#asoiaf princess diaries au
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hilarychuff · 2 days ago
A Crown Made of Candies and Crusts
a princess diaries au drabble
inspired by this au graphic; find the first in the series here, the second in the series here, the third in the series here, the fourth in the series here, or read all five chapters on ao3 here
Sansa ignores the doorbell when it rings.
Arya and Robb and her parents have already left for the ball, and with Rickon and Bran staying at friends’ houses for the night, she just wants to be left alone to wallow. Whoever it is, she doesn’t need to answer — and when she peeks at the security cameras through an app on her phone and sees Jon, well, she’s more determined to hide in her room than ever.
She does watch him, though. Watch the little version of him on her phone screen shift his weight from foot to foot for at least another few minutes, adjusting something in his arms that’s cropped just out of frame as he rings the bell again. When he still doesn’t get an answer, when no noise comes from inside the house, his shoulders slump, and then he’s bending down to leave the package on their door mat. It’s only once he’s gone, pulling the hood on his coat up over his head and turning back towards the street, that she can see what he’s left behind.
It would be gross, she tells herself, to leave a pizza just sitting on the porch for hours. Especially with the rain coming down like this, no matter that the porch is covered where Bran’s room extends over it. The least Sansa can do is throw it away.
Only, when she finally opens the front door and edges out into the cold San Francisco air, the cardboard box is hot in her hands. It smells good too, her stomach rumbling as the scent of bread and tomatoes and garlic washes over her, and maybe she is kind of hungry so she’ll just… She’ll just check what kind of pizza it is, maybe have one small slice…
And then she sees the M&Ms.
Sorry, they spell out, green and red and blue and yellow and orange and brown.
Sansa bursts into tears.
Before she knows it, she’s running upstairs to wipe her eyes and fix her makeup and start getting ready fast. She has to go. She has to go to the ball. She’s been so mean and so unfair and she knows that she was wrong, because if she really lets herself think about it, Jon has been going through a lot. What he’s had on his plate, she can’t even imagine, and instead of being there for him — even if it’s not going to work out for them as a them —
She should still be there. She should still be there to support him.
She should tell him that she’s sorry too, that she was the one who left him alone with it all when he tried to reach out to her to talk.
It’s only once she emerges from a cloud of hair spray and setting mist and perfume that she realizes she has nothing to wear.
This is a ball. A royal ball. A serious, internationally-recognized, Valyrian royal ball.
Her knees go wiggly underneath her even as she stumbles over to her closet.
Her normal dresses won’t work. None of them will be formal enough for the occasion. Of course, any of them would surely be more appropriate than whatever Arya picked out to wear, but, well, Arya is Arya. She seems to have a knack for breaking the rules that Sansa can’t quite figure out, and with her luck, any sort of fashion faux pas will be forever immortalized on the front of a newspaper and taken as some sort of international insult from an American guest.
There is one thing, though. One gown she never got to wear.
Floor-length and soft blue satin, it was probably too over the top for a homecoming dance, but when she’d first tried it on, she’d felt beautiful. Ethereal. With its full skirt and draped sleeves, she’d felt like something out of a period piece romance.
This will make him love me, she’d thought as she twirled back and forth in front of the fitting room mirror. When he sees me in this, he’ll have to love me for real.
It won’t look exactly the same now. Even though she’d had it tailored to fit like a glove, she’s grown an inch or two taller since then, and it’ll be tight in the chest — but potential culturally-insensitive cleavage aside, maybe Jon will like that?
With trembling fingers, Sansa unzips the garment bag hanging in the back of her closet, and inside the muslin cover, the dress is still perfect, pristine. Her heart starts to flutter at the sight of it, and then she’s slipping it off the hanger with reverence, hugging it to her chest.
She’s going. She’s really going to the ball.
Only, when she gets there, Jon still hasn’t arrived.
It’s strange, because of course he’d left before her. She’d watched him go on the camera. But now that she thinks about it, she’s not sure she remembers what he’d had on under his raincoat.
Had it been a suit? A tuxedo? One of those dark thermal Henleys that always makes her mouth water? She can’t quite conjure an exact picture of him in her mind, but she’s sure that even if he’d needed to go home and change first, he still should’ve beaten her here.
Of course, Sansa’s not the only one looking for him.
By the time she finds Robb and Arya (her sister wearing combat boots, a knee-length shapeless spaghetti strap dress, and a men’s blazer on top of it, which does look nice on her if certainly out of place), they’ve both already fielded texts from Lyanna. Apparently, Jon’s mother was wondering if either of them knew where he was. And despite the plentiful waiters circulating silver trays full of champagne and hors d’oeuvres among the buzzing, chatty crowds, there’s an impatient hum starting to build. At the fringes of the room, important, official looking people are scanning the entrances with sharp-eyes as they whisper into their ear-pieces, taking turns as they fast walk from one position to another.
As far as Sansa can gather, Jon is just sort of… missing.
But it’s probably some kind of mistake, right? One of his aunt’s people must’ve found him by now. She’s a queen, after all. She must have a whole retinue of people attending to her every need, and given how clear she’s made it that she needs Jon to be her heir, there’s no way they’re not on the case.
The ceremony is just running a little behind, Sansa tells herself. That’s all. Surely, any moment now, the speakers will be crackling to life with something other than the classical orchestra, and then Jon and his aunt will be stepping out on stage.
There’s no reason to worry yet. No reason to get worked up. Everything’s going to be fine.
Another thirty minutes later, Sansa is officially starting to worry.
She’s trying to stay calm, though. She’s trying to keep Jon’s mom calm too, reassuring Lyanna that Jon must be on his way.
Sansa had come to find her just to see if there was any news, any word, and the spike of Lyanna’s anxiety had been so much sharper than her own that Sansa had switched immediately into comfort mode.
They’re talking by the front entrance, Lyanna’s fingers squeezed tight around hers, when Jon finally steps through the door.
Sansa’s jaw drops when she sees him.
He’s wet. Dripping, really, tiny rivulets racing down the same raincoat she’d seen him in earlier. His new bodyguard Tormund is behind him, clapping him on the back, knocking him forward and fully into the room.
There’s a sudden flurry of movement as people rush closer, his mother first among them as she coos over him and brushes back his damp hair.
Jon steps past all of them, his eyes only on her.
“Wow,” he breathes. “You’re here.”
“Jon?” she asks, unsure, uneasy with all those eyes turning their way. “Are you OK?”
He must have a hundred places to rush off to, a thousand people still looking for him, but he doesn’t move, doesn’t take his eyes off her.
“You look so beautiful.”
A fierce blush rises up in her cheeks.
Before she can say anything else or figure out some way to respond, one of his aunt’s people, Jorah something, emerges from the crush of security and staff to clamp a hand down on his shoulder.
“Let’s go,” he instructs flatly, tone brokering no room for negotiation. “The queen has a tux waiting for you. Do not embarrass her any further.”
“Don’t leave, OK?” Jon calls back at her over his shoulder, even as the surge of officials starts to sweep him away. “I have to do something first, but I really want to talk to you after.”
All Sansa can do is nod, and then there’s a hand squeezing her shoulder, too.
“I should probably go check on him,” Lyanna says, and that gets another mute nod from Sansa.
Suddenly untethered, she finds herself drifting, and when she gets her bearings again she’s back at the table where she’d found the other Stark kids earlier.
“D’you find him?” Robb asks as he sidles up towards her, his words coming out muffled around a mouthful of kebab.
Sansa blinks, takes a sharp breath, then nods.
“He’s here,” she confirms. “They took him to change because he was all wet. I think he was out in the rain?”
Robb frowns.
“Huh,” he says. “Maybe he had car trouble.”
A lightning bolt of guilt zaps Sansa’s stomach.
Had it been car trouble? Was there something wrong with the mustang? Would Jon have caught it if he’d been able to complete the job himself? Was all of this Sansa’s fault because she made Uncle Benjen rush to finish the rest of the work?
Gods, she’s made a mess of this whole thing.
Her spiral is short-lived, though, because it’s not long before a woman is stepping out on stage to gather everyone’s attention, announcing that their guest of honor would like to say a few words. A moment later, it’s Jon’s turn to step into the spotlight.
As promised, he’s wearing a tuxedo. His hair is still wet, but combed back now, and with the bowtie and cumberbund and dress shoes, it almost looks like it’s been purposefully styled that way, slicked down.
For a second, he looks stiff, uncomfortable, his eyes squinting in the bright lights illuminating the stage and flashing from press cameras at the front of the room. And then something in his face changes, and when he does step up to the mic, he looks steady.
“Hello,” he starts, his gaze scanning the ballroom. He won’t be able to see her from this far away, probably, but he doesn’t seem to be searching for anyone in particular so much as actually greeting the people who make up the crowd. “First, I’d like to thank everyone here for coming tonight. I especially appreciate how many people traveled great distances to attend the Annual Valyrian Ball this year. I know San Francisco isn’t exactly the usual choice of location, and I’m grateful that so much effort was put in to accommodate me in this unique situation. My aunt in particular, Queen Daenerys Targaryen, couldn’t have more whole-heartedly embraced me as her heir.”
There’s applause at the front of the room, a cue picked up by the rest of the crowd, and Jon waits until it dies down before he continues.
“There’s a lot I have left to learn about Valyria and what being Valyrian means, and I’m excited to do all of that. To better get to know my aunt and my father and their ancestral homeland, and hopefully also the rest of my family too,” he says, “including my half-sister Rhaenys and my half-brother Aegon if they’d be willing to meet with me. But at this time, I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to accept the position of heir to the throne.”
A low murmur starts up, building in volume, but Sansa feels almost the opposite, like she couldn’t make a sound now even if she wanted to. Jon simply raises his voice so he can be heard over the hum of the ballroom.
“I know many are concerned about stability for the throne, but I think it is clear that my aunt has several living blood relatives capable of succeeding her one day, and it’s to no one’s benefit to rush to make a decision of this magnitude. It is an honor to be included in conversations such as this and to have an opportunity to serve the people of Valyria and hopefully help make our global world a better place. I look forward to doing that in whatever capacity my whole family determines is best as I continue to grow and discover what it means to be a Targaryen. Thank you again for your time.”
“Whoa,” Robb says beside her, echoing her same thought as Jon steps back from the podium.
It only takes a second, a second of near silence as everyone in the room processes that — what he really just said, what he really just did — and then what had been a hum explodes into a roar.
The crowd is suddenly alive with movement, and Sansa lets herself get caught in it, swept up by the tide as people crash forward and she slowly ebbs back. Washed away to a corner of the room, she looks up to find herself next to a set of double doors that open to the cool night air. It’s stopped raining outside, but everything is still glittering and wet, like grass in morning dew. Unable to resist, she steps out, and just beyond the patio she can see what must be a garden, something that might be a hedge maze towering tall over a row of camellia bushes, their petals almost periwinkle in the shadow of the night. She drifts down the stairs towards the grass, and alone in the quiet, she can hear a fountain bubbling somewhere out of sight.
“I thought you might like the gardens,” Jon says, stepping up beside her. “I was kind of hoping I might get the chance to show you them.”
Sansa’s not sure how long she’s been out here — when she looks down at her arms, she can see goose bumps starting to form — but somehow Jon’s appearance doesn’t startle her. Instead, it feels almost like she was waiting for him, like he knew just where to find her, and she blushes a little when they finally lock eyes.
He’s so handsome in the tuxedo, his hair drying more unruly than it had been on stage. With the way he’s looking at her, she can’t help but think about what he’d said when he first saw her inside. Wow, he’d breathed, something like awe in his voice. You look so beautiful.
She feels that way with his gaze on her now.
“You can show me them,” she tells him, soft, almost shy, and when he holds out his hand for her, she takes it.
Fingers laced together, Jon guides her down a twinkling path, and it’s not long before they’re tucked away around the first bend of the maze, a wall of green separating them from the rest of the world.
“I’m sorry I got pulled away so quickly earlier,” Jon says. “I was really glad to see that you came and I wanted to talk to you longer, but I don’t think my aunt appreciated that I was running late.”
Sansa hardly dares to ask. At the same time, she can’t help herself. She has to.
“What happened?”
Jon lets out some fraction of a laugh.
“Wouldn’t you know it, just as I was really gearing up to run away from all of my problems, I ran out of gas instead.”
“Oh no,” Sansa says, another swell of guilt rising up inside her. She’d always imagined what it might be like the day Jon finally finished working on the car, how she’d make sure the tank was full and the hood shiny with wax so that if he wanted to take her out for its first ride, everything would be perfect and ready. But then she’d just wanted the car gone, out of her sight, hadn’t wanted Jon to have any reason to be there, any obligations left at the garage. She’d made Uncle Benjen rush, and Jon had suffered for it. “Oh no, Jon, I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault —”
His thumb strokes soothingly across her knuckles. He shakes his head, smiling a little, and somehow her stomach actually settles.
“It’s not your fault,” he promises. “I was the one who supposedly fixed the gas gauge as one of my first projects. I think, uh — I think I must’ve just gotten distracted by the cute girl working the front desk.”
Her grip tightens on his hand, nervous, and he gives her a squeeze back.
“Anyway, it sort of seemed like a sign from the universe,” he adds, slowly leading them towards the center of the maze. “I don’t exactly think I’m the right person to be the heir to the Targaryen throne — the media is definitely right that the position should belong to Rhaenys now that Rhaegar has confirmed Dorne’s accusations back in the day were spot fucking on — but that doesn’t mean I can just ignore my responsibilities either.”
Sansa nods along, because it feels like the right thing to do. The easy thing to do when she’s not exactly sure what she’s meant to say. Still, she wants to say something.
“Um, I got your pizza.”
Jon glances over at her, drawing a little closer.
“Yeah? I’m really sorry I missed the last one, Sansa. I would never want to leave you waiting anywhere, or make you think that I forgot you or that I don’t want to spend time with you, because that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I wish I could give you a good reason that it happened, and I’m really frustrated with myself that I let it.”
She nods again, but as they keep walking, she finds herself moving closer to him, too.
“What did happen, though?”
Jon sighs, head hanging a little before he picks it back up so he can look at her.
“Honestly? I think I just really couldn’t believe that you were interested in me. It made more sense to think that it was some weird fluke and that you must’ve changed your mind and come to your senses afterwards, but I shouldn’t have assumed anything. If I wasn’t sure, I should’ve called you to check.”
Sansa surges another step closer, reaching for him with her other hand so she can wind her body around his arm.
“I should’ve checked on you, too. It seems like you were going through a lot, and I didn’t mean to just… disappear. Everyone was just being so fake all of a sudden, and I didn’t want you to think that I was acting any differently around you because you’re a prince, but then I ended up acting differently around you anyway.”
Jon lets out another little laugh, but his grip readjusts in hers, tucking her in close to his side.
“Well, I think I’m probably not a prince anymore. I mean, I’ve only known Daenerys for about two months now, but I’m pretty sure she’s going to burn me off the Targaryen family tree for what I said back in there. With the way one of her advisers shooed me out of her sight backstage, I think I’m probably lucky she didn’t throw a lit candle at my head. But maybe it’s for the best to not have the American teenager who hasn’t lived under a monarchy for even a single day taking over the rule of a European country he’s never actually set foot in.”
They’re at the center now, and as they step out into the little clearing, Sansa finally sees the fountain she could hear from all the way out in the garden. It’s glowing, lit from the inside, and strings of fairy lights criss-cross overhead. The idea that Jon had wanted to show her this — that maybe it had been part of his plan for the date that she’d turned down, and that they’ve still found their way here — Suddenly, she needs him to know how she feels.
He looks down at her questioningly as she unwinds herself from his arm, but he doesn’t say anything, and she doesn’t go far. She keeps his hand held tight in both of hers as she steps fully in front of him, and then she’s facing him head on as her fingers squeeze his nervously. She has to get this out, though. She needs him to hear it from her.
“I don’t know much about Valyria,” she says, the words coming out in a rush, “but you’ve always been a prince to me, Jon Snow.”
Her breath goes shallow as he looks at her, eyes searching, and then he reaches to touch her cheek so softly that she can’t help herself. She throws herself at him, arms wrapped around his neck, and then her mouth finds its way to his.
His lips are soft, warm, and she presses her body against him, eyes closed, one foot off the ground. One of his hands curls to cup her cheek, the other settling hesitantly at her waist, and she tugs him closer with a small, needy sound that has his fingers bunching up in the fabric of her dress. He gets the message though, holding her steady, tilting her head back, and then he’s stepping closer to take control of the kiss as she hangs pliantly from his neck.
When he finally breaks away, they’re both panting a little, breathing hard as Jon drops his forehead to hers. And then he lets out another laugh as he pulls her back close, his cheek pressed to hers like they’re dancing.
“Sansa,” he says, his voice a low rumble right next to her ear, “did you just pop your foot?”
Her face burns. He must be able to feel it, her skin warm against his.
“In old movies sometimes, when there’s a really romantic kiss…” she starts, embarrassed, not sure exactly how to explain. “It just, um. It just felt right.”
He lets out another low chuckle that sends shivers down her spine, and then his mouth traces its way back across her cheek.
“Yeah,” Jon says, kissing her again in a way that makes her melt, staying close after so his lips brush hers with every word. “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.”
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jupiterix · 3 years ago
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
Thanks for the tag @muttpeeta @libradoodle1 and @moondancer71
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only ASOIAF/Game of Thrones
What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Hit The Jackpot
2. make a wish, take a chance, make a change.
3. R U Mine?
4. taste of you
5. I'm Still Here
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I’m the worst to respond comments, I appreciate them and I always reread when I need some extra motivation to write. I should probably answer more of them 🤭 I’m sorry for that and I hope people don’t hold it against me 🤭
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think a have one with a angst end? maybe my collab with @moondancer71  I'm Still Here but that’s just because they live in some sort of apocalyptic world? but then again Jon and Dany find hope in each other by the end so I’m not sure it count as angst. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think all of them? I’m a basic bitch when comes to happy ending 🤣 can’t write without a happy ending.
Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
Well my first fic is a Princess Diaries II au but I’m not sure this is a crossover.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No and I hope it stays this way 😂
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
M and E and I didn’t write anything until now without smut 🤣  I’m horny
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, only some ideas that I mentioned I’d write someday and a person showing up with the same idea the next day but like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ not much I can do about it and I don’t care much about that.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! with @libradoodle1 and @moondancer71 💖 we have many ideas for the future so people will see more of our collabs soon.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Jonerys, I’ve never been so invested in a ship before. I love Jily though and I still read some fics from time to time, unfortunately Harry Potter as a whole lost it’s magic to me (no pun intended 🤣).
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I had a idea for a fic that I talked lots and lots with Libra, I started the wip but I don’t think I can finish this fic on my own? 😂 it would be a multichapter but idk if I’ll write now. But other than that I plan to finish all the things I have started. 
What’s your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at starting fics 😂 like when I have an idea it’s easy for me to sit down and write what I plan to write or to lay a foundation to my story. I also think I’m good writing emotions, or to show emotions through dialogue, specially if the fic is more angst-y <3
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions are the worst™ and finishing the wips I have started on my google docs 🤣 I’m good at start, not so much at finish things. I also write in english which is not my mother tongue so sometimes can be quite frustrating to not know or not have some words at the tip of my tongue (or my fingertips I guess lol) when I need to write something more specific.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I’m gonna steal Moon’s answer: if necessary, I think you should do the best that you can, and consult translation guides. And I’d like to add that you should always put the translation somewhere in your text so the people reading won’t be lost.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I probably wrote something for jily when I was younger but I don’t remember very well tbh 😂 but write and publish it is only jonerys ♥
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
R U MINE holds a special place in my heart because I wrote this fic in 3/4 days and the inspiration truly hit me with this one. I think most fics there is always some scene or dialogue or description that I feel like pulling teeth 🤭 but not this one. R U MINE I wrote like the story already existed and I was just filling the doc with my words. It was very magical like that 😂 also r u mine by arctic monkeys is one of my favorite songs ever so this fic is very special for me. But I’m enjoying immensely working on a halloween fic with @moondancer71 our ideas really flew on this one and I’m really proud of what we have done so far (we hope to post in the last week of october!)
I think most everyone I know might have already been tagged but I will tag @jilliebaby @adecila @arielchelby @evax3 @mysticmyllee @angryminion17 @rayondeneige @dracoignisworld and anyone else who wants to play.
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jonathan-harks · 8 years ago
ASOIAF/Princess Diaries AU with Jon Snow as Mia
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hilarychuff · 15 days ago
A Real Royal Fuck Up
a princess diaries au drabble
inspired by this au graphic; find the first in the series here and the second in the series here and the third in the series here or read all four chapters so far on ao3 here
Arya told him he’d need to come up with something big to get Sansa to forgive him, something to convince her that his apology was worth accepting. Something “a lot better,” she’d said, than just an admission that he was wrong and that he’d been stupid and that he was too busy juggling all the prince stuff and wallowing in his own pity party to see what was really going on around him. So when his aunt reminded him about the Annual Valyrian Ball, he thought he’d found the solution. Daenerys had been bringing it up to nag him about whether he would be officially accepting the title of prince and embracing his responsibilities as the heir to the throne (to nag him about whether he was even really capable of doing the job), and he hadn’t been able to give her an answer, but it had given him an idea. After all, a royal ball seemed like as good an opportunity as he was going to get to try to make things right with Sansa.
Only she’s making it sort of impossible to invite her. She hasn’t stopped avoiding him yet, pretending to be out or in the shower whenever he calls the Stark household and asks for her. During school, she���s started eating her lunch in some mysterious location that both Arya and Robb refuse to give up. His aunt’s people have finally signed off on all of the Starks’ background checks — begrudgingly hand-waving away the police reports from some of Arya’s more troublesome adventures — which means carpooling in the limo is back on the table, but Sansa’s not going for that either. Whenever he pulls up to their house, only Arya meets him at the curb, and Sansa is always already gone. Apparently, she’s started riding with Robb, joining him each morning for the arduous trek across town as he heads over to his girlfriend’s place, chauffeurs her to the girls only academy twenty minutes away, and then finally points his car back in the direction of his own school.
The one time Jon had managed to sneak away from his aunt’s tutoring lessons and come back in the afternoon, flowers in hand as he rang the bell, Catelyn Stark had been the one to answer. She’d collected the bouquet he’d brought and curtly assured him she’d pass along the news of his visit, but she’d also promptly shut the door in his face. She hadn’t even hinted at whether or not Sansa was inside or when a good time to try again might be. He’d just been left standing there on the front porch until he’d eventually given up and gone home.
Jon is sure there’s something to be said for giving Sansa her space, waiting until she’s ready to talk to him — but, well, he just doesn’t really have the time for that. With the ball just days away now, he’s finally resorted to desperate measures, and that means cornering her at her uncle’s garage during her shift.
Still, it’s not exactly going well. As much as he’s taking advantage of her impeccable customer service manners to prolong their interaction, ignoring the way she says every sentence like it’s meant to be the end of their conversation, he still can’t quite get her to engage. And their business exchange is almost over. Benjen already finished the final repairs on the car for him as a favor (though he suspects what really happened is Sansa begged her uncle to do the work so Jon wouldn’t have an excuse to hang around), Jon has already traded the money he owes for the keys, and now all that’s left is waiting for her ancient office printer to spit out his receipt. Soon, she won’t have any reason to continue politely responding at all, so he plays dumb for the third time and decides to stop beating around the bush.
“So, uh, I don’t know if you’ve heard from Robb or Arya or anything, but the Valyrian Ball is coming up,” he tries, leaning in closer over the counter, drumming his fingers on top of it.
“Oh?” she says without meeting his eyes. Considering the way he can’t seem to take his off her, it feels like an impressive feat.
“It’s actually going to be here this year. In America, I mean. Usually it’s in Valyria because — well, you know. Anyway, my aunt wants to use it to welcome me to the family. Or introduce me as her heir or whatever to all of the other, uh, world leaders and ambassadors and stuff. But mom didn’t want me to miss more school, so Daenerys figured we could do it here.”
“Well,” Sansa says, offering him a cursory curve of her lips that’s more polite grimace than a real smile, “I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”
So the soft float isn’t going to work, then.
He decides to go for broke.
“Actually,” Jon continues, unable to keep a tiny note of hope from slipping into his voice. “Actually, I was thinking that we might have a great time.”
Sansa stills. She’s leaning over some paperwork she’s been pretending to focus on at her desk, and her long red hair is hiding most of her face from view, but he presses in a little closer to the counter.
“I thought, if you wanted, you could be my date for the evening. And you could get ready with my aunt, do the whole hair, makeup, nails, glam team thing. She’s got a stylist and a tailor and a whole bunch of wardrobe options so you could have your pick of designer gowns and stuff like that. And then we could go in the limo together. The full princess treatment. It’s already all arranged if you, uh — if you want.”
Jon holds his breath while he waits for her answer. While he waits for any sort of hint about what exactly her answer is going to be. But Sansa doesn’t move, not really, not until she finally tucks her hair behind her ear and looks up at him with an expression so carefully schooled that his heart drops immediately into his stomach.
“That’s sweet of you to offer,” she says. “But if you’re looking for someone to be your royal guest, I really think Margaery would be better suited for the role. Is there anything else I can help you with in regards to your car?”
He almost wants to say that she could go ahead and run him over with it, since clearly he might as well just lay down and die. Instead, he shakes his head. When she slides his printed receipt across the counter to him, he takes it wordlessly, and then he backs away from her desk.
“Uh, thanks again,” he says as he holds the paper up, almost waving it at her. “I guess I’ll just… see you around.”
She doesn’t respond, just gives him another practiced smile that might as well manifest tire tracks across his chest, and he doesn’t need to see anything else. Can’t stand her looking at him like that for another second. So he turns and leaves and heads for his car parked out on the street, where he may or may not debate just letting it roll into traffic for a good 15 minutes before he finally shifts gears and drives home.
“OK. Be honest. Am I stupid?” Jon asks the next time he gets a minute alone with Robb.
Well, not alone, really. They’re in gym, jogging around the track with the rest of the class, but it’s private enough as they weave in and around everyone else while keeping perfect pace with each other. They haven’t been talking so far, but Robb doesn’t seem phased by the question.
“I mean. Sometimes,” he answers without looking over. “But why?”
Jon takes a second to organize his thoughts, trying to figure out the best way to present his problem.
“OK,” he says again. “So I stood Sansa up, right?”
“Right. But honestly, like. I kind of thought Sansa had already stood me up.”
“What do you mean?”
Neither of them slows down, but when Jon glances over, he can see the way Robb’s brow is wrinkled in confusion. It’s not judgment, but Jon still feels his hackles rise.
“Well! She was ignoring me!” he argues, voice raising before he manages to get a handle on himself. “Or at least I thought she was. But then Arya was like, ‘OK, well did you actually reach out to her and she ignored you? Or did Sansa just not cater to your whims and come to you?’ Does that make any sense?”
Robb takes a second to mull it over before shrugging the question off.
“Honestly? No. It does not. But Arya has told me before that I am also kind of stupid. So it might be me.”
Jon huffs out a heavy exhale as they round one corner of the field.
“I mean. I just don’t get it,” he admits. “Like. She liked me! And then she didn’t. But really she did the whole time? And I’m just supposed to know?”
Jon sighs again, stealing a glance over at Robb.
“How did you get Jeyne to date you?”
“I don’t know, dude. Girls are a mystery to me,” Robb answers. “I’m pretty sure Jeyne, like… seduced me. Anyway, it’s not my business how I got here. I’m just glad to be here.”
“I just — OK! Like — So Arya basically yelled at me the other day, right? And tried to kill me with a bunch of tennis balls? But she also kind of made it seem like I still have a shot with Sansa as long as I make it up to her.”
“OK,” Robb says. “Sure.”
“And of course I, like. Apologized to Arya. About her show, and she accepted. But she said she was letting me off easy, at least other than the trying to kill me with tennis balls part, and that I would need to come up with something better for Sansa. So that means I need to do something way bigger than an apology, right? And then I learned about this annual Valyrian ball thing, and I pulled all these strings to get plus ones so I could invite you and Arya and Sansa and your parents and Benjen and everyone and, I don’t know, I thought maybe Sansa and I could take the limo together. And she could come and get ready with a whole… glam team or whatever and be waited on hand and foot like something out of a movie. The full royal treatment. But when I asked her, she just said Margaery is better princess material and basically told me to fuck off.”
“Oh. Well, if that’s what she said, that’s probably why she was being weird last week.”
Jon’s head snaps around so he can look at Robb directly.
“You thought she was being weird last week?”
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t know why, but actually it kind of makes sense.”
Robb keeps running, his pace so effortlessly even that Jon thinks he must not know he basically just confessed to being the keeper of all the universe’s sacred secrets.
“What makes sense?” Jon asks, practically ready to fall to his knees and beg. “What? What makes sense? Please tell me. I would be tearing my hair out in clumps if I hadn’t just cut it short.”
Robb glances over, eyebrows up like he’s surprised to find Jon taking this all so seriously. When Jon just stares back him, wordless, a little crinkle forms between Robb’s brow, and then he gives a casual shrug.
“It’s the princess thing.”
When Jon still just stares, Robb frowns again.
“The princess thing? With Joffrey and Margaery? You’re looking at me like you don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“Pretend I don’t,” Jon urges. “Pretend I don’t know what you’re talking about. Pretend I’m the stupidest person you’ve ever met in your life.”
Robb snorts.
“OK,” he says, playing along. “Well, you remember Sansa dated Joffrey.”
“Correct,” Jon agrees, “though I do not know what she ever saw in him for even one second.”
“Yeah, me neither,” Robb agrees. “But, I mean. You and me knew him already. Sansa was a freshman and she’d never met him before. He was older. Jeyne says a lot of girls do think he’s hot. And I guess he was, like… nice to Sansa at first? She says? Like, I remember he gave her a lot of presents. Between you and me, my parents thought it was really weird. And, like. Tacky? I think? But, I mean, I get it. Who doesn’t like presents, right? Anyway, at one point Joffrey gives her this, like. Ring? I don’t know. I wasn’t really sure if it was supposed to be a promise ring or what, but my parents both thought it was really weird, and then there was something that I don’t fully remember or maybe never got where Ayra found a note that Joffrey left Sansa? My dad wanted to talk to Joffrey’s parents about it, but then Sansa snuck out to try and talk to Joffrey first, but then I guess he dumped her anyway.”
Jon blinks.
“OK,” he says, and then repeats it. “OK. This is a lot to digest, but I’m following enough, I think.”
“Yeah,” Robb agrees. “But Joffrey was just a real dick about the whole thing. Like, he waited until the day of the homecoming dance to do it. And he told everyone at school that it was because she was being a total diva about her royal court campaign and demanding they get a stretch limo to take them out for dinner at some fancy restaurant and all this stuff. And then by the next week, he was dating Margaery, and everyone was like, ‘Oh, Margaery is already rich and popular, so obviously she’s not a gold digger,’ blah blah blah.”
An echo of that weekend crashes over him, scorching hot fire licking up his throat as he remembers what Joffrey said at the beach.
Gold diggers… Some of them are frigid fucking bitches.
Jon’s going to murder him. He’s going to wrap his hands around Joffrey’s throat and choke him until he dies. The Baratheons had wanted him expelled after the whole ice cream cone incident, but he’s prepared to go to prison for this. His aunt will just have to get over herself and make Elia Martell’s kids her heirs.
Robb doesn’t seem to notice his crisis.
“I don’t remember what exactly the deal was,” he continues, “but yeah, anyway, people talked for a long time about how Sansa was only using Joffrey so she could win princess and then he went and traded her in for the queen, so that’s probably why she was weird about the royalty thing.”
“What?” Jon says, and then he remembers how this all came up. “Oh, yeah. Oh. Yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah, so that’s why she said the weird thing about Margaery.”
“OK,” Robb says, “I’m starting to get the stupid accusations now. No, I mean, obviously you picked the worst possible person to go on a date with, like the Sansa-Margaery rivalry thing is very real and everybody knows about it, but the reason she would’ve been acting weird even before that is because of the princess thing. Like she probably didn’t want people to start accusing her of just trying to be a princess again once everyone found out that you’re, you know, an actual prince.”
Jon’s stomach drops. His throat goes dry. It’s only a decade’s worth of practice and effort that keeps the rest of his body moving forward as his mind starts to spin out.
“So she just can’t ever be around me again? Because of who my family is?” he asks, voice brittle even to his own ears. “Even if the Margaery thing never happened, because of fucking Joffrey Baratheon, we could never have — then how am I supposed to —”
A frustrated growl rumbles through his chest.
“You’re saying there’s just nothing I could’ve —”
Robb finally lessens his pace, slowing first to a jog and then eventually a walk, hands laced over the top of his head. Jon matches his speed, though his gait ends up as more of a stomp than anything else.
��Look, man, I don’t know really,” Robb admits. “Like I said, all of this stuff is sort of… above my pay grade or whatever. I’m not saying never. I just know these last few years have been hard on her with people talking in that way at school. And considering the kind of limelight you’re in these days, I don’t know. Seems like that would be hard, too. Maybe it’s for the best, you know?”
Jon scrubs his hands over his face and camera flashes burst behind his closed eyes, tabloid headlines screaming against the inside of his skull. He sighs again, trying to run his fingers through curls that are no longer there, before his arms drop bonelessly back to his sides.
“I don’t know,” he admits, exhaustion leaking into every letter. “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know.”
He’s not really sure where all of it leaves him. Dateless for the ball, for one. It’s not like he’s going to take Sansa’s suggestion, after all. Bringing Margaery would certainly help salvage his reputation as a gentleman on the international stage, but going out with her even once had been pretty much the worst idea he’d ever had. He hadn’t been aware of all of the homecoming court stuff, but he’d known that Margaery sort of stole Sansa’s boyfriend. That should’ve been enough for him to not even touch it.
Now, he can’t help but wonder if he did it maybe just a little bit on purpose. Stepped into the role of Sansa’s boyfriend, waiting to be stolen, like that could convince her to see him in that light again after she’d already come to her senses and moved on.
Only it turned out she hadn’t moved on. And she had tried to find a way to still be with him. Just one that was away from prying eyes. According to Arya, Sansa had been at Benjen’s garage, and she’d waited for him to show up for hours just so they could share a pizza in privacy.
But being his date to a royal ball held in honor of the fact that he could one day potentially rule a whole actual country — it isn’t exactly under the radar. It would subject her to the same sort of international scrutiny he’s already drowning in, and unlike most people he has his aunt’s PR people to help keep him afloat. Sansa doesn’t deserve to have to go through that in any capacity, even if it were only contained to high school gossip.
So maybe Robb is right. Maybe it will be for the best that things didn’t work out. And maybe he should’ve never asked her to the ball in the first place.
Honestly, it's no wonder she hates him now more than ever.
It’s just — he doesn’t know what to do next. If there’s anything left to do at all. And if he can’t even figure out how to navigate relations with a single teenage girl who already liked him enough to ask him out, how is he supposed to be a world leader negotiating peace and trades and leading diplomacy efforts for a whole entire country?
It all seems so impossible. He can’t do it. Can’t do anything.
So maybe he just won’t.
He can leave. His mom did once. If he ignores the part where her running away to Europe as a teenager is part of the chain of events that led them all here, it’s actually sort of the perfect solution. If nobody knows where he is, the paparazzi can’t keep snapping photos of him designed to bring shame to his royal lineage. If his aunt is unable to find him, she’ll be forced to figure out her succession crisis on her own. Finally, after all these weeks, he’ll be able to put down the burden of actual international fucking affairs and go back to being some stupid nobody kid.
He just has one thing he needs to do first, and then he and Ghost are getting the hell out of this town.
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hilarychuff · 6 months ago
it's my birthday if anyone wants to leave a nice comment on
all the best people see you (all the best people know), my stranger things season 4 buckingham au or
all the right reasons (all the wrong places), my stranger things steve-is-the-bachelor verse buckingham au or
howl, my asoiaf sansa-as-sidney-prescott/jonsa scream au or
the royal records, my asoiaf jon-as-mia-thermopolis/jonsa princess diaries au or
really any of my fics :)
just if anyone wants to!!! :)
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hilarychuff · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @2btheanswertothequestion. ty for thinking of me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
rn i have 23 but i have number 24 going up soon 😈
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
rn i'm in my chrissy cunningham phase (stranger things) but i'm still in my overarching sansa stark phase (asoiaf). i have been known to do a rewatch and dip back into my jemma simmons phase (agents of shield). and i'll always sort of be in my lily evans phase (marauders).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i carry it in mine (asoiaf, jon/sansa canonish soulmate au)
all the best people see you (all the best people know) (stranger things, chrissy/robin s4 au)
i remember (i remember) (asoiaf, jon/sansa canon drabble)
in any world (in any way) (asoiaf, sansa-centric au graphics collection)
the royal records (asoiaf, jon princess diaries au)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
usually!! i really like getting comments and i guess i have assumed that having someone respond incentivizes them so i always want to incentivize comments!! i think it is i polite to say thank you also. and i mean i love to talk about my fic so i'm always like "oh y'all tryna chat????" but usually nobody is trying to chat back ahhahaha. sometimes i hide from comments if i'm feeling guilty about not updating something but i always appreciate comments and they're usually p motivating to me
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm. most of my fics are like alternate media-based au concepts or lil oneshots or stories that are yet to have endings, so hard to say exactly which is angstiest.
i think my angstiest story is a pre-hydra reveal agents of shield one i did as a secret santa for someone where fitz was dead(?!!?!?) and grant ward showed up to bring jemma simmons back to the team and that was yeaaaaars ago but whenever i think of it i'm always like ok wow i hope that is what that person wanted. what bold choices to make in a gift for a stranger!!
other than thaaat i do think of i carry it in mine as a fairly angsty fic but it's intended to have a not so angsty ending so
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well please trust that any princess diaries or miss congeniality au is going to end up with the main ship getting together, presumably happily for the rest of their lives!! desert hearts (aka all the best people see you all the best people know) is heading towards a happy ending. howl (sansa-centric scream au) i think will have roughly as happy an ending as any horror movie final girl can hope for.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
ummmm not really. i definitely have but the only time it felt like anything other than a one-off was when i essentially started tumblr beef by wandering into the wrong tag. and that was not fun and people were hating on their own blogs for a min BUT it died down and nobody really went out of their way to bother me directly about it after that, so it was not ideal but it was fine. tagging etiquette is tricky!!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hmmmmmmmm historically no. but i have outlined smut!! and i'm thinking about actually writing some maybe even soon!! it's interesting bc i've discussed smut with friends and edited for them and used to roleplay and write smut scenes and that all felt fine but i haven't yet wrapped my head around the idea of being like "this is my little smut scene i made up all by myself and now i'm broadcasting it to the masses." feels like i'm opening myself up to psychoanalysis!! but also maybe once i actually write the smut scene i'll be like oh. no biggie. ok post. so we'll see hahahahah
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not crossovers in the traditional sense but crossovers in the sense that i pick up my little blorbos and cast them in other tv shows/movies/etc, yes, constantly.
i mentioned howl above but i love that one, my sansa-centric scream au. i love jon snow mia thermopolis princess diaries hahahahah. i think it's cute and funny. i love using robin and chrissy from stranger things to make miss congeniality gay. the fic i'm posting in a few days for the stranger things rare pair big bang is also about robin and chrissy in a lil reality tv verse, so that one is really fun and silly and sweet too i think.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so! the only time anything like this has happened to me was like a tumblr rp blog misunderstanding a long time ago.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but that would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i started writing mainly through role playing! so that was co-writing just in a different sense, and i miss that. it's also just really fun to talk about ideas and stuff with friends and then not always actually have to write them. i do play around with concepts a lot with @mistysharks and @beholdthemem for chrissy and the stranger things teen crew, and @cellsshapedlikestars and i also help each other brainstorm sansa and jon related asoiaf stuff which i always super appreciate
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i'm more of a favorite ship per fandom kind of gal than a favorite ship over all, but i'm also a multishipper in that i can kind of get into my main blorbos with anyone. i'm super still in my chrissy phase rn and i love writing her with robin, but also in a lil steve/chrissy/eddie ot3. that said i feel like i mainly read hellcheer!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i hope it doesn't surprise anyone to hear that i DO have designs to finish i carry it in mine!! and howl. and desert hearts. like i have specific enough endings in mind that i am working towards for all of those.
the wip that i wish i could finish but know i never will is my marauders mediator series au based on the meg cabot books where lily can talk to ghosts and james is a ghost. i started writing it like back in 2015!! and then even started rewriting it in 2020. and i still love it. but it would be a big project to take on and one that would take a lot more work to figure out, let alone just write, and i don't really see it happening. that said i will always love it!!!
i also started a resurrection au marauders story where lily etc all start coming back to life when harry is like 24 so seven years after the end of the books, and i always thought the like emotional drama in that was so slay too. but the resurrection show itself never really had good answers for the paranormal plot/how it would play out and so i didn't have anything to crib off of lmao. and i never really invested much thought into figuring it out myself iirc. so i never really knew like plotwise where i wanted it to go so much as i was just like "how would the characters react if this happened" but i did like that thought exercise. maybe i would've written more if it would've felt like that would be satisfying to read for other people without actual like. plot.
16. What are your writing strengths?
ummm i'm really interested in like. character profiles. so i think i tend to gravitate towards that sort of story personally. a character figuring themselves/what they want out.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
low key i just like almost never write physical description stuff into my stories?? like it's all fanfiction so i'm like ok first of all you already know what everybody looks like. it takes a lot more active effort for me to be like. does the reader need to know what the character looks like right now?? does the reader need to have a clear vision of where the characters are?? what the room looks like?? i could probably afford to do that more but i find that i tend to skip it a lot
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
hmmm i really only have one fic where that might apply i think. i'd probs try to do it minimally bc i wouldn't want to do a bad job but if it's just one line i could see myself just, you know, doing google translate if i don't know a speaker i can run it by
19. First fandom you wrote for?
harry potter!! i found my way to marauders era pretty quick.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i have a lot of love and tenderness in my heart for desert hearts and i carry it in mine. so far those are like my heart-squeezey fics imo. but i also love howl!!! a combination of some of my favorite interests and stories. i feel like these are my main three wips too so i gotta just keep tinkering away until a new chapter falls out. hopefully sooner than later for desert hearts and i carry it in mine, which i have in fact been reorganizing a lil lately!!
ty again for the tag @2btheanswertothequestion!! if you want to do this: @cellsshapedlikestars @mistysharks @beholdthemem @chdarling
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hilarychuff · 2 years ago
The Bastard of the Beach
a princess diaries au drabble
inspired by this au graphic; find the first in the series here and the second in the series here or read all three chapters so far on ao3 here
“Are you sure you want to go to this beach party?” his mother asks him for what must be the 4,000th time that day. She’s sitting at his desk as she watches him stomp around his room, stuffing a towel and swim trunks into one of the many tote bags she’s collected over the years.
“Yes,” Jon insists again, voice getting a little more stubborn each time, digging his heels a little deeper with every repetition. “I told you. Stop asking.”
“I know, I know. You’ve been working so hard with Daenerys lately. You deserve to have a little fun. It’s just,” Lyanna starts, sighing wistfully, “I thought you didn’t really like any of these kids.”
“Moooom,” he groans, stretching the word into multiple syllables, stopping in his tracks to tilt his head back and stare at the ceiling. He waits for a count of five before he takes a deep breath and looks back at her. “Could you just stop? Please? I’m going to the beach party, alright?”
“Alright, alright,” she says, holding up her hands in front of her. “I get it. What do moms know anyway? I just thought none of them were ever very nice to you.”
“Well,” Jon says, shrugging uncomfortably, “they’re being nice now, so…”
“And it’s a date?” his mother clarifies. “Or it’s like a group thing?”
“It’s a party,” he answers. “You know what a party means.”
“But you said that girl invited you —”
“—Margaery Tyrell—”
“—to go with her, didn’t you?”
Jon gives in, resigns himself to the conversation. He drops down onto his bed, sitting among the scattered band tees he’d tried on and discarded for being a little too off the beaten path. He really doesn’t feel like defending or explaining any of his musical choices to a bunch of preppy populars, especially not Margaery Tyrell. The fact that he agreed to go with her doesn’t mean he’s suddenly forgotten the way she’s laughed at all of Joffrey Baratheon’s jokes for the past year and change. But so what if he might be a little curious about what it’s like to actually be one of them? So what if he wants to know what he’s been missing out on this whole time? Sue him.
All he says, though, is, “Yes, she invited me.”
Lyanna just hmms. He sighs.
“What happened to Sansa? I thought you liked her.”
“Yeah, well…”
He scuffs the toe of his boot on the ground. It’s probably stupid to wear combat boots to the beach, but he’d feel even stupider in sandals, and it’s not like he owns any of those twee little boat shoes. If she were talking to him, Sansa would know what he should wear instead, would probably be able to put together the perfect outfit to make him feel like himself without standing out at the beach, but, well, the point is that she’s not talking to him, isn’t it?
“She’s made it pretty clear this week that she’s not interested in hanging out with me, and Margaery is, so…”
He’d tried to keep his tone as neutral as possible, but his mom sees right through it. She lets out a sympathetic cluck and then comes to meet him by the bed, clearing a tee or two out of her way so she can sit beside him on the comforter.
“Is that what this is about?” she asks. “Sansa doesn’t want to go out with you, so you’re going out with another girl instead?”
He shrugs, and she makes another sympathetic noise, reaching over to cup his cheek, but he squirms away and gets to his feet before she can say anything.
“It’s not a big deal,” he says, walking over to his closet so he can pretend to rifle through it for something. “Can you just drop it?”
“What happened to my romantic little boy?” she tuts, and Jon drops his head back to groan at the ceiling.
“Mom, I’m not a little boy anymore.”
“I know, I know,” she says, and when he glances over, she’s haphazardly folding all of his tees into a messy little pile. “You’re all grown up now and ready to lead some foreign country, but when I look at you, I still see that same little boy who swore up and down that he was going to have a foot-poppin’ first kiss.”
He can feel the way his face flames hot, flushed, even though there’s no one there to witness his embarrassment other than the woman dead set on causing it. He wonders if he could get away with pretending he doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but he’s pretty sure that wouldn’t stop her.
“What?” she asks, mock innocent. “I’m not allowed to talk about what a sweet boy you were?”
“Can you just… not?” he begs again. “Please?”
The thing is, he does remember. They’d been watching some old movie, one of those black and white ones where everyone spoke in an inexplicable accent, and when the hero had grabbed his girl and kissed her, one of her feet had lifted off the ground as if it had a mind of its own. He’d been determined to have a first kiss equally as powerful, equally as passionate — and his mom had laughed. And then, when she’d seen how serious he was, how struck he was by her laughter when he was not joking, Mom, it’s not funny, she’d assured him that of course he would have a foot-popping first kiss one day. He guesses now that she already knew then not all princes were made out of fairytale stuff, but he’d been young and starry-eyed and determined to be different than his parents. And then he’d gotten older and reality had set in for him, too.
“Besides,” he grumbles, “I already had my first kiss years ago, and Ygritte wasn’t exactly a ‘foot pop’ kind of girl.”
“I know, baby,” his mom says, following him over to the closet so she can run her fingers through his newly cropped hair the way she used to when he was little enough to lay with his head in her lap. “I just know you’ve been doing a lot for everyone else lately, especially when it comes to your father and aunt. I don’t want you to give up on the things you want just because other people want something else for you,” she says. “Even if what you want is for a girl to suddenly transform into a Hays Code-era heroine.”
He’d said it to his mom. He’s not a kid anymore. But if he’s honest with himself, really honest, he does still want it. Maybe not literally. He doesn’t need a girl to literally kick her foot up as some sort of chaste way of showing just how deep a kiss can really be, but he wants the sparks. He wants it to mean something. He doesn’t want to just fool around in the backseat of a parked car next to a bunch of other parked cars filled with teenagers fooling around. He’s done that before, and as good as it had felt in some ways, it had felt decidedly not good in others.
So when Margaery steps close to him in the storage shack on the beach, well, he’s not really sure what to think. She’d herded him in here after a news helicopter swooped low overhead, a floodlight searching him out amongst the partygoers, and she’s been flirting with him all night — all week, really, even before she told him that she dumped Joffrey for being the most obnoxious, fame-sucking scumbag dickhole on the planet (his words, not hers). But when she slides her hands up his chest, onto his shoulders, looks up at him from under her eyelashes, he can’t say he’s not curious.
It’s weird, suddenly being wanted by the most popular girl at school.
A week ago, she never would’ve looked at him. She would’ve seen him, sure — her sly eyes landing on him for some impossibly brief moment before sliding right past him as she assessed her surroundings and found him totally useless to her — but she never would’ve looked. And he’s not stupid. He knows why she’s looking now. Even if he gives her the full benefit of the doubt when it comes to her supposedly noble intentions in dumping Joffrey, he’s not blind to the optics of the upgrade. State politician’s son to a future king of a country. Local society papers to the national news. But there’s still something to it. All night, she hasn’t been looking at him like he’s useful to her. She’s been looking at him like he’s all of a sudden interesting to her.
And Sansa has never been less interested in him.
“Jon,” Margaery murmurs, her eyes on his mouth, and one of her hands drops back down to toy with the neckline of the plain black shirt he’d finally settled on earlier. “I’m sorry the paparazzi found you here, but I won’t pretend I’m not glad to get a minute alone with you.”
The shack is dark around them, umbrellas and volleyball netting and spinal boards taking up much of the space, crowding them together. She’s waiting for him to kiss her, he’s pretty sure. It really is like something out of a movie, the way she’s giving off all the classic signs. His hands had settled at her waist almost automatically when she’d first stepped right up next to him, reaching for him, but he still can’t quite bring himself to close the gap between them.
Margaery doesn’t seem to mind. She ducks her head, lets her warm breath fan over his neck just above where her fingers tug at the hem of his tee. Her knuckles brush against his collarbone, and then she turns into him, lets her nose trace the line of his jaw. The tip of it skates over his chin, drags along until it meets the corner of his mouth, and then her lips are right there, soft against his. His hands tense at her waist, but she seems to take that for encouragement, because suddenly she’s kissing him and, yeah, maybe he’s kissing back.
When she pulls away from him, she sighs his name again, a perfectly romantic sound that he’s pretty sure his younger, starry-eyed self would’ve swooned over if it didn’t all sound so… practiced. Performative. Whatever spell there was breaks, and he lets his hands drop, takes his own step back.
“Uh, I don’t — I don’t hear anything anymore, do you?” he asks, not sure the best way to extricate himself from the situation. “I think probably it’s safe to head back out now.”
The reality is that he doesn’t exactly care anymore. So what if some news reporters snap a picture of him at a party? If he was avoiding the cameras because he didn’t want to pretend to be some perfect prince, he’s not any better off in here as Margaery tries to manufacture the perfect moment between them.
Still, he’s not expecting the instantaneous burst of camera flashes the second he opens the door, and he nearly slams it closed again just so he can gather his bearings. Instead, he lets the door swing wide in front of him, jerks back a step, and then Margaery is at his back. One arm drapes over his chest, fingers tangling in his shirt, and her other hand reaches out in front of them to block the glare as though she’s some damsel in distress and he’s her dashing savior.
“Jon,” she whimpers, ducking her face into the back of his neck, and his stomach twists.
This was a mistake. This whole night was just a huge, stupid mistake.
He shakes her off, steels himself and charges forward, pushes through the crowd to stomp towards the parking lot even as shutters click and voices shout after him. He can feel his face heating up, his blood rushing in his ears, but he doesn’t stop until the sand ends and he reaches asphalt, and even then he only pauses because Joffrey is leaning up against the passenger side of his mom’s car. Lyanna had let him borrow it so he could fly under the radar, so he could pick Margaery up without his aunt knowing how he chose to spend his time, but now he’s wishing he’d taken one of the official Valyrian cars if only so there would’ve been a driver to go with it — a driver who would’ve never allowed Joffrey to hang around waiting for Jon to come back.
“Get off my car,” Jon orders, his voice low and to the point as he steps onto the pavement.
“Calm down,” Joffrey sneers. He’s moving slow, languid — like he’s been drinking, Jon realizes as he stands up straight, sways a little. “I was just making sure the reporters gave mommy’s Subaru a little space.” He looks over at the few photographers who’ve followed Jon up the beach, their camera flashes still bright at his back. “You do know Margaery was the one who called them, don’t you?”
Jon doesn’t answer, just gives him a wide berth as he heads for the driver’s side on the far end of the car. It doesn’t stop Joffrey from leaning back against the door.
“I guess it figures,” he says, voice loud in that way drunk people have, where it might well be considered shouting if it weren’t for the lack of intent. “She’s dating the fucking governor’s son, and even she wants to try and trade up the second she gets the chance.”
“Baratheon,” Jon barks. “Get the fuck off of my car.”
Joffrey makes a show of rolling his eyes, swaying back to a standing position again. “I’m just saying they’re all the same,” he continues, overenunciating a little.
Jon ignores him, unlocks the car, yanks his door open — and Joffrey tugs on the handle on the other side, doing the same.
“Gold diggers,” he says, and Jon stares at him, slack-jawed over the center console, as Joffrey slides into the passenger seat. He lets out an ugly, mean laugh. “At least Margaery puts out,” he adds. “Some of them are frigid fucking bitches.”
For a second, everything goes red. And then Jon is on the other side of the car. His fists are balled in Joffrey’s shirt. Jon grabs him, then shoves him, and Joffrey stumbles back, lands on his ass, palms slapping the pavement. Jon slams the car door, stalks back to the driver’s side, hits the lock as soon as he shuts himself in, because he wouldn’t put it past Joffrey to try again, to start something. And then he fits the key in the ignition, shifts into gear, and hits the gas.
He spends the first half of Sunday being screamed at by his aunt and the second half wallowing in his bed, boombox turned all the way up as angsty, angry rock blares through the speakers late into the night. When Monday rolls around, he wakes to find his mom let him sleep straight through his classes. Ghost curled up at his side, he turns to bury his face in a mass of white fur and will himself back into unconsciousness for another few hours, and the night comes and goes in a sluggish haze. Tuesday morning follows with a knock at his door about five minutes after his alarm would’ve gone off if he’d bothered to set it. He contemplates faking sick, continuing the pity party, but when his mom ducks her head around the door, then lets herself in to sit on the edge of his bed and rest the back of her hand on his forehead — he just can’t stand the look in her eyes.
He knows it was bad. Daenerys made sure that she permanently impressed upon him just how bad it all was. The papers had printed photos of him shaking off a wounded-looking Margaery, the picture perfect portrait of a lovelorn woman with her kiss-swollen lips and tousled hair, her arms reaching out towards him. They’d also gotten shots of him dragging Joffrey out of his car, throwing him to the ground, mouth twisted with some ugly words that Jon can’t even remember shouting. Each different weekly journal or daily newsletter had managed to snag their own slightly different versions of the images, one particularly vulgar looking shot showing Jon standing over Joffrey on the asphalt.
His aunt had insisted that he’d embarrassed the whole Targaryen line, put the whole dynasty at risk — nevermind the fact that the headlines were only bound to go global because they were all saying what a fucking chip off the old block he was. A philanderer like his father. Violent like his grandfather. “Do the Fiery Targaryens Really Need Another Hotheaded Heartbreaker In Line for the Throne?” one tabloid had asked in bold, black letters.
If they’d never fucked up, Jon would be just another teenager having a bad night. If they’d never fucked up, the Targaryens never would’ve even needed Jon in the first place. But the look in Daenerys’s eyes when he’d started to bring all that up had practically burned him alive, and it wouldn’t have mattered. She’d never have listened anyway. There would’ve been no point shouting himself hoarse, so he’d shut his mouth and grit his jaw until it felt like his teeth would crumble away into dust.
But that’s not the part that has Lyanna treating him like he’s a five year old with a fever. She doesn’t want to talk about what he did, what he’ll do now, what there is to be done next if he doesn’t want to take the whole family down with him. No, she wants to talk about how he feels, how he feels about whatever made him agree to go on a date with Margaery and how he feels about whatever made him run away halfway through it — and that’s somehow a thousand times worse, because he doesn’t want to think about how he feels. (Stupid. Unwanted. In the spotlight. Even more invisible than ever before.) If he stops and thinks about it, he’ll drown in it, so he’s staying sullen instead, surly, and he pushes his mom away when she reaches for him, insists he feels fine, he’s just running late, he slept through his alarm, but he’s going.
If he lets her baby him — if he lets her call the school and tell Arryn that he’ll be out for another day — he’ll be stuck for hours being looked at like he’s the saddest boy in the world. He can’t stomach the thought of that.
He almost wishes he had, though, when he gets to school and finds Sansa is no longer the only Stark giving him the cold shoulder.
It had been messy with all of them last week after the news had gone public. Between the press, his aunt’s people, and the popular kids suddenly taking an interest in him, he’d barely gotten time with a single one of them, but at least he’d talked to Arya on the phone, talked to Robb, managed to get at least a few moments with both of them throughout each day. Sansa, though… She’d been too nice to ignore him out right, always waving before fleeing the premises, but her message had still come through loud and clear. Now she’s graduated even from that, avoiding eye contact entirely and turning to head in the opposite direction when he tries to catch her attention from down the hall.
Worse, Arya has begun following her lead, only she’s shooting him full-blown glares from across the quad. Even Robb offers him only half-hearted shrugs, a gesture somewhere between commiserating and resigned before he’s following dutifully after one sister or being bodily dragged away by the other. It takes almost until the end of the day before Jon finally manages to corner one of them, hunting down Arya during their shared free period until he finds her whacking tennis balls on the rooftop court.
“Arya,” he calls, but she ignores him as the machine spits out a lime green missile — one she immediately fires back his way as he steps through the gate at the top of the stairs. He curses, dodges, and she smirks, then narrows her eyes again as she determinedly rockets another tennis ball in his general direction. “Arya!” he tries again. “Stop! I’m trying to talk to you!”
She keeps lobbing them, and he keeps ducking, until he’s close enough to yank the extension cord powering the equipment. One last ball falls free, rolls away, and Arya shrugs, turning to pack up her racket and grab her backpack instead. He has to vault over the net to follow, grab her shoulder, and he knows she’s let him catch up, but it doesn’t feel like that much of a victory when he spins her around and she immediately crosses her arms, raising her eyebrows in response.
“Arya,” he pants. He’s so tired — of dodging tennis balls, reporters, emotional minefields. He doesn’t have the patience left to play whatever game this is. “What is your problem today? What is everyone’s fucking problem lately?”
Her eyebrows shoot even higher.
“OK,” she starts, “so just to be clear, you don’t even remember that you agreed to be on my morning show on Sunday? You’re totally unaware of the fact that I got stuck trying to fill the whole time slot with Hot Pie’s various animal shaped baked goods?”
He groans, drops his head back. Of course. Of course he forgot. Of course he was so busy wallowing over how he can’t do anything right that he fucked up. Again. He rubs a hand over his face, sighs, braces himself for another apology, his millionth over the last 72 hours, but at least this one he’ll mean.
“Arya —”
Before he can get another word out, she’s cutting him off.
“And Sansa,” she continues. “Do you remember her?”
His stomach twists, clenches. He hesitates.
“What about her?”
Arya scoffs, and he can see her grip clench on her racket like she’s itching to launch another tennis ball at his head.
“Wow,” she says, voice flat. “And I really believed it when I told her that you were smarter than her douchebag ex.”
“She’s mad about Margaery?” he ventures, unsure.
“No,” Arya tells him. “That’s the worst part. She’s not even mad. She’s just fucking heartbroken.”
For a second, he can’t speak, his voice coming out strangled when he finds the words.
“Because I went out with someone else?”
“Because she waited for you at the garage for like three hours before she finally gave up and came home. Because she figured you probably got roped into some stupid royal responsibility until she saw all of the papers the next morning and realized you just ditched her for the same exact girl Joffrey did.”
“But —” he starts, the words dying in his throat because that can’t be right. That doesn’t make any sense. Even as a dawning horror sets in, he shakes his head and says so. “That doesn’t make any fucking sense, Arya. Why would she be waiting for me at the garage?”
Her jaw drops. She stares at him, hard, like she’s trying to tell if he really is stupid.
“Because she asked you out, and you said yes,” she says slowly.
“Yeah, but — but that was on Tuesday,” he tries.
“So how was I supposed to know we were still on by the end of the week?”
“Because she never fucking canceled on you, dipshit,” Arya spits. Whatever patience she might’ve had for him a second ago is gone.
“But she was obviously blowing me off! Arya, she ignored me for the next three days!”
“When did she ignore you?” Arya demands. “During all the rides to school you didn’t give us? In all the classes you don’t have together? Did she screen any of the calls you didn’t make or not come to the phone any of the times you didn’t ask for her?”
“She —” he starts, fumbling for his words. “Arya, she practically ran out of the room any time I entered one.”
Even as he says it, though, he knows it’s not true. Or, at least, now he knows, now that he knows what it actually looks like when she runs away. This morning, she hadn’t offered him a little wave and a tense smile when they’d first locked eyes. She’d just frozen, then turned around and fled in the opposite direction.
Abruptly, he feels the need to lay down on the ground. He wants to let his backpack fall from his shoulder, to drop down on his hands and knees, to flop onto his back and splay his limbs out. He wants to stare at the gray sky overhead until he somehow travels back a week in time to the day Sansa first asked him out. It had started so well that morning, then gone so wrong, and he’d sort of thought things had only gotten worse over the weekend, that Sunday had been his low point, maybe Monday, but no, it’s now, it’s this moment.
Sansa asked him out. Sansa never canceled. Sansa didn’t run away from him, or at least not really. He’d been making out with Margaery while she was waiting for him at the garage, and then she’d had to see photographic evidence of that the very next morning.
Maybe he really is just like his stupid dad.
Jon gives in to the urge, sits down right where he is in the middle of the court. If he asked Arya to turn the tennis ball machine back on and aim it right at his head, she probably would.
Instead, she just watches him for a minute, uncomfortably shifting from one foot to another. Then, she nudges his boot with the toe of her sneaker.
“Get up.”
He doesn’t move.
After a moment, she tries again.
“C’mon, Jon. Get up.”
This time, she kicks at the soles of his boots, one first and then the other as though she can manhandle his feet back beneath him and him standing on top of them. When that still doesn’t work, when he’s still resolutely on the ground another long moment later, she sighs, then leans down and joins him.
“She really waited for three hours?” he asks.
“I really wish I was exaggerating,” Arya answers, mouth twisting in a grimace.
“I’m sorry,” Jon finally says. “God, I just — I just got really caught up in all the prince stuff, I think. I didn’t even really check in with any of you last week, and then I thought Sansa was blowing me off, and then I went to that stupid party, and then everything fucking blew up —”
He huffs another sigh, reaches to tug on curls he remembers he cut off over a week ago just a moment too late. He drops his hand back into his lap, looks over at her to make sure he meets her eye.
“I should’ve remembered your show,” he says. “I’m really sorry that I didn’t.”
“Yeah,” Arya says, “you should’ve. And, for the record, I will be expecting you to rebook your appearance in the coming weeks. But I hope you know I’m letting you off easy this time.”
She taps her foot against his, and he nods, and then she’s getting to her feet, reaching a hand down for him. He grabs it.
“Just for the record, though,” she adds, pulling him back upright, “that only goes for me. If you want to even think of apologizing to Sansa, you’re going to have to come up with something a lot better than that.”
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hilarychuff · 2 years ago
hi!! :) i love all you fics i was re reading your princess diaries au and i was wondering if you had any plans on continuing? if you did i’d love to see the aftermath of jon missing his date with sansa and how upset arya is too! and the ball scene!! ily <3 :)
hi!!!!!!! this is really good timing asking this because i've actually been working on it a lot lately!!!! (@cellsshapedlikestars even helped me noodle my way through a part where i was stuck xoxoxoox)
i'm not sure if the next chapter will be the last or if i'll need to break it into two more (maybe a sansa pov??? not sure) but i've got at least one more jon bit coming that should cover at least some of that!!!
aaaaaand because i am so delighted to get a lil anon message about it, here is a sneak peek!!!!!
“What happened to my romantic little boy?” she tuts, and Jon drops his head back to groan at the ceiling. 
“Mom, I’m not a little boy anymore.”
“I know, I know,” she says, and when he glances over, she’s haphazardly folding all of his tees into a messy little pile. “You’re all grown up now and ready to lead some foreign country, but when I look at you, I still see that same little boy who swore up and down that he was going to have a foot-poppin’ first kiss.”
“Mom!” He can feel the way his face flames hot, flushed, even though there’s no one there to witness his embarrassment other than the woman dead set on causing it. He wonders if he could get away with pretending he doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but he’s pretty sure that wouldn’t stop her. 
“What?” she asks, mock innocent. “I’m not allowed to talk about what a sweet boy you were?”
“Can you just… not?” he begs again. “Please?”
The thing is, he does remember. They’d been watching some old movie, one of those black and white ones where everyone spoke in an inexplicable accent, and when the hero had grabbed his girl and kissed her, one of her feet had lifted off the ground as if it had a mind of its own. He’d been determined to have a first kiss equally as powerful, equally as passionate — and his mom had laughed. And then, when she’d seen how serious he was, how struck he was by her laughter when he was not joking, Mom, it’s not funny, she’d assured him that of course he would have a foot-popping first kiss one day. He guesses now that she already knew then not all princes were made out of fairytale stuff, but he’d been young and starry-eyed and determined to be different than his parents. And then he’d gotten older and reality had set in for him, too. 
“Besides,” he grumbles, “I already had my first kiss years ago, and Ygritte wasn’t exactly a ‘foot pop’ kind of girl.”
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hilarychuff · 3 years ago
OMG I just thought of another "The Princess Diaries", sometimes I still think of Sansa who waited for Jon and him never showing up. My poor baby😭
ok i knew i wanted to do this jonsa princess diaries au scene almost immediately because a) frankly there aren't that many actual mia michael scenes in the movie and i don't have my copies of the books at my apartment and b) it's cute!! cute before the heartbreaking moment where jon accidentally stands her up!!! you can imagine the ensuing angst for yourself on this one ❤️ also i thought about waiting until the morning to post this but whatever fuck it i’ll just shameless self reblog later
Oh For Fork’s Sake
“Um,” Sansa says suddenly, the slightly higher pitch of her voice grabbing Jon’s attention as they walk side by side to school.
She’s been talking practically nonstop for the last five minutes, rambling really as she fills him in about her day yesterday, how Sister Mordane gave her a solo in choir, how Robb’s band practiced the same song for forty-five minutes straight at their uncle Benjen’s garage last night. He doesn’t mind. He’s liked just listening, actually. Well, not exactly listening. He’s getting the gist of what she’s saying he’s pretty sure, and he’s been responding appropriately (or at least he thinks he has, nodding along each time she glances over at him at least), but mostly he’s just been enjoying walking next to her.
It’s rare that it’s just the two of them like this — usually Arya is nearby, or Robb, even her little brothers Bran or Rickon — but when he’d rang the Stark family’s doorbell that morning, she’d been the only one who’d answered, opening the door almost immediately and then snapping it shut behind her. Arya was running late, she insisted. Too late to wait for. She’d overslept, told Sansa they should go ahead without her, that she’d grab a ride with Robb instead. So they’d left, and Sansa had seemingly made it her mission to fill the silence for every moment since.
He doesn’t mind. Lately, his head has been so full of stupid prince stuff, packed to the brim with names of long-dead relatives and Valyrian family crests and edicts the Targaryen line had issued over the last 300 years. Daenerys has been drilling him on them relentlessly, insisting he’ll be an embarrassment of an heir if he doesn’t figure out how to get this all down. She’d lost her temper with him last night when he’d mixed up his oyster fork and cocktail fork, and he’d been so frustrated he’d shoved away from the table, so desperate for a break that he’d nearly knocked his chair to the ground. Instead it had only wobbled for a moment, then slammed back down onto all four legs, loud enough that it had startled one of his aunt’s vicious little corgis that had been crowded around her feet under the table. Drogon had lunged, snapped at his ankle, and Jon was certain he’d been on the verge of starting an international incident once he’d finally managed to shake his pants free of the pup’s clenched teeth.
Daenerys had banished him for the rest of the night after that, commanding him to get out of her sight, and he’d stormed straight out and walked the 15 blocks home without stopping. Only Ghost had been able to help him calm down, but when he’d fallen asleep later that night, his dreams had been plagued by royal rules and family trees and he’d woken up stressed all over again. So hearing Sansa just babble on about her day as they walk the half mile from her place to school — well, it’s been kind of nice to pretend at least for a few moments that everything is still normal. That he’s just a regular high schooler like she is.
Now, though, she’s like a record that skipped the track, a few sharp little intakes of her breath punctuating the silence that’s fallen between them even as she keeps her strides steady.
“Um, so I was wondering,” she finally manages, and is she… nervous? Is that what the babbling had been about? She’s a little flushed too now that he thinks about it, both of her thumbs hooked into her backpack straps instead of swinging loosely at her sides. Did Arya tell her about him? Does she know? Is that why she’s suddenly acting weird around him?
“Do you —” she starts, then lets out a huff of a laugh, shaking her ponytail as if that’ll reshuffle the words she’s looking for into just the right order. When she finally gets them out, they’re not at all what he was expecting. “Do you have plans already for Saturday night?”
The question takes him entirely by surprise. Is she asking what he thinks she’s asking?
“Why, is Robb’s band playing somewhere?” he says by way of answer. “Did he recruit you to find him roadies again?”
“Oh, no — Well, I mean, yes,” she says. “Robb managed to convince some café by Dacey’s house that they’re definitely good enough to be playing public gigs, but I, um —” She hesitates again, just for a moment. “I was thinking maybe, if you wanted to, we could do something else. The parts for your mustang came in, and Uncle Benjen gave me my own key to the garage just in case I ever need it, and I know he wouldn’t mind if we wanted to work on your car after hours.”
She’s blushing a little more now, biting her lip, and he can’t believe for a moment that this is really happening. He’s never imagined it like this, her asking him, so nervous that it makes him feel more confident than he ever has in comparison.
“If we wanted to work on it?” he teases, grinning.
“OK,” she says, rolling her eyes, but he can see her fighting her own smile even as she looks straight ahead instead of at him. “If you wanted to work on it while I watched. And maybe —” She hesitates again, sneaks a glance at him, but his smile seems to reassure her. “Maybe we can even order pizza. And M&Ms. And put it on the company card. Uncle Benjen still owes me from that time he accidentally spilled transmission fluid on my math homework.”
He nods along, waits for her to finish, and then shoots her mock-suspicious look.
“You know,” he drawls. “If I didn’t know any better, Sansa, I’d say you were trying to ask me on a date.”
She laughs, finally releases her iron grip on her backpack straps so she can give him a playful shove.
“Shut up. Do you want to or not?”
When her arms drop to her sides, they’re close enough that his knuckles brush against the back of her hand. Suddenly, he feels like he could correctly identify a thousand stupid little forks, recognize the minute differences in each one by touch alone. “OK,” he agrees. “Yeah, Saturday. Let’s do it.”
His knuckles brush the back of her hand again, his fingers flexing, hand open just in case she wants to slip hers into it — and then Arya is bursting between them.
“Um, hello!” she demands, just this side of panting, her school uniform rumpled and ragged where Sansa’s is pristine and pressed. “Didn’t you two hear me shouting your names? And why didn’t you wait for me? I told you I just needed a few minutes!”
He shoots Sansa an accusatory look, and she has the good grace to at least seem a little sheepish. Still, to think that she purposely went out of her way to get him alone? If you put a family tree in front of him, he could fill out every single fucking name, date, and formal title on the damn thing.
“Sorry,” Sansa says. “I thought you were just getting in the shower, not getting out.”
If she were paying attention, Arya would see that for the obvious lie it is, but she’s not looking at them anymore, instead looking down the street past them.
“What’s going on at school?” she asks, and she’s right, there’s something, a crowd hovering around the front steps.
The whole area is buzzing, people milling around with microphones and cameras and tape recorders, reporters and photographers loitering as if they’re waiting for something. There are some students out front too, Joffrey and Margaery and Loras all at the top of the steps — and then Joffrey is leaning out over the railing, pointing, shouting something and, almost as if as one, the whole mob turns to look at Jon. Fuck.
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hilarychuff · 3 years ago
The Pizza Artist Formerly Known As Princess
a princess diaries au drabble
inspired by this au graphic; find the first in the series here or read both on ao3 here
The day Jon Snow shows up on her front steps with close-cropped hair and a clean-shaven face, Sansa Stark wants to die. 
She hadn’t processed it at first that morning — she’d practically gone into shock when she’d first answered the door, and then it had been hard to get a thought in edgewise with Arya berating him nonstop for the entirety of the drive to school — but by fourth period, the misery had started to set in. Now, she’s escalated to full-blown despair, barging into Arya’s room so she can dramatically flop onto her sister’s bed.
“It’s not fair,” she groans, throwing her arms over her eyes where she’s laying in a haphazard swoon. “I can’t believe Jon would do this to me.”
Arya doesn’t look up from where she sits at her desk across the room, eyes laser-focused on some video game she’s playing on her computer. She jabs violently at her keyboard, the keys clacking loudly as she swears under her breath, but Sansa sighs in increasingly loud increments until her sister finally breaks. 
“I hate it when you do that,” Arya growls. “And whatever. Get over it. It’s not like he did anything to you anyway. All he did was cut his hair.”
“What!” Sansa shrieks, bolting upright so she can stare unbelievingly across the room. “He did so! And you were saying the same exact thing this morning, by the way! You really owe him an apology, you know. You were being really mean, Arya. Like, meaner than usual.”
“I was not,” Arya sulks, but anyone could hear the guilt in her voice. “But just for your information, Jon’s stupid haircut has nothing to do with you. He’s just… going through some stuff. With his family. Why do you even care, anyway? Doesn’t his freaky preppy makeover mean he’ll finally be popular enough for you to date now?”
“Mean!” Sansa accuses again, pointing a finger. “This is not the plot of an Avril Lavigne song, Arya, this is my life! And now he’s ruined it by shaving his patchy little mustache.”
Finally, Arya looks away from the computer, spinning around in her desk chair so she can glare at her sister. “You’re the one that’s always saying — and I quote — ‘if Jon Snow would just get a haircut and give up on growing a beard, everyone would see how cute he totally is.’”
“And I was right!” Sansa moans, flopping onto the bed again, throwing her arms back over her eyes. “Now everyone knows what I’ve known for the last two years! You should’ve seen the way Margaery was looking at him when Mr. Slynt finally made him take his beanie off during lunch. I bet she’s never even noticed him before in her life!”
“So what?” Arya grumbles. “You’re also the one that’s refused to ask him out for forever. Shit or get off the pot, Sansa.”
“Ew, don’t say that. And you’re the one that told me that it would ruin everything if Jon and I dated.”
Arya gives a noncommittal grunt, spinning back around to face her computer game. 
“Well, you did,” Sansa insists. “Now everything’s going to be ruined anyway.”
“What are you so worried about?” Arya asks in that same sulky tone from before. “Isn’t Margaery Tyrell still dating your heinous ex boyfriend?”
“I mean, yeah, but if it’s not Margaery, it’s bound to be someone else.”
“So if everything’s ruined anyway, why don’t you just ask him out, then?”
Sansa sits right back up again. “Do you mean that?”
Arya peeks over her shoulder, gives a reluctant shrug. “I mean, you should check with Robb first. I feel like he might be kind of pissy about it.”
“But you wouldn’t mind? You’d be OK with it?”
“I mean…. It’s whatever,” Arya says, more mock-casual than actually effortless. “Obviously I still think it would be weird if you and Jon dated. But if someone’s going to date him, it should be you, right?”
“Totally,” Sansa agrees. And then, more shyly, “Do you think he’d say yes?”
Arya groans, drops her head down into her arms on top of the keyboard. “Can we not talk about this anymore?” she moans, her voice coming out muffled. “Isn’t it enough that I’ll have to live with it?”
“But do you think he would?”
Arya shifts so that she can peek over at Sansa with one eye. 
“You’re not really worried, are you?”
Sansa only shrugs, brings her hand to her mouth where she bites down on the pad of her thumb, teeth clenched against the skin as the best alternative to her nail. Other than a minor relapse last fall, she managed to break the habit years ago, and she cements her commitment to it with a fresh manicure each week, but every now and then the temptation feels overwhelming. Her sister just sighs and lifts her head all the way off her arms. 
“I think,” Arya says slowly, voice measured, “that if he said no, he’d be even stupider than Joffrey.”
Sansa nods, forces herself to release her thumb. She wipes her hands on her skirt as she stands, then reaches up to fix her ponytail, all mussed from her dramatics. 
“Totally,” Sansa says. And then again, as if just to herself, “Totally.”
She moves towards the door, and Arya turns fully back to her computer, hands poised over the keyboard and mouse. 
“For the record, though, Sans,” Arya calls over her shoulder, glancing back before Sansa fully steps into the hall, “I’m pretty sure Jon is one of the smartest guys in our whole school.”
Jon Snow is a prince. Like, a real prince. Like, a real royal prince set to inherit a whole royal throne one day. Probably even one in a castle. Probably even one with a scepter. That’s what everyone is saying, at least, that he’s the heir to some tiny European country called Valyria. 
Sansa hadn’t understood what was happening earlier when the mob had suddenly surged in their direction, shouting questions and snapping pictures, cameras flashing as microphones and tape recorders and the hands holding them were suddenly shoved between the three of them. They’d been separated by the crowd, her and Arya and Jon all pushed or dragged off in different directions, and it had only been once Sansa finally stumbled free of the crush that she’d even realized it was Jon they were circling, Jon they were following up the front stairs to school. She’d heard what they were shouting, the questions they were asking, but there’d been so many people around, so much noise that she hadn’t really processed any of it until she was sitting in first period. 
By then, the whispering had started, too. 
At first, Sansa wasn’t sure if she believed it. She knew Jon! She’d known him for years. She’d been to his house, met his mom. Had he kept it secret that whole time? How come he’d never told her? Did Robb know? Did Arya?
By the time the bell chimed for her second class, people were saying that the queen herself was on campus, holed up in the principal’s office with half her security team. Sansa had gone so far as faking a period emergency so that she could duck out of gym and sneak down the hall to see just who that meant. And Lyanna had been there, voice raised, visible through one of the windows on either side of the office door as she shouted about something Sansa couldn’t quite make out. But she also hadn’t been alone in the room with Jon and Mr. Arryn. As Sansa walked by, she could also catch a glimpse of at least one more man, one more woman, both with silver blonde hair — and then the towering security guards standing outside the door had meaningfully cleared their throats and she’d scampered away down the hall, ducking into the computer lab so she could frantically Google Jon Snow’s mom. 
But when people had talked about the queen, they hadn’t meant Lyanna. There hadn’t been any search results for her, but there had been for Valyria, and it had led her straight to a Wikipedia page that outlined generations of the Targaryen family history, even included portraits of silver-haired, stoic-faced rulers over the decades. Apparently, the queen everyone was talking about was Daenerys Targaryen, the newly crowned monarch of Valyria. And did that mean the other man in the principal’s office had been Jon’s dad? She hadn’t even known he’d had one. Or she knew he’d had one at some point, obviously, but nobody had ever talked about him before. 
The whole thing leaves Sansa’s head spinning. Jon, a prince. In line for his aunt’s throne. An aunt she’s almost sure he’s never met before. That he might not have even known he had a month ago. 
She’s still trying to wrap her mind around it all an hour later, but everyone else seems to have no problem coming around to the concept. Instead, it’s all anyone can talk about, small clusters of students circled up in classrooms, in hallways, out in the courtyard — and it’s driving Sansa absolutely crazy. Last Friday, most of these people wouldn’t have known Jon’s name, or at least would’ve pretended not to if they thought it would’ve gotten a laugh out of Joffrey or Loras or one of the other popular kids. Now, even they were pretending to be Jon’s friends.
Finally, Sansa can’t stand it anymore when a senior she’s seen around campus a few times bursts into the third floor bathroom, boasting to a friend, “I always knew there was something really cool about him. He’s so dark and mysterious.”
Sansa stuffs her crumpled paper towel into the trash can, spins around on one heel to fix them with a glare. 
“Do you even know his full name?” Sansa snaps. 
The girl stops in her tracks, giving Sansa a once-over from toe to top. “Excuse you?”
“Jon Snow’s full name,” she says, and she can feel her cheeks going hot. “Do you even know what it is?”
It’s just Jon. He doesn’t even have a middle name. But Sansa doubts this girl knows that. In fact, she half wants to see if the other girl will go far enough to invent one for him. The senior doesn’t, though. Instead, she just narrows her eyes. 
“If I knew his full name, then he wouldn’t be so mysterious, would he?”
Sansa lets out an affronted squawk, coming up short on some sort of immediate quippy comeback, then scrambles to regain the upper-hand.   
“He’s not mysterious,” she insists after a beat, at least half a lie. “You just never noticed him before today, so don’t pretend you have.”
The girl scoffs, but her friend laughs, rolls her eyes, steps forward to fix her hair in the mirror. “Whatever,” she says. “Ignore her. Just because she’s little miss princess doesn’t mean she gets first dibs when an actual prince comes along. He’s fair game.”
And that stings. Because Sansa’s not trying to call dibs, she has an actual, honest-to-Gods real date with him planned for Saturday night, and she hadn’t even known he was a prince this morning when she’d asked him out — but it’s the princess part that nearly sends her lip quivering. She clamps her mouth shut so they won’t see, then shoulders past them and pushes back out into the crowded hallway. Outside, she squeezes past the lockers and to the stairwell so she can go hide in the second floor girls’ bathroom instead. 
For three days now, Sansa has hardly seen Jon outside of awkward little waves exchanged across the hallways between classes. Ever since the news broke, he’s been mobbed at school, accompanied by his aunt’s security everywhere outside of it. It had been nice, those few days Jon had picked them up in a limo, but apparently those rides are off-limits until his aunt’s people have finished giving them all background checks, and his aunt doesn’t want him to walk anymore either now that the whole world knows who he is. At least, that’s what he told Arya on the phone when he’d called to let them know not to wait for him in the mornings. 
He’s talked to Robb too, called him up to beg him to make Theon stop trying to sell embarrassing stories to the local papers. Each time Theon convinces a journalist or reporter that Jon won the seventh grade spelling bee contest with the word brassiere or that Jon volunteers at a soup kitchen each weekend to serve exclusively shrimp cocktail, he comes up with an even more far-fetched lie to try on the next one. And Theon’s not the only one taking advantage of the media barrage. 
By Thursday, Joffrey has also wormed his way onto the local TV news, promising that his dad’s role as the state governor is going to be super important when it comes to foreign relations with Valyria. He puffs out his chest and insists it’s good luck for Queen Daenerys that he and Jon have known each other so long. He twists his wormy lips into a smirk and says he’s even happy to give Jon some tips about what it’s like to be a public figure. After all, he knows how it feels to have to deal with all kinds of phonies and social climbers who are just after him because of his status. 
Sansa doesn’t want Jon to think she’s one of them. They’ve never spent much time together at school, and she doesn’t want him to think she’s suddenly hanging all over him in public in the hopes that someone somewhere will snap a photo of them. That she’s aiming to end up on the cover of a magazine so she can get discovered. Or so that she can be a princess for real. She doesn’t want him to think she’s being weird, that anything has changed between them. Most of the time they spent together was in the mornings or after school, but with that off limits, with him busy with his aunt and official royal business or whatever — well, Saturday night will be there soon enough, right? She’ll see him then.
Only, when it turns out that Margaery dumped Joffrey because of that stupid interview, Sansa wants to tear her hair out. Because that means Margaery really is going to try and ask him out, and if Sansa dares to even look at Jon at school it’ll become a whole thing, some weird, stupid rivalry, and she can’t take it if people start pitting them against each other as often as they had back when Joffrey first dumped her for Margaery. Especially when she can’t compare, not when Margaery has a driver’s license and a platinum card and two homecoming queen tiaras displayed in her bedroom while Sansa hadn’t even scored a sophomore court sash. 
But it doesn’t matter. It won’t become some sort of public competition as long as she doesn’t make it one. If she just stays away, if she just lays low for one more day, keeps ducking out of rooms whenever Margaery or Jon or Joffrey enters them, then soon enough she and Jon will be on their date and it won’t matter that Margaery has her eye on him. Sansa knows that she doesn’t just like Jon because he’s suddenly famous and cool at school, and she knows that he knows that, too. Right? It was one thing to worry about Margaery making a move back when Sansa was just planning on pining after him forever and there was nothing to stop him from saying yes, but now they have plans — real, solid plans — and Jon wouldn’t just forget about that because someone more popular came along. Jon’s not like that, even if Joffrey was.
If she can just survive the next 30 hours or so, none of this will matter. They’ll have all the privacy they need at the garage, and she can make sure he sees exactly how much she likes him just for him. Not because he’s a prince. Not even just because of his cute new haircut. They’ll finally have a chance to be alone, just the two of them (or maybe his new bodyguard will have to be there too, but she can work with that), and she’s not going to waste it. 
The pizza is getting cold. She’d ordered it in advance so she could make sure it was ready in time, so she could make a smiley face on it with M&Ms, but now she’s thinking maybe that was a mistake. Maybe she should’ve waited to order it until he was already here. She doesn’t think he’ll mind, and there’s a toaster oven in the makeshift break room Uncle Benjen set up by the front office if they want to pick off the M&Ms and heat their slices up, but she just really wants this whole thing to go right. 
But it’s fine! It’s fine. Jon’s running late. It’s no big deal. He’ll be here soon. 
Only, another hour later, he’s not. She’s tried calling, but the phone at his house just keeps ringing and ringing. She wonders if maybe Lyanna’s not home. She usually is. She’s usually working on some amazing, abstract art project in the big, open area where they used to park the ladder trucks back when their place was a fire station, but it’s not uncommon for her to have the radio turned all the way up. Maybe she’s working on a piece. Maybe she can’t hear the phone ringing. If Jon’s not answering, that means he’s probably already on his way, right? Right?
By the time another hour has passed, she’s eaten all of the M&Ms off the pizza and most of the cheese. She’d thought she could get away with just little nibbles at first. If she left enough, if she didn’t bite right into a slice, it would still look like a full, regular pizza by the time he got there. She didn’t want him to think she hadn’t waited for him. But now it’s just bread smeared with red sauce, and she’s starting to think he’s not coming. There’s probably a good reason. He probably got caught up doing something important for his aunt. He’s a prince, after all. He’s probably got, like, duties and stuff now. 
He’ll call her tomorrow and explain everything, she’s sure of it. But maybe she’ll give him just 20 more minutes first. 
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hilarychuff · 3 years ago
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princess diaries in my asoiaf au graphic series
When they come at him with the scissors, eyes on the hair he’s sloppily thrown into a bun using one of his mother’s loose hair ties, it finally starts to sink in that they’re serious. They want him — him, Jon Snow, an absolute high school nobody — to be the prince of Valyria, some far away European country he isn’t even positive he’s ever heard of before. He’d known his dad was some sort of politician over on that side of the world, maybe in France or something, but his mom had always been fuzzy on the details. Had she ever actually told him that he was a politician? That he lived in France? Or had he just assumed?
It doesn’t matter, though. His dad has always just been some loser who knocked up Jon’s mom despite the fact that he already had a wife and two kids. Other than the yearly tuition check he sends for Jon’s private school education, they have exactly no contact. Except, as it turns out, he’s not a loser. He’s a prince. Well, was a prince up until a few years ago. It seems Valyria’s royal family had undergone some turmoil after Rhaegar Targaryen, heir to the throne, was outted by the Sunspear tabloids for a series of affairs throughout his marriage to Princess Elia of Dorne. The king, Rhaegar’s father, had called the accusations libel and an act of war — and the ensuing political fallout had only been settled with the agreement that Rhaegar would abdicate his right to the throne, that the Martells would give up their own claims through Elia’s teenage son and daughter.
The matter had been settled, and Rhaegar’s younger brother Viserys was set to rule when King Aerys passed. In the wake of the royal’s actual death, however, Viserys’s reign was short lived, lasting only two weeks before he, too, had abdicated, citing instead his younger sister’s worthiness of the throne, her inherent talent and instincts for leading. The only issue with Queen Daenerys’s rule is that after having married, miscarried, and been widowed young, she’s been open about her infertility. The dragon queen, as they call her, can’t have an heir — and that is what brings her to Jon’s door. After Rhaegar’s abdication, the tension with Dorne, the whispers that she had blackmailed Viserys or used even more nefarious threats to secure the throne, stability is necessary. Valyria needs to know there will not be another succession crisis so soon, and so Daenerys has flown stateside to meet her older brother’s long lost son, a bastard child and candidate for future king nonetheless. 
Jon hadn’t believed it at first, sure it was some prank Arya had put together. He’d laughed in his alleged aunt’s face, then breathlessly told her to shut up when it sank in that she was serious (and the expression she’d donned in response had him suddenly understanding the dragon queen moniker). In the weeks since, though, as they taught him history and etiquette and what tiny spoon to use when so that he wouldn’t bring further shame to the Targaryen name when she presented him to the public, her judgment seems to have softened. Only now, as they finally finish making him presentable, his long hair trimmed into a set of tidy curls, the mustache and goatee he’s been working on for months shaved away, does she look at him with something close to pride. 
Arya, on the other hand, looks at him with disgust when she sees him before school Monday morning. They’ve always been outcasts together, after all, shunned by the popular crew for preferring metal music to pop, tattered black band tees to polo shirts with upturned collars. That he is suddenly conforming marks him as a sell out, a traitor, a bad friend, a wannabe, shallow — and she keeps up the onslaught for the entirety of their limo ride to school (though that’s one upgrade she certainly doesn’t seem to mind). She only stops when he pulls her aside, just the two of them, and finally spills the beans. 
Arya promises to keep his secret, but it only takes one day for someone else to leak the news to the press. By Tuesday, he’s greeted with camera flashes and a crowd, reporters demanding to know what he thinks of the Targaryens, of his father, if he’s met his siblings, if he’s used his new royal status to secure a date for Saturday night. And, the thing is, there is someone he sort of has plans with for Saturday. 
Just that morning, Sansa had walked to school by his side, invited him to come to her uncle Benjen’s car shop that weekend to finish up the work on the mustang he’d been saving for for years. She’d promised to order a pizza and M&Ms on her tab, teasing she could charge it to the company card thanks to the few hours she put in each week at the front desk, and at no point during Daenerys’s prince lessons had he felt as truly worthy of a crown as he did in that moment. 
And yet as he suddenly finds himself thrust into the spotlight, everyone’s attention on him, she disappears. All of Robb’s friends who’d turned their nose up at him before are pretending they’ve always been tight, Joffrey Baratheon is bragging to tabloid journalists that they go way back (without mentioning any of their literal fistfights), and Margaery Tyrell is suddenly flirting with him in class, but Sansa is ducking out of rooms when he enters them, offering only tight smiles and short waves on the rare occasions he does manage to catch her eye. She’s all but giving him the silent treatment... so when Margaery invites him to the big beach party that weekend as her date, he figures fuck it. Why not. 
Only the party ends in disaster, his very existence proves the Sunspear tabloids weren’t printing libel, and Dorne’s royal family are arguing that his half-siblings Rhaenys and Aegon should be added back to the line of succession before him. And, worse, Arya is pissed at him — both because he completely forgot he’d agreed to appear on her talk show and because he apparently broke Sansa’s heart when he stood her up Saturday night. He’s let everyone down: his aunt, his best friend, two siblings he hasn’t even met... and as infuriating as it is that Sansa ignored him and simultaneously expected him to realize they still had plans, the thought of her spending all night waiting for him makes him want to throw himself in some Valyrian dungeon for the next 60 years. He deserves it. 
But he’s going to fix it. He’s going to fix all of it. Or, actually, maybe he’ll just run away. He hasn’t decided yet, but with the Annual Valyrian Ball just around the corner — set to mark Jon’s official entry into Valyrian high society — the clock is ticking. 
ft. jon as mia, arya as lily, sansa as michael, the starks as the moscovitz family, ghost as fat louie, joffrey as lana, margaery as josh, lyanna as helen, daenerys as clarisse, drogon as rommel, rhaegar as phillippe, tormund as lars, sam as tina hakeem baba, arthur dayne as mr. gianini
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hilarychuff · 3 years ago
wip wednesday
lil foot-poppin’ sneak peek from jon’s pov in my asoiaf princess diaries au
He’d said it to his mom. He’s not a kid anymore. But if he’s honest with himself, really honest, he does still want it. Maybe not literally. He doesn’t need a girl to literally kick her foot up as some sort of chaste way of showing just how deep a kiss can really be, but he wants the sparks. He wants it to mean something. He doesn’t want to just fool around in the backseat of a parked car next to a bunch of other parked cars filled with teenagers fooling around. He’s done that before, and as good as it had felt in some ways, it had felt decidedly not good in others. 
So when Margaery steps close to him in the lifeguard shack, well, he’s not really sure what to think. She’d herded him in here after a news helicopter swooped low overhead, a flashlight searching him out amongst the partygoers, and she’s been flirting with him all night — all week, really, even before she told him that she dumped Joffrey for being the most obnoxious, fame-sucking scumbag dickhole on the planet (his words, not hers). She slides her hands up his chest, onto his shoulders, looks up at him from under her eyelids, and he can’t say he’s not curious. 
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hilarychuff · 2 years ago
it’s 4 am and i’ve developed elaborate sansa/joffrey relationship lore for my princess diaries au this is probably going to all get cut bc wow talk about exposition but also i am having fun
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hilarychuff · 3 years ago
The Princess Diaries AU is *chef’s kiss*. I love Sansa being dramatic and saying that now everyone knows how hot he is since he got a haircut and shaved his face. I love Jon being shocked and thrilled by Sansa asking him out. I really hope we can see more from you, because this AU is so cute and fits so well.
thank you so much!!!!!! sansa being a dramatic normal teen i love a lot. and JON being a very dramatic less normal teen i also love!!! definitely planning to do at least one more lil drabble/drabble set from his pov. ty for sending an ask!!
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hilarychuff · 2 years ago
ao3 first lines
tagged by @mistysharks! check out theirs here
rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Something Down the Road Didn't Happen Yet
(this is a collection of stranger things au graphics/blurbs so just posting the first line of the first one, but it’s a robin/chrissy miss congeniality au lmao)
Over the years, Robin has worked stupidly hard to get as far as she has in the FBI. Her skills as a codebreaker were carefully honed, her fluency in now five different languages was hard-won, and it was no easy feat learning how to wrestle her stubbornly uncoordinated body into fighting shape so that she could throw a punch as good as the rest of the recruits. So when she botches the Russian op and finds herself yanked out of the field and plopped squarely on Assistant Director Hopper’s shit list, she’s desperate to make things right — not least of all because Steve has been put on the Miss United States case. Without her.
The Royal Records
(now this one is a jonsa/asoiaf princess diaries au where jon gets to be the princess 😌)
“Um,” Sansa says suddenly, the slightly higher pitch of her voice grabbing Jon’s attention as they walk side by side to school.
She’s been talking practically nonstop for the last five minutes, rambling really as she fills him in about her day yesterday, how Sister Mordane gave her a solo in choir, how Robb’s band practiced the same song for forty-five minutes straight at their uncle Benjen’s garage last night. He doesn’t mind. He’s liked just listening, actually.
I Remember (I Remember)
(jonsa canon-based au where jon meets alayne in the vale)
“That’s pretty,” Jon says, and her heart thumps hard in her chest. He must feel it, the way her pulse jumps, sending every inch of her skin zinging, but his face does not change one wink. 
Am I Making You Laugh (Am I The Joke)
(jonsa/asoiaf overboard au!!! drabble)
“Sansa,” Jon says, voice hard, flinty, and she flinches, freezes, but he doesn’t say anything else, doesn’t move closer than where he stands across the lawn.
He waits for her to look back at him, and when she finally does there’s a flash of something across his face, but then it’s gone, gone too fast for her to recognize it.
In Any World (In Any Way)
(this one is my jonsa/asoiaf au graphics/blurbs collection so again just grabbing the first line of the first one, which is a jonsa bring it on au)
Finally — finally! — it's Sansa's time to shine. Now that Margaery Tyrell has graduated, gone off to college, and relinquished her grasp on the captain position, Sansa's getting her chance to step into the role and prove that she too can lead the RCH Knights to a cheerleading championship victory. But being captain isn't as easy as it looks, and the first practice of the year ends all too quickly when Beth Cassel falls and breaks her ankle. 
I Carry It In Mine
(jonsa/asoiaf canon-based soulmate/soulmark au)
It’s a surprise when Jon’s mark comes in. Old Nan had said that when the Children of the Forest ruled the land, the old gods gave everyone a soulmate, but these days they’re rare. When he wakes one day in his tenth year, he doesn’t expect to find a name over his heart. Robb has been ten for months and hasn’t had a name appear, and Theon was still unmarked by his eleventh name day. The both of them are to be lords one day, the leaders of two of the great houses, and he is no one, just some bastard. But when the feeling of a burning in his chest interrupts his slumber, something deep inside of him knows what it means before he even opens his eyes.
Grant Sees a Ghost
(ooo this is my agents of shield haunting of hill house au drabble lmao)
It’s been a long day, fruitless, and Ward is tired as he wrestles two armloads of bags through the door to his apartment building. He hadn’t slept well last night, not in that random woman’s house, not with the specter of a specter looming over him. Much as he’d made a second career out of writing about them, Ward knows ghosts aren’t real, and yet sleeping in a room where someone claimed to have spotted one, trying to catch one on camera — It always left him unsettled the next day, itchy.
(this is my sansa/jonsa/asoiaf scream au!!! very recently had some really good thoughts about howl 3 but here’s the first bit of howl 1)
“Joff? What — what are you doing here?”
Technically, Sansa’s boyfriend wasn’t allowed at the Stark house anymore. He’d been effectively banned ever since he’d gotten into an actual, honest-to-gods fist fight with Arya, and though Sansa knew her little sister had been the one to throw the first punch, she hadn’t wanted to argue. Things had been tense between the Stark sisters for too long, and after their parents died — Well, it wasn’t worth fighting anymore.
Door to Door Delivery
(jonsa/asoiaf while you were sleeping au drabble)
“You look cold,” Jon tells her as they walk along the Chicago River.
“Hmm?” she asks, and it’s only once he brings it up that she notices it’s true, she’s shivering.
Things We Lost in the Flames, What We Found in the Ashes
(agents of shield missing scenes in s2, mack pov re: jemma)
He figures he should’ve been expecting something like this after May shot Hunter in order to keep Simmons safe, but it still takes him a moment to put the pieces together and realize what’s happening.
“You know, there are a lot of fire extinguishers in here,” Coulson says evenly as he looks around the garage. “You should be careful around Simmons.”
gonna skip tagging this time but anyone who wants to do it should!
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hilarychuff · 3 years ago
20 Opening Lines
20 Opening Lines Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
ty for the tag, @vivilove-jonsa! some of these are going to be super old and some might also be unpublished but!!! we love them all
1) i carry it in mine, asoiaf, jonsa soulmate au 
It’s a surprise when Jon’s mark comes in. 
2) howl, asoiaf, sansa scream au
“Joff? What — what are you doing here?”
3) howl 2, asoiaf, sansa scream 2 au
“What’s your favorite scary movie, Sansa?”
4) door to door delivery, asoiaf, jonsa while you were sleeping au
“You look cold,” Jon tells her as they walk along the Chicago River. 
5) light my candle, asoiaf, jonsa rent au - unpublished wip
“What’d you forget?”
6) grant sees a ghost, aos, the haunting of hill house au
It’s been a long day, fruitless, and Ward is tired as he wrestles two armloads of bags through the door to his apartment building. 
7) things we lost in the flames, what we found in the ashes, aos, mack and jemma post 2x06
He figures he should’ve been expecting something like this after May shot Hunter in order to keep Simmons safe, but it still takes him a moment to put the pieces together and realize what’s happening.
8) falling, aos, jemma pov drabble
The wind is knives against her skin, stealing tears from her eyes, but it isn't so terrible, falling.
9) unintentional biochemical reactions, aos, jemma 1x15 au
The fire extinguisher collides with his skull with a sick sounding thud and she can feel the force of the impact vibrating back up through her fingers.
10) what’s real is subjective, marauders, lily mediator series au - unpublished wip as i work on rewriting this
At first, she can’t place what’s odd about the scene before her.
11) but god can be funny, marauders, lily resurrection au - kinda abandoned but who knows  
When she opens her eyes it’s green all around her, bright, verdant, and for a second she thinks the curse must take longer than everyone’s always said.
12) partners, marauders, lily and james drabble
She hadn’t been disappointed when she found out Potter had been made Head Boy.
13) we all talk on things we don’t know about, marauders, lily and snape post prank
They’re not speaking.
14) bite your tongue, marauders, lily and petunia during the war
Five days after she disappears they find her, or at least what’s left.
15) fzzt, marauders, aos 1x06 au - unpublished
Sirius thinks the gun is too heavy in the back.
16) narcissa won the war, hp, narcissa pov drabble
The war is over, Voldemort is gone, but status quo and a life’s worth of beliefs don’t die with the man who helped enforce them.
and then a couple honorable mentions since they’re not exactly stories themselves
17) prince of valyria, asoiaf, jon princess diaries au 
When they come at him with the scissors, eyes on the hair he’s sloppily thrown into a bun using one of his mother’s loose hair ties, it finally starts to sink in that they’re serious.
18) i don’t expect to sleep the night, asoiaf, jonsa obvious child au
Sansa thought she’d finally figured the whole dating thing out when she started seeing Harry Hardyng.
19) pulling rank, asoiaf, jonsa bring it on au
Finally — finally! — it’s Sansa’s time to shine.
20) a seaside stay, asoiaf, jonsa overboard au 
When Sansa Tully sailed into Elk Cove with her husband Joffrey Baratheon on their yacht, she thought her stay would only last a week, maybe two tops, just enough time to have a custom closet built and installed in the main cabin.
if i had to pick JUST ONE favorite, it would probably be i carry it in mine, just bc i feel like if you’re familiar with the genre and the tropes and the characters it’s intriguing and like oh??????? but i also love howl and howl 2 and what’s real is subjective 
not sure who’s done it yet or wants to but tagging @ladyinasong and @chdarling and @cellsshapedlikestars if you want!! but i think anybody who wants to should do it :)
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