#ask for tags
gabuchomp · 10 months
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husky girl
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charlies-hotel · 8 months
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God. Everything in this scene happens so fast you could miss it. Angel covers his chest here only for Valentino to notice and touch him there anyway. Just to make a point.
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killjoyjuice · 2 months
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starwalkeranon · 2 months
Shout out to that one time Bill Cipher got placed in an orb and got Pondered.
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starwalkers-ocs · 8 months
A Nutcracker with severe anxiety and the Masked that Will Not Leave Them Alone.
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This isn't meant to be a good/high quality drawing. I didn't put much effort into this, since it's mainly me just trying to solidify designs more than anything else. Plus, I'm still trying to get back into the swing of drawing since it's been a while. I still don't have names for these two goobers, but I'm thinking on it!
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perplexingluciddreams · 5 months
EW a character on Grey's Anatomy just talk about "want to cure autism"
then other character (who is/was a main-ish character for a long time), show interest and seem to like the person more because they say it. YUCK
it makes me have uncomfortable yucky feeling in my tummy to hear those words
[[disclaimer: I am 100% NOT qualified for proper talk on this topic because it is complex and have many different people feelings around it etc. etc. - just a post to express the yucky feeling I get]]
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magistralucis · 2 years
Had my worst confrontation with The Pigs so far, especially awful because I didn’t even intend to stumble upon this. I didn’t choose any hostile options, I was alone (I think having Kim around makes this encounter worse and longer), and I passed the check for the gun just fine... but because I hadn’t talked to the Hardie Boys yet, literally hadn’t approached them at all, my detective had no idea what to do with her afterwards. All his mangled brain could come up with was this:
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Sure, Lieutenant ‘I-will-instantly-pull-a-gun-at-a-mentally-ill-old-woman’ Kitsuragi totally would. 🙄 But in his absence, I’m shattered that HDB can’t act on any other option, despite being able to conceptualize one. Logic says it right there: the locals will take care of her. It’s the right answer. In terms of video game logic, this is exactly the sort of thing that'd be a positive modifier for the Hardie Boys talk. Even if you never approached them before, it feels like it’d forward your case if you ask their help, since you have the interests of the vulnerable members of their community in mind. Even if the Hardie Boys aren’t an option, Lilienne is a short distance away, isn’t she? Couldn’t HDB ask the Washerwoman, any other local in Martinaise? If he gives anyone a heads-up, he will have delivered a minimal duty of care.
But no. None of that happens, because this scene isn’t a brownie points exercise, and HDB isn’t a reasonable authority figure. He’s deeply unwell, like The Pigs. He’s been abandoned, like The Pigs. He’s in horrible pain, clinging to the vestiges of a cop identity like her, in the desperate hopes of something real and present to hold onto. This is a man who can barely face his own reflection. Seeing The Pigs, a near doppelganger of what he is and may become, is clearly too much for him to handle. HDB can react with compassion, or he can react with threats and violence, and both threads persist through the very end of the encounter with her.
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Mutually exclusive options, but both present, and both possible. They are equally valid indicators of the person HDB is, and since he’s capable of the threat at all, it’s not looking good. And this is his double he’s saying this to. We know HDB hates himself to the point of self-destruction, and didn’t/doesn’t think he can improve (’I don’t want to get better, I want to get worse’): the fact that he can think up the pieces that might help her, yet his posterior neocortex shuts him down before he can put them together, implies to me that HDB is actively refusing to believe he can help The Pigs. He’s afraid to believe. He’s beyond help, after all. Everyone told him so.
He thinks it’s true, too, so the same must go for her, yes?
It’s. It’s just. How fucking broken is HDB that he knows what must be done, but simply cannot connect himself to the idea that he ought to do it. How are we meant to bear that his immediate thought upon seeing this poor woman - this horrific, devastated mirror of himself - is that Kim will know what to do, but he does not, because he convinced himself he’s utterly helpless. ‘Cause obviously, Kim’s stabilizing him, right? Surely Kim can do the same for The Pigs, and since RAC sure as fuck doesn’t know what to do about himself, he might as well just give up if Kim’s not around. So without Kim and without the Hardie Boys, HDB will simply walk away, and never bring up this incident again. It fucking breaks my heart it can’t end any other way. There are no adjectives for this level of self-loathing.
And you know, I bet he’d have reacted similarly had he been with any other RCM officer - Jean, others in Precinct 41, whatever - because he fundamentally doesn’t exist in a system that has compassion for people like this. Note that it is Esprit de Corps, your cop sense, which pipes up first to assert that you can’t help her. ‘’’Protect’’’ and serve my fucking arse
And no, Kim doesn’t know what to do in this situation either, according to FAYDE. Unlike HDB he doesn’t even come up with the right answer, only nightmare fuel, as regular cops with regular thoughts do
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oh god. oh god, kim
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llnfectious · 2 months
Freddy's Nightmares S1E01: "No More Mr Nice Guy" — All Freddy Bumpers
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amoirsetpacis · 1 month
★ --;; The landing isn't graceful.
With where it sits between the city proper and the desert dunes that so closely resemble home the Mistwood seems to be the place that continues to see Vash crashing through it, wood splintering and enormous trees marked by his impact, not for the first time.
He doesn't make it far; the last time he'd smashed a bike against one of the huge trunks had been ages ago, on the opposite end of the forest, so close to where it gave way to sand and rock. This time he hardly makes it past city limits before he's free-falling back to the hard earth. He just barely clears the tree-line, but that doesn't stop twigs and branches snagging his feathers on the way down. caught in the mass of them or yanking them free in equal measure.
Dirt and rock and foliage get kicked up into the air as Vash makes impact, amalgam of feathers and wings unable to soften the blow before his body lands shoulder-first into the crater of his own making, knocking all of the breath out of him. Pain ricochets down his spine, making him gasp with it, but it's nothing in comparison to the white hot pain that had already been zipping through his nerves the moment he'd fled from his own home.
Just as Vash had felt when he'd first caught sight of himself in that mirror, nothing but the colour of his hair had changed; that bone-deep exhaustion, having steadily grown in the past weeks from his own negligence of himself, hadn't left him. He feels like he's burning up from the inside out, a dying star, each nerve singed. Black flows freely from his nose, the corners of his eyes, lines like cracks in marble creeping up his jawline.
"I'm sorry," he gasps to himself, so quiet it's a wonder even he can hear himself, voice layered overtop of one another. For not having control of himself. For being the monster that he is. For breaking not only his promise to Wolfwood to stay, but the one to not burn himself up again as well. "I'm sorry."
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llithiumstars · 10 months
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bdg moment
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Sometimes, being a system is having an alter who is absolutely obsessed with medical history, surgery, and general knowledge.
Cub was having the time of his life watching the dentists do their job while our partner went through surgery. Not once did he flinch and look away, and he wanted to ask so many questions. But he didn't and chose to stay quiet and simply observe. Love that for him!
We have a part who's unable to view blood in any capacity without wanting to black out. Sometimes, spaghetti sauce is too much for him. Despite this, Red is His Favorite Color.
The violent contrast between the two despite being from the same source is hilarious. It's also oddly affirming to have parts that have such strong contrasts.
Does anyone else have moments like this? I'd love to hear it, even if it's minor!
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princessyuwa · 2 years
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I stan 2 dark haired kings unapologetically simping for their dark haired queens ✨️
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siverfanweedo · 8 days
Jack Piche, Hoss lighting, Tammy Bateman, Jason West, Danny Knife, Steven "Iggy" Dedam.
The names of 6 indigenous people who where killed by the RCMP between Aug 29th and Sept 9th in Canada. Across 5 different provinces.
Look, i am white so I can't fully understand the pain these deaths have caused for their families and communities.
indigenous people are some of the most venerable in Canada.
the RCMP should not and do not have the right to kill anyone, Canada needs police reform more then they need more money to stop "violent crimes".
Idk what else to even say... this shouldn't be a thing but it is.
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starwalkeranon · 1 year
Watching Generation Loss. I'm on episode 1 and my favorite bit so far is where Charlie is talking about how he doesn't really want pickles, and then the majority of chat chooses the pickles. It's just "So what are you gonna grab?" "I'm gonna grab the pickles-" "You're- he's gonna grab the pickles..."
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nyaiiaii · 1 year
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technodromes · 9 months
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Oh, today is apparently my blog's first anniversary. Cheers to many more years to come. Some follow-forevers & shout outs because why not?
@countlessrealities // SCOTTY! You are to blame for my Rick & Morty obsession! I love your blog and your portrayals of every single one of them. While they are mostly busy with making each other's lives a pain, I cherish their relationships and interactions very much! It also makes me happy that you reach out to me so much with memes. I have been a bit afraid of sending memes back because you're so busy and I didn't want to seem overbearing, but know that I'm working on sending you some things this month~
@dynamoprotocol // Locke, Clarissa / Chance's lore is so amazing and deep and interesting and I love every bit of it! I also admire your passion for your high-voltage troublemaker. And my bunch of idiots cherish them too. Well, you know. Most of them! Also thank you for sending me memes & messages! Know that even if I take 500 years sometimes to reply them, I greatly appreciate them! Also, your art is absolutely gorgeous!
@moonromantic // Diren, you and Virote are both very powerful, headstrong, and colorful presences on my dash that I admire. I know I don't talk to you enough and one of my goals is definitely to reach out to you/Virote more in the future! @shiningsilverarmor // Stertle, you've often replied to my posts and also sent me memes on different occasions and I greatly appreciate that! I know you're quite busy but it's always nice to see you active on the dash. Hopefully, we get to interact more next year as well ^^/
@neodarkdark // Hey Jak! I know we haven't been talking much but I think you're very nice and amazing. Seeing your art, lore & passion for and of Svern is always one of my highlights when I check the dash. Please keep up your great work! Remind me to check out Bungou Stray Dogs eventually because I have it on my list since six-ever
@sayonaradumbass // Liz, I think you're the RPer I know the longest here out of the bunch above! It just sucks that your timezone is the opposite of mine man, but let's chat again sometime! We also need to plot something between your muse and my Ferengis over at @muses-inn!
There are so many more people on my list of mutuals that I enjoy seeing on my dash of course, and would love to interact with more in the future. Some people I followed more recently, and some I just struggle a bit to start off with because I'm always in low battery mode during late autumn/winter. But know that I see you and appreciate all of you ^^ and an extra round of special mentions to @nightwatchr / @mixed-up-multiverse / @alm1ghtysea / @advnterccs / @eyeknowmayhem / @1eads / @outofthiisworld / @rapxir / @championofdarkland / @fluffghostrp / @chaosmicjelly / @imprvdente / @pleasemymel0dy and YOU.
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