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xurianana · 5 months ago
Por gentileza, quero um Pipe otaño tóxico sabe? Daqueles loucos que fazem até clonagem de celular 😍😍😍😍
precisamos falar sobre Felipe otaño 🙏🏻😔 esse branquelo é um homem saboroso.
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você e Felipe se conheceram através de alguns amigos em comum, durante uma festa da faculdade vocês foram apresentados por um amigo seu. A princípio não rolou nada entre vocês dois ,apenas alguns flertes discretos e alguns olhares com segundas intenções, suas amigas perceberam que rolava uma tenção sexual entres vocês e já te avisaram da reputação de felipe , que ele era tóxico e possessivo com as antigas namoradas e até com ex ficantes, segundo elas o homem era louco e ficava obcecado sempre que se relacionava com alguém mas vc alegava que nada ia acontecer e que essa tal tenção era apenas coisas das cabeças delas. Mas em uma festa de um colega de vcs a situação saiu do seu controle e vcs acabaram se pegando no banheiro da festa ,rolaram apenas beijos e umas mãos bobas aqui e ali porém depois dessa festa você não teve paz ,felipe te enchia de mensagens perguntando se vc tava com outro cara, perguntava o pq de vc não responder as mensagens dele e chegou até a tentar clonar seu whatsapp pra ver se tinha outra pessoa. O que você não esperava é que ele ia aparecer na porta da sua casa insistindo pra vc falar com ele e como o homem era um manipulador de primeira e com uma beleza que amolecia qualquer mulher na terra você acabou aceitando e deixou ele entrar. Durante a conversa ele tentava ao máximo se aproximar de vc mesmo vc tentando manter a postura,era muito difícil não cair nos encantos do rapaz e vocês acabaram se beijando, era um beijo intenso,molhado e até meio agressivo, Felipe parecia descontar toda a raiva por você ter ignorado ele na sua boca,ele puxava seu cabelo e mordia seu lábio inferior como se fosse de fato de devorar e quando você se deu conta já estava no colo dele rebolando pra tentar aliviar um pouco da pressão que sentia no meio das suas pernas. Felipe já percebendo o quão necessitada vc estava já foi enfiando a mão no seu shortinho leve e tocando sua bucetinha já toda melada e quase gemeu ao perceber que você estava sem calcinha,ele pressionava seu clitóris com pressão te arrancando grunhido manhosos e acelerava cada vez mais até parar e enfiar dois dedos grandes na sua entradinha apertada, socando cada vez mais forte te fazendo impulsionar o quadril em direção ao dedos dele,ele aumentou os movimentos fazendo tudo ficar mais insano e os barulhinhos molhados ecoavam pela sala, até você se contorcer e gritar pelo nome dele melando os dígitos dentro de vc.
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deathdetermineslife · 3 months ago
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the ULTIMATE f/o infodumping ask game!
(this is gonna be a long one...)
🍓 - disregarding the career your f/o currently has, what other career would they consider going into, if given the chance?
🍒 - if your f/o and you spend a day doing anything, anything at all, what would they do and why?
🍎 - what's your f/o's favorite drink? any drink, alcoholic or non alcoholic!
🍉 - is your f/o religious? what's their opinion on religion or spirituality?
🍑 - is your f/o more comfortable giving or receiving gifts? why? do they have any preferences on gifts they like receiving?
🍊 - if you asked your f/o to peel an orange for you, what would they do?
🥭 - did your f/o have stuffed animals growing up? do they still have stuffed animals? do they have a favorite?
🍍 - if you could change any one thing about your f/os backstory/character, what would you change? why?
🍌 - does your f/o have a vendetta against The Big Light™? what kind of lighting do they prefer?
🍋 - if your f/o could change one thing about themselves, what would they change and why?
🍋‍🟩 - is your f/o superstitious? is there any habits they follow or quirks they have to follow said superstitions? like not opening umbrellas indoors to avoid back luck?
🍈 - does your f/o believe in fate? do they thing everything is preplanned out by the universe or a higher power, or do they think that the idea of fate is bogus? why?
🍏 - if you have any queer headcanons for your f/o, how did they realize they were queer?
🍐 - does your f/o have any nervous ticks or idle quirks they do? like mindlessly tapping on a desk or fiddling with their hair when they're stressed?
🥝 - would your f/o ever let you do their make-up? what does their make-up process look like? is it simple? complex?
🫒 - what kind of hugger is your f/o? do they give good hugs? do they like hugs? do they like receiving hugs?
🫐 - is your f/o more of a writer or an artist? would you say your f/o is more left or right brained?
🍇 - if you and your f/o never met, what do you think your f/o would be doing right now?
🥥 - what hobbies does your f/o have? is there any hobby they would like to get into that they haven't tried out yet? what is it?
🍅 - if your f/o could buy you any gift in the world, whether it exists or not, what would they buy you? or, if they could make you something, what would it be?
🌶️ - does your f/o have any remedies they follow when they get sick? like taking a shot of whiskey to get rid of a fever?
🫚 - is your f/o a picky eater? is there any foods they will not under any circumstances, gun to their head, eat?
🥕 - when your f/o was little, did they dislike vegetables? do they still dislike them?
🧅 - what makes your f/o cry? do they get emotional at sad movies or books? do they only get emotional under very rare circumstances?
🌽 - does your f/o have a favorite animal? what is it? are they scared of any animals?
🥦 - does your f/o have any pet peeves? things that just really really get on their nerves? what are they and why?
🥒 - what's your f/o afraid of? do they have any phobias? anything minor they're scared of?
🥬 - what are some beige flags your f/o has? so, not bad, but not nessecarily good either. just. "oh. you do This."
🫛 - how does your f/o feel about pet names or nicknames? do they like them? hate them? what are their favorites and least favorites to be called and to use?
🫑 - how does your f/o feel about death? are they afraid of it? is there anything specific they'd like to do before they die?
🥑 - is there any niche topics your f/o is interested in? what are they and why do they like them?
🍠 - what are a few of your f/os favorite pastimes or things that they do when they're bored?
🍆 - does your f/o have a favorite scent? why is it their favorite? do they have a least favorite scent?
🧄 - does your f/o have any allergies? food or otherwise?
🥔 - does your f/o have any food dishes they make often? is there any foods you make for your f/o that they enjoy?
🍄‍🟫 - if your f/o could be any mythological species, what would they be? if your f/o is already a mythological species, would they ever want to be human?
I recommend practicing reblog karma ! people love infodumping about their f/os :) I also recommend sending more than one emoji at a time,,, there are Many here...!!!
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cheeseburger443 · 2 months ago
Rollo (Inspired by Frollo) even shares battle voicelines that are on the Japanese dub version of the movie!
Also what was the name of that one Frollo roleplay account I need to follow it
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*what went through my mind when i read this 👁️👄👁️
Btw thank you for this information:)) it's great to see some Frollo stuff influencing things till now even though it was so long ago.
Ah about the Frollo roleplay account I think @officialjudgeclaudefrollo is the best choice for u:3 love this blog acc so much ❤️
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catfortress · 2 months ago
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Happy Holidays!
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calithso · 8 months ago
Heya! How about Arlecchino as her “true crazy self”?(for gay reasons)
(Also girl your art is amazing Happy Pride!💖)
i know this isn't the prompt but i couldn't stop myself sorry anon <////3 AND HAPPY PRIDE TOO ANON! closing the month off with father
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also doodled this during snack break. i can hear it already. no need for tags you know who you are 🤨🫵
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blueberrybeomgyu · 2 months ago
thoughts on shy leehan? ehehehehe
ZYN STOP. THIS IS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!!!! my corruption kink is literally going crazy rn...
shy hannie would be the cutest, he'd blush and turn away when you compliment him, and he's so big on eye contact but he has to look away for a second when you praise his body or call him your pretty boy, he's nodding and stuttering, trying to answer you when you ask him, does that feel good? do you want me to keep going?
he's such a rambler but he doesn't wanna embarrass himself or annoy you so he's covering his mouth, squirming and trying to be quiet while you suck him off
he's the type of boy to nuzzle back into the pillows while you ride him, torn between watching your skilled movements and shying away from your gaze, his deep voice will turn all airy and whiny, getting progressively louder as he gets closer to cumming
he's less and less able to hold back his noises and using his hand to hold onto your hips instead, he's such a fidgeter but he'd wait until you say it's okay for him to touch your body, then he can't decide where to put his hands, they'll go from your stomach to your waist back down to the bedsheets, back and forth until you grab them yourself and hold them to your chest, giving him the green light to play with your nipples
shy hannie in a tutoring au where you invite him over to help you with homework but it turns into him jerking his hips up to meet your hand as you work his cock, the night ends with his face buried in your cunt, glasses crooked on his face as you grind your hips down against his tongue
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microwavablefork · 9 months ago
- 🧊
funnily enough i actually just finished this dumb ahh thing so here u go my fellow spider lovers
eat up 🙏
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nowherelaney · 2 months ago
I assigned my chem members to cryptids with little knowledge of cryptids
Mikey - Michigan dogman
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Ray - Mothman
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Frank - Jersey devil
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Gerard - Chupacabra
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itsrlymine · 3 months ago
hey girl it’s 🥀 again !! i come with some successes and another epiphany (cuz i be thinking too much frfr)
okay so the other day i was scrolling on tumblr and saw wayyy too many posts from those ppl that call the loa community a cult and shit and saying that ppl w success stories are always lying & manifestation isn’t real
and it made me laugh cuz like? if you think like that then you’re LITERALLY setting yourself up for failure
the whole point of loa is that you decide you have it NOW. everything is NOW. whether it’s physically in front of you or not. so if you THINK that manifestation is only “true” when it’s physically in front of you, then you’re already assuming you don’t have it. ergo you, you WONT have it
constantly seeking proof from bloggers of their manifestations is beating a dead horse bc the entire point is to claim that it’s yours no matter what. so there’s no such thing as lying about a manifestation bc that shit is INSTANT
istg ppl overcomplicate this shit to the NINES
ANYWAY the other week i decided that i have my desired face, and lately i’ve been seeing changes in the mirror!! my entireeee desired appearance is incoming and i’m so mf excited !! i also manifested not having to work on black friday (yesterday) and i have been eating like shit & been still losing hella weight (3 lbs/day)
bouta manifest hyper flexibility & a rich uncle from france cuz why tf not LMAOO i’ll be back w more success stories soon !!
Yes yes yes!!!! My love these are incredible omggggg!!!! Ppl do overcomplicate this and all you have to do is get clear on what you want and then decide it's yours and boom! It's yours. Literally that simple and I'm so happy you got these successes love!
Ppl just want to give themselves all the excuses in the world as to why they "don't have" what they want when in reality, it's just bc they say they don't. That simple. I think i saw some of those post you are talking about and it's just laughable tbh.
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lovelaetter · 3 months ago
https://youtu.be/T9uQzj1-I5k?si=tQzcmpNYzVy3cDQs i cant get over how good she looks lately but THIS interview i’m actually foaming at the mouth
aside from loving the concept of her being so open about past relationships…the sick part of me is obsessed with the idea of rosie being in a toxic relationship because it just fits her so well. i can imagine her in a situationship but not being able to detach because 1) she’s needy and attatched, and 2) gets fucked right so its worth it.
i just want her to cry and yell in my face, throwing stuff around, literally going batshit crazy just for her to come back in a week to say sorry with *that* look on her face to get her pussy stuffed, craving your fingers or getting dicked down (g!p) cause she “can’t do it herself.”
on-and-off relationships with her, being possessive and controlling over her when she’s in different cities - whether its for her little ysl shows, or music promotions, asking who she's with, adding in a certain comment about the skin she shows, acting like she hates it but deep down knows she loves being your fixation cuz it feeds her ego lol
loving being mean to her because she knows how to take it (and *other* things) and sometimes getting an earful back, just for both of you to end up in bed tearing each other apart. like, you getting upset about her writing a song in her album, calling you out subtly on your guys' relationship, fighting in the studio in front of her team, 'embarrassing' her just for kick everyone out so you can fuck right then and there because seeing you angry gets her feeling a way oops maybe i just like arguing - 🥀
okay but what if: you also being someone in the industry, not necessarily a singer, could an actress, a director, a writer, just both sides being put out there by you and being equally messy, you know, equal rights and people love being nosy and everyone is like this is the worst relationship ever but the next day there’s an article saying how you got back together and people simply can’t be on anyone’s side, you both are the worst !!
look, i don’t have a thing for cheating, i hate it actually, awful thing, but it’s fitting here, let’s be real. her going full taylor swift and admitting on cheating on you on her album? exactly. the drama, just sitting in her room waiting for your call or worse, for you to bang at her door mad as fuck but instead you just text her like “okay girl i fucked someone too so what lol” BUT THE THING IS you are mad, yes, you cheated, but you ARE mad and playing it cool and now so is she and it triggers this week long ass fight that culminates in, not joking, weekend long sex, the type your agent calls you because you have schedule to follow and you pick it up just to tell them to fuck off, change of plans, more important things showed up— blondie on your door looking so pissed but also wearing the most “visiting my not-so-ex-girlfriend-we-complicated to scream some facts at her but also let her know i need to feel her deep inside me” outfit she could find. and the thing you said about controlling her? omg, doing it here, the subject the discussion you are having quickly changing once you take a proper look at whatever she’s wearing with a “and what the fuck is that?” and her being sooo entitled saying “well, i have places to be” and it’s like “you do?” “yeah” “yeah?” “uh-hm” until you are already too close to her and she has nowhere to run once your hands get on her like she’s a doll. you actually loved her outfit, she looks so hot as always, and deep down you know she did it just for you… but you simply wouldn’t let her win this game.
her people probably would think she is dead or something during all weekend unless they are smart enough to contact someone that works with you because she would tell her manager oh i’m visiting someone and just leave and they wouldn’t be able to reach her as the whole time her phone is inside her bag turned off and she’s busy laying belly down with her pretty face being into the pillows and spread out, moaning and crying out for you to (not) give her holes a break, pussy leaking around four fingers and pushing up every time you tease her little asshole.
sex so good it has you apologizing to each other by the end, hands between the other’s thighs, her mouth on your tits, awkwardly muttering “sorry” against your skin.
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deathdetermineslife · 5 months ago
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domestic life f/o ask game!
🛌 - do you and your f/o sleep in the same bed? if you do, do you have a favorite and least favorite thing about sleeping together?
💐 - do you have a garden? what does it look like? do you instead keep flowers in your home? what kind?
🪺 - what does your dream back/front yard look like?
⛈️ - what do you do when there's bad storms? is there anything you do to comfort each other? or maybe you like to watch the storms?
🧭 - what's your ideal travel spot? if you could own a vacation home with your f/o, where would your home be?
🎂 - do you have any special birthday celebrations you partake in every year?
🎇 - do you and your f/o have a favorite holiday to celebrate together? what is it? do you have different holidays you like celebrating?
🔑 - which one of you locks themselves out of the house more often?
🛀 - do you and your f/o take baths together? do you have a favorite bath salt or soap to use when you do?
🌡️ - when you or your f/o gets sick, do you take care of each other? what do you do?
☃️ - in the winter time, is there anything fun you two do together? make snowmen, snow angels, bake holiday treats?
🥧 - have you and your f/o tried to bake something together? how did it go? what did you make?
🃏 - if you and your f/o were to be snowed in for several days with no power, what would you two do to keep away boredom?
🎬 - is there a go to movie that you and your f/o watch on a movie night? do they have a favorite? who picks the movies?
🕯️ - do you keep candles in your home? what kinds of candles do you like? what kinds do your f/o like?
(reblog to use :) feel free to send me and anyone you see reblogging this some asks! have a nice day :D)
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tainted-be-the-light · 2 months ago
*Kris was sitting on a bench in the park, his legs crossed and headphones on, eating a panini as it balanced puppet’s sketchbook on rot’s knees*
~ @tired-andalready-fired
*He's walking through the park, hands in his pockets. Staring straight ahead.*
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glitterjay · 1 year ago
jay hard thought: dating jay and having sex for the first time after constantly teasing him for months. you guys decided to take it slow but recently you’ve been trying to hint that you’re ready by wearing barely anything to bed, squirming around in his lap during movie night with all ur friends, and bending over 24/7 on purpose. you’re convinced he’s gonna be sweet and soft. but you’ve pushed his buttons and caused him to snap so he fucks you rough and calls you a slut who needs to stop being so bratty. he cream pies you multiple times and then the next morning he eats your pussy for hours as a sorry 🤭
yall are something and i want some of that something too
warnings: 18+ content, MDI! jay x afab!reader, unprotected sex, cream pie lmk if i miss something
author’s note: wow. i have been so busy with uni and work that it feels like i completely forgot how to write. im sorry in advance if this is shitty
it had become a constant thing and ー to jay’s dismay ー a habit of yours to constantly tease him. a new fresh relationship had started for the both of you, and despite the very noticeable sexual tension in the air, you both agreed to take it slow and steady. was this part of a plan? absolutely. who were you to deny that seeing jay contain himself didnt turn you on? the way he bit his lip, or how he would excuse himself sometimes while you hung out with friends became an addiction for you. and here you were once again, only wearing one of his white t shirts to bed and just that. nothing else. the rest of the boys were spread around the house, in the guest room and living room, and you knew that if you only wore one of jay’s shirt, he would go nuts. and he did.
“what the hell is wrong with you!? just wearing one of my shirts with a house full of boys? are you crazy!?”
you were disappointed that he didnt do much other than scolding you, but oh were you so wrong. accepting your failure, you closed your eyes and gave your back to him. you kept the shirt, but the only condition was that you could not walk out of the room in just that. closing your eyes and getting ready to doze of, you felt a tingling sensation on your thighs. ignoring it, you kept trying to go to your dreamland, but the sensation started making its way up your legs. you opened one eye to see your boyfriend’s hands making circles on your skin. it was not new for jay to give you sweet caresses before sleeping, but they felt different this time.
in one sudden movement, a gasp left your mouth as his cold hand found your core. you tried to push him away, eyes now wide open, but it was impossible. his other hand held your body against the bed, and he was strong enough to not budge an inch. “you should’ve thought about the consequences of not wearing anything to bed.” his voice was way raspier than usual, and you could sense a different feeling from his eyes. it made you excited, but you also knew that jay was a softie inside.
your train of thoughts had stopped when something slammed into you. you screamed at the pain, quickly putting your hand over your mouth. he was balls deep in you, not moving, just standing there staring down at you. once again, he had thrusted into you harshly, still no preparation at all. the stinging made your eyes water, but it soon started melting with the pleasure of every thrust. you had never seen this side of your boyfriends but god were you loving it.
soon enough you started watching stars around the room. jay kept a fast, harsh, and steady pace, already making you come undone various times. but him? he had enough self control to hold his own release for a long time. just as you were about to reach your fourth high, you felt something warm inside of you. it felt like a whole hose had been turned on and warm water came out of it rapidly. the feeling was enough for you to release your own orgasm, making the juices mix and drip out of your pussy.
“this is what slutty and petty girls get when they tease their boyfriends”
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calithso · 9 months ago
could you please draw rahu from path to nowhere... it would be awesome i love your works so much 😭
it is time.
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please eat up rahu enjoyers and thank u anonnn 🫶 i don't think you expected this so i hope it's alright 😭
SUGGESTIVE UTC!! (rahu in a muzzle basically and some more)
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imaginespazzi · 3 months ago
I feel like there’s nobody else I can yap to about this but…..I just know Paige and Azzi had some bomb ass sex after this ole miss game tonight. I just KNOW IT. P is gonna be fiesty after watching her baby play like that. In the beautiful Bahamas no less. Oh yeah, don’t come a knockin that hotel room’s gonna be rockin. CD doesn’t even want to know, she don’t care atp!
UNCORDIAL OMG (this is canon information)
CD apparently flew out this morning so ain't nobody their to reinforcer those rules till Saturday...
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w-j-afton · 4 months ago
you like my company, right?
[He lets out a long exhale.]
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