mssjynx · 5 years
Hi Grace! Hope you're having a great day/night/week! Are you still doing the soulmate au asks? If not, then don't worry about it! I just wanted to send you some love and support! You've been killing it lately and I just want to make sure you know!! If you are doing the soulmate au asks, could I request Minicat 14, “Can I- Should w- Is-... Kiss me?” I hope you have a wonderful day!
a/n: thank you sunny! 
minicat drabble
14. you and your soulmate both have matching tattoos.
prompt: “Can I- Should w- Is-… Kiss me?” 
He, alike all others, was born was with a tattoo. A soulmark is what it was called; a unique tattoo only worn by him and one other human of the seven billion on the planet. 
Yet unlike many others; his could not be hidden. For it sat right on the hollow cheek, marking him to all who looked at his face. Which was good, and bad. The lack of glow to the mark; the lack of colour and fullness showed all that he was freshly single and without his soulmate. But should he find his soulmate, it wouldn’t be a matter of checking for a shared tattoo. His first glance at the guy or girl would be a give away.
It also meant his friends could be on the look out for his soulmate too. 
Funnily enough, he met his soulmate the only time that their soulmarks would have been covered. A masquerade party. 
The night was an exciting one. From the first step into the house, he knew the night would be a big one and the smile didn’t fade off his face until he was throwing back his first drinks. 
And the night went swiftly. Despite the masks he could pick out the people he knew, dancing with good friends and strangers. “Cute guy, incoming, looking at you,” Brian murmured in his ear, slapping his butt with a grin on his face. 
Mini snorted, swinging his hips. “How can you tell if he’s wearing a mask?” he asked but Brian was already disappearing into the crowd and a presence behind him had him throwing his glance over his shoulder. The bright blue eyes caught his attention immediately and he didn’t hesitate to back up against the man, flashing a grin. 
He caught the wrists of broad hands, bringing them confidently to his hips and eliminating the space between their to bodies. “Hey there,” he called over the noise, hands over the man’s as he rolled his hips to the music. The heat against his back was comforting, the first contact of rough fingertips to his bare hips sparking with static. 
“Came over here to let you know I can’t watch you dance like that anymore,” he said, murmuring the words into Craig’s ear and sending a shiver down his spine. “But I guess it’s okay if you’re dancing with me.” 
Craig’s laugh was breathless, tipping his head back against the man’s shoulder and letting his body move with the music. “Will you buy me a drink?” he called, letting the man feel how his body rolled. “Or should I go dance with someone else?” The teasing words were a shot in the dark; a test to see how this stranger would react. 
Those large hands slid down over the fronts of his thighs before drifting back up, skating fingertips over his ass as a masked face dropped to the side of Craig’s neck. Soft lips brushed his warm skin, pulling him close and kissing down to his shoulder. “I’ll get you a drink,” he murmured, “but you’re mine for tonight.” 
His laugh was cool and pleased as he spun around in the man’s arms and pushed his arms up over his shoulders. Long fingers settled over his ass and he purred at the touch.
“Sure, big boy,” he murmured. “Lead the way.” 
Before he knew it, he was by the minibar, sitting on a stool and facing the man who revealed his name as Tyler. Beneath soft yellow light, his ruffled brown hair was revealed and the yellow masquerade mask he wore brightened the blue of his eyes. 
The small talk between them was comfortable and easy, sitting close together. It was when Craig felt his mask start to stick to his face out of sweat that he had to take it off. 
Blue caught his every motion, reaching up and pulling the elastic off to let the mask fall to his lap. Blue froze and before he could card his fingers through his hair to keep it back, Tyler’s fingers shot out and snapped around his wrist. 
He looked to the other in confusion. “Are you o-” 
Before he could respond, Tyler reached up and snatched at his own mask. The elastic snapped as he yanked it off his face and Craig’s jaw dropped. A little sun, lines sharp and pretty where they were tattooed to the soft skin of his cheek. It was a little tattoo, but an obvious one and one that Mini had memorised from his own cheek. 
“You’re my soulmate,” Tyler uttered, as if not even believing the words himself as he gazed at Craig. Mini was enamoured with how attractive the man was. They couldn’t look away from each other. Craig flinched when Tyler lifted a hand but didn’t move away as those fingers slid up over his soulmark and cupped his face.
“Can I- Should w- Is-...” The words were a mess, falling out of Craig’s mouth without sense of endings. When he managed to catch his breath, leaning into Tyler’s touch as he blinked. “Kiss me?” he breathed, not caring for how he almost sounded desperate in his utter disbelief. 
Tyler did, the kiss blowing Craig’s mind out of its place in his head. He felt his heart stop, lips and cheek tingling as he kissed back with eagerness. He found him. He finally found him. He found that tattoo and he found the man wearing it and he could already feel his heart aching for the one he kissed.
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Smiity getting the chance to re-fall in love with John the more time they spend together. He notices all of the same quirks about John that he loved before, but now he's able to interact with them. Smiity watches John play with his rings and then becomes obsessed with playing with them himself. He'll push John's hair out of his face without thinking about it. Smit holds John's hand just to feel the texture of his skin. Basically, all of the things Smiity wanted to do as a spirit, but couldn't.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
X and E!! I hope you feel better soon Crim! You're awesome and you've been killing it with these drabbles!!
Thank you for the kind wishes! I’m actually feeling pretty gross again, Im not even sure if I’m going to work tomorrow, so this is making me feel better
X: A character you enjoy making suffer
Brock. I don’t know why, but he tends to get the brunt of all of my angst in my stories. Him or Ohm. *shrugs* 
E: If you wrote a sequel to [Insert fic] what would it be about?
Sunny you didn’t give me a fic to talk about XD
Fanfic asks (Because I’m Sick and Bored)
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raakxhyr · 5 years
Hey Raakx! Do you mind if I talk Derp Crew with you? I doubt really know anyone else that really follows them, and I'd love to be able to squeal and fangirl over them with someone lol. If not that's totally fine!!
Hell yeah man! Go ahead!
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teaguoe · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!
Ooo! Hello Sunny! It’s a surprise to see someone in my inbox!
Anyways, 5 things that make me happy!
1. Making people smile/happy in general
It makes my day to see I cheer people up after tough days! Positivity is always a good thing!
2. Helping people!
Honestly helping people is my favorite thing to do! I’ve helped many people and it just warms my heart!
3. Feeling proud of my art.
I usually dislike some of my art after looking at it, but I have times where I am really proud of it! For example: I’m really proud of this one!
Tumblr media
4. Free writing.
I like thinking for myself so whenever I can write what I want to write then I’m happy as I will actually do it.
5. The BPS Server
I love this server so much. It’s like one big supportive family! Everyone is kind and I love talking with every single member! I’ve made some great friends through this server and I’m glad that I had decided to join it!
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bayleafbeeen · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!
Oh hey cool thank you! I actually got a few of these so if I can think of more things, I might answer another one later too. I probably won’t do them all, but thanks to everyone who sent them. Also, these aren’t in any order other than when I thought of them. (Oh god, I got very very wordy here, sorry. I tend to either not say anything at all or ramble and there is no in between.)
My dog, Tinkerbell. (We just call her Tink.) She’s a tiny Chihuahuaand she is the derpiest thing I have ever seen. She really old and she has like no teeth, so her tongue always hangs out. She just :p constantly. I love her so much even though we only inherited her from my great aunt 2 years ago or something like that? When we got her she was so scared of literally everything, but she’s gotten much more relaxed, especially around me. She sleeps with me and I’m the one who gives her love and attention the most. I just love her so much.
YouTubers. Honestly YouTube has helped me so much? I can’t even put it into words properly. (Though when can I ever word well) For one, it gives me something to do and something to watch when I need. Whenever I’m sad or angry about something I can just sit and watch someone miles away playing some game and having fun and saying dumb things that always make me laugh, no matter the mood I’m in. Whenever I am sick and don’t feel well, they always make me feel so much better. I don’t want to know where or how I’d be right now if I hadn’t started watching it. Just thinking about all the work they go through just to make content for people like me and how sweet all of them are is so amazing to me. Plus without them, I wouldn’t have found the next point and wouldn’t even be here where I am on Tumblr. I love them.
The BPS Discord Server. And all the friends I’ve made there. I’m so glad I joined and stayed. Everyone is so nice and supportive of everyone and it’s really great. Seeing everyone talking and interacting with each other is so nice and actually joining in myself? It’s so amazing to be part of this community, it really is. Plus, I think it’s gotten me out of my shell quite a bit? I haven’t used Discord since being in the server I got Discord for. It was for some online game and after being there for a while I was talking and out of my shell for a while till the Server shut down. So it’s really nice to have that again, because it’s so important for me. Love you guys~!
Content Creators. Specifically ones on here and the discord, I really love seeing what others make. I’ve always really loved others art and it’s so cool to see everyone posting original and even fan stuff. I had two close artist friends in middle school and I loved seeing what they made so much. In fact, I still have a bunch of drawings that one of them would give me that I would carry around at school and sometimes show people them. I still cherish them to this day. I’ve never been much of an artist myself aside from when I was pretty little and did stuff for school. The most artsy thing I used to do is coloring in coloring books, which is much easier. So it still just amazes me how people can think about something and just bring it into existence. Like they take this completely black page and make it into something so cool? Same goes for writings and stories, they are so amazing and great to read. I’ve gotten out of the habit of reading like actual books so having things to read still is so great, and for free? People make all these amazing things for absolutely nothing in return and still have the gall to like apologize for it not being good or fast enough? It’s so crazy. I could talk forever about how cool it is, so I’ll stop now and spare you. I seriously love everyone’s creations.
Writing. Even just things like this are just so therapeutic for me? I never really liked writing in Language Arts and such in school because apparently I have trouble putting my thoughts into words and onto paper. But typing is so much better for some reason? Most of the time I ramble on to try and get my point across better, but I love it so much. Especially writing stories. Over the years I’ve started so many little original stories that will probably never see the light of day, but I enjoy it. I started writing in the 5th grade when I decided I was going to write a novel, loosely based on my life back then. (Plus one of my friends helped quite a bit with the story part.) Looking back it was just some dumb daydream love story because I used to have the biggest crush in elementary and middle school. But I’m so glad I started writing it because I wouldn’t be writing today without it. I had so many different little parts written of it and I still have most of them. I was looking back at them a while ago and they are so bad and cringey, but they made me happy back then and they still kind of do, even if they are all pretty horrible. Alright, I’ve ranted too long now but I just love writing things, even if I’m not good at it.
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John helping Smiity recover physically after being out for several years. After their recovery sessions, they go to Panda's bar and read through some of the journal Scotty wrote for them. John always expands upon and exaggerates the stories to get Smiity to laugh. Occasionally, Smiity will correct John without thinking about it. He always gets really excited whenever that happens and tends to ramble on about whatever topic they were talking about in the hopes of remembering more, and John always falls for him a little more each time.
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Brock becomes the pack mom. He’s so used to being the responsible one with Evan and Mini that he doesn’t realize what he’s doing. He helps Panda manage the bar and calm down potential arguments among patrons. Brock also makes sure that Scotty is taking care of himself whenever Marcel is away and Panda’s busy. His increased presence in the bar helps to bring about a calmer atmosphere, especially since he keeps Brian from going off on customers as much.
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Cute theory/imagine thing
This is the first of many cute theory/imagine things I've been coming up with since 29 dropped! Gotta distract from the angst with some fluffy thoughts!
1. Marcel, Scotty, and Nogla re-enact the famous Frankenstein scene every Halloween. Marcel's Dr. Frankenstein, Scotty's Igor, and Nogla's the “monster”. They try to make it as faithful to the original as possible, but someone (mostly Nogla) inevitably forgets their lines or screws up and starts swearing, and then everyone cracks and can't stop laughing.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
I was listening to music (as one does), and Iron by Within Temptation really made me think of Libahunt Hunters in general! Not any specific clan, but like the overall theme of the Hunters.
Ohhhh a hunter song! I love it! Thank you ^.^
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Hey Crim! I've got a quick Libahunt question if that's alright! (P.S. if this is plot related you don't have to answer.) So the Phoenix’s soul is the same color as a hunter's, right? And John can see souls, right? So why hasn't he called Mini out for not being human? Mini has claimed to be human several times, but John hasn't mentioned it. Does Kryoz just not care, or does he think it's not relevant? (Thinking on it, I should've sent this to Libahunt Conspiracies too lol)
I mean its kinda partly that Kryoz does see hunters as human (cause they tech are just superpowered) so really Mini’s not off with his claim. Also, since Mini is kinda acting like Brock and the two are close, John wouldn’t really think too much about Mini not bringing up his hunter blood. Brock doesn’t really mention it a lot either. The only reason the angel/shifter thing stood out was because it was shifters claiming they were from the celestial council trying to take Smiity away from him. 
Also, John hasn’t been around when Mini’s freaked out. He wasn’t there in the forest and he wasn’t there when the shifter was talking about Mini being different and Craig denying it (he went back when Toonz started to kill the first shifter and he was in the other group during the swamp thing) so that’s another part. 
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Ohm, though still nervous about their renewed relationship, does everything in his power to return Toonz’ affection. Ryan finally lets all of his barriers down in order to fully embrace the love Luke's willing to give. While he adores Luke's eagerness to show his love, it's the softer moments that really make Ryan fall for Luke all over again. Ohm loves the slower moments when they can savor the time they have together without worrying about anyone finding out about them or turning them in.
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Delirious is SUPER needy as he, like Tyler, was affection starved his entire life. He cuddles and holds onto Evan whenever he's nervous or anxious. When Evan comments on this, Del responds that it's not his fault Evan makes a good teddy bear. Evan laughs and teases him lightly about this for a while. Evan gets Delirious a teddy bear and tells him to hold onto it in case he needs a hug and Evan's not around to give him one.
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Brian and Tyler begrudgingly becoming best friends. Their animosity towards each other turns into friendly competition.  Tyler is pretty much part of the pack, but neither of them actively acknowledge it. Tyler uses Brian as a dummy during Mini's training sessions whenever he has to demonstrate something. Brian, in turn, tells Craig every embarrassing story he knows about Tyler. They pretend to still hate each other, but deep down they both know they've got each other's backs. Before going on missions, Tyler makes Brian promise to keep Mini safe until he gets back.
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Tyler helps Craig learn how to use and control his powers. He teaches Mini how to activate his Phoenix Drive and how to turn it off. Tyler's a strict but surprisingly compassionate teacher. It's rough at first, and Craig nearly collapses a lot in the beginning, but Mini's a quick learner. He learns to regulate his strength so that he doesn't pass out every time he uses his powers. Tyler also helps him build up his physical strength and reflexes. After Craig's had a decent amount of training, he and Tyler start sparring. Tyler doesn't really hold back and kicks Mini's ass a lot. Eventually, Mini learns to use his Phoenix powers to “cheat” and predict Tyler's moves. The fights always end good naturedly and Craig drags Tyler in for cuddles after.
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Craig and Evan become part of Brian's pack. With the two essentially being Brock's brothers and Evan being Delirious’ mate, no one is surprised. Evan's cool with it as this means he gets to hang out with his new friends more; just so long as he gets to keep running the sanctuary with Brock and Mini. Craig loves it. He melds almost seamlessly since he's naturally a very affectionate person. Mini's all for the pack bonding moments and is constantly picking Panda's brain apart to hear all of the weird stories he has from the bar.
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