boujibae · 1 year
Life Before The Digital Age
Do you remember life before the internet? Welcome back to the MeM0irs of J10 To understand where you’re heading you must first take a look back at life before the internet. Life before the internet was vastly different from the world we know today. It was a simpler time, where people had to rely on snail mail, newspapers, and landline phones to communicate with each other. The pace of life was…
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jenn10fever · 1 year
Life Before The Digital Age
Do you remember life before the internet? Welcome back to the MeM0irs of J10 To understand where you’re heading you must first take a look back at life before the internet. Life before the internet was vastly different from the world we know today. It was a simpler time, where people had to rely on snail mail, newspapers, and landline phones to communicate with each other. The pace of life was…
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evilcolorgangau-ts · 5 months
Ask lore
Chosen Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4 Ask5 Ask6 Ask7 Ask8 Ask9 Ask10 Ask11 Ask12
ChoDark Ask1 Ask2 Note
Vic Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4 Ask5 Ask6 Note
Jacob Ask1
King Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4 Ask5 Ask6 Ask7 Ask8
Second Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4
Green Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4
Blue Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4 Ask5
Purple Ask1 Ask2 Ask3 Ask4
Red Ask1 Ask2
Cat1 - Cat1 - Cat3 - Cat4 - Cat5 - Cat6
Reverse Endermango - Accidental kissing whoops - Possession Kiss - Explore feelings?
Fanfics :3
Freedom Guy
Dark on a titan
What about RB Orchid and Gold? More characters?
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wizzardofjustify · 6 months
Hoof and hoof farrier Prompts
1 The Ugly Truth About HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER2 The Number One Reason You Should (Do) HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER3 Fall In Love With HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER4 Why Ignoring HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER Will Cost You Time and Sales5 Why My HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER Is Better Than Yours6 How To Lose Money With HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER7 Master (Your) HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER in 5 Minutes A Day8 14 Days To A Better HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER9 Everything You Wanted to Know About HOOF AND HOOF FARRIER and Were Afraid To Ask10 Learn Exactly How We Made HOOF […] Source
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Even as a man you are shorter than your lover hehehe
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“Absolutely hilarious I’m dying of laughter here ha ha “ he spoke in most sarcastic tone possible. 
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ask-my-fnafs-blog · 6 years
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Oh Jeez, She’s Mad
Puppet is a little confused about the... interesting... information coming at her XD
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v-writings · 8 years
Omg i love u so much and i have my notification on. And everything in ur blog is sooo good like fic 10/10 ask10/10 ur opinions 10/10 u 10/10 ur soft boys 10/10
this is the best type of compliment!!! i die and come back to life as a better person!! thank you so much!!! i love you too!!!
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metalheadtv-blog · 7 years
Metal Recorded On A 100-Year Old Phonograph Sounds Terrible (or Brutal Depending on Who You Ask)
Or amazing if you're into black metal. The post Metal Recorded On A 100-Year Old …Get the full story… Metal Injection
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M: Sorry to say but we're not brothers; we were just created in the same era. Besides, I'm always gentle with my friends! B: Eh, he's about 50/50. He's mostly clumsy, and I'm usually the one getting the short-end of the stick. I'm used to it at this point. Heck, a lot of the Toons are like this, which is one of the reasons why I don't live there. There's only so much I can handle in one day. M: Yeah, I can't help it. But I always make up for it in some way.
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snicketsleuth · 9 years
Hi! I love your blog :) I have a quick question though - in the last book of All The Wrong Questions, it is revealed that Hangfire is Ellington's dad .... but why did he shoot a dart and tried to kill her then? Also did Ellington know all this time? I'm very confused...
You fill my heart with giddiness, volunteer!
The dart that was fired probably didn’t have any poison in it. Hangfire had told Ellington to play dead as he pretended to kill her:
They’d helped each other before. He had fired a dart, and she had lain on the floor pretending to be dead, in order to trick someone. I thought I’d tricked Hangfire, but now I saw, as he reached out a gloved hand so she could step down and join him, that I was wrong. He had tricked me. They both had.[Lemony Snicket - Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights?, Chapter Twelve]
This would allow Ellington to win Lemony’s trust and then steal the Bombinating Beast from him and/or the Association of Associates. Then Hangfire would tell Sharon to impersonate him so Lemony would be busy elsewhere while he met Ellington in secret and retrieved the statue.
Of course, Ellington had the statue from the very start, but Hangfire didn’t know that. It’s anybody’s guess why Ellington would choose not to give it right away, but it seems sensible. Maybe she felt Hangfire would only reward her if she put a lot of “work” into it. Maybe she felt more comfortable striking the final deal when Hangfire was completely alone, so she could demand and obtain her father’s release. Maybe she wanted to see if Hangfire would follow said plan as previously established or deceive her again. Keeping the situation under control was Ellington’s main motivation here.
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thenerdinator · 10 years
Answer 10!
Tagged by librarianoftheclayr , and I finished my exams today, so I thought I'd take a swing.at this!
- Post the rules - Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 10 new ones - Tag 10 people and link them to the post - Actually tell them you tagged them
1) Why do you have this url? When I was making my tumblr, I was wondering what would be appropriate, since I am a self-proclaimed nerd (in the sense of loves things with a burning passion and hypes over them, not the negative connotation people usually associate with the word). For some reason, "The Nerdinator" came to mind, and it kinda stuck.
2) What’s your favourite thing to do?
No, please be vague with this question. :D Honestly, I really like Quidditch! Staying somewhat in shape (vaguely round is a shape!) and being part of an amazing community has been very, very enjoyable!
3) Who are you proudest of?
A friend in my college. She's come a far, far way since I met her and I'm really proud of her since I think all her changes are moving in the right direction.
4) What’s your oddest phobia?
I have a weird fear of bats. Like, I am perfectly aware they can't do anything, and I often see them fluttering about at night and it doesn't bother me, but when I'm in a Zoo and they're behind a cage and I see their faces and such I FREAK. THE FUCK. OUT. Last time I got in a bird enclosure and my younger godsister (godfather's daughter) points above my head and says "What's that?" and one of these motherfuckas is there (Fruit Foxes, also known as MEGABATS (ACTUAL NAME) tw image of large bat: x). I had to get out calmly and quietly as to not disturb it into flapping about, then hyperventilated outside. Harmless fruit eater, yet I hyperventilated. For shame. D:
5) Favourite charity?
I worked with Habitat for Humanity at one point back at home, and I think what they do is amazing, and joins people through constructing houses for homeless or damn near homeless people.
6) What’s been your weirdest dream?
I actually had this one recently. Strap in.
I dreamt I was a police officer, and my partner was...a giant bagel. Like a human sized bagel with arms and legs, hole through its bagel body, and strangely enough, a moustache, sunglasses, and a police hat. (It's a dream, don't remember details of how this worked). IT GETS BETTER. He was a mexican Bagel. So he wasn't 'Officer Bagel', he was 'Officer Bagél (pronounced like Miguel, but Baguel? Bagelle? You get the jist). And when baddies shot at him, no worries! The bullets go through the hole in his chest! Officer Bagél saves the day once more!
7) What’s the happiest time in your life you can remember?
For some reason, when I'm traveling and have nothing to do, the thought "When's the happiest I've ever been?" occurs to me. I can never decide, since we all have our highs and lows. They sneak up on you. I cannot choose.
8) How many countries have you ever been to?
Strap in. I travel a lot, I like traveling :D Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Vatican (if it counts here), France, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
9) Do you prefer the city or the countryside? Why?
City. I live in a big city, and there's more things to do, more commotion and people. When I stayed in the countryside for a week for a conference (Slovenia, whatcha gonna do?) it was -too- quiet. Back at home I live on the busiest street of 700k-1mil city, so it was weird for me.
10) If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
That depends on which part of my life we're talking about. Whilst working, I wouldn't mind being anywhere urban in Europe as long as I do the things I wanna do. (PHYSICS, FUCK YEAH). I'd like to retire somewhere quieter afterwards, possibly the countryside.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, my questions for asadmanmyfriend, anxietywannamarryme, nerdtothefifth, 324boobs21, neptunezcoffee, marvelphilosopher, thebisexualcandycorn, octshadowz, sciencey-wiencey-z03,darlingyoufellapart 1. Name one person you think is a great role model, and why?
2. What is your creativity vent? What do you do when you're feeling a burst of creativity?
3. What is your passion? What do you want to do, money disregarded?
4. Is the cup half-full, half-empty, or are you just thirsty and don't care?
5. What is one of the silliest things you've done?
6. Do you have an embarrassing cutesy childhood story to share?
7. What is something you wish you had more time to do?
8. Do you play, or wish you played, any instruments?
9. Who's one of your favourite characters from a book, TV, or otherwise?
10. Do you have recurring bad dreams?
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christianpietro · 9 years
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Well hehe they are higher darling. But finally this magic anon is over
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ask-saturn-blog · 12 years
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Um- Hello there Moon. You seem to be in a strange mood today....Are you okay?
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jenn10fever · 8 years
Why Dating a Tomboy is Cool!
Why Dating a Tomboy is Cool!
Let’s face it Girly!!  Being a tomboy is cool. You even envy the fact that you worked so hard, even spend hours to perfect your appearance, for your crush to give his full attention to us hommes. Some of you ladies wander How so…Here’s 10 reasons why tomboy will always win! (more…)
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jennalouisecolemans · 13 years
I wouldn't stop following you because I love your blog, but sometimes you answer your asks kind of rudely. I don't think you do it on purpose, and I'm not trying to sound bitchy. But sometimes your answers aren't worded very nicely, like as if the asker is bothering you.
I can't be always nice. Somedays I'm not good. I try to be nice, but sometimes, some anons start to make always the same question and I think is just to annoy me. School is killing me. A lot of things makes me look... rude.
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