#ask harold noxious
undeadtoll · 9 months
Uhhh, can I give Doc Noxious a kiss please? 👉👈🤨
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villainous-cafe · 4 months
🍷Hello, Dr. Noxious. :)
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shadowtoons · 5 months
Does nox know judas likes shen? what would be his reaction to judas liking shen?
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Since the questions the same, will answer them both.
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Honestly if Harold find out, he would be surprised. Never seen his mentor into someone, nor ever talked about his love life. Always treated those he did had a bit terrible.
So it isn’t common for Judas be like that, but he would be shocked if he did see Judas with Shen not treating him terribly.
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Think with Shen be more loyal, probably because how Shen personality is and how very intelligent he is when being beaten by his own game. So he respects him very much to say.
Harold reaction would be shocked that someone ever had stolen Judas interested. Then again, would figure Judas is the type like the down right baddies, and Shen fits that.
Least the idea of he did find out.
And no Judas wouldn’t joke to Nox about it, he would actually for once keep his comments to himself.
Much he would, but respecting not to say anything, including when Shen is around too.
And probably might be alright with it, but wouldn’t see eye to eye with Shen either, but for Judas will be respectful whenever he is around or when have to tag along with him.
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youreverydayghost · 8 months
Hi there!! i don't know if you know the sonic game but There's a blue hedgehog named sonic and a yellow two tailed fox named tails, i questioned if you know sonic because i remembered that sonic didnt have wings or gadgets to fly and tails had two tails to fly and he carries sonic in the game
then i remembered that nox no longer has fixed wings but broken ones and Xavier has Fixed wings and thought... what if Xavier would carry nox around areas that needs to fly like someone chasing them down a cliff nowhere to run, would Xavier instantly carry nox so that he doesnt fall and that they can get away from that situation or think of other solutions instead?
I know about Sonic! I've played a few of the games and even made an OC once.
That being said, I couldn't see this happening honestly! Nox knows a flight spell, so he himself can fly if needed with that. (In an RP he actually carried Xavier while using this spell when the bat broke a wing). Plus, Xavier would never be able to lift/carry Nox 😅
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spookadoop · 7 years
On My Own (Harry Hook) Part Four
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“You swore you’d never hurt me.”
“You swore you’d never leave me On My Own.”
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Harry Hook was lying on his bed, one arm resting under his head as he stared stoically at the ceiling. Sure, the bed in the dorm he shared with Gil was comfortable. But, it was too comfortable. It felt nothing like the one back on the ship, or even the one back at your - now is not the time, Harry.
The pirate shook his head as if to shake away his thoughts. He couldn’t let himself get too caught up in his emotions. He had a job to do and it would complicate things too much.
He stood up, walking over to the window that stared out at the school-grounds. “Everything is so much prettier here than in the Isle,” He mumbled to himself. He scoffed as his eyes fell on the statue of the Beast. “And I thought I was full of meself. ‘Least I never had a magical statue made of meself… actually… That’s not a bad idea. A giant statue, dedicated to Harry Hook. With a magnificent, shining hook.”
His self-glorifying thought were interrupted by a half asleep Gil. “Harry, you’re talking to yourself again,” he muttered, covering his head with his pillows.
Harry rolled his eyes, “Go back to sleep, bampot.”Gil grunted in response.
Harry shook his head, looking up at the stars he had been deprived of seeing his entire life. He smirked to himself.
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to finally have some fun while I wait.”
The knocking on your door started at seven in the morning that Saturday, lasting until 7:10, when you finally got tired of it waking you up from your sleep. You slid on your bunny slippers and stomped to the door in your (embarrassing) teddy bear pajamas, throwing the door open without a second thought. Carlos stood at your door, concerned look on his face before it melted into one of amusement.
“Nice pajamas. Did you rip them off a five year old?”
“Nice hair, did you rip it off a Q-Tip?” You shot back, crossing your arms.
“Ha, very funny. You might want to come down to the courtyard,” He addressed quickly, anxiously shifting from foot to foot. “Like, now.”
“You can wait for me to get dressed,” You replied, turning to walk back into your room before getting pulled away by Carlos. “There’s no time!” He barked, quickly pulling you down the stairs.
“Carlos I am in my teddy bear pajamas and bunny slippers! I can’t go down there!” you shouted, running to keep up with the boy.
“Call it a fashion statement!”
“Holy fadoodle Cakes,” You whispered, staring up at the statue of the Beast. Well, what was the beast. Now it was covered in pirate getup and dead fish. You were pretty sure you could see an octopus up there too.
You pushed to the front of the group of onlookers and found the pirates standing there proudly. One in particular looked very amused at the awe and horror filled gazes. Then, he met your eyes and his grin grew even more.
“Hello, Lass. Come to marvel at yer dear ol’ Harry’s work? Wait… Are ye wearin’ teddy bear pajamas and bunny slippers?” Harry asked, snickering at your attire.
You gave him an indignant gasp, glaring at the laughing boy. “Lay off my teddy bears and bunny slippers! And fix this statue! Now!” You shouted, keeping your voice relatively quiet as to not to alert any of what was going on.
“Now why would I do that, Princess? I put a lot of time and effort into this… this masterpiece, this show of me talents,” He spoke proudly, before giving you a mocking pout, “Do ya not like it, lass?”
“All it proves is your ability to ruin things,” You gritted out, angry at the image the pirates were giving to the children from the Isle. No doubt this little show would make others reluctant to accept the children of villains.
“Oh but darlin’ I’m from the Isle, ruinin’ things is what we do. Or have ye already forgotten?” Harry remarked, stroking your cheek with the hand that normally held his hook.
You clenched your teeth, anger flowing through you at a rapid pace. “No, Harold, I haven’t forgotten. How can I when a perfect reminder is staring me right in the face?” You growled, shoving his hand away with a harshness you didn’t know you still had. The mocking look melted away into one of shock as you stormed away from the insulting scene.
“Awkward…” Gil mumbled from beside him. In seconds he was pinned to the base the statue, an angry Harry holding a forearm to his neck. “You got somethin’ you wanna say, Gil?” He growled, as if daring the other boy to open his mouth.
Gil gulped, opening his mouth to reply, but was cut off by the shrill voice of Fairy Godmother.
“Harry Hook!”
“I can’t believe that little wench made us join the… what do you call it, Gil?” Harry grumbled, looking around the field.
“Tourney team?” Gil offered, tying his hair back.
“Yes. Tourney team. Pent up rage she says,” The pirate scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Course we have pent up rage. Life’s no fun without it. Know what I mean?”
“Mhm,” Gil hummed in reply, peeling the shell off of another egg.
“Will you stop eating those foul eggs?” Harry grumbled, fanning the air as if trying to rid it of the rotten smell. “ I don’t care what yer dad told ye, they won’t make ye any stronger. Maybe your gag reflex from breathing in those… what did that doaty science teacher call them…ah! Noxious fumes. Apparently those mess with yer head, ya know?” The pirate paused, looking at his friend, recalling the half an hour it took him to realize the push sign on a door meant push forwards, not upwards.
“It all makes since now…”
“Harry, for the last time you can’t hook Jay without your hook!” Uma barked at the angry pirate. “Well, when my dad was teaching me to fight as a kid he called this certain punch a hook,” Gil offered. “There we go! Then I’ll punch’em!” Harry remarked, leaning against the willow tree the group of pirates were resting under.
“Practice wasn’t that bad,” Gil muttered. “All we did was exercise. Well, until Harry tripped that blond boy for making fun of his eyeliner. I think he broke his nose.”
“And he made me do pushups! Pushups! Have you seen my arms, Lad!? Do you think I need to do pushups!?” Harry exclaimed. “If we were on the Isle I would have ripped his guts out through his mouth,” He growled, eyes darkening to a deep blue.
“Yeah well we aren’t on the Isle!” Uma stated, giving her first mate a stern look. “We have to lay low here until we finish the plan. You were supposed to stop going off the handle. It’s going to draw more attention.”
“It’s not my fault! I din’t want to come here in the first place, Cap! Things are a wee bit too bright and happy for me here! “ Harry shot back as Gil’s jaw dropped. He had never seen Harry talk back to their captain before. He must be more upset about coming here than he let off.
Uma scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Oh, please. You and I both know Y/N is why you agreed to come, whether you act like it or not. “
“Oh really? And what might the reasonin’ behind that be, Cap?” Harry growled, face flushing red.
“Because she’s the only person I’ve seen that makes you squirm like a worm on a hook with the mere mention of her name,” She shot back.
Harry froze, stopping his hands from fidgeting and pulling at his sleeves anxiously, “I do not!”
Minutes later and the two were still at it, both turning red in the face.
“G-guys?” A voice called from above them. They shared a concerned look before tilting their gazes upward, eyes landing on Gil, who was hanging desperately from a tree branch. “Help!”
“When did he-”
“How did he-”
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wiresandstarlings · 8 years
a marathon runner, my ankles are sprained
Hey, my name is Allen Wu, and I top 4'd the Santa Clara RPTQ last weekend. Not a huge result, granted, but I promised my therapist I'd start writing again and this is a better occasion than most.
There's a trend in tournament reports these days to focus on stories rather than the grit of Magic gameplay, and I appreciate that trend. Magic is a fun game, but the real appeal of tournament Magic is good times with friends in cities all over the world. Narrative reports are not only more entertaining, they're also more true. And there's so much magic content out there these days that nobody really needs another deck breakdown.
That said, there's not much of a story here. I live in Mountain View, which is a twenty minute train ride away from the ChannelFireball Game Center in Santa Clara. I qualified via Silver pro level. I woke up at eight, ate yogurt and some coffee cake for breakfast, played a match on Magic Online to warm up, and biked to the train station. I picked up some cards and sleeved my deck, and the tournament started shortly after.
My deck choice was, however, a little unusual. I inched my way into standard following the Pro Tour, and I couldn't find a deck I liked for a long time. BG with Mindwrack Demons and 4 Verdurous Gearhulk was too clunky, and I lost so many games because I drew a Blossoming Marsh, Traverse the Ulvenwald, or Hissing Quagmire when I needed an untapped land to cast a finisher. 4c Saheeli flooded a lot,  played so many low-impact cards, and everyone on Magic Online was ready for the combo. The mana and inherent inconsistency of the vehicle mechanic scared me away from Mardu. Every other deck felt an order of magnitude less powerful than these three, though I did enjoy a brief flirtation with a 5c Improvise brew.
Recent builds of the three big decks have obviously solved many of these problems, but since I didn't have much time to test I was looking to find rather than innovate.
The first deck I really liked was Oliver Tiu's BG build with Oath of Nissa, Sylvan Advocate, Nissas, no Mindwrack Demons, and a full 25 lands. Tiu's build maintained the power of the Delirium builds but played Gearhulk on 5 far more consistently, and it had even more nut draw potential with the full squad of Nissas. However, as 4c Saheeli decks began playing more copies of Chandra and her Oath, and as players began to figure out the control decks, I found I ultimately flooded too often with Oliver's list. When my opponents always killed my turn 2 Snake, my other cards were just too slow or too low-impact to do anything.
I shelved testing for a while, until I saw the list Ben Stark played in SCG Baltimore. It looked like Ben had solved all the problems of previous BG lists. By playing only 2 cards that cost 4 or more mana, Ben's list could play 4 Traverse the Ulvenwald while rarely missing key land drops. Gnarlwood Dryads helped break serve and further ameliorated the cost of playing so many tapped lands (counting Traverse as a land that comes into play tapped), and Grim Flayer was a real threat even without a Snake in play. Flayers and Traverses both mitigated flood. The list I ultimately played at the RPTQ was only a few cards off from Ben's:
4 Blooming Marsh 4 Evolving Wilds 4 Hissing Quagmire 6 Forest 4 Swamp
2 Gnarlwood Dryad 4 Grim Flayer 4 Winding Constrictor 4 Walking Ballista 2 Scrapheap Scrounger 3 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar 3 Rishkar, Peema Renegade 2 Tireless Tracker 1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury 2 Verdurous Gearhulk
4 Fatal Push 4 Traverse the Ulvenwald 2 Grasp of Darkness 1 Grapple with the Past
Sideboard: 1 Blossoming Defense 1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury 1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 2 Natural Obsolescence 1 Natural State 1 Noxious Gearhulk 1 Ob Nixilis Reignited 2 Ruinous Path 1 Scrapheap Scrounger 1 Tireless Tracker 3 Transgress the Mind
By the week of the RPTQ, my friends were largely off BG because they didn't like its 4c Saheeli matchup and weren't sure how it fared against the new Mardu builds with Oath of Liliana in the sideboard. An actual conversation from the day of the RTPQ:
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Still, I was winning these matchups way more often than I was losing online. I felt comfortable with the deck, I liked how it played, and I'd put a lot of practice into it. So I borrowed and bought some cards and was locked in by Thursday night.
My matches in the RTPQ:
loss 2-1 vs. BG win 2-0 vs. 4c Saheeli win 2-0 vs. Mardu Ballista win 2-1 vs. Mardu Ballista win 2-0 vs. Jeskai Saheeli draw win 2-0 vs. Jeskai Saheeli
Starting off with a loss was a little unfortunate, but thankfully my opponents all crushed their remaining matches and I not only could draw into top 8, but wound up third seed. My finals match was mercifully anticlimactic. In the first game, my opponent mulliganed to a mediocre hand and I had a great draw with little removal, a good distribution of lands and threats, and – most importantly – an unanswered Winding Constrictor on the play. In the second game, he mulliganed again but had a Radiant Flames on turn 4 for my 2 Grim Flayers. But I had a third Flayer which he couldn't answer after a Traverse and Evolving Wilds gave me Delirium, and that Flayer smoothed my draws for the remainder of the game. I had a Grasp of Darkness in hand for either combo or Torrential Gearhulk, but I only had 3 black mana, so for most of the game I forewent attacking with Hissing Quagmire to leave up Grasp. On the last turn, I drew a Trangress the Mind to see my opponent's hand of Immolating Glare and Negate, then activated my Quagmire and minused Nissa for lethal.
There were a few interesting spots in the tournament proper. In the first game of the second round, I had a mana-light draw and my opponent answered my first few threats, so all I had going was a Nissa against my opponent's Saheeli. My opponent's turns were so weak he almost certainly had Felidar Guardian in hand, but he didn't have white mana or a fourth land. So when he scried an Attune to the top and found Plains, I knew I was dead the following turn. I had both Grasp of Darkness and Fatal Push in hand, but only a single black mana and no way to trigger Revolt. So I minused Nissa to 1 on my two plants and attacked his Saheeli to 1, hoping he would kill Nissa with Saheeli's +1 before going for the combo. Thankfully he did, so I was able to Push his Guardian and then kill his Saheeli. I drew the lands for my Gearhulk, which carried me the rest of the way.
Round 4, I lost a quick game 1 after mulliganing into a hand with a bunch of Traverses that needed an instant or artifact for Delirium but never got there. On the play for game 2, I boarded into a fairly greedy configuration with all my Nissas and all my Scroungers because my opponent's sideboarding looked pretty involved and I figured I could afford to be more aggressive on the play even if my opponent didn't sideboard into planeswalker midrange. My hand for game 2 had a bunch of tapped lands and I skipped playing Grim Flayer on 2 to guarantee a turn 3 Nissa, which is normally an awful play because of Heart of Kiran, but I got rewarded when opponent curved Ballista into Oath of Liliana on my plant. Game 3, my opponent didn't touch his sideboard so I boarded even greedier despite being on the draw, removing my 2 remaining Fatal Pushes. That ultimately didn't matter though, after my opponent risked a one-lander on the play rather than mulligan to 5.
The game I'm most proud of this tournament was game 2 of round 5, against end boss Harold Chow. He surprised me with a Fevered Vision on the play which ultimately dealt me 12 damage, and I had to walk a tightrope of managing my hand size, beating him down, and playing around Torrential Gearhulk over a protracted game. The game was too long and complicated to describe in detail, and I may or may not have forgotten about a Scrapheap Scrounger in my graveyard for a couple turns during that balancing act. Even so, I was happy with how I'd played.
To conclude, a brief sideboarding guide against the major decks of the format. The usual caveat emptor of how sideboarding should depend on the exact cards in your opponent's deck, how your opponent plays, and how you think he'll sideboard applies in this format even more than others because of how much variation there is within archtypes. Still, I hope this guide will illustrate what's important in each matchup.  
BG on the play: -2 Walking Ballista -2 Gnarlwood Dryad -1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade -1 Grapple with the Past
+1 Ob Nixilis Reignited +1 Noxious Gearhulk +1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury +1 Tireless Tracker +2 Ruinous Path
on the draw: -1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade -1 Verdurous Gearhulk
+2 Gnarlwood Dryad
Basically, you want all your removal for big creatures and all your cards that are resilient to removal, since your opponent will likely be on a similar plan. Verdurous Gearhulk is a lot worse in this matchup postboard, as making an 8/8 is asking to get blown out by Ob Nixilis or Noxious Gearhulk and smaller creatures will often have traded or gotten picked off by turn 5.
Mirrors and pseudo-mirrors are defined by BG's high density of 2-drops. The player going first will almost always have a play on turn 2, and the player on the draw will often have to spend their second turn answering that threat rather than developing their own because leaving a Flayer or Snake in play is so risky. The Gnarlwood Dryads are excellent on the draw as they let you break that parity, but on the play you want to get ahead and stay ahead.
Mardu max greed: -4 Fatal Push -2 Grasp of Darkness -2 Rishkar, Peema Renegade -1 Verdurous Gearhulk -1 Walking Ballista
+3 Transgress the Mind +2 Ruinous Path +1 Natural State +1 Scrapheap Scrounger +1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury +1 Tireless Tracker +1 Blossoming Defense
min greed: -3 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar -2 Scrapheap Scrounger -1 Grapple with the Past -1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury
+2 Ruinous Path +2 Natural Obsolescence +1 Natural State +1 Blossoming Defense +1 Tireless Tracker
Sideboarding in this matchup is tricky because you have to guess whether your opponent is sideboarding into a midrange deck or if she'll stay aggressive with Hearts of Kiran. The max greed configuration is if you know your opponent is playing the exact GP Utrecht list and will always transform. The min greed configuration is if you think your opponent will resubmit her game 1 deck. In practice, you want to be somewhere between the two configurations based on what cards you saw from your opponent, whether you're on the play or the draw, and how far you think your opponent will commit to the planeswalker plan. (Eg. if you think they might leave in Hearts or Scroungers but also board in Oath of Lilianas.) The cards you want against the two setups are wildly divergent, so the key is trimming rather than cutting for game 2 and reconfiguring again for game 3 if the match comes to that.
4c Saheeli on the play: -2 Gnarlwood Dryad -2 Fatal Push -1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar -1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade -1 Grapple with the Past -1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury
+3 Transgress the Mind +2 Ruinous Path +1 Kalitas, Traitor to Ghet +1 Scrapheap Scrounger +1 Tireless Tracker
on the draw: -2 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar -1 Verdurous Gearhulk
+2 Gnarlwood Dryad +1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade
Push is unreliable as it only kills Servant without Revolt, and Nissa dies quite easily between thopters, Oath of Chandra damage, and Saheeli. Gonti and Grapple are just weak cards in the matchup. I leave a couple Push in because I value the tempo a Revolted Push on a 3-drop or Guardian generates, and Nissa on the play is still quite powerful. I want to max out on interaction with planeswalkers, as that's how 4c Saheeli usually wins. Kalitas is a little vulnerable to Chandra, but while he's in play 4c Saheeli can no longer block favorably.
Gnarlwood Dryads again show up on the draw but not the play because on the draw they let you develop against a Servant of the Conduit without mortal fear of a turn 3 Chandra. Even if 4c Saheeli doesn't have a Servant, the Dryads will still let you break the parity of 2-mana removal for 2-mana creatures and make it more difficult for your opponent to set up Chandra against a single creature. The Dryads aren't necessary on the play because you'll have had more opportunities to develop before Chandra becomes relevant.  
Temur Tower -4 Fatal Push -2 Gnarlwood Dryad -2 Walking Ballista -2 Rishkar, Peema Renegade -1 Verdurous Gearhulk
+3 Transgress the Mind +2 Natural Obsolescence +1 Natural State +1 Ob Nixilis Reignited +1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury +1 Tireless Tracker +1 Blossoming Defense +1 Scrapheap Scrounger
No shenanigans here, just bad cards out and good cards in. The only debatable part of this plan is leaving in Grasps of Darkness, but I like them because they both kill the Whirler Virtuosos and Shielded Aether Thieves the Tower deck will have postboard and let you win combat against Torrential Gearhulk.
I'm not playing GP New Jersey because of school, but if I were I'd likely play the same 75. The only change I'd make is moving the Kalitas to the maindeck over either the Gonti or a Verdurous Gearhulk. Kalitas is an excellent game 1 card against almost everything, and the mirror, where Gonti and Gearhulk are best, is much less common now.
Thanks for reading. I didn't think I'd qualify for the Pro Tour again after starting school, so I'm pretty ecstatic.
props: Jake, for lending me Grim Flayers and his luckiest Grapple with the Past Nathan, for reminding me play-draw matters the group chat, for being great CFB, for an excellently run tournament Tireless Tracker, for never getting tired slops: Hunter, for ever doubting medium GB Felidar Guardian, Winding Constrictor, and Heart of Kiran, because why
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undeadtoll · 9 months
Nox! Hello!! Just a question for you - what is it that you do/study nowadays? Are you a necromancer, or is it something else?
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undeadtoll · 9 months
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“Barnaby for hell sakes… I am right here, don’t need to shout.” As the owl told the other owl, looking up from his list he had.
Now he just put it down, knowing will have to hear it. “Alright, what joke you want to tell me.”
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undeadtoll · 8 months
Finding himself unable to focus on his work this particular day, the bat has decided to go outside for a moment with what appears to be a tome or two. He lays them out on the ground, the pages open to show some more powerful spells.
After seeing what Nox could do with magic against the creature that attacked him some time ago, Xavier knew he needed to practice it much more and learn some spells to defend himself better. At this moment, he takes some deep breaths as he stands there, before looking down at the book to his left.
He tries to focus his energy, but it's taking several attempts to perform the magic he wants. It's making him impatient as he huffs and stares down at the book.
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What am I doing wrong...? I'm doing everything exactly as described... He kneels down towards the left tome, picking it up and reading its pages more carefully.
This was also the time Nox was out, didn’t say where he was going to, but all he did leaving a note behind he’ll return. As wasn’t expected to actually appear, where Xavier was standing there was an open spot and there was a circle drawn. Seem had some designs there, that begin to glow. A sudden flash Nox was seen there in a clean suit, even his hair was fixed up more presentable. Next to him someone new- he was on a bigger framed in the library. Taller Nox himself, close around 9 foot, little more wicked.
Soon when the two were walking, both noticed the other male there. Nox notice what Xavier was doing, “I see you are practicing, and might be having trouble.” For him to now walking up, “Need help on it?” Until realizing something, Turning to the Peacock male, who was looking back giving a dismissal sign.
“… I will discuss the matter later, Harold.” Hear him only to walk in the house.
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That smile did gave Nox a small chill, even to use his real name in front of Xavier like that… Of course..
“Anyways— seems you are working on your magic, I take it.” Now his attention is back at the bat, can see the look on his face too. Nox trying his best not give much of a sign, “Don’t worry about him, he’s— a resident of the house hold… Which the one no one ever wants to meet.” Almost like giving a warning. Deep down knowing gonna have to say it soon.
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undeadtoll · 9 months
hi Dr. noxious, would you rather be stuck in an escape room with barnaby or be stuck in an escape room with jacc?
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“…Sadly, Barnaby. Even if he doesn’t know personal space, but least he helps— sometimes.”
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undeadtoll · 9 months
Dr.nox, what do you think about the other bbu gang like billie,fantoccio,aristotle,aaand the others?
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One day he’ll meet the rest lol
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undeadtoll · 9 months
The air between the owl and bat has been quiet since getting back safely from the night creature that attacked during Xavier's walk. Though Xavier is helping patch Nox's face after the right side of it got ripped off, he's somewhat afraid to make much of a statement towards him. Still, he begins putting away his tools as he finishes up.
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Alright, there we go... You were right. Easy to fix...
With the adrenaline wearing off now, he seems to be showing some of his more vulnerable feelings on the surface. He continues to dab a cloth to his own wounds, which are still bleeding, on his torso and face. He turns away with a bit of shame as he tries to control the bleeding.
Once again, I... apologize for what happened. His hands begin to shake as his nerves start to get to him a little. These cuts on his chest may run a bit deeper than he thought.
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His eyes opened up, sitting up properly feel his face. Making a mirror appear in hand to look at himself, Nox checking it carefully. Seeming nothing to bad, and no mistakes on it. “Usually had others do it, but impressed did it perfect.” Making it disappear now. Now just fixing his hair back way it was than up, really different have it up like this again.
His attention back at Xavier see the wounds and such, with the scroll had left of healing, and some dust. Just putting it on him giving a full healing, “There easy as done, good thing I learn this in advance.” More a good thing than getting a witch or someone with healing. Didn’t want to bother any trouble. With the heal, gotten rid of any wounds, and healed the wing pain. “Just be sure keep from flying so can fully heal properly, healing from that takes a while for it.” Explained about it.
Continues to fix up his hair again. “And no worries, why it is important know some spells, even maybe give you the list of creatures which ones it’s weak against. Always good to be prepared.” Not seeming mad about any of it.
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undeadtoll · 9 months
(I hope you don't mind a starter!) Somehow, Xavier's travels had led him to this very place, to the home of a man once believed to be dead. There were lights on inside the building, indicating life stirring inside... and this caused him to raise a brow and peek through a window - but just for a moment.
As he saw an owl moving about in this home, he quickly realized he could get caught and thus moved away from the window. Though, another thought arose: perhaps exploring the property could yield some clues as to what could be going on. Maybe there's more to this figure he's heard about than meets the eye...
He pondered on this as he looked around.
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Getting ready to head out, wasn’t really doing much. Checking the grave stones he collected those had died. Planning to bring them back to give a second chance, soon he stepped out and to on the side. Spotted someone, a surprise someone here deep in the forest of the lands. Quite different from the other living beings from the outer of the dead lands.
Just soon the being wasn’t on their guard he did appear on their side. “Well, isn’t it a lovely night for a stroll.”
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When getting his attention, Nox tip his hat toward the other. “Apologies for my unnoticed approach. Couldn’t help it to give the one.” Grinning, showing his sharp teeth, he was pale, his eyes aren’t like other owls. Almost like they were soulless for then the man look at the graves. “What brings you here in the hallow forest? This place isn’t for those who seek a fight, nor a stroll.” Seeing he now walking up to the graves to check each of them.
“If you are looking for a cult, you may wander yourself too far. In the undead territory.” Nox gave the information, odd when he says it the owl looked alive too. Maybe a keeper? Hard to tell about his motive there.
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undeadtoll · 9 months
As Noxious opens the door. he walks in on Priz just.. standing there.. some poor guy a bloody mess on the table.. bound to it with her casually turning to look at the other. " Oh.. I wasn't expecting a visit! " she smiled. before coming on over " Don't mind the screams.. he'll pass out soon. " - @murdxrxfcrxws
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He didn’t even know someone was here, just had his tea and was just reading while walking. Classic thing for him to do, the expression on his face says it all-
Emotionless of the person begging and screaming.
Looking at the victim on the table then at Priz. “Oh no, don’t let me be the distraction of your work. I was busy reading.” Held the book up, of course a book about horror and such. “Seems your patient need some attention. Dreadful look on them.” Nox wants to see more what she can do, impress with the work that is going on here. Congrats of getting his attention.
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undeadtoll · 5 months
Shen lets out a huff. the student coming on over and sitting her butt right into Nox's lap.. he might've been at his desk doing work. but now there is a Shen in the teacher's lap. " Hey Prof. hows it going? " - @murdxrxfcrxws
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Moment she did this, his eyes shift to her. Back at his papers grading them, his hand raised up, touching the side of the face then-
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“If you want a grade for this class, I suggest you actually study. Will not help you in all situations.” As he then adjust his glasses, only Professor that seems hard to be around, takes his job seriously in the college Institute.
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undeadtoll · 9 months
Hey doctor nox 
I kinda have several questions 
What exactly do you mean by
“finish what you started?” What did you do?
How did you die? Was it from trying to save someone you deeply cared about?
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