#asoryuu in a way???? idk tbh
intelligent-jump · 9 months
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magicwhiskers29 · 6 months
For the latest ask game...Great Ace Attorney, specifically
Favourite Character:
Gina, my girl Gina!! I love her development!! She adds to the atmosphere so well in Unspeakable Story, and I love her and Gregson's dynamic in DGS2!
Least Favourite Character:
Roly Beate. I think his gag is a little obnoxious, but I'm less endeared to him than Pat, so... I don't really actively dislike him that much, but he annoys me, so if I have to pick a least favourite...
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon):
-Haosusa (/Susarei)
Character I find most attractive:
Uhm. I don't know if I feel qualified to answer this. Maybe I'll just say whose design I like best... In which case, Gina again, maybe? I think she's very well-designed! :)
Character I would marry:
Also not that qualified to answer this one, uh... I could marry Courtney Sithe to make her history of marriages/relationships even more confusing? lol
Character I would be best friends with:
Iris!! We both like writing and science so I think we'd be cool buddies
A random thought:
Killing off Jezaille Brett at the start of DGS2 is an excellent way of setting the tone for the rest of the game, as well as setting up that, yeah, important characters can just die, so that Gregson's death works better later. I think it's a very shocking reveal that she's the victim, and I like it a lot.
An unpopular opinion:
Idk if this is that unpopular, but I asked my friend, and they told me this is at least a weird opinion, but Return of the Great Departed Soul is my favourite case in the doulogy, and my favourite case in Ace Attorney overall.
My canon OTP:
There aren't that many canon ships, to my memory, but the Vigils (Evie and Daley Vigil), I guess? Better than the Beates or the Garridebs...
My non-canon OTP:
I guess since this says OTP I can't say Ginasusahao, so uhm... Ginasusa, maybe? That's probably my favourite DGS ship, but I'm not like, that attached to it specifically, so...
Most badass character:
SUSATO MIKOTOBA!!! She saves you in court so many times, and she will take down anyone she needs to with a Susato takedown <3
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Hm... The most I think I get towards DGS ships I don't care is ambivilent, tbh. I can usualy see why people like them, though. I guess the ones I stear most clear from would be Baroryuu or Asobaro? Nothing against then, and I can get why people ship them, but they're not really my thing.
Character I feel the writer's screwed up:
Right, this isn't so clear-cut as it would be as if I was writing this about PL, but if you'll allow me to be petty for a moment, I do have a few minor grievances with Susato. I love her writing for the most part, but I think there was a major missed opportunity in the specifics of her ending.
I don't think her thematic beats about choosing her own path work quite as well if her sole motivation to return to Japan at the end of DGS2 os for Ryuunosuke. Like, yes, she chooses to follow him over Kazuma, that's something, but she's still just choosing to follow another character, when she was previously set up in Blossoming Attorney to be capable of standing on her own if the law only allowed it! I think i would have liked it more if it was at least implied that she returned to Japan to help Ryuunosuke AND start to try to begin her own legal career.
Otherwise, I think her ending's uncomfortably similar to the midpoint in her arc for the ending of Unspeakable Story. Albeit indirectly, she's once again returning to Japan upon her father's request, and I think that could have been avoided a little if her motivations for wanting to return were established as being outside of what other characters want, because that is her arc!
Favourite friendship:
Kazuma and Susato. Everything they do with those two is so interesting to me, and I love writing about it. It's so interesting how core Kazuma is to Susato, but how also she can't mean as much to him, because he only met her properly after he's already decided his mission. But she still means a lot to him, and I just, augh. I love the tragedy.
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my-past-disgusts-me · 7 months
Your turn to be asked ship edition
Yttd: what is your opinion on Naosara, Q-Kai, Ransara, KeijiAlice and Naoshin?
Ace attorney: what do you think about Wrightworth, Franmaya, Phoenix and Iris, Godot and Mia?
Great ace attorney: you already asked me nearly all major ships, so I want to ask about the same thus Asoryuu, Susahao, Susagina and Homumiko. (Also maybe Hosonaga and cure from whatever allergy he has, guy should stop coughing up blood)
Alright! Starting with YTTD ships we have
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Q-Kai: I love these guys together. This is one of those ships where as I was watching a playthrough I thought “oh. Oh they are in love I think. Oh these bitches gay.” Q-taro’s actions in ch. 2 are so tragic yaoi it’s amazing, how do you do it man. I think, in a non-death game universe, they would have a very compelling slowburn romance where they grow to respect each other unconditionally and that, I think, is romance. Idk I’m aro.
Naosara: GUH. TRAGEDY. SORROW. Two girls supporting each other through their trauma. I think Sara would become a muse for Nao. I think they’d have a tumultuous but ultimately healthy relationship. I think these two deserve each other’s support. I think they should kiss and cuddle and watch shitty movies together. 10/10.
KeijiAlice: I don’t have strong feelings either way. I think they could make each other happy. Good for them.
Naoshin: it’s cute but I think they’re better as besties.
Ransara: This one I dislike. It feels weird to me. It’s compelling in a “depths of human depravity” kind of way but also it’s far too real to me. Not a fan but I see why people like it.
Now for Ace Attorney!
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Franmaya: I love wlw so much tbh. I want them to be happy. No thoughts only girls in love
Wrightworth: what can I say on this that hasn’t already been said? Nothing. Moving on!
Godot/Mia: I haven’t played/watched the later games so I don’t know much but what I have seen of them is cute and I think they make a nice family tbh. No complaints here, Godot makes a pretty good big brother for Maya
Phoenix/Iris: another idk moment. Also Feeny is annoying sorry. I’m not a fan but also they really seemed to love each other which I respect. On Iris’s part. I can’t respect Feeny I’m sorry he’s such a little bitch /affectionate
And now for DGS :]
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Okay so mayyyybe I just like dgs ships a lot. Maybe it’s maybelline.
Susahao: childhood friends to lovers 100K slowburn Susato transitions and Haori loves her the whole time. We love a failgirl who is tripping over herself because her friend looks so good in drag. We love a competent girl getting her girlfriend out of jail. We love women in general tbh. I think they are so cute and also Susato deserves all the girlfriends.
Susagina: Speaking of Susato deserving all the girlfriends, I really like Susagina. Neither of them are afraid to get their hands dirty, both of them are stubbornly supportive of their friends, both of them want justice and truth, they’d be great. Power couple honestly. They deserve the world. Love em to death
Asoryuu: these fuckers got me writing nonsexual omegaverse fanfiction wtf is wrong with them (me) anyways
Homumiko: I haven’t finished the games so I don’t know their whole history but I love me some middle aged man yaoi. Also Iris deserves extra dads since her first one. Y’know. Died or whatever. Also Sholmes needs someone reasonable to keep him from going off the rails and it can’t be Ryuu because he’s barely holding on himself. Classic Ace Attorney defense lawyer behavior.
And that’s all! Thanks for asking bestie (and also for telling me my asks weren’t open OOPS anyways)
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miafeystits · 1 year
ace attorney (obv) & let's say run with the wind
wooo thank u!!!
ace attorney: (im gonna focus on the mainline series i think but if tgaa shows up well. that's to be expected considering everything about me.)
Favourite character: for the main series honestly its SO hard to decide, i'm constantly going back and forth between trucy, franziska, edgeworth and mia depending on the day. for tgaa well. obviously it's kazuma lmao.
Funniest character: this is so hard because literally every ace attorney character is so funny in their own way i literally don't know how to choose. i guess ill just use this answer to shout out godot & van zieks who, despite both being characters i'm at best kind of eh on, are redeemed in my eyes on account of being the funniest motherfuckers alive in the courtroom.
Best-looking character: look at my url. who do you fucking think.
3 favourite ships: EXTREMELY boring answer sorry but for the main series wrightworth klapollo & franmaya (lanamia coming in a very close 4th), and for tgaa its asoryuu, [redacted on account of spoilers you don't know yet], and susahao/susarei/whatever we're calling it
Least favourite character: the entire cast of turnabout big top lmao. if we're narrowing it down to just major and/or recurring characters though uhhhhhhhhh. larry probably. he has his moments but i'd be perfectly happy never seeing him in an ace attorney game again.
Least favourite ship: i know some are pretty popular but i honestly don't really like almost any ship including van zieks because i simply do not care about him as a person. also i'm personally not comfortable shipping him with people he's like. actively racist towards for large portions of the game lmao.
Reason why I play it: i love mystery/puzzle games!!!!! and also something about this game series permanently altered my brain chemistry and made it so i can never fucking shut up about these games ever. something about how the characters and their relationships in particular are written just really resonates for me i think and that's why i keep coming back--- so much of these games is deeply, deeply silly but that doesn't stop the characters from feeling very very human, idk.
Why I started playing it: honestly i don't fully remember! i think i played the trilogy + apollo justice on my ds around 18/19 ish, and i was just generally going thru a mystery/puzzle/visual novel ds game phase around this time (i also was playing the zero escape series) but i think i'd probably heard about this game via tumblr. and fast forward years later and i have a whole corner of my brain exclusively devoted to ace attorney trivia, thanks shu takumi
run with the wind:
Favourite character: despite the fact that i am fully obsessed with haiji's whole deal my favorite is probably kakeru tbh!
Funniest character: 100% haiji. mansplain manipulate malewife icon. literally who is doing it like him.
Best-looking character: i can't believe i, a lesbian, and being forced to make this call but also. like obviously it's haiji.
3 favourite ships: kakehai is of COURSE number one on account of being the mostly insanely stupidly in love pair of weirdos ever, and to a much lesser extent i'm also fond of musa/shindou. and for a third one idk if this is a ship exactly but i do really like the idea that fujioka & haiji had a Thing when they were younger and are currently something along the lines of amicable exes
Least favourite character: i dont think there's any character i actively dislike (who i'm not Supposed to dislike) but the twins are kind of annoying sometimes. also. hana honey i'm sorry its not your fault that this show can't write women but her character is really flat :/ but that's sports anime for you i guess
Least favourite ship: akane/kakeru is like. Fine i Guess but i much prefer them as friends and really don't understand the popularity of this pairing. kakehai is literally right there guys.
Reason why I watch it: apart from the normal reasons i get into sports anime, run with the wind really resonated with me because it's about young adulthood & the ups and downs that come along with trying to figure out your life at that age. especially since most of the characters don't have lives entirely centered on running and sports, it makes their stories not only enjoyable & charming but also deeply relatable in a lot of ways, esp when you're around that age yourself. i watched the show as it was coming out during my last year of undergrad, and it really captures the anxieties of that stage in life and sticks with me because of that. ALSO. haiji is there and im obsessed with him.
Why I started watching it: once again i don't fully remember but i think it might have been your fault. we definitely watched the show together as it was airing so this is what i'm choosing to believe
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thenon-fictiondays · 3 years
you want ships, i'll give you ships
starting with something basic - asoryuu
*kisses u platonically* fuck yeah lets goooo
(spoilers for both games)
when I started shipping it if I did: oh boy probably literally from like. the very beginning. As in, the first time I watched case 1 way back in 2016 (whew has it really been 5 years :') )
my thoughts: I have spent the past 5 years having thoughts about them but in summary: hehe they touched swords
my thoughts (srs): bless Nuri Kazuya for drawing an excessive amount of official art of the two of them 🙏
What makes me happy about them: I'm such a sucker for friends to lovers, they just have such warm energy, honestly even without romantic context you can just feel the love and trust and respect they have for each other and its beautiful ;A; it blows my mind that they've only known each other for like a year before canon bc they are such an important part of each others' lives and like. Even after not seeing him for almost a year, even though he seems to be a completely different person and Ryuu has no idea wtf is going on, he still calls Kazuma his best friend in the world 😭 They carry a piece of each others' heart, they're so special to each other and it makes me so emotional 🥺💖
What makes me sad about them: Well, obviously, the fact that they end up on opposite ends of the world, for one :( also, I was so upset about how little they actually got to talk to each other in DGS2. The last case was ofc super emotionally impactful for both of them and I wanted so much for them to talk more about it one on one but they just didn't. I wrote more about this in a post that I can't find on my blog (thanks tumblr) but Kazuma brought Ryuu to England because he trusted him, and because he relied on him. Because he was about to go through the hardest thing he was ever going to have to face, and he wanted him by his side while he did it. And unfortunately, the way things played out, Ryuu had to go through a lot of traumatic and emotionally stressful stuff as well, but he kept his head held high and fought til the end for the truth just like Kazuma taught him. And idk I felt like they both just kind of...didn't acknowledge it that much? I still don't really know how to put it into words...but I'll stop for now bc this became an essay 😅
things done in fanfic that annoys me: TBH I haven't read all that much fic for them bc I just can't read anymore idk. I guess my biggest qualm is when writers make Ryuu completely clueless and act like Kazuma's the suave one that takes the lead in the relationship when in fact Kazuma actually sucks at dealing with emotions and Ryuu is probably the more emotionally intelligent one out of the two of them (and let's not forget, he's also quite witty/sarcastic and does roast Kazuma in canon)
things I look for in fanfic: same as with any other ships or fandoms, good writing, solid characterization, interesting plot, etc!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Tbh...nobody. I know that seems prude-ish but there weren't any other characters that I felt had any kind of romantic connection with either of them :/
My happily ever after for them: I want them to end up in Japan together reforming the legal system (and making trips to London to visit the squad lol)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: This is the only thing I don't have an immediate answer to lol probs switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: all evidence points to helping each other defend themselves in the supreme court of Japan (but other than that? probs making hotpot and bantering)
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