#astro if u see this very important. how tall are they
omori-sv-au · 2 years
Sorry for disappearing we went grocery
Well that's just perfect! And so with that... the Special Talent Program was funded by Mr. Jawsum! Ya gotta say, a program that (experimentally) gives superpowers to people with promising talent, that's got a lotta potential!
Strangely though, the program was shut down when suddenly scientists and partners of the program started disappearing and getting killed off... Wonder what's up with that.........
Ooops! I slipped and dropped this! :3
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....Yeah Rod went rogue a little. After moving away from his parents (not to Faraway yet), he went around hunting down people associated and working with the Program. And that included the people funding the project... Mr. Jawsum. But he never got to that, since he dropped the vigilante shit after a while. He didn't use just powers as he hunted them down, to spite them, but also to be less recognizable.
Also yes, that hood is the hood SkySkip is using <3 (He found it in the attic and edited it a bit. He doesn't know about Red Devil.)
Oh and that staff was also something Rod used to use, but he gave it to Cameron! But the one Cameron uses as SkySkip is a retractable bo staff he bought!
Along with that, his parents owed Mr. Jawsum due to signing up to a program he funded. The heroes having to work for him was part of the contract, if the experiments were successful, but since they were just children at the time the parents were the one who worked for him. Rod and Cameron had cut them off so they didn't associate that, but Ricard.......
Oh Ricard... :)
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He's been a little bit silly :D
So yeah, he hasn't told his brothers where he's actually been working, that his parents haven't paid off their debt, and that he's been working with possibly one of the biggest villains in Faraway... so uh. YeAH <3
Anyways, that's all I've got for now! Hope you were okay with the near incomprehensible ramble in your inbox- I'm off now! Thanks for listening Hyper :D
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
Hello, I'd love to join your game! My initials - SM(sag sun and rising, aquarius moon) my questions are what's coming to me and my next romantic partner
Your exchange :
What is coming to you soon : the fool and the emprres - well this is a lovely energy. It reminds me of summer vacation, not in a literal sense but becouse u can have fun and just enjoy and relax /splurge. Anyway, what's coming to you is freedom I feel like, a period od carelessnes and fun moments, space and time for you to explore yourself more, possibly new endeavors and starting new projects. With the emtpess, i think money and elevated status, recognition are on the way. Seems like you'll be having a hot girl summer dear.
Your next partner - the judgment, queen of Wands and king of swords. If astro placements are important to you thees3 cards signify - aquarius, aries energy and pluto. God this is some powerful person. So your fp is very strong willed, someone who has a strong mind and sharp logic, someone confident af who knows what he wants and how to bet it. Big dick energy not gonna lie. I think he has been brought a bit rough and has some deep past that he won't share easily, it's like the sharpness od the world had taught him to act more so with his logic rather emotion, yet he is mature and i believe you will grow a lot with this man. He's gonna be protective of you, and match your vibe. Idk how dominant you consider yourself, but this person will take the lead in the relationship, not in a bad way. He's the type of person to freeze the room and turn heads, to challenge people and see thru their biullshit. Probably older then you. For physical features, - tall and muscular /lean, strong facial features, lighter eyes and thick, hair with lots of volumen. His stule can be profesional or street style with mostly black, blue Grey tones
Hope it resonates ❣️❣️
thank you so much for your patience @regaliadivina and thank you for the exchange!
normally i allow only one question, but since it is my last game i'll allow two! and my summer vacation has started since i graduated college! but the hot girl summer is something i am very, very open to!
and with the future partner thing, that is basically my energy i might as well date myself. i can be a dominant person but i can allow someone to take the lead but if they're over-bearing i wont be able to do that. it's the aries venus in me. thank you so much for the exchange!
question one - what is coming to you
my answer - what i first got that you might reconcile with an ex? you might have an erotic era with that person. it might not even be an ex but i just got a very familiar feeling with you and this person. it could even be someone you're talking to currently. and for this next thing, it could go down two ways, you could get a job that'll give you so much money or even get a sugar dad; or just someone who gives you money. though this could come in this month or the current months that will be coming soon.
question two - your next future partner
my answer - im getting much positive vibes from this person, or this future partner of yours could be a partier. they are someone who definitely likes to be in a positive place, they could've been someone who was a nihilist before but now they view life in a more better outlook. on the other hand, they could be foreign? they could belong to a country that likes to party. they might like to dance a lot and like lift the mood if people feel negative or down. there is something bimbo/himbo-ish about them, but that part of themselves could make you laugh. there's big sag/jupiter/9h energy from this person. but im also getting mercury/gemini and not that much of a 3h placement because their energy is so hyper and giddy. im also getting a certain dance they do to make you laugh and they could like the colour orange/yellow? they could have tanned skin and dark hair. they look like they could come from a country like mexico or brazil. countries like that. when you first meet them you might think their personality is very dimensional like there's nothing else but jokester energy to them. but their proper solid side, they dont show it to everyone.
make sure to leave feedback in the comment section or reblogs!
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horanggae · 3 years
hi my dear aera! (=^・ェ・^=)
wow, your major is so cool! what made you decide studying psych sci? aww, yes it was!!<3 a fun fact about me is that my grandparents also have their birthdays on july a few days before and after mine so that’s why we celebrate all together! yes, they mainly serve breakfast dishes (everything related with eggs and bacon) and they’re mainly famous because of their pancakes!! but every time I go there I usually order chicken tenders or burgers because I’m not so keen to eating scramble eggs outside home (i hope this doesn’t sound too weird). oh, may I know when its your birthday? is it soon? I kinda feel your birthday was on spring because you give me warm vibes.
oh really? that sounds so easy, i really thought it was something more complicated (*μ_μ) thanks for the help!! you’re pisces!! (i just googled the dates between this sign and you might be a baby born in spring or late winter!!). I’m glad you don’t know who am I yeeet! (I swear I have pressed the damn follow button around three times already?? instead of your inbox, i’m really clumsy (>﹏<) oh, and are you good with handling alcohol? actually I don’t drink any type of alcohol, I only have tasted strawberry soju (it was really good but definitely burned up my throat) and radler’s! (germany’s lemon beer, and it is really good).
I do count this asks as convos! that’s so nice to read!! (I really try to always send you nice asks so I’m really happy that you get to experience some of my feelings and emotions) no way aera!, but I consider you such a good english speaker? I really thought you were from north america or europe because of your way of writing and the use of some words I have never read before! May I ask when did u became so good with english? I bet you’re really good with your mother tongue! thanks for the recommendations! I’ll try to write some drabbles this last vacation days!
oh it’s really cool to read your type of sleeping! for me once I lay down I completely die and wake up until the very next day, so I’m a heavy sleeper (alarms never work for me unless I have something pretty important like an exam or a vacation trip, and when I’m really worried about something).
oh! me too<3 on real life (well not real? just in person lol) I really tend to talk a lot so I’m glad I’m not overwhelming you with all of my questions and writing! thank u for the nice wishes, obviously I wish you to stay safe as well ^^ oh so you’re also fully protected now! did u get any side effects after the two shoots? I couldn’t move my arm for the whole day haha. oh my I have never thought about living the y/n lifestyle?? maybe I am??
this is already so long and I haven’t answered your questions, i’m deeply sorry!
oh I would totally love to see you become part of the performance unit!! and also if you really get to marry hao can I go to your wedding? (・ω<)☆  shipping expenses are really the worst way of spending money (。╯︵╰。)
time to reply back!!
what’s in the ihop menu & your favorite item on it? – somehow I already replied to this question at the beginning! ^^ but it is chicken tenders with dip of honey mustard!
astro sign? – i’m leo!
do you like alcohol? if yes, what type and/or brand! – haha, again I already talked about this! I don’t dislike it but I’m also not the greatest fan? and the only one I like drinking is any brand of radler beer! (I don’t have so much experience with alcohol) a small fact: I started to drink alcohol only two years ago when I was studying abroad!
which unit would you like to join? – vocal unit!! I would love to be part of the creating process of writing a song and also would love to learn how to sing (I don’t know how to sing but I would love to learn from any of the members!! specially dk’s!!)
kiss, date, marry: hoshi, jun & dino!! – i see what you have done here      ♡( ◡‿◡ ) i would kiss dino, date hoshi and marry jun. (I think of dino as someone to take care of, for hoshi I think it would be kinda overwhelming because he deserves a lot and also is kinda highly demanding? and for jun, he’s my type! tall, funny, smart and caring<3.)
your fave album? – teen age or you make my dawn! both albums have some of my all time favorite tracks also the special units on teen age are something worth repeating!!
your current stash of svt goods or maybe are you starting collect rn? – I happen to also pay a lot on shipping and I also recently started to like svt, so far I have bought some albums along with my sister who’s also a big fan (we have one of each of this albums: semicolon, director’s cut, an ode, henggarae and for your choice we bought the three versions!) I think I’m only missing their first ver. of lightstick because its the prettiest lightstick I have ever seen! (also my bank account suffers every time I buy something (╥_╥).
how is it working at your sister’s cafe? (any out of the ordinary happening (✷‿✷) – it’s really great! i love spending time there and I also love to work with coffee! I also enjoy preparing food (we sell salads and sandwiches). I think asia’s cafe’s are something from another world? they are so pretty and have such a wide variety of drinking options! i really enjoy bubble tea drinks! do u like milk tea with boba?
this is really long, please take all the time you need to reply and don’t feel obligated to answer all of it (I just wanted to share all my thoughts with you)!! I hope you’re having a great week, wishing you a lot of health and happiness, also a lot of luck with your college homework! (≧◡≦) ♡
hello f🐯❤️ how are you doing!
IHOP sounds like a nice place to chill before classes and probably late into the night... Naw it doesn't weird though, it's your preference! I don't eat prawns outside of home either, I just find it icky(?). You're right!!!! I'm a spring march baby! I swear I never receive notifications from you at all? Only recently the one I saw was tmttxt (?) but I think they changed their username so I can't find out now when I tried searching for them again. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
I've always wanted to learn and understand the human mind more when I was in high school but my grades didn't allow me to pursue psychology in college (in my country you'll have to be the top percentile to get into courses like psych) so I ended up diverging from what I want, to something that piqued my interest as a child, which was design. Loved it as a pastime and as a getaway but I couldn't churn anything out for assignments. I decided to just follow what I really wanted in uni since I was still set on studying psych even after meeting with a college guide + I had a window of opportunity and now here I am as a year 1! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I enjoy alcohol but my tolerance level isn't high :-( so I usually drink with caution unless I'm with the people I trust! I prefer cider more though bc of the crisp and light taste! Talking to you feels like a writing to a penpal; we are living our own respective lives, but we make time for each other to write back!!! I enjoy talking to you sm like there isn't any pressure to immediately reply back and it's really like receiving a letter but in asks form!! ❤️❤️❤️
English is my first language, but i kinda winged it the entire time when I was younger! I learned a lot of English words from reading; I was an avid reader until I was 17 when I started using smartphones, my reading habit disappeared. But when it comes to grammar and sentence structure, embarrassingly, I'm extremely bad at it. (´ . .̫ . `) my vocabulary is pretty strong bc of the books I've read over the years! I just started picking up reading again and have just finished the miracles of namiya general store & the seventh day, both recommended by wonwoo! I'm so happy I managed to read a little everyday and still retaining the same eagerness and anticipation (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Do link me your drabbles if you ever do write, I'd love to read your works!!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡ aw man i wish I was a heavy sleeper like before ㅠ ㅠ feels like growing older made me a light sleeper. The first was worst in terms of soreness, the second was mild— felt like they didn't administer the vaccine at all ahskskdlflr but I did felt a little feverish during the night but everything is fine! How about you, are you feeling better now?? If I ever get married to hao that is (≧ ᴗ ≦) but I'd love for hao to just be a friend who I can speak freely to under the stars hehe.
I realised I haven't asked about your major, also why did you pick that major?
I hope you're doing well in the cafe! Damn, makes me wanna work in a cafe too... There's vacancy at my uni's Starbucks but it's too far of a commute for me to consider </3 ㅠ ㅠI hope interesting things happen at the cafe so that it spice up your vacation break hehe.
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