frogs-stealing-sleep · 2 months
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Fresh!! So real
Fresh with some ghostly friends
Fresh belongs to loverofpiggies
Background under cut
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It resembles Blacephalon the lavender town ghost the ghost symbol on Pokemon cards and the Fresh parasite itself
Fresh belongs to @/loverofpiggies
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What’s your favourite Pokémon?
And slightly related question, but when you do the “give me Pokémon to draw” on Instagram thing, what Pokémon do you enjoy drawing the most/do you hope someone asks for?
Also (I keep coming up with more questions as I ask lmao) do you choose which Pokémon to draw by picking the first you see or which ones you want to draw most?
This line isn’t a question but I genuinely really enjoy seeing your drawings of various Pokémon they’re so cute!
My favourite Pokémon is Gangar! After that it’s mimikyu, rowlett and tinkaton 💗
When it comes to drawing Pokémon, idk if I have exact favourites? But I think I do favour the drawing the smaller cuter Pokémon, just lil guys
Also what I do for picking, I’ve been trying to exclusively only pick ones I haven’t done yet, so I can draw all 1000 Pokémon, so everyone you see me draw should be a new one, I check to make sure I’m not doing doubles, BUT I do also pick first ones I see and it is a new Pokémon I haven’t done yet. So no biased!
ALSO IM glad you’ve liked the Pokémon drawing bit! It’s been really fun for me too, it’s almost comfortable, truly relaxing to draw the Pokémons
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Hii hope you're doing well I was wondering if you could possibly do a one-shot of Lucien taking care of angel while they're sick I'm really fucking sick right now
•♡•♡•♡Bed ridden♡•♡•♡•
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Angel coughed sickly as they tried to breath, Lucien was patting their back giving them water. This all happened because Angel danced with Lucien under the rain romantically, like one of those romcoms Lucien ended up loving. The big demon loved it don't get him wrong but it's starting to feel not worth it because his partner is stuck in bed.
"Fuck...my throat-" Croaking out Angel tried sipping more water. Lucien gave them a smug look.
"Sorry Angel baby but can't do th-Hey!" A weak slap interrupted him making a sequel joke. But there was giggling from his lover that made it feel worth it.
"You...know I didn't...mean that stupid." Lightly scolding Angel laid back down after finishing their cough attack. Looking at the tv of their favorite show playing they looked at the horned man with a smile.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Luci. Your so amazing." The demon rolled his eyes at the nickname but reciprocated the smile. Lucien then remembered the chicken noodle soup on the stove. Rushing out the door he hurried not to set the apartment on fire.
"Hold on Angel I'm getting your food!" Checking on the soup and seeing its finally boiled he turned off the stove. Going through the cabinets he got their bowl out, it was cute with little angle and cherubs designed on it. When out on a date Lucien bought it for his partner after they looked at it in awe.
"Can you also get me ginger ale? It should be in the-" Coughing interrupted the sickly person as they tried to tell lucien where the drink was. Lucien frowned at the noise he didn't like how bad it sounded. Finishing putting the soup in the bowl he checked the fridge and saw it.
"Dint worry Angle love found it! I'll be right there just get comfy on the bed! Sir Gangar should help!" The said plushie was in his partner's arms as he spoke. He did help the sickly person being a nice things to squeeze when their coughing hurt their throat.
"UGH, I think I should take more of the cough medicine...I hate fucking grape flavor tastes like some type of witch's brew..." reaching over to the nightstand Angel took a shot of the medicine. Gulping down water after they heard Lucien come down the hall to their room.
"Here Angel. Amazing chicken soup made by your loving demon boyfriend!" Giving a sharp smile Lucien placed it down on the night stand along with the ginger ale. Leaning down he waited for his kiss of thank you, when he didn't receive it he opened his eyes and squinted.
"Umm....I think this is where I get a kiss?" Pouting slightly he looked at Angel. Who shook their head then sneezed hard into their arm.
"Eeww, nooo I'm sick Luci. I don't know if it'll effect you but I'm gross right now. Hand me a tissue please?" Snot fell from their nose and they made a sound of disgust at it. The demon scoffed at the deny of a kiss and gave the tissues begrudgingly.
"Angel love. I'm a demon this...flu won't over come me! Plus nothing from the mortal release really hurt me." Leaning down after Angel finished wiping their nose got a kiss. Smiling he went to the other side of them and sat where his spot is on the bed. Getting comfy Lucien wrapped a arm around Angel as they ate their chicken noodle soup.
"Hhmm forgot how good this is." Humming happily Angel placed the bowl down and chugged the drink a bit. After putting something in their stomach the sick partner looked at the demon with a smile. Being taken care of by him was nice, Lucien was definitely confused but was helpful after instructed of what to do.
"Wanna nap? I read that's good!" Google was also a bug help since Lucien was asking so many questions. Which caused Angel to get a headache, so the red demon went and asked Google for instructions on what to do. He's happy that it worked out so far and his partner was looking a but better.
"Sure lay down I wanna cuddle you." Getting comfy the couple laid in each other's arms. Raspy breathing was heard from Angel as Lucien moved his head by theirs being mindful of his horns. The heat from their boyfriend helped with Angel's chills they got.
And with a good night from both of them, Angel fell asleep. Since demons don't really need sleep Lucien stayed up in case Angel needed anything.
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masked-vee · 2 months
A Royal Discussion
Destino struggles in their restraints as Grey watches on with distain for the snobby Absol.
"Oh, chill out, prissy prime. Great Fates, it's like you've never been tied up before." The Zorua said.
"Yeah, but not by a bunch of psychos!" Destino snapped back as they fell to their side in their struggles. "And a freak!"
"Am I..." Grey took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Okay, am I the psycho, or the freak?"
"Both!" Destino barked.
Grey just sighed. "Yeah, that checks."
"HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!" Destino cried. "I was supposed to get a snack from a market and go out patrolling..."
"Oh, relax, I'm sure that jokester of a Gengar isn't going to let anything happen to his snobby and arrogant partner."
"Oh, playing that card, huh? Well what about you? Seems like your taste has gotten more tender-hearted lately." The Absol chuckled.
"Yeah, well, unlike you I actually care about my friend's feelings and I don't want to push them into a relationship their not ready for." Grey said defensively.
"You could have fooled me the way that kid was cozying up to you at that sleepover." Destino teased.
"Hey! Mouse is a traumatized underhero who needs someone with them to keep them from falling down further into a pit of despair!" The Zorua snapped. "It's nothing... you know... It's nothing else."
"Then why were you two holding hands?" Destino asked.
"None of your business!" Grey quickly said.
"Whatever. I don't actually care." The Absol huffed as they tried shimmying out of their restraints.
"I mean, Mouse is just a soft hearted, quiet masked kid who loves the feeling of being wanted, and to be a hero they hope to be. And I fear their pushing themself too hard." Grey explained.
"Literally just said I don't care!" Destino huffed.
"And then, they'll ask me about how my day was, and be all sweet and caring, and comment on my outfits and laugh at my jokes." Grey smiled fondly.
"Oh, well that's definitely your clue right there that they just want to be friends." Destino said with sarcasm.
"Yeah, They're both a lover and a fighter! They say their scared while fighting something, but Mouse don't realize that's what makes them so brave. And after battle they offer me their potions when I run out." Grey smiles.
"Sounds like you like them for being nice. Because no one, and I mean no one, is that generous just to be friends." Destino smirked.
"Point is, Mouse needs help to be protected from those who seek their power and saved from greedy people, and take advantage for their naivety. Something you don't seem to understand." Grey said with a serious tone at the end.
"That's not-" Destino started. "Entirely true... But I guess you have a point. They can't all be winners if so people have taste and some thinks you're interesting." Destino sneered.
"Can we talk about something other than my love life? Flaming soul, is kissing that Gangar all you talk about now?"
"You brought it up, you little brat!" Destino snapped.
"Will you dark-types just shut up already?!" A Salandit snapped.
(OOC: Sorry, this is far as I can go. Destino belongs to @ask-the-royal-absol. Just being silly.)
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impostorsshow · 1 month
Honestly, I just kinda wanna hear you talk about this Pokémon line. I’m really interested to hear why you love it so much. I don’t really think about this line too much, and honestly, would not have attributed this line to you first try.
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(Man, I lowkey feel bad, the article I pulled this image from was called something like Top 20 Worst Pokémon Designs which is honestly just foul considering the context of this ask.)
1. Klink klang :] fun words Klink klang klinklang :]
2. I just like the metallic /object ones, my other favorite Pokemons include the chandelure evolution set, magneto/magneton, etc. my other favorite pokemon are usually water pokemon starters that I can never remember the name of since I always rename my starters and then forget THOSE names, whooper because no shit, ghost types because no shit have you seen my Tumblr page, and ditto when I was 7 because who didn't like ditto when they were a little kid. Also mimikyu because I'm basic I have a build a bear mimikyu and her name is hamburger. All of them are my favorites since I can't really choose, I also have some favorite pokemon cards but my mom has my collection since they're in our animal crossing amiibo card holder and she's playing totk rn, but I know I have like 3 copies of chandelure and my favorite card is a shiny lady trainer card, ill put a picture at the bottom of her
3. The design is cool and fun and the colors are pleasing and it's easy to understand. Any large pokemon [watching the anime episode of gyrados KILLED ME when I was a kid] or ones with bright colors really hurt my eyes or confuse me, probably because of my astigmatism/shit eyesight, but all of my favorites have muted colors, are small, or have a large amount of black or white [litten and gangar are good examples]. I also just tend to not like fully evolved Pokemon, in my rarely played Pokemon yellow and Pokemon Violet files none of my Pokemon are evolved and I only ever catch copies of Pokemon for the evolution on the pokedex and then release them.
But yeah as far as I'm aware, most of my favorite pokemon are absolute shit strategy and moveset wise, ESPECIALLY because I refuse to evolve them <3
This isn't MY card, I got this off of Google but it's the same card, i also have a version of her that's not shiny and i have a kind of old shiny pikachu with special art but i cant be bothered to find it since theres like 50 pikachu cards. I don't collect Pokemon cards, don't know anything about it but people just keep giving me pokemon card packs so I have quite a few special arts/shinies. No holos I think tho
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monsoon-of-art · 2 years
ok one question opinion on gangar line?
Asking for a thing friend
I love Gengar very much! One of my favorite ghost types
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do you think gangars could be a service mon? Every person I ask says no but then I ask them about my Drapion they say yes-??
Like what's wrong with gangar being a service mon?
What do you think?
Hi! Obviously all pokemon have unique personalities, but a lot of trainers are wary of Gengar being service pokemon, because they're really outgoing and social pokemon, and so it's tricky to train them to stick by their trainer if, say, another Gengar or a new person is around. That's obviously not true of every Gengar, but on average they're one of the hardest species of pokemon to train to be service pokemon
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e-icreator23 · 7 months
Poke Stella: Mi my little one, I'm glad you called, your father is bathing your baby brothers anyway, how is your journey going?
*Puzzle and Minun and wave at him*
PokeMi: it's going ok... Just I really miss you guys. I caught Pokémon but heh did you ask uncle moon to send Gangar? He's been with me this whole time and it's helping out a lot
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darktypehuman · 2 years
YEAAA a ghost type and a dark type user too! I have no idea why people think they are bad but anyways
How do I tell my fam that I'm not getting rid of my gangar and grimmsnarl? They think they are scary and that they will curse our family-??? How should I tell them that I'm not getting rid of them and that they will not curse our family?
(Don't have to answer this- anyways have a nice day or night)
honestly i would mostly just make it clear that they're your partners and friends and you trust them - im not entirely certain how to fully convince people that dark types aren't evil but like, even if they dont like your pokemon then they should trust you? idk i recommend you ask more people about this
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Ok let's switch topic and go back to have fun with silly AUs
I was just wondering... Since I was playing my old PMD the other day I wanted to ask, have you ever done a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon AU? 👀👀👀
I have Pokemon Mystery dungeon!
And i have! I don’t remmember much about it because it was a far less cohesive au, but i remmember Kakashi being a shinx (cuz i prefer it over manceabtric XD)
But since we have Yamper/boltound now… that would definitely be Kakashi and he’s a courage, intelligent team leader.
Rin is a chewtal/drednaw (she’s be such a cute chewtal XD)
Gai is hitmonlee for good obvious reason’s
Obito is a gangar.
Anko is serviper (snake but not poison really since anko is more antidote based with her being resistent)
Shizune is crogunk (like brock’s nurse corgunk)
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sorrowful-heartt · 5 years
I just realised you have a Haunter tattoo, I love it!
Yessss i also have ghastly (:::
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arteevee34 · 6 years
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ac-schryver · 3 years
So I got Pokémon Legends Arceus earlier this week. And my poor self hyper fixates on like three things at a time. Two are constant and the last one is what ever I got now. So I present to you: Pokémon: Star Wars
So yeah, I don’t know what to say other than: Anakin’s “dad” is Arceus so he’s constantly followed by the Creation Trio. But word gets out that they just follow him around and Here comes new Professor Obi Wan Kenobi who decides this is the mess he wants to understand so he and his research assistant, Ahsoka, start following this angry trainer who specializes in Dark and Ghost type Pokémon. Like Anakin just wanted to collect gym badges and enjoy the Pokémon league, mostly to avoid the creepy Professor from his home town who was like “Ultimate Power”. Like Anakin gets enough questions when people ask about where is dad is because lying and saying “he’s a Pokémon trainer” was so much easier
Yeah, I might write this out, maybe one shot it, but here’s what Pokémon I think the Disaster Trio would have
Anakin: Alolan Meowth (R2), Chandalure, Grimsnarl (3po) Malamar and Gangar unofficially: Dialga, Palkia, and Garatina
Obi Wan: Stoutland, and an Indeedee
Ahsoka: Noivern, Blaziken, and Gardivoir
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unfried-mouth-wheat · 3 years
Just so everyone knows there’s this ad on tiktok and its from Pokémon’s and it shows you an image and asks you to find gangar, ghastly, and I’m assuming haunter before jumpscaring you with one of them so plz be careful
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aliclarissa-near · 5 years
-Diego... acquired two Ralts eggs, no one know how or why, Vanya and Klaus each get one
-Klaus leaves with almost nothing including no money or poke balls because of this he cannot catch anything he never buys any
-He still ends up with Pokémon? He’s just he finds an abandoned squirtle (go squirtle squad!) and after a bit of talking and klaus being worried about this turtle he ends up with a squirtle following him no pokeball needed
-It doesn’t end there
-This boy walks into town like yo what up can you feed my 20+ Pokémon army?
-He’s friends with the legendary, like Mewtwo checks in on him, Latios and Latias do human disguises and travel with him for a bit, Lugia preens his hair, he rode Raikou through a mountain pass cause he got lost
-He names all his Pokémon cause they are individuals dammit and he doesn’t going around greeting people like “Human-head nod-“
-This does not mean every name is good
-He may or may not call Zappidos Zappy
-He, like the rest of the UA was expected to make it big, be elite four, gym leaders, Pokémon champions, klaus just walks around finding abandoned Pokémon and bringing them home
-Home is Dave, whose family owns a daycare
-The Katz don’t mind the new Pokémon...until he comes home with the seventh onix
-Klaus unofficial (which is all of them) Pokémon can technically be adopted by passing trainers if they pass a test and the Pokémon wants to go with them
-The test just might be battling all of his siblings and then taking quizzes about the species of the Pokémon and then a personality test
-Most people leave before actually getting one of Klaus’ babies
-The Katz and Klaus siblings are allowed to borrow one of his Pokémon as long as they want to go
-Diego took squirtle and came back with Blastoise and Klaus is still pissed five years later about this
-Ben did die, no one knows how or why, they did find his stuff abandoned on a cliff edge
-Klaus may have found a phantump that response to the name Ben shortly after
-Everyone thinks Klaus is projecting
-Dave gets it, his uncle hangs around as a Gangar
-Luther and Allison do end up gym leaders though in different regions
-Diego does gym battles on the side and spends most of his time working as a detective with his honedge
-Vanya stays relatively unknown and happy to help Klaus and the Katz take care of the daycare until out of the blue she sets off, six months later she’s being inducted to the elite four with her Gardevoir standing besides (towering over) her
-Five disappears for years and then comes back talking about wormholes and ultra beast and needing a martini
-When Klaus travels he enters contest, the show off how pretty your Pokémon contest
-Dave may have a room for all the ribbons Klaus has gotten
-Out of the 6, only Luther will answer any question about their “father” the retired Pokémon champion Reginald, everyone else pretends they can’t hear the question if asked
-They all brag about each other because they will love each other or at least rub it in that “yeah my brother is in the top ten what have you been doing with your life?”
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cryptic-patrol-duo · 4 years
Ooh whats Lucas' team then???
I'm glad you ask!
So LuLu's team consists of: Gangar, Misdreavus, Duskull, Froslass, Decidueye, and Marshadow
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