#ask hoelko
hoelko · 1 year
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see this guy? here?
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wide open man, anons on. I GOTTA know what's the Monkie buzz!
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luscena · 6 years
17, 61, 91
17. A fact about my life:I keep a can of spider killer in every room of my home so there’s always one within arms reach in case I get jump scared by a tiny bastard
61. Have you ever been to a club?Oh no I never leave my house :)
91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?Not that I can remember but knowing my siblings it probably happened
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blackkatjinx · 5 years
you know i'm gonna... 41 & 66
And I thank you for doing so!41. Have you ever snuck out of your house? 
Snuck out? Nope. (At least not that I remember anyways)I was the kid who always told my parents where I was going during the day. I am not the biggest fan of the Dark, even with company, so forget sneaking out at night.66. Have you ever had detention?Mmmm, the answer is Nope. I actually enjoyed school and mostly stayed out of trouble. I tended to avoid people in general honestly….I was that really boring Kid / Teenager.
Ask Me!
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hgthephoenix · 6 years
did the paladins ever celebrate the holidays? how did they jury-rig them together in space? how would the alteans react?
you bet they did fjhssjhjhgjfg they probably got their tree and decorations from various planets and set everything up across the castle, with the tree in the lounge. i imagine Allura and Coran saw the holidays as an odd celebration (based on how they reacted to cows and elephants), but they went along with it nonetheless xD
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magnusglows · 6 years
heya mags. wanted to at least check with someone who has seen s7 already, can pretty much guess what your opinion is on it. hope all is good
Hey! Thanks for the message @hoelko  (and thank you for calling me Mags, omg!)So, after getting some sleep, I think I can talk about it coherently, lol.So, I do think there were a lot of great things that happened in this season. Lance got to reunite with his family, as did the others.  Krolia and Keith’s relationship is really sweet and supportive, and I’m always happy to see Matt. It was nice to see the team working together, and I adore Romelle! I wish she’d been a main part of the cast before these last two seasons, tbh.But…As someone who’s gotten used to actual canon LGBT+ rep from Rick Riordan’s books (published by Disney, no less!) , I guess I was hoping that another story originally created for kids could add some wholesome LGBT+ rep into their plot line, too.
I personally feel like Dreamworks did both Adam and Shiro dirty. It’s…It’s not good rep to write in a main character and suddenly reveal he’s gay (and it’s debatable about whether or not anyone would’ve even picked up on this had they not made a public announcement about it)…and then show his ex-fiance, and kill said ex-fiance off almost instantly. It almost felt like, “Hey, all of the straight characters are gonna get their happy ending, but not these two gay characters!” Knowing that they originally wanted to reveal Shiro’s sexuality in Season Two and then immediately kill him off? Yeah. That doesn’t help that funny, gross feeling in my stomach either. :cAnd I’m gonna be honest: they’re doing Lance and Hunk some serious injustice, too. Again, I guess I’m just used to darker-skinned POC characters having plenty of moments to shine (thank you Rick Riordan!). I just…Hmmn. It makes me feel a certain way? Why can’t Hunk and Lance be loved and given as much importance as Keith? HMMMN. Hunk got several wonderful moments to shine in this season, and that made me really happy. But I don’t think I can ever forget the numerous times Lance was referred to as dumb. Ouch. :c Was that really necessary? No wonder the guy has no self-esteem and is waiting for death. Again.In regards to Klance: I truthfully think there’s still a chance for it to happen? Lance is growing and evolving and his feelings towards Keith have clearly changed. He’s in a very different place, in regards to how he perceives and treats Keith, than where he was in the start of the series.  But if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be…well. I don’t know. Shocked, I guess? I’m pretty good at reading in between the lines, and they certainly seemed romantically coded from the get-go. The problem I think will now lie with how they develop Keith’s reactions towards Lance, moving forward. There’s gonna have to be some growth there. And that brings me to the next part:Why the scenes with Acxa? I’m trying to figure this out from a storytelling point of view, from a critical-thinking perspective, not with any shipping goggles on, lol. What is her purpose, what’s the point of bringing her back into the story, after having her gone away from so long? Why emphasize her now?Her feelings and intentions towards Keith are debatable. It truly could be that she’s looking to join a side that has true honor and loyalty, qualities that she’d sought out in Lotor. I honestly feel really badly for her. She put a lot on the line protecting and defending Lotor, someone she believed was walking an honorable path. Imagine how that would feel, to find out the person you’ve so fiercely defended is actually…kind of a shit bag? Then there’s Keith, who’s truly fighting to do good for the universe.Could Acxa have feelings for Keith? Maybe. I don’t know. But it’s really obvious Keith does not return them, though. That actually felt pretty blatant to me. But I do think the storytellers are hoping we’re taking their interactions in a potentially romantic way. Or at least they acknowledge that people will wonder if Keith’s end game romance is Acxa. I’m wondering if she’s a red herring, of a sorts, meant to throw us off the scent of Keith being with someone else? We shall see.And of course, I want to talk about Allurance.  I like the idea of Lance being bi; that means I have to include his obvious attraction towards Allura in this post. At the end of the day, I want Lance to be happy. I want him to feel special, to feel loved and understood and safe and supported, and I want him to understand that he’s irreplaceable and worth someone’s attention.Can Allura make him feel that way? Can he make Allura feel the same way? I don’t know. The writers, again, would need do some serious work to make this ship feel believable for me. She’s just rejected him so many times. Would Lance even believe her if she confessed? His self-esteem isn’t the greatest, and she’s turned him down countless times before. A  re-evaluation of her feelings towards him is one thing, but can they truly support each other? I don’t know. If Allura ends up being Lance’s end game, the writers need to do it correctly. Will that happen? Eh. Again…I don’t know. :c I’m honestly expecting it to feel forced, and that makes me dread it. The world doesn’t need yet another forced straight romance.It goes without saying that the animation is beautiful. And the action scenes are intense. I just wish they’d spend more time on Shiro and Adam. And…you know…didn’t fall into the “Kill The Gays” trope. That’s just plain hurtful. Nearly everything else I can roll with. Just…not that. :cAnyway! Thanks again for the message. Glad I could write something out. Sorry it was so long!
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dumbepiphany · 4 years
26 Klance Fanfiction Recommendations
There is a heck of a lot of good Klance fanfiction out there. And while some may be easy to find because of how popular they are, there are many others that are buried in the depths of ao3 that I feel like more people should be reading!!
A lot of these are quite popular fics that you probably would have heard of already, but I hope there’s something in here that’s new, and that you’ll enjoy reading!
All are recommended for Teen And Up Audiences, so please be mindful!
1. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
Words: 135,555 | Chapters: 13/13 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: This is my absolute favourite Klance fic. Childhood friends to lovers- what more could one ask for?
2. Squad Up
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: In which the team is in high school, and Lance makes a group chat (ft. college graduates Shiro, Matt, and Allura). (A generic bandwagon chatfic because why are these so fun to write????)
Words: 327,144 | Chapters: 140/140 | Warnings: none
My note: The chatfic format is super fun to read. A lot of fluff!!
3. A Midsummer Night’s Meme
By astralscrivener on AO3
Description: Same group chat, new shenanigans. Or, the team's final summer before Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Shay begin college, as Pidge navigates the waters of young love, Keith and Shiro deal with family issues, Lance has a trip to Cuba, and more. Sequel to Squad Up.
Words: 79,457 | Chapters: 27/27 | Warnings: none
My note: If you read Squad Up, you must read the sequel! The storyline is really cool and the boys are Soft:)
4. Ignorance is Bliss
By YouAreInAComaWakeUp (Nikanaiko) on AO3
Description: As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew? Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus.
Words: 172,675 | Chapters: 30/30 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Oh God this fic. C’mon, it’s Ghost Keith and Human Lance... and they bond... need I say more?
5.   Shut Up and Dance With Me
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
Words: 249,827 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: One of the first fics I read. Super sweet and fluffy, great storyline, complete with art by wolfpainters! Tbh any dance AU fic is a good fic
6. Chivalry is Dead
By Sheksper on AO3
Description: Prince Lance was an adventurer. That was all there was to it. So, when he's suddenly assigned a new knight to follow him around, all Lance can think is that his freedom is being taken away, and it's all because of the red-clad, mullet boy named Keith, who is honestly just trying not to lose his job on the first day.
Words: 61,071 | Chapters: 17/17 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Prince Lance and Knight Keith is a concept to die for and it’s written so so well in this story!!
7. Nothing’s Quite As Sweet
By dimpleforyourthoughts on AO3
Description: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
Words: 50,369 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
*You need to have an account to be able to see this fic!*
My note: A traditional must-read cafe/cat shelter fic! It’s got coffee and cats... the Softness levels are through the roof
8. The Fallen and the Wandering
By creeshtar on AO3
Description: Keith was born into a world of ice and darkness, with no sun to rise or stars to shine. In spite of humanity’s best efforts, the world is meeting a slow, but certain doom, which can only be stopped if the sun is found and replaced in the sky. Keith, meanwhile, is content to collect stars and eventually replace them in the sky, alongside a new partner that he can’t seem to help but gravitate towards--until a mysterious person with inhuman power goes on a warpath to find the sun for herself. Keith and his partner are unwittingly thrown into the race to find the sun first, only for Keith to discover, to his dismay, that it may be closer than he could’ve ever wanted.
Words: 106,108 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: The writing and the AU concept is gorgeous and intriguing, props to the author for the world-building and the gratuitous fluff and angst!!
9. Love Interest
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: Lance is getting his big American debut on a new T.V series called Voltron. He's excited and nervous about how amazingly talented and famous his cast members are. But most importantly Lance is anticipating meeting his character -Leandro's- love interest in the show. Who happens to played by the be mega famous, mega hot Keith Kogane. But due to a misunderstanding during their first encounter, Lance now thinks Keith is the biggest jerk alive. Keith now has to try and fix it, for the sake of the show, and also for the sake of their on screen romance, which may start venture off screen as well.
Words: 195,400 | Chapters: 50/50 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: If you love Klance and you love Leakira, then get ready for... Klance as actors portraying Leakira!!
10. (Unofficially) VLD- Season 9
By hoelko on AO3
Description: The Universe has been saved. The war is over. Voltron is no longer needed. But that's the thing about the Universe. It's always getting bigger.
Words: 225,777 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: none
My note: This fic was everything the fandom deserved but never got. Hoelko is our God. Worship this fic.
11. ‘Til We Meet the Dawn
By angstinspace on AO3
Description: Keith is a mage and Lance is a knight, and they've been best friends since childhood. For years, Keith has known that Lance carries a dark secret: that if he doesn't kiss his true love before he turns twenty, he'll die. Now only three days remain before Lance's twentieth birthday, and Keith and Lance are sent on a dangerous quest to rescue Romelle––who Lance believes will be the one to break his curse. But what he doesn't know is that Keith is already hopelessly in love with him.
Words: 75,242 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Magic! Fantasy! Knights! Curses! True love! Angst! Fluff! All that good jazz rolled into one glorious fic!!
12. Follow My Lead
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all. aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Words: 117,792 | Chapters: 14/14 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: Everyone needs a little bit of no-strings-attached-turns-into-catching-feelings in their life! Just be careful with the nsfw!
13. Something Just Like This
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Keith reluctantly becomes the counselor for the Red Cabin at Camp Voltron, a summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere that his older brother Shiro has worked at for years. Already unhappy with the current position that he is in, Keith prepares himself for a boring, sweaty, miserable summer; and his frustration only grows when he meets the counselor for the Blue Cabin- an insufferable asshole with a horrible sense of humor, a devilish smirk, an inexplicable animosity towards the Red Cabin, and a smile that literally looks like the sun. Needless to say Keith is really, really unprepared for the next three months.
Words: 58,800 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: NSFW
My note: A Very Soft Fic. A truly Soft Soft Fic. It has little kids in it,, it’s adorable and fluffy,, makes you squeal into your pillow,, please read!
14. The Marks We Make
By wittyy_name on AO3
Description: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Words: 255,302 | Chapters: 12/12 | Warnings: none
My note: The soulmate AU that everyone needed. Complete with art by wolfpainters!
15. Lucky in Rivalry
By iwriteshipsnotsailthem on AO3
Description: After moving back to his hometown after ten years, Keith is being shoved back into the life of an unexpected individual who was his so called 'rival' from music school. How is Keith supposed to explain to Lance that he hasn't sung for a crowd in all those years after his disappearance? Lance is the town's favourite gig at Voltron Cafe. He's lively and has the voice that makes girls go weak. He's also one half of the cutest couple in school. Him and Lotor are what everyone wants in a relationship, but behind closed doors it's a bit of a different story. How much more can Lance take before he cracks?
Words: 134,484 | Chapters: 45/45 | Warnings: creator chose not to use
My note: True love, music and singing, high school drama, this fic has the whole lot! Give it a go, you won’t regret!!
16. Drummer Boy
By Klancekorner on AO3
Description: Lance is 100%, without a doubt, straight. He has the perfect girlfriend and has never wanted anything more. But suddenly his world is being turned upside down by the boy playing the drums at his local bar--a boy who happens to be very good looking, very gay, and very very interested in Lance. aka: Good-Boy Lance has a crisis when he meets Keith because he's so damn attractive, and Keith is a little ho that is way too promiscuous and open about his sexuality. The become friends. Confusion and sexual tension ensue.
Words: 50,188 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
My note: This one is a great read, but it’s a pretty sexy fic. Read the warnings and stay safe, avoid it if it isn’t your cup of tea!
17. On Thin Ice
By anonimina on AO3
Description: This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Or: the not-so-simple story of two people trying to navigate the complexities of living in an ever changing world and face the traumas they've buried far away from the sunlight.
Words: 205,795 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: Figure skating and hockey playing! This fic is emotional and fluffy and very very adorable! Just a warning- it’s unfinished, so the last chapter is basically a summary and dot points of what the planned ending was!
18. Life After Death
By taylortot on AO3
Description: Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice. She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--” He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.” * After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
Words: 90,074 | Chapters: 13/14 | Warnings: none
My note: The Feels. The Feels are strong with this one. Memory loss always hits super hard, be prepared for angst (but also comfort and fluff!)
19. Homesick at Space Camp
By Kobot on AO3
Description: Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Words: 74,280 | Chapters: 15/15 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Fake marriage AU! FA K E M a R Ri A G E AU!!! Need I say more?
20. I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
By xShieru on AO3
Description: "So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
Words: 43,295 | Chapters: 7/7 | Warnings: none
My note: A steamy, fluffy dancing AU fic! I read this ages ago so I can’t really remember what happened but it was GOOD!!
21. Watercast
By fishwrites on AO3
Description: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit! (AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family. They get caught up in a war.)
Words: 205,901 | Chapters: 15/16 | Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
My note: Avian Keith and Merman Lance is the forbidden love story that everyone needs in their life tbh. It’s been on hiatus for a while so idk about the final chapter, but it’s definitely worth a read!
22. Call Me, Beep Me
By orphan_account on AO3
Description: Where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there.
Words: 85,591 | Chapters: 10/10 | Warnings: none
My note: Arguably the most popular Klance fanfic (after Dirty Laundry of course)! You’ve probably heard of it, but if not, do read!! Wrong number fics are a godsend
23. Calling Me to Come Back
By aknightley on AO3
Description: Keith is a witch who owns a shop where he breaks curses on both magical items and people under spells. Love spells, family curses passed down generations, cursed heirlooms lurking the attic -- he can handle them all. But one day a boy named Lance walks into his shop, and his curse is darker and more difficult to break than anything Keith has ever seen before: the curse is draining his magic, and without his magic, Lance will die.
Words: 50,464 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Will Witch Keith break Lance’s curse, or will Lance die!?!?!? And will they fall in love along the way???!?! Read on to find out:D
24. Say My Name (And Every Colour Illuminates)
By parchmints on AO3
Description: Lance never thought he had a soulmate, but when he finds himself dreaming about a boy on Varadero Beach and in a southwestern desert, he learns they have an incredibly rare soul link–-one that allows them to form an unusually strong bond before they meet, but also exposes their greatest vulnerabilities to each other.
Words: 27,833 | Chapters: 1/1 | Warnings: none
My note: Really well-written, relatively short but so so sweet! Another soulmate AU (honestly one of my favourite AUs) except this time it’s dreamscape:)
25. Video Killed the Radio Star
By europa_report on AO3
Description: In which Keith is the guy who suddenly finds himself a single-parent to his two nieces, and Lance is the charming radio host who might be his only voice of reason in this mess.
Words: 69,468 | Chapters: 11/11 | Warnings: none
My note: This is so cute, I almost cried. Any fic with kl interacting with little children is an instant KO for my heart:’)
26. Smile for the Stars
By maIikcutie on AO3
Description: Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
Words: 72,921 | Chapters: 9/9 | Warnings: major character death
My note: Please don’t read unless you are prepared for a MAJOR character death! If you’re up for it, prepare a box of tissues, and good luck, my friend!
And that’s all for my list! Hope you found something to your liking, happy reading folks!
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hoelko · 5 years
perhaps some silly Klance mers in honor of mermay?
I had been meaning to do something for the month. Maybe I’ll pick something more in depth soon
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hoelko · 5 years
For the requests, what about our beautiful team Voltron on a karaoke night?
Once Keith and Shiro got the mic it took forever to get it back
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hoelko · 5 years
Doodle requests, hum. What about something to do with pjo? I really want to see the some of the 7 in your art (or all of them, if you want 😏). Luv u and I hope tomorrow gonna be a better day than today ❤💖💕
I haven’t had a pjo rut for awhile. Trials of Apollo needs to hurry and come out so I can get obsessed again. If my gal Reyna is gonna be in it I’ll be sketching her more
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hoelko · 5 years
90, 73
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I’m one of those ones that likes ketchup on mac n cheese, but i used to have diet coke ice cream floats when i was little
90. luckiest mistake?
in college i waited to sign up for honors courses, and got stuck in university 1301, the most boring intro-to-college class ever. and i met my entire group of friends there
weird asks that say a lot
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hoelko · 5 years
And because I didn't see the MUSIC ONE: 7, 9, 23,
7. a song your friend introduced you to that you ended up lovingI think I heard “I Miss You” by blink-182 in the car of a friend’s, and it just really stuck to me (corny I know)
9. a song that captures your aesthetic (can be ideal!)AJR’s “Overture” is neat cuz it has good melodies, tasteful techno, and even some good orchestral parts
23. your favorite cheesy pop song“Cut to the Feeling” by Carly Rae Jepsen
Music Asks
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hoelko · 6 years
For Klance, who would be the one that goes in for the fake kiss, but ends up stealing a bite of whatever the other is eating a drinking instead?
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hoelko · 5 years
Asks: 27, 67, 71, 99
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:My “hubby” for a long time was Josh Hutcherson, but someone like Ryan Reynolds comes to mind. Attractive to me also counts as personable
67. Have you ever been in a car accident?I…uh…U-turned into a pole once. That in and of itself is a funny story but…one of my biggest fails
71. Have you ever been lost?Me and a classmate lost our study abroad group in the Louvre for about half an hour with no way to contact them. One of the most terrifying moments of my life
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?Huh…I know i’ve come across people who were generally unpleasant or bizarre, i just can’t name any off the top of my headGet up in my business
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hoelko · 5 years
Hi have you ever watch Batman vs. TMNT movie before?
Nope. Looks cool though! TBH i’ve kinda fallen out of the TMNT hype. At some point I’ll probably give RotTMNT a try
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hoelko · 6 years
If you still want to do the asks: 14, 56, 82 & 83
Always ^_^14. Piercings i want:None. I’m fine with not having metal in me.
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?Having family from Canada and the like 2 times it’s snowed down south, yes
82. Have you ever dream that you married someone?Probably? I know i’ve had dreams of an s/o and weddings, but I couldn’t remember if I was the one at the altar83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?I’ve done the thing you do in grade school where you put stick glue on your fingers, and you squeeze them together so they’ll stick to each other
Get up in my business plz
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hoelko · 6 years
So many questions to choose from! How about.... 111, 72 & 20
111: Broken a bone?Yup! Actually popped the bone out of my elbow socket when i was like 4 or 5. Don’t think i shattered any bones technically, but i had pins put in to put it back together and remember CRYSTAL CLEAR when they had to come out (much screaming occurred)
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?My baby blanket is right next to me…
20: First thing I notice in new personMaybe if they’re smiling? That or what kind of hairstyle they have. If it’s something more personal then it’s probably their attitude if it’s positive or negative. 
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