#askt thing
kungfuactiongripe · 2 years
what's your opinion on the user bunny-carrothunter? (you dont have to answer if you dont want)
shes the biglsie fan idk
tbh im kinda losing interest in wg cuz of splatoon 3 so im not as active and dont really remember some people
what are your thoughts on her
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
Still exploring the epilogue files; this is horrible for Lae'zel, but I'm still fucked up enough to find this funny:
Withers: "And now... [Lae'zel] is gone." Player: "What do you mean gone?" Withers: "It is as she wished. It is as all Githyanki wish. I askt thou once: what is the value of a single life? For many of the Gith, it can be measured: A single evening's supper for the Lich Queen. To be ascended is to be consumed." Player: "A pair of fried frog legs, eh?" REALLY_DARK_URGE Withers: "Thine Urge was cured, if thou recallst. Thou need not say such things." Player: "Right. I'm good now. Sorry." Withers: "Hmm."
Durge! ("Well no, I don't need to say it..." )
On the other hand I'm still quite happy to get the opportunity to still be doing Durge things post-Bhaal. Just of their own volition now. Also they may or not still be plotting to conquer the world.
Kind of reminds me of this:
Astarion: "What have you been up to? No... relapses, I hope?" Durge: Say nothing. Just smile. Astarion: "Well, I am glad it's been going well." [dev: the slightest touch of wariness in his voice]
Durge: *says their usual shit* Other people: ...aren't you supposed to be good now? Durge: :)
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ask-jsab-coda · 3 months
Okay imma askt his for BOTH Terra and Skye
What are your thoughts about each other?
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Skye: The camera belonged to one of those assholes who owned a prank youtube channel, okay??
Tetra: You know what, you did the right thing.
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brucespringsteen · 13 days
For the askt honey: you got kind of annoying :/ but I still follow u bc I would miss u on my dash after all these years
well there are worser things to be i suppose
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Oh shit, i dont remember if i askt the last thing as anon. I fucking hope i did, sorry if i didnt.
yeah you did lol, i still have no clue who you are
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jello-paws · 1 year
To My Dear and Loving Husband
If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such that I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persever,
That when we live no more, we may live ever.
Before the Birth of One of Her Children
All things within this fading world hath end, Adversity doth still our joyes attend; No ties so strong, no friends so dear and sweet, But with death’s parting blow is sure to meet. The sentence past is most irrevocable, A common thing, yet oh inevitable. How soon, my Dear, death may my steps attend, How soon’t may be thy Lot to lose thy friend, We are both ignorant, yet love bids me These farewell lines to recommend to thee, That when that knot’s untied that made us one, I may seem thine, who in effect am none. And if I see not half my dayes that’s due, What nature would, God grant to yours and you; The many faults that well you know I have Let be interr’d in my oblivious grave; If any worth or virtue were in me, Let that live freshly in thy memory And when thou feel’st no grief, as I no harms, Yet love thy dead, who long lay in thine arms. And when thy loss shall be repaid with gains Look to my little babes, my dear remains. And if thou love thyself, or loved’st me, These o protect from step Dames injury. And if chance to thine eyes shall bring this verse, With some sad sighs honour my absent Herse; And kiss this paper for thy loves dear sake, Who with salt tears this last Farewel did take.
The Author to Her Book
Thou ill-form’d offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth didst by my side remain, Till snatched from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad, expos’d to publick view, Made thee in raggs, halting to th’ press to trudge, Where errors were not lessened (all may judg). At thy return my blushing was not small, My rambling brat (in print) should mother call, I cast thee by as one unfit for light, Thy Visage was so irksome in my sight; Yet being mine own, at length affection would Thy blemishes amend, if so I could: I wash’d thy face, but more defects I saw, And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw. I stretched thy joynts to make thee even feet, Yet still thou run’st more hobling then is meet; In better dress to trim thee was my mind, But nought save home-spun Cloth, i’ th’ house I find. In this array ’mongst Vulgars mayst thou roam. In Criticks hands, beware thou dost not come; And take thy way where yet thou art not known, If for thy Father askt, say, thou hadst none: And for thy Mother, she alas is poor, Which caus’d her thus to send thee out of door.
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happyhappybios · 1 year
Cintia Lunair
This page contains mention of bullying.
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Danger scale: Calm
Key notes: Gamer, Rainbow Drinker, Sleep-Deprived, Lonely, College student
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🌙Cintia’s mood🌙
Cintia's music playlist
Name: Cintia Lunair
Age: 8.77 sweeps (19 y.o.)
Height: 5’3 (160 cm)
Blood colour: Teal
Wiggling day: 17 July
Symbol: Moon
Gender: Transgender Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: College student
Place of residence: College dorms, two-storey hive far away from the city
Lusus: MomBat (small)
Hobby: Gaming, sleeping and collecting cute keychains and pins
Hemoloyalty: No comments
Fetch modus: Clear level. Whenever you take an item, you have to clear a small level of the item like in a video game. If you lose, the item would be locked for a certain amount of time. 
Strife specibus/Weapon: None.
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Troll Tag: LunarGamer [LG]
Typing quirk: replaces o, c, d, and l with 🌙 and double last letters
Typing quirk example:
[LG]: I t🌙🌙🌙 y🌙u t🌙 re🌙harge y🌙ur ski🌙🌙 as s🌙🌙n as p🌙ssib🌙e!
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Cintia is an introverted person with a fucked up sleeping schedule. She is a loner who has a bit of an issue with socializing. Most of the time Cintia could be seen alone in different places of campus, playing with her portable console - PSP while trolls pass by her. It seems like barely anyone approaches to talk with her for some reason. Some trolls describe her as cold and unfriendly, though it’s not really the truth. She can be nice and kind, but also isn’t afraid to tell her opinion about someone if she dislikes them. 
She does have a few friends online from MMORPG, she talks from time to time.
Cintia doesn’t mind being alone, actually she enjoys it pretty much as she doesn’t seek to socialize with others, offline or online… but sometimes she wishes to have a really close friend who she can rely on. So whenever she finds a troll who has the same interest as hers, she gets very nervous, but so excited about it.
Cintia is obsessed with playing video games, spending all her free time on it, day and night. She played over 3.000 games of each genre during her sweeps. It always helps to lower her stress during exams or group projects, but mostly it could distract her from doing assignments for class.
Cintia loves sleeping and likes to take naps during the day. Unfortunately, her two favourite things - gaming and sleeping - would clash with each other from time to time. Sometimes she can manage it, sometimes not, resulting in her sleeping on the morning lectures.
Cintia can stand up for herself. She isn’t afraid to fight back if others are provoking her on purpose.
Cintia also can be selfish. She thinks about herself and how she feels about certain subjects first, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t think about others, just not that often.
Human 2007’s fashion
Video games
Bright colors
Dried fruits
Everything cute
Game Overs
Loud places
Morning lectures
Low battery
Cintia built her computer by herself with a bit of help from videos on Grubtube.
Cintia bought all her devices and computer parts from the internet with low prices because she bargained with sellers to the point of getting on their nerves. She was banned from some internet magazines later on.
Cintia is a type of troll who rage quit when she loses the game.
All her income is from participating in Cybersport tournaments, but on a smaller scale.
She spends around 10.000 caegers on gacha and MMORPG games over sweep. 
Cintia survives on snacks and fast food.
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Matesprit - Open!
Moirail - Open!
Kismesis - Open!
Auspistice - Open!
Out of quadrants
Online friends - Her online friends are from the guild she formed in one MMORPG game, she regularly plays. She thinks all of them are pretty good friends.
Acquaintance - Eingal (@.dracoinfernous). She met her a few times on the streets. She doesn’t know what to think about her.
Acquaintance/Fellow student - Sozuya (@.askthefantrollcast). She still can’t believe they are in the same law school/college and never talked with each other before. She can’t wait to play games with him.
Blogger - Crucis. She loves her videos about fashion and followed her channel on Grubtube not so long ago.
Celebrity - DJ Cupcake. She loves her music and tries to support her whenever she can afford it.
Acquaintance - Mirage (@.asks-n-trolls). She loves his cooking and always asks for leftovers. Also follows their instagrub for cooking livestreams.
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Cintia was always alone as long as she remembers, only her lusus, MomBat, was with her, raising her to become a troll she could be proud of.
At that time, Alternia was in the middle of rewriting laws to help future generations to be comfortable and secure in their career paths, opening public schools, colleges and universities. MomBat got interested in it and sent Cintia, who was 4.62 sweeps (10 years), to the school. At first, Cintia wasn’t happy about it as she was forced to study useless subjects and be friendly to her classmates… 
But after a few sweeps she started to change her opinion as she became part of the friend group. She also got interested in video games at the same time.
There were 6 trolls in the friend group, including Cintia. Each day in school was so much fun for Cintia when she hung out with the group.They did a lot of stuff as a group such as skipping class, eating lunch together, doing homework and so on. All of them were friends for 1.38 sweeps (3 years). It was one of the happiest sweeps she ever had.
But, unfortunately…
…something started to change. Or was it always like that?
Cintia started to notice a different attitude towards her from her ‘friends’, and not only friends…
Sometimes they would forget to invite her to sleepovers or hang out, barely text in the chat group where all of them were, leave her alone after school and so on. Other students also were acting strange, speaking and laughing behind her back. It made her feel bad, but she tried to tell herself that's normal.
After all, she’s part of a friend group! There are 6 of them, including Cintia! 
One day, one of her friends texted her privately to stay late and come to History class. Cintia was confused about such a strange message, but if her friend was asking, she couldn’t refuse. After the last class finished, she headed to the history class. As she approached it, she opened the door, she saw…
…a bunch of trolls from different classes waiting for her with her 5 friends in the front.
She doesn’t remember much of the conversation that happened between them, but she would never forget a cold water dumped on her as soon as she entered a room and a push to the floor, followed by a group laugh, echoing in her ears.
Suddenly everything made sense at this moment. All small events that were happening with her during 1.38 sweeps (3 years) of their ‘friendship’: sudden gossip about her; ruined homework, lunch and shoes; leaked messages with the names censored where trolls insulted her and so on…
She tried her best to not remember it, thinking their friendship was genius and it was someone else who hated her, but-
It was them.
It was all of them.
Cintia stood up slowly, head lowered as her hair covered her face. She wasn’t going to let them bully her. Without saying anything, she grabbed the metal chair near her and just swung at trolls who were near her. Thankfully, she didn’t hurt anyone, but it scared the shit out of the group. Loud screams were heard in the room as Cintia swung a chair at her ex-friends and fellow students, yelling in desperation and sadness.
She trusted them.
She told them a lot about herself and who she is.
And they just betrayed her like that.
She won’t forgive them.
Unfortunately, Cintia was expelled from the school for violent behaviour towards her classmates and the worst thing, all the evidence of her ex-friend group bullying her was wiped out immediately.
Cintia was in despair. No one believed her.
She locked herself in her hive for 0.92 sweeps (2 years), playing video games to distract herself. She was home-schooled for now on. 
Later on, MomBat filled the documents for college/law school where most teals were. Cintia didn’t like this idea, but couldn’t do much. She felt guilty for putting her lusus in the bad position after the accident in the past, so she agreed.
She brought all her stuff from her hive to her dorms and decided to start her college life from scratch.
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wet4joanjett · 2 years
38, 50, & 69 for the spotify wrapped thing!
38: Fergalicious by Fergie
50: exile ft Bon Iver byt Taylor Swift
69: By The Sea by Pressed Orchid 💖✌🏾
Hehe thabk you for the askt his was fun 👋🏽
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tenshindon · 3 years
Genuinely feel bad for you having to deal with these anons, but... If they reblogged it that many times, why are they still asking on anon? Like you already know where these reblogs went to, so anons just man up and take some accountability lmao
it's no skin off my balls, really- it's just really uncalled for lmao. i don't think it's done with bad intent so i'm not mad or upset, mate just tryna get appreciation across but it's just. Very Loud
the first time it was kinda funny but now it's just like. OK you know?
i don't mind it- i just get secondhand embarrassment knowing that people following them are gonna have their dashboard flooded with the exact same post, let alone the fact that post is mine and then the people seeing that post over and over again might just get annoyed with me right
like if you like my posts and my stuff there’s other way to show it. you really don’t need to reblog the exact same post twenty times in a row. if you do want to reblog it a bunch of times, space it out please
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mar-bluu · 4 years
Hey Jae! If you wanna draw can you draw something with jomike? Oh wait idk if you ship that so if you don’t just delete this ask. *hugs you*
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Messy Them with angel/demon vibes bc idk ive started drawing teeny wings when i zone out :3
Also! *hugs back!!*
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tittletattles · 6 years
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whenever im upset or sad or stressed i doodle bugs. i wanted to draw my bug ocs again. fan is especially nice to draw when im upset
also the pink one was at first a sketch for a bullet hell pattern but turned out looking like a cute little heart caterpilalr so i kept it
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person-behind-books · 3 years
Soulmate AU in which your Soulmate haunts you after their death.
Tobirama is in his room and cleaning Izunas blood of his blade, sensing his brothers disappointment in him radiating in waves through the compound when his Soulmate arrives clutching his chest and caughing what would have been blood had he still been alive but now is only air. he’s wearing traditional Uchiha sleepwear and all wounds Tobirama knew he had were gone.
The moment Uchiha Izuna realizes where he is he lets out a wail as if Tobirama had cut him down a second time and flees the room.
Tobirama goes back to cleaning his sword.
Izuna returns about 10 minutes later and seems to have calmed himself.
"We have to go to the Uchiha Compound." are the first real words he gets told by his soulmate.
"No." Is the first word he answers him.
"Well too bad for you because I've had the better part of an hour while bleeding out," Tobirama ignores the pointed tone "to come up with reasons for my soulmate to go there. I also don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe so I can annoy you into insanity or until  we go there."
"No." His answer stays the same and he continues cleaning his sword.
Over the next few days Tobirama tries to work on another one of his ideas: a physical manifested clone instead of just the mirage of the Jutsu caster.
Tries being the keyword here because Izuna keeps his word. He hasn't been able to concentrate fully for the past few days and it is exausting to keep working despite it.
He takes the time to truly consider his case.
Izuna's arguments had been, though he dislikes to admit it, pretty good. If he adds to that his brothers advoidance of him,the disappointment getting more potent in his brothers' chakra and the Storm he can feel growing in Madaras' he finds it would be indeed of benefit to the clan if he were to visit the Uchiha compound, if for no other reason than to have Madara take his rage out on him rather on all the Senju, destroying Hashirama's dreams of a peacefull future forever.
When he tells Izuna this desicion though not all of his reasoning he is estatic. When he tells Izuna that he has to finish something before they can leave he is less so but lets him finally fully concentrate.
When a person dies they haunt their soulmate if they're still alive. In the case that they're both dead they move on together to the purelands where they can then be reunited with their family.
(Tobirama would find the moving on to the purelands notion optimistic and naive, had he not brought people back from there with his Edo Tensei. Though it hadn't been able to fullfill his goal of reviving his brothers - he wouldn't wish such an empty existance on them - it had sated his curiosity.)
Soulmates can no leave eachother. Where the living one goes the dead one follows in a radius of 20 methers.
(Tobirama had tried coming up with reasons why this exact lenght but the results had been inconclusive and he had dropped the experiments and put his attention to other matters like the Hirashin.)
Soulmated could have both a platonic and a romantic relationship.
(Though most romance novels had them be in a romantic one, were lovers were reunited after one tragically died or when they have never met but slowly fall in love. Tobirama, however also knew a lot of people that were in a happy relationship and their soulmate was just a best friend to them.)
The dead soulmate can phase through anything, the floor included and can hover.
(The multiple witnisses Tobirama had questioned all described the hovering like a floating: They want up, they go up. They want left, they go left. They want backwards, they go backwards.)
The dead Soulmate can't influence the physical World exept their living Soulmate.
(Tobirama had askted the same witnisses and he had been told that the dead Soulmate can't even move plants that the wind could move. Just the same as they aren't moved by wind. The only thing they don't float through is their living Soulmate. They can be touched. Moving them was apparently a different Matter as that wasn't possible. However, if they were to be believed they could controll their Soulmates Body, if given consent, in a way not unlike possention.)
Izunas patience runs out the second day after Tobirama's aquiescence and Tobirama feels comforable enough with his progress to manage a rough version of a physical clone, that only needs to be finetuned until it becomes a usable Jutsu that he leaves a note to his brother, gets dressed in a fresh pair of clothing instead of what he wore for the last six days of experimenting, seals a few of his most important belongings - that also wouldn't give the Uchiha an edge over the Senju if they were to get their hands on it - and a few books he enjoys in  the storage Tatoo on his left upper thigh. A few sets of cloathing on his right and fills those on his forarms with what he usually takes with him on missions: the usual weapons - on the left - and medical mission, non perishable food and food pills - on his right.
The Chakra storing seals on his chin - for his eyes -  and on his chest, his back, and on his calves - though not very usefull during battle they help him keep up with the likes of Hashirama and Madara in a pinch or during longer missions that are too much for his average Chakra reserves - have also mostly refilled themselves by now.
Deciding he has everything and that his tasks are relegated he starts his way to the Uchiha compound.
Izuna had always knowns that Senju Tobirama was a beast.
Though he didn't reach his Brother's level and only barely reached his he knew better than to underestimate him.
Tobirama's weakness was a strenght. His fighting style wasn't one for direct combat but one for subterfuge and assasination. This had been proven to Izuna when he had been killed by Tobirama through such a technique - no he was not freaking out about the fact that he had died anymore, he's had almost a week to acclimatise himself to the notion.
But seeing his opponent-turned-Soulmate easily infiltrate the Uchiha compound still let shivers down his back and made him glad that Tobirama's brother wanted peace and Tobirama wanted to follow his brothers wishes.
The first step in talking to Madara was to avoid the guard rotations.
He did so by activating the chakra surpressing seal on his right shoulder, it was useful on missions where he needed to be a civllain. And Mito's chakra scrabling seal on his left shoulder - in case a sensor picked up on his civillian leven chakra they wouldn't be able to connect it back to Senju Tobirama.
To avoid the guard after that was relatively easy, even with his limited sensing.
The second step was to become a civillian.
Before he had started the mission he had put on a powder to die his hair a dark brown that could be easily washed of with water and makeup to hide his most recognisable features: the seals on his face.
A small henge do change his features just a tiny bit and the disquise was complete.
Within the Uchiha compound he bought two haori's. They both were the usual uchiha dark blue with the only difference that one had and Uchiwa stitched on - Madara would be more likely to kill him at first contact if he were bold enough to wear his clan's symbol but if would be pure stupidity to only by one piece of clothing - that he put on directly with that, it would cause immidiate suspicion - and it would be usefull in the future - if he survived.
The third step was to pay his respects to Izuna's grave.
He could feel the somberness all around him and it was easy to join the stream of civillians on their way to pay their respects to where their beloved clan heir's ashes were buried.
With every step he took closer to the barely controlled mass of chakra full of dark promises and grief he had to fight from tensing and it was only his father's brutal training keeping him from making any move towards his sealed weapons.
The fourth step was one of the more complicated ones: be alone with Madara.
After he left a Violet for honesty on Izunas grave he splits of from the group of mourners and slowly and confidently makes his was in the direction Madara was.
Those few that noticed him leavind didn't take a second look at his back, so confident in that he belonged there he surely must.
And then he was in front of the room he could feel Madara in.
He could feel Izuna vibrating in anticipation and before he could raise his fist to knock he had vanished through the wall.
Then he knocked instead of deciding better of it.
The immidiate tension in Madara's chakra and the silence that followed could have been cut by a knife.
Whan Madara finally allowed him inside he looked aweful.
He looked as if he hadn't sleept for days, as if he had been crying, and the minor injuries he obtained against his battle with Hashirama were left untreated.
On the table before him sat a pair of Eyes in some sort of solution, Tobirama could guess easily enough whose they were.
Carefully he lowered himself in a perfect seiza and kept his oh so red and oh so recognisable eyes lowered. No doubt if Madara weren't so out of it he would have already realized who it was in front of him. No matter, there was a reason Tobirama had chosen not to hide his eyes.
"Speak." The command spilled from Madaras lips and Tobirama followed.
"This humble one reports to Madara-sama that he is the Soulmate of his younger, recently deceased, Brother, Uchiha Izuna."
He could feel the second Madara activated the sharingan and saw the truth.
The he was telling the truth and Izuna was his Soulmate but also that his ears hadn't decieved him and that it was Senju Tobirama who was in front of him.
The next moment he was ripped from the ground, his back to the wall, his feet of the flow, Madara's hand on his throath, and a Sharingan that must be the Mangekyou meeting his eyes.
(Also I’m really sorry for a late update on my WIP only to the turn around and write a not-so-much-a-drabble longer than the chapter of oadaam I still haven’t edited. In my defense though: This wasn’t supposed to be this long and I haven’t edited this either. Also there might be a part two to this but I won’t make promises)
(Also this was partially inspired by As is the Sea marvelous @blackkatmagic )
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point-less-ness · 2 years
Hell & High Water
~The Story so Far~
“‘Didn’t you see it coming?’“
“My children asked me that. Of course, I think a lot of people could feel it—that things were going to get worse. But who could have seen what was coming”
“There was no ‘it.’ The end of the world didn’t arrive. The changes just crashed in like horrific, relentless waves, until we didn’t recognize the world we lived in anymore”
“And those of us who survived, we clung together through it.” — Mira Kaplan: A Memoir, 2073
• Time Period: March, 2136
• Location: Alaska (ASKT)
-> Between ASKT and UTC (Universal Coordinated Timezone) there is a 7hr difference
-> Ex. 5AM ASKT > 1PM UTC
Animals that have survived…
• Ravens ✅
• Toads ❌
• Seals ✅
• Orcas ✅
• Bears ✅
• Shellfish ✅
• Eagles ✅
• Crabs ✅
• Otters ✅
• Raccoons ✅
• Blue Whales ❌ (extinct for 50 years)
• Goats ✅
• Ducks ✅
• Herons ✅
• Cats ✅
• Geese ✅
• Seagulls ✅
• Wolves ✅
Maneuvering the Boat…
• Moving the tiller (acts like a steering wheel) on manual, smaller boat…
-> Port (left) > turns right
-> Starboard (right) > turns left
• A wind indicator will tells what the direction the wind is coming from
-> To gain the most speed, turn the boat to the direction of the wind so the wind will then be behind the sails
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• On the sea, it’s nautical miles 
• When opening the case of any Palladia, set the case on its’ side. And remember to lock it and where it’s stored.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
heya! would you be willing to do something with crosshair x fem reader who is emotional and moody, and he has to learn how to deal with her moodswings and her sensitivity?
Aloha! Okay, I'll risk making myself unpopular. No, I wouldn't normally, actually. Sorry darling, but I just can't imagine someone like Crosshair with someone moody and over sensitive, ever. Honestly, I think he would run away pretty quickly. In fact, I think someone like Crosshair paired with a moody partner are the best ingredients for a toxic relationship.
But!!! - That's just my opinion, I'm sure there are people thinking differently. But you didn't askt them, you asked me.
But let's try to imagine he could muster the patience and nerve for that. Which I would respect him for, I couldn't muster that patience. But some people are born to be the calm pole and buffer, the retreat for such people.
I think Wrecker could do that pretty well, Echo maybe too, Tech would struggle but he could eventually get used to it. Hunter would be more of a retreat. Crosshair… well, you won't like my thoughts on this, but let's try to imagine the impossible, at least to my mind.
He is grumpy, he gets carried away by your moods, which leads to a lot of friction and is very exhausting in the beginning. He withdraws from you or he quarrels. He is super stubborn and it really takes a long time for you to find a common ground, a rhyhtm that suits you both.
Crosshair, as I said, is anything but patient when it comes to things like this, but he tries, he actually learns to be more patient over time and to approach you even when your mood changes unexpectedly again. However, the relationship will be exhausting for both of you for a long time. It is up to you to decide whether this union is worth it.
I'm sorry, this is probably nowhere near what you really wanted. I feel bad about letting you down , but that's my perception about Cross. Maybe someone else is more willing and talented enough to make up a nice scenario that fits your wishes. Crossing my fingers for your :))
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
After Light entered their room, and wished her goodnight, Nox, though glad to see that Light appeared to be feeling better and more at ease, yet still worried for the safety of them and herself, waited in front of their door for a moment, wishing to speak more, but ultimately decided against it, and headed back to her own room, where she stayed awake for a while longer.
A little bit later, from outside her door, she heard gentle voices and hoofsteps pass by, and knew it was her Mother and Aunt, both of whom now retreating to their room after speaking a bit with Boom, who stayed in the main hall after his encouraging message to Light, though what they may have discussed, she did not know, nor did she feel the need to ask.
She sat on her bed and took a deep sigh as she cried, struggling to remember the fading memories of her father, and the last time she truly felt like a family together with her parents… Before the dark times, before her father's disappearance, before her Mother's downfall and the rise of Nightmare Moon in her stead, and the eons Nox spent outside of the Waking Realm afterwards.
Elsewhere in the Palace, though relieved that nothing bad had happened, and, in fact, glad that Light was doing better, both Twilight and Solar, while happy hosting many Guests as they did before, were still concerned for the future, for if danger arose, they would not be able to help in more than one place at a time, and feared for the safety of those they could not defend.
Looking out of the window towards the bright stars in the dark night sky, Light eventually closed their eyes and fell asleep, fortunately, more easily and restful, now that they were more able to forgive themselves for their actions, with Boom's words from moments ago having had a grand impact upon how they saw themselves, finally cast in a more positive light.
Though many things appeared to be on the mend, especially for Light, to whom Boom gave his words of encouragement and reassurance, everything was far from over, as many beings were fighting within themselves, trying to hold back grief and sorrow; for Banana, the disappearance of his daughter, for Decaf, concern over her sister, and Caff, who feared Light, and their anger, still.
They knew there were a great many mysteries still in the world, of which, perhaps, some were not meant to be solved, so that whatever the story of these Catacombs was would remain lost to time forever, although, now Starswirl had discovered this phrase, it appeared as though their research into the strange tunnels was far from over, and there were many discoveries to be made yet.
Dark had been their dreams of late, especially while Light was unconscious, but now, their mind wandered, less burdened by their past actions, and thought about many things, as they managed to focus on the mysteries of the Catacombs, once again, and the strange phrase that Starswirl uncovered within, as they tried to deconstruct its meaning:
'Do not trust the Shine of the Dark Ice…'
All of a sudden, they shot up, put on their slippers as to not disturb anycreature, and grabbed a note to write down the connections that their mind made, so that the following morning, they could try to explain their thoughts to the others, and ask for help in formulating a plan, for while they had received much help and support, they feared it may not be enough…
Evidently, they had slept for so long, they noticed the skies were brightening already, so while they had planned to head back to bed, this would not be wise, and, like before in Canterlot, they decided to head out to take a walk through the surrounding area, hoping to calm their tumultous mind to allow them to explain their ideas more logically, and they started heading out.
At least, they planned to, until they heard singing in the main halls…
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
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Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse
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onceupona-chaos · 3 years
One of the things that made me love ACOSF and ACOTAR series in general is that despite their issues and conflicts, the Archeron sisters love each other. And I love them all.
I've seen people talking about all the sharp words and fights the Archeron sisters have, but I wanted to make this about their love for each other.
"'What happened to Tomas Mandray?” I asked, the words strangled. 'I realized he wouldn’t have gone with me to save you from Prythian.' And for her, with that raging, unrelenting heart, it would have been a line in the sand. I looked at my sister, really looked at her, at this woman who couldn’t stomach the sycophants who now surrounded her, who had never spent a day in the forest but had gone into wolf territory … Who had shrouded the loss of our mother, then our downfall, in icy rage and bitterness, because the anger had been a lifeline, the cruelty a release. But she had cared—beneath it, she had cared, and perhaps loved more fiercely than I could comprehend, more deeply and loyally. 'Tomas never deserved you anyway,' I said softly.
"Elain, to my surprise, had a horse, a satchel of food, and supplies ready when I hurried down the stairs. My father was nowhere in sight. But Elain threw her arms around me, and, holding tightly, said, 'I remember—I remember all of it now.'”
"For so long, I had run from it (LOVE). But opening myself to him, to my sisters—that had been a test of bravery as harrowing as any of my trials."
"'Did you know,' I said over the sound of my sawing, 'that one summer, when I was seventeen, Elain bought me some paint? We’d had just enough to spend on extra things, and she bought me and Nesta presents.'"
“'It is your choice,' Nesta said with unusual gentleness. For her, Nesta would go to Prythian.
"Get them out. Get my sisters out. Play—please play along. Please [...] Get my sisters out, I begged Rhys through the silent bond. I ripped the wards open for you—all of you. Get them out."
“'Well, at least she left the room.'
'And the chair.' We exchanged a rare, calm glance."
"Nesta looked to me—and I could have sworn fear shone there, and guilt and … some other feeling. 'You told me to run.'
'You’re my sister,' was all I said. She’d once tried to cross the wall to save me. But she started. 'Elain—'
'Elain is fine,' Rhys said.
"The two handmaiden-spies instantly bowed to Rhys, and Elain - There was a slight sparkle in her brown eyes. As if she’d been enjoying herself with them. [..] Elain offered a faint smile in return and nodded. She was hungry. She was … doing something. Learning something."
It's beautiful how Feyre reacts when Elain is starting to get better.
"She let out a sob at the sight of Elain, still in Azriel’s arms. I’d never heard a sound like that from her. Not once. [...] Her body shook—shook as she sobbed and said over and over and over, 'Thank you.' [...] I didn’t know how long my sisters and I lay there together, just like we had once shared that carved bed in that dilapidated cottage. Then—back then, we had kicked and twisted and fought for any bit of space, any breathing room. But that morning, as the sun rose over the world, we held tight. And did not let go.
"Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, 'Don’t you touch my sister.'"
"But something in me eased at that laughter, at the light that returned to Elain’s eyes. A light I wouldn’t see dimmed further. I need to go out after dinner, I said to Rhys."
"Elain surveyed me in turn as I finished off the tart and reached for another. 'Have you had any word from her?' I knew who she meant. Just as I opened my mouth to tell her no, a knock thudded on the front door. Elain moved fast enough that I could barely keep up, flinging open the fogged."
I know a lot of shit happened at this Solstice, but I think sometimes we forget about how much Elain and Feyre wanted Nesta there. Especially Elain - and this explain why she asked Nesta if Feyre had paid her in ACOSF. Elain must have been truly hurt when she thought money was the reason why Nesta went to Sostice - not her family. Was it right of her to askt that? Absolutely not! But I cam understand where that came from.
The same design of the chest of drawers I’d once painted in that dilapidated cottage. One for each of us—each sister. Those stars and moons sent to me, my mind, by my mate, long before we’d ever met. 'I asked Nuala to do it in that order,' Elain said as the others gathered round. 'Because you’re the foundation, the one who lifts us. You always have been.'
“'You’ll fall ill if you just stand there in the cold,' she tutted to Nesta, smiling broadly. 'Come sit with me by the fire.'"
"Nesta watched warily from her chair, Elain’s present—her only present—in her lap"
Again, Elain wanted Nesta there. I'm just saying this because I've seen so many comments on their fights in ACOSF, but we forget that in the end they want to get along because they love each other.
"A hand slid into Nesta’s, and she found Elain there, shaking and wide-eyed. Nesta squeezed her sister’s fingers. Together, they approached the other side of the bed. And when Elain began praying to the Fae’s foreign gods, to their Mother, Nesta bowed her head, too."
In this moment I was crying my eyes out. The sisters holding hands and begging, praying for Feyre's life.
"Feyre. Feyre, who had gone into the woods for them. Who had saved them so many times. Feyre. Her sister."
"She didn’t stop the tears that ran down her cheeks as she squeezed Feyre’s slender hand tighter. 'I love you, Feyre.' She had never said the words aloud. To anyone. 'I love you,' Nesta whispered again. 'I love you.'
Feyre was the first person Nesta said "I love you". That says so much.
She blinked at Rhys, and then turned to Nesta. 'I love you, too,' Feyre whispered to her sister, and smiled. Nesta didn’t stop her sob as she launched herself onto Feyre and embraced her.
Not her mate. Her sister. Imagine how was for Feyre to hear that from Nesta (in the beginning of the same book, Feyre thought Nesta hated her)
"Nesta had stared and stared at her portrait, hung between one of Feyre and one of Elain, and hadn’t realized she was crying until Feyre had held her tightly. A home."
"She found Feyre and Elain waiting halfway down the hill, Nyx now dozing peacefully in Elain’s arms. Her sisters beamed, beckoning her to join. And Nesta smiled back, her steps light as she hurried down the hill to meet them."
If you made it this far and still believe the books aren't about the Archeron sisters, if you still believe Elain will be killed or separated from her family, if you still believe they don't love each other... I honestly don't know what books you're reading.
Yes, they fight, they have their own friends, they exchange sharp words, they are different but in the end it's about them. The Archeron and their love for each other.
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