#ask twog
teaguoe · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!
Ooo! Hello Sunny! It’s a surprise to see someone in my inbox!
Anyways, 5 things that make me happy!
1. Making people smile/happy in general
It makes my day to see I cheer people up after tough days! Positivity is always a good thing!
2. Helping people!
Honestly helping people is my favorite thing to do! I’ve helped many people and it just warms my heart!
3. Feeling proud of my art.
I usually dislike some of my art after looking at it, but I have times where I am really proud of it! For example: I’m really proud of this one!
Tumblr media
4. Free writing.
I like thinking for myself so whenever I can write what I want to write then I’m happy as I will actually do it.
5. The BPS Server
I love this server so much. It’s like one big supportive family! Everyone is kind and I love talking with every single member! I’ve made some great friends through this server and I’m glad that I had decided to join it!
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yarn-dragon · 3 years
Some Averno Fluff staring Will, Quinn, Rori and Bo
Quinn and Will were heading to the library after stocking up on ramen and Monster when Quinn's phone rang. 
 "Oooo, is that your secret lover?" Will teased as Quinn pulled his phone out.
 "Unknown number." Quinn's eyes went wide. "You don't think?"
 "One way to find out!" Will handed Quinn her bag of groceries and took the phone. "Hello?"
  "Um Is this Quinn? Quinn from Live from Averno? It's Rori." 
  "Who is it?" Quinn whispered.
  "It's the kid from the library." Will mouthed. Then, louder. "This is Will actually. How can I help you?"
"We heard you got a dog. And I was wondering if we could um, borrow it?"
  "First off all, the dog's name is Twog. Second of all, why do you want our dog?"
 "Well, me and Bo chase ghosts as you know. And we were thinking, maybe, Twog would like to come with us?" Will heard fairly in the background the other kid, Bo if she remembered right, mutter. "What kinda name is Twog?"
"You want to borrow our dog to be your, sidekick?"
 "Yah! Like in Scooby-Doo. Please?"  Will turned to Quinn, who was standing there trying not to laugh. 
  "He won't be in any danger?"
  "Oh no, you have my word, he'll be very safe with me and Bo. He'll be on a leash and everything. And if anything dangerous comes, Bo and I are prepared to give our loves to protect him." Bo in the distance said "What? No I'm not." To which Rori replied. "Yes you are, now shh." Will had to stifle a laugh. "What do you say?"
  "Yes! Thank you Will! Oh, did you hear that Bo?" That's when Will heard the sound of a dog barking.
  "Do you have a dog with you?" After a moment, it clicked. Will and Quinn had left Twog sleeping in the library when they went to the store. "Do you have Twog?"
  "Well, um, you see. Bye!" The line went dead. Will turned to Quinn again, who had started laughing.
  "They took my dog." Will shook their head. "They dognapped Twog."
 "I mean, how does that quote go? I'd rather beg forgiveness than ask permission?" Quinn handed Will a Monster. "You wanna go look for them?"
  "Figured you'd say that. Let's go drop these off at your dorm, then we can start looking."
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boredfaneliza · 5 years
Libahunt(TM) Chapter 29.5: 666 Lights Of Purple - Alfori
This is a one shot of Grigori x @alfa-angel hehe...
I’m so sorry...
@crimsonbluemoon YOU ASKED FOR THIS! I also want my ohmtoonz drabble in return. >.> If you want to..
Hope ya enjoy this mess aka Libahunt 3.0
“He should be around here.” Eliza said, looking at her magic device. It beeps every second. It will alert the others when Grigori is close.
“But what are we gonna do with his demon army and his demon boyfriend?” Twog asked. “It’s pretty huge and Pisshead is scary.”
“We’ll just do a sneak attack on Pisshead and snap his chunky neck in half. Then we take his huge ass head to his minions, so we can show them that we’re the alphas. We lead his demon minions to Grigori and have them gang bang them.” Diss explained. Eliza is laughing on the ground, Elusive and Twog makes sure they don’t die.
“Did you just made it up?”
“Everyone, be quiet.” Alfa shushed them. “We’re here.”
The banana gang leave Grigori alone by his lonesome. Alfa and her angel squad arrive on time. She's holding her war hammer tightly in her grip and glares at him.
“Ah Alfa, just in time. I pity your group, not to mention most of them are hunters. I thought you wanted diversity?” Grigori smirked. Alfa only growls in response. Her angel squad went oooooo
“SHUT UP!” Alfa swings her war hammer at him, but his chains grab it and throws it away. Grigori only chuckles evilly. “YOU BUTTHEAD!”
“Aggression is not getting you anywhere sweetheart~.”
“So, what happened between them? Did Alfa get jealous of the demon girl Greg is in love with?” Pierre asked while eyeing the two.
“I think knew the backstory…” Eliza said. “So...”
A long ago, Grigori and Alfa were close co-workers back then. One time on a mission, they were assisting a young hunter to bring down a vampire. A vampire who’s killing humans since they were born. Alfa and Greg were arguing about the vampire because they can't decide if it should live or die. Greg kills the vampire anyway or reaps. A few days later, Greg tells the council that she wanted to befriend the species and doesn't want to kill the vampire. So they strip her powers except taking her soul away. They say that this is a warning.
“Damn.” Jay said. The two were still fighting in the background.
“Yeah, but also she finds him again and hears him about taking down her favorite couple. That's the other reason for that too.” Eliza added.
“But does Diss know about this?” They all look at them, but they're drawing something on their tablet.
“Do you know this? I mean you're an angel.”
“Yeah, and I introduce her to R. Ya know, the rare kitsune? Also, let me draw this scene okay?”
“Oh yeah and continue what you're doing.” And the fight in the background still continues.
“You really don’t give up huh? I respect your actions and determination. No wonder the council favors you. You shouldn’t blow your occupation away because of a vampire who wanted nothing, but devour fragile, humans.” Grigori’s chains keep deflecting her attacks. “You should follow the rules like you have to be and be corrupted as them.”
“Angels are dicks and so are you!” Alfa keeps throwing her mini hammers at him. “That vampire just wanted to feed his family. That’s why we wanted to take down the current council and become the new council!”
“You’ll just pitted the native species and the earth will become (chaotic) than the angels make. Not to mention you have hunters on your little group.”
“Actually, we’re protectors instead hunters you fool. You Grigori fuck!” Pierre exclaimed. The squad cheered and laughed. Grigori made a face of disgust and wants nothing, but stop them. So, he used his chains tackle them and tied up to a boulder. “What the fuck?”
“Hey! Leave them alone!” Alfa yelled at him. Grigori ignored her and use his other chains to tie her squad down. Some of them struggled, some of them are neutral, and some of them are okay with it. He also tied Alfa wrist down to the ground. She tries to struggle, but no use. He walks closer to her as she continues to struggle. “Don’t get them involved!”
“They are in our way.” He grabs her by the waist and held her chin. “Also, as much I love your little hoodie, but the paper bag needs to go away.” He takes off the paper and leans close to her face. Closing the distance between them.
“My eyes!”
“Holy shit dude.”
“Is this a ship?”
“Get away from my daughter!” R yelled at the two. He separated from her lips and gives a small smirk. “How dare you?!”
“It’s best that I take my leave.” He winks before disappearing away. The chains disappeared as well.
“Are you okay?” R asked. She hugs her tightly and whisper sweet nothings.
“I want to cry…”
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kindofsharethat · 7 years
If the straighs really gonna do twoG that gay ass romantic song about a reptile imma go full caucasian and sue everyONE dont!!!!do!!us!!!like!!!that!!!! i will ask the gay lord louis for some redemtion
FULL CAUCASIAN when was that horror movie released
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yarn-dragon · 3 years
Some Averno Fluff Staring Will and Quinn
Twog the Dog
When Quinn had first entered the library and found Will sitting at a table with a fluffy brown dog, he thought he'd hallusionated it. He hadn't slept in nearly 72 hours, it was possible. 
"Will, quick question, is there a dog in your lap?" "Yes." Quinn pressed a kiss between the dog's ears. "Aren't they just the cutest thing?"
"Where did you find that? Does Averno even have a pet shop?"
 "I don't know, I was just sitting here waiting when this small bundle of joy came over."
  "So is our next mystery the case of the lost dog?" Quinn asked, sitting down and opening a notebook. "I don't suppose they had a collar or anything?" 
 "Nope." Quinn looked up from his notebook and saw that look in Will's eyes. 
 "Oh no."
 "Oh no what?"
 "You have that look in your eye."
  "What look?"
  "The 'I've got an idea look'." Will buried her face in the dog's fur. "You wanna keep it, don't you."
  "Are you even allowed to have a pet?"
"There's plenty of cryptids all over campus, the DLH library is full of cats. I don't see why anyone should have a problem with this sweet creature." Will help the dog up, forcing Quinn to look into the dog's endless brown eyes. He reached out and petted the dog.
  "Does the dog have a name?"
   "Nope. Any ideas?" Quinn goes to speak, but Will stops him. "Actually, maybe you shouldn't name the dog."
  "Why not?"
  "Cause I've met the DLH cats and no one can pronounce any of their names.  Who knows what nonsense name you'll give to this one."
  "I didn't name any of the DLH cats."
  "Still, this dog should have an easy to produce name that doesn't need explaining." Will's eyes lit up. "I've got it."
  "Twog." Quinn started laughing. "What?"
  "What kind of name is Twog?"
  "Well it's better then Aostargart or Hippocampus or Cl- hey!" Will ducked as Quinn threw a pencil at her. She grabbed an earlier and chucked it at him. The newly named Twag started barking, jumping out of Will's arms and flying as Quinn, knocking him over. Twog started locking Quinn's face.
  "Alright alright, Twog is an excellent name." Quinn laughed as Will lifted the dog off of him. 
  "Damn right." She nuzzle her face against Twog's. "Best name in the whole world." Quinn rolled his eyes as Will helped pull him up. 
  "Back to work?"
  "Back to work."
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yarn-dragon · 3 years
Some Averno Fluff staring Twog
Lost Twog
Twog was lost. Hopelessly, completely, utterly lost. He turned around, but everything looked the same. Trees and dirt, dirt and tree. Twog heard a rustling. He spun towards the sound and put on his meanest face as a shadowy figure emerged. Twog growled, though it came out more like a whimper. They didn't speak, simply knelt down and picked Twog up. Twog tried to get away, then he smelt the figures scent. They smelled a little that the human Will called Nova, like damp earth and rain and fire and blood. It was comforting. One of the figure's fingers lifted the tag around Twog's neck. Just then Twog heard Will's voice, calling for him. He started barking, trying to explain to the figure he needed to get back. It nodded and started to move. Twog snuggled into the figures arms, somehow knowing they would get him back to Will, and they started petting him. Soon they reached the edge of the forest. and Twog saw Will. The figure set Twog down and he run towards them.
  "Twog! There you are." Will scooped him up and smothered him in kisses. "You had me worried sick." Twog barked happily. He looked up to see the shadowy figure disappear, seeming to blend back into the trees. Twog barked in thank.
  "Whatcha barking at boy?" Will asked, looking up. Twog barked, trying to explain. But Will, sadly, could not speak Dog yet. "Nothing out there but shadows Twoggy."
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