demigenderfriends · 7 years
I think that my gender changes according to my expression. I mean, if I put on a dress and wear makeup I am gonna feel like I am a girl and if I wear masculine clothes I am gonna feel like a boy. Like it is not my gender that controls/changes my gender expression it is my gender expression that controls/changes my gender. Is there any name for this? It is weird I know :/
i see what ur getting at,,,earlier u mentioned how there was attraction as well like u find femininity beautiful n masculinity hot? there’s a gender called asthefluid which is someone whose gender changes to be the same as or similar to the gender(s) they’re aesthetically attracted to at the moment.
or there’s ostefluid which is when one’s gender expression changes, one’s gender is experienced differently, even though it’s still the same gender no matter how it’s presented.
hope this helps a bit!!
 - mod daria
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Various gender terms with no known flags (part 2)
Ariegender: A gender that makes the person feel somewhat out of control because their gender identity is taking control of their life. Based on the zodiac sign Aries.
(Not to be confused with Arigender/Ariesgender)
Arsgoegender: A gender that holds strong feelings of kinship with demons/devils/dark beings. This gender often leads to someone feeling or being kind on the outside but selfish on the inside, or mischievous on the outside and caring on the inside (or any similar variation). Note: Preferably only to be used by demon/devil/god/spirit/angel - kin folk (and similar kin) but it’s open to anyone who wants to use it.
Attraction based genders: Describes someone whose gender changes to be the same as or similar to the gender(s) they’re ___ attracted to at the moment. 
Can be written as: Sexofluid, Romofluid, Alterousfluid, Sensufluid, Asthefluid, Platofluid, etc.
Attrafluid: A combination of multiple or all of the above genders note: the “fluid” part can be replaced with “flux” to signify that your gender fluctuates based on what gender(s) you’re attracted to at the moment. 
Note: these genders are intended for bi/pan/poly individuals whose preferences (if they have any) are fluid but if you feel that your orientation as a whole is fluid then feel free to use them.
Audiogender: The more you hear about a certain gender, the more you actively become that gender. 
Augender: “Aug” meaning “to increase”; a gender identity that is always growing and possibly combining other genders/gender identities and traits into one gender.
Similar to plugender but exists in a state of action/growth.
Autogender: A gender experience that feels deeply personal to oneself but it too difficult to accurately describe with any other gender terms. See also: Egogender, (Name)gender, Egoisgender, Narkissigender, Skelogender.
Trying this out to see what works best. For now I’mma put 7 terms per post and queue maybe 3 times a day. If that’s too overwhelming for anyone then send an ask and we can make it smaller! All these terms are in the docs as well
[Link for A-K] and [Link for L-Z] and [Link for text only]
If any of you know if there’s flags for any of these already, please send a link to it so we can add it to the gallery! And if you know who coined it so we can properly credit them (and that includes if it was anonymously posted or the blog deactivated).
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themogaidragon · 3 years
Tumblr media
Attrafluid or attraflexible: someone whose gender changes depending the gender(s) of the people they feel attraction to at the moment. This can be any type of attraction, including alterous, aesthetic, platonic, romantic, sensual and/or sexual. The term can be combined based on the type(s) of attraction the effect one's gender (alterousfluid, asthefluid, platofluid, romofluid, sensufluid, sexofluid, etc.). These genders are intended for pluralian individuals whose preferences or frequencies are fluid, but it can be used by anyone whose orientation as a whole is fluid.
Attrafluid was coined before February 19th 2017 by unknown.
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imoga-pride · 4 years
My gender is complicated. Im bigender, but say my prominent gender was female and my less prominent gender was male. But if i fell in love with a guy, my female gender would switch with my male gender making it the most prominent gender. Like one part omnigay and another part something else. If there’s a name for this type could you please tell me? Also, if there’s a flag, I would appreciate you showing me that as well. Im really confused. Thank you.
Attrafluid or attraflexible (attraction based genders): Someone whose gender changes depending the gender(s) they feel [alterous, aesthetic, platonic, romantic, sensual and/or sexual] attraction to at the moment. A combination of multiple or all of the attractional genders (alterousfluid, asthefluid, platofluid, romofluid, sensufluid, sexofluid, etc.).
Amante-: only feeling attraction towards someone you're in love with/not feeling sexual attraction until youre in love with someone.
Sequence-: only experiencing attraction to someone after experiencing romantic attraction to that person.
Femal-experient: Experiencing femaleness in one’s gender.
Magifluid (magigenderfluid): changing between magigenders.
Domfluid/plerufluid (domgenderfluid/plerugenderfluid): switching domgenders/plerugenders; being multigender, one is dominant but replaceable/unstatic/fluid.
Sequifluid (sequigenderfluid): Having a fluid gender which one feels is second, not as strong as the primary.
Primusfluid (primusgenderfluid): Having a genderfluidity which a gender feels is primary, strongest in identifying with.
Flexfemale: A flexible gender that is predominately female, but somehow diverge from gender femaleness; a female gender that has a flexing intensity level.
Affecgender: where your gender changes when you receive affection.
Amaregender: a gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with.
I couldn't find anything more specifically. But I think omnigay-experient or half-omnigay could work.
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neopronouns · 4 years
So are there any genders that I guess mimic the ones they're around at the time? (like it changes like genderfluid but just depending on what genders they're surrounded with)
- absorgender: a gender that is what the genders of those around you are. as you are around more people, even if some leave, they continue to add to the genders you feel. you stay the genders that you have taken in until you hit a max of some sort. at that point you become like a blank slate, being only one gender (it doesn’t have to be agender or neutral, it can be any gender and the base gender can be different each time) - attrafluid: someone whose gender changes depending the gender(s) they feel attraction to at the moment. subtypes are alterousfluid, asthefluid, platofluid, romofluid, sensufluid, sexofluid - chamgender: your gender identity changes to match the gender or perceived gender of whomever you’re with at the time - copygender: a fluid gender identity that mimics the gender of someone the person has strong feelings for - mirrorgender: a gender that changes to fit the people you’re around
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