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elementclangen · 10 months ago
Moon 184-Greenleaf
Poolbounce (20)  just can’t stop adopting kits.  This time, he adopted two kits a loner left to the Clan.  Both of them are water-blessed, which Creekstar (38) is grateful for.  At least one of them will become a mediator.  It’ll be nice to have one again.  The little girl, Swiftkit (2), loves using her water-blessing to get into trouble.  She uses it to make the splashes from puddles even bigger to drench one of Poolbounce’s other kits, Robinkit (1).  He’s not a fan of getting doused with water, and the most his fire-blessing can do is warm him up a little bit.  The other kit, Silverkit (2), makes quite a team with Swiftkit.  Sometimes the two of them will make a wave that completely drenches the nursery.  How fun.   Lightkit (1) seems to be getting along better with Silverkit and Swiftkit than his bio brother.  He has a fun time joking around with Silverkit.  Robinkit is excited to escape his splashing tormentors and dreams about becoming a warrior.  In other family relationships, Gladepatch (60) is feeling a little defensive of his daughter after she got rejected by Wildcave (67).  He doesn’t think the other tom is being completely honest with Creekstar about his feelings.  Pigeonspot’s (53) efforts to get along with Sleepyfoot’s (50) older kits seem to be going well, at least with Astertwist (20).  She appreciates the advice the young Healer gives her.  She’s also been spending time with her younger bio son, Elmroot (14) and wants to explore the whole territory with him.  Primcrest feels the need to keep all of her skills sharp and challenges Elmroot to spar with her.  Frecklepaw (11) is enjoying her Healer training, particularly the parts where she gets to hang out with the elder, Peakspots (153).  She promises she’ll always take care of him. Tornpaw (11) is working hard at developing fighting techniques that take advantage of his disability.  He’s determined that he’ll be just as skilled in battle as any able-bodied fire-blessed cat!
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elementclangen · 10 months ago
Moon 186-Leaf-fall
Eight moons after the first batch of cats went missing, the same curse strikes again.  This time, some of Creekstar’s (40) worst fears come true: kits are killed.  Robinkit (3), Logkit (3), Mousekit (3), and Swiftkit (4) all go missing, shrinking Poolbounce’s (22) children in number from six to two.  Elmroot (16) also goes missing and, when Sleepyfoot (52) and Pigeonspot (55) go looking for their son, they too vanish.  Astertwist (22) and Gladepatch (62) are out on patrol together and never come back.  Mossyfleck (28) and Rabbitfur (42) also leave one day and vanish.  Cypressbadger (52) finds their stiff and cold bodies, leaving her in a state of shock.  The Clan reels from the loss of so many more cats.  Silverkit (4) can’t believe that his sister is gone.  Somehow, the world feels colder and crueler now.  He can’t help the way his voice cracks recalling Swiftkit’s too short life at the vigil.  Even so, he forces a smile, knowing Swiftkit would want a celebratory memorial.  Glowquake (22) looks at Astertwist’s body and feels exhaustion.  Still, he sluggishly ambles around camp, hoping, somehow, somewhere, he’ll find his brother alive, happy, and well.  The deaths of both Elmroot and Astertwist leave him and Poolbounce as the only survivors of Sleepyfoot’s kits.  Primcrest (28) wails when she sees the body of Mossyfleck, still and cold.  She spends time by herself, letting herself mourn Mossyfleck and the time they should have had together.  No one can begrudge her the need to grieve for her brother.  Primcrest has also been having nightmares, and her older half-brother, Wildcave (69), comforts her through them.  Creekstar feels like a failure for not being able to protect her Clan from this curse.  And she’s convinced it is a curse, sent by Yuccawillow for exposing her.  Why else would it take her father, Gladepatch, from her? She wonders if, like StarClan cats can give lives, Dark Forest cats can take them.  Or, maybe it’s only Star-blessed Dark Forest cats who can do that. Starclan has also been sending dreams to Poolbounce and Frecklepaw (13).  They must look outside the Clan to bolster their members and beat this curse.  Cypressbadger, despite being shocked, knows that a lot of cats are out of commission right now and volunteers for extra patrols.
Meta: I have decided that this was, in fact, a curse from Yuccawillow. The Clan has lost 23 cats in the past 8 moons. That has been very hard on Creekstar and I'm pretty sure her personality is now insecure (just like Yuccawillow's was. . .). Also, I write the moon summaries themselves as I play the moons, so Creekstar being afraid of kits dying was not originally intended to be foreshadowing this event.
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elementclangen · 10 months ago
Moon 183-Greenleaf
With both their mates dead, father and son Wildcave (66) and Fry (90) have decided to move on.  Creekstar (37) decides to seize on the fact that Wildcave is ‘newly’ single and confesses her feelings to him.  And gets rejected.  Probably too soon for that, sweetie.  Creekstar copes with the rejection by spending some time chatting with Mossyfleck (25).  Now that they’ve gotten over their minor spat, they’re getting along quite well.  Pigeonspot (52) is trying to be more involved in Sleepyfoot’s kit’s lives, even of those she’s not the bio mother of.  She’s been really enjoying spending time with Glowquake (19) lately.  Another one of Sleepyfoot’s kits, Poolbounce (19), scolds Wildcave for shooting blasts of flame near the healer's den.  Wildcave is not thrilled at being scolded by a younger cat.  He can indeed control his fire, thank you very much.  Tornpaw (10) is glad that his warrior training is going so well.  He’s amazed by the skill of those surrounding him, especially Brighfern (25), and is excited to become a warrior and develop skills like that of his own.  While on a patrol, Poolbounce and Astertwist (19) find a litter of kits next to the dead body of their parent.  Poolbounce instantly wraps himself around the kits and orders Astertwist back to camp to prepare.  Astertwist isn’t thrilled to be ordered around by his brother, but he obeys and then comes back to bring the kits back.  Two of the kits, the very polite Lightkit (0) and Logkit (0), have very weak wind-blessings.  One of them, Robinkit (0), has a fire-blessing so weak he may as well be powerless.  The fourth one, Mousekit (0), is powerless.  Poolbounce decides to adopt them as his own.
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elementclangen · 10 months ago
Moon 181-Newleaf
This is a big moon for Primcrest (23).  Her first apprentice has been made a warrior with the name of Elmroot (11) in honor of his dedication.  Which means. . .it’s time for her to become deputy!  She’s excited.  And nervous.  Creekstar (35) and her father, Fry (88), tell her she’s going to do great and reassure her that she won’t be on her own. She appreciates their support, but she wishes that her mother were here.  She misses her.  Primcrest is made deputy, and, for the first time since Skydawn died, ElementClan has returned to having a dark-cursed leader and deputy.  The rumors from the other Clans start again and Creekstar wonders what will happen with their allies.  Fry is excited to just be a warrior again and has been spending more time with Astertwist (17).  Tornpaw (8) is doing well in warrior training, although Gladepatch (57) makes sure to keep a close eye on him.  He doesn’t want the paralyzed cat to unknowingly hurt his back legs.  Tornpaw doesn’t mind visiting the healer's den.  Gladepatch is great at telling jokes and Poolbounce (17) is always nice to him.  Rabbitfur (37) misses her siblings, but she’s glad her sister’s kits are doing well.  She makes sure to surprise Astertwist (17) with help on patrol.  Poolbounce is feeling a little left out with his brother getting so much attention.  He’s taken to spending time with Primcrest and realizes that he really enjoys spending time with her.  Still feeling like he should be doing more, Glowquake (17) is working on his fighting skills by sparring with Rabbitfur.  He’s pretty proud when he manages to knock her over with a powerful gust of wind.  Even if she is recovering from a mangled tail.  He’s also quite proud of himself when he uses his wind powers to pin down a rabbit from afar while on patrol with Creekstar.
Meta: Just so you know, Fry did not step down on his own. I manually made him retire from deputy and replaced him with Primcrest.
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elementclangen · 10 months ago
Moon 179-Leaf-bare
The Clan is shaken by Amethystdapple’s loss.  Peakspots (149) mourns the loss of his friend.  This loss, so soon after Chervilcry’s, has taken such a toll on him that he can barely find his footing as he stumbles into his nest, wailing for Amethystdapple.  Fry (86) can hardly process the sight of Amethystdapple’s body before him.  Somehow, the world feels colder and crueler now.  He makes sure to grab a bit of his mate’s bedding.  Her scent comforts Fry as he drifts to sleep that night.  Sleepyfoot (45) wonders how the Clan will cope without Amethystdapple in their lives.  The world seems dim and lifeless, and Sleepyfoot keeps close to her Clan, seeking out their comfort and company.  Primcrest (21) gently licks Amethystdapple’s fur clean, as she did for her in the nursery.  It’s partly because of Amethystdapple’s love for her that she’s still alive today.  In the days to come, Primcrest barely stirs from her nest. Mossyfleck (21) and Brightfern (21) do their best to comfort her, but it’s not enough. In their grief, Peakspots and Primcrest are bonding.  Peakspots had thought that, because Dark-cursed cats are viewed more positively now, Primcrest’s life would be easier.  It turns out, she still feels constrained by all the rules placed on her.  She wishes she had more freedom to use her powers.  Life in the Clan continues.  Asterpaw (15) and Poolpaw (15) have both been made full Healers:  Astertwist in honor of his insight and Poolbounce in honor of his zeal.  They miss Featherspeck, but they see her watching their naming ceremony from the ranks of StarClan.  Marshdapple’s  kits have also been made apprentices.  Frecklepaw (6) has been apprenticed to Gladepatch (55). The healer's den is quite full now!  Tornpaw (6) has also been made an apprentice, giving Halfnoise (20) his first apprentice.  During an herb-gathering patrol that turns into a skirmish with ChaffinchClan, Frecklepaw saves Mossyfleck from an enemy warrior.  And all she got were bruises!  Impressive. Also, Elmpaw (9) has come out as a trans tom!  Go Elmpaw!   And Mossyfleck is feeling a bit frustrated at Creekstar (33) for giving Halfnoise, who’s younger than him, an apprentice but not him.  And Primcrest only got an apprentice because she’s dark-cursed.  How is that fair?
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