#asks: queendom series
borathae · 7 months
Wow I feel really silly for only thinking it right now. But is Nilrem … MERLIN?!?!?!?!?! 🤯
I AM GENUINELY GONNA SMOOCH YOU OMFG the fact that someone finally figured out waht I did there I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FASDJFAJKSFJAJ YES LIKE HELLOOOO??
okay no he isn't actually Merlin, but when I created him I was like "i need a cool name for a wizard who is considered the most powerful of all" then my mind when to Merlin and I was like "what if I flipped the name?" AND BAM! NILREM CAME ALIVE
I love you imma find you and smooch you 💜💜
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Domestic Headcanons
notes: I survived my colonoscopy and I'm back in full power. @lxvebun, here's your ace content!
contains: character x gn!reader, set during 4th year internships
characters included: ace trappola, trey clover, leona kingscholar, malleus draconia
word count: 2.6k
warnings: spoiler for what leona's hometown is called ig
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You and your friends were more than curious about what the internships in your 4th year held in store for you; given that there were so many options all over the world. But there was more to worry about than just finding a place to intern at. Finding a place to live at while you were abroad was also a concern. Since Ace, Deuce and you were all interning in the Queendom of Hearts, you had decided to open a flatshare together.
Needless to say things were chaotic from the start but surprisingly manageable. Guess Riddle raised them well, you thought and chuckled. 
You were sitting on the couch with Ace, watching a new series he wanted to check out on the streaming service the three of you decided to share. He had an arm wrapped around you loosely and you were snuggled up against his chest; both of you silently enjoying the show and each other’s presence.
That got disrupted when Ace heard Deuce making a bit of noise in his room, suggesting that he had woken up from the nap he decided to take after work and was likely going to make himself some dinner. Ace reached for the lighter under the living room table and grabbed a couple of candles from the cupboard, placing them on the table and lighting them. He removed the flowers from the vase on the table and put the vase down on the floor. When Deuce opened the door of his room, his first sight was Ace holding the flower bouquet in front of you, kissing your hand gently and both of you being surrounded by candles. Quite the romantic atmosphere.
“Uhm…uh…sorry if I was interrupting something”, Deuce scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and walked into the kitchen, leaving you two alone in the living room. “May I ask what exactly that was supposed to be?”, you raised an eyebrow and Ace gave you a smirk. “I plundered his stuff in the fridge. Didn’t want him to nag me about it”, he chuckled and pressed a kiss to your lips. “Just how many times exactly have you used me as an alibi to bother and / or annoy Deuce?”, you sighed. “A few times”, Ace shrugged and pulled you into a hug again.
If you can cook, go ahead and teach Ace. He may complain about chores sometimes but as time passes on and he gets used to not living in his parents’ house, he’s happy to learn from you and make dinner with you. He doesn’t feel confident enough in his cooking skills yet to make something for you on his own without accidentally setting the kitchen on fire, but he prefers cooking as a shared activity with his partner anyway.
He and Deuce will fuck up with household appliances. Like, it’s not like Ace never did chores before, there were plenty at home and at Heartslabyul, but he never used a washing machine and a dishwasher before and you facepalm the first time you see him and Deuce standing around helplessly in the kitchen with the floor flooded in water and foam because one of them thought it was a good idea to put dish soap into the dishwasher and the other one didn’t object. 
“Okay, which one of you?”, you put your hand at your hips and sigh. “Me but I had doubts and Ace said ‘this is for cleaning dishes, how bad can it get, really?’”, Deuce sighed.
Sharing your first living space with Ace is just 9 months of figuring out the magnificent ways of adulting. 
And managing money. Ace is one of those guys who never looks at the prices at the grocery store and just picks the thing that looks the most appealing. 
You always fall asleep in his arms at night, now that Riddle can’t stop you from sneaking into Ace’s room.
He’ll be there when you had a stressful day at work and the two of you figure things out together, giving each other subtle affections throughout the day before finally relaxing in each other’s arms as the sun sets.
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Listen, starting out while living with Trey during your internships is literally the best option out of all of these boys. Man has his life figured out at least when it comes to having stability and adulting skills.
Take-out food is something you get rarely while living with Trey. He always stops by the grocery store or a market after work and brings fresh ingredients back home. He’d be happy if you like cooking and baking with him, because he loves to make his food himself and sees it as a bonding experience if you join him. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at cooking or not, Trey is a good teacher and he’s happy to show you.
He has a Magicam account but pretty much the only thing he posts there is pictures of food he cooked. So he’s super proud to show off what you made together.
Loves when you wrap your arms around his waist from behind while he cooks, leaning your cheek against his back. He gets to do something he loves and has your affection along with it.
Trey is a simple man. Sometimes he brings home a bouquet of flowers for you but otherwise his affection shows in much more idle moments; when he jokes around with you if you mess up in the kitchen or when he lends you one of his hoodies if you’re cold. Trey’s love for you shows in the goodbye and welcome home kisses before and after every day at your internships. It shows in how he’s actively looking for ways to make your temporary home more comfortable; picking up plants or little decorative items when the two of you are going out and asking you if you think it’d be a nice addition to your flat. 
He already has a bunch of succulents and other small plants put everywhere on window sills and shelves to make your place more comfortable.
He doesn’t say it yet because he doesn’t want to get too ahead of himself but he’s loving this lifestyle with you and he’d love for you to continue living together after graduation. 
Trey always listens to your wishes for what you would like to eat for dinner and he somehow finds a way to make it happen, even if the recipe is super difficult. “You really don’t have to, Trey”, you insist and reach for his hand. He squeezes your hand in his and presses a kiss to your forehead. “It’s not a problem…I admit this is a little harder than I thought it’d be, but if it’s going to make you smile, it’s worth every effort”, he insists and gives you a loving smile. “Just seeing you every day makes me smile more than enough”, you reply and kiss his lips softly.
Trey runs a hand through his hair awkwardly. “Aw, come on, you know you fluster me when you say stuff like this”, he chuckles and blushes. “I know”, you smirk and pull him into a deeper kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, “that’s the plan.” You whisper against his lips, pressing soft, appreciative pecks to them repeatedly while you can see Trey blushing even more. “I have a dinner to cook, y/n”, he sighs and gives you a loving hug before returning his attention to the ingredients. 
Trey is super easy to move in with. He can adapt easily and communicating with him about who does what chores around the flat works super well. Trey is husband material and it definitely doesn’t take you long to realize it. Living with him is super comfortable and reassuring; knowing that whatever the day throws at you, there’s security and love in the happenings of mundane daily life.
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Living with Leona has its upsides and downsides. 
You get to be picky with where the two of you move because Leona is a prince and therefore has quite a lot of cash to spare, so not being able to pay your rent isn’t something you would have to worry about. 
Leona drives you to work every morning before he goes to his own internship place at the edge of Sunrise City. The way he leans over to the passenger seat to press a kiss to your lips every morning without fail, sometimes not being able to get enough of your lips and repeatedly pulling you into another kiss could make you melt into his arms right then and there and you just wish you had 10 more minutes to spend with him. Or 20. Or just a whole day while you’re at it. Leona knows this and does this on purpose. It boosts his ego, knowing you miss him while at work and are looking forward to seeing him again. 
He wouldn’t admit it but he loves just getting short text messages from you during your breaks and knowing you’re thinking about him. Instantly brings a smile to his face. 
He also picks you up from the internship on the way back if you don’t have your own car. 
Leona isn’t one for cooking so you two usually get takeout food, which in Leona’s case means like, a bucket full of nothing but meat if you don’t stop him. Lovingly calls you herbivore everytime you order something with vegetables.
He knows where to get good food in Sunrise City and he never misses with his restaurant choices.
Given that you’re his lover and he actually without a doubt enjoys having you around, he has no problem showing you around the city; taking walks with you through the parks during sunset. 
Leona will likely hire someone to do the household chores as he doesn’t want to do them himself, on some days his depression would be actively preventing him from getting things done and he also would never want to burden you with doing everything for him. 
Nevertheless, being around Leona can sometimes demotivate you from taking care of your own responsibilities. He pulls you into his arms to cuddle and this can be the start of a spiral of procrastination if you’re not careful.
Leona doesn’t really care how you decorate your flat as long as nothing bothers his strong sense of smell or is in such bright colors that it hurts his eyes. He’s one of those guys who drive to the furniture store with you and just have no opinion on anything except for the bed because the quality of his naps must not be impacted. With everything else, if you left him alone, he’d just look at the shopping list, reads that you need a lamp, a small bathroom shelf and a carpet and he just grabs the first things that work, even if they don’t fit together. So you better go with him. 
“Do you think the shelf with the dark wood would fit better in the living room or should we take the white one?”, you ask and Leona just shrugs. “As long as our stuff fits on it and it doesn’t fall apart”, he leans on the shopping cart and his tail swishes back and forth idly, “we can throw a coin if ya can’t decide.”
Leona loves having you sleep in his arms at night but chances are you already did that at Night Raven College regularly, if not all the time. 
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Chaos is also a form of adventure!
Seriously though, Malleus is so sweet and always eager to help and he’s so excited that he gets to live with you during his internship and explore the city you intern in with you but this man is not in any way equipped nor prepared for normal modern adult life.
First off, you get takeout food everyday because Malleus repeatedly fries the kitchen appliances with his magic on accident and you already dodged a bullet by getting a small house from his wealth as a royal because if you got a flat with him, the neighbors would be complaining so hard about the frequent power outages caused by the confused fae prince with adjustment issues.
Before you move in together, Malleus excitedly tells you that he has found a building that would be perfect for the two of you to share. He shows it to you and you raise an eyebrow. “Malleus, this is a 40 minute drive away from my internship place, why does it have to be this one specifically?”, you raise an eyebrow and he frowns because you didn’t notice. He points at the gargoyles on the roof and you bury your head in his chest. “Oh my god, Malleus, was this your only criteria?”, you sigh.
Malleus wanted to contribute to finding a place for the two of you but you can bet he’s not going to check the internet. No, he hires a real estate agent and “are there any buildings with gargoyles we can rent or buy?” was indeed one of his first questions.
Anyway the two of you have a technology room that Malleus doesn’t go into and it’s insulated with magic-blocking material. This is where you charge your phone and spend time at your laptop or keep any other electrical devices. 
Malleus takes the train to work everyday and he fucking loves public transport. You’re so fed-up with screaming kids on the bus and people listening to the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of TikToks on speaker on the train but for Malleus this is like, the most fascinating thing ever.
He also loves the mall and large grocery stores. They have so many everyday items he has never seen in Briar Valley. 
To celebrate moving in together, you told him to just pick whatever interests him at the grocery store, the first time the two of you went there. You spent 3 hours in that store and you had to explain to Malleus that some of the frozen food he picked is not supposed to stay frozen. He also buys 5 different kinds of ice cream.
He makes you a pretty ice cream cup with the one Riddle gifted him for his birthday and presents it to you proudly.
Whenever he’s in deep thought, you’ll find him sitting on the roof with the gargoyles, looking over the area. “You know…”, you sit down next to him and he instantly pulls you close to him, partly because he missed your affection but also because he wants to keep you safe and secure, “you were right. This place has a nice view.” You turn your head to him and kiss his lips gently.
Malleus is absolutely thriving with the fact that he gets to live with you and spend his days with you without his retainers present because Silver and Sebek are still at NRC. He’s so affectionate with you and makes the most of the fact that the two of you have some time to yourself without Sebek frantically looking for him.
Malleus loves to fall asleep in your arms at night. It took a bit to figure out how to make that work with his horns and him being almost 2m tall, but Malleus Draconia is a little spoon and he doesn’t care if you can only hug his upper body, he’s sleeping in his beloved’s arms and that’s that.
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night-raven-tattler · 6 months
"Oh, but I was here the whole time, you're the one that vanished" DETAILS!!!!
Tattler, for the love of all things hole. I just get a job from 15 to 23 and decided that is a great moment to start the college (yes, I'm great making bad decisions). I don't have I life anymore and NEED some Trey kids/marriage hc so I can be happy again 😭
Hello 🌙! Mx Tattly is happy to hear you're doing well, despite the busy schedule. Your presence is a delight to have. You should consider yourself lucky, as Mx Tattly was in a domestic mood themselves. While you're here, you might also enjoy the Heartslabyul part of the "Say hi to daddy!" series, since it is similar to your request.
The Way of the Chef Husband
Characters: Trey x GN!Reader (romantic), unnamed children, Cater, Riddle, Che'nya
Warnings: food and cooking (trey's love language)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Trey Clover enjoys the simpler things in life
Despite the myriad of people telling him that he could aim highter than the simple, domestic path of life Trey settled on, he has always known what he wanted
You, as his partner, trusted his decision, and you never regretted it
Trey had all milestones for your relationship planned out in his head
After graduation, you'd move in together in his hometown, and he'd start officially working at his parents' bakery while you found your own job
You'd meet the parents, he'd ask for your hand, and you'd get married during spring, with Che'nya as his best man, Cater as his wedding organiser and Riddle as his officiant
Of course he introduced his plan as suggestions during your talks of the future, and he adjusted his plans accordingly
But despite any modifications in his mental checklist, he still ended up feeling accomplished as soon as his ring got on your finger and vice versa
It was a simple plan, right?
Simple doesn't mean easy however, and Trey's job as a baker at his parents' bakery is anything but easy
Trey has prepared himself for years for the hustle and bustle of their little Queendom of Roses bakery
And when kids entered the picture, Trey's patience and multitasking skills were really put to the test
He'd prefer bottle feeding for a baby, since it allowed the both of you to have a more adjustable feeding schedule and equal bonding opportunities
And you had to admit, Trey had a knack at dealing with any fussing baby
"I think the years I've had to deal with Riddle's temper came in handy more than I thought..."
He admitted it with a smile on his face, while also making you swear you will never tell him he said that
The moment your little ones were old enough to walk and talk, Trey would allow you to bring the kids to the bakery during the less busy hours
Just like their father, all of your kids are in their element in the bakery, looking at the sweet treats with starry eyes and playing together in the special play area his father made for them
Soon enough, word would go around the city about the young baker's cute little kiddos, and everyone would want to visit the sweet image of a dad bringing his kiddos to work
They'd also leave with a tart or two
Uncle Cater took credit of that "business idea", not knowing it was something Trey has been planning from the beginning
But Trey'd never admit that
And his parents, the grandparents of the kids, had nothing against spending a break or two with their grandkids
Things always get fun when uncle Che'nya popped up
At the bakery or at home, Che'nya takes the role of the fun uncle in stride, carrying all the kids around and playing along all their games, letting them braid his hair and tail while he tells them the most entertaining stories
And uncle Riddle, the weekly visitor of the bakery and consumer of their special strawberry tart, always gets dragged around by the kids, and is a delightful presence at their pretend tea parties
Seeing Riddle somewhat heal his inner child while interacting with the kids has always made both you and Trey feel fulfilled
As the kids grew older, their interest extended to helping Trey actually cook, and they'd often help Trey cook food at home
And they'd also instigate a lot of food fights
Cooking is an important bonding experience for the family, and Trey often uses his skills to bond with the family as a whole
Heartslabyul habits die hard, so he'd still order the whole kitchen around, instructing everyone on what to do
And he can't deny how his heart swells when he sees his little slice of pie standing on a stool, stirring carefully into the cooking pot of food, wearing oven mits way too big for their child stature
"Dad, it smells really yummy! Do you need to add anything else?"
"Not yet, we need to let it boil, then add the veggies your sibling is cutting later."
"Why does food need to be hot to be done?"
Your cooking duties were long done before you sneakily recorded Trey explaining cooking to his child
"Daddy! Look, I made star food!"
The little one showed off the misshapen stars they cut out of the food, and Trey wiped his hands before patting them on the head
"Those look great, good job!"
You laughed to yourself, catching Trey's attention
"I also finished my tasks, earlier than anyone may I add. Where's my praise?"
Trey rolled his eyes fondly at your teasing, and approached you, then gave you a kiss on the cheek
"Fantastic job, sugarcube. Couldn't have done it without you."
"Same for you, 1/2 cup of flour."
"Stop it."
He never wanted you to stop it
Trey enjoys his life as it is, and can't help but be grateful to you for helping him built the domestic bliss he gets to live everyday
And you're grateful to him too
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cannedpickledpeaches · 6 months
Insert Your Name (7)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Jade doesn't care much about the hierarchy of the mafia when it comes to you. This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
Tags: @guava-writes @itszzmoon @twstsandturns @myteacupisempty @rou-luxe @chikitasmol
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It’s a common song and dance. Small organizations sometimes come to the Leech Mafia in hopes of garnering support for their coups. Walrus asked Jade to “lend” you to her. You’re more surprised at her audacity than her motivations.
“You’re trying to replace the Carpenter?” You occasionally see the leader of the Carpenter Mafia at formal functions. A tall, thin man with a disproportionately large head and wheedling voice. Friendly and charismatic on the surface, but known for his underhanded methods of luring people in, stranding them, and devouring them. An insatiable man who takes as much as he can get his hands on.
“Yes, so I humbly came to ask for help.” She places a hand on her chest and furrows her brows. “The Carpenter is a money-obsessed, greedy man who exploits all those who fall into his trap. I can’t watch him go on anymore. Call me a hopeful idiot, but I think with enough determination, even seven maids with seven mops could clear all the sand on a beach in half a year.”
If you were someone else entirely, maybe you would have fallen for her act. That pained look on her face and her poetic description of her tenacity could move a heart made of stone. However, you’ve spent a major portion of your life knowing Jade. You could recognize that duplicitous sorrow anywhere.
“What kind of mafia doesn’t have any suffering?” You won’t pretend the Leech Mafia is a good organization, either. There are monetary benefits, but mafias are built on cruelty, discipline, and fear of the pecking order. For example, if you dislike the way something was done, you have the authority to make sure the offending soldier who carried out the task disappears by sunset.
Walrus smiles. “I strive to create an organization where we can depend on each other.”
“And you want me to help you, huh. Is that why you told your men to attack me? It was a test to see if I meet your expectations.”
“You’re so cute, you know that? You ask questions when you already know the answer. I hope I didn’t upset you.”
No wonder why Jade looks so displeased. He likes to play pranks of that nature on you as well, but he becomes defensive when anyone else tries. What a hypocrite.
“I’m not upset.” As two-faced as Walrus is, you find that you don’t hate it. In the underbelly of society, this is what it takes to not only survive, but to claw your way to the top. In her own way, she is admirable. “Well, tell us what you want and what you’ll give us. This is a negotiation, right?”
“I’m just asking for the basics. Soldiers and weapons, that’s all. Can you spare me a hundred men?” She asks this nonchalantly, but surely she must know the weight of her question. One hundred men on land when the Leech Mafia operates mainly in the Coral Sea is a tall order. Such a number would impact your own operations in the Queendom of Roses. Again, this is expected. When you have more to lose in a negotiation, it is standard to ask for more than what you hope for.
“What a daring question. You are also quite the greedy person, Walrus.” Jade folds his hands on his desk. “Surely you have prepared something of equal value.”
“Of course.” Walrus pulls out a twisting gold wand inlaid with a red jewel. With a flick of her wrist, an image of a man appears in the air. “This is the man who cursed your parents, Jade Leech.”
A shadow passes over his face. This must be a bluff. How are you supposed to believe her when she declared such a thing without proof? To your surprise, Jade does not challenge her claim.
“That matches my findings.” Jade lowers his chin, his sharp gaze scrutinizing her. “What of it?”
“He’s dead. Carpenter personally got rid of him. No use for someone who managed to screw up an assassination, right?” She taps her wand to the image. It becomes a map with a glowing red dot south of the Coral Sea. “One of my friends has a Signature Spell that can analyze dead bodies. If we get his corpse, she should be able to figure out exactly what curse was cast on your parents. His body was dumped around here in the ocean, so you’ll need to retrieve it.”
Jade’s shoulders tense. You glance at the rigid line of his jaw. Softly, you place your hand on his shoulder blade. Calm down. A beat passes. He takes a breath and relaxes his muscles.
“Your proposal is hypothetical. There is no guarantee your friend will be able to deduce what spell was used. In the scenario which she does, there still remains the question of whether or not it can be cured.”
“It’s better than knowing nothing, right? I’ve been working for you for a month. I know there’s been no progress with your parents’ condition.” Her eyes glint. “Honestly, you should be happy to get any kind of lead.”
She has a way with words. At this rate, she will gain the upper hand of the negotiation. You stand still and believe in Jade and his silver tongue. He is not the type of person who will walk away from a discussion having lost more than he gained.
“You knew about the attempt on my parents’ lives, and yet you did nothing while under our employment.” Jade leans forward in his seat and stares her down. “Why didn’t you tell us you knew something about it? Withholding information from us until you can use it as a bargaining chip . . . I’m hurt, Walrus. It will be difficult for us to form a relationship of good faith anymore. If you had told us before it happened, we could have prevented such a tragedy in the first place. From that angle, is it not your fault that my parents were saddled with such an unfortunate ailment?”
Twisting her words and the situation until it benefits him is child’s play for Jade. No matter how contrived that reasoning may seem, at the end of the day, Walrus is the one who desperately needs resources from the Leech Mafia. As long as he does not forget who has the upper hand, he will certainly get his way.
“Of course,” Jade continues, offering her a way out, “I believe in second chances. If you take responsibility and pitch in to find a way to undo the curse, I will have no qualms in lending you my support in your upcoming coup.”
In the end, Walrus has no choice but to concede. There are other groups she could turn to, but creating good relations with the Leech Mafia can only help her if she wishes to gain influence. A weak, unstable group after an internal struggle is easy prey for older, already established syndicates to absorb. She needs their support to avoid a short-lived victory.
Walrus leaves with a promise of seventy men and enough weapons to supply them. As soon as she’s out the door, your mind drifts to the manuscript again. It briefly mentions that the Leech Mafia’s influence spreads after their parents wake up. Maybe this inner turmoil in the Carpenter Mafia causes that expansion. No details were ever given in the manuscript. When you read it over, you had the impression that the author did not have the slightest inkling towards the politics and inner workings of a mafia.
You find yourself stepping back towards the wall as you think. Your body yearns to curl up in the window seat in the attic. Part of you wants to hide up there right now and digest this information. There is so much to think about now. The division of resources, the men you’re going to lend to Walrus, the compensation for the lack of manpower in some of the Leech territory on land . . . .
A hand rests on your waist and reels you in towards the side of Jade’s chair. The perpetrator gives you an imploring look.
“If you need a space to sit, would my lap suffice?”
A few moments ago, you thought Walrus had audacity. Jade outmatches her.
“No, I’ll go up to the attic instead.”
“May I come with you?”
“Seven, you’re so persistent.” You heave a sigh and motion for him to shift so that you can sit comfortably on his lap. His smile grows unbelievably smug as you take a seat, purposely putting your full weight on him. He doesn’t show the slightest hint of discomfort.
It becomes easier to think when you have something pressed against your back. His arms surround you, providing a small space for you to retreat in your mind without any worries. Sturdy and secure like the face of a cliff or the trunk of a tree, safe despite the threat you know he is capable of being. No matter. You were the one who said you would trust him. And now that you’ve let your guard down, you find that you feel rather cozy.
“You’re being weirdly clingy today.” You notice he still hasn’t let go of your waist. “When Walrus asked for my help, you were so adamant on refusing. I could’ve gone, you know. We would’ve had a reason to lend her less soldiers.”
He huffs. “I have told you before. Have you already forgotten? There is no need for you to dirty your hands with filth.”
It takes you a moment to recall when he last said those words: outside Azul’s home while Floyd beat the living daylights out of Barry Moore. You should never have to lift a finger. Just keep making others do your dirty work.
“What’s your problem with me fighting every so often? I’m not against it.”
Jade rests his head on your shoulder. He’s been getting bolder ever since you promised him your trust.
“If you want to, I would not stop you. But I can tell you prefer to stay holed up somewhere and wrack your brain instead of using your fists. In situations where violence is necessary, you often order someone else to do it unless you are the only one around. Regardless, I would support you to the best of my ability whether you wish to scheme or massacre.” He sighs into your shirt. “I was already quite upset that I did not manage to stop Walrus’s men from ambushing you. It put our negotiations at risk.”
“You were going to refuse her terms just because of that?” It’s not like Jade to make such an illogical decision for something that doesn’t even bring him entertainment. In fact . . . “I would’ve thought that watching me struggle in a fight would be interesting to you.”
“Of course it is.” His chest rumbles against your back. Your eyebrow twitches. Laughter? The nerve! “But I would rather you struggle in a situation that I’ve created, which I can stop whenever I wish.”
“So you only like my suffering when you’re in control of everything about it?”
“Let’s not call it suffering. Challenging obstacles, if you will. But yes.” His eyelashes flutter against your cheek. “If it is ever necessary to truly put your life at risk, it means that I have failed in some capacity.”
You should be grateful to hear those words. But some part of you sours. Why is he so bent on protecting you? You aren’t weak. Your Signature Spell’s primary function is to shield you from physical injuries. Fighting comes naturally to you. In fact, when you met the twins, you were the one who fought for Jade. Sort of. You even extorted him afterwards. And in the Leech Mafia, it is your job to protect him.
“I don’t need to be protected.”
“You are correct.” He nuzzles his face into your neck. “You have survived for this long in the mafia. I don’t try to keep you from harm because you are incompetent—far from it, actually. I do so because you are too competent. You take on more and more difficult work, increasing your chances of getting hurt, but you do not stop and consider how seeing you injured may throw me into disarray—”
He suddenly pauses. You think you get the gist of it. His parents still lie unconscious in hospital beds. Perhaps a small part of him blames himself for not being careful enough. Even you sometimes lie awake wondering if there was anything you could have done to prevent it. If only you took that manuscript seriously sooner. If only you had been more vigilant. If only, if only, if only. Do you dare to assume he’s worried about you as well?
Jade’s fingers tighten on your waist. “I want to make sure you are safe and comfortable. If you will allow me, I will do anything in my power to ensure it happens. Scheme and plot, stew in your thoughts, give orders like a tyrant. I will be your hands and feet so that you never have to endanger yourself. It is only a selfish desire of mine that you will never be harmed.”
“So, if I’m understanding correctly, you’re saying you care about me?”
He chuckles. “Is it something that needs to be said?”
Answering a question with a question. Typical.
“Tell me properly.”
“Relentless as always.” He relaxes his grip. “I care about you. More than you think.”
“You said you wouldn’t lie to me anymore.” There’s enough sincerity in his voice that you don’t have to confirm. A part of you just wants to hear him say it.
“I was not lying, then or now.” Jade’s arms wind around your torso and hold you close. “I have always been truthful on this subject, and this is no lie, either.”
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surgepricing · 4 days
Why RWBY can't come back
The last news we got of RWBY was all the way back in July, when it was acquired by VIZ Media.
This much serves as a hard letdown for anyone who was hoping Dillon Goo and his studio could acquire the property, as VIZ Media is owned by freaking Shueisha, aka the guys who run Shonen Jump. It is unlikely to be sold back to a smaller studio.
VIZ Media buying it was a baffling choice to begin with, as RWBY isn't nearly as eternally-profitable as some of the other ventures it's been focusing on, such as Bleach and animating its Thousand Year Blood War arc. I suppose RWBY doesn't make for an ill fit when considering that it can simply languish on a shelf generating endless merch sales at a slow but steady pace over the years--VIZ Media is in charge of many, many series, and all of its biggest properties are surrounded by a haze of particle-sized smaller properties whose only real purpose is to add to the cumulative money flow in towards the studio.
But it does mean that Volume 10 of RWBY, in sharp contrast to what diehards crowed about when the acquisition was announced, is almost certainly not coming. VIZ Media's main practice is taking control of works that start in serialization form, usually manga, and adapting them, not generating whole new content. If VIZ Media even did feel like continuing the RWBY Saga, it would depend on:
other writers being welcomed into the room, because VIZ Media is a large corporation and is very unlikely to adhere to any fandomized purist idea that only Miles and Kerry should write for it and be credited with it,
other writers actually wanting to be associated with a series that is so badly stigmatized on the internet now. If you're Rooster Teeth, it won't be hard, you can pick from a pool of fans who will sell their souls to do so (and who cares about any quality), but VIZ wouldn't even glance in the direction of a tactic like that.
And if so, there's no real telling what it would look like, which is the axe coming down for the remaining RWBY fanbase, who are volatile and hostile and protective of what they think RWBY should be (i.e., Miles and Kerry). If VIZ Media is stupid, they'll plow ahead with this anyway, generating almost no profit because RWBY's tiny remaining fandom won't associate with it and RWBY's very large ex-fandom also isn't interested in it, thus falling into that Nintendo-style hole of making something no one asked for and then wondering why it didn't sell.
It would be much more in line with VIZ' profit-lined goals to maximize the revenue trickling into RWBY with another spinoff series like Ice Queendom or the manga series, which won't actually advance the story forward but will sate people expecting a Volume 10 at some point and merely needing any form of content to assure themselves it's inevitably coming.
Unfortunately, that means RWBY as a rebooted series with actual writers is also probably off the table, because VIZ Media are unlikely to do something they view as risky even if they think profit could be generated from it; the safer option is the trickle rather than hoping to strike a renewed spirit in fans.
And so RWBY is very likely to have the ultimate fate that I had naively thought we'd avoided back in May: spinning its wheels on the shelf of anime limbo for eternity rather than rebooting or dying peacefully.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
hi, thank you for answering! i really love the fyuuture kid au!! could i ask for cater!yutu? 👀 i wonder if yutu knows there is more to him, and if yuu remembered that too in the og timeline to tell their son
👀 you may. I have a separate fic I am supposed to be writing for him but I had thoughts...
notes: they/them used for Yuu, cw for discussions of mental health and suicide, but no one self harms and nothing is described. General fyuuture kid au info can be found here and the first post can be found here. More of it can be found under the series section of my masterlist.
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Yuu's memories of Twisted Wonderland are less concrete thoughts and more feelings. They know how Cater made them feel, and bits and pieces of his personality but they lack memory of the context, so their memory tries to patch up the holes. In other words, they don't remember Cater's act was an act, and they explain him to Yutu as a creative, friendly person, who likely struggled with a form of depression.
"Your father would sometimes find himself feeling despondent, lacking energy, and motivation. There is a chance as you get older that you might feel that way sometimes too, but that's not because you are a failure or because you did something wrong. I won't hate you if you feel that way and I will never judge you for it. I will always be there for you."
It's a good call, Yutu does find himself having some periods of depression as he gets older from time to time, and the early conversation Yuu had with him allowed him to feel comfortable with discussing that with his parent. The idea that his father had similar struggles comforts him, doubly so if Yuu does as well. He thinks about his dad a lot actually, Yuu's lack of memory means Yutu's over active imagination tries to fill in the blanks.
There is a part of him that thinks his father might have lost his battle with depression and that Yuu's memory loss was due to grief. He respects his father a lot, and is determined to take care of his own and Yuu's physical and mental well being to honor him. Yutu likes to think that is what his dad would want.
He loves music, he finds playing guitar and singing to be very soothing, but he's not super interested in being in a band; he is much more interested in maybe jamming a bit and just talking with his friends. Pretty much exactly like his dad now that I think about it.
I like the thought of Cater! Yutu wanting to be a psychologist when he grows up... and knowing that Yuu isn't the wealthiest person starts working part time to save up for college. He's a very driven person, and deeply interested in what makes people tick.
Cater! Yutu is one of the Yutu's who is A) in a different dorm than his dad (Octavinelle, not Heartslabyul) and B) who sort of prefers your world to Twisted Wonderland. He warms up to Twisted Wonderland after traveling into the past and actually gets to see what it's like, but he really didn't like fighting monsters or seeing what had happened to his father, speaking of which-
He tried asking about what his father was like before he was transformed into a monster, but he didn't get a lot of clear answers. Crewel tells him that he was very outgoing and peppy, a good enough student who was really into an app called magicam that isn't around anymore due to the *gestures vaguely at the apocalypse* and Sam told him a neat story about his New Year's sale and how well his dad could work a crowd. "Good with people." That's something he hears a lot, but nothing to suggest he wasn't always happy. They do have some recordings the pop music club made they pass along to him that Yutu treasures and keeps close.
Yutu had to fight his dad's monster form multiple times to try and rescue people from the Queendom of Roses. It was painful to see a monster who is actively trying to kill him and people he has come to care about and then have him pointed out to him as his dad. There isn't any life left in Cater's eyes to recognize him, but Yutu still wants it to be there. He has so many questions and no one left to answer them.
When he travels back in time, Yutu doesn't interact with Cater immediately. His mind still associates him with blot and grueling fights, so he hangs back around Yuu and Adeuce. It was a bit difficult to get used to being around them, but it helped that Deuce is very polite and his focus on being an honor student is kind of cute. Ace though...
Ace is suspicious. He tries telling those suspicions to Cater, "Hey don't you like Yuu haven't you asked them out a whole bunch you should be worried about this-" blah blah blah, look Cater wasn't there to see Yutu arrive, and he knows the froshes like to exaggerate. There is no way Yutu fell out of the sky and it isn't a big deal that he knows so much about Yuu. They're probably just childhood friends, and those never win even if it would be kind of cute- hey maybe they're related??? It doesn't matter, Cater is determined not to think about it. Which leads to a series of miscommunications where Cater tries teasing Yutu but it just makes him look like an ass for assuming things.
Yutu actually finds this sort of interesting. Now that he actually is talking to his dad, well no. Now that he has actually heard his dad open his mouth and speak it is sort of difficult to think of him as a blot monster or to be afraid. Overblot Cater never said something like "yikes a tron 3000." He thinks he gets what Yuu was remembering about him, Cater can come off as very fake sure, but there are traces of the real him in what he does and says. His dad likes the color yellow, catchy music, being praised when he does something cool, and he wants to be taken care of by someone. Someone Yutu suspects is his parent~
It also helps that he has been stealing Yuu's phone while they're asleep (he tried their password from the future it still worked rip bozo) and scrolls through Cater's magicam feed to try and get a sense for what he liked in between all the trends. He noticed the skateboard stuff and made sure to ask about it by saying something about how "oh I heard about it from Yuu, they thought it was really cool."
Cater isn't really ready to be a dad, but he is surprisingly chill when he learns just who Yutu is.
"Oh please you're here aren't you? You wouldn't be unless I wanted you." Cater sounds so ridiculously sure of himself that Yutu half wonders if he is talking to someone else. But no, it's his dad. His very creative, very good with people, sometimes a bit depressed dad who respects him enough to be honest with him. "You have to know that Yuu wants you to be here, right? I didn't screw that up for you, did I?"
"It wasn't you." He needed to say that out loud for himself, because it wasn't. Yutu's Cater was dead a long time before he ever got to see him. "It looked like you, but it wasn't you."
They like to play music together sometimes, but in typical pop music club fashion they usually just eat snacks and talk. Yutu wants to play some of the music on the recordings Crewel gave him with Cater and Cater wants to make new tracks. He is a bit disappointed that there was no magicam in the future for Yutu to tell him about, but he is just as happy to hear weird trends from Yuu's world.
Cater likes to bring Yuu in to these jam sessions sometimes. He does like to do couple stuff with Yuu on magicam sometimes, but he prefers to keep his more genuine emotions and moments to himself. He will get very embarrassed if he finds out that Yutu has been taking pictures with the ghost camera behind his back.
The future that Yutu came from scares him, he would prefer someone else take the lead on figuring out how to fix it, but if monsters begin attacking in this time? Well he has no problem taking point on that, hey he's heard kids find things less scary if they see their dad's there to protect them.
And Cater is pretty scary when he's mad about missing out on something ♡
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
A Chance Meeting
Summary: While running away from her set expectations, Yuu meets someone she did not expect.
Note: royal au (same universe as the Leona and Lilia fics), set after the Lilia fic but before the epilogue, mentioned Ray from Princess and the Frog, fluff, love at first sight, some prejudice, and Lilia Yuu/MC cameo (referred to as Lady Vanrouge)
Warning: not beta read and possible ooc characters
Word Count: 2.8k
Masterlist: here, Series Masterlist: here
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The first time Yuu met Malleus, it felt like fate.
Yuu. daughter of a viscount in the City of Flowers, was exhausted. She had traveled long and far to Briar Valley for the king's 3-day birthday ball because her father insisted on her attending. Why? Being the unmarried woman Yuu was, her father used the party as an opportunity for her to meet other noblemen. He dragged her to meet different bachelors so that Yuu did not have time to eat something or even get a glance at the king. 
The girl plopped down on a bench in the middle of the castle's rose garden. She wanted nothing more than to think about anything but marriage when she would instead enjoy being in a new area. Yuu smiled as she eyed a nearby rose. The rose was not a vibrant red like the ones in the Queendom of Roses. Instead, they emitted a magical glow that made them unique to the ones from the Queendom. 
The sound of footsteps brought her out of her thoughts. 
"Oh, I did not think there would be people here."
Yuu turned, and her breath hitched. Standing a few feet away was a tall, regally dressed man with long jet-black hair slicked back to show a unique pattern on his head. The man's horns and green eyes stood out to Yuu the most. The man was definitely a fae. If his looks could not spell it out, the magical aura he emitted also did. 
"I'm sorry. I could move to another spot."
The man shook his head. "There is no need. Can I sit next to you?'
Yuu felt as if she should be intimidated, but she nodded anyways. She could feel his magical aura grow with each step he took until he sat beside her. The two sat in silence as Yuu stared at the roses, and the man looked up at the stars.
"So, what brings you to the royal garden?" The man asked with curiosity in his voice. 
Yuu sighed. "I just wanted some air. What about you?” 
"I wanted to go for a walk. The palace is peaceful at night.”
It is. I want to experience longer, but my father is trying to marry me off, so he brought me here to meet some bachelors." A small smile formed on her face. "The thing is, I want to marry for love. I also want to enjoy my time here, but that might not happen."
The man felt empathy for Yuu. “I understand what you are going through."
"Yeah. I just want to think about anything else but that."
There was a moment of silence until the man spoke. "Did you know the king loves gargoyles?"
Yuu blinked and immediately turned to the man. He only looked down at her with a calm expression. "Pardon?"
"The king loves gargoyles. That's why you see them all over the castle." The man pointed to different parts of the exterior where multiple gargoyles sat. Yuu was too focused on the roses before to notice how many there were. 
"That's really interesting."
"Indeed. Did you also know that it is not used for decoration but to move water from a roof and away from running down the side of the building."
"Really! Can you tell me more facts?" Yuu's eyes sparkled with interest. She did not expect her night to be spent talking about gargoyles, but she would choose that over potential husbands.
The man smiled for the first time that night. "Certainly, Lady-"
“Yuu. You can call me Yuu.”
"Yuu." The man tested the name on his tongue. "And you can call me whatever you want."
Yuu's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "You don't want to tell me your name."
The man chuckled. "I want to keep that a secret but don't worry. I have no ill intentions behind it. A nickname will suffice for now."
Yuu thought back to the books she read regarding fae and his type. None mentioned which species had big horns, so it was hard to tell. Still, she could not take her eyes off his horns.
"How about Tsunotarou?"
Tsutarou's eyes widened briefly until he genuinely laughed, causing Yuu to laugh. "What a peculiar name…Alright. I will take it, Yuu."
Yuu stopped laughing and smiled. Her eyes met Tsunotarou's green ones. "Now, will you tell me more facts?'
Tsunotarou felt something form in his chest. It was a warm and fuzzy feeling that he could not explain. Maybe Lilia knew something about it? "Certainly."
The next night they meet, Tsunotarou teleported to the garden. 
"Still running away from suitors?" 
Yuu's eyes widened with excitement, and she stood up. "Tsunotarou! Can you do that again?"
Tsunotarou blinked owlishly. "Do what again?"
"Teleport! When you do that, you leave behind firefly-like lights. They look like tiny stars."
Tsunotarou blinked, and then he smiled. "Alright. I will do it for you." A glow of green light emitted from his body, and he disappeared, leaving behind small sparkles of light. Tsunotarou reappeared, sitting at his spot on the bench. "Are you satisfied?"
Yuu grinned and sat down next to Tsunotarou. "Very." Her eyes gleamed like the stars she was looking at. "Before you came here, I was looking up at the stars. It's something I like to do at home."
"Really?" He joined Yuu in stargazing. "What do you like about them?"
"Do you see those two stars, the really bright ones?" Yuu pointed at two stars sitting diagonal to one another. Both stars shined brightly compared to the rest. "There is a legend in Port O'Bliss about a firefly who was in love with a firefly who was actually a star. The firefly stared at the star at night, professing his love, but he could never touch her. Almost like she was on another planet. The firefly made a wish to be with her. One day, his wish came true, and when you see two stars shining brightly at night, that is the firefly and his love." 
Tsunotarou felt the same feeling in his chest as he stared at Yuu. It was the same as the night before but more intense. "That is a beautiful story."
"I agree. So whenever I feel sad or alone, I look up at the stars and make a wish because I know those two fireflies are listening." Yuu turned to Tsunotarou with a smile on her face. Tsunotarou's heart skipped a beat. "You should do the same thing. We can do one now." She closed her eyes, brought her hands together, and whispered under her breath despite Tsunotarou's heightened hearing. The fae chose to stay quiet out of respect. 
Tsunotarou looked up at the stars again, deep in thought. He felt relaxed around this woman who was practically a stranger. He felt like he could let his guard down around her. The feeling from earlier had increased more, and the fae could not stop thinking about Yuu. Tomorrow was the last night of his party, and he knew what he needed to do. For now, under the witness of the firefly and his love, he would make a wish upon the star and to make Yuu's wish come true. 
The third time they met was on the dancefloor. 
"So I won last year's hunt with a…"
Yuu tuned out the next bachelor, her mind filled with thoughts of her friend Tsunotarou. Usually, it would be easy to slip away and go to the garden. Still, the bachelors must have read her mind because they were insistent on showing her off. Yuu wanted her torture to end and meet up with her friend. 
A trumpet silenced the chatter, and Yuu thanked the deity above for hearing her prayer. Her eyes landed on two young men, one with green hair and one with silver hair, entering the balcony. Their eyes scanned the crowd before the green-haired man cleared his throat. Another man with black and pink hair walked in front of them.
"Hello, everyone! I hope that you are having fun tonight. I know I am!" The man laughed, and everyone joined him. "But this is not about me. Tonight is about our king, who finally wants to show himself. So make sure to give him lots of birthday wishes. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you King Malleus Draconia!"
Yuu felt her breath hitch as a familiar head of black hair, striking green eyes, and horns walked out. She felt the world slow down as reality came crashing down. There, the king of Briar Valley was none other than Tsunotarou-
No. Malleus Draconia. 
Yuu felt horrified and heer heartbeat increase. How could she, a guest at this party, treat the king so casually? Why did he let her? Yuu looked around the room, only for her eyes to meet Malleus' staring straight at her. 
"I need to get some air." Yuu quickly said to her companion and ran off from the crowd. She let her feet carry her anywhere in the gigantic castle. Yuu stopped in a long hallway to catch her breath. She let her back rest against the wall and let her body slide down to the floor. Yuu hid her face in her dress as she reflected on the recent events.
Despite it being only two days, Yuu felt happy being around Malleus. Their interactions had no romantic intentions, but there was a connection, and the two clicked. Yuu felt her heart beat faster after making a new friend. Maybe, with more time, there could be something more.
Click Click
The sound of heels coming closer caused Yuu to pick her head up. Two beautiful fae women were heading her way. Both had disapproving looks on their faces. 
"Well, well. You must be the woman the king is fascinated with." One smirked, looking Yuu up and down.
"We heard that the king has been sneaking out a lot. Who knew he was meeting with a human? Why don't you go back to where you came from?" The other scoffed. 
Yuu felt a bad feeling in her chest. "What do you want?" she asked slowly. 
The first one sneered. "You are nothing but a magicless human. You don't deserve to stand next to Malleus."
Yuu felt annoyed. How dare these ladies come in and mock her for being a human! Malleus knew all along and was interested in her. "As if you are any better! You two don't know him like I do."
The second one rolled her eyes. "Maybe we do, maybe we don't, but that does not stop the fact that you are dirt under my shoe."
"What is going on here," A stern but motherly voice asked, causing the group to freeze. Yuu watched as another fae woman entered. She was beautiful like the other woman, and her aura reminded Yuu of the small fae with black and pink hair. 
"Lady Vanrouge!" The women curtsey, causing Yuu to join them despite not knowing the woman. "How are you today?"
Lady Vanrouge only stared at the group. "Fine, but you did not answer my question. What are you doing here?"
"W-we were just talking to our new friend, the human." One girl said nervously, but Lady Vanrouge did not buy it. She crossed her arms and stared at them icily. 
"Really? Then what was the part about the human being dirt under your shoe? Or what was the last thing?" She hummed as she tapped her chin with her finger, pretending to think, "Not worthy of standing next to the King?"
The fae smiled with a mad glint in her eyes. It mirrored one that the infamous Lilia Vanrouge had with his soldiers, sending chills through the girl's spines. "No buts. Consider yourselves lucky you were not caught by my husband or my son, who, by the way, is a human. Despite that, I still love him, and I will love him as my son no matter what he is. He could be a worm for all I care about, and I will still love him.
Lady Vanrouge smirked evilly and waved the girls off with her hand in a "shoo" motion. "Now get out of my sight before I change my mind and act like my husband." The women squealed and immediately bolted out of the room, leaving Yuu and Lady Vanrouge alone. The fae turned to Yuu with a smile. Her eyes were now softer and had a motherly look to them. "Now, you must be the human I heard about."
"Was it anything bad?"
Lady Vanrouge laughed loudly. "Nonsense! I heard good things about you from my husband, who heard it all from the king. Come now. Why don't I walk you back to the party?"
"I appreciate that. Thank you." The two walked in silence until Yuu spoke up. "So the King talks about me?"
The woman smiled. "Yes, he has been talking about you since you met."
"Even though I am a human?"
"Does that change anything? Do you still want to be Malleus' friend after knowing he is a king?" Yuu shook her head. "See, so you should still be with him. I'm sure he is missing you already."
"Thank you, Lady Vanrouge."
The two made idle chit-chat as they headed to the door leading to the ballroom. As the fae woman opened the door, Yuu's eyes widened as she was face to face with Malleus himself.
The two were so focused on each other that they failed to notice the shorter face staring at them. Lilia noticed how Malleus had a familiar expression on his face. It was the same one he had when he looked at his wife. Meanwhile, Yuu looked at Malleus like he was the brightest star in the sky. The short fae put the two on two together. He gave his wife a look to which she responded with her own. 
"Oh, this is my favorite song! Would you like to join me for a dance?" Lilia smirked at his wife. 
"Of course, my love." Lady Vanrouge walked to her husband and looped his arm around hers. Her eyes focused on Malleus. "Malleus, do you mind walking Yuu back to the party? I was going to do it, but you two have some things to sort through."
Malleus turned to the woman and nodded. "Yes, I will do that. You have fun. my Lady."
"You as well." The woman smiled and left with Lilia. Now that Yuu and Malleus were alone, the tension in the room increased. 
Malleus' regal stature relaxed, and he had a sad look. "I understand why you would run off, and I apologize. After my announcement, I planned to explain everything, but you were gone before I could get to you." Malleus said. For the king of Briar Valley, he looked like a kicked puppy. 
Yuu smiled sadly and gently grabbed Malleus' hand. "It just threw me off guard, and I apologize for running away. I should have talked to you instead."
Malleus smiled and pulled Yuu into a hug. "You are forgiven, Yuu. However, you owe me a dance. I still want to have my first dance of the night with you."
Yuu smiled and nodded. “I will be honored, but we must reintroduce ourselves first.”
"Of course." Malleus picked up one of Yuu's hands and kissed her knuckles. "I am Malleus Draconia, King of Briar Valley.” He looked at her with a gentle smile. “But you can call me Tsunotarou.” 
Yuu curtsied to Malleus. “You can call me Yuu, a lady from the City of Flowers.”
“Well, Yuu.” Malleus held a hand out to Yuu. “Would you do me the honor of joining me in my first dance?”
Yuu placed her hand on his and looked at Malleus confidently. “Of course.”
Unexpectedly, Malleus leaned down and pressed a feather-like kiss on Yuu’s forehead. “You deserve to spend the rest of the night treated like a princess."
That night, both Yuu and Malleus' wishes came true. Meanwhile, in the night sky, the firefly and his love's light enveloped the couple through the windows as they danced through the night. 
Later that night, in Silver's room.
"Sebek, do you think your parents would love you if you were a worm?"
After spending years with Silver hosting the sleepovers, Sebek had heard many weird things coming out of Silver's mouth. The half-fae shifted in his spot next to Silver and stared at him with a "wtf" face. "Silver, you are speaking nonsense. Go to sleep." Sebek huffed and turned around to face away from Silver.
Silver only stared up at the ceiling contemplating the question. He had no idea why, but it came to him randomly during the party. He had spent all night pondering on it. It may be something his parents would know. Speaking of- 
"I think my parents would."
"Go to sleep, Silver!"
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 1 year
Hello~! I would like to request a fluffy scenario in which Riddle Rosehearts plans to propose to his fem! s/o, asking her to be his future wife. Takes place after the events of Ghost Marriage. Make it super fluffy, please? Thanks!
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Note// Y/N is considered as Yin instead of Yuu. Hope that's alright;;;
Note// I’m so glad I was able to speedrun to unlock his Ghost Marriage card before maintenance came- phew,,, :’3
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It has been a few months since you last talked with Riddle after what happened that night. The series of events were undeniably unforgettable as they reminded you of certain thoughts that haven't crossed your mind for a while. Until now...
Thinking of the relationship you established with Riddle after years of growing your friendship since elementary... and how the future will it be for the both of you.
You're not worried about what happened back in his overblot arc, you're not worried about his strict mother who doesn't appreciate her son as much as you do, you're not worried if he ever hurts you someday... Because you have been already there to see him lose his mind, not only throwing it on everyone else but also at himself...
There's one single thought you haven't decided....
'Should i leave? Or should i stay...?' You carefully think, remembering the fact that you don't actually belong to NRC in the first place.
You were mistaken to be there when you're originally supposed to be in the Royal Tiara Academy. Technically the sister of Royal Sword Academy, an all-girls boarding school.
From the papers, the same exceptional report card as Riddle's, but different talents and career paths, Riddle's mother just knew you would rather belong in an environment full of goody-two-shoes princes and pricesses since the first glance-
Yet, a coffin happened to have snatch you away and escorted you to the NRC ceremonial hall--- your confused self finding yourself in ceremonial robes and waking up from a standing coffin that just opens magically, meeting curious, but puzzled eyes at the unusual newcomer.
But other than that, your lost eyes also met with a familiar pair of dark grey orbs... Riddle, elementary best friend, who also then became your high school sweetheart. Since the moment the magical mirror choose you to be in Heartslabyul.
It was an awkward situation at first from the 2 years of not seeing each other after middle school... The last year when you had to move away from the Queendom of Roses to a different land.
Yet, nothing can make Riddle seem more tender to anyone else other than you. He never thought you would come back to him, dreaming of you in his arms as you both hide beneath the painted rose bushes... yet here you are.
Of course, some obstacles happened that came between you two along... Riddle was notably greatly influenced by his mother's standards at that time... making him less lenient on rules with everyone in the dorm, rough yelling, and strict penalties here and there, leading to disagreements between you two by what would be the better for Heartslabyul. Some dorm studebts almost mistaken it as an "every night lovers' quarrel."
His once short-tempered and constant anger almost stopped you from holding on to him- yet you gave him the patience as time goes by, slowly waking him up from all the madness he has been going through- it was a tough task since it happened like a very steep downhill roller coaster ride, especially with the overblot event. It slowly worked out at the end.
So... why is Riddle not saying anything?
Oh, right.
RTA's headmaster discussed with the headmaster Crowley and decided to schedule a day to pick you up and escort you back to the royal academy.... The news seemed to affect Riddle a lot in a negative behavior. No matter how much you assure him that there are the possibilities to see each other more often outside the campus, Riddle is slowly growing more gloomy than ever in his little corner.
Until one day, he broke out of his bubble. Wanting to man up and speak to you like you both always do, before he ever loses his chance.
Taking the opportunity that he found you at the usual spot, you both often go together. A hidden part of the rose maze only you two, Che'nya, and Trey know so well, where a there is a table accompanied with 4 chairs. With a bonsai of a little cherry tree sitting on the center of the table.
He saw you there sitting at the round table all alone, looking down at the little cherry tree's pot. Even despite all the roses painted red or white waiting to be painted in red, there is always a single cherry tree hidden in the maze where Riddle just couldn't have the heart to get rid of... because you gave him the tree as an anniversary gift.
Nonetheless, the housewarden quietly walked towards you before sitting across. Everything was just silence, it is hard to figure whether it was uneasy or pleasant... Riddle has no used to desperately trying to find the right words to say quickly, and instead, he breathes in and tries to search for the right words, no matter how long it will take. Knowing you, you don't seem bothered by how quiet it seems.
"Have you wondered why the cherry tree hasn't grown yet?" You broke the silence with a gentle question. A purely curious tone. Your eyes are not looking away from the pot.
"...I have once." The red-haired whispered back, only glancing at the other's face with hands neatly folded on his lap.
It was the honest reply... Why hasn't the little tree haven't grown yet? It has never changed its appearance for 2 years already.
"That’s because it is meant to be designed to grow and change with you." You simply replied, recording back to the memory when you put a permanent spell on that tree. "And even if you're ever gone, the tree will be left as your legacy as long as you're remembered."
"What if I'm ever forgotten...?" Riddle then asked, his tone sounding quite soft and frail. Seem to afraid of the idea.
"That will never happen," you assured quite firmly, "Because I'll always remember you for the next 70 years of my life probably, and I'll never stop thinking of that smile of yours...!" You pointed determinedly. Also maybe a hint of light teasing.
"A-Ah...." Riddle stammers, ears going lightly red at the statement you made. He raises his gloved hand to cover his lower part of his face as you laugh softly at how your boyfriend is slowly turning red per second.
After a few minutes, your laughter slowly subdues into chuckles. Before giving a one more sad smile.
"Are you... angry at me?"
"Goodness- no." Riddle stops blushing before denying a bit.
"You seem very upset lately,,,"
"Well- i'm angry because i can't even bring myself to be angry!" Riddle lightly frowns which almost looks like a small pout, forming fists on his lap, "Right when you're getting comfortable here, those pompous princes and princesses now need you back? It's been already 1 and a half years!"
"It was indeed a tough situation," you admit lightly as you sipped your cup of tea, "but then again, RSA and NRC have this heated rivalry, so it was probably the same between RTA and NRC..."
"I- Yin..." Riddle hesitates, his voice frowing less exasperated into a hopeless one. "Stay..."
"Riddle...." You start off softly too, trying to reach for his hand. He seemed to hesitate, however. But he didn't want to look away from you either, fearing you'll depart at any moment.
The place you both are in has been always magical,,, but why does it feel more bittersweet?
"I need to confess... -"
"What kind of confession...?" You lightly ask, a bit curious what your beloved needs to say.
To be more honest, you were the first one out of the two of you to ask out- so it was astonishing to see Riddle taking initiative by words.
Which can also mean it's crucially important.
"I know it has been only 3 years since we started this relationship... And that we're too young for this step-," Riddle struggles to begin, the ironic it might sounds when he's a big spokesperson in debates, "but i just want to know, if you can wait with me until i give you a real ring...-"
These few words cued Riddle to hold your hand so tenderly, interlocking it before slowly unfolding your fingers....
Revealing a simple, silver band with a carved rose as the base in your ring finger.
",,,Would you be my future wife, just as I'm forever yours?"
"Yin... Please stay. I... I don't know what will i do if you leave..."
"It will never be the same if we part ways again,,,"
Your silent reaction slowly worries Riddle as the fear for rejection is starting to eat him up bit by bit.
Until tears started to slowly fall off your pretty eyes before embracing your boyfriend, now fiancé, a bit more tightly than before.
"Always... Always with you,,,." You quietly whispers through your sobs as you lovingly sit yourself on Riddle's lap out of innocent intentions, still hugging him in your arms before Riddle gently guided your face to share a soft, tender kiss. You complied with no more words, now sealing one thing you have been trying to decide...
"Yin... I love you."
"I love you, Riddle.”
"How... How are we going to tell the RTA's headmaster?" Riddle addresses one thing, a bit concerned. He struggled in wanting you to stay but also knows how much you wanted to return to the rightful academy you once called it "home."
"I'll tell him i already have a home here i already belong in." You shortly answered, smiling softly at Riddle before placing another kiss on his flushed cheek. Then, changing the subject into the topic about hedgehogs.
'I'll stay in Heartslabyul with him, then..' You thought, feeling all the weight in your head brushed away for the first time.
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xbomboi · 2 months
Hey, a recent big fan of your Fanmade. I had to go really deep trough your posts to see any updates about the next one. How is the writing doing? Do we have to wait a little more?
hi, i’m not quite sure if this is about my continuation of the Ever After High tv series that i’m writing or if it’s about my Charming Siblings Saga comic. so i’ll just answer for both.
Charming Siblings Saga will be updated when i’m able to. my work schedule can sometimes make it difficult to work on it as much as i’d like to, so it releases when it does and that’s the best i can offer.
as for the next installment of my Ever After High series continuation, Fairy Queendom Quest is still in writing, but i did manage to complete the first draft of what i need to work with. there are some scenes that i’m not sure will be final that i’ve been considering posting here just to share but i’m not sure. been a lot more focused on the charming siblings saga so i haven’t had time to work on fairy queendom quest. but it hasn’t gone away. i just can’t say when it will be out. if i see a high demand for it from a good amount of people, then it’ll give me incentive to finish it faster. that’s all i can say really.
thank you for the ask! hopefully i was able to answer your question and more.
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yulin-pop · 1 year
⤷ ✧ The Trapped Princess of Twisted Wonderland
Fem reader
- order 80 | Series
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Ace put up that fake nice guy facade and it wasn’t convincing at all, maybe only because you knew it was fake anyway. Grim believed everything he said.
You kept a blank expression and almost wanted to run away but stayed. Things progressed the same as before. If there was anything different, you noticed he had a few people standing behind him snickering and whispering to each other.
“I haven’t introduced myself, have I? My name is Ace Trappola, my father is the Marquis from the Queendom of Roses!” He sounded very cocky, very artificial. “Don’t talk very much do you? I assume you’re a commoner.” Before you can respond, he got right to it.
“Everything about you reeks of low. You two were absolute fools back there.”
You knew it was coming yet it still startled you. The people behind him began to laugh louder, than people around you stared.
Grim was getting more and more heated by the second. You wondered if you should stop him or allow him to attack. Then again, you yourself had your own magic. Crowley gave you your magic pen too…
“Who do you think you are?!” Grim shouted at him. You put your hand in front of Grim and pointed your pen at Ace.
“Grim, just don’t.”
Ace didn’t seem intimidated at all. Now that you realize, you haven’t casted a single spell. You know you’re well able to but… how do you cast magic?
“You wanna know about magic?” Deuce asked as you stared at his pen curiously.
“How does it feel when you cast it?” You asked as you touched his arm. He has to think for a minute. Casting magic came to easy to him he couldn’t put it into words.
“Hm like delivering a punch sorta. It’s different for everyone. When you cast magic, you really have to imagine what you want to do with your magic. Like if I wanted a create a whirl of wind!”
He held his pen and a gust of wind made a complete mess of your hair, nearly knocking you off your feet.
From behind you, Ace caught you by the shoulders and laughed. “Deuce, you need better control of your magic…“
You look back at the stuck up, Noble boy Ace in front of you and continued to hold out your pen.
You wouldn’t want to hurt him too much. You squint your eyes then with the flick of your pen a little wisp pops out. Ace moved to the side as it approaches close to him and it fades out quickly.
“What kind of magic was that?! You’re useless!” Grim shouts as the heart rises to your face from utter embarrassment.
“H-how embarrassing…”
“I’ll do it!”
Ace and his friends had a short moment of laughter until Grim stepped up. While they were still distracted by your embarrassing attempt at magic, Ace took the fire spell head on.
Grim’s flames were hot, you knew from experience. There was smoke shrouding his figure, unable to make heads or tails of his well being.
When it all cleared out, Ace was knocked down on his butt with Crowley standing in front of him. You could tell from his expression he was not happy.
All three of you got scolded, mainly you and Grim for trying to resort to violence. But again, Ace is to blame for not having any manners.
“Oh… what to do with you lot. I know, Trappola and you two!” He pointed at the three of you, “You will take disciplinary etiquette classes with Professor Trein everyday afterschool for a week— two weeks actually!”
You eyed Ace and saw a look of absolute outrage mixed with a hint of regret.
“But Headmage, you don’t understand—“
“We can make that three weeks, Trappola.”
He bit back his excuses and the three of you nodded your heads. The first day, haven’t even gotten to class yet, and you already found yourself in the noble definition of detention.
“You are dismissed. You best make your way on to class before you’re tardy.” You checked the time and noticed it was about two minutes before the first bell would ring.
You walked with Grim to the first class of the day, but in front of you was Ace. It’s no surprise since you’re both first years but it’s awkward… You heard him sigh to himself as he seldomly walked without all his friends.
“Will you pick up your feet?! You really are a commoner.” Ace scoffed as he turned around.
“Stop picking fights. We already know what happens then.” You said. Grim wanted to yell at him but you just nudged him with your leg and walked ahead of the noble boy.
You didn’t realize until you entered the classroom that you had the same class as him. He clearly showed his dismay and found his seat right before the first bell rang.
The last bell rang just the same as how the first bell did. Students filled the air with chit chat as they left their classrooms and made their way down the halls.
You didn’t realize but Ace left the classroom? He went in the opposite direction of Trein’s classroom.
“Oh boy, let’s do him a favor and go get him before he gets in bigger trouble.” Grim said without any hint of surprise.
You nearly got ran over by those tall guys from Diasomnia and almost offended a few Heartslabyul students trying to make your way in Ace’s direction. Eventually, you reached him and looked him straight in the eye to make sure he was paying attention.
“Ace, why are you skipping? You’re just gonna get in deeper trouble if you skip.” He was surrounded by all his friends. It made you nervous of the response you’d receive.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually gonna go? Skip it, nice and easy. But, maybe you common folk need it.”
Why is he such an asshole?!
His friends erupted into laughter. “Let’s go Ace, she’s really not all that important anyway.” Just like that, the group left.
Rightfully, Grim was fuming.
“The nerve of that guy! We may not know etiquette but that doesn’t mean he can be such a jerk.” Grim continued to ramble on for a while until you just stepped ahead.
“We might be late. Let’s go.”
You weren’t gonna let yourself be bothered by this. You show up just as he takes attendance of who’s there. From what you see, it’s mainly those from the country side it seems or just people who are nervous.
There is one person that stands out, Deuce Spade. You wonder if you’d have an opportunity to speak with him. Becoming friendly with Ace is impossible at the moment— but what about Deuce?
“Spade, is it?” You approach him and ask. You apply what you’ve learned from the lesson just then. “My name is [Name].” You decided to keep the last name out and your title, “I believe we have to the same class. You’re from Heartslabyul?”
He stammered for a bit and scratched his head. His face turned pink and he looked down as he continued to stutter endlessly.
She’s a true lady. I’m so scared what do I even say to her?!
“Dude, pull it together.” Grim mumbled at his pathetic display.
Somehow that snapped him into shape. “Yes, I am Deuce Spade. My father is Spade Baron. I’m in class 1-A just the same as you… is there anything you need?”
You shook your head. “Not at all. I just thought I’d greet my classmate.” You smiled and he flinched with his face turning a darker shade of red.
From there, you found an actual friend. You’re glad to see that Deuce didn’t change very much. What the hell happened to Ace? He’s so stuck up and irresponsible! You didn’t think he would be this different.
Ace never got in trouble for skipping etiquette classes as far as you saw. It felt weird being in Night Raven but without Ace and Deuce arguing with each other.
Deuce was uptight around you. Grim was a little bit quiet. Ace didn’t even glance at you. It wasn’t right.
“Why do you push Ace to attend when you know he’s not?” Grim asked. You got laughed at for the fifth time this week trying to make him attend the etiquette lessons.
You didn’t want to give an answer so all you did was turned around and make your way in the direction of Trein’s classroom. You were lost in thought and didn’t see the person ahead of you.
“Deuce… You saw all of that?”
He panicked at getting caught but nonetheless responded. “Ah yeah! I figured I would wait for you this time so we could walk together but I saw that and…” He went silent. “Trappola is odd. In front of his friends he’s just like that to me as well but we actually dorm together. He’s really cool when it’s just the two of us. We still don’t really know each other but…”
It makes sense. Then again Ace may hold a grudge because of the fight on the first day.
It was then when you got back to your room, you began devising a plan!
Strategically you make your moves. You sit down next to Deuce at lunch. You weren’t going to eat though, you needed to do homework.
You take out the paper and a pen then get to work. You kept taking small glances at Deuce.
“Ah… I’m not sure if this is the right answer.” You let out a distressed sigh.
“Oh you’re doing the worksheet from class? Let me see.” He scooted in closer. As he did that, you leaned into him slowly.
“I don’t have the textbook. Do you?”
“No not at the moment. It’s in my dorm.”
Your eyes glint at the opportunity and you turn to look at him. “Can I borrow it?”
“Oh, yeah of course. I can bring it to you tomorrow.”
“Oh I wouldn’t want to put you through the trouble. Maybe I could just drop by your dorm directly after classes to pick it up. Maybe we can study together too!”
He was hesitant but agreed. Your plan was simple, just spy on Ace and possible try to befriend him. You highly doubt the second part. But you couldn’t help but ask a quick question.
“Deuce are you engaged to anyone perchance?” Immediately, his face turned pink.
With a little bit of fear, and maybe some hope, he responded. “N-no I’m not. Why is it that you ask.”
“No reason.” You smiled at him.
Grim scoffed while eating up his lunch. They need to stop flirting in public…
Grim was getting really tired of the after school lessons on behavior. He was so ready to drop it as soon as he could but you want to keep going for some reason! Grim couldn’t understand you half of the time but it seems like you could fully understand him.
You were rather mysterious. He knew all the basic info, for the most part. You haven’t even told him what kingdom you were born in or your last name. You haven’t told anyone actually? You always cut off the teacher before they say your last name and you don’t just go throwing around your title like most people at Night Raven do.
He got a peak at the role sheet somehow. “Emprithea? What kind of last name is that.” Probably just a small family name. Maybe a line of merchants?
He was snapped back into reality when tapped in the shoulder by you. “So are you gonna study with us after school?”
“Ugh do I have to?” Grim groaned. He’s never been one for sitting down and studying. It’s not like there was a huge test coming up so he really doesn’t have to.
Lazy, yes. But it’s his decision.
“Please don’t mind the slight mess.” Deuce said while opening the curtains to let the sunlight in. It really didn’t look much different from the previous world really. “I don’t have another chair but I can sit on the bed.”
“Whatever is fine with me.” After getting everything situated. He offered you his chair. You declined politely and insisted you could just sit on his bed.
“You’re the guest so you should get the chair.” He tried to reason with you.
“No thank you, I prefer sitting in the bed.” You hopped up on the bed next to him and smiled at him.
You were definitely a noble lady. A refined, pretty one at that. He didn’t even need to ask to know that. Most nobles could sense he was less experienced in terms of etiquette and they didn’t look down upon him persay but just treated him differently.
But you were so sweet and kind right off the bat. You actually wanted to spend time with him. He could just be getting his hopes up but you like him a lot too…
“[Name], you’re so nice…” He quietly said in bliss.
The door opened and walked in a familiar red head with a heart on his face. He didn’t say anything but he was surprised to see you specifically.
“Shouldn’t we start studying now?” You suggested trying to ignore Ace. But this is exactly what you needed.
If you’re correct, this is the day Ace gets kicked out of Heartslabyul. He doesn’t know that the tart belongs to Riddle… Or maybe I’d be a different reason today. By now you two would’ve already been best friends.
You were trying to do your work and yet you kept glancing over at Ace in the corner of your eye. You were glad he was preoccupied with whatever he was doing because with how hard you were staring, you’d definitely get caught.
The study session with Deuce went by smoothly even though you were distracted half of the time. About 20 minutes ago, Ace walked out of the room or whatever reason.
“It’s getting a bit late, perhaps I should be heading home now. I heard your housewarden is strict on curfew rules.” You said to Deuce as you put your papers into your folder.
Deuce nodded and helped put away your things and handed it to you neatly. “Yeah, there’s a lot of punishments being handed out everyday. Since, we have to follow every one of the Queen’s Laws.” He grimaced.
You nodded, “I see…”
The two of you stood up and ended that conversation quickly as you walked out the room. Since you didn’t want to get in trouble for talking down on Heartslabyul or the Queen.
Deuce led you down the halls and rooms to the exit but it was taking a bit and you felt as if you were going in circles.
“This place is still so hard to navigate…” Deuce said under his breath, suddenly you two were in the kitchen area.
Some of students were standing around chatting, some were eating or drinking some sort of tea. One of the guys standing around called out to Deuce.
“Yo! Deuce, chillin’ with your new girl
friend or something? Don’t let the warden know. There’s probably a rule against that.”
Deuce denied, “She’s not my girlfriend!!— Wait is there really a rule against that?”
While they bantered, a certain red head opened the fridge. You couldn’t help but glance over and stare. Yeah, there were three huge tarts in there!! Those did look really good honestly.
“Ace, you better not eat those tarts.” Those words fell from your mouth so casually, you covered it with your palm quickly and saw him turn his head to look at you.
He did not seem pleased. Deuce was confused— why would you speak to him so casually like he was a friend? You seemed to regret it and shrunk back.
Ace scoffed and closed the fridge, he stopped in front of you. “Stop acting like we’re friends. I don’t know who you think you are but know your place.”
This is what you get. You were acting way too friendly with him. Like when you kept pestering him to attend the disciplinary etiquette classes and just now. The idea that Ace is your closest friend is still stuck in your head.
He walks away, but purposefully bumping shoulders with you which left a bad taste in your mouth. My Ace would never act like this.
“Hold it, Trappola.” Someone said in an angry voice. You hadn’t seen him up close, somehow his presence was even more overpowering than when you first met him in the first world. “How dare you speak to Lady Emprithea that way? “Know your place” you ought to know yours!”
Riddle shouted, overtaken with rage. He casted his signature spell, the collar clamped around his neck. Everyone was staring. Staring at you, but mostly at Riddle or Ace.
Most students grimaced and stared in pity. Then began to whisper.
“Wait, Lady Emprithea? I had no idea that girl was the princess of Ramshackle Kingdom!”
“There’s royalty where ever I go… Better watch my manners.”
“Shut up or else we’re next!”
Soon Riddle turned his attention to you, instinctively Deuce backed away from you two. “I”m sorry for his rudeness. I apologize.” He suddenly got down on one knee and took your hand. He gently kisses your knuckles then looked up at you with a soft smile. “It’s good to see you, Lady [Name].”
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borathae · 7 months
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..... Trust me.... The fangirl inside me (burning for every concept based on Maleficent) is trying her best to stay calm.....
Hmmmm if her original design drops.... Be sure we're all doom.... I'll spam you with every piece of content about her !!
Yes, yes and yes.......
*in my original art style now you know why I do edit and don't draw in my art style, doesn't fit Twiwon design (but *_* fits for some tomboy evil fairy princess !!) *
Gaahh I already cried enough in arc. 6... I took a break for arc. 7....because....do you smell it !??
The angst..... Finally after all Yana's trolling.... We have angst..... Huuh....
Now let's be traumatised that Malleus singing humming lullaby (in arc.7) is "his only memory" of his mother....
Yes.... Be traumatised just as I am....
And definitely please..... Maleficia being one of the big 5 mages in Twisted Wonderland.... No waaaayyy she lets her grandson alone....
Took time... But they made it with Lilia and....
And.... If that crow..... Is.... The father.... Nooo way by the great 7, that Queen Maleficia would not bring back his feather *** to Briar Valley, or be wronged by him !! She IS POWERFUL !! She could detect Malleus's overbloat from her kingdom 😩 !
🌸Let's enjoy some soft headcanon:
▪️Mallenoa/noire having her egg would definitely bring it everywhere showing off everyone how perfect it is !! How shiny and beautiful the shell is... That's a mommy dragon for you.
▪️She definitely has swinging mood, from crybaby "Lilia huuuh you'll help me right ?" , to "shrrhhhrrrrggg *hissing* don't touch my baby, I'll kill you !" . Even her husband is not allowed to touch it, let alone Queen Maleficia.
▪️She hoped for the baby to be healthy no matter its gender, but secretly tried to guess it using her flammes and light/shadow movement. Making the maids of the castle scared about such behavior.
▪️She creates nest everywhere.... Dragon instinct I guess.
▪️Sings lullaby to her egg while Lilia is watching (making him also sings lullaby later)
▪️She asks her mother every hours how much time again for her baby to be born. She is very impatient.
▪️She carries her egg around while using her tail... (please be canon ah ah)
▪️She also tells her baby, that she'll teach them how to be evil and mischevious, and how definitely it feels great to bother everyone around.
▪️When she is feeling her baby moving inside, she creates thunder of joy. Making the country worried and causing chaos.
▪️She wanted a rattle made out of precious metal and gems (dragon hello !! "once upon a time" tv serie hello !!). But with the crisis situation, weapons and protection charms were crafting first.
▪️She was scared of being hurt during the hatching process baby/mommy, that one night she came acrossed a mermaid who also had a "baby egg" telling her it doesn't hurt as she would think ! Making her relax since they're different species with related biological system (Sea Coral are their neighboor let me dream that Briar Valley has some mermaids... ) mommies emotional support !!
▪️When her baby would have hatched, she talked with her mother about travelling around the world to speak about fairies, magic, and peace. No more wars or sacrifice even if she's ready to get rid of humans. (She was a good relative of the Queen's Queendom of Roses of that time)
▪️Her mother kept reminding her that while being a egg, she was turbulent and kept kicking her shell, or putting the castle on fire.
▪️She decided of a lot of babies names with her husband. (a looooooong list)
▪️She received lot of baby birth gifts from Briar Valley's aristocratie, but the best gift was a pillow,... perfect to hold the egg and later let the baby sleeps peacefully without being bothered by their horns.
▪️She is called "mistress of all evil" and decided that her baby would be called "the ruler of abyss" , making her laugh "oh oh oh" like the evil fairy she is.
▪️She also wanted a bapteme and blessing for her baby just like the Disney. Making Lilia a bit perplexed and mocking her. But revealing soon after that she wants Lilia's blessing for "her perfect so perfect baby" and taking the role of their nanny. (making Lilia even more disgusted while looking at her shadowy smiling face)
▪️She also wanted the Blue Fairy (Bleue) to be part of her baby blessing. The enchantress (beauty and best fairy yes !) would also have take part of the fest.
.... That's all....
Told you we're doomed.....
Mallenoa Draconia and her egg.... Yes
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weatherman667 · 7 months
RWBY: Ice Queendom
I have a well earned reputation as a fandowner, but the real reason I didn't watch it's initial run, (aside from a long running argument with sony/crunchyroll/funimation/rightstuf), was RWBYxJL.
Despite my pessimism, I am willing to give series another chance, if I see progress. If we take Star Wars, they utterly ruined it. But, then we got The Mandalorian. I didn't watch it, but to anyone that asked, I said i would, if we got a second good Star Wars thing. They then fired Gina Carano because she wouldn't submit put her pronouns in her bio, and then wouldn't get onto a livestream with 50 pissed off Communists to be shamed about it.
For RWBY, Justice League was that chance. It gave us Jess, (let's be honest, we fucking stole her), and... added nothing to either RWBY or JL.
But, Ice Queendom looked like it was a work of love. It looked like it was made by people who genuinely loved the series, or at least had a good idea of the characters and story.
For off, the quick list:
Animation is sub-par.
I have to watched it subbed.
Now, I've been a weeb for nearly 30 years, so neither of those matter. How the characters move is wonderfully planned out, the movements themselves are simply stiff. The subtitles is really fucking weird, considering they are doing this with the approval of the rights holder, and so could easily get the voice actors, and crew, to dub it. But, neither of those are especially important.
No, the true sin of RWBY: Icequeendom is FRAMING. It's framed like it's a manga, as the start and end of the movements are beautifully decided, it's simply getting there. The camera is way too close to the action, because with this much action, the characters move way too much that the narrow framing doesn't let the eyes adjust to the movement. They honestly would have been better off if they had Weiss prepare to lunge, lunge, and then you just see her blade piercing the Arma-Gigas, (mild not spoilers).
The biggest problem RWBY had is that nothing was planned. They threw a bunch of cool shit into a pile, and it was great. Until they had to actually connect the dots, and come up with an extended story.
Well, Icequeendom has the benefit of hindsight. They include a number of story and world elements, and introduce them in a much more organic way. Even to the point of having the mysterious narrator... narrate. They even add a counterpoint, so firen lhain is not said out of malice nor enmity.
The characters are all much more rounded then they were in RWBY, (we can forgive CRWBY, as there is only so much you can do with 5 minute episodes). They do the Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood thing, where they expect you to know certain details, and so don't need to explain them. The characters and their motivations are introduced in a much better way, so that novices to the series can get just out as much out of it as veterans. Characters are introduced much earlier, and in a much more organic way. Jacques Schnee and Adam are made more monstrous, and more Human at the same time. Taiyang is made more fatherly, and less male feminist coward. Yang's motivations to Ruby are are lot clearly, (she wants to enable her, no, not that kind, you perverts). Whitley has more vitriol but less hatred. Bumblebee makes and early appearance, along with actual detail into the White and Black trailers. Last but not least, Zwei is present from episode one.
When RWBY was animated in Poser, they focused on high-octane, over-the-top fights. When they switched to Maya, they focused on making them more realistic, but forgot they are supposed to be using over the top anime fights. Ice Queendom takes a middle ground. The animation for the fights is not as smooth as either, but has far, far more weight. They decided how strong the characters are, how strong their Aura is, how strong their Semblance is, and stuck to it. Most of the firearms use actual bullets, and the effects of dust are actually quite well thought out. Grimm have realistic toughness, at least for creatures made out of enmity and darkness. Maybe I should say they have an established and consistent toughness. This makes the fights feel both a lot more dangerous for the Humans, and a lot more possible. In theory, a mundane Human could kill a Grimm, if they could get their sword into it enough times. Instead of Grimm being invincible, and only defeatable with Aura, they instead act like realistic creatures.
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silent-dragon · 3 months
TWST Student OC Profile - McIntosh Crisp
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Name - McIntosh Crisp
Age - 19
Gender - Floragender (He/King)
Species - Apple Tree Human Mutate
Height - 193cm/6ft'4in
Orientation - Omnisexual
Homeland - Queendom of Roses
Twist of Whispy Woods from Kirby Series
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School - Hourglass Station Academy
Dorm - Dreamystar
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - Botany & Herbals
Club - Botany
Occupation - Fairy Forest King
Likes - Caring for plants,Being a king,Apple related art
Dislike - Thought of consuming a Apple himself,Fire,Bitey Bugs,Thunderstorms
Unique Magic - Apple Bright - The apple that grows on top of his head will always taste the perfect fresh,sweetness,and tartness of all apples so will make you smile if you eat it.
Personality - Acts tough and tsundere most of the time but it's just a guarded wall he has to hide how soft and kind he really is. The fairies in his small forest area absolutely adore him for this side as they feel he is such a pure being that is so happy when feels loved. He needs time to warm up to most but once he is you will see that rare sweet side. 
Bio - Another from an unknown lab that changed him. Upon first meeting him he is as tart as it comes or worrifull as not used to being around regular people too much. Has an apple that grows on his head every week that tastes so good that it could save a life with how fresh,juicy,and tasty it is. He will give you it if you ask nicely. He has a ton of them that he lets his dormmates have to eat usually. Deep down he is such a sweetheart and just wants to be loved…and have someone to care for him, some to help him with living outside his norm. While he is not a fairy or fae he is the king of a little fairy community in a forest and takes great pride in that so has alittle kingy behavior but it's lite.
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pocketweiss · 1 year
RWBY: Ice Queendom Drinking Game!
So I’m being dragged kicking and screaming by @wackyglackys to watch Ice Queendom for a second time (aka it was my idea to make him watch it and he has no idea what he’s getting into) SO I thought this would be an excellent time to post the drinking game I came up with for IQ!
Drink when:
1. something gay happens (this is, of course, up to viewer interpretation. your mileage may vary)
2. someone says “Big Nicholas”
3. someone talks about bunk beds
4. Weiss does something racist
5. Blake gives a whole spiel about the Faunus/White Fang
6. Shion (or anyone else) says something to the effect of “if you don’t succeed in waking her up, Weiss will die”
@wackyglackys and I are starting the series tonight and we WILL be playing. So…stay tuned for updates (:
And anyone who wants to use these rules is welcome to play!! All I ask is that you reblog this post if you do, and also you legally have to tell me how it goes XD
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banananutsmuthie · 11 months
wanted to drop an ask to my favorite writer's inbox, so here's 3 questions: do you prefer reading series or one-shots? do you prefer boneless or bone-in chicken wings? what's an interesting cross-group idol pairing you're surprised no one's written?
with love,
Hello 🧢🧢🔒!
Do you prefer reading series or one-shots?
I prefer reading one-shots, but there's a handful of series that I enjoy as well. One-shots are just a little more easier to knock out in one sitting and you're not waiting for the next installment that may or may never come.
Do you prefer boneless or bone-in chicken wings?
I might get a lot of hate for this but I prefer boneless for the reason that I can easily eat boneless with a fork and not get my hands messy.
What's an interesting cross-group idol pairing you're surprised no one's written?
I'll offer two: one with nugus and the other a little more well known.
First, I don't know if this has been written yet but Tzuyu/Xiaoting would be fun. Honestly, I'd take any combination in this photo:
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Second, Riina from H1-Key and Suyun from Rocket Punch. It's not that I'm surprised no one's written the pair as much as it is a wishlist item. Both were in Produce 48 and Queendom Puzzle together, but also just imagine that pairing of two tall, beautiful women.
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