#ask spiderverse virgil
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initiumseries · 2 years ago
who are your favourite black characters - animated and not animated
Oh fun question. We capitalize Black in this house, and this is absolutely going to show my age but you asked, and I wouldn't say favourite for most, because I don't know that I have a strong attachment to every show but did like them, and you'll probably notice, most of the time they just have to be Black and on a show for me to like them so here we go:
As usual, in no particular order -
Numbuh 5 - Kids Next Door
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I thought she was funny, and she was Black and that's really all it took for me, lol. I based one of my characters off her actually.
Miles Morales
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I feel like this goes without saying.
Goliath - Gargoyles
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LOL this is so funny to me because the VA is BLACK. And Goliath always read to me as Black, and Elisa Maza...anyway lol. It always struck me as deranged that whenever the gargoyles in general, but ESPECIALLY Goliath AND Demona turned human, all of them were always white. Just didn't make any sense even as a kid, and I blame racism. This is probably the only time I'll go up for non-human characters coded as Black and no I won't be arguing about this.
Out of the Box
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This dude held me down after school every day and the song still SLAPS.
Mr. Trick - BTVS
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He is SO unsung but I loved almost every scene he was in.
Lieutenant Van Buren - Law & Order
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The only cop I like. she sued the cops for racism.
Detective Green
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Before he was on that stupid DC show, he was a cop on a better show lmao. See above.
Storm - X-Men & Xmen Evolution
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She's Storm.
Virgil Hawkins - Static Shock
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One day we'll talk about what the fuck is up with all the Black people having electric powers, but today we'll put some respect on Virgil's name.
John Stewart/Green Lantern - Justice League/Unlimited
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The only green lantern I recognize.
Vixen - JLU
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John fumbled her BIG TIME.
Abbie - Sleepy Hollow
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This show fumbled her BIG TIME. Lord release us from the shackles of Black people being cops in shows.
Papa Pope
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He rocked my ENTIRE world off axis when he showed up and read Olivia for filth and then fucked up her white side piece.
Annalise Keating
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She was SO messy, but she should've killed them kids too.
Michaela Pratt
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I had issues with her SL but she was a real one.
Greenleaf patriarch & matriarch - Greenleaf
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tbh with you it doesn't really matter what these two people are in, I'm going to watch the fuck out of it.
Lafayette - True Blood
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I feel like this goes without saying. RIP.
Romeo Carter - Student Bodies
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for OBVIOUS reasons.
Jett Jackson - Jett Jackson
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Again, obvious reasons. RIP.
Ashley Banks - Fresh Prince
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I liked her because she was around my age when I was watching the show.
This whole family - Family Matters
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I don't have a favourite. This whole family was Black in a time where there were few Black people on tv much less whole families.
Hobie Brown - Across the Spiderverse
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Obvious reasons.
Chloe - Sabrina the Animated Series
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I feel like I've dug significantly into the archives of my brain. I'm sure there are characters I've missed, but this is what I could remember. Fun! - oh wait no!
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She stole the damn show. I watched for her and Ambrose *only*
Tak & Quellchrist Falconer - Altered Carbon
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This sleeve of Tak specifically.
Michael Burnham - Star Trek Discover
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She acts her ass off in any role so honestly it doesn't matter.
T'Challa - Black Panther
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No I will not expand. Sigh. RIP.
All of them - Black Panther
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Ok I think I'm done. I've reached into the archives of my childhood, and I'm sure there are more I've forgotten, but yeah, here's top of my head. :)
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dickmedowndc · 2 years ago
Upcoming Stories...
Now that my prior 9 promised fics and requests are completed, here are 8 more stories that have been requested or thought into existence that I will be working on next:
Listed in the order of their future posting, along with summaries.
Story summaries under the cut.
Post dates (12pm EST)
Hero Crush - Virgil Hawkins [Static]: July 3rd
Mechanics of the Heart - Amazo: July 6th
Kiss Tax - Bart Allen [Impulse]: July 10th
Misunderstandings - J'onn J'onzz [Martian Manhunter]: July 13th
Heart Stops - Bart Allen [Impulse]: July 17th
To Woo You, Pt. II - J'onn J'onzz [Martian Manhunter]: July 20th
Storming in the Streets, Pt. III - Conner "Kon" Kent [Superboy]: July 24th
Figured it Out - Jaime Reyes [Blue Beetle]: July 27th
Hero Crush - Virgil Hawkins [Static]
Summary: When Richie starts asking about your younger years, he learns something interesting about your old "celebrity" crush – it was Static. Unaware of your friends’ secret identities, Virgil has to try and remain collected after Richie calls him in ASAP, only to hear you defending your old puppy-love crush on the electric hero from an all too amused, and momentarily vexing, blonde.
Mechanics of the Heart - Amazo {Request}
Summary: He would have an eternity – to learn, to watch, to adapt. But that still meant that every so often Amazo was bound to experience something for the first time. He would need to learn how to navigate things he was unfamiliar with or seek help when absolutely necessary. Amazo had proven that he was capable of acting beyond his initial programming, and feelings were an addition he now grappled with. This feeling however, when he first met you after his return to Earth, eluded him, driving him to seek out an explanation from another.
Notes: Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, the animated show, version of Amazo.
Kiss Tax - Bart Allen [Impulse]
Summary: Bart had always been affectionate in your relationship. Quick to give or ask for anything from a hug to a kiss – the latter of which he had made a habit of giving before each mission he went on. At least when it wasn’t something last minute or it was manageable. But you had finally decided to return the affections yourself, beginning to ask for a “kiss tax” for small things such as passing through the door or handing over a drink. A practice that Bart seemed more than happy to adopt and turn around on you just as quickly.
Misunderstandings - J'onn J'onzz [Martian Manhunter] {Request}
Summary: Working on the tower or in any vicinity of a hero was never a safe job – and while staff often got to avoid the worst of it, they were not always spared from injury. You had been lucky up until this point, managing to avoid the fray until one bad choice to switch a shift and help out. You got off lucky though, despite being one of the last to evacuate the room, you would heal just fine. At least that was what Martian Manhunter told you. But the coming days found him at your side more often than not despite being cleared, and you were unaware of the circulating theories surrounding the two of you.
Notes: The Supergirl version was requested and I will try to accommodate, but I have not seen that series so he may end up being significantly more like the JL/JLU Animated version.
Heart Stops - Bart Allen [Impulse] {Request}
Summary: The last anyone sees of you it isn’t good. The fight goes south and any communication with you goes dark the moment the rockslide begins. Bart is fast, faster than anyone on his team, but he feels like he isn’t fast enough as he searches for you among the aftermath of the disaster. 
Notes: The request was for a reader similar to someone from spiderverse, but I do not do crossovers, so I made them a meta with a similar skillset.
To Woo You, Pt. II - J'onn J'onzz [The Martian Manhunter] {Request}
Summary: It’s a day that J’onn has been looking forward to since he finally managed to ask you out on a proper date – but now that it’s here he finds himself nervous. Thankfully, you seem to be in the same boat. But you’re both determined to make the night a good one, knowing there isn’t anywhere that you would rather be.
Storming in the Streets, Pt. III - Conner "Kon" Kent [Superboy] {Request}
Summary: The first date had been a success, even with his friends peaking in, and the few that you had gone on after all ended the same way – fantastic. Even the few times that someone had recognized him or he had been called off on short notice. But noticing that he planned most of the dates, and that he had been busier than normal, you take it upon yourself to plan a nice night in to surprise him.
Figured it Out - Jaime Reyes [Blue Beetle] {Request}
Summary: You’ve known Jaime for some time now, which also means you’ve noticed that more than a few things don’t always add up around him. It takes longer than you care to admit, but eventually the pieces fall into place and you realize that he is the hero Blue Beetle. Too bad for him, he happens to be very bad at hiding things from you when you finally confront him. 
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galaxy-lilies · 2 years ago
I’m seeing across the spiderverse posts and I can hear my 2018 self going like
ask-spiderverse-Virgil: I’LL LIVE INSIDE YOU
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therubyjailcell · 6 years ago
Strong - [Spiderverse Roman centric & Prinxiety angst]
Okay, so, old fic again, written in the TS Spiderverse server back in January (12th I think), and then modified and edited afterwards. I then proceeded to forget where I had put the fic. I’m organised, I swear. Anyway. Based of a prompt by @not-cam-pad, as most of my Spiderverse fic, and as always, written for @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil‘s AU. Angst with a happy ending for Sugar.
Word Count: 1792
TW: angst, self loathing, anger, description of injuries, description of a panic attack, probably swearing (I can’t talk without swearing)
On January 12th 2019, Cam said in the Discord “Roman? Everyone thinks he’s afraid of failure. Maybe he’s afraid of succeeding. Maybe he’s afraid that one day he’ll go too far Because he’s always been reckless But maybe one day He’ll just do one thing worse. And break the one rule he can never break Roman’s always been known for pushing the limits physically He always goes a little too hard fighting the bad guys Because they’re bad, right? And He’s Good But the look Thomas gives him They way Patton edges around him after a hard fight Makes him wonder if maybe he’s going too hard And it just Hits him somewhere So he starts trying to hold back, pull his punches But then one of them gets too close to getting Virgil, or one of the others And he snaps And by the time they get him off the man He has to go to the hospital Over ten broken bones Concussion He’s nearly dead.”
To what I answered… A small fic. Angst, as usual.
Everyone looked at him after The Incident. They all stayed away, kept their distance. Virgil had been in danger, the villain had grabbed him and was going to hurt him, and Roman had just snapped. Roman could feel how they looked at him, how Patton flinched slightly whenever he moved too fast, how protective Logan was of Patton and Virgil, how he stared and studied each and every of Roman’s move, how Thomas looked at him with worry and sadness. And Virgil. Virgil was silent.
Roman didn’t see it, but Virgil tried talking to him, except Logan wouldn’t let him be alone with Roman. Roman didn’t see it, but Virgil didn’t talk to anybody else either. Roman didn’t hear it, but Virgil cried silently at night every night, in the kitchen, because he wasn’t allowed to sleep near Roman, and he couldn’t sleep without him. Virgil didn’t know what to do. And Roman stayed alone, went to train on his own, punching walls in to be destroyed buildings and places where nobody could see him.
Roman was angry, and it showed. Roman was angry, and his eyes were always furious, it was like he barely paid attention to anyone anymore. Roman was angry, and he didn’t notice Patton’s worried glances directed at him (not the others), nor Logan grabbing Virgil’s arms to prevent him from going to his boyfriend. And when the next enemy appeared, Roman took all his anger out on him, and none of the others dared to try and stop him. None except Virgil. He stepped in. He walked up to Roman and forced him to let go. Only then did the Spidergang push Roman away from the bad guy. Thomas and Logan lectured him afterwards, once they got home. Patton stayed silent. Virgil wanted to disappear. Roman left without listening to any of them. He was angry, Thomas and Logan were too, and nobody noticed Virgil walking out of the room in silence.
Roman didn’t came back. He was gone, Virgil didn’t talk, and Patton felt like everything was broken. Thomas and Logan were angry, but Thomas felt guilty, while Logan kept saying “it’s better this way, at least we’re safe.” Patton noticed Virgil leaving the house every so often, without warning anyone. Nobody but him noticed how little the young man slept anymore. Virgil searched the town, everywhere, to find Roman. When he did find him, he didn’t try to talk to him, didn’t say he was there. He watched Roman being angry, he watched him train on his own, he watched him destroy things. Virgil didn’t know what to do, he felt like he had lost Roman, and he felt guilty, so guilty, because he hadn’t managed to help him before, and didn’t deserve to talk to Roman anymore. And Roman was angry at the world, but mostly at himself, and he destroyed things and stayed on his own. Virgil was barely with the others anymore at this point. He knew it wasn’t good, that they were worried, but he watched Roman, because that was all he could do by then. He watched, and nobody asked where he went all the time, because that’s what they were now, a broken family.
Roman turned rogue. He felt like it didn’t matter anyway, and nobody was there to stop him. He turned bad, as in destruction bad. He didn’t attack people directly, but he attacked buildings, and if there were people in it, well, they should’ve gotten out before. Soon, the Spidergang had to fight him. And Patton saw Virgil’s world break when he learned the news of the imminent fight, but the young man didn’t look shocked. Virgil saw Roman breaking and he didn’t do anything, and he felt like he deserved his world breaking. Nobody else noticed.  Thomas and Logan would fight, they were ready. Because they could see Roman as an enemy now, after all he had done. Of course, they were sad, they didn’t like it, but he was dangerous. Patton wasn’t sure. He was scared. Virgil didn’t look like he cared.
Before they knew it, there was already so much damage done. Patton made sure all civilians were safe, he couldn’t bring himself to fight Roman. Logan and Thomas weren’t in the best of shape, Roman was stronger. Virgil had dodged. He had stayed apart, and nobody had noticed. He had watched the destruction of the buildings around the fight, made sure nobody would get hurt by the things falling. But then, with Thomas and Logan hurt and Patton unable to fight Roman, he had to come in. Virgil walked up to Roman and fell on his knees. He wouldn’t fight him. Not Roman. He couldn’t fight him. So he took a deep breath. And he spoke. Because that was all he could do, because he would not hurt Roman. Not again.
“It’s my fault. I give up. You win. I won’t fight back, just get your victory.”
Roman froze. He hadn’t planned this. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to react. Logan and Thomas got up and were about to run to him, but Patton prevented them from doing so. “Virgil is a big boy, and if he doesn’t want to hurt Roman, then we won’t hurt Roman. We’re family.”
Virgil looked at Roman, and he shook his head. “I won’t fight back, I promise.”
And because Roman still didn’t move, Virgil kept speaking. He was crying, and you could hear it in his voice. “I need to pay for what I’ve done, I know I do, I won’t fight back.”
Roman could very well picture Virgil’s face behind the mask. He knew what Virgil looked like when he was crying, when his voice sounded like that. And Virgil was speaking again, to him, for the first time in forever. And Virgil was there, and Virgil was crying. And for the first time in months, Roman wasn’t angry anymore. He was sad, and desperate, and lost, and confused, and terrified, and he had done so many awful things, and Virgil was crying.
Virgil sobbed. Once. Twice. Roman fell on his knees. Virgil was slouching, on his knees, begging Roman to end this and make him pay for everything, because it was his fault (at least that’s what he said). He was shaking, violently. Roman wanted to reach out. He wanted to protect Virgil from the world, but Virgil didn’t need that, Virgil needed protection from Roman himself (at least that’s what he thought).
Thomas stayed silent, on the side. He could feel it, in his heart, that it was Roman, their Roman, not the ball of anger and hate they were previously fighting. Logan stopped trying to get to Virgil, because he could see Roman gave up. Patton cried, because he could see his friends hurting, so bad.
Virgil sobbed, and gasped for air, and cried, and he looked to Roman and saw him on his knees, shaking and crying too. And Roman’s hand, halfway through reaching to him but not quite there, as he stopped in the middle of reaching to Virgil. And Roman. Roman looking at Virgil through his tears, and unable to speak, or to move now, frozen, terrified.
Virgil’s voice was broken, and small, so small. It was the voice he had when he was having a panic attack. It was the voice he had when he was asking if the world hated him. All he said was Roman’s name, and yet it sounded like he was asking if the world hated him. The question was clear, it was “Please don’t hate me”, it was “Please don’t break me”,  it was Virgil’s guilt, and terror, and Roman broke a little more, over and over. He would never forget that sound, the way Virgil said his name. Roman simply nodded, the smallest nod in the world, and he wasn’t sure if Virgil saw it, but he couldn’t do more than that. Virgil saw it. He took Roman’s hand, slowly. And Roman held it with both of his immediately, slouching over, shaking, crying, sobbing, mumbling apologies and begging for help and forgiveness.
Logan, Patton and Thomas slowly made their way toward Virgil and Roman. They were slow, didn’t want to startle any of them, but the two others were just shaking, and crying, and holding onto each other, and never letting go. Patton was the one who hugs them first, followed by Thomas, and finally Logan joined. Thomas helped them get up, Roman holding onto Virgil, and they looked like they would never let go of each other, ever. They didn’t want to let go. Ever.
When they got home, Roman sat on the couch, his head in his hands, not meeting anyone’s eyes. Virgil sat right next to him. Everyone was silent. Roman whispered a broken apology. Nobody spoke again for a while. Thomas decided they all needed to eat and rest, that they needed to talk but it could wait, because it had been hard for everyone. Patton threw Logan a warning look, but Logan didn’t even try to ask if Virgil and Roman were going to stay together. Obviously they would.
And there, laying together, next to each other, holding onto each other and tight, Roman apologised again. He couldn’t not apologies. He felt awful. Virgil stared at him and asked what for. Roman started listing, with how violent he got, how he left, how he hurt everyone. Virgil simply caressed his cheek softly and whispered he never felt safer than in his arms, and wasn’t ever afraid of him. Roman cried a little, and Virgil told him they’d get through this together.
After that, they talked. Together, then with the others. Roman wasn’t allowed on missions for a while, he didn’t care. He took care of them when they came back. He took care of Virgil, always. And when they went on a mission one day, and Thomas looked at Roman and smiled slightly, “Come on, get ready, we had some ass to kick”, Roman felt like they gave him the world. He thanked Virgil and Patton, because he knew they were the ones who convinced Thomas and Logan to let him come back.
And when Virgil told him he was watching him, all this time, when he was training, then Roman felt a little better. Because he wasn’t all alone. And when Virgil asked him to help him train, Roman agreed right away. And soon, Roman was helping everyone train. And that was how he took out his anger. By helping the others.
It wasn’t perfect, obviously. Sometimes Roman got angry. But Virgil could always reach out to him. And he always got better. They were all together in this.
Gen Taglist:
@sweetsweetemo @emologan @croftered-with-jam
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icequeenoriginal · 6 years ago
Prompt: “ The language of love” Prinxiety. Please and thank you! Love your work btw!
Aww thank you!
Note: Since @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil got spammed with angst in their Spiderverse AU, I decided to write something super fluffy since I can’t do anything else but tell people to respect her wishes when it comes to angst.
Trigger Warning: Food, kissing, a reference to Intimacy and All Its Forms
Pairings: Prinxiety and Logicality (mentioned)
If you were to ask someone what the love languages, they would say, according to the famous Dr. Chapman, there are five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. If you were to ask someone else what the romance languages were, they would say there are five; French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian.
If you were to ask Roman and Virgil, they would say there are five: Physical Touch, Spanish, French, Dancing, and Singing. Logan would be appalled that would attempt to disprove someone like Dr. Chapman while Patton found it cute and would shush Logan with a kiss. But they didn’t care what anyone else thought, it was theirs and only theirs.
1. Physical Touch
Roman and Virgil were lounging on Virgil’s bed, facing opposite directions. The room was quiet except for the sound of pencils scribbling across papers and soft music playing in the background. It was a peaceful sight.
Until Virgil suddenly sprung up, head nearly hitting the ceiling due to his spider powers, and held his paper above his head triumphantly. “Finished!”
Roman threw his pencil down, much like a football player who just lost the championship game “No! I was so close!”
“Better luck next time Princey!”
Roman was suddenly struck with an idea and finished the rest of the worksheet.
Virgil tilted his head “What are you doing Princey? The bet was whoever finishes first.”
“Nope! It was whoever finishes first and who has the most correct answers. You may have bested me in speed but my smarts will avenge me.”
Virgil smirked, “If you remember that, then you remember who’s grading.”
“Yeah, it’s Logan. Why?”
Virgil sat back down and raised an eyebrow. “You really think my best friend is going to let me lose a bet to you?”
Roman open his mouth to retort but it snapped shut as he realized how right his boyfriend was. Roman gently pushed the worksheet to the side and leaned over so that he was face to face with Virgil. “You’re a monster.”
Virgil leaned in and whispered for his and Roman’s lips were inches apart. “Oh yeah? Then how are you going to defeat me, Princey?”
Roman leaned forward, captured Virgil’s lips. Virgil happily kissed him back, even allowing Roman to push him down so that he was fulling laying on the bed. In the past, even thinking of something like that would terrify him but Roman made him so calm and happy that he’d do it all day.
Roman gently pulled back and whispered as he placed his hands on Virgil’s waist “Is this okay?”
Virgil’s heart soars at those words. Roman loved physical affection but he always asked, especially after The Incident That Shall Not Be Named.  Virgil nodded and cupped Roman’s face, pulling him back into the kiss. They only pulled apart to start another kiss, then two more, then three days. They needed to practice their counting for Algebra anyway.
Suddenly, there was a banging at the door. “Virgil? Why is this door locked? What are you two doing in there?!”
Virgil cringed, he had forgotten his mother was home. He turned his head towards the door “We’re just studying Mama!”
Virgil could feel his mother’s skeptical glare through the door. “This door better be open by the count of three. One…”
Roman rolled off of Virgil and used his webbing to pick up the book he kicked off the bed during his and Virgil’s makeout session. Virgil used his own webbing to fling himself across the room towards the door.
“Two. Three.” Mrs. Storm was actually surprised when Virgil pulled the door open right on three and minimum shuffling was heard.
Virgil smiled casually at his mom “See? We’re just studying.” Virgil turned and motioned towards the bed before cringing as Roman was reading his Algebra book upside down.
Mrs. Storm raised an eyebrow “I see, then you two won’t mind leaving the door open from now on.”
“Yes, Má.”
“You know what happens when young boys are behind closed doors.”
Virgil replied, slightly more embarrassed “Yes Má.”
“And I know you want to explore your–”
“ MA PLEASE!” Virgil’s face turned bright red and Roman threw his head back laughing “Can we please go back to studying?”
Mrs. Storm smiled and rubbed his head “Alright. Oh and Roman? It might be easier to understand what you’re studying if you held the book right side up.”
If he was any other man, Roman would have panicked. However, he was Roman Marigold, actor, and superhero. He flashed his award-winning smile and says “That would make sense, Mrs.Strom, but unfortunately I do not understand it right side up so I was attempting a new study tactic.”
Virgil was able to let go of the breath he was holding and Mrs. Storm smiled softly at Roman. “I see, carry on boys.”
2. Spanish
Virgil waited until his mother was all the way down the hall before turning around to Roman. He was sitting cross-legged, smirking playfully. Damn him.
Virgil glared, though he wasn’t actually mad “That was too close.”
Roman simply shrugged and extended his arms, making grabby hands much like a toddler.
Virgil wanted to smack him, with his mouth, repeatedly. “We could have gotten in serious trouble.”
“But we didn’t~” Roman finally replied, “Now come here, mi amor.”
Virgil crossed his arms and huffed playfully “Nah.”
“ Oh mi amor, ¿por qué me haces tanto daño?” 
Virgil felt the butterflies in his stomach began to dance, he loved it when Roman spoke to him in Spanish, even if he had no idea what Roman was saying. Though, an unspoken bet had begun with Virgil losing if he sat back down on the bed.
Roman knew this, so he decided to pull out all the stops “ Te amo Virgil, solo quiero darte un beso. ¿Por favor mi amor?”
It was getting harder and harder for Virgil to budge “Sorry, I don’t understand Spanish.”
“Mi corazón. Mi alma gemela. Mi ángel. Eres tan maravilloso. Eres hermosa. Eres mi todo. ¡Te amo mucho!”
Virgil rolled his eyes before diving into Roman’s arms. He stole a quick kiss before moving to sit next to Roman, in case his mom came back.
Virgil knew his face was very red and he hides it in his hands “You’re too good at that.”
Roman smiles softly “Gracias cariño, cualquier cosa para ti.”
“You can stop now.”
“¿Pero por qué? Te hace sonreír amante.”
Virgil picked up the nearest textbook and gently smacked Roman in the face. “We have homework.
3. French
Roman threw his head back and laughed “Why must you hurt me so?!” Roman let out an over the top gasp “And you turned off my Spanish!”
Virgil playfully shoved him and used the “boost” to lean down and pull out his French textbook. Virgil bite his lip as he stared at the cover, French was his hardest class
“I still can’t believe you took French,” Roman said as he pulled out his Spanish textbook
“I can’t believe you took Spanish.”
Roman shrugged and flipped to his homework “I needed an easy class this Semester. Plus it’s my last class of the day and I need an hour to decompress before play practice.”
Virgil hummed, trying his best to focus on the foreign words in front of him. He gently placed his head on Roman’s shoulder and smiled when Roman leaned his head against Virgil’s.
“So why did you take French anyway? You never told me.”
Virgil looked away “You’re going to laugh.”
“Nonsense, I never laugh at you.”
Virgil shot him a glare
“…much anymore. Come on! I’m nosey, tell me!”
Virgil snickered “Ugh fine, only because you’re groveling.” His expression turned soft and sentimental “It was all Ms. Green’s idea. She said that if I wanted to have a better connection with Ballet, I should study the language of origin. That way I know the words to songs I’m dancing too.” Virgil began to rub the back of his neck nervously “Sorry, you probably think that so dorky.”
Roman gently took Virgil’s hands in his “Not at all. Mr. Bell got me into reading old Greek and Roman plays to see how theater has evolved over time.”
Virgil smirked, “ha, nerd.”
Roman decided to ignore that comment and kiss both of Virgil’s hands, making Virgil blushed once again. Roman peered over the book and smiled at the picture of the couple sitting in a cafe in Paris. He wondered how long it would take them to swing there.
“You know mi amor, if you master French, you could seduce me with it.” Roman reached into the book once filled with chips and frowned when his hand hit the bottom of the bowl. “Aww, there’s no more snacks.” Roman hopped off the bed and picked up the bowl “Not to worry, I’ll get some more and endure the awkward conversation with your mom.” Roman bowed and walked out of the room.
As soon as Roman was out the door, Virgil flips quickly through his textbook. He came across the chapter titled “The REAL Love Language”, the title made him roll his eyes but it had exactly what he wanted so he couldn’t complain.
Roman returned, looking unfazed from the conversation that he just had that he will not be repeating. He smiled at the sight of his boyfriend studying intensely. Virgil looked up and smiled before saying “Je t'aime romain.”
Roman nearly fainted 
“Tu es incroyable” Virgil was horribly butchering the pronunciation but that did not matter at all to Roman. Virgil squinted at the textbook, trying to pick something simple to say when Roman lowered the textbook and kissed Virgil. 
They pulled apart when they heard Grandma Storm cleared her throat, Virgil jumped back and Roman straightening up. 
Grandma Storm smirked at them, waggling her finger “Homework first boys.”
“Yes, Mama.” They said in unison.
4. Dancing
Virgil flopped onto his back, feeling exhausted “I finally finished…now I’m going to sleep for 30 years.”
Roman laid down, propping himself up with his elbow “And you call me dramatic.”
“Hush, French is hard.”
 Roman leaned down and gently kissed Virgil’s head. “Well, now you can rest.”
“I wish. I have to practice my routine at least once today. You, uh, can watch if you want. Or not! I don’t mind.”
Roman sat up “I love watching you dance nightingale. You look so happy and relaxed when you do so.”
Virgil had no idea you could fall in love with someone you were already in love it “Thanks Princey.” Virgil climbed off the bed and grabbed his ballet shoes. After he placed them on his feet, he did some stretches, pretending not to notice that Roman was totally checking him out.
After five minutes of torturing Roman, Virgil qued up his song and began to dance. It was a lyrical and a slow tempo. It was like he was sleeping, moving through his dream. 
Roman watched, hearts replacing his pupils. The sight was just so peaceful, like something straight out of a movie. He tattooed every minute into his mind.
Virgil spun over to Roman, pulling him up and off the bed. Virgil did most of the work, using Roman as something to balance on as he stood on his toes or when he needed to jump in the song to prevent him from making a hole in the ceiling.
They both knew Virgil didn’t need it but neither one was complaining.
As the song faded out, Roman “helped” Virgil do one last turn before the shared a hug.
“Thanks for your help Sir Sing-A-Lot,” Virgil whispered before kissing Roman’s neck
“No problem my dark and stormy knight.” Roman pulled back gently held Virgil’s arms “But now it’s my turn.”
5. Singing
Roman led Virgil to the bed and sat him down. He quickly grabbed Virgil’s guitar that was resting in front of the bed and played one cord. Roman winced and began to tune it. “You’re punishing this guitar you know,” Roman said in a matter-of-fact tone. 
“Not my fault, time is never on my side”
“You could just give it to me.”
Roman chuckled “Worth a shot.” He finished tuning the guitar shortly after that and began to play.
“Wish men say, only fools rush in, but I can’t help falling in love with you”
Virgil sighed lovingly. Roman was like a siren, his beautiful voice enchanted all who heard it. Virgil was secretly so happy that Roman seemed to sing for him to most. He didn’t care how selfish that might sound. Roman was his boyfriend and Virgil planned on keeping him for a long time.
The song ended too soon for Virgil’s taste but it meant he could reward his boyfriend with a kiss. They made out a bit more, making sure their superhearing was forced on anyone coming towards them.
Both of them loved their love languages, but they loved each other more.
~Tag list:
@corkeecoderyt @Per-seph-o-nee @Ohshrekmyheck @3milystuff  @Asymmetricalgarbage8888   @fairytailtwists  @sanders-sides-rebloger  @sanderssidesfluffyangst  @unikornavenger @0callmevirge0 @gloomingwitch @roxiefox24 @ijustreallylovesanderssides @unisaurioamorfo
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fanartfunart · 6 years ago
Spiderman Virgil 2
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*me, hoping that this is accurate*
Spider-verse Virgil: @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil / @galaxy-lilies
Pose Asks: (Closed) 
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frickengreenfrickyeah · 6 years ago
Skills of Deception
AN: Despite the name, Deceit doesn’t actually make an appearance. This is an excerpt from a Sanders Sides Spiderverse concept that I’m working on for fun. In my version, the Sides are all from different universes, which I based on the @ask-spiderverse-virgil blog 
Summary: Thomas and his new found Spider-children need to sneak into Pym Technologies to solve A Problem (TM). Unfortunately for them, Thomas’ skills of deception are lacking. Told through the eyes of the skeptical lady at the front desk.
Warnings: None that I can think of? It’s pretty inane and goofy, I think
“You want to talk with Remington Matherson, Hank Pym’s personal assistant, about an undisclosable important matter, but not Hank Pym himself?” The lady at the front desk on the ground floor of Pym Technologies asks. She gazes at the group of five standing before her, unimpressed. The familiar looking man with the pinkish-purple hair and childish t-shirt, Mr. Sanders, nods politely while the hooligans behind him try to look innocent. For some reason, the teenagers are wearing Halloween costumes under their clothes.
“That’s correct,” Mr. Sanders says, “We have an important inquiry that is not nearly important enough to bother the founder of Pym Tech with.”
“But it is important enough to require consultation with his personal assistant?” she asks skeptically.
“Yes, well put. Those are the exact... dimensions of importance that our, uh, mission entails. Yes.”
The boy in purple slaps his forehead. She’d have to be an idiot to not realize that these hooligans are trying to bullshit their way past her. Obviously, they’re here to play some sort of prank on Remy, and she can’t bring herself to be bothered by that. But what she is bothered by is that she might lose her job if she gives a possible security threat the clearance key to the elevators. That is... unless she can give her boss a good reason for why she let them get past her.
“Well, did you at least make an appointment?” she asks. There’s a commotion at this. An excited whisper of, ‘An appointment with destiny!’ that is quickly shushed. She pretends she didn’t notice this and taps her long, pink nails against the counter with impatience. Please have an appointment.
“Eh, no,” Mr. Sanders admits with a grimace. He rubs the back of his neck and his sleeve slips down slightly to reveal that, yes, he too is wearing a Halloween costume. A Rainbow Weaver one by the looks of the shimmering, multicolored spandex.
“Well, I can’t let you up without an appointment,” she is forced to say. Too bad, really. That sarcastic, shade-throwing, tea-slurping moron deserves a prank or two. “Next!”
“Pardon me!” Cuts in the dark blue, bespectacled hooligan. The contents of his backpack clank as he pushes himself to the front of the group. Mr. Sanders has no idea what his friend is about to pull, judging by his expression. The hooligan glares at Mr. Sanders. “Step aside, rookie. Let the trained employee take it from here.” There’s a believable annoyance to his tone. She allows herself to hope.
“And how can I help you?” This had better be good.
The kid takes a moment to collect himself. He adjusts his glasses and smooths his tie.
“Salutations. I am… Bobert, an employee of the coffee shop franchise Skybucks, and these are the trainees that have been assigned to me.” He motions to the cluster of hooligans, who wave at her. She doesn’t wave back. Then he pulls an iced drink out of the drink holder on his backpack. “We are here to make a delivery to…” he squints at the name scrawled on the clear cup. She does too. Allison, it says. “Remy,” Bobert lies without missing a beat.
“Where did he get that?” the hooligan in red hisses. He is, again, shushed, and, again, she pretends not to notice.
“It is to my understanding that Remington routinely has iced green tea delivered to his workplace by hand,” The ‘Skybucks’ employee continues, “He says that the person-to-person contact enriches the experience of sipping flavorful leaf juice?”
Any lingering doubt that she had about these boys being a genuine security threat vanishes. If they know something so specific about Remy, they have to be his friends.
“That’s right,” she says, which generates an astonished and quickly shushed, ‘It is?’ that she ignores. “But Mr. Matherson’s ‘Skybucks’ delivery arrived twenty minutes ago. I sent the gal up myself.”
“He meant Starbucks,” Mr. Sanders quickly interjects, then mutters softer, “It’s called Starbucks here.”
“Interesting…” Bobert says, “As for the earlier delivery… My colleague dithered in her transportation of the beverage and allowed the ice to melt. This was clearly unacceptable to Remington, so he requested that another drink be delivered. It is at this juncture that I impress upon you the importance of our ��mission’. If we tarry in this foyer much longer, the ice in Remington’s new drink will melt, and this entire, tiresome process will have to repeat itself.” He shakes the drink lightly to punctuate his point. The rapidly melting ice sloshes.
She grins. A foolproof cover story.
“And, naturally, your trainees will have to accompany you so that they can learn, first hand, how to deliver Starbucks?” She offers. Bobert latches on.
“Naturally. The institution of Starbucks believes that hands-on experiences are what fuels a happy, caffeinated, over-priced lifestyle.”
“Hence the hand delivery.”
“Of course. It’s only logical.”
She takes a moment to study this kid. She likes his cool demeanor and quick wit.
“So why don’t you hand us a clearance key for the elevator?” Mr. Sanders breaks in. One of the hooligans groans.
She complies and wishes them a good day. They thank her and scurry to the elevators. She eavesdrops as they not-so-subtly congratulate each other on their oh-so-cunning skills of deception.
“I gotta hand it to you, Logan,” says the ruffian with a cardigan tied around his shoulders. Bobert and the purple one groan. “That quick thinking with the Starbucks has me amazed. You could almost say I’m-”
“Don’t,” insists Bobert.
“No,” moans the purple one.
“Get it? Like starstruck! But with Starbucks.”
“No, we get it,” Bobert says as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Not your best work, compadre,” says the hooligan in red.
“Well, I thought it was hilarious,” Mr. Sanders jumps in, “And you did do a good job, Logan.” The elevator dings. Mr. Sanders continues as they pile inside, “By the way, the name is Robert here, not Bobert.”
“Robert?” Logan (nee Bobert) repeats incredulously. “Does that mean that the nickname is Robby instead of Bobby?”
The doors begin to slide closed.
“No, it’s still Bobby,” Mr. Sanders says, “Well, actually. Robby is…”
The doors close and the five hooligans are whisked away. She smirks to herself before calling the next person forward. They’re Remy’s problem now.
AN: Thanks for reading. I’m not actually sure if this excerpt makes much sense without context, but I’m not worried about that. I’m having a bad day and just wanted to put something out there that might make someone smile, you know?
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masterpost-master · 4 years ago
*New* Spiderverse Master Post
Alrighty folks. The OG spiderverse master post for @ask-spiderverse-virgil and @sugarglider-s has a lot of broken links on it, so here’s a new one! It also has a some new stuff that was added to the AU after I had made the original one, so have at it!
Thomas/a Rainbow Weaver
Patton/Love Bite
Roman/Royal Slinger
Emile/Cotton Spider
Matthew Jones(MJ)
Remy/Dream Weaver
Turns Out Being a Super Hero Is Actually Really Gay(all parts)
Nightmare In New York City(all parts)
His Kids
Six Out of a Million
Battle Wounds
Panic, Grandma, and Secrets
An Average Spider Saturday
Getting Use to
Leap of Faith
Infinity War: The Snap
Mind Games
Bad Habits
Just Checking in
BITES of Spider Life!
BITES of Spider Life! (part 2)
Tired Thomas
Picture Perfect
Disastrous Friendship
Disastrous Friendship (part 2)
How Venom Met the Spiders
Friends by Choice and Chance
Just Some Fluff
Intimacy and All its Forms
It’s Time Thomas Stops Running
The Beginning of a Villain
Old and New Memories
The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
Hold Me Tight
Love Letter Mystery
I’m Feline Fine
Love From a Dark Heart
Things Weren’t Supposed to be This Way
On the Outside Looking in
Spider Frens Meet a Wild Mulaney
The Time the Other Two Spidey Bois Met Mulaney
Scars and All
“I Love You!”
Pillow Forts
Source of Comfort
You Messed With the Wrong Family(part 1)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
“What Changed?” “You”
Endgame Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Babysitter
Off on Our Own Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
A Powerful Enemy Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You Can’t Tell me What to Do
By Chance
Dia de Los Muertos
The Meaning of Family
Additional Stuff
The cover
The MJ pitch
A beautiful thing
Aesthetic Blogs
Trans Emile pitch
Redbubble Merch
The “Uncle Bens”
Their parents
Dolion’s parents
Remy’s Parents
Remy’s Nationality
The villains
Can’t find a link, but Dolion is Jewish
How we worked Dee’s name reveal in
The ships
Thomas x MJ
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spiderversetweets · 4 years ago
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So, I got a new funko pop, and this is definitely something that Emile would have, don't you think @ask-spiderverse-virgil and @sugarglider-s
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years ago
Me Reacting And Finding Roman And Virgil Cuter Then Ever Before
This is me freaking out about the episode. I wrote it down on my phone as I watched so its a fucking mess XD I’m shaky and slowly calming down and having to purposely breathe slower because I think I had some kind of attack midway. Which is new...
ANYWAY here’s my craziness
- And Patreon. Fair. 
- Awwwww!! It's such a cute style! I love it!!!!!
- Virge and Roman teaming up on Thomas is funny as hell.
- Oh my gosh they're going so hard on him 
- Yes. He is a liar. Shush.
- Again. Roman has a point. You don't know if he's gay or not 
- BACKPACK PINS!!! I want some so bad... Go look at them for gosh darned sake.
- Stop calling Thomas old Ro that's rude-
- Pintrovert... Pfft...
- He ordered carrots XD RIP 
- Roman can spell Thomas. Trust him. He’s great at it.
- GAY EYES! What is that?
- ... Ro your so cute XD Look at those faces. I’m so sad that I can’t do gay eyes (unless i can do enby @ boy eyes????)
- Virge your amazing. You sound so much like my anxiety and I love you.
- Thomas... Please stop...
- ... "You're making a mistake" "If I am, I'll add it to the list" ... Roman... I'm gonna fucking tackle hug you I swear to gosh-
- pLaNt!
- .... What the fuck. Thomas. What. Leave the guy alone. Please. OH THAT WAS JOANS VOICE I THINK!?
- Sty's? Virge why-
- They are trash bros now. Where’s Remus he’s an expert-
- Real life cyber stalking... Virge I love you
- .3. Your so gay it's cute Thomas
- OH THERES A GAY WTF (edit: i meant guy but okay-)
- ._. shhh Virge... He's allowed to lie a little he's freaking out
- Thomas no. No. No. Calm. Down. Omfg.
- Bye guy!!!!!
- Roman ;-; no...
- He writes songs too!? There ya go Thomathy!
- Oh they're cute!!
- SHUT UP!!!!
- BRAVERY!!!!!!;++!! LOOK AT THAT HAND!! If someone makes a Spider-Man Into The SpiderVerse thing with that I will be in love-
- Shut up emo and be cute!
- HEY JANUS (kinda)
- oooooooh Patreon sounds cute
- I CAN WHAT!?!? ME!?!?!? WRITE EPISODES!?!?!? THE FUCK!?!?! Dndjehrbrbrhjrjdfsndjkfsdjfaidfbkhjsdfdsjhfs
- OoO
- I can't breathe-
- Omfg my chest-
- Omfg I need a sec...
- No why don't ask questions shush-
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iznightwing · 5 years ago
Spiderverse AU Master Post
Here is my second master post list for @sugarglider9603. This one is also for @ask-spiderverse-virgil / @galaxy-lilies-main​. It’s a more up-to-date master post for the AU, since the original one is behind on some things.I hope you guys like it. And yes, this is the stuff that I believe is the most important stuff. (This time a bit more organized)
Thomas Sanders / Rainbowweaver 
Patton Foster / LoveBite
Logan Quinn / Arachnea
Roman Marigold / Royal Slinger
Virgil Storm / Spidergale
Emile Picani / Cotton Spider
Remy Dormir / Dream Catcher
Dolion Truman / Venom
Matthew Jones(MJ)
Fics:(I apologize now if I missed any)
Turns Out Being a Superhero is Actually Really Gay Master List
His Kids
Six Out of a Million
Battle Wounds
Taking the Leap of Faith
Panic, Grandma, and Secrets
An Average Spider Saturday
Getting Use To
Leap of Faith
Infinity War: The Snap
Mind Games
Bad Habits
Just Checking In
BITES of Spider Life!
Tired Thomas
BITES of Spider Life(Chapter 2)
Untitled Fic
Picture Perfect
Disastrous Friendship
Disastrous Friendship 2
How Venom Met the Spiders
Untitled Fic
Friends by Choice and Chance
Just Some Fluff
Intimacy and All its Forms
It’s Time Thomas Stops Running
The Beginning of a Villain
Wow I Finally Fucking Did it
Old and New Memories
The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
Hold Me Tight
Love Letter Mystery
I’m Feline Fine
Love From a Dark Heart
Things Weren’t Supposed to be This Way
On the Outside Looking in
Spider Friends Meet a Wild Maulany
The Time the Other Two Spidey Bois Met Mulaney
Scars and All
“I Love You!”
Pillow Forts (Logicality)
Shoes (Logicality)
Source of Comfort
You Messed With the Wrong Family
You Messed With the Wrong Family Pt 2
“What Changed?” “You.”
You Messed With the Wrong Family Pt 3
You Messed With the Wrong Family Pt 4
Endgame Pt 1
Endgame Pt 2
Endgame Pt 3
The Babysitter
Off on Our Own Pt 1
Off on Our Own Pt 2
Off on Our Own Pt 3
Off on Our Own Pt 4
A Powerful Enemy Pt 1
A Powerful Enemy Pt 2
A Powerful Enemy Pt 3
A Powerful Enemy Pt 4
You Can’t Tell Me What to Do
By Chance
Strong (Prinxiety Angst)
Nightmare in New York City Master list
Additional Info:
Their cover
Family life
MJ Concept
Morgan Quinn Concept
Their Parents
The “Uncle Bens”  (Please don’t attack me for this)
@spiderversetweets (A fan blog for the AU, made and ran by yours truly)
The Villains
Nationalities      Remy’s Nationality
Trans Emile Pitch
Tom Holland’s Umbrella Performance, but Thomas
Cuddle Piles
I can’t find a link to it, but Dolion(Deceit) is Jewish
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icequeenoriginal · 5 years ago
The Meaning of FamILY
Note: I am so sorry for this taking centuries to come out, I blame laziness and writer’s block. So here it finally is, @khadij-al-kubra, the fic you requested. Again, I am so so sorry this took so long to get out. Also, this takes place a year after Intimacy and All Its Forms. Also Happy Late One Year Anniversary of this AU’s blog. 
Thank you @theromnempire for editing. You’re the best!
Names of side characters belong to @hi-i-love-u-bitch. This AU belongs to @ask-spiderverse-virgil and @sugarglider9603
Trigger Warnings: Deaths mentioned, two past minor character death, crying (Let me know if I missed anything)
Pairings: Prinxiety and Logicality
Roman was ushered into the living room by his older sister. He couldn’t understand why. Normally when his father came home, he would see Roman sitting at the kitchen table, doing his homework and his father would walk over and ask about before changing out of his work clothes.
Maybe it was a celebration! Or maybe a surprise! But…why was Amá crying?
Roman’s mother looked up and locked eyes with her confused, innocent son. It made her burst into more tears and Roman ran to comfort her.
“¿Amá?¿Por qué lloras mami?” Roman asked while tilting his head to the side. 
Lupita couldn’t help but smile at Roman, almost forgetting what had just happened. She frowned, and more tears fell as she realized what she had to do now.
“Roman ...mi Valiente chico…tengo algo que decirte...se trata de tu padre…”
Roman woke up with a start like he did every year on this day. It’s always the same memory that would wake him up like clockwork, ending right before his mom said the words that shattered his world forever. Roman’s brain liked to torture him but pretend to forget the worst part.
He decided not to think about it and just dressed. 
Roman never noticed how quiet the house actually was on this day. Any other day of the year, even if he was the first to wake up, there was some kind of noise. It could be anything from the humming of the ceiling fan or people rushing to get breakfast ready. But today, nothing. All the sounds of the apartment were swept out as if the family occupying the house needed a reminder of what was happening
Maybe Roman just lost his touch with reality on this day. He was never sure, not that it really mattered. He knew the world did not stop just because he is in a shitty mood. Did that ever make him feel any better? No, but it gave him a false motivation to get up and get ready for school.
He walked to the twins' room, like every day, to get them ready for school. Any other of the 365 days of the year, the twins would already be awake, fully ready to run around and make Roman’s morning even more hectic. Today, both had a blanket over their heads and he could hear his little sister sniffling.
He wished it was because of a cold. It never was.
“Vamos, es hora de levantarse,” Roman said, just loud enough for the twins to hear, worried if his voice went any height they could hear how broke it was. 
“NO!” both Jenni and Marco shouted, pulling the blanket simultaneously over their heads. Roman wanted to laugh at the sight, badly.
Instead, he sighed “No no, you guys gotta get up and go to school.”
“NO!” Marco shouted 
“It’s a bad day today!” Jenni cries
“I know guys but we can’t miss school,” Roman said softly.
“We’ll go to school tomorrow!” 
“Yeah, when it’s not Papi’s death day!”
Roman inhaled sharply, it was the first time of the day someone acknowledged what the 17th of February meant. The house somehow got even muter, if that was possible. His sister and brother burst into tears and Roman felt his face heat up. But he couldn’t cry, he was-
A soft, reassuring hand landed on his shoulder as he took a step forward. 
“Amá…” Roman said, his voice strained
Lupita’s eyes were full of storms of sadness, threatening a downpour. “Roman ... ve y desayuna.”
Roman shook his head. He could do it, he had to. His mother had enough on her plate. “Pero Amá--” Lupita cut him off.
“Está bien. No te preocupes por eso”
Roman sighed “Okay.” He was too tired to argue. This day seemed to already take so much out of him and it had hardly had started.
Roman sulked to the kitchen and made himself some toast. Something quick, easy and he was least likely to get sick from. He stared absently, unfortunately making eye contact with his father in an old happy family photo. He sucks in his breath as silent memories began to haunt him like they always do. He hated those more than any amount of his siblings sobbing or screaming in agony. He could tune those out with music, his one constant. These just got louder and louder no matter what he tried.  
What snapped him out of the pitiful void was a vibration from his phone. He pulled it out to reveal a text notification from Patton.
Bestie <3: I’ll be on the fire escape in a minute! Alex stole my sweater again :(((
Roman frowned, had he really taken that long to get ready? He hadn’t even made anyone’s lunch or even breakfast. He wasn’t even sure he was ready to talk to anyone today. Much less to get their glances of pity. Constantly hearing “sorry for your loss” got old quick. Besides, he didn’t want to bring anyone down, especially his best friends, just because of what today is. He sighed and texted Patton back:
Romaine Lettuce :): It’s okay. I’m gonna swing over to school today, go on without me.
Roman saw that Patton had read his text but he didn’t reply. Roman didn’t think much of it, he figured he was still chasing Alex around, and just grabbed his toast as soon as it was done in the toaster.
“Amá! I’m heading out to school! I love you! Bye!” Roman didn’t wait for a reply and ran up the stairs that lead to the roof as he put on his costume. Web swinging always seemed to calm his nerves, or more accurately, distracted him. Something about one mistake and you can fall to your death really makes your other problems seem small. As he was about to fire his first web, a voice shouted for him to halt. 
Patton ran up to him, also in full costume “Wait for me!”
“Pat?” Roman asked, not trying to hide his confusion. “What are you doing here?”
Although Patton had the mask on, It wasn’t hard to tell he was smiling. “I’m going to swing with you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I know but I want to head to school with you like I always do.”
Roman felt a mixture of happiness and guilt swirl around in his stomach, creating an unpleasant cocktail make just for him. Not that he knew what a cocktail tasted like. 
Roman gave a small smile behind his mask “Okay then Pat, I’ll race you” and took off without another word.
They swung without another word, which relieved Roman. He didn’t want to be asked about how he was doing, the answer was obvious and Roman was tired of being asked it.
Unfortunately, this feeling did not last and Roman quickly returns to his self-pity and dark thoughts. Roman was so lost in his brooding thoughts of the bombardment of sympathy that he would receive through the day that he did not see the tall building in front of him. Thankfully, Patton did and webbed Roman quick enough so that he landed on the roof.
Well...landed is a generous term here. With how fast Roman was going, Patton had to quickly web him and throw him on the roof of the building.
Patton landed gracefully next to him. He placed his hands on his hips and said: “Okay, that’s enough swinging for you, mister!”
“I’m fine Patton, I just wasn’t paying attention this time.”
Patton shook his head, “You’re distracted, understandably so and I know you don’t want to talk about it, even though you should, but I won’t make you. It’s not safe Roman! I can’t let my best friend get hurt again! Not on my watch…”
Roman could see the agony swept into Patton’s eyes. He knew that memories of the year before, bad ones brought nothing but pain, were swarming Patton’s mind. Memories of Roman avoiding him, the fighting, the robot battle, all were tearing Patton down. It was a look far too familiar to him.
Roman ran to Patton as he began to shake. Roman muttered an apology that seemed small to himself but was perfect to Patton. Once Patton was able to calm himself down, he hugged Roman tightly, to show he was never going to let him go. 
“Let’s walk to school okay? I know a game we can play. It’s called “Beautiful Things’. As we walk, we point out the beautiful things we see and why we find them beautiful. Alex and Georgie made it up after Frankie…passed…and we played it all the time”
Roman raised his mask just above his lip to show that he was smiling “That sounds great, Patton, I’d love to.” 
So they snuck off the roof, changed, and walked. They pointed out birds, children, babies, and music playing from cars. Roman had no idea that such a simple game could bring him so much calm, but it did. He never realized there is so much good in the world, that was what they, as heroes, fought for. 
When they got to school, Roman headed to his locker. To an outside viewer, it was nothing out of the ordinary. But for the four, it was breaking the sacred tradition. First, they would meet at Logan’s locker as it was the closest to the entrance. Then they would make their way to their own lockers while catching up with one another. Finally, they would arrive at homeroom to get ready for the school day. 
However, as Roman watched Patton saunter over and embrace Logan, his feet didn’t want to go anywhere except towards an island of isolation. He didn’t want to ruin the happy mood, especially after making Patton think of Frankie so early in the morning. What best friend forces you to remember your dead brother?
He opened his locker and slowly pulled out the books he would need until lunch. When that took less than a minute. He stared at the objects he taped onto the door of his locker over the course of the year. At the top was a small mirror that he suddenly did not want to look into. At the bottom is a whiteboard with reminders of tests written by Logan, supportive messages from Patton, and quick doodles by Virgil. He felt the tug of a small smile on his lips, though it went away quickly.
He had only begun scanning the dozens of photographs he had before two arms snaked their way around his waist. He felt warmth in his chest as his boyfriend’s lips were pressed on the space between his shoulder blades.
“Morning” Virgil said, tiredness leaking into his speech.
Roman smiled softly and leaned slightly into the touch. “What leads you to my neck of the woods?” Roman asked as if he did not already know the answer.
“I needed to escape before I drowned in the puppy love.”
It wasn’t the answer he was expecting so he pressed on, “What do you mean?” Roman turned his head slightly to look at Virgil. Virgil, without lifting his cheek off Roman’s back, unfortunately, removed one of his arms from around Roman and gestures to his right. 
In distance, Patton has Logan’s shirt held carefully in his fingers, playing with the buttons as he talked to Logan. Logan watched with nothing but love and appreciation in his eyes. Roman couldn’t help but sigh at the couple, he was part of the team that got them together after all. One of his best accomplishments, if he’d say so himself.. 
“It’s so sweet...disgusting.” Virgil continued. Switching from resting his cheek on Roman’s back to his chin, he looked up and said, “Now give me my good morning kiss.”
Roman chuckled and happily obliged. When they pulled apart, Virgil asks “I’m going to ask you a stupid question.”
“No question is stupid, love, ask away.”
“Are you okay?” “I stand corrected.” Virgil elbowed Roman in the side, both happy for their spider-strength for the opposite reasons. 
“I mean it, Ro. I know you hate being asked that question, especially today, but I rather you get annoyed with me than let something happen like last time. So I’ll ask again, are you okay?”
“I am.”
Virgil raises an eyebrow “Am what?”
“Fine.” “I asked you if you were okay”
“Same difference.”
“Big difference, people only say they’re fine when they don’t want to admit they aren’t okay.”
Roman just looked away, having nothing to really say, plus he didn’t want to argue. Virgil sighed and hugged him again. Roman doesn’t push away, the pressure behind his eyes getting more and more unbearable. His emotions were already becoming too much for him to handle. He hugged back, relishing in the warmth of another person. It was stupid, in his mind, since Virgil was just hugging him moments ago. 
With a sigh, Roman pulled back. He brushed his knuckles gently against Virgil’s cheek and whispered “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay because I’m sorry too,” Virgil said softly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Virgil couldn’t help but smile at that. “You know what? You’re right. I don’t. And with that, I’m going to spend this whole day cheering you up.”
“Virge…You don’t have to. Really! There’s no reason to-“
Virgil suddenly poked Roman chest, silencing the boy. “Do you remember the day that marked the anniversary of my grandpa’s death?”
“Of course I do, you were so upset. You didn’t even want to leave your room”
“Yeah, and you know what you did? You broke into my room, like some lunatic by the way, wrapped me up like a burrito-“
“It’s called a blanket burrito for a reason.”
“Don’t interrupt me. You wrapped me up, put on all my favorite movies that I wasn’t even aware you remembered and fed me snacks as we cuddled. Not even Logan had thought of doing that, he would just let me lie under my blankets while he just sat in the room.” Virgil paused to smirk before continuing  “And I was never more grateful for you than at that moment.”
Roman’s face began to heat up. He couldn’t help it. No matter how big or small the compliment that Virgil would give him, he would turn into a blushing schoolgirl, ready to throw himself at Virgil and pepper him with kisses. 
He opted to just hug Virgil again, a silent thank you. They were in public after all. They had some class.
Virgil embraced him for a few moments before the warning bell went off. “Listen, I’m going to make sure today is not going to be total shit for you.”
Roman chuckled in response, “Thanks, stormcloud.” Roman took a step to walk to his class but stopped when Virgil firmly grabbed his hand, “Huh?”
“What? I can’t hold my boyfriend’s hand as we walk to class?”
Roman chuckled, if there was one thing he knew about Virgil is that despite his boyfriend’s wariness of physical affection, Virgil always saw things through. Roman gently squeezed Virgil’s hand, absorbing the love that came from that simple gesture. Logan told him a few months ago about Love Languages and how physical touch was definitely his. It was a nice bonding moment for him and Logan, and it made Virgil really happy. Roman was rewarded handsomely for it.
Compared to every other year since his dad died, this was actually a pretty good day. Virgil would bring him to every class, even the ones were Virgil’s classes were nowhere near. Virgil had to keep reassuring Roman that it was fine, “I will just use my invisibility and sneak in. It will be funny to see how confused my teachers will be.” It made Roman genuinely laugh, something seemingly unachievable on this day.
The classes he did share with Virgil were the best. Virgil left his non-writing hand resting on Roman’s shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze whenever he felt Roman quiver, shake or tense up. Which was often since their teacher would not stop shooting Roman sympathetic looks, even after Virgil glared at her. Other classes that Virgil wasn’t in, Virgil would wrap his hoodie around Roman before he headed off to his next class. People would focus on this action and how cute it was that Roman would forget, even for a few minutes.
Around lunch, Roman’s mood changed from melancholy to calm, relatively speaking. He wasn’t walking with his head down, and even partaking. The numb and somewhat painful feeling in his chest was still present, but it was no longer the black pit sucking his emotions into it like usual.
Already seated at the lunch table were Logan and Patton, whispering and smiling at one another. Before Roman could announce his presence to the couple, Virgil tugged him back. He nearly made Roman fall backward in the process, but they both knew it wasn’t intentional. They always forgot how strong their spidey strength actually was.
“Sorry!” Virgil said instinctively though he did start laughing as Roman caught himself.
“What was that for?” Roman asked once he regained his balance.
“I needed to tell you before I forget, I asked Thomas if we could borrow his living room for a movie night and he said yes. Ask your mom if you can stay over.”
Roman smiled, “That sounds great”
Virgil smiled back as the two sat in their normal seats. As soon as the two entered Patton’s vision, his eyes light and he pushed a plate covered in tin foil towards the couple. It wasn’t anything uncommon, Patton using any excuse to make people food, from “Virgil had a headache” cookies to “You saved a bus filled with little kiddos and the city still won’t give you a key!” double chocolate cake. Roman removed the tin foil to reveal donuts. It shocked Roman, he had a bit of an expectation that Patton would make one of Roman’s favorite desserts; like he always did in years past.
Roman looked up at Patton puzzled and Patton reached over the table to squeeze Roman’s arm as it rested on the cafeteria table. “I know you don’t want to make this day all about you, so I made something we all consider a normal snack. Is it okay?”
Patton’s eyes read desperate and Roman, half because he wanted to be a good best friend and half because he did not want Patton to use his Empath powers, smiled, and nodded.
“This is perfect, Pat.”
 Patton pulled back so he could properly muffle his squeal of delight since they were still in school and he did not want to get into trouble for “starting a disturbance.”
Logan whispered to Patton “You told me it was because you did not have enough time to make Roman his favorite cake.”
“...I can have multiple reasons” Patton whispered back, glad that Roman and Virgil were too busy bickering about the best Avenger to listen in. 
Everyone ate their lunches and donuts, just enjoying the time they had together. Logan commented on how he heard that Roman and Virgil would not join them on patrol and he hoped that they “don’t burn down Thomas’ apartment”. That earned him a look from Roman, a “Logie!’ from Patton and a kick in the shin from Virgil all at the same time.
“It was a simple precaution!” Logan shouted, only to be told to quiet down by the cafeteria monitor.
It would later become a memory they would always look back on, Virgil even including it into his best man speech at Logan and Patton’s wedding, much to Logan’s dismay.
Once lunch was over, Roman snuck into the bathroom and sent off a text to his mom asking if it was possible if he could stay over at Virgil’s, adding that if she needed him to come home then it would be fine. He didn’t want to be selfish. 
Roman figured he would get his reply by the end of the day since he knew his mom would be really busy at work and he wasn’t exactly sure when his mom had her lunch break. He put his phone in his pocket only to scare himself when his notification sound went off in the silent password. He pulled it out and his phone and had a new text from his mom.
Amá: Of course you can, Your sister is watching the twins today, go have fun. It’s what Papí would want. 
Roman smiled, a single tear fell down his face. His mom was the best.
Roman’s afternoon classes came and went, nothing exciting or saddening happened of note. Though it wouldn’t have mattered, the prospect of cuddles and Disney movies filled him with so much excitement and joy. 
As faith would have it, he had no play practice since their show season had just ended and Mr. Bell always gave them a week off so he could tie up any last loose ends and decide the dates for the next auditions. This gave him an extra two hours to spend with his boyfriend, perfect!
Roman ran up to Virgil’s locker and bounced on his toes as his boyfriend got his stuff together so they could head off. Virgil smirked and tilted his head to Roman, “You seem excited.”
Roman smiled and nods “I’m really excited for tonight”
“Oh?” Virgil teased “What’s happening tonight? I can’t remember anything important”
Roman lightly punched him in the arm “You’re so mean, remind me why I love you again?” “It was your choice to get into this relationship, Princey, don’t forget that” Virgil waved his hand as he spoke and Roman, to Virgil’s surprise, quickly snatched Virgil’s hand.
Roman smirked back “I am very aware, and I am so happy to have you.” He then kissed Virgil’s knuckles.
Virgil cursed his cheeks for the blush that always came when Roman did something romantic. He pulled his hand back and nervously giggled “Oh shush, let’s get going already.” 
Man, did he love that boy.
After swinging over to Thomas’ apartment with Patton and Logan, Roman and Virgil quickly went to work on their pillow fort as the two other spider children spoke to their spider dad about the details of the patrol. 
Once everything was set up, Thomas said “Great. Patton, you and Logan get my snack bag and go to the bodega on the corner, there is money in the bag so don’t worry about using your own money. Meet me on the roof in half an hour.” 
Patton and Logan nodded and left to get their favorite snacks. 
Thomas turned to Roman “Hey, Ro? Before you guys start, could you come with me to the roof?”
Roman was confused but agreed. He was a bit nervous, he felt like a child about to get yelled at and tried to think of what he could have done wrong recently.
Once they got to the roof, Roman asked, “If this about keeping your apartment clean, I promise Virgil and I will not burn it down. Logan already gave us the rundown.” 
Thomas put his hand on Roman’s shoulder and softly smiled “I can feel you stressing out, even without Patton’s power. Don’t worry, I trust you. I just wanted to tell you something. Sit with me” Thomas patted Roman’s head when Roman released a sigh of relief. 
The two sat on the edge of the roof, Thomas in his Rainbow Weaver costume with the mask on and Roman in his civilian clothes. 
Thomas gazed over the city before saying “I know you are probably expecting me to give you a speech about grief and how to handle it, but I hated those speeches at your age when I got them because of my Aunt Patty. In fact, you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger, and I’m not just talking about being a fellow theatre geek. I never wanted to think about when she died and I would throw myself into helping people, with or without the suit. One thing led to another and I ended up beaten and bloodied in an alley on the anniversary of her death. When Talyn and Joan found me, I swear my Aunt Patty possessed them to yell at me for it. I thought Talyn might kill me themself.”
Roman laughed “I can see them doing that.”
Thomas chuckled and nodded “Oh yes. But what they and Joan did instead was patching me up and we had a FRIENDS marathon, ‘the police will handle crime for now’ Joan said. I broke down after three episodes because I love my friends so much. So before I start crying again at the memories, I just wanted to tell you that your friends--including Joan, Talyn, and I--are always here for you. Don’t make the same mistake I did and forget” Roman threw himself at Thomas for a hug “Never again, I promise.”
Thomas hugged back “Thanks, kid. Now go have fun.”
Virgil looked up from his phone when he heard footsteps coming towards him “What did Thomas want? Hey, are you okay?” Virgil pops out from under the fort and cups Roman’s face to wipe the tears away.
Roman smiles “I’m fine, really. I’m just...thank you, for putting up with me”
Virgil kisses him “It’s not putting up with you, it’s loving you. Ready to start Tangled” “Of course my love”
Tag list (Ask if you want to be added or removed):
@corkeecoderyt @per-seph-o-nee @3milystuff @asymmetricalgarbage8888 @fairytailtwists @sanders-sides-rebloger @mycatshuman @sanderssidesfluffyangst @unikornavenger @0callmevirge0 @gloomingwitch @roxiefox24 @ijustreallylovesanderssides @unisaurioamorfo @nadja-chamack16 @angelic-cali 
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rosesisupposes · 5 years ago
Ask meme: its emo time - thoughts on Virgil?
favorite thing about them
least favorite thing about them
full anxiety mode sounds too much like my own brain 🙃
favorite line
“i heard through the Concord Grape vine that you guys were making puns... yeah Patton paid me a dollar to say that”
also,,, “i was lost once too but thanks to all of you life sucks less now” 
I am in love with brotherly sleepxiety, but also prinxiety as bros, but also dukexiety as the Siblings of the Other Sides to Janus’ Tired Wine Mom but especially in the Father Figure Verse even though i makes me cry?!?
DELAMPS: Everyone Because He Deserves It. (this is gonna keep being my Sides answer idk my dude i’m all in for polyam sanders). I also am a huge fan of dukexiety. they’re both Thomas Protectors!
there’s no one I dislike him with, but frequently I find myself being very ehhhh by moxiety where Patton’s treating him as juvenile or fragile
random headcanon
He is Big and Buff. Most muscly of the sides. Can’t protect Thomas if u ain’t swole!
unpopular opinion
Virgil should be a fight response as often as flight or freeze. He should be,,, instinct and protect and wary, not only the one being protected. If he’s a whumpee I will skip that fic 4 out of 5 times.
song i associate with them
Scared of the Dark by Lil Wayne & Ty Dolla Sign from Into the Spiderverse
favorite picture of them
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send me a character
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yellowhearther0 · 5 years ago
Virgil and Logan spiderverse drawings!!
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He’s a tired man
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And can we get a rip in the chat for logan’s hair? Lamo
Spiderverse Taglist
(Send an ask to be added ig)
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dailysandersidesaudoodles · 6 years ago
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@sugarglider9603 @ask-spiderverse-virgil :3
(I only realised that Dolion should be older when I got to the colors so sorry about that, and I didn’t include everyone TvT)
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spiderversetweets · 4 years ago
heyo ask-spiderverse-virgil here but i was talking to people on the discord about how remy's name dream catcher was probably not the best idea and so we changed it to dream weaver just a heads up!
Thanks for the notice! I'll change the stuff on the master post and my pinned post asap
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