandmother. "Well, I guess Ben can take care of Bean and Rex-
"I want to go." Ben interrupts you.
"Really?" You look at him surprised. "It's not something that you'd-"
"I want to go." He says firmly and this time it's Ben that squeezes your hand.
It made you smile, because you could see that Ben wanted to spend time with you even at something that he'd probably hate every second of.
Fuck, I love him so much.
"Okay. We'll be there." You reply to your grandmother, but you don't look away from Ben.
He's got that soft smile on his face, the one that you want to make him have every second for the rest of your life. You were sure that the same smile was mirrored on your own.
"Perfect. Now get back to doing whatever it was that you were doing, and don't forget to call me when you figure out what day you're going to start driving over."
"Drive? Wouldn't we fly?"
"Nope. For some reason you convince Ben that a road trip will be fun." She says knowingly and you realize that she's seen the future again. “Something about experiencing America in the 21st century.” You can imagine her waving her hand around as if she can’t quite understand.
"That's going to take some getting used to." You groan and wonder how much she had seen of your life. "Gran?"
"Yes, sweet pea?"
"Thank you. For everything."
"You're welcome." You could hear the smile in your grandmother's voice.
She didn’t need you to explain what you meant, she knew that you were talking about last week when she comforted you and tried her darndest to tell you that Ben and you were meant to be together. She had always been so patient with you, and you knew that she loved you just as you loved her. Going home was never a chore or something you dreaded. It was something that filled you with warmth, something that made you feel like you belonged, and the home was filled with the love your grandmother infused through the air with her thoughtful actions and kind words.
"I love you." You smile.
"I love you too sweetie. I'll see you next week."
You sit there in the silence for a moment, lowering the phone from your ear, before you look up at Ben.
"You okay Petals?" Ben drags the crocheted blanket away from your body, before he pulls you onto his lap.
"Yeah. I am." You smile, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to secure him against you. "Can you promise me something?"
 "Anything." His hands settle comfortably on your hips, but Ben doesn’t look away from your face.
"That you won’t leave like that again." This time you reach down and pull his right hand up to your chest, directly over your heart so he can feel the gentle beat through his skin.
"Go all radio silent and take all your stuff and just vanish into thin air." You clarify. "I didn't like that. It scared me and I-"
Ben's other hand cups your cheek, pulling your face to his before you can finish your sentence. You can feel how sorry he is, how much he wants to make it up to you. You know deep down that Ben didn’t mean to do that to you, that he only did it because he was trying to push you away, but that didn't make it any less okay.
"I promise." He says into your mouth before nipping at your sore bottom lip and easing the pain with a sweep of his tongue against the soft flesh. "I won't leave like that again."
"Good." But instead of kissing him again, this time you press your forehead into his shoulder with a soft sigh, cuddling into him.
"Tired?" Ben's hand begins to circle at the base of your spine.
"Mhmm. You wore me out old man."
"I thought you were faking it."
"I wasn't faking all of it." You press a kiss into the shadow of his jaw, holding on to him. You wondered if Ben was okay with how clingy you were but given his hand placement you didn't think that it bothered him.
"Thought so." Ben chuckles. "Petals?"
"Hmm?" You hum into his skin, tightening your arms around his neck. He was wonderful and warm in the best way, like the perfect heating pad. Not to mention the way his muscles tensed around your body made goosebumps flicker over your arms. You could feel a wave of happiness and contentment crashing over your head, the longer you cuddled into him.
"Will you promise me something?" He mutters into the top of your head.
"Of course."
He’s quiet for a few moments. "That you won't leave either." Ben whispers it so quietly that you're not sure that you heard him correctly.
You pull back just a few inches to look him in the eye. He looks a little ashamed, and you can practically see the internal self-deprecating monologue inside his head, his face scrunching up in disgust. He opens his mouth, probably to take it back-
Your lips meet his, gentle, unyielding, pouring every emotion you have into it, your hands finding the strands of hair at the nape of his neck to hold him closer to you. You wanted Ben to understand that you would never judge him for that, that he could be vulnerable around you without consequence. And you wanted him to believe how much you loved him and how much he meant to you.
Ben moans into your mouth, pulling you tighter against his chest, your body molding against his in the best way, in the way that Ben only could. His hands were everywhere, trailing warmth in their wake, making the tiredness that you had felt minutes ago fade as you began to burn beneath his calloused palms.
He tasted good, he smelled good, and he felt so damn good that it made you feel like you were catching fire one cell at a time, burning until there was nothing left but stardust.
"I promise Ben." You whisper against his mouth before he swallows the words whole. "I promise that I'll never leave as long as you want me here."
He hesitates, hands stilling on your hips. An odd look crosses his face.
"Ben? What's wrong?" You cup his cheeks, worried about him.
"I-" He swallows, but looks frustrated with himself.
"It's okay." You whisper, brushing your lips against his, understanding exactly what it is that he's trying to say. "You don’t have to say it. I know. I love you too.”
And you did know. You knew that it was difficult for him to admit something like that, but you didn’t care. You knew that Ben loved you as much as you loved him, and that was enough for you.
You settle back down against his chest, holding him close to you.
“Come on Petals, let’s go to bed.” He murmurs into the top of your head.
“Can we just sit here for a few minutes?” You whisper into his throat, nuzzling into his warmth.
Ben’s hand gently trails along your back, holding you steadily on top of him. “Yeah. We can do that.”
And you wondered if Ben liked this as much as you did, if there was a piece of Ben that longed for the quiet moments you loved so much, and the quiet moments when it was just the two of you and no one else.
You feel him press a kiss to your hairline, and it’s enough to send you off into the sweet relief of sleep, swallowed and enveloped in Ben’s warm embrace.
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A/N: Just a lovely bit of fluff and a little spice 😉. I really needed to just write a soft Ben and a reader enjoying their time together. 😊 There will be one more chapter that is a little bit of a time jump, but I think it will wrap up the series wonderfully! But don't worry, it won't be the last time I write for this reader and Ben. I have a mini-series planned and a few one-shots planned!
As always thank you so much for reading! Reblogs, Likes, and Comments are not required but are always appreciated. I love hearing what y'all think! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series let me know!
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colonelarr0w · 10 months ago
Can I request a fic where someone else confesses to reader infront of Megumi? How would he react thank you!
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Sypnosis - A student from Kyoto is a little too bold ... but who is Megumi to say anything without accidentally revealing that he likes you?
Warning(s) - None.
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God … he hated Valentine's Day.  
But not for the cynical reasons that everyone else seemed to despise Valentine's Day for – no, his loathing for the holiday stemmed mostly from his frustration with himself.  
His frustration over not being able to say something … anything … to you. Every time that he thought about it, about confessing to you or saying anything to you about his feelings, it felt like someone had lodged something in his throat. It felt like someone had stolen his ability to speak, locking it away in a tiny metal cage and swallowing the key for its lock. 
And it wasn't like Yuuji or Nobara made the situation any better. If anything, they only added fuel to the flame – constantly teasing the poor boy any time that you were in his vicinity. Megumi would have to bite back his growing scowl whenever you approached; knowing that Yuuji and Nobara would smirk at one another and embarrass him in one way or another.  
Thank God that you never really noticed … unless you did. Maybe you were just being nice in order to not add to an already bad enough situation (you genuinely had no idea what was going on, Megumi would later find out).  
"C'mon Fushiguro, get her something nice and tell her!" Yuuji had told him first thing that morning, leaning against the open doorframe of his dormitory and smiling widely. Megumi bit back his urge to roll his eyes.  
"Here, I'll give you everything. All you need to do is speak, yeah?" Nobara had said when he and Yuuji joined her in the school's courtyard. Again, Megumi had bitten back the urge to roll his eyes towards his skull.  
It wasn't that he didn't want to tell you, it was just that he had absolutely no idea of how he would be able to stomach your rejection when it inevitably hit him.  
"Fushiguro! There you are!"  
His head turns at the sound of your voice, the scowl on his face fading almost immediately upon seeing you make your way over to him. You lift your hand in a friendly wave, one that he doesn't hesitate to return.  
Yuuji and Nobara exchange knowing looks as you wave to them as well, eyebrows momentarily furrowing together at the snicker that Yuuji hides behind his hand. Even Nobara's smile seems forced, but once again, you don't draw any attention to it.  
"Hey (Y/N)," Megumi says with a polite bow of his head, feeling his chest swell at the smile that you flash in his direction. "Gojo didn't send you on a mission today?" 
"Nope! I think he was more heartbroken at the fact that Nanami didn't get him any flowers for Valentine's Day," you reply with a dismissive wave of your hand. Yuuji laughs heartily at that, but his laughter is quieted immediately by Nobara smacking her palm against his mouth.  
Your eyes flicker to watch as Nobara smiles at you, her eyes closing as she slowly begins to drag the pink-haired boy back into the school. 
That leaves you and Megumi alone.  
"Oh, I wanted to ask you--" 
You lift your head at someone calling out your name, smiling as a visiting second-year from the Kyoto school walks over, his hands closed around a comically large bouquet of vibrant red roses. He smiles at you once he's standing in front of you, not noticing the confused look on your face … or the deepened scowl that had settled over Megumi's features.  
"Oh … hello," you say, mustering the politest smile that you could without looking as though you wanted to shove the Kyoto student away. He returns your smile, then shifting the bouquet of flowers forward, silently urging you to take them.  
Megumi can feel his heart sink to the depths of his stomach as you take the roses, holding them against your chest to ensure that none of them would fall. You nod your head at the Kyoto student, already feeling an uncomfortable sensation beginning to bubble in your stomach.  
"Here, this is for you as well!" Suddenly, a white envelope with a bright red heart scrawled into it is shoved into your free hand. The Kyoto student only smiles wider, watching you through glistening eyes as you chuckle – a chuckle that Megumi immediately pegs as you being uncomfortable.  
"Thank you, you're too kind," you reply, still chuckling even as you shift to stow the unopened letter into the pocket of your uniform. The Kyoto student opens his mouth to speak, but his words die on the tip of his tongue at the glare that Megumi shoots in his direction.  
"N-no problem," the Kyoto student mumbles out, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck as his gaze flickers between an uncomfortable you and an irate Megumi – whose glare looks as though it could light blazing fires.  
And without uttering another word to you, the Kyoto student scurries away. 
You turn to Megumi, finally noticing the frown that had settled on his face. "Fushiguro? Everything okay?" 
He shakes his head, bringing himself back to reality as he turns his head to catch your awaiting gaze. His eyes dart between you and the flowers that you hold, though he doesn't dare to say anything regarding the roses that are borderline falling from your arms.  
"Fine," he answers coldly, lifting his arms to cross them over his chest. You furrow your eyebrows for a moment, then a knowing smile curls the corners of your mouth upward.  
"You know, I was hoping to get flowers from someone else today," you say with a little shrug of your shoulders, already bending to place down the bouquet of roses. Megumi's eyebrow perks, eyes following you as you fold your hands behind your back and cheekily smile at him.  
Megumi's frown only seems to deepen at your words, the letter he had written for you suddenly feeling as heavy as stones where it sat in his jacket pocket. 
"Yeah? Who?" Megumi dares to ask, feeling his anger double at the sight of your smile widening.  
You giggle, already reaching into your pocket for something – removing a small black box with the letter 'M' engraved into its thick fabric. He stills, staring down at it, puzzled.  
Hesitantly, Megumi reaches out, taking the box from you and opening it. Inside is a silver ring, and turning it over reveals a little message engraved into the silver.  
Megumi <3 
His cheeks immediately flush a bright shade of red, the tips of his ears burning as his gaze returns to you. Your lips are turned upward in a smile, this one soft and gentle – the one that crinkles the corners of your eyes and makes your smile lines stand out.  
"Do you like it?" Megumi flushes again at the sound of your breathy chuckle. It was cute to you, how he was admiring the ring while simultaneously trying to catch your gaze.  
His fingers snap the box shut, arms lifting to wrap themselves around you. You let out a shocked yelp as you're tugged against Megumi's chest, his face hiding itself into your hair as he squeezes at you with a strength you had no idea he possessed.  
You chuckle after a moment, finally lifting your arms to return his embrace. He relaxes upon feeling you around him, closing his eyes and simply savoring the feeling of you.  
"I like you too, by the way," you whisper into his ear, smiling as he pulls back just enough to glance at you. His face reddens impossibly further, but he finds himself smiling nonetheless.  
Maybe Valentine's Day wasn't that bad after all.  
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ragnarockz · 29 days ago
Dont know if this has been done or suggested yet buuuuuuuuuuuut, Vidal has the day off and makes Agnes wear a remote controlled toy while she's at work 👀
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Agnes wasn't sure at first, didn't come around to the idea with ease. Vidal had bought her a new toy for the two of them for Valentine's Day. It was a little green vibrator that looked egg-shape. Agnes thanked Vidal for it but the agent could tell Agnes was put off slightly.
"Oh, it's a vibrator but..."
She fished around in the box a little more, finding the user manual,
"Remote controlled so...I can use it on you whenever, wherever..."
Agnes smiled tentatively, thanking Vidal again for the gift with a kiss on the cheek. Vidal pursed her lips at the gesture; this was going to be a challenge for sure.
It wasn't that Agnes hated the gift or thought it to be thoughtless, heartless but... maybe she just wished it was a toy they could use physically together and not while Vidal was somewhere she wasn't. She wanted her pleasure to come directly from Vidal's company, not so much from a piece of silicone.
"Hey, I know you're pissed I gotta go in today and you don't but hey, we still have dinner tonight, right? I can't wait to see what you're going to cook up for me for dinner,"
Vidal cooed against Agnes' mouth as she went in for a solid, romantic kiss. Agnes melted a little, pushing the gift out of her mind as she had to start planning for their date night in. She always had something planned for Valentine's Day dinner; the two of them always spending it at home so they could just be with one another and not another living soul.
Agnes gave Vidal a playful squeeze of her butt before she took off for work, closing the door behind her. Agnes stood there in the empty house, her mind racing through all the things she had to get done before Vidal got back home. Before she even turned back around to head for the kitchen, her phone pinged with a new message.
[Text]: You should wear the gift I got you...it'll help for tonight ;)
Agnes swallowed as she shoved her phone back into her pocket, staring at the box she had left abandoned. Maybe Vidal was right, maybe she did have to be appreciative of this gift. Hell, she thought, who knows, maybe this will be another huge turn-on for us.
Snatching up the box, she quickly glanced at the user manual to make sure she was setting it all up right. All she had to do was press down on a ridged circle to turn it on on her side and the rest was up to Vidal. That sudden thought made Agnes bite her lip, the anticipation creeping up inside of her. She stared at the toy in her palm, knowing that it was a symbol now of control and Vidal was the one in charge.
Without much of a second thought, she shoved her hand clutching the toy in past her pants, easily inserting it inside of herself. It felt like everything else they used that she was used to; the silicone filling her up.
She made her way back to the kitchen; opening the fridge to see what she could prep for tonight. She always prided herself on cooking their Valentine's Day dinner. Dessert she always picked up from somewhere, someone. Usually Dottie gave in and baked her a cake, pistachio cheesecake mostly, only because it was Vidal's favorite. As she went to reach for the cream to see if it was still good, she felt a sudden vibration inside of her. It was just one long steady sensation. Her fingers recoiled as she steadied herself against the fridge, eyes slamming shut and knees drawing in together.
Then she heard her phone ping in her pocket again. Swearing under her breath she took it out.
[Text]: How's that, Daddy? Does that feel good? ;)
"Fuck, Vidal..."
She whispered through her teeth, shoving her phone back. She tried to hold off, really try to focus on anything but the vibrator but this was already torture; this was already bad. It was already working.
She was about to shove her hand down her pants and yank it out when suddenly the vibrations stopped. Stopping elicited a loud moan from Agnes as she sudden rush of heat and wetness pooled inside of her, against her thighs.
How the fuck was she supposed to get anything prepped this way?
Slamming the fridge door, her phone came back out and she shot a text back to Vidal
[Text]: You expect me to plan dinner tonight while you're doing this?!
[Text]: Oh. So you liked it?
Agnes' face and neck and ears went hot. Was she embarrassed? Did she find it oddly satisfying that something she was so opposed to was actually turning her on? Maybe she just had a hard time admitting she was wrong or, maybe it was still leftover guilt of actually feeling good from things that were considered 'wrong'. Either way, Agnes replied back.
[Text]: Bet you I can prep AND make dinner tonight while you use me. You game?
[Text]: >:)
Vidal walked in through the front door after her day, tossing her bag onto the bench before kicking off her shoes.
"Hey! Keep those on, Vidal!"
She heard Agnes shout from the living room. Biting her lip before smiling, she slipped her heels back on and made her way to the living room. Agnes was spread out on the couch, ponytail messier than usual, pants completely off.
"Looks like you had a...busy...day..."
Vidal acknowledged before biting back a laugh. She watched as Agnes rolled her eyes playfully before dragging her gaze down Vidal's body. They lingered on the heels for maybe a second too long before Vidal cleared her throat.
"So, dinner?"
It was Agnes' turn to clear her throat, rolling her hips to push herself up to a seated position.
"Yeah about that...we're gonna have to order in tonight, Babe, I'm sorry..."
The genuine apology in Agnes' voice made Vidal laugh out loud which made Agnes relax, laughing along with her.
"Little toy did a number on you, huh?"
"Something like that...oh, but...Dottie did bring the cake which, I had to yell through the door for her to leave it on the doorstep because you know, your timing with this thing is impeccable."
Vidal laughed again as she reached her hand out for Agnes to take so she could help her up; pull her into a kiss.
"We should see how long you last throughout dinner...what do you think?"
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pbandjesse · 1 year ago
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I'm having kind of a hard time right now. I'm coughing again after not coughing all day and I'm really upset. I just want to sleep. I could barely sleep last night and it was horrible. I felt like I was choking but it wasn't just once or twice it was almost bear constant. I tried the lidocaine multiple times and it was just making me feel worse and worse. It was t even numbing anymore. I tried to have a rice krispie and a mouthful of yogurt and that seemed to help a little. But it was not a good night.
I'm actually shocked how good I felt this morning though. Even after barely sleeping I was doing really good and I would actually continue to feel good for most of the morning.
James has made me a little sandwich for breakfast and packed me a hotdog for lunch. Which didn't end up being enough food but it was fine. We would leave together and things were good.
It is going to be interesting getting used to my new commute. It's really hard different in the begining. 4 extra miles give or take. But I left 10 minutes later then I really should have and got stuck in traffic from a one car accident. Ah well. No one was waiting for me at camp and I would still beat everyone else.
I spent the first part of the hour printing my guides for my workshop tomorrow. And working on my daily drawing. Elizabeth surprised me by coming in early but she was planning on leaving early. Alexi would also leave early today. And Heather. Everyone would have plans today.
It was not a bad day. I felt great. I went up to the arts building and collected some materials for tomorrow and some other things I had been holding there that I need. Mainly jewelery tools and my wagon.
Sarah was making this origami things and asked me to bring her some paper. So I brought down a nice new pack of construction paper so she could go crazy.
I would get to work on some research for grants we could apply to. Which ended up being a lot more different then I expected. Sarah was having better luck getting more specific ones. But I would find a few as well and it was mostly just nice having something to do.
While I was having lunch Joe came in and he wanted to hear about my trip but also why I was gone the last couple days. Got to tell him about how scary being sick was. It was very kind of him to ask.
I would work on a housewarming registry for a bit. And look into some valentine's day things. And I went for a walk.
It was beautiful out but I was starting to cough again. I was still okay for another couple hours but I was starting to lose it again. And that was really upsetting.
Alexi was very concerned with my cough. But my rhumatologist called me and she said that she was worried about me when she got my email, I really appreciated her reaching out, but she mostly just reassured me that the cough would be the longest part but that it sounded like I was doing better. So I was able to reassure Alexi, but also be realistic that if I need to go it was okay.
I would stay til 330 though. After I lost motivation for looking at grants. And didn't have anything else to research. And was just looking at little stained glass ornaments on eBay and decided I could spend my time better running my errands.
So that is what I did. I said goodbye to Sarah and Elizabeth, Alexi had already left and Heather had gone to pick up Sophie. And I was off.
I went to Michael's first and got the last paints I needed. They were on sale to do that was nice. And then drove down the road to go to the Amish market but it was wildly packed. So I just got my soap and headed out. Didn't even get a pretzel the line was so long!
Honestly though I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it because my sense of taste has been weird all day. I think I had overdone it with the lidocaine last night. Everything was off and overly salty. The pretzel probably just wouldn't have been nice.
I continued down the street and went to target. Which was also to busy. Couldn't even get a basket. But I got everything in my list. Stayed pretty close to the list. Even had a coupon that made it so the two things I got that weren't on my list were basically free.
I had planning on going to the apartment to pick up some stuff but I was out of energy. I wanted to go home.
And that is what I did. The drive back was a little long but I got a good parking space. Which allowed me to meet our neighbor from down the road. She's lived here for 30+ years! She seems incredibly kind and smart. She worked in the neurology department at Johns Hopkins! She also said that this is a great block with really nice people and so far that has been my experience too.
We chatted for a bit and eventually James came out to help carry things in. They talked to our neighbor too and it was just really nice.
James wouldn't stay home long though. They would take the car to go get a few groceries we missed and get paper towels, and go and feed the aquatics and get some stuff since so could not.
While James was gone I mostly just chilled. I had a roll. I moved things in the studio from one side of the room to the other so we would have room later when we would finally put up the curtains. I would move two of the hooks in the bathroom so we have somewhere to put the towels. And I measured out where the tiles I am going to put on the wall will go. I just love seeing everything coming together.
Me and Sweetp played for a little while on the stairs. But he kept putting up like he was freaked out. And then when James got back I had to pick Sweetp up to bring him upstairs and he looked terrified when I went to him and he puffed up so bad??? I have no idea why he keeps getting upset. I know it's the move but I really would love for him to be comfortable.
James would make us dinner. I had requested the vegan fish sticks and a Caeser salad and they made themselves a little pizza. I would hang out in the living room and we just talked and did our own things but were together.
Eventually we would start figuring out the curtains. This did not go amazing. First the long black rod didn't look right in the living room. And I was frustrated.
And then we went to the studio to hang the fancy swing out curtains and those were going great until they didn't. And I am now sure they need to move over. But we don't have any more anchors so we will have to wait until James make a stop at ace tomorrow.
The other issue is I wasn't paying attention when James was measuring the second one and it's like 2 inches higher then the first and looks terrible. I was pretty upset but mostly I was just frustrated that James was being so down in themselves. Like well fix it tomorrow. It's fine. You are stressing me out.
Like at one point they were taking down the curtains that the last owners left behind and I was like hey what if we moved these brackets to the living room. And they kept saying the pole would fit. And I'm like what are you talking about we take down the other one and put these ones there? But they just kept saying that the pole wouldn't fit and I am just like why are we focusing on the other pole??? What are you talking about about?? And I got pretty frustrated with them which wasn't fair but I was mad that they weren't understanding what should have been straight forward.
They finally got me but I was really upset. I know a lot of it was the coughing has started up in earnest. I felt unsettled and couldn't get comfortable in my body. I also just felt mad that people keep saying something about how I'm going to have James building this and that when I talk about my home plans. But I am the one building things!! James is doing things because I can't reach them! I'm the handy one! I hate that people act like I'm not capable. I'm just short! And if my ladder was here I would have just done it by myself.
I would calm down. And we were able to get the curtains up in the living room from the front windows and they look great. But I was still not in a good head space.
I stayed downstairs for a while. But when I came back I was feeling worse. Coughing. Uncomfortable. Annoyed about everything.
I took a shower but the lukewarm water was not helping. I hope we can figure that out soon.
I am in bed now. I am coughing and upset about it but I am hoping I can fall asleep and feel good again tomorrow. Because I have a workshop and I'm looking forward to it even if I'm very nervous! I hope I have everything I need. But it's not until noon so I have time to double check.
I am hoping that the morning I can chill and do some more organizing here. I also just don't want to push it and make myself feel worse. And I am hoping that sleep makes it easier to have a good day.
I hope you are all sleep good. I love you all. Goodnight.
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goincrazyhere · 1 year ago
Alright. Let's get this going.
Yes, me. @alice-the-kittycat-yt
Sep-dec 2021
From running through the house, I turned my foot the wrong way and broke it. It wasn't till a week later that I was taken to Urgent Care to get an X-ray of it. Turned out it was fractured. I had to use crutches to get around.
Because of that, I couldn't carry my bag. Someone had to help me. Yes, the mentioned, Alexander.
Not going to say his full name. That would be completely wrong. That'd probably be considered doxxing, which is not what I want. Don't do or say anything to him. That's wrong and not a good way to handle such situations.
Anyway, he was the one to carry my bag. Over the time, I developed a close bond with him. I had ever wanted to love, but something changed when I met him. Felt instantly drawn and breathless looking at him.
Off of that, my friends found out. The first time he asked me out, I declined. I didn't want to like him at the time.
Oh how bad that was.
I soon confessed and we stayed extremely close friends for a while.
Feb 18 2022
This is the exact day he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I excepted.
Went on the rest of the year without any problems, other than me then thinking negatively of myself after dating him. Bringing down my self esteem.
Rest of 2022
It was alright. I was completely blind by love for this man. I was dumb. Long time followers remember me always talking about him over this period.
As well as self hate posts.
Drawings of him.
Everything on him.
I was obsessed with this guy.
How foolish.
I realized signs of him cheating with a clingy woman named, to keep her private, we'll call her Izzy. She always wanted to be around him.
Then came valentine's day of 2023...
Feb 25, 2023
This is the exact date of which he broke up with me after admitting to cheating on my with Izzy.
I was devastated and depressed.
I didn't know what to do with my life. But...
I built myself back up. He started being a b**** to me and calling me things.
Going as far as to bring up my past, which is a very sensitive subject for me.
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I couldn't believe he would do such a thing (yes, my parents fought, not only with words but violence, I might do a story on that later).
Then it went to insulting my appearance.
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Then brings my depression to make fun of me
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Wouldn't anyone cry?!?!?!
Then he goes as far to tell me to kill myself after I mentioned my friend telling me to block him. Before I even finished my sentence.
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Can't even spell properly.
Uses the same insults as a 6 year old.
Present day
So, currently he called me recently, no, I didn't answer because I was confused. I've been a lot nicer to him.
Though I'll never truly forgive him.
He lied and said I was abusive then later admitting to dumping me for another woman.
I won't forget this. I never did anything to him. Yes, I did say some pretty rude things as a comeback, but I never went as far as to tell him to literally kill himself. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone!
Insulting my art.
I will never forgive or forget that.
He is rude and not trustworthy.
I'm done here.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years ago
Nah seriously though what drugs did you add to make Jayce this amazing/handsome/ iconic / beautiful/ insanely hot / and more culturally significant than the renaissance
Trauma dumping and self projection /srs (This is why he is so miserable 😮) PLEASE THO IM OK- Shawty yk especially when im goin down the drain.
And believe it or not, the only reason he exists is because of the OG mha designs. Emo Izuku clicked smth in me.
I needed to make a loser boy for myself.
I don't know how or why he is so cute. It just sorta... Happened. He just appeared. And I'm never letting go. He is OUR BOY.
Nah but jokes aside, Jayce originally was inspired by both OG deku and Sally Face. He had blue hair and pale skin that made him look half dead.
I really wanted him to look like Sal Fisher, but blue hair wasn't doin too hot with his design. I didn't want him to be blond because i felt as if I was being lazy and giving up. But it turned out I really liked it! I wanted him to have a little spice/accent to him so there went his purple streak!
Tbh I have little to no creativity for male fashion, so I just slapped on what I wear when I'm masc.
I just made him look like a loser junkie. Muahhahaha
I actually considered purple eyes bc I have a weird love for characters with them, but it in the end it would fight for attention with the streak and necklace.
His fav color actually isn't purple despite it being the color that grabs your attention to his design at first! It's Rory's lol. Not a huge spoiler, but it's smth that connects them 🤧 Gosh do I love their secret lore that hasn't been revealed yet...
And don't ask me abt freckles. I forgot. All ik is that they are so satisfying to draw and that he is hella insecure abt it.
Rory came out bc I had an OC sugar rush and boy am i glad he is here 😭 Jayce's lore would be 10x more boring without him.
I wanted Rory to be an bad boy emo little whiny bitch, but ugh, it totally just didn't click out. The hair was a issue within itself, the jacket wasn't very special, his tight v-neck shirt felt forced, his accs were troubling, but his little officer hat was very loved. ^^
He is Valentine inspired now! (Monster high) ain't that funny? Since Rory's route does revolve around Valentines day lol
Elliot came after Rory's sketch. I was gonna scrap it and do this mafia guy i had drawn in 8th grade, but it just felt lazy and not him yk? I was in my Tokyo Revengers Bonten arc phase with that mafia guy... 😰 what an interesting hyperfixation heheha...
Pinterest is DISGUSTING with them bro. I only look at em once in a good while to ruin my boring day.
And Maxim and Anton are just cuties I took my time with. So I don't have anything bad or too significant to say about them 😉
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suhtorus · 5 years ago
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢
𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚔𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 // 𝟷.𝟷𝚔 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘶. 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰
𝐚/𝐧; 𝘪 𝘴𝘢𝘸 *𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵* 𝘱𝘪𝘤 𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘰
-ˏˋ𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 ♡
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Being part of team Minato was something that brought the happiness you didn’t know you needed into your life.
During your Academy days, you never got a chance to talk to those three kids who would later become your teammates. Rin and Obito were inseparable, and Kakashi was in your class only for a year, graduating early and becoming a genin right away.
Over the past year, you’ve made progress not only on your skills but with your relationship with the team as well. Which led to you wanting to let them know they had earned a spot into your heart. And what a better day to tell them than on Valentine’s Day.
Rin’s voice caught your attention. She ran towards you, holding a pink bag with hearts on it and a huge smile on her face.
Internally, you felt embarrassed since you arrived at the training grounds, awfully aware of the extra weight inside your backpack. You were waiting until everyone arrived and, surprisingly, Rin was the one who was running late.
You had always admired how easily the compliments flowed out of her mouth, able to brighten anyone’s day. You wished you could voice out your feelings freely just like her, especially for a silver-haired boy.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Rin smiled, stopping in front of you to rummage through the bag excitedly. “I brought you presents!” she handed out a small box of chocolates to everyone with a letter attached to it.
Everyone thanked her and she flashed her signature smile, her hands clasped in front of her.
“I-I brought something too,” you spoke softly, nervous at what their reactions would be.
But it was enough to catch Kakashi’s attention.
He had always found you interesting. You were quiet when you first met, only speaking when you were specifically addressed. It wasn't until your first mission together when he got the opportunity to see your skills up close, he was truly impressed by your quick reflexes especially at hand to hand combat. After that, he would insist to fight against you, ending in a draw most of the time.
Kakashi didn’t know when it happened, perhaps it was your constant presence or how you started opening up to him, but he couldn't deny he had a crush on you. Not like you knew, of course.
You squatted down to pull out a box from your bag, the rest of your team watching in curiosity. You were nervous, thinking that maybe your present was too cheesy but it was too late to back down.
Inside the box were four cookies, each one wrapped inside a clear plastic bag, and they were shaped and decorated with the Uchiha, Hatake, Namikaze, and Nohara clan symbol. You gave them to each one of them and took a step back, bowing before them.
“I hope you like them.”
Everyone was silent, which you took as a bad sign. But before you could say anything, Rin threw herself at you, squealing in delight at your present.
“This is so cool!” Obito yelled, clearly amazed at the cookie with his clan symbol on it.
Kakashi walked up to you, patting you on the head and his eyes closing as he smiled underneath his mask. “Thank you.”
You nodded at them in awe by their reactions while Rin finally let go of you.
“Thank you, girls,” Minato smiled, patting both of the tops your heads. “But you’re not the only ones who came prepared,” he winked at you, giving a look to the two boys next to him, which they answered back with a nod.
Obito pulled out a red rose from his sweater, suddenly sweating and blushing as he nervously walked towards Rin. He handed it out at her, her eyes widening before accepting the flower with a smile.
“Obito! This is so sweet, thank you!”
The black-haired boy laughed in relief. “I’m so glad you liked it!”
You watched in awe, noticing how Obito's eyes seemed to sparkle at the girl in front of him.
Kakashi, who still stood next to you, reached back to his pouch and took your distraction to his advantage.
Suddenly, a white rose appeared in front of you, making you gasp. You slowly followed the hand holding it until your eyes met Kakashi’s. He stood with a mix of embarrassment and annoyance in his eyes.
You grabbed the rose from his hands and unconsciously smiled, your heart beating quickly at the surprise.
“Thank you, Kakashi.”
Your soft voice caught his attention, making his though exterior relax once he saw the positive reaction from you.
“I–I think the white matches with your personality,” Kakashi rubbed the back of his head, a blush covering his cheeks. “You’re always calm, even during our missions,” he couldn’t take the pressure of your gaze anymore, making him look away. “I-It’s soothing.”
You were speechless for a moment.
“I’m– I don't know what to say."
But your evident blush was all he needed. He felt a sense of pride swirling in his chest at his accomplishment.
“Girls," Minato spoke up, catching your attention. "Without you, the team wouldn’t be what it is today. Rin, you always heal us and make sure we are safe,” he smiled at her before turning to you. “Y/N, I’ve never seen a kunoichi fight with so much determination as you do, while looking after your comrades at the same time.”
Minato pulled out two pink roses from his vest, kneeling down on one knee and offering them to you two. His eyes gleamed, pride, and affection shining in them and a soft smile on his lips.
It was as if the whole aura around you changed. The scene turned brighter, the cold breeze flowed and made your hair fly around you.
“Sensei,” you said under your breath, completely captivated by his actions, and a blush covering your cheeks while you looked back and forth between the flower and him.
When I’m older, I’m definitely marrying someone like my sensei. You thought, smelling the two roses in your hands.
“Thank you!” Rin squealed in delight, her eyes closing and a huge smile lifting the corners of her lips.
Minato laughed, amused at your reactions but he did mean what he said. Team Minato wouldn't have been the same without you two, you were the string that managed to hold the two boys in place.
An irk mark appeared on Obito’s forehead while Kakashi’s eyes widened in shock. They felt betrayed, watching as their sensei easily swooped in and stole their girls away from them.
“Minato-sensei!” Obito started to complain to Minato, saying something about how it was a low move from him.
The jōnin sheepishly laughed, internally enjoying the reaction he got out of everyone. “Gomen, Gomen!”
Kakashi was silent, standing with his arms folded in front of him and feeling jealous that his sensei was able to make you blush so easily. He found himself wishing that you had looked at him with the same amazement as you had looked at Minato when he gave you the flower.
It seemed like the two boys still had a lot to learn from their sensei.
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moody-cowdaddy · 6 years ago
Helping Hand
Arthur Morgan x Reader | Oneshot/Drabble #2
Summary: You're in major need of relief, and Arthur offers a solution.
Category: PURE SMUT. Masturbation.
A/N: Super short and to the point. I also haven't forgotten about the requests, I'm going to continue working on them now. I just needed to get this outta my system. 🤤
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You absolutely dreaded getting your cycle each month. The symptoms before you got it seemed to get worse and worse each time.
It also didn't help that you wanted to jump just about any person's bones that you saw during those times because of those symptoms, either. You were damn near insatiable when it came to that time of the month, and touching yourself could only help you so much. Ever since you had been at camp, you had fantasized about Arthur. Thinking about him was how your hand ended up between your thighs most of the time, and when you were like this, the thought of him fucking you was literally all you could think about.
So, of course it would end up being you and him that were put in charge of taking the wagon to Valentine to collect goods. The whole ride there you were squirming in your seat, clenching your thighs, and praying to God there wouldn't be a damp spot visible in your pants from how wet you were.
Luckily, there wasn't, and you were happy to have a moment out of the wagon to compose yourself as Arthur gathered up the supplies in town, but the ride back was when the real trouble began.
Your core was aching so terrible on the way back that, you thought you'd literally explode. You could barely pay attention to a thing Arthur was saying, all you could focus on was being this close to him and those oddly pleasurable sensations everytime the wagon hit a bump, which, was pretty much the full length of the road from Valentine to Horseshoe Overlook. You had your thighs clenched as tight as a drum, trying to hold back the small moans that threatened to escape.
"You even listenin' t'me?" Arthur complained, finally noticing you weren't paying a lick of attention to him.
"Wh-what?" You snapped your head towards him.
He grumbled, shaking his head. "I asked why y'was squirmin' 'round in that seat like'a snake. Y'been doin' it ever since we left camp."
You could feel your face go hot and red, realizing that he had noticed how strange you were acting. Just as he spoke, he hit a particular big bump in the wagon and it made an audible moan escape you.
"Stop. Please, stop the wagon," you begged. You still had your thighs clenched tightly together.
"The hell's wrong wit'chu? You a'ight?" He cocked his head at you, pulling the reins for the horses to slow.
You sighed, shaking your head. "It's.. female problems."
"An' what does that mean?" He squinted at you.
You turned your head to him, a blank look on your face. "Like, the kind that people usually have.. Another person to take care of for them..."
He sat there for a minute, looking at you in confusion until it dawned on him what you meant. "Oh.. Oh. I mean, I, erm, well, I don't rightly know what'ta say for that'un. Think we've all been through that."
"I hadn't really expected y'too, but you asked an' I answered. An' yeah, that's the problem. I have no one." You gritted your teeth hard, not wanting your embarrassment to show.
Neither you or Arthur were very shy about anything with eachother, you'd have conversations about anything, and that included the ins and outside about what people do in the bedroom, but this was the first time either of you had ever come right out and basically say that you needed some sexual relief.
"If you ne- I me-," Arthur stammered as he stared you dead in the eyes before sighing and turning his head back to the road.
"What is it?" You shrugged.
He turned his head back to you, slightly. "I was jus' gon' say I'd help if I could, but I didn't wanna say nothin' outta line."
You shook your head at him with glazed eyes. "No.. That's not outta line," you breathed. "Would you help me, Arthur?" You bit your lip.
He swallowed hard, his grip tightening on the reins as he shifted in his seat. "What do, uh, what'd'ya want me t'do?"
You pressed your hands down onto your thighs, still looking at him. "Jus' touch me.. Please.. I ain't gonna last long anyway," you admitted.
His lips parted slightly as he breathed, seemingly surprised, and a little more than interested to hear you talk to him like this, and that was made all the more evident by the bulge in his pants. He looked at you in the eyes, then down to your pants, then back up into your eyes again.
"Get'em unbuttoned then, girl," he said in a commanding, low tone.
You obeyed quickly as you fiddled with the button on your pants to get them open, and to get the zipper down. You shimmied them down just enough so he'd have some room to get his hand inside. He let go of the reins on the wagon, looking at you with hunger as he reached over to you, slowly slipping his hand inside of your pants.
You hissed, feeling the first brush of his fingerstips over your mound, you threw your leg over onto his to spread yourself open for him just a little more. Luckily, the road was completely deserted and you didn't have to worry about anyone seeing, but right now Arthur Morgan had his own hand shoved into your pants, so you really didn't give a shit if a whole parade decided to come through in that moment. You moaned louder when his fingers slipped between your folds for the first time, making you lift your hips just a little to get more friction.
His eyes widened when he felt just how wet your were. "Christ. Y'sure y'ain't been swimmin'?"
You scoffed, shakily, "I told ya.. I'm achin' so damn bad, Arthur."
"I know, darlin'. I'ma take care'a ya now," he said gruffly.
"Oh, please," you moaned, clamping one of your hands around his arm when you felt his finger starting to draw circles around your clit.
"How ya want it?" He said, trying to hold back the grunt in the back of his throat.
"Mmm," you moaned, "jus' like that."
"Y'like that?" He breathed, dipping his hand down to insert a finger inside of you. "What 'bout this?"
"Just play with me," you groaned seductively.
He shifted in his seat again, and you could see his cock straining against those dark slacks he had on as he watched you writhe right there on the spot. You held his arm in place as you bucked your hips upwards, grinding yourself against his hands. You were already on the verge of finishing, but you wanted to try to make it last as ling at you could. You pressed your head against his shoulder, riding his hand. With your own hand, you brushed over his hard cock, and he let out a pleasurable growl at the feeling, and it only enticed him to plunge two of his fingers deeper inside of your pussy, hitting the sweet spot inside.
You cried out at the sensation, panting, and your legs shaking as you got closer and closer to an intense climax. "Fuck.. Fuck. I'm gonna come soon."
"Tha'sit, darlin'," he growled. He pulled his fingers out of you, spreading your slit with his Index and ring finger to go at your clit with his middle finger again. "Y'better come for me."
He palmed his cock through his pants as he watched you getting off for him. You pressed your head harder into his arm, trying your best to muffle your moans, but Arthur wasn't having any of that, he wanted to watch his handywork.
He took his hand away from his length to life your head up to him. "I wanna hear it. I wanna see that pretty face'a yers when you come, too."
All you could do was nod at him in response as you moaned brokenly. That was it. That was the straw that, not only broke the camels back, but also the legs. If anyone was in the near vicinity, there was definitely no way that they weren't able to hear your desperate whines and cries as you came hard. You writhed against his hand as he drew feverish circles around your clit now, you already knew that you soaked his hand, but he didn't seem to care. He let out a grunt as he watched you, gritting his teeth, reaching back down to grab his cock through his pants again.
"Goddamn," he hissed. He let out a guttural growl as his body jerked as if a jolt of electricity had went through it.
It didn't take you long at all to realize that he had come too, when he saw just how hard you had come for him. It was made all the more apparent when you could see the wet spot spreading across the front of his slacks now. It made a small smile of pride tug at your lips as you rode out your climax. The two of you were panting messes, but you were finally able to settle yourself back down onto the wooden seat of the wagon, pulling your leg away from his, and releasing his arm from your grip, satisfied for the moment.
You let out a long sigh, laying your head back. "Jesus Christ."
Arthur didn't say anything for a moment, he just sat there, shaking his head as he caught his breathe. "Well, that was a goddamn first.. Shit, I gotta change pants now."
You chuckled, "Yeah, same here."
He cut his eyes over to you, still giving you a desirable look as he slowly pulled his hands from your pants. You shuddered, feeling his fingers brush over your heated skin again. He didn't lose eye contact as he brought his finger up to his mouth, dragging his tongue along it to taste you.
"Ya owe me one, gal." He gestured his head at you.
"You name the time and place," you said seriously.
He smirked, giving you a nod. "Better meet me later tonight then."
"I'll be more than ready to repay ya by then, so, y'got yourself a deal, Morgan."
He gave you a wink before picking up the reins again to continue the journey back to camp.
You knew you had really gotten yourself into something now.
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altairsarts · 6 years ago
Day seven: Free Day: Chosen Prompt: Letters
Mystery is smart. Nobody would expect anything less from him. He was the one who came up with the idea. (He might have also taken a little inspiration from a book and a movie.)
When Vivi came to him about her crush on Lewis, he told her to write letters to him, expressing how she felt, even if she never sent them. She did. And when she realized she had a crush on Arthur? The same thing.
She wrote letters.
Well, Mystery was apparently a really good confidant. Lewis and Arthur did the same, coming to Mystery and each time, he told them to write letters to each other and to her. And he kept their secrets, never telling any of them about the others, feeling it wasn't his place.
After they all got together, he may have mentioned that he told them all to write letters to each other.
Vivi wanted to read Arthur and Lewis’ letters to her. She was more than willing to let them read hers, the majority of the letters telling them about things she was interested in like shows and why she loved them.
Arthur was more hesitant. In some of his letters, he had put things he was too nervous to say to them out loud. He had also written down small things they’d said to him that he wanted to remember.
Lewis wrote down little things that he noticed that they did sometimes. He wrote his internal fanboyish responses to conversations and how they could've gone differently.
In the end though, all of their curiosity got the better of them and they exchanged the letters.
Despite Vivi writing the letters the longest, it was Arthur who had the most. Some of them singularly addressed to one of the other two, some of them addressed to both.
It was a rainy Sunday night in December when they all finally had the chance to sit down and read the letters together. Arthur kept his folded up in locked box, Vivi's were kept in an old jewelry box she kept in her closet, and Lewis’ were kept in a shoe box that he kept under his bed.
They all curled up on the couch under a blanket and started reading.
Dear Lewis,
Oh wow, it's strange to be able to write all this down somewhere. I guess if this helps I’ll have to thank Mystery. So, I guess I say all the things I want to say to you in these letters? I write ‘these’ as if I’m going to write more than one. Um, so, first I guess I want to say that I think I love you? It's hard to tell with the fact I’ve never loved anyone before and the fact that up until I realized I never thought I would like guys? Like, it's not a new concept to me by any means, I just never thought I would? I don't think I ever considered my romantic orientation actually. Huh.
So because you'll probably never read this I can spout whatever nonsense I want about whatever. So uh.. Yeah I guess the moment I realized I like you was probably yesterday when I caught you singing along to Helpless yesterday and you didn't realize I was watching until the song was almost over. You kind of just looked ethereal and I thought ‘I wanna kiss him’ and that was kinda what started this? I dunno.
I was kinda in shock and was really flustered actually and the way you got all embarrassed about it helped me realize that it wasn't just a passing thought and I actually really really wanna kiss you and love you and wow this is rambly. Like that was so cute oh my gosh. Anyway, I’ll have to remember that Hamilton is your favorite musical, maybe surprise you with one of the songs on your birthday. Also I’ll have to listen to it. The only reason I know the name of that song was because I googled the lyrics. Anyway, that's really all I can think of at the moment. I think I will continue writing these letters, they do help.
Lewis smiled at the letter and leaned his head on Arthur's shoulder, smiling and retrieved the next letter addressed to him. Vivi laughed at something the letter she was reading.
Dear Vivi and Arthur,
So I’ve known I love you both for a while now and I just talked to Mystery about it and he suggested this and it's a great idea, I don't know how I haven't thought of it before, what with me watching all those romance movies and shows but I’m writing now. Anyway, where should I start?
The beginning might be a good place. So I first realized I liked Vivi when you dragged us to that festival you wanted to go to. I knew it was probably a really bad idea since it was colder than usual and it was nearing cold and flu season and you said that you had been feeling more tired and less hungry than usual, which is normally a sign of being sick but you were so determined anyway. And then when you brought me that little flower crown I kinda just figured that you were who I wanted to spend my life with? I don't know if that's a good way to explain it but that's kinda what happened.
I realized I liked Arthur when we all drove down to that clearing in the woods together. You fell out if the van but ended up slipping into one of those ‘draw me like one of your French girls’ poses on accident and it was just so funny and you tried to play it off like you meant to do that and the level of sarcasm was the best and I knew I wanted you around for the rest of our lives, just like I did with Vivi.
So recently I noticed that we make up the pan flag with me being pink, Arthur yellow, and Vivi blue. It probably doesn't relate but this is my letter and you might not even ever read it so I’ll talk about the pan flag if I want to.
I’d love to talk on and on about the little things I notice about both of you but that’ll be in another letter since it's nearly eleven and I'm tired. Goodnight :)
Vivi grinned at the letter and then neatly put it back in the envelope she found it in, addressed to both her and Arthur and labeled ‘Number 1’, sliding it into Arthur's pile of unread letters while he read one of hers.
Dear Arthur,
Heyyyy so letters proclaiming everlasting love are more Lew’s thing so I have absolutely no idea how to do this. But yeah I just realized I love you (And Lewis too but this is your letter) a few hours ago when you did that whole party for my birthday and it was really fun. Actually now that I think about it the signs were all there I just never picked up on them. Huh, looks like none of us actually know what we're doing do we?
No we don't. But I can assure you it's totally, one hundred percent working! I mean, none of us are dead yet and that has to count for something. Anyway, I'm determined to tell you guys on a special occasion like Valentines Day or Christmas or some holiday or something because dramatics are fun. I freaking swear if either of you feel the same way and tell me or each other first… I need my moment people.
So there’s this new show I like that I think you’d be really interested in, if you haven't already watched it. It's Voltron: Legendary Defender and it's this kinda sci-fi thing but there's also magic which Lew would be into and overall I think that it would be fun to watch it all together. Make a night out of it whenever a new season is released, sit up with popcorn and snacks watching it.
There's also this band I’ve started liking recently. I can't remember their name for the life of me though. I’ll have to look it up later.
Oh maybe I’ll tell you through songs. Oh now I have ideas. I’m gonna go write them all before I forget.
Occasionally, one of them would go ‘awww’ or lean closer to the person whose letter they were reading, or laugh at something that was written.
You just caught me singing to Helpless. And I was singing about you two. Oh gosh, I hope you didn't notice. Or maybe I hope you did? I mean notice about me singing about you? Ah I don't make sense right now.
Update: the band’s name was Panic! At The Disco. Was the exclamation point necessary? Probably not but it adds to the aesthetic.
I only just noticed how your hair smells like the ocean. Vivi is everything you do blue?
Arthur, I love you but you have no idea how to make cinnamon rolls. I think you used up all of my sugar yesterday in your attempts. I swear that is the very first thing I'm teaching you to do if you ever let me teach you how to bake.
Holy heck Lewis how do you get your hair so fluffy and soft? Like I was really tempted to play with it and braid it during the movie but I didn't know whether or not you’d be okay with that?
I didn't think you remembered that road to the little cove I brought you to. But apparently you did and put up little fairy lights all over. I’m not sure how you managed to power those but I’m impressed.
I’m starting to think that you might know about my crush and have taken it upon yourself to let me know you know in the absolute slowest and most romantic way possible. Like last night when you asked me to dance with you.
So last night at the campfire when you two caught me staring? Yes I was very much so staring because you're both pretty.
Soon all three of them had read each and every letter that had been addressed to them.
“That was nice,” Vivi grinned.
“It was. I’m glad I kept those letters,” Arthur agreed.
Lewis hummed. “I would've still found a way to convey all of that out loud given time.”
“Yeah but this way we get to see your immediate reaction. It's nice,” Arthur said.
“Also I would like to say something for the record,” Vivi started.
The other two hummed and allowed her to continue. “Yes, everything I do has to be blue.”
Arthur laughed at her response to the passing comment.
“So you listened to the entire Hamilton soundtrack because you knew I liked it?” Lewis asked.
“Yeah, pretty much. You’re always doing nice things for me, so,” Arthur trailed off.
They discussed their letters a while longer until Vivi eventually fell asleep during a lull in the conversation.
Despite still being on the couch, they all happily fell asleep right there. In the morning, they woke up to the soft music that had been playing turned off and an extra blanket thrown over them.
Mystery is a very good not-dog.
So! Last post of the week wow. I'm kinda sad, writing all these and drawing them was fun. Speaking of drawing, I did some sketches for this story! So to address a few things in this story. Yes, Mystery got the idea from "To All The Boys I've Loved Before". I got the idea from myself, when I was crushing hard on my now-girlfriend, I wrote a few letters to her. Some of the things written in here were inspired by the things I would've wanted to say to her. Also, I had Vivi say 'a new show' in reference to Voltron even though it literally ended today is because these letters are supposed to be old, the majority of my stories take place after the cave so the first letters were written before the incident and they're reading them after.
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I also had different fonts for their handwriting. (This was originally written on google docs) Vivi's was indie flower, Arthur's was caveat, and Lewis' was corsiva. I wanted Vivi's writing to be a bit messier because her hands are trying to keep up with her brain which is going 100 mph, but google docs didn't have anything that fit that really, so I settled.
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nolongerironicteenwrites · 7 years ago
For the AU prompts, could I have Haru from Free! and the prompt : “It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” Have a nice day!
thanks for the positive vibes its been pretty bad lately but none the less here you go. 
send me cute aus original post: anotherimagineblogforanimes.tumblr.com/post/169407916319/one-cannot-have-enough-of-cute-and-random-aus-so
reader prompt: “It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” 
Nanase Haru x reader: 
Haru honesty found solace in being alone. He’s been alone most his life so what was it into early adulthood to not be okay with it? And sure he was okay with it, it just wasn't much easier because he would see all these cute couples together of holidays and it made him long for the warmth and contact of another human. But that was hard when he had no time nor did anyone really catch his eye.
You, on the other hand, were very intrigued by the boy who sat alone every day in your art appreciation class. His name is Haru from what you’ve gathered. All you really knew about him was his art style. His art was beautiful honestly, he had a ornate attention to detail and it was beautiful. He did a lot of landscapes, mostly from far away like observing. 
You knew then you needed to do something for him with Valentine’s day coming up. His eyes always looked sad so you felt the need to want to make him feel better. Or maybe bring some light into his eyes. Perhaps you’ll make a friend out of it. 
You went home and sat at your desk. You rolled your pencil around your desk and wrote down ideas for what you could do. You made a list that had multiple ideas on it. One was a drawing, but to you, that seemed a bit creepy to you, then it was a poem or a nice letter but that wasn’t sentimental enough. Next, you got the bright idea to make cookies from scratch. 
You skipped to your kitchen and looked for all the ingredients you needed. You had most of them to make the cookies so you figure what could go wrong? Substituting baking powder for soda shouldn't be that big of a deal right? 
WRONG! that was wrong. The cookies didn’t bake right and they burned really easy. Okay so baking yeah, baking was not you’re thing. That’s okay. Back to square one. 
The next thing was to attempt to cook. You knew the basics of how to boil water and make rice. But when you tried to do anything more it was burnt and ruined. Cooking now was ruled out, you couldn’t cook either. 
You needed to do something and fast. Then it struck you. 
Happy Valentine’s Day Haru thought to himself bitterly. Okay not bitter, just annoyed. 
Like he couldn’t turn a corner on campus without seeing a couple looking ridiculously in love. Good for them but what this necessary? He slinked into his art appreciation class and slumped into his chair. You came in the cup in hand and walked to his table. 
  “Hey I’m (y/n) I’m a terrible bake and cook but you looked sad so I wanted to do something for you for Valentine’s day so I made you a cup hot chocolate,” you replied giving him the cup and walking back to your table. 
Haru hesitantly took the cup and brought it to his mouth. It was delicious. Like he never had a cup of hot chocolate this good. (y/n)? He recognized you, his heart was full of warmth now, he thought he might have fallen in love, and he’s not one for love at first sight.  He really did need to get to know you. 
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