#ask ineffable bureaucracy
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g00brielandbeez · 1 year ago
hey bezzzz *clicks tounge* gabe. *he stumbles a bit.* hows it goiN? hmmM? wanted to jussst sstop by and ya know ssay hi *he smiles and wobbles his head a bit*
..Crowley, you're abzolutely wazzted- here, sit down-
*He offers a friendly smile and wave, the smile quickly fading as he gets spare blankets; he had a feeling they were gonna need it*
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lxboratorii · 2 years ago
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and they say wine is romantic
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gleafer · 6 months ago
Someone wanted a Jimbriel Gabby??
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dingledraw · 10 months ago
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Careful what you wish for, I only draw stupid Beeze and Gabriel stuff lol
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Baby’s name is Decay (an oc by my bestie @chthuwu)✌️😗
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serendippertyy · 10 months ago
Can i ask for more mlp ineffable bureaucracy?
gabe uses his lil built in heat lamp to put beez to sleep 🤗🖤💜
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 2 years ago
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✨ height difference ✨
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deostyx · 2 years ago
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Everyday something is getting closer
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miumiumanzo · 2 years ago
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hikarry · 7 months ago
I have no idea what Ineffable Bureaucracy is but it seems funny. I thought Aziraphale and Crowley were friends. Lmao
Though I'm VERY new to the fandom. It is what it is I suppose.
Welcome to the fandom, my guy!
Ineffable bureaucracy is the Beelzebub x Gabriel ship name and Aziraphale and Crowley are "friends" alright
Watch season 2! We will be waiting for you!
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fellshish · 1 year ago
Had the vision of Beelzebub and Gabriel moving together in a house but they have no idea how the fuck interior designe works so there are lots of random furniture and rare decorations placed in weird places with no sense of style trying to imitate what they think human's houses look like. Basically instead of picking a style they mix 30 different aesthetics and colours that don't match and that's it.
That would be very good omens. It’ll be interesting to see how heaven minimalism and hell’s messiness will mix in the home. Now i desperately need to read a fic where someone puts them up for one of those home renovation / redecoration reality shows and they drive the tv gays absolutely crazy
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g00brielandbeez · 2 years ago
Gabriel, after Beelzebub (Lord of the Sin of Gluttony) explains to him what taste is: do I have a taste?
Beelzebub: everyone has a taste
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B: "Before you ask, no, I didn't bite him"
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months ago
I used to not be a bookmarks person. I only had 600ish in the whole 12 years I was on ao3. but then this crackship I read before somehow went canon and ive bookmarked almost 600 fics since April 😅
what happened in April?? what was the ship?? I need to know
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knightofthesevenfandoms · 2 months ago
Hi! Hope you're doing okay. I love your Ineffable Bureaucracy fics so much. Especially Falling; it's one of my top favorites ✨
I was wondering if maybe you are planning on writing a long one in the future again?
Happy Holidays!
Oh my gosh thank youuuu! I did have a blast writing Falling, it's one of my favorites.
Short answer- I really hope I can get back to writing about my babes again. A lot of devastating things happening in my life and also just feeling like the ship is dead is creating a block.
It is very reassuring to know there are others out there like me who can't stop thinking about Bee and Gabe! I've been trying desperately to get my brain to click back into writing mode but it's been difficult. I do have some long fic ideas that hopefully turn into something!
I'm still very much obsessed with the ship lol
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lower-management · 1 year ago
i feel like this information should be of public domain:
While walking on earth if he's concentrated on what he's saying or on what someone else is saying and there's a pole in the way Gabriel will not notice it and walk face first into it. Like at full speed without even noticing until impact.
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serendippertyy · 1 year ago
PLEASE drop more Ineffable Bureaucracy hcs🙏
heehee gabriel's eyes glow whenever he's feeling intense emotions and that includes when he's thinking about his bug wife 😊🫶💞
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ladykatibeth · 2 years ago
ok, I know ppl think the singing to each other was cringe but like!!!!! i don't care because the!!!! implications of it!!!!! like!!!!! I've posted about this before but!!! for an Angel who originally couldn't tell the difference between noise and music until Beelzebub pointed it out, Gabriel sure does Sing their song a lot-- something something, singing being inherenrly a behavior, not an art; something something, human beings sing when they are happy, even if they sing like shit and they know they sing like shit, they will sing, because happiness always begets singing. Something something, Gabriel being so happy with Beelzebub, he not only learns what music is, but learns to make it-- to SING it, as well!!
and then. singing as an indication that he'd fallen in love!! he never used to sing-- that's obvious from how surprised aziraphale was to hear him do it as jim. it's just noise, usually! but suddenly he's going around, humming under his breath, memorizing lyrics, smiling to himself as he does it. and he does it often enough that beelzebub knows how to harmonize with him!! like!!!!!! excuse you, you two, i need you to tell me when this lil habit started pls
but also!! there isn't always a juke box. or a radio. or a speaker. and it's weird to suddenly miracle the song to play from thin air, so gabriel sings it when they don't have anything to play it on. the song is always going to be there. in the juke box. and in gabriel. even when he wipes his mind, even if he can't remember a face or a name, something something his body keeps the score of their love. his mouth forms shapes around the sound of Them.
and then the song and the singing being the thing that graces their exit? lmao. bye. that is the most romantic shit i've come across. bravo.
No right like I adore these two’s ability to toe the line of sort of cringe but also 100% adorable. I saw another person say they were acting like 13 year olds, and that’s exactly it!
This is their very first love! Of course they’re being like that about it! How were you about your first love? I can guarantee for most people it was silly and awkward and cute.
And I just adore that. These people who have never had anyone else before—finally getting the opportunity to just be emotional and silly about everything.
And like—frankly Angels and Demons are just naturally a little socially inept, but also….this is the first time they’ve had a just positive relationship with someone else, they have no pre-conceived notions, it’s like love concentrated.
They’re doing love instinctively! And I’ve heard people say the difference is them being celestial, but actually it’s so so human.
Human’s sing to each other as a form of romance, but it’s also private. Like….that’s a romantic trope, humans have they’re own songs, specially for they’re special Romance—(cue our song by Taylor Swift)
But it’s also such young love to, adult humans have specific things they give each other than mean romance, pretty rocks and metal on chains, flowers, chocolate—
Meanwhile an Elementary schooler withe a crush with give them whatever they have that they think is cool on hand—like a fly in a match box for example.
I’m sorry it’s just—-awnbdhdjnd.
These ancient celestial beings, being able to be young and in love…..
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