#asobakw minowis
as8bakwthesage · 10 days
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I’m cooking something tasty and very gay
Basically: Gotham is in a fantasy/medieval setting. Jonathan Crane gets turned into an actual Scarecrow as a punishment for his crimes. He has been cursed and the way to break the curse is unknown to him. He has been wandering the world for years. Asobakw, my s/i, is a singer and writer who dreams of better things for their people and for themselves. They have lived in the city state of Gotham for their whole life. These two meet and shenanigans ensue as Aso helps him find a way to break his curse.
I plan on drawing more for this au, but I’m gonna call it the “Lost Hearts and Scarecrows” au
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as8bakwthesage · 10 months
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so uh
i'm just a lil bit of a gay for this man <3
btas jonathan crane my beloved
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as8bakwthesage · 6 months
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WIP comic of how Jonathan finds out Aso is well, a time travelling, dimenseion hopping, reality shifter.
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as8bakwthesage · 6 months
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A sketch dump of Asobakw and Jonathan because I’m in love with him
Also, there's a "Perfect Blue" reference there too--
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as8bakwthesage · 10 days
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Have some BTAS!Jonathan and Aso content because I love him also I redesigned Aso
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as8bakwthesage · 6 months
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Repent! Your sin of beauty!
Jon having a moment, for a lack of better terms lol
If you can guess the song you get a cookie
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as8bakwthesage · 8 months
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i cannot believe i almost didnt post this wtf aso--
scene in which Aso is at the university gala and Jonathan busts in with the fear toxin like "sup bitches, gimme all your money" and Aso is like "fuck, why am i attracted to this idiot????"
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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“Mmh, she the devil, she a bad lil bitch, she a rebel”
The spirit of Horny possessed me to draw BTAS Asô and Jon
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as8bakwthesage · 3 months
what's your character's favorite recreational activity?
(For Aso!)
Sorry for how late this is--
Aso likes to draw a lot, especially on their tablet (which they have to keep hidden from people because WHOOPS, future technology from another universe) and they like to sing!
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as8bakwthesage · 8 months
Sage: Maybe the unconscionable screaming parable within our every waking moments were the friends we met along the way Jonathan: ... Sage: :) Jonathan: And I get sent to Arkham...
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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i got soft feelings
i wanna kiss btas!Jonathan you guys have no idea--
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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“You’re sorry?”
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“No, I don’t think you are.”
Oh hey just my BTAS self insert going a tad crazy after merging with a being they made from their mind, no biggie—
Full drawing
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
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Codotverse vs BTAS and the vibes of Jonathan/Aso
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as8bakwthesage · 10 months
Halloween Dance (BTAS Jonathan Crane/Self-Insert ONE-SHOT)
Jonathan Crane loved Halloween. It was his favourite holiday after all, and since it was a holiday about the very thing he studied so intensely, how could it not be?
He wasn’t necessarily one for festivities, but during the week before Halloween day he made a very good point to reward students who participated in his Halloween events. He gave extra points for students with creative and inventive costumes, he gave extra optional homework for students to describe a monster or creature that embodies the core elements of Halloween, and a couple of years he’d pull pranks on his students to frighten them. One year, a couple of students even fought back with their own series of pranks. For the entirety of that week, Jonathan Crane and some mischievous students could be seen having a prank war. And for the last class before Halloween, he’d even give out candies.
Suffice to say, Jonathan Crane loved Halloween. 
And this year especially has been interesting. He knew ever since he first met Mx. Minowis that they were a curious and intriguing soul. And in class, even when it seemed like they weren’t paying attention, they very much were. They always had their head in that sketchbook of theirs. 
But what was especially surprising to him was that during October he’d spot Mx. Minowis drawing all kinds of rather unpleasant and scary things. Monsters and creatures he’d never seen before in all of his years of study. It was definitely curious and wholly unique. Mx. Minowis would offer to share the drawings, and he’d always agree. It genuinely seemed that they had quite the eye for that which was creepy and scary.
And during that Halloween week, Mx. Minowis did not disappoint. They came into class every day with some form of costume on, wrote pages upon pages about demons and monsters (they were especially fond of one known as Paimon), and they even pulled a few pranks on their classmates as well. And for the last class before Halloween, to Jonathan’s delight, they brought some homemade cookies to share with the class. To Jonathan, it had seemed that perhaps he had found someone whose love for Halloween rivalled his own. 
Regardless, it was rather entertaining having Mx. Minowis in his classroom during that week. 
However, what he hadn’t been looking forward to was the Halloween dance.
Usually he’d have been completely enthused to go. He’d go, play a few pranks on his fellow faculty and students, have a glass of champagne, some food, and then he’d leave. What was different about this year was that he had… plans. He had been looking forward to trying to see if he could do some more tests with his chemicals for the evening, and he had told Dr. Long he wouldn’t be able to come for the dance. However, Dr. Long insisted that all the faculty be there because the Mayor would be there for the evening. His boss also insisted that Jonathan pull no pranks as a result.
So there he was, hiding in a dark corner, scowling and sulking as he watched students make absolute fools of themselves. He couldn’t even entertain himself or do any work, and that especially ticked him off.
He was almost ready to say ‘screw it’ and leave, but something caught his attention.
Or rather, someone.
Through the open double doors to the ballroom came in Mx. Minowis. They’d have usually been dressed in comfortable overalls, dress shirts, and have their hair pulled messy and loose, but not tonight. They were dressed in a black dress, sleeveless and with the back exposed. The bodice was dark grey and hugged their body elegantly. The skirt was long and layered, reaching to the floor and hiding their legs and feet. Around their neck was a black choker, and the only thing that resembled sleeves were a see-through mesh material that looked like long lantern sleeves, with the shoulders exposed. Their hair was pinned up and away from their face, showing their facial features quite well. To Jonathan’s own surprise, Mx. Minowis was in makeup as well! It was unconventional as was the dress, and their eyelids were painted black and grey with strong eyeliner and full brows, cheeks dusted ever so slightly pink, and black striking lipstick. But what was the most curious was the smokey effect they did for the sides of their face, coming in to meet the eyeshadow of the eyelids. Suffice to say, it was a sense of style and drama he had never seen Mx. Minowis display.
Their dark eyes darted around the room, seeming to take in the decorations, the crowd, and all that was there to do. A gentle yet clearly happy smile graced their face.
They are beautiful.
The thought hit him like a bullet train, not allowing him to even stop the thoughts from entering his mind. He could feel his cheeks turn red as he felt absolutely embarrassed. But despite that, he couldn’t take his eyes off of them. There was something so ethereal about them at that moment that made Jonathan forget where he was to begin with. However, his curiosity and admiration turned to shame as he remembered who he was. Mx. Minowis was his student, and here he was ogling them like they were some kind of prize! 
At that moment, Mx. Minowis’ eyes met his, and they lit up with recognition and excitement as they walked over to him, as if the gods would have any mercy on him. He quickly did his best to compose himself, wondering if they’d notice him staring at them like some depraved idiot.
“Hi professor!” Mx. Minowis greeted him when they were within earshot. Jonathan, ever the master manipulator, smiled in return (not at all trying to mask his embarrassment, nope, not at all!)
“Hello, Mx. Minowis,” he replied. They stood in front of him and smiled happily as they rocked back and forth – another strange yet endearing thing he noted about them. 
“This is so cool,” they exclaimed in delight, before turning away from him to look around yet again. Jonathan could see wonder and glee in their eyes as the lights bounced off of them. He tried to ignore the way his heart sped up. “I’ve never been to a Halloween party this big before!”
“Really?” He asked, conversationally, while still maintaining his composure. 
“Mhm,” Mx. Minowis replied, before sitting down on the floor and leaning against the wall. Jonathan wasn’t sure if he should join them or not, but as he considered, he found himself trying to spot if anybody who was of note could see him with them. Heaven forbid someone assume something inappropriate was happening! “It’s weird…”
He glanced down at them to see them staring at the crowd with a far-off look in their eyes and a wistful smile on their face. “What is?” He asked, just as gently.
“I actually feel like I belong here…” they remarked, still looking lost in thought as they hugged their legs close to their chest. The strange longing in their voice resonated with him in a way he had not expected. He made up his mind as he slid down to sit a respectable distance away from them. Gotham University was a prestigious and expensive university, but apparently they couldn’t afford more chairs. 
“I’m glad you do,” Jonathan admitted, finding himself relating to Mx. Minowis at that moment. The only place he had ever felt truly himself was right here in Gotham as well, how could he not relate? Mx. Minowis turned their head to look at him and they smiled.
“Sorry, got a bit mushy there,” they apologised. Jonathan shook his head.
“Don’t be sorry, I suppose we could all stand to be ‘mushy’ every once in a while.” He replied sincerely. Mx. Minowis giggled at that, which confused him, and apparently visibly so, as they looked absolutely flustered and sheepish. 
“Sorry! I um, I just never expected to hear the word ‘mushy’ come out of your mouth.” They giggled despite themselves. Jonathan chuckled as he himself couldn’t help but find it amusing as well.
“It’s not a word that is typically in my lexicon, no,” he admitted. Mx. Minowis smiled at that before they resumed their people watching. Jonathan’s gaze followed theirs, but every so often he’d find himself taking glances at his companion. Of course, they were beautiful, this was true, and that was purely objective. They were not conventionally pretty, but they did have a charm to them that added to the effect. It only hit him now–at that moment–that he had always seen them as beautiful. It just took them getting all dressed up for him to properly take notice. His glances would occasionally lower from their face and down to their exposed shoulders and neck. 
He wondered how soft their skin would feel to the touch–
He ripped himself away from his thoughts as he thanked fear itself for the fact that they were sitting in a darker spot in the ballroom and away from prying eyes. He would surely hang himself should anybody see how absolutely flustered he was. Furthermore, he was glad Mx. Minowis’ attention was not on him as well. He almost did not want to look at them again, but he had to make sure. After he managed to calm himself, he found himself needing some kind of distraction from those insane thoughts.
“Who are you supposed to be?” He asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. He almost felt like he was failing, and that annoyed him. Likewise, he was usually so in control, had everything planned, and here he was thinking he was fumbling over his words!
“Oh, I’m the black swan, Odile, from ‘Swan Lake.’” Mx. Minowis explained, and Jonathan got the impression that if they were standing, they’d have spun around like a ballerina. He quirked a brow regardless, finding it interesting that they chose her of all characters.
“Can I ask why such a choice?” His curiosity was piqued, after all. Mx. Minowis’ face turned a few shades darker as they rubbed their hand.
“Odile is a darker, deceitful character, and I like villains. But I always imagined that Odile was more misunderstood and just doing what her father asked of her. And I like how in the ballet, Odile is sensuous and mysterious, and a part of me, well, um… I guess, wanted to embody that? Sorry, I’m rambling.” Mx. Minowis described, before hiding their face in their hands. 
You already embody those traits.
Shut it! 
“You did a good job with the costume,” Jonathan replied, trying to sound the least intimate as possible. As much as he wanted to shower his best student with complements, he knew now was not the time or place. Mx. Minowis met his eyes, and they lingered, searching his own, though he had no idea what they were looking for. After a moment, they smiled warmly.
“Thank you,” they replied sincerely. Jonathan resisted the sigh of relief. “However, I gotta ask—who are you supposed to be?”
It was at this moment Jonathan cursed himself. While he was usually in far more festive spirits, he had chosen to wear a simple Tux instead of a costume, purely out of spite. He regretted not having actually put in the work to make something for this year. And from the intonation in their tone, it was clear that Mx. Minowis was teasing him for it. 
“Unfortunately myself,” Jonathan begrudged. Mx. Minowis chuckled, as they looked at him with mock disapproval in their eyes. 
“No self-deprecating.” They repeated. The phrase never seemed to grow old with them, it would seem. Mx. Minowis had to tell him that a few times now. He pouted, they giggled in amusement. “Well, I think you look spooky nonetheless.”
Now that was a compliment that Jonathan could take pride in. He stood up straighter and lifted his chin up, bearing the ego easily. Mx. Minowis laughed, but they laughed as if they had just heard an inside joke of sorts, one that Jonathan was not privy to. He assumed they laughed at his display of confidence. 
“Hush,” he retorted. Mx. Minowis continued to giggle.
“Never,” they teased. Jonathan couldn’t help the smile. It hit him then just how often Mx. Minowis could coax a smile out of him. They were just so strange and different, and surprisingly silly when they wanted to be. 
“All right then,” Jonathan said, standing up with mirth. Mx. Minowis’ gaze followed him curiously. “I suppose I must be off then.”
“Noooo!” Mx. Minowis cried out dramatically. Jonathan chuckled at that, he wasn’t usually one for childish games like these, but seeing Mx. Minowis smile was worth it. “Don’t leave me!”
“I apologise, my dear. You have betrayed me and I cannot forgive you.” Jonathan added, clearly adding onto the dramatics. Mx. Minowis laughed as they too stood up, standing in front of him.
“Well, before you go you should dance with me, it’s only proper!” Mx. Minowis teased, but as soon as the words registered for them both, Mx. Minowis’ face turned red. “Oh, Creator forgive me, ahh! Sorry! Gods, I feel so awkward, I’m sorry!” 
Jonathan, however, was too busy trying to process that Mx. Minowis had just asked him to dance with them. He–should he? Should he dance with them? It surely wasn’t a bad thing, right? For a professor to dance with his of-age student? It wasn’t weird, was it? Why did he actually want to? When he finally processed that Mx. Minowis was apologising to him, he snapped back to reality.
“Oh no, don’t apologise, you haven’t done anything wrong, I assure you.” Jonathan comforted them, his tone evident in the fact that he wasn’t at all uncomfortable by the question. He just wished it wasn’t so… complicated. Mx. Minowis looked relieved as they exhaled.
“Well, that’s good,” they expressed, and Jonathan could detect a tinge of lingering awkwardness. His thoughts returned to their comment, and he found himself thinking about how appealing the idea of dancing with them was. And while the man wasn’t one much for bragging, he could say for sure that he would not make his partner look at all like a fool. He looked around the ballroom yet again, and realised that most of the faculty were either drunk or talking with the mayor to notice him. With that in mind, he took Mx. Minowis’ hand into his and guided them to the dance floor. 
“P-Professor?” Mx. Minowis stuttered, nervousness leaking into their tone. He looked back at them reassuringly as he stood with his prospective partner. 
“I consider myself a gentleman, and a decent dancer as well, and as such, it would reflect rather poorly if I leave you here without dancing with you.” Jonathan explained, with the slightest hint of amusement to his tone. Seeing Mx. Minowis look all flustered was worth it. However, the flustered enbie (as they called themselves) quickly composed themselves as they properly held his hand and followed him.
“I’m glad you realised,” they replied, though there was still a bit of flusteredness as well. Jonathan chuckled.
The two soon reached the dance floor and, as professional as ever, Jonathan bowed respectfully to his partner. Mx. Minowis hesitated before they did a half bow and half curtsy, ever in androgynous character for them. With a grin, Jonathan stood up straight and pulled Mx. Minowis as close to him as he could, with one hand holding theirs and the other cupping their back in a comfortable and respectable place. They met his eyes and smiled, though they were also blushing. 
The music was a slow dancing rhythm that Jonathan did not recognise, but it was well-suited for the dance he was currently leading Mx. Minowis through. It was slow and romantic, but Jonathan did his best not to portray any such emotion or intention. People around them danced as well, but nobody really seemed to take notice, let alone care. Regardless, his partner seemed to be enjoying themselves, gladly allowing him to lead as their dress flowed and swooped around them. 
“Okay, professor, I gotta know—where did you learn to dance?” They asked, quietly enough so that nobody could hear, but loud enough for him to hear. He hummed under his breath as he recalled the memory. He did not stop dancing, and neither did they.
“I started taking lessons when I was in university. I was rather fond of it growing up but wasn’t able to take lessons,” he explained. However, at his last statement, Mx. Minowis’ face fell as they searched his eyes yet again. But when they were unable to find it, they smiled.
“When you were in university? How long ago was that? A hundred years?” They teased, and Jonathan pouted in disapproval, earning a giggle from the devious black swan. Jonathan rolled his eyes.
“Hush. No, I was 21 when I graduated with my bachelors. I’m 45, not 100.” He replied, deadpanned. 
“Okay, okay, fair enough. You got one on me, I’m 23, and I still haven’t graduated.” They replied, clearly trying to ease the pain. Jonathan raised his brows with amusement. However, a secret part of him was glad he was closer to them in age than he initially thought.
“Touché then?” He commented. Mx. Minowis giggled.
“Touché indeed,” they replied.
The two continued to dance, allowing for song after song to pass with just the two of them. It was actually very nice, to his surprise. Mx. Minowis wasn’t the greatest dancer, but they certainly did their best. They fumbled a few times and always looked very apologetic but Jonathan would reassure them, and after a while it seemed that they gained some confidence, which led to them having fun. But after a few dances, both of them were beginning to tire and Jonathan noticed. So, with a final spin and dip, they finished their dance. 
As he lifted Mx. Minowis back up, they wore a delighted grin. “You sure can dance, professor!” They complimented him. He nodded in return, obviously proud of his skills.
“I certainly try to do my best in all things, yes,” Jonathan replied. Mx. Minowis grinned devilishly but did not speak, instead they walked back over to the dark corner in which they found him. He raised a brow with intrigue and confusion as he followed them. “And just what is so amusing to you?”
“Oh! Nothing!” They replied, a bit too quickly, and with a noticeable blush on their pretty face (stop it!) He wasn’t buying it, but figured that whatever they were thinking could go unpunished. 
“All right,” he said with a wry smile. Mx. Minowis leaned against the wall and smiled fondly up at him. His heart thumped faster in his chest at their striking dark eyes, which seemed to carry all the secrets of the universe in them. If there was a god of some kind, Jonathan hoped to someday have some of those secrets. It was weird, being so close to someone and yet being so far away. 
He was closer this time, feeling slightly more relaxed around Mx. Minowis. Perhaps the alcohol was starting to kick in? Regardless, he allowed himself a more relaxed disposition around his admittedly favourite student as they both stood in comfortable and relaxed silence, neither party wanting to end this moment. 
“I’m gonna get something to snack on, do you want anything, professor?” Mx. Minowis asked. The term ‘professor’ was kind of like a kick to the groyne. A reminder that the person beside him was completely unattainable in any way shape or form. He swallowed those feelings instantly. He would not give names to such feelings, he would not entertain such notions! 
“Oh, I appreciate that, but nothing, thank you.” He replied, sincerely and doing a good job at hiding his true emotions. He watched as Mx. Minowis shot him a quick smile before they walked off, their dress trailing behind them.
Jonathan hated how hard it was to look away.
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as8bakwthesage · 10 months
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Uhhh something something experimenting—
This is Asobakw Minowis btw (my BTAS self insert!) they develop some funky reality bending powers
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as8bakwthesage · 5 months
A Comprehensive List of my F/Os + Corresponding S/Is
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) - Sage Seine
Alternate Gabriel (The Mandela Catalogue) - Eden Gavrani
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars/Star Wars The Clone Wars) - Savi Han/Darth Corvus
Dr. Cockroach (Monsters VS Aliens) - Sah/Crow Child
Blitzwing (Transformers Animated) - Sage Moonling/Anyas
Tarantulas (Transformers Earthspark) - (none yet)
Michael (The Good Place) - Kaz/Mkazas
Jonathan Crane (Batman The Animated Series) - Asobakw Minowis
Bowser (Mario Bros) - Prince Thyme
Medic (Team Fortress 2) - Hacker/Rook Zrin Corbeau
Sun and Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's) - Princette Seren Estelle Orion Fairchild
Husk (Hazbin Hotel) - (none yet)
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) - Sercewe/Serce Curuwe
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil Village) -Cosette Cioara
Khonshu (Moon Knight) - Sava Seltic
Nathanos Blightcaller (World of Warcraft) - Saevis Soulborn
Ultron (MCU) - Solel Crowling
Future!Donnie (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) - Artemisia "Tem" Souldancer
Eddie Dear (Welcome Home) - Sage Fairly
Frank Frankly (Welcome Home) - Sage Fairly
C!Technoblade (Dream SMP) - C!As8bakwSage
Negaduck/Jim Starling (Ducktales 2017) - (none yet)
Data Soong (Star Trek: The Next Generation) - Corvus/Cor
Pitch Black (Rise of the Guardians) - Samhain
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