#ask the boogeyman
Someone collared your boy toy
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"Thanks for telling me, he looks damn good like this too, right Mikey?"
@ask-the-boogeyman original post here
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[reverse+Leon] ❛  are you even listening to me?  ❜ / @ask-the-boogeyman
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ANNOYANCE FLICKERS ACROSS THE AGENT'S face. How many times does he have to explain things ? His teeth grit together, but he closes his eyes, crossing his arms against his chest with a huff. " Are you even listening to me ? Will you even pay any attention to what I'm saying ? I'm getting tired of repeating myself to everyone. If you're not going to pay attention or listen - leave. I'm not dealing with this. This is not what I signed up for and if I have to go alone to get it done then I will and I will make sure I report it. "
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Ohhh no. It's Michael. The guy is scary. Dwight takes a few steps back and feels uncompfortable for getting stared down. Why does he never speak?
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Now would be the time to run more than anything. You aren't going to receive mercy at the hands of this killer, his hands freshly stained and dripping in crimson agony.
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💞 [good luck XD]
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💞 and my muse will say something nice about your muse
"Must I?
Fine. You're the most human-looking of the killers. Besides myself. Take it or leave it, that's all I've got."
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wanderingsongbird · 2 years
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@ask-the-boogeyman asked:
Someone is watching the young woman outside of the trial, seemingly intrigued by her after sending that letter out. Perhaps the kind gestures have made an impression.
Kate could feel that shiver that went down her spine for a while now. She had been on her way to one of the trees she had kept some of her things in. Funny that she could find her way back to those instead of the past campfires she knew, but perhaps things moved where people did not. The songbird had long since stopped questioning the strange things in this Fog.
Though she did pause, looking around for whatever caused that spine tingle. "Someone out there?" Though she called quietly, it seemed as if it echoed loudly in these woods.
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splinter-sister · 2 years
All it took was one wrong turn and the bullheadedness about turning back that added up to one Prickly Pear being Blair Witch levels of lost out in the woods. It was supposed to be an easy point A to B walk that turned into walking into Narnia. She made a cut through the woods from the original paved road she was walking on the side of, to end up on this unpaved, more back woods looking road. After walking some distance she had realized she messed up big time, but couldn’t find where she originally cut through. Being rather embarrassed with herself and not wanting to risk losing the only path she had now, she’s been trekking on this dirt road through these tree filled mountains for hours. The sun is going down as well. She’s been talking to and berating herself for the past half hour as a way to have some kind of company while moving on. 
“This is how people end up goin’ missing. I didn’t need a compass, I said. Hitchhikin’ will work, I said. Jus’ take a shortcut, I said!” She spins on her heel to turn backwards, looking from where she came from and put her arms out beside her to beckon in a reply.
“Why th’ hell ain’t there any cars on this damn road!” Her shouted question echoes in the area with no answer given back. The scattered pebbles and gravel on the road crunch under her boots, being the only accompanying sound to her complaining. She noticed it a while ago, but the silence here is uncanny. There’s no birds or other sounds around her. It’s just her footsteps and own voice. She doesn’t remember when the songs of nature stopped, only when she started to feel uneasy while walking. 
Letting her hand fall back to her sides, she turns back around to keep walking. There’s got to be some kind of town or civilization around here somewhere. It’s just a matter of time till she gets there. At least she packed a backpack. 
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dayfright · 2 years
@ask-the-boogeyman burnt an offering : [For Ji-Woon or Yun-Jin Lee, maybe it's snark? Reverse] ❛ Kiss me. Kill me. Do something. ❜
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【 Yun-Jin is visibly tense as she stares up at the Shape, arms firmly crossed against her chest. Defiant. Yet, distinctively, afraid. ❝ Just do something already. Anything. ❞ She takes a step closer. Ignoring the sensation of her heart in her throat.
❝ I’m fucking sick of the stalker act. What the hell do you want? To kill me, or just to drive me crazy? You want an autograph? Feeling lonely? Get on with it already. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something. ❞ 】
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judgcmcnt · 2 years
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@ask-the-boogeyman​​ prayed
The Shape finds himself within the decaying halls of Midwich, the trial long since over, collapsing into red and silent screams. Once more the Entity, whichever it may be, has decided to put him elsewhere rather than Haddonfield. Taking the time to glance around coldly, the silent killer begins to walk through the halls, unaware that someone else may be nearby.
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He had sensed the other’s presence as soon as he stepped into his domain. Dark, heavy, full of sin....
The Red God had interactions with the Shape before and knew it was him from his presence alone. It makes him wonder why he is here, knowing that Michael would rather stay in Haddonfield than anywhere else. He doubts it’s curiosity so perhaps the Entity had a hand in it. The thought brings irritation.
Still though Pyramid Head keeps his distance, the stalker becoming the stalked. He does not view Michael himself as a threat, if anything he thinks the other killer is just trying to find a way out, so he does not think he needs to intervene. His unrepented deeds beg to be punished, most likely the cause when Red even lingers to watch him...but that will come another time.
Lucky him.
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tviirus · 2 years
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[OG Night Michael, after being shot+plot twist :3c] It isn't often that he finds himself where his body wishes to give out, but there he is. Laying there. It only takes moments for him to actually rise and leave... And it's a few days later and he still hasn't been found. Then there's a creak in the Strode's home, unsteady steps being made inside the kitchen. The parents are dead asleep... So who could it be, Laurie? / @ask-the-boogeyman
the  transition  hadn’t  been  easy.  readjusting  was  taking  longer  than  she  was  expecting.  how  could  she  just  act  like  nothing  had  happened  ?  her  friends  were  dead  and  it  was  just  her.  she  had  no  one  who  could  understand  her.  the  nights  seemed  to  have  just  been  getting  longer  and  longer.
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the  paranoia  only  grew  with  each  night  as  since  she’s  returned  home  --  and  that  resulted  in  her  being  a  light  sleeper.  hearing  the  noise  in  the  kitchen  at  an  hour  did  ring  some  alarms.  slowly,  the  teenager  gets  up  and  makes  her  way  down,  making  sure  she  had  her  crochet  needles  on  hand.  maybe  it  was  one  of  her  parents.  maybe  it  was  an  animal  that  had  snuck  in.
it  had  to  be  anyone  but  HIM,  right  ?
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lettherebemonsters · 2 years
To try and show he can try and understand the concept of romance, there are several bodies being dragged to Harry's realm... Being shaped into a heart. That seems like something a romantic would be. Maybe.
Harry certainly hadn't expected this. In the middle of Valentine's Bluffs, right under the obnoxious red Valentine's Day sign.....was a pile of cadavers, all arranged in a heart.
He knew immediately who had done it and smiled ear to ear.
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This was the sign most romantic thing anyone had done for him. He hoped he could do the same for Michael.....
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It was only a matter of time until the Ghostface reached the bottom of his list. He had been preparing for a while for this scouting trip in particular, knowing this was gonna be one hell of a long con. To investigate Michael Myers was a daunting task, one that he had been procrastinating for months at this point. But it had to be done... Eventually. Along with the Knight and Wesker, Myers's journal entry was on the short side despite how long he'd been in the Fog generally. Danny was only human, after all, and observing the daily motions of evil incarnate could only bring nothing good.
But in Haddonfield he stood regardless, slowly creeping around and sticking to the shadows as if the light would alert the man himself of his presence. He packed the basics in drink, snack, binoculars and his camera, prepared to spend hours or even days here if he had to. He had a mission and took it seriously, even if his stomach lurched at the sight of the Myers's residence across the street. First things first, location scouting. Finding places to hide out where the other wouldn't look but which also served as good points to rest and get an eye on the area. Luckily, he'd been here enough during trials that he already had a place in mind.
A dark shroud encompassed the Ghostface like a blanket of nightfall, keeping him quiet and faded into the dark background for maximum stealth opportunity. It was a gift from the Entity, of course, and although at the time he considered it meager and insulting considering what most others got, he learned to appreciate it's subtle benefits.
Like being able to tell when he was being looked at.
As he was slipping past the cars and keeping to the sidelines, it was like a wave of dread crawled through his body. Danny nearly gasped, feeling as if something physical was suffocating him and not just the intense stare of someone, no, something nearby. Myers. It didn't go away and he had no choice but to assume that he'd been spotted. He kept himself crouched and slowly scanned the area, unsheathing his hunting knife and staying on high alert. Compromised on day 1. An abysmal start to a suicide mission.
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
*meow~* A soft paw tips at Michael's shoe.
(My wrist is bad today so I'll sadly be doing mostly text replies with Michael today, sorry!)
The Shape notices the cat long before it paws at the tip of his shoes. Most would probably fear he was going to kill the feline, and they'd be in the wrong. While he has killed a dog before, it was out of the fact the dog was barking at him to alert the owners. It was not out of a sadistic desire or need.
He looks down and eventually bends down, easing himself into a sitting position as he silently offers his lap to the cat. Memories of the sanitorium trickle in, how they tossed kittens in his room to see if he would do anything to them. As if he had any reason of removing their lives. When the next morning arrived, the kittens had been crawling all over him, and he was unfazed by them.
Perhaps he's a cat person.
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the-game-warden · 1 year
For Jake, Corruption was a lot like a sort of consciousness hibernation. It wasn’t that he was completely out of it, but his sentience took something of a back seat. His thoughts were a lot quieter, driven mostly by instinct rather than reason. And where he might’ve otherwise been more cautious, curiosity had a tendency to take over.
That’s how he found himself exploring Haddonfield. It was between trials, his form still twisted from his interaction with the Plagas virus, and he was searching for… Something. It wasn’t like he was actually hungry. He didn’t feel that the same way in the Fog. But despite that he still dug through the cabinets and refrigerators of abandoned suburban homes.
He was halfway through tearing into a box of stale dog biscuits with his mandibles when he felt his spines shudder, his hair standing up on the back of his neck.
He turned his head. Someone was watching him.
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Michael is 6'6"
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viralstars · 2 years
∗ 65﹕ sender  throws  receiver  into  a  wall  during  combat . (DBD?)
nonverbal prompts (too lazy to go find link)
The Shape fought like a caged, feral animal.
It wasn't as though Wesker lacked the means to combat him, it was more that he simply hadn't been expecting to need to-- Michael Myers, from what he had seen thus far, was generally quite calm. But as it turns out, apparently he had taken exception to something Wesker had said-- what exactly, he didn't know, but he supposed even if he asked, he wouldn't get a straight answer, now would he?
He ducks under a fist that comes flying toward him, shifting left to get out from between the larger man's arms. Myers had hit him hard enough that he's honestly suprised there's not a dent in the wall where he landed. "Let's talk this out like adults," he encourages. "No need to be so violent...."
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tequilamoonrock · 2 years
❛   console .   comfort  my  muse  as  they  cry . [He may not console.. but he's watching LMAO, uhh Ji-Woon?]
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It's not often Ji-Woon allows himself to cry - if he had it his way, it would be never, but despite everything he's still (regrettably) a human, and humans can (again, regrettably for him) get overwhelmed. Crying is a part of life, and he can do it on cue if needed, but it's been a long time since he's genuinely broken down like this.
In a way, the anger he feels at himself for showing such weakness is worse than what actually caused this spike in emotions, which is why he finds himself all but shaking, frustrated tears making themselves very known. He's tucked himself away in some far corner of the Fog, shame being another prevalent emotion coursing through him, and for once he really does not want to be seen.
Of course, fate (and maybe the Entity) has other plans for him, as he feels a very familiar prickling sensation - he's being watched. For a moment he thinks to ignore everything, keep his face tucked into his knees and hope they just fucking go away, but eventually he risks raising his head, dread rising as he takes in the sight of the Shape. Of course he couldn't catch a goddamn break today.
" What the fuck do you want? " It comes out a lot more watery and less threatening than intended, but Ji-Woon's feelings towards his company are easy to discern.
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