#asw-g-08 gundam barbatos
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paxesoterica · 1 year ago
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the [supernatural being] from [planet]
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modounbubble · 1 year ago
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ktwgallery · 7 months ago
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your-cr0w-x02-things · 10 months ago
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ohnopeoplesawthat · 2 years ago
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therealmodusoperandi · 2 years ago
Berserk Barbatos Lupus anyone?
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ariartaccount · 3 months ago
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Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex, ASW-G-08, from Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans. Drawn in Procreate.
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enby-dragoon · 2 months ago
Rating the IBO Gundams by how much I personally want to fuck them
Hello, I've been writing Gundam fanfiction recently and that has gotten me intensely horny. This was the result.
The following is mostly just my opinion, formed by a combination of aesthetics and role in the series.
Unless they're very different I'll be looking at only the final version of each Gundam.
1: ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex
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We're starting off strong with this one. Lupus Rex is very butch. She'd wrestle me to the ground and I'd thank her, and if I wrote down what I want her to do with that tail and those claws, I'd have to set this post to mature.
Conlusion: Very fuckable in a way that would hurt me, but sometimes you just want to be hurt you know?
2: ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City
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Gusion is the kind of guy who outwardly seems extremely tough and masculine, until you talk to him and realize he has a pet goldfish and does model building as a hobby.
Unfortunately he's also a bit shy, so we'd never actually get together, neither of us would be able to work up the courage to ask.
Conclusion: Very fuckable if one of us got drunk or something. Bonus points for probably being the healthiest relationship of the bunch.
3: ASW-G-64 Gundam Flauros (Ryusei-Go)
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Flauros knows exactly who he is and wants to be, and he's not afraid to be open about it.
Of all the Post-Disaster Gundams, Flauros is the only one capable of transforming and I, uh, may or may not have a clip of that saved for... Research purposes.
Also those big cannons, which in his transformed state become electromagnetic railguns!
Conclusion: Probably the sexiest one of the lineup here, if not the sexiest. I want him to fire those cannons if you get what I mean.
4: ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael
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The first of these not from Tekkadan, and fittingly the first one ever built too.
This picture doesn't really do him justice, he looks much better in motion, especially those wings.
Bael is interesting, because on his own he's plenty fuckable (if a bit dedicated to duty), his problems are mostly the kinds of people that surround him.
He's definitely old money, but he genuinely works hard and got his position through merit rather than nepotism.
his friends, however, are normal rich people, and thus the worst.
Conclusion: A one night stand would work, but anything more would see his friends try and get rid of me for his reputation.
5: ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth Origin
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Astaroth is a military veteran, which is a bit of a turn off, and his colour scheme is also too samey, he really should have added some other colours than red and grey.
Conclusion: Not my type.
6: ASW-G-32 Gundam Asmoday
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Now here's a much better colour scheme, the lime green adds some much needed oomph to what would normally be a pretty drab look.
Unlike Astaroth Origin, Asmoday gives the impression of a resistance fighter, he doesn't want to fight, but he will do it for a cause he believes in, and won't slaughter children in the process.
Conclusion: Unfuckable only because we'd get too distracted discussing political theory.
7: ASW-G-35 Gundam Marchosias
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Marchosias is badassery incarnate. She has a sword that can turn into a mace, and then has four extra swords on top of that.
I want to find out what else those arms can do, if you catch my drift.
She has also completely disappeared, and the cops are after her.
Conclusion: We'd fuck, and then I'd wake up to an empty bed with a note apologizing for having to leave early.
8: ASW-G-56 Gundam Gremory
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Gremory is, so obsessed with being cool and edgy that it's like he never grew up past 14.
His claws look nice, but it's not enough for him to stand out, his gimmick is wearing a hood for stars sake!
Conclusion: Unfuckable
9: ASW-G-XX Gundam Vidar
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Vidar is what Gremory wants to be. he's cool, he's mysterious, he's got swords in his feet, and he actually has a good colour scheme.
He's pretty obsessed though and not exactly mentally stable.
Conclusion: while a relationship is off the table, a night of rough sex is not.
10: ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris Vidar
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And breaking into the double digits is... Vidar again.
Kimaris Vidar has all the same problems that Vidar does, and none of the good parts.
he looks like a prototype that was smashed together over the weekend.
Conclusion: No
11: ASW-G-71 Gundam Dantalion
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Dantalion is... Interesting. She looks a bit plain on her own, unfinished almost.
You'd think her armor fixes that, but it makes it seem like she's compensating for something, it doesn't fit her at all, like she's trying hide away who she is beneath it all.
Conclusion: That girl needs help, and I don't think I could give it to her.
12: ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion
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This is Gusion before he pulled his life together. He's hanging with a bad crowd, takes credit from others work, and is one step away from being a nazi.
He's an incel, essentially.
Conclusion: No woman wants to be in a two mile radius of him, me included.
13: ASW-G-04 Gundam Gamigin
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He has a fucking revolver-hammer-glaive and a minigun.
This guy would smash down the door of a nazi and threaten to beat him to death.
Unfortuneately, he's also an enforcer for a very rich family.
Conclusion: I could fix him.
14: ASW-G-16 Gundam Zepar
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He pretends to be a knight, fighting for justice and all that, but secretly is just the worst.
Also, he's definitely a crypto bro. Instant turn off.
Conclusion: I'll send you an NFT of my fucking dick, bitch.
15: ASW-G-48 Gundam Haagenti
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This girl is ready to fight, and she doesn't have to stop being feminine to do that.
She would, however, definitely be a terf and call me a slur.
Conclusion: I don't have a degradation kink.
16: ASW-G-54 Gundam Murmur
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In an alternate universe where I was a rich cis woman, we'd have an affair while our husbands were away which would scandalize the business world.
Hower, I am a disabled trans woman.
Conclusion: She's more likely to call the cops on me than go down on me.
17: ASW-G-61 Gundam Zagan
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Zagan works out a lot, and brags a bunch about being a professional athlete.
However, he is actually a loser who is ontologically incapable of winning.
Conclusion: Normally not into such muscular men, but I'd make an exception if he dropped the bragging.
And that's all the IBO Gundams I could find ranked by how fuckable they are.
If you disagree with this list remember: My opinions are objective fact and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
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wanderersrest · 7 months ago
The Devil That Is Capitalism
Content Warning: this post is going to potentially be talking about a whole smorgasbord of dicey topics including child abuse, child sexual abuse, child soldiers, war crimes, death, fates worse than death, politics, militarism, casual mention of suicide, and, of course, capitalism.
Also Spoiler Warning for Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Reader discretion is advised.
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Mobile Suit Gundam has always been a series about the horrors of war. To me, though, one of the more fascinating things about the series is that a lot of the wars in the various timelines stem from some form of unchecked capitalism. Though I haven't watched every series in the franchise yet, I do think one series in particular stands out in its portrayal of capitalism and its woes: 2015's Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Strap yourselves in, because this is going to be an extremely long post, and make sure that you've read the content warning at the top of the post.
Oh, and it might help to read my Spoilery Rant on Iron-Blooded Orphans. It is informed, in part, by what I'm about to say in this post. And also make sure you read the context post about Gundam and its thematic ties to capitalism. And you might want to open up TVTropes' character page, because there are going to be a lot of nouns thrown around.
Left For The Wolves
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Iron-Blooded Orphans begins with our titular orphans, the Third Company of the Chryse Guard Security organization (CGS), being chosen to escort one Kudelia Aina Bernstein from Mars to Earth so that she can meet with the leaders of the Earth economic blocs and negotiate the freedom of her nation of Chryse. After they are left to die by their superiors when Gjallarhorn, the protectors of the Earth sphere, attack, the Third Company manage to pull through using an old Mobile Suit that CGS had been using as a power source: the ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos (ehe intensifies). Once the dust settles, the members of the Third Group stage a violent coup against their owners and rename themselves Tekkadan: the Iron Flower That Never Wilts.
And right away, we can see how capitalism shapes the Post-Disaster timeline. The fact that children are not only forced to pick up undesirable jobs in order to just barely eke out a living, to say nothing of the fact that those who become child soldiers are forced to undergo surgery to have the Alaya-Vijyana System implanted into them. And, uh...
Getting the AV Implant is not good. IF the surgery is successful, then you are now capable of piloting the tank-like Mobile Worker. But due to the fact that the Alaya-Vijyana System has been outlawed by Gjallarhorn, the only people who perform it by the time Iron-Blooded Orphans are back alley doctors. And if your body rejects the AV System, you'll only be paralyzed from the waist down. If you're lucky.
So it's either that or, in the case of Atra, it's brothel work. The only thing that saved Atra was the fact that she was too young to do anything serious, so she was relegated to cleaning and dishwashing. But it isn't unheard of for these Martian street rats to be used for the other unsavory acts, as we'll soon find out.
Pitting the Poor Against One Another (Featuring Ein Dalton)
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Another aspect of Iron-Blooded Orphans that exemplifies the worst parts of capitalism is how the systems put in place by capitalism will pit poor people against other poor people. The best example of this in action in IBO is everyone's favorite ball of rage: Ein Dalton.
Like the orphans who populate Tekkadan, Ein is a member of Gjallarhorn who was born and raised in Mars. Of course, due to its nature as a colony of the Earth Sphere, citizens of Mars are generally treated as second-class citizens. And even though he is a soldier of Gjallarhorn, Ein is treated just like the street rats of Mars. It is important to note that when Ein is introduced, the only person who really respects him as a human being is his direct superior Crank Zent.
And Crank ends up committing suicide by Tekkadan. And then Tekkadan, the people who killed Crank, end up commandeering his Mobile Suit for their own purposes. This ends up setting up a good amount of bad blood between Ein and Tekkadan, which lasts for the rest of the first season. And it's a real shame for Ein since, in theory, he and the members of Tekkadan have a shared upbringing as Martian citizens. But because Ein is working for Gjallarhorn, he is placed in an organization that treats him as a second-class citizen. And only two people in this organization treat him with respect: the now deceased Crank and Gaelio Bauduin, who takes Ein under his wing immediately after Crank's passing.
This kind of exploitation that pits marginalized groups against one another is a key component of capitalism and its more sinister cousin, imperialism. Since Mars is treated as a place that has lots of resources, the people don't matter. The people only exist to help extract said resources. So this, coupled with Ein being stuck in an organization where one of the few people who treat him as a human being is killed off for rather selfish (but really understandable) reasons, he ends up loathing the people whose struggles are most sympathetic to his own.
So when a mortally wounded Ein gets strapped into the EB-AX-2 Graze Ein, it makes sense in a really sad way that he is reduced to a screaming mess of a mechanical monster. And boy, if I had a nickel for every time Iron-Blooded Orphans introduced a screaming mechanical monster, well... you should just start calling me Doofenschmertz. But more on that soon.
It's All About Who Has the Power and the Money
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Moving on to Gjallarhorn itself, we can see how capitalism and the status quo has made the organization complacent. Our first introduction to Gjallarhorn includes the head of the Mars Branch being bribed by Kudelia's father in an attempt to bring her back home. The Mars Branch head decides that killing her along with everyone who is trying to give her passage to Earth. So right from the get-go, we know that Gjallarhorn members are willing to commit crimes all because no one will really stop them. After all, Gjallarhorn have basically been the one true military power in the Post-Disaster timeline for more than 300 years at this point.
Gjallarhorn at this point is a corrupt and hollow shell of its former self. At this point in the Post-Disaster timeline, the organization has gone from a group that protected humanity from the Mobile Armors to an organization that protects the status quo at all costs while protecting the worst of the lot. The attack on CGS at the beginning of the series is a great example of this, and it doesn't stop there.
Gjallarhorn is guilty of election interference due to their involvement with economic bloc nation Arbrau's elections, as they had place Tomonosuke Makanai under house arrest in an attempt to keep him from being elected. Gjallarhorn is also guilty of committing multiple false flag operations, which I will talk about later. There's also the fact that one of the heads of the Seven Stars married off his son to a child, though in that case that is largely to make said son look bad (and we'll touch on the son soon).
And nothing exemplifies Gjallarhorn's descent into decadence more than at least two heads of the Seven Stars, Carta Issue and Iok Kujan, being glory hounds who will sacrifice all of their men just to look good. Both only look out for themselves, with the latter in particular being a detriment to not just his enemies but his allies as well. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Iok actively screws everyone over by being the biggest failson the series has to offer. And Iok's stupidity rears its head at one of the worst moments imaginable: the awakening of the Mobile Armor Hashmal. And the worst part about this? Hashmal isn't the biggest monster the series has to offer.
The monster is also not Gundam Barbatos, or really any of the Gundam frames, for that matter.
The Real Monster Was Rustal Elion
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One of the more maddening takes that's pervasive one places like Reddit is the idea that Orga and McGillis are the bad guys. Like we all just forgot that Rustal Elion exists? Or for that matter Nobliss Gordon, Jasley Donomikols, or Iok Kujan?
And the real irony of this is that, contrary to what Gundam is famous for, Iron-Blooded Orphans is one of the few Gundam series where there are actual, capital V villains. Yes, our protagonists are violent even by the standards of Gundam protagonists and will do whatever it takes to win, but they're all creations of the systems of violence that capitalism have produced. And yes, that does include resident Char Clone McGillis Fareed (though, as I have said before, I can understand if someone said he was a villain too). It turns out being a street urchin who is adopted by a man who would proceed to sexually abuse McGillis is going to mess you up mentally. That's why, in their final confrontation, Gaelio can only look on McGillis in pity. It doesn't absolve McGillis of any wrongdoing, but it does make sense why he wouldn't trust anyone with his plan of dismantling Gjallarhorn. Doubly so when Gaelio all but states that he would have joined McGillis in his cause had the latter just opened up to the former.
But people like YouTuber Boofire191 will swear to you that the "protagonists" are the bad guys. Right...
Because performing multiple false flag operations as a justification for committing multiple war crimes makes you a good guy, right? Because that's something that both Rustal and Iok have done, twice in the case of Rustal specifically, three times if we count him as also being Iok's superior.
Or murdering civilians in cold blood just to get a rise out of your rival? That has Jasley written all over it. Oh, and Iok is also partly responsible for this as well as killing off unarmed civilians on top of hiring Jasley.
Or, for that matter, trying to have a Martian politician assassinated? Nobliss tried to pull this off with Kudelia in season one. Heck, Nobliss' whole MO is fighting for Martian independence in such a way that he can also make a profit while doing so. That's why he ultimately sells Tekkadan out to Rustal in season 2.
Or what about awakening a mobile armor even though your enemies are literally telling you not to? Because Iok sure didn't care about the fact that he could potentially awaken the nightmare of the Calamity War. His foolish mistakes end up costing everyone everything, including Rustal.
Yes, really. Iok is so much of a failson that he manages to ruin Rustal's plans. Because remember: Rustal's end game is not just restoring the status quo. It's restoring the status quo in such a way that he, Rustal Elion, would be the new head of the Seven Stars. Of course, Iok screws this up in the best way he ever could:
By slowly getting slowly crushed to death by Akihiro and the Gusion Rebake Full City.
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I single out Rustal, by the way, for one very specific reason: he's the only one of these villains who is still alive by the end of the show. Jasley gets his just desserts when Tekkadan leaves Teiwaz (which I haven't even mentioned, good lord) for the sole purpose of getting revenge for Naze Turbine and company's demise at the hands of Jasley. Nobliss Gordon is gunned down in a bathroom stall by an older Ride Mass, which makes for a fitting end for a greedy corporate fat cat like Gordon. And that slimeball named Iok Kujan... is crushed to death in the most satisfying of manners by the GOAT, Akihiro Altland.
I had to bring it up again. Iok's death always sparks joy in me.
But Rustal is not defeated. And this is important, because Rustal represents the status quo. This is why my point about Iok screwing things up even for Rustal is so important: with at least four of the Seven Stars families out of commission, it is all but impossible for things to continue the way they are now. And remember, Rustal still wins in the end. He gets to save face as the hero who stopped the Devil of Tekkadan, all while people don't hear about the war crimes he committed just to do so.
And don't forget: the people Rustal won against were almost exclusively children. He slaughtered children in the name of the status quo.
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To tie it all together, everything in the Post-Disaster timeline is about power. Money speaks volumes in Iron-Blooded Orphans, and it's what sets Orga and Tekkadan on their path to fame, infamy, and ruin. Tekkadan's arrival onto the scene, alongside the scheming of one McGillis Fareed, sets us up for a situation where people who could shake things up are appearing. And if there is anything capitalists hate, it's anything that rocks the boat.
In a way, Rustal Elion ultimately serves as the setting's equivalent to an immune response. These dangerous entities have appeared and are threatening the status quo, so it is up to Rustal and his Arianrhod Fleet to crush them. And like an immune response, whether it be a real one or the kind seen in Cells At Work, his response is ruthless. But it isn't enough, and he is ultimately forced to compromise.
And that, to me, is a fitting end to a man obsessed with power.
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smashorpassobjects2 · 4 months ago
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diabloii · 21 days ago
Wait gundam
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MG ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos
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dragon-snoots-a-boopin · 2 years ago
Okay guys, ONLY tell me if your vote is for something NOT ON the poll here. If you like Exia, vote for it on the poll.
Edit: Here's the current list of write ins for the other category:
GF13-017NJII God Gundam
GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam
Gundam F91
Turn A Gundam
RX-93 Nu Gundam
GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X
RX-0 Unicorn Gundam
RX-78NT-1 Gundam NT-1 "Alex"
YG-111 Gundam G-Self
RX-79 [G] Gundam Ez-8
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modounbubble · 1 year ago
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<3 <3
She didn’t choose the Mars life, the Mars life chose her <3
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ktwgallery · 7 months ago
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ukanlos003570 · 1 year ago
Barbatos Lupus
I like to make ‘album’ covers for my playlists. My Orchestral playlist has a whole bunch of Gundam soundtracks, so I made a little cover of my favorite one, ASW-G-08 Barbatos Lupus
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runicmagitek · 1 year ago
No U-Turns: Chapter 1 (Keitaro/Natsuno - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)
(( two years ago, I wrote about Ei working retail in At Your Convenience. and now, I can FINALLY share the dumb follow-up, featuring Keitaro and Natsuno going on that date of theirs. but first, he needs to survive his shift at work ehehehe ENJOY!! ))
“Hey, you have a minute?”
The television cycled through another binge-watch of The Expanse as a source of background noise. Keitaro sat on the living room couch, meticulously cutting out the tiny, plastic fragments that made up the MG 1/100 ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos kit. Snipping free the last one for the right leg, he added it to the appropriate pile on the coffee table, flexed his hand, and looked up.
“I do now,” he replied.
Ei lifted two hangers, each displaying a button-down shirt. “I need your opinion.”
“On... what, exactly?”
“Which one should I go with for tomorrow?”
“Aren’t they identical?”
Ei huffed. “This one—” He shook the shirt on the left. “—is a classic fit with a straight point collar. And this one—” He brandished the right shirt. “—is a slim fit with a long button-down collar.”
Keitaro squinted. “But they’re both black?”
Ei rolled his eyes and marched off. “You’re unbelievable.”
[read more on AO3]
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