askpiratedash · 1 day
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It been a while, aye. But I had t' be seein' ye all on Talk Like A Pirate Day. Let's not be makin' the next visit so long. YARR!
((So yeah, it's been a while. How many of you still remember the running pirate? Or even realize you were still following this blog?
Is this the start or a comeback for PD in a world where there are far fewer eyes on it than 5 years ago? Well...yes and no. Let's address the no part first.
You'll notice this is just a sketch. I never really liked posting just sketches on this blog, unless it's fanart that deserves the spotlight. But in order to give PD the comeback she deserves, we need full color here. And I just don't have that capability right now with the computers I have. So until I get a better computer, all I can really post here are sketches. But a few guys are fine with that...
There's also life. A lot has happened in the past five years. A lot of bad has happened, but so has a lot of good. I'm finally in a spot where I want to be in my career. But it takes a lot out of me each day. So the sporadic and random updates from before would become less than what it was. Does that mean there's going to be another gap of five years between posts? No, but this blog may not update as much as you and I would like upon a return. Nevertheless...
Now to the yes part. Pirate Dash and this blog have been an integral part of Tumblrpon and the MLP fandom community as a whole. And she does not deserve an ending where it's radio silence and you wonder if you'll ever hear from her again. There will be an ending. I don't know what that looks like right now. But there is a dedication to put a final chapter and a bow on this blog and her story.
Ideally, the goal is to crank out updates again in the new year. Kind of getting back into the groove. And maybe that does include sketch posts until I can get to full color. But there will be effort to bring PD back. I promise you that.))
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malwinters · 7 years
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Inktober 6: Swords and Seas Featuring Pirate Dash c/o @askpiratedash! Also as a belated birthday pic!
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ask-ickle-muse · 8 years
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Haw haw, very funny.
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Ain’t no party like a Rainbow Dash Party!
Featuring: @askpiratedash @asking-rainbowblitz @askseriousrainbow
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outofworkderpy · 3 years
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She took er jerbs!  Thanks for the jobs and cameos, @i-dream-of-twilight-sparkle, @askpiratedash. @askpinklestia, @bronyguard​, & @askinsanejack​!  
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smrtz · 3 years
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My very first piece of fanart of both mlp and @askpiratedash. Pretty much my debut piece on the stage of tumblrpon. And dang, this is this corny. But i made it with all my heart. So here it is.
My Art
Posted using PostyBirb
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ask-wiggles · 5 years
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LOOK AT ALL THESE GOOD GOOD TUMBLR NERDS (and me i’m in there somewhere. maybe in the back. maybe very purple).
time for the BIG! BRONYCON! SAPPY! POST!!!!
below a readmore because it’s so long but tldr: wow, horses are A+
This last Bronycon was amazing. Even though it's the final one, I didn't feel sad throughout the weekend- I was happy. I was glad to be able to enjoy it one last time in great company and doing great things. I was super busy as Blank Canvas- I don't think I ever had more than three hours of downtime back-to-back. While I loooove being Blank Canvas and part of the Bronycon Cosplay team, I was a little bummed I didn't schedule enough downtime for myself to hang out more with the people who brought me into the pony world in the first place... my Tumblr friends. Thankfully, Teej (@piratedashmod) did a fantastic job of "forcing" me to get that sweet sweet quality time by literally SCHEDULING me to with Blank Canvas' Art Jam and the Tumblrpon panel. Trickster! Deceiver!!! (no really, thank you). Those of you who approached me to say how much you enjoyed Ask King Sombra or what it meant to you, even this long after its conclusion... it really touched my heart. And special shout-out to @sketch-elf and her sister who LITERALLY SERENADED ME with the "Do You Hear the Ponies Sing" parody which they MEMORIZED??? and PERFORMED LIVE FOR ME????????? i was shook. s h o o k. THANK YOU. It was so great to see old friends (and meet new ones!) like @alskylark, @bingk​, @dvixie, @southparktaoist, @tambelon, @askpiratedash, @captainhoers, @jade-mod, @calpain, @fisherpon, and SO MANY that I CAN’T REMEMBER YOUR TUMBLR NAME WELL ENOUGH TO FIND IT oh LORD I’M SORRY plz scream in the comments The Grand Galloping Gala was amazing- I played Applejack this year and after months of rehearsing beforehand and hours of rehearsal once we all arrived in Baltimore, we put on a pretty bangin' show. Thank you to anyone who came out to see it! I made / altered / purchased FOUR different cosplays for the Gala, since we were horses in all different realities. Applejack but Applejewel as Galinda in Wicked! Applejack but Chun-Li from Street Fighter! Applejack but a sailor scout (complete with SCHOOL UNIFORM TO FUKU ON-STAGE TRANSFORMATION, OH BOY)! And then good ol' Applejack Gala dress. It was wild times. I love all the people in the Gala cast, and I'm excited to continue performing with them in the future. I just did a mini photoshoot with some of my AJ cosplays so get lit for a post of them soon! Panels were also really fun! The Critical Foal panel where I was Poindexter was hilarious. My buck teeth fell off on-stage multiple times and I may or may not have said "ASS" during a pg-13 panel. >__> we're the ASK-kickers i promise. Too Many Pinkie Pies was exhausting as Workout Pinkie. Having PINKIE ENERGY and KICKBOXING and SPEAKING IN A HIGH PINKIE VOICE for three hours straight was intense. We did a kid's sing-along event and then immediately did a normal panel and all four of us were sweating and going "i'm a stinky-pie now!!" after the first ten minutes. I still don't think its fully hit me that this was my last time getting to play Blank Canvas. Mah giiirl. This was my FIFTH year being her and it's always such a joy. Moderating the comic panels was always great (it's a travesty that the Chaotic Charicatures panel will never see the light of day because OH BOY, MISTAKES WERE MADE). Sarah Richard, Andy Price and Tony Fleecs have always been so kind and genuine. They even made me join in on the drawing, and I thank Ask King Sombra for giving me the muscle memory to crank out a decent "King Sombra has his hilariously long nose stuck in a fence!!! how silly!!!" sketch in literally 30 seconds. the first 30 seconds of the minute was me going 'can i draw something that ISN'T king sombra in a very short time limit- NOPE THERE'S 30 SECONDS LEFT, GUEsS IT'S GONNA BE MY BOOOY' The Tumblr panel was great. Someone compared it to 'Old men swapping war stories' and whoops, that's very true. It was an hour of nostalgia and mmmagic and a reminder that even if Tumblr has done a lot of DUMB (the Purge, a lot of ask blogs ending / closing), there's still a community that cares about it and is an ACTIVE part of it. Half the questions we got during the FAQ were people looking for blog recommendations! There's still an audience out there! Once there's links of stuff up I'll be sure to post it here so you can relive Bronycon vicariously! Am I done with horses after Bronycon? NNNNOPE. I'm not sure what or where it's gonna be, but the Horsening shall continue. I'll attend at LEAST one horse con next year. It'll be strange not being a mascot (unless cough anyone is hiring cough) but I'm sure I'll find some way to keep busy, because god forbid I ever just ATTEND a con. Where's the fun in that?? <3 <3 <3 I love you all <3 <3 <3
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motherlyscootaloo · 7 years
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@askpiratedash Man, Pirate Dash was old when Motherly was new, a true grand-father of Tumblrpon blogs. That, and I don’t think the eternal rivalry of Pirate and Motherly will ever actually fade, so long as Pirate Dash is a dirty TwiDash shipper *shakes hoof*. But nah, I’ve met TJ in person a couple times now and he’s a great guy. His blog was always fun when it updated, and I’d be remiss if I went tributing blogs I liked and missed out on this one.
@askmeaniebelle A blog I’ve always had fun with, and another one of the old tumblrpon siblings. Though Meanie and I never had any kind of direct interaction outside of both interacting with Aero, I always enjoyed their antics and cute art style. I’ll also give a shout-out to one of Pem’s other blogs I was a fan of @letsaskinkblot
@askcloudsdalefillies and @questionmaudpie Two blogs by my good friend @lilboulder. I probably wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for them, to say the least! I always loved their blogs, and they still make awesome pony art over at @boulders-stable, even if these blogs don’t update much anymore. Still, I’d be remiss in doing tributes if I didn’t shout out one of my good friends!
@ask-friendlyshy Just one of the all-time cutest blogs I ever had the delight of interacting with. They were a fan of Blitzy, I was a fan of them, so it only made sense to have the two interact and have Shy be Lightning’s first crush! They’ve been overwhelmed with school and life which I wish them well in, but I do miss this blog! It was definitely one of my favorites!
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askcaptaindrog · 7 years
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this has been a great year for me. made some new friends and had a blast with some old. though i would like to have made one of these for each it proved to be harder than i thought with events. so to all my friends and followers i wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year.
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ask-star-singer · 7 years
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An ask by @sorathelonesurvivor. This year will be a little variation so I borrowed a pirate costume from @askpiratedash. For some who heard me saying that I’ll be wearing a vampire costume this year too will probably have to wait until next year. Sorry folks.
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jokingluna · 7 years
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This one is dedicated to long-time supporter, @askpiratedash
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tehflah · 7 years
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SOOOOOOO I did goto Bronycon 2017. I would’ve made a “Going to Bronycon” post, but the story behind this was that I was kicking myself all week for not making plans to go. And on Thursday, I simply decided “screw it I’m going” and drove up Friday morning! Next year I will plan better haha.
But holy moly am I glad I went! I met up with a lot of great artists and folks I’ve interacted online with over the years. The pictures above are from:
@minimummums - Was nice to meet you in person! You got some smooth lines on the angerbap! Thanks man!
@pich-un - It was fun rooting you on at the 100ft page at the draws meet; it looked great when you were done and so does the sketch you gave me! You’re gonna convince me to keep those bangs on Joy’s hair yet.
@phoenixswift - It was nice to meet you again! Thanks for the cutie patoot Joy!
@whatsapokemon - Wicky’s methods of happiness scares the locals, but adorable just the same! She looks so lively! Thanks whatsa!
@ciy-e - We were dodging each other all weekend, but thankfully met up on the last day! It was nice to meet you! And thank you for the double draws; your style is adorable!
@input-command - It was super nice to meet you! I absolutely adore your daily draw journal @dogstomp . You popped out these smooth inks on this so quick. Seriously, I was still drawing in your book and I think you beat me! Thanks for the arts!
@tallaferroxiv - Also graced my book with the double draws! I need to post more of the filly guide thing here oops. Gosh I still don’t know what to say about the Filly Guide; she’s too gosh darn cute. Totally surprised me when you handed my book back! Wicked being Wicked is so smooooooooth. Also BEEP BEEP! Thanks Talla!
And to all the amazing people who made Bronycon a wonderful experience, whom I was able to bump into (who aren’t already above!):
@malwinters - You helped me meet up with the group on Friday! I was a little lost and confused as to where you were and I saw a group but was walking around awkwardly and too shy to say anything until, TJ I think, shouted my name and I was like IT MEEEEE :V You were awesome to hang out with man!
@askpiratedash - Thanks for coordinating the group a bit when we were out of control. :p Also need to get you back as well on artsssss Sorry we didn’t book trade. I’ll make sure to hit you up first next year!
@princessmuse, @midnightrt, @askscribbly, http://darnelg.tumblr.com/ (@ isn’t working!) - Was nice chatting on Saturday at the Cheesecake Factory!
@goattrain and Vi - YOOOOO It was nice to finally meet you two! <3 (I met the goats! YEEEEE!)
@raeligath, @joeyh3, @dshou, @kawaiipony2 - Didn’t get a whole lot of time to chat with you guys, but I’m still glad we were able to chat some! Thanks for the kind words too kawaii!
@ask-wiggles - I was the idiot on Friday night doing my best wacky-waving-inflatable-tube-man across the way while chanting your naaaaame. I was tired, please forgive. XD
@twistedsketchproductions / @ask-twistedribbon - It was really nice meeting you at your booth! I recognized your style immediately! Super nice artsssss!
Valcron/Dreatos - Had a nice chat with you at your booth!
@rarijackdaily / WhiteDiamonds - Since I had such little time to prepare I had no idea you were there. But then I saw the booth and I had to meet you! I’ve been a super huge fan of your work forever! It was absolutely fabulous to meet you in person!
@dragonbeak - I’d never seen your art before the con, but now I gotta get more familiar with it! Thanks for the chat and the arts!
@bobdude0 - Was super nice to meet the Sweetie Belle super fan! It was really nice to meet you, been a fan of your work for quite a while!
@dawnf1re - It was great to meet you! I love your style and the marefriend blog cracks me up! Thanks for the small chat too!
Running a bit long, but I’m really thankful to who I met... There were so many nice people I shared small chats with that really boosted the whole experience too. Thank you to everyone I met and anyone I might be forgetting for making the whole experience amazing this year! This was easily the best Bronycon... Hek, best convention I’ve been to ever!
~Love you all! <3
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novasparkhangout · 7 years
The impromtu art jam with @askpiratedash @daf-mod @scisetdaily and plenty more was super fun! It was great seeing so many artists!
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Today marks the First anniversary of my glorious return to the Tumblrverse! It also marks the day that I reached over 500 followers! So, what better way to celebrate these milestones...THAN WITH A SUPER AWESOME BADASS MILESTONE PARTY!
Featured Poners:
1st Pic:
@asking-rainbowblitz, @askseriousrainbow (in her pony form), @askshatteredrainbow, @askpiratedash
2nd Pic:
@jerkyhooves, @outofworkderpy, @askskippythemoonrock-blog, @ask-lola-cloudmaker, @askfilmcut
3rd Pic:
@ask-the-unnamed-pony, @asklittleapplebloom, @asksockie, @ask-scootabot (my newest follower :D)
Thank you to all the wonderful bastards who helped me regain my popularity in under a single year. You know how to make this cartoon horse happy, and you rock `cuz of it!
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kelsmister · 7 years
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Made something for @askpiratedash Had blue minky sitting for a few years just for a rainbow dash. I know not the best work.
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sugarwings-art · 7 years
For the ice cream asks! 🍦🍨🍧 Blueberry Lemon Toffee Neopolitan
BL: Favorite Blogs?
I have quite a few! @askthesubconsciousponies is one of my favorites and we’ve been mutuals for a really long time! They have the cutest story and the cutest ponies. I also love @askscarycrows for their really unique blog! I like how they put together a story thats different from what you usually see in ask blogs. @maine-writes is an awesome writer! They post awesome stories and it’s really fun to keep up with! @nemovonsilver is a lovely artist and I really enjoy their art! It’s so soft and she is an amazing character designer. Some others you can check out are @askpiratedash, @askneonflight, @askpanzerfauxi, @azure-quill, for they have some really awesome content! This is such a hard question because..every blog is really my favorite haha! I hate picking!
Toffee: A card game that you’re good at?
Bullshit! Or at least that’s what my friends and I call it! I think it’s also known as Cheat. The goal is to get rid of all the cards in your hand, and you basically do it by lying! You can read about it here: link. It’s a lot easier than they describe haha! 
Neapolitan: Things that stress you out?
When people are mad at me, or if I think they are when they’re really not. Trypophobia stuff(cause I have it), short deadlines. When I’m checking someone out at the register and the next customers don’t wait at the “please wait here” sign so they clutter around me until I’m done, oh gosh I could go on and on but those are the main ones!
Thanks for asking!!!
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