#asol show me the money
Throwback 에이솔(Asol) Dugout Live on Koon TV.
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heybutterbear · 7 years
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Better duck down, better watch out. Keep your head low before you get knocked out! CHOPSTICKS team
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nuckle-flow · 7 years
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just smile like you're not getting roasted~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
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moxiepoints · 7 years
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smtm6-updates · 7 years
- This ain't SMTM anymore it's Let's Raise Jo Woochan ft Team Dynamic Duo - Dynamic Duo phoning a friend for their disses - Tiger JK sending his kids to that diss battle with an entire film set - Oh my god Rich Chigga owns Korean rap now too? - Of course money bags boi Dok2 got matching team shirts - Zico exorcising the Ambition Musik evil from his team - CSI better hire Killagramz ASAP - DOK2 WITH HIS LIL GODIVA PUPPY HAT IS SO PRECIOUS - How does Dean mumbling on a beat sound that good - LMFAO UPDATE ZICO EXPELLED ALL TRACES OF AMBITION MUSIK FROM HIS TEAM - Dean's voice vs I.O.I's popularity, a battle for the ages people 👏🏼
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khiphopladies-blog · 7 years
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☾♁ 에이솔 11/∞ : Show me the money 6 ♁☽
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milkchocolatelove · 7 years
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Penomeco. Always Penomeco.
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bbcblackjack · 7 years
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Asol slaying + reactions
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mother-suho · 7 years
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when school starts in almost 4 days, and you haven’t started your summer work. love life XD <3
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yaoipaddlestar · 2 years
What do you think of the new champion roadmap?
Omg I have sorta mixed feelings!!
I'm kinda excited for Asol changes? But the fire breathing while flying things puts me off a bit I'm not going to lie. I wonder what the dps/mana ratio is going to be. And I wonder how they're gonna fit the fire breath in juxtaposition to his ultimate? I'm assuming that's changing too but I wonder into what. I hope they keep the star/supernova theme that his abilities have now bc I think it's a rly cool concept. Moreso than just... dragon breathe fire and fly. Tho tbf I'm not particularly engaged in the Asol changes bc I played him once ever and sucked so bad I've never tried again lol
I'm sooooo excited to see K'sante!! I don't play a lot of top lane bc im bad and I hate fighting top laners but I also love playing top laners (that's why I throw games with Camille supp /j) so I genuinely cannot wait to see him. The concept of his weapons sounds really cool and I wonder if his ultimate is going to be something that empowers his weapon for a short time (almost like jayce? But with a limited duration + longer CD). I loved the art they showed for Nazumah and I am so ready to learn more.
I'm honestly not looking particularly forward to the new darkin champ bc I cannot stand assassins (got my ass handed to me by a qiyana tonight 😭😭) but I also go bonkers for darkin lore so at least there's that 🥴 I hope this new one is a lady! I'd like to see another rly buff woman in this game but idk if they'd use that kind of frame for an assassin. One can dream
I'm cautious abt the other possible midscope changes bc the fella in the video (forgot his name) mentioned Neeko and I love neeko as she is rn but if they found a way to play further into her shape-shifting I think I'd be super into it. Also from one Rell player to another I wouldn't mind her getting a few tweaks. I love her kit but her MS and lack of solo-utility hurts as a chronic kill stealer. With champs like Leona and Naut I feel like they pose more of an individual threat to other laners but Rell is much, much more dependent on her ADC and I wish you could have more fun with how you build her (never tried it but id love to see rell with the kinds of builds you see on a tanky Morde or Gwen. Riftmaker + demonic embrace + thornmail + spirit vasage) but she just often feels too weak to entertain the idea. Maybe I should try it out before I knock on it tho. Or build her w/ sunfire instead of evenshroud
Excited to see the ixtal champ too! I don't have any particular feelings bc I don't play many enchanters and they revealed so little but as long as its not the sequel to Yuumi its cool.
I'm also super excited for the fright night skinline. The urgot and Renata skins 😌👌👌. Makes me think of nightmare before Christmas (probably as intended) and I just aaaah. The more I play the harder and harder it gets not to spend money. Holding out rp for that new Camille skin atm 😏
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Mansae Interviews: Maniac
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Maniac is a Korean-Hispanic American rapper who competed on Show Me the Money 6 and made it to the top 10 on Tiger JK and Bizzy’s team. Read the interview below to learn more about his rapping inspirations and Show Me the Money experiences.
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Team Tiger JK and Bizzy from left to right: Maniac, Asol, Woo Won Jae, Ryno and P-Type
Show Me the Money 6 Experience 
Q: What is the most significant thing you have learned from competing on Show Me the Money?
A: That in most cases in life u get out what u put in but not with smtm , it involves a lot of luck as well 
Q: How did you find out about the show and what made you decide to audition? 
A: found out thru a lot of previous rappers that have been on the program, looking at my family and all the work i put into the rap game made me go out
Q: Are the judges what you were expecting?
A: yes judges were as fair as they could be I believe 
Q: Who do you consider your top competitor? 
A: I didn’t look at anybody as a competitor but I seen who the media was hyping up vs  who came with some heat that didn’t make it   
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Top left to right: Maniac, Tyno, Mike Choe. Bottom left to right: Los, Asol, Ryno
About Maniac
Q: Where are you from? 
A: military brat lived all over the globe   if I had to choose I would say Gary Indiana 
Q: When and why did you start rapping? 
A: 96  my father was a musician and started a rap group for me 
Q: Who is your favorite artist? 
A:at this moment J cole Joe budden  Meek mill 
Q: Who/What is your inspiration? 
A: my father 
Q: Do you have any upcoming shows or singles? 
A:yes  ill keep them posted on my sns 
Q: After Show Me the Money, do you plan on coming back to the U.S. to promote or will you continue to pursue music in Korea? 
A: For now I will stay in Korea 
Q: Finally, please say something to Mansae viewers and fans that are cheering for you: 
 A:Thanks a lot to everyone that is cheering for me  it means more than I can show each individual person and I feel blessed 
To keep up with Maniac and his music follow him on Instagram (https://instagram.com/maniac1shot) and subscribe to his Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7oInD9i8WG-96O1q5v3ng). 
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nuckle-flow · 7 years
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i hope this haunts u all in your sleep HAHAHAHAHA
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moxiepoints · 7 years
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smtm6-updates · 7 years
SMTM6 EP.7 Results
Diss Battles
Team Dynamic Duo vs Team Feel GHood - Round 1: Ryno vs Black Nine - Round 2: Woochan/Nucksal vs Asol/Wonjae - Round 3: Maniac vs Hanhae - Winner: Dynamic Duo - Asol eliminated
Team Fanxy vs Team Dok2/Jay - Round 1: Young B vs Ness - Round 2: Killagramz/Hash Swan vs WoodieGo-Child/Junoflo - Round 3: Hangzoo vs Ja Mezz - Winner: Zico/Dean - Ness eliminated
Team Songs
Dynamic Duo Hanhae/Ryno vs Fanxy Child Hash Swan/Killagramz - Winner to be announced next week
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khiphopladies-blog · 7 years
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☾♁ 에이솔 3/∞ : Show me the money 6 ♁☽
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