#asylum my ass
devotion-disorder · 1 year
pov pc busts into harper’s office right before his shift ends
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total off-mode harper with his coat off and his hair untied....oughhgh
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(click for better quality!)
headcannon: harper smokes sometimes, but only when hes really stressed 
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strobebi · 22 days
me coming back to tumblr after abandoning it because twitter just got banned from brazil:
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1m0g3n09 · 7 days
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AU where everything is the same except Waylon was actually able to do something for Eddie when he got put in the Engine so when Eddie finds Waylon he just follows him around like a love sick scary dog
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cheekyboybeth · 4 months
just found out that my brother and his fiancé are just as obsessed with David Tennant as I am, now I know what I’ll be talking to them about at their wedding.
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fishareglorious · 5 months
mom they made the father of hand hygiene ignaz semmelweis into an anime girl vampire
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I would like to thank @hinako-supremacy for dropping this transparent jpeg
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Using my amiture art skills I originally wanted to recreate this with my Jeremiah.....but I got carried away and added the past Arkhams in there masks to the list
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yanboyflop · 1 month
stray thought but if i was in dol (specifically as the pc) i would have maxed out willpower. on the other hand id end up in the asylum in three days max
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a-blip-of-billdip · 2 months
this isnt what i usually post on this blog but I'm already sick of all the memes and 'jokes'. I am almost certainly leaving the fandom for good now because of the book of bills release and NO it is not because billford's community has an influx of supporters.
So the worship and romanticization of asylums and other abusive practices for mental health have been steadily gaining traction in recent years, especially with the rise of tiktok's toxicity.
SO many people, especially younger people, regularly talk about how they want lobotomies or how women they don't like should be lobotomized. They get tattoos of lobotomy like it's some quirky fun thing and not one of the most horrific tortures someone can endure.
These same people, ESPECIALLY leftists, will look at anyone they disagree with or don't like and say "get institutionalized, loser" or "et therapy" and it's always in a mocking way. it's always in a policing way.
because these people know that mental wards strip everyone of their freedom and their bodily autonomy. they know these places arent for healing--theyre for silencing.
So the amount of people i see treating bill being institutionalized like a good thing---even the writers and alex himself?
Yeah. Im out ✌🏼
#you people try to act quirky and say you like weird stuff and you like crazy people and hate normies#but then when someone isnt a normie and actually does want to change things in radical ways you want to put them in an asylum#i do not want to interact with any of you people!#i still love gravity falls (obviously) but im just... so over the fandom at this point.#even people who LIKE bill are trying to act like this is all a good thing#guess what asylums dont help :) they almost always make things worse!#so in reality if bill ever got out he would just be 100x worse and more vengeful than before! congrats.#Play stupid games get stupid prizes!#gravity falls#antipsych#i seriously dont understand why anyone things mental wards are in any way different than how they used to be a hundred yeears ago.#because they arent. at all. like literally at all.#they forcefully medicate you with pills that you dont need and that actively harm you bc random ass nurses diagnose you with#someething different every other day and ust give you a new pill for every diagnosis#i know someone who was put on antipsychs when not only do they not have a psych disorder but they had a heart condition and#nearly died bc of it. I myself was put on three different pills the very night i went in. they never#even hesitated to wait and see if i would have a bad reaection or if i reeally needed it.#bc why would they when heavily meedicating you makes you unable to think or reaelize what theyre doing is extremely unethical?#i saw multiple people held down and strapped to their beds and given sedatives for doing nothing at all. For simply asking questions.#I saw staff harass and mock and disrespect very speciifc kids (specifically the poc kids.)#I saw staff lie and try to incite fear in other kids and myself.#one of them told me the night before i was cleared for release tat if i said 'im fine' at any point they would keep me for another month.#and that if i didnt continue to take the meds (ssris) that i was overdosing on that they would come grab me in a van and bring me back#against my will.#Keep in mind i was here based off of lies. There was no real reason for me to be in that asylum.#So yeah. literally dont come on this post trying to defend asylums bc i PROMISE you i have more experience in the reality than you#ever could.#Theyre horrible and romanticising it even against a fictional villain is repulsive behavior.
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frootertooter · 3 months
Loose thoughts/somewhat of a messy personal analysis Year One Scarecrow bc my god it's been eating at my brain cells, but also I find it a little bizarre that I can't find a single analysis of the comic available??? So uhh strap in bois it's unstructured yapping time B')
Oh yea just to preface: I've not read any of the other Year One comics yet? I have no clue if the others are actually connected?? While reading this tho, everything felt like it was a standalone comic so I'm looking at it as such
Parallels between Crane and Bruce: Two of the most important things to both Scarecrow and Batman throughout the story are their usage of fear and control. Both using it as means for vengeance. When either happen to lack control, they may get more aggressive. For Bruce it could be lashing out more than usual at criminals, while for Crane it's smashing a table out of spontaneous anger. What differentiates the two however is that for Crane, fear and control are meant to punish those he felt have personally hurt him- a method taught and learnt through the abuse he received from his Grandmother.
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For Bruce, his entire original intent in becoming Batman was to help others, and he uses intimidation/punishment as a tool to achieve that goal. Lamar in ways serves as proof of the effectiveness within the story that it has indeed worked. Bruce throughout the story however, can't realize that difference until the moment he finally meets Crane, and finally confirms the killer's "insanity". It becomes a major internal obstacle for him, and an insecurity that weighs heavily on his mind. (I mean imagine hunting a serial killer and slowly noticing how similar the two of you are,, I don't think it'd weigh lightly on anyone's conscience, let alone Bruce Wayne's of all people ksdfs- In ways it's also really similar to Arkhamverse's and the adjacent A Serious House on Serious Earth's Joker? With how they try and "prove" that Batman is just as insane as they are by attempting to repeatedly break him?)
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Robin: Grayson as Robin throughout the story serves as a person to ground Bruce when he begins to start silently spiraling- questioning him, but never actually holding him back. I just really like how Grayson and Bruce's relationship is written within this comic. They're really close and crack jokes with each other, but it's revealed Grayson's been silently harboring internal fears of Bruce/Batman for a while. All completely unknown to Bruce until Dick's struck by the fear toxin. Throughout the story, Grayson sees Bruce's tactics and it's pretty clear both visually and through text that he seems to disapprove? Yet even then, he can't seem to bring himself to outwardly stop Bruce, supposedly out of fear? Despite that tho, Grayson still clearly cares about Bruce and tries to help him out, as seen in that discussion between the two where Bruce starts having his insecurities get to him again. (Also the way Dick is written here really reminds me of my boi Timbo from TNBA, and my favourite episode where he has to stop Bruce after he got dosed by Scarecrow's no fear toxin kdfkd- I think I'm just biased towards stories where robin isn't afraid to sass/take down Batman when needed??)
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guhgh.. the way Bruce hesitates while asking Grayson if he's afraid of him...........
The final portion of the story is where it breaks down for me however, because I can't tell what exactly certain scenes are trying to convey? Which is why I'm also kinda making this post, bc I haven't found any other analysis of this comic that explains it/ this comic at all????? (Please if someone else reads the comic and gets it, tell me bc I'm,, just confused??? and I can't seem to find anything on this comic????)
Post-Bruce finding out Grayson fears him somewhat in a "god-fearing kinda way", I don't get why he becomes so aggressive with robin? Perhaps it's because he already had a plan in motion to catch Scarecrow and didn't want Grayson to interfere?? But then why not tell him the plan if that's the case???? And what's up with Bruce pinching Grayson's neck?? or the pinch paralleling the next domestic abuse panel? (My best guess is that it's meant to be a transition??? But if that's the case, I dunno odd choice imo)
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And my final bit of confusion is why the fear toxin still affected Batman briefly if he made it so that it would work "specifically and only for scarecrows"???? Because that couldn't have just been a pretend fake-out if we see Bruce hallucinating his parents right?????
Overall tho, love this comic's story and art- Sean Murphy's angular, straight-edge, grittier, yet dynamic artstyle lends itself to the story so damn perfectly it's wonderful- Not gonna delve into it, but the visual parallels between the flock of crows and bats, and both Bruce and Crane reaching for the book were so cool to me dkfkd,, or the way Murphy's artstyle conveys Batman's brutality when taking people out mghhfghgj- Always a massive fan of these short story/series comics
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vincess-princess · 4 months
we, the psychos
ch. 9
Word count: 2103 Warnings: - A\N: a day late, but the update is here! i figured tommy hasn't been in a spotlight for a while so this is all his pov
The laughter only stopped when they loaded Tommy with a double dose of laudanum. He slept like dead through the night, without his usual nightmares. Which would be nice were waking up not extremely miserable afterwards.
It took a lot of effort just to open his eyes. The grey light from the window, though rather dim, hurt to look at. Tommy’s vision was blurry, and his body felt like a puppet with cut strings, like it stuck to the mattress and had to be scraped off with a switchblade.
The switchblade came in the face of Duff carrying a fabric bundle.
“Well, good morning, my merry man,” he said cheerfully, placing the bundle at Tommy’s feet. “See your fit’s over. That’s good.”
“But at what cost,” Tommy croaked, pushing himself up on the bed. His head immediately reacted to the movement by exploding with such pain Tommy dropped back onto the bed with a groan. “I never want to take this medicine ever again.”
“Unfortunately, that’s the only thing that works,” Duff shrugged. “C’mon, don’t be a baby. I’ve got something for you.”
He unfolded the bundle, which, as Tommy feared, turned out to be a hospital robe.
“One of the laundresses got it tailored to your height.”
“No-o,” Tommy moaned, turned over to the wall and covered his head with his pillow. “I’m not putting that on.”
“Yes, you are.” Duff’s tone didn’t change a note. “You’re not special.”
“If I weren’t special I wouldn’t have an, um, ‘fancy’ ward,” Tommy mumbled. And also would have been punished for the fight.
“Well, beside that.” Duff didn’t relent. “Listen, you’re not having lunch until you put this on.”
“It’s lunchtime already?” For some reason Tommy thought it was morning. Though the grey skies looked the same at any time of day. “Why haven’t you woken me up for breakfast?”
“We couldn’t. You slept like a corpse. Dr. Duren told us to let you rest.”
Special princess, Wharton’s voice said in his head. Though if he truly was a special princess, he wouldn’t be forced to wear the hospital robe.
“Can I see the doctor?” Tommy asked.
“Now?” Duff frowned. “He’s seeing other patients, not sure if he can spare time for you before lunch… What do you want from him?”
“I wanna ask him something.”
“Alright, I’ll go check. Maybe he’ll fit you in somewhere. But you aren’t going anywhere until you put on the robe!”
“You are a horrible, horrible person,” Tommy said.
“I just treat all the patients equally.” Duff looked offended. “This is a public asylum, there are people of all walks of life here. And, regardless of their past, they deserve equal treatment. You included. C’mon, I don’t have all the time in the world.”
“You will burn in hell,” Tommy promised, sitting up on the bed. The fabric was rough and thick. God, it would hang off him like a potato sack.
“For treating everyone equally? I doubt it,” Duff huffed. Tommy managed to annoy him.
“This is just stupid,” Tommy complained, slowly undressing. He hoped Duff would get the hint and turn away, but the nurse kept watching him indifferently. “If people are to be treated equally, they would be born equal. But they’re not. Hey, could you not look at least?”
“No,” Duff disappointed him again. “What if you decide to pull something while I look away?”
“What, is that an impression you have of me? That I’m capable of something like that?”
“I haven’t formed it yet. But I do already know that you’re a spoiled whiny baby.”
“The longer you dress, the fewer the chance Dr. Duren will see you.”
Tommy slowly unbuttoned his shirt, carefully folded it and lay it on the bed. His trousers soon followed suit. He needed to change underwear, but with Duff looking… no, he’d better do it at night.
Tommy was right about the robe. It did hang off him like a potato sack. The person it was tailored for was way wider in the shoulders and the hips, and the shoulder seams went like halfway down Tommy’s sleeves. The trousers separated into pant legs somewhere a bit above the knee. It was the worst outfit Tommy saw in his life.
“Not bad,” Duff said when he was done.
“Not bad? Not bad?!” Tommy almost screamed. “This is an atrocity! A crime against humanity! A horror beyond comprehe-“
“Save all that vocabulary of yours for Dr. Duren.” Duff rubbed his temples tiredly. “Now let’s go, I need to escort you to other patients. I’ll see about Dr. Duren and come back with the results.”
Dread washed over Tommy. Other patients were going to see him in this. Yes, they wore the same clothes, but they fit them. Psychos of their status weren’t supposed to look good. Tommy might be a psycho too, but he was different.
“Tommy.” Duff was calm, but there was something in his tone that made Tommy swallow all the objections he was going to unleash.
“Coming,” he could only say as he shuffled out of the ward after Duff.
“Oh, Tommy! How you doin’?” Mick greeted him warmly. “Your fit had us all scared. Is that a common thing?”
Oh, right, the laughing fit in the canteen. Lamenting the loss of his dignity, Tommy almost forgot about it.
“Depends,” he shrugged. “A couple times a week. And always at the least appropriate of times.”
“Yeah, that sure was not a good time to laugh,” Mick agreed. “But all that matters is that it’s over. And you’ve got new clothes, I see. How does it feel to be one of plebeians?”
“Horrible,” Tommy grumbled. “I’d rather kill myself than wear this.”
“Nah, it’s not worth it. You’ll get used to it.” Mick patted him on the shoulder. “Let’s go rake some leaves, or Simmons is gonna get big mad.”
They weren’t given proper rakes, of course. Instead they got shovels with blunt edges. These could still serve as a weapon, only with a little bit of effort, but the next step would be raking the leaves with hands so that was the best option.
“Do we have to…” Tommy grimaced, holding the shovel with two fingers like it was something disgusting. He just stepped in mud, and his boots – the last of his normal clothes – now looked just as awful as the robe. Tommy’s mood tanked completely.
“At least pretend you’re doing something,” Mick said, slowly moving the shovel back and forth. It didn’t gather a lot of leaves and was largely useless, but it did look like Mick was working. But Tommy felt offended by the entire concept. Why does he, a nobleman, have to work like a servant out in the cold, standing in mud? Did he not deserve some privileges? His father was a sponsor, after all!
Tommy stood upright and threw the shovel on the ground.
“I am not doing anything.”
Mick rolled his eyes. “You do you. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Tommy found a drier place under a tree and sat down there, observing other patients work. Nurses watched them on the other end of the garden and didn’t notice his impunity at first. But only at first.
Then one of the three nurses on site spotted him. He walked up to Tommy and squatted in front of him. He didn’t look angry or irritated, but there was something behind his indifference… something that said “don’t fuck with me”. And he badly needed a haircut. No wonder half the hospital was wearing long hair – the nurses couldn’t even provide an example.
“Tired?” the nurse said, tilting his head, a mocking glint in his eyes – or was Tommy imagining things?
“I’m not going to do this.” Tommy waved at the patients working.
“And why is that?”
“Because that shouldn’t be patients’ work. Hire a gardener or something.”
“With pleasure - if you provide the funds.” The corner of the nurse’s mouth curved ever so slightly.
“I’m not the one you should be asking.”
“Well, then you are not the one to make such requests. Grab a shovel and go.”
The nurse sighed. “I don’t remember you: you must be new. What’s your name?”
“Alright, Tommy. Listen. You’ve got two choices now: to pick up the shovel and work, or to have a talk with nurse Simmons. You know nurse Simmons, don’t you?”
Tommy nodded.
“Then you know he’d not exactly the right person to bring your work complaints to. To him, the nurse is always right and the patient is always wrong. And he doesn’t like when patients are wrong.”
“Are you threatening me or what?”
“I am not threatening you. I’m just telling you of possible outcomes. The one to threat you would be nurse Simmons. So are you working or do I call him?”
“Call whoever you want. I’m not doing unpaid labor.”
The nurse smiled, and it was even more unnerving than his resting face. “As you wish.”
He rose from the ground and strolled to the other side of the garden. For a bit Tommy considered hiding in a nearby bush – there would be no scolding if they couldn’t find him – but then shamed himself for it. He was not afraid of some nurse. Even nurse Simmons.
He swiftly changed his mind when the man approached him. He was approximately the same height as Tommy, which – did that asylum collect tall people or something? Tommy couldn’t even use his height advantage here.
Simmons, lips pressed into a thin line, arms crossed, towered over Tommy. The nurse that called him stood a bit farther, clearly lingering to enjoy the show.
“Thomas Lee, right?”
“Stradlin here said you don’t wanna work.”
Aha, the nurse’s name was Stradlin then. “Work for free,” Tommy corrected him.
Simmons raised his eyebrows. “Sorry? You suppose we should pay you?”
“I suppose you should pay a gardener and not force patients to do his work.”
“Well,” Simmons smiled unpleasantly, “we’ll consider it. Now get your ass up and work.” He picked up Tommy’s shovel and handed it to him, then pulled on his sleeve with such force he almost lifted Tommy from the ground. To his surprise, the rough robe fabric withstood the test with honor.
“Hey! Don’t touch me!” Tommy yanked the sleeve out of Simmons’s hand. “I wish to talk to Dr. Duren, and until I do that I am not doing anything.”
Simmons gave him a long, apprehensive look, and then, to Tommy’s surprise, nodded slowly.
“Very well. Cannot deny a patient access to his doctor. Come with me.”
Tommy blinked in surprise. Did this really work? Were all Stradlin’s promises a lie?
Without looking back Simmons headed down the path to the asylum. Tommy almost ran to catch up to him.
“But Du- Michael said Dr. Duren’s schedule was all busy.”
“Don’t worry, he’ll find some time for such an important patient,” Simmons said without looking at Tommy.
Well, that was an approach Tommy could work with. And what was Duff talking about then? Just wasting his time?
Tommy turned around to see Stradlin stand back there, following them with his eyes. And smiling.
They entered the building, and Simmons led Tommy down some corridor that he hadn’t been in yet. As they walked farther from the entrance and the canteen, Tommy grew nervous. Wasn’t Dr. Duren’s office on the second floor? They had already passed the only stairs he knew about. Maybe in the back of the building there was another?
Then Simmons stopped in front of a door. Metal, with a small barred window at eye level, it didn’t look like it could lead to Dr. Duren’s office at all – more like a yet another ward.
“This is Dr. Duren’s office?”
“Waiting room,” Simmons said, unlocking the door. “The door to the office is inside.”
He opened the door, but Tommy couldn’t see what was there from behind Simmons’s wide back.
“Then why is it dark there?”
“Because we don’t waste oil on scum like you,” Simmons grinned, suddenly very unfriendly, grabbed Tommy’s forearm and pushed him inside, into the darkness. When Tommy, panicking, grasped at the doorframe, Simmons slammed his fingers with his fist so painfully Tommy cried out and fell to the soft floor, clutching his hurt hand to his chest. The door behind him closed, and he was now in complete darkness, save for a small square of light coming from the hall through the barred window.
Behind the door Simmons was laughing. “The doctor will see you soon,” he said, and then he was gone.
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glitterliver07 · 2 months
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so yeah. I redesigned her slightly as well as giving her an actual job and some info after yk.. learning the phights a lot of the time arent canon i believ!!
her redesign mainly consists of giving her something that kind of shows her job and also trying to actually make her look in her 30s, bc believe it or not my biggest fear when it comes to confetti is accidentally making her look much younger than she is ESP when im drawing confettihammer, yikes.
I'll draw a more game accurate version soon, when drawing this i had just woken up from one of those long naps that leave u feeling like you got hit with something.
i did forget to put some more info on her sheet... oops.
Confetti cannon
39 years (damn girl you old /j )
5'0 or around 153cm(?)
From playground, has a bakery in crossroads
ranged, i imagine her cannon being sort of needing to be 'reloaded' but the thing with it is whenever it fires it fires in rapid bursts that do decent damage from a mid distance but much more damage up close. tho has some recoil. I imagine the phinisher being just her aiming then just. blasting the place shes aiming at with her cannon. (think skateboards phinisher mixed with rockets or something in the way it works). good damage but INSANE recoil
yeah thats what i got abt her!! confetti redesign !! possible moveset explanation soon :3
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stealingyourbones · 11 months
Ok so here’s my list of videogames I’m going through rn:
Half-Life series
Batman Arkham
And now Zelda
All of which I know jack shit about the stories or spoilers. I’ve started Batman Arkham Asylum and I’m in the middle of Half Life 2 Episode 1. So far I’m having a blast
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spicyraeman · 1 year
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sleepybun-ny · 11 months
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i have dug through my shit memory to compile all the notable pc’s i’ve ever created and drawn them.
i have also gone through the painstaking/embarrassing process of digging through google photos/discord art channels to find all the old dol art i can. these images can be found below the cut.
all of the pencil drawn stuff is from 2020, the digital is from ‘23. most of it is the first boy though, i was obsessed with the concept of him.
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lastofgallifrey · 1 year
a nightingale sang in berkeley square being aziraphale and crowley's song, the nightingale representing what they've felt for each other through the years, crowley being the one to say it out loud and address the fact that the nightingale was there, that it was real and then saying that neither of them can hear it now, aziraphale fully taking in what crowley meant, aziraphale looking away, aziraphale about to cry, crowley kissing aziraphale in a desperate attempt to mend things, knowing things were over but still trying all the same, aziraphale saying "i forgive you" but for what? for kissing him? for confessing only when everything was too late? for saying there were no more nightingales? and then we got crowley saying "don't bother" and walking away but still waiting outside to see aziraphale leave for heaven and maybe it's because he wanted to see aziraphale for as long as he could before they parted ways or maybe it's because deep down he was still hoping for things to change — either way i am GOING TO THROW UP
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