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loominggaia · 6 months ago
kast's situation is rather depressing... does he have any fond memories of his mother before her untimely death? for that matter, what kind of person was she?
Kast was too young to remember her. But that's probably for the best, because the way he imagines her is more flattering than reality. His family bends the truth about her to rewrite history and spare his feelings.
They say his mother was a high class theatre actress who loved Hestal deeply. But in reality, she was a lowly prostitute Hestal picked up at a strip club. It wasn't her personality that attracted him, but her looks and sexual prowess. She was actually a drunken mess of a woman. Hestal was willing to tolerate her raging alcoholism so long as she kept pleasing him in the bedroom. But eventually, the public disapproval of her became too much for his ego to bear, and he hired a hitman to poison her. Her official cause of death was attributed to alcohol, and no one really questioned it.
Did she love Hestal? Well, probably not...I mean, it's Hestal. He's an insufferable douchebag. I'd hate to meet the type of woman who could fall in love with him...
She probably saw him as her ticket out of poverty, and who could blame her for jumping on an opportunity like that? Going from prostitute to princess is a hell of a leap! Unfortunately her prince charming wasn't so charming after all.
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loominggaia · 7 months ago
darkwingphoenix I wanna give Sygbarne a hug And punch Maris AND Hestal in the face I'd likely just vibe with Blomi or Kast
Sygbarne could really use a hug! The only affection she gets is from infrequent visits from her parents. Otherwise she's just getting prodded and restrained by quack doctors, and that's the extent of her social life in that tower.
If anyone deserves to be locked away in a tower, it's Hestal and Maris! I'd punch them in the face too. They're just vile.
No one loves poor Kast, literally no one. He's a sad, angry boy who doesn't have anyone to vibe with...frankly, because his vibes are terrible. Vicious cycle.
Blomi starts off as an immature, manipulative girl who doesn't give a damn about her kingdom or its people--she just wants power. But as the situation with Sygbarne unfolds, I imagine it forces her to grow a lot and she becomes a kind, empathetic person worth vibin' with.
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loominggaia · 7 months ago
I was just reading the asks for Gultopp when I noticed a reference to Blomi slipping laxatives into Hestal's food. Such a sibling move! But it got me wondering: How would a centaur toilet work? Like a slightly modernized one. Not shitting in the woods when you needa go, or into a cesspit. Like, how would a civilized centaur how drinks their tea with their pinky stuck out shit into a chamber pot/toilet? I MUST KNOW NOW PLZ
She likes to pretend she's a goody two-shoes, but Blomi is secretly a menace lol. Crossing her is a big mistake. She retaliates against her enemies in the most underhanded ways, and it's so sneaky that most of the time they don't even realize she's the one messing with them. This behavior is uncharacteristic of centaurs, so she's kind of unusual in that way. Hestal doesn't know he was poisoned by his sister...he just thinks he ate some bad meat or something.
A lot of public toilets on Looming Gaia have regular toilets and urinals (if plumbing is available) or just latrines (if no plumbing), but for centaurs and other heavyweight species, long trough-like toilets are installed as well. I imagine a centaur would have to kind of straddle it and squat to use it properly. This is also a solution for ogres, because I think their big tails would get in the way trying to use a regular style toilet that sits against a wall.
These toilet-troughs might empty into a latrine pit. Or they may have to be shoveled out periodically, medieval-style. If the bathroom has plumbing, then they probably just flush like a normal toilet.
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loominggaia · 1 year ago
DiamondWaltz Hey love the Lore and not to sound rude but does Sygbarne always wail even during the day and I have another question, which is, is Prince Hestal child still at the Boarding School in Clydera and does he suspect/know that his father had his mother killed?
I don't think Sygbarne wails non-stop all day long, but she does scream quite a lot during her waking hours. This is partly due to her mental condition, as she can't express herself as articulately as most people, so she just resorts to making lots of noise when she's upset.
But to be honest, I think anyone in her situation would be screaming their heads off, disabled or not. She suffers pointless medical treatments, she is neglected and lonely, confined to a small space her entire life, and desperately just wants love and affection from her family, which she is denied.
She can see the outdoors, but she can't go there. She wants out of that room. She wants her parents to stay, to play with her and treat her like a normal daughter rather than a broken thing to be fixed. She wants the annoying doctors to leave her alone. She is incredibly frustrated by the way she's treated, and her own inability to advocate for herself. It's no wonder poor Sygbarne screams...she wishes that someone would hear her cries and come rescue her! She truly is a princess locked up in a tower, just waiting for a knight in shining armor to set her free.
As for Prince Hestal's son, yes, he is currently still at boarding school. He will remain there through his college years, and then Hestal will have to find somewhere else to send him to keep the boy out of his hair. Probably the military. Hestal just doesn't want anything to do with fatherhood, he's middle aged but still acts like a frat boy. It's pathetic...I think his son is probably better off being distanced from him anyway.
The whole assassination thing was pretty hush-hush. Hestal only admitted it to his parents because he freaked out and needed their help to keep the law off his butt. Mommy Juvella and Daddy Gultopp paid a lot of money to keep people quiet, but warned Hestal that if this ever happens again, he's on his own. So, he is extra protective of his new wife, even though he hates her even more than his ex. She's super snotty and high-maintenance, but he knows if anything bad happens to her, everyone will suspect him and he'll be screwed, so he keeps her surrounded by security at all times. (Hilariously enough, she's boinking her entire security team but refuses to touch her husband. Karma, lol.)
Hestal's son doesn't know how his mom really died. His grandparents told him that she died of some illness and refuse to discuss it further. But he was quite young when she passed and doesn't remember much of her anyway. He's aware that his dad is a neglectful scumbag and doesn't really want anything to do with his stupid family. He also doesn't like boarding school, so I think it's possible that one day he will get sick of it all and just run off to a faraway land. It's not like anyone will miss him, right?
There are many adventures to be had outside of his kingdom! Hopefully he will meet people out there who appreciate him for who he is, rather than treating him like an unwanted burden.
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loominggaia · 2 years ago
not sure if this has been asked before, but what would hestal think of sygbarne if he found out about her, and what would he think of his parents for hiding her his whole life?
That's a damn good question...I thought about it for a while, and unfortunately I can't imagine Hestal having a positive reaction to her. He's just such a self-absorbed prick, his immediate concern would be that because she's disabled, then he too might be "defective" in some way.
He would yell at his parents--not for treating his sister like an animal and hiding her existence from him...No, he would yell at them for giving birth to her in the first place, as if they had done some great injustice to him, as if her life was somehow an insult to him.
"How can she be like this? Our bloodline is not defective! I am not defective! This makes no sense! You two did something wrong!" he'd wail.
It wouldn't be enough for Hestal to lock her up. He'd want Sygbarne dead, because he'd believe if anyone found out about her, it would reflect poorly on him. Remember, this is a man who had his wife assassinated because her history as a prostitute embarrassed him. He sent his son away to boarding school because the boy embarrassed him.
All he cares about is how everyone else perceives him (not realizing that his crappy behavior makes everyone perceive him as a whiny, insufferable child...Yeah, he's not particularly smart or self-aware either.) He wants everyone to think he's a cunning, heroic, perfect badass. And because he's surrounded by brown-nosing servants who butter him up 24/7, his own perception of reality is quite skewed.
Gultopp and Juvella would politely tell him to go back to his frozen hick-town and fuck himself. They wouldn't allow Hestal to make contact with Sygbarne again, and lord knows he's too incompetent to actually hurt her so long as they're around. Blomi wouldn't let him hurt Sygbarne either.
TL;DR: asshole character acts like an asshole, more at 11
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