#ask for farm au sam
Hey kinito&sam ar you two gay ?
Fa!Kinito: Not gay, but bi!
Fa!Sam: O-Of course not! Why would you even think about that!? Heheheh-
(Whisper) Fa!Jade: He is, he just scared of his own feelings-
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sillypinkboy · 8 months
mike's style in the mikebutch farm au
YOU ARE SO RIGHT OMG. I need to draw him in some of those asap !!!
The one guy that's dressed a little to sultry to be hanging around a farm as much as he does. Honestly man
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yyokkki · 3 months
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Life as a corporate slave has you worked to the bone. Burdened with expectations from your boss, coworkers and family, you recall a faint childhood memory lost to years of data entry and drafting.
You remember the three weird uncles who'd hang out in your attic everyday at 3AM. How they'd left you an envelope before disappearing, telling you to open it up if a time ever came that you felt lost.
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And so, deed in hand, you booked the next bus available and made your way over to Night Raven Valley with nothing but yourself and the clothes on your back.
What adventures await you as you farm, mine, fight and acquaint yourself with the eccentric yet strangely endearing inhabitants of the valley?
Riddle Rosehearts as the Posh Lawyer
Pixel Art by multifandomlazywriter!
Trey Clover as the Homely Baker
Pixel Art by multifandomlazywriter!
Cater Diamond as the Bubbly Magicam Influencer
Clothing Ask
Art by sheepwater!
Ace Trappola as the Troublemaking Carpenter
Deuce Spade as the Trying-His-Best Mechanic
Leona Kingscholar as the Grumpy Unemployed But Rich Guy
Ruggie Bucchi as the Sneaky Odd Job Runner
Jack Howl as the Prickly Botanist
Azul Ashengrotto as the Shady Saloon Owner
Jade Leech as the Shady Secretary
Floyd Leech as the Shady Security Guard
Kalim Al-Asim as the Cheerful Ranch Owner
Jamil Viper as the Dead-Inside Caretaker
Vil Schoenheit as the Pompous Boutique Owner
Rook Hunt as the Scary Hunter
Epel Felmier as the Feral Apple Farmer
Idia Shroud as the Vitamin D Deficient Game Developer
Ortho Shroud as the Local Sunshine Child
Malleus Draconia as the Misunderstood Wizard
Lilia Vanrouge as the Adventurer's Guild Owner
Silver Vanrouge as the Sleepy Knight In Training
Sebek Zigvolt as the Overexcited Wizard Apprentice
Dire Crowley as the Scummy Town Mayor
Divus Crewel as the Dog Loving Scientist
Mozus Trein as the Cat Loving Librarian
Ashton Vargas as the Macho Guy Who Acts Like A Gym Trainer But Is Actually the Town Blacksmith
Sam as the Playful General Store Owner
Grim as the Weird Sewer Raccoon
The Ramshackle Ghosts as the Uncles Who Haunted Your Attic
I don't think I'm the first one to come up with this AU but this is just my spin on it cuz I'm totally so normal about sdv and twst
I will be updating each character's general info/ headcanons slowly then maybe I'll move on to heart events for the datables (NRC students except Ortho)
All posts related to this au will be tagged #night raven valley
Asks/Requests are open for this AU
And do any of y'all have suggestions for loved/hated gifts for some of the characters? Some are obvious but I'm actually blank for some like damn I know their entire trauma but idk if they'd like malachite or not what am i supposed to do
Tag List (Interact with the linked post to be tagged in future updates mwah)
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 9: Looking Over Fences
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: Things may seem alright on the other side of the fence if you’re not consciously looking at it, but both sides are on the struggle currently
Word count: 2,268
Content/warnings: Mentions/allusions to self harm that are a poor joke, mob themes, mentions of blood, mentions of death, threats, annoyance, pushy behavior and lowkey misogyny, possibly a very bad decision, Peter being a sweet lil brother essentially
Author’s Note: This is lined up so the phone call she makes at the end would occur in Ch. 5 of The Rainmaker
I hope you guys are liking this AU, and I’d love to hear all your thoughts. Comments, reblogs, and asks are greatly appreciated!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The following week since Bucky had left the farm was…okay. It was fine. And to be honest, you didn’t really care for much that was going on outside your own bubble. You fielded the occasional call or text from Steve or Decks, never from Bucky, trying to make it seem like everything was okay, but that was pretty much it.
Peter was helpful, monitoring shipments that started to come in, but more so, you could feel the way he was monitoring you. Perhaps to make sure you didn’t jump off one of the bridges you’d helped to design in town. But what did that matter? They were like ten feet off the riverbed anyway. And it’s not like you were faring that poorly. You were just a little sad, but not enough for it to affect you, but the people closest to you in your life thought differently than that. And by closest, right now you meant physical proximity: Peter and Curtis.
Everywhere you went, if you turned around and squinted enough, you could still see Peter in a distant corner. He definitely needed to work or his stealth skills, or perhaps he was purposely making sure you could see him, letting you know you didn’t have to be alone. That was too bad, though, because that was all that you wanted. To be left alone and sulk and just do your work like the good farmer you are.
So you did, and tried to ignore your shadow figure following you around in jeans and a shirt you’d made Curtis bring him from the store in town. He was just so tiny that he was swimming in everything else you had for the boys, and you weren’t really sure if he would want your old, nasty clothes. The ones you were hardly wearing anymore after your got back late at night, in favor of the only thing Bucky had left behind: a single Henley.
But really, it was fine. It was okay, and you were going to be fine. If only Curtis would stop asking! You could handle everything on your own, just like you had before. That’s what mattered, right? The only one you could really rely on was yourself, and no one needed to see how much pain you were actually in besides him. The one who got to be so happy with his sweet girl while you were separated, independent, alone. Any time you made a snide comment about it outside the soft likeness you were known for prior to these mood swings, Curtis simply let it roll off his back, giving you a tight hug, and moving on, avoiding the subject once again.
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Bucky was miserable. Just like you, he threw himself into work to try and ignore the pain. He needed someone around, though. Struggling alone wasn’t as easy as it used to be, so he searched for help. What the hell was this attempt at a healthy coping mechanism? One that landed him in the apartment of your best friend, no less.
Bucky had tried to find Steve upon his return, the second in command still working double time, plus essentially a new part-time job of flirting. Steve didn’t say it, but Bucky could see it. Plus, he got an earful from Sam about their developing situation in the debrief of preparation for coming back to work. Good for Steve, not relatable. The only chance he could get to find his elusive best friend was to track down his car and jump in. So after Steve had picked up snacks for what appeared to be a movie date, Bucky snuck into the trunk to hide. Any attention, or just human presence, especially that of someone you seemed to enjoy so much would work.
Bucky was exhausted. His nights were sleepless again, but now for different reasons. He couldn’t sleep without you. He didn’t want to sleep without you. But his body didn’t get the message as he was pulled under by the gentle rocking of Steve’s SUV.
He woke up to the familiar, gentle voice in his place amongst the grocery bags. He couldn’t believe he’d fallen asleep in such an uncomfortable suit. It was one of his trash suits: one of the scratchy ones, one of the ones he didn’t care if it got a little bloody. To be honest, he didn’t care right now. Who did he have to impress? This was the first time he’d been out of the house in a week. But this was better than no clothes, and why waste something designer when no one was important around to see it? This mindset was completely different than two months ago.
Bucky groaned and sat up from the trunk, telling Steve his true feelings, something rarely voiced, so who was Steve to turn away from that vulnerability? Bucky really just needed someone, and even though Steve really wanted this private time with Decks, his best friend needed him more. In response to Bucky’s request to joint them, Steve’s lips formed a tight line and his nostrils flared with a frustrated, but sympathetic huff.
“Fine. Come on upstairs.”
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The time with Decks and Steve really helped Bucky, even though he could tell he was very evidently interrupting something. Once the movie was over and Decks was asleep, Bucky checked his phone to see a new message: another employee dead.
As the weeks went on, employee deaths had been on the rise with even a few occurring at first when he was at the farm. It initially seemed like weird chance events. A missing employee here and there, unfortunately, was normal when you owned so much of the city. They would usually turn up again, but this time it was different. Employees were dying, both innocent and mob-associated alike. This was targeted, and he knew exactly who was doing it: Lloyd. He was closing in on business, looking to intimidate. This was going to fill Bucky’s time well, combined rage from these slaps in the face, as well as the constant berating you were starting to face from Cole (as Peter had reported), working as fuel to the fire of reclaiming his rule over the city.
Not only did business suck, but if someone asked Steve and Sam, they’d say their boss was a menace to society, and not in the good way. He was running himself, and them by proxy, into the ground. Nothing was ever enough for him, and they were catching the brunt of that. Maybe there was a way to fix it, but what was coming wasn’t quite what they had in mind. With all the shit going on in the city, they hoped things were better for you.
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You had no idea what Bucky was going through besides the small things that Peter updated you on, but you hope it wasn’t as bad as having to put on a fake smile for an annoying, fake farmer.
It was as if Cole was consciously waiting for Bucky to leave your farm for him to start coming around again. It was like clockwork, with a gift from him earlier in the week, followed by an in-person sometime visit in the second half. It was like he was hoping to find you to more vulnerable like this. If that was the metric he was going on, though, he was severely underestimating your abilities. Bucky had been gone for three weeks, and Cole seemed unrelenting.
At least your rage at his persistence gave you something to fill your days with. And Peter was a delightful gossip, making impressions of the clumsy and pushy ‘farmer.’
You didn’t really have the desire to keep any of the gifts you were receiving but the cow, though, which was quickly growing, ready soon to move into her shed out back. First, it was the little things, like her, but then things started getting bigger. A Turner’s drink fridge. Where was that supposed to go? Then a hydroponics tower. That…well, actually, that one was kinda nice. Those things were expensive, and you hadn’t gotten the chance to invest in them yet. But what could a singular one possibly do for you? And then a tractor. One not even graded for the type of work you had to do. Each gift was punctuated by him forcing his way into your house right at dinner time, and sitting with you and Peter until you could shove him out, polite as ever.
His last visit, though. That one was a little bit different. You could see the smug look on his face as he ate off your cutlery. It was an insult that the plates and utensils your family, and Bucky, once used were touching his mouth. You’d purposely set those ones aside, reused for only him each time, and marked them mentally to be blown up once this all blew over. You were sure Peter would enjoy that, too. And hopefully it was sooner rather than later, but until then, it was one dinner at a time.
You walked Cole out to the porch, like you did every time, but instead of walking straight out to his truck, this time, he lingered for a second, turning around and looking down at you.
“Listen up, Sweet Peach. Sure, my capacities right now, every time I visit you, are limited, but I’ve got friends in low places. I’m not gonna give up. Either you give me the farm, or my buddy Lloyd starts a war with your boyfriend.”
A threat like that made you lose your usually cool demeanor for a second. “Cole, absolutely not!” This came out of nowhere.
You had to find a way to hit his pride. Maybe that could cause him to back down without retaliation. “What’s the valor in me handing it over, anyway? It would be worth so much more if you earned it. I know you’ve got something to prove, just like in high school.”
You did your best not to cringe at the memory. You obviously didn’t care about back then and it still pained you to think of it. Living in the past wasn’t something you did, but it was very evidently something he was caught up on. “Work to earn my farm, maybe you’ll earn my respect…and possibly a little something else.”
You bit your lip trying to be suggestive. Ugh, this was humiliating, but his entire manner of carrying himself shifted from his poor attempt at intimidation to intrigue. After all these years he still couldn’t help himself trying to win you over, and he was still a doofus.
“Oh yeah? And how do you suppose I do that?”
You tapped your bottom lip with your pointer finger, humming. “Mmm, how about a wager? Winner takes all, or at least just my farm. I win, Lloyd doesn’t wage war, either. Deal?”
“Wait, wait. A wager on what?” He licked his lips, still giving you a look that made you sick to your stomach.
“How about a game of pool? And tell you what, I’ll be extra nice since you’ve never seen me play and I just want to make sure we’re even.” You said it in your sweetest tone, a pout on your lips and your eyes as wide and sparkling as a doe. “You can pick who plays for your side, but here are the ground rules: no professional players. No pre-professional, either. Friends, allies, and acquaintances only. Keep the playing field even. But, the caveat is that I get to do the same. Whichever side wins the game, wins the prize. Do we have a deal?”
Cole stood there for a second, nodding and thinking it over. “So you’re trying to win my compliance? Didn’t think you were the type to treat your livelihood like a game, but lucky for you, I am.”
It’s true, you hate that it had to come to this, but you held out your hand for him to shake, just for him to limply grab it. How he got this far in business, you’ll never know, because that handshake was terrible, yet binding for the young-ish heir. Oh wait, that’s right, he got this far because his parents did it for him. Bucky would never let that handshake fly, but maybe he would understand. This was a threat facing both of you, and according to the breadcrumbs you’d heard from Peter, it could be even worse on Bucky’s end. That, on top of what Cole said about waging war added to your concern.
“Deal.” Cole dropped your hand and you tucked it behind you back, ready to wash it as soon as you could get inside.
“Good. Now get off my property. I’ll meet you at the bar next week. Saturday. 6pm.”
He nodded with a wink and walked down the porch steps to his lifted truck, tripping on the gravel on the way there, not daring to look back to catch your snicker. You could see his huff when he slid into the front seat, after having jumped up into the tall vehicle. The engine roared as he drove away, creating ruts. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as you walked back inside.
You heart was racing. The stakes were unbelievably high, but you didn’t have much of an option. Either win this bet and end it once and for all, or chance him trying to take things by force. So it wasn’t really much of a choice at all when you laid it out.
You had a few phone calls to make…
Next >
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Bonus A/N: The grass is always greener, but it looks like both Bucky and Bee are standing on dead lawns.
Taglist: @mrsnikstan @scuzmunkie @openup-yourmind @vicmc624 @multifandomreader73 @hawkeyes-queen @blackhawkfanatic @morgthemagpie @buckybarnessimpp @calwitch @thesarcasmqueen-22 @ronearoundblindly
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yinswritingblog · 2 months
twst (undisclosed) au
jade leech x gn!reader
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a/n: i have specific inspo for this au but i don't wanna give away the plot if i continue with it. i literally haven't even scratched the surface of my idea and i lowkey hate this but i'm tired and had to put something out there 🫠 there's barely any jade in this beginning part so i'm sorry in advance
tags: gn!reader (pronouns unspecified), sfw, little bit of pining, mushrooms written by someone who doesn't know mushrooms, kinda boring, sorry
regardless of shitty quality, DO NOT FEED THIS TO AI or i will hunt you down and be very angry at you
1,456 words
Climbing a mountain is not one of your regular chores as a farmer.
Life’s just been so boring lately—not that you’re complaining; “bored” is leagues better than famished and starving—but you’ve been thirsting for a little more enrichment than feeding livestock and mucking stables can offer. So naturally, when you went into town a few days ago to sell some of your produce, you scanned Sam’s shop for anything that could spice up your life.
Funny-looking dolls, uniquely flavoured snacks, eye-catching accessories… Sam always had such interesting items in stock, but you couldn’t imagine being amused with any of them for more than a couple days, a week at most. You hummed to yourself before clearing your throat.
“Hey, Sam?” you peeked around the stacked shelves and racks to look for him at the front of the shop. He popped out from beneath the front counter like some sort of life-sized jack-in-the-box.
“Find anything that piques your interest, Imp?” he asked back while glancing at you, simultaneously working on pricing some new trinkets that came in. (The grind never stops, even when he’s serving a customer.)
“Well…” You hated to admit your dissatisfaction so bluntly, but Sam’s a thick-skinned friend of yours; he can take it. “No, actually. Do you have anything new?”
And of course Sam had something new in stock—something perfect. You should’ve never doubted his service. So that day, you left town having sold all your produce, with a pocketful of bronze coins, a skip in your step, and a small pocketbook in hand that you traded for two dozen eggs.
A Guide to Identifying and Foraging Wild Edible Mushrooms: Pocket Edition.
So here you are, hiking up the mountain by your farm that you never once explored in all your years living here. To be fair, you never really had much of a reason to, until now. Now, you have a wealth of information on edible and medicinal wonders of nature in the palm of your hand. Now, you’re aware of the wondrous, not-meat-yet-meaty chunks of yumminess within your reach.
You gasp. Literally. Within. Your. Reach. After verifying with your prized pocketguide, you pluck the stubby white growth from the side of a fallen log. Pleurotus ostreatus. An oyster mushroom. You have yourself an oyster mushroom, and now the world is your oyster.
In your mushroom-finding excitement, you fail to notice the heterochromatic eyes witnessing your discovery from behind a tree.
Over the next week, you balance out the mundaneness of farm life with the joy of mushroom foraging. So far, you’ve harvested resinous polypore—Ischnoderma resinosum—and lion’s mane—Hericium erinaceus—on top of the oyster mushrooms you initially found. You’re thrilled!
But still, despite your newfound source of joy, you can’t help but wish you didn’t have to work so much on the farm. As you savour a bite of your breakfast omelette made with leftover lion’s mane mushrooms, you dare think to yourself: Sevens, you wished you could have a helping hand. Then you would only have to work half as much, and you’d have twice as much time to go look for mushrooms.
You turn your gaze beyond your open dutch door to the rich mountain nearby.
And then a demon pops out of fucking nowhere to block the view.
“AHHHH!!!” you shriek, before clapping a hand over your mouth. Oh, you realise. It’s not a demon. Just some freakishly tall guy trespassing on your farm. Dressed in a tattered linen tunic and breeches, his ratty clothing doesn’t seem to suit him. With hair the vivid colour of the clear sea, striking heterochromatic eyes, and a razor-sharp jawline, you can’t fathom what he’s doing here. Nor can you imagine why he’s dressed like he’d been washed up ashore. The only accessory that does suit his beauty is the teal earring dangling from his left ear.
“Hello,” the beautiful demon/trespasser man greets politely.
“Hi,” you reply awkwardly. “Can I help you?”
“Well, yes,” he replies, smiling without teeth as he brings his hand to his chest. “I would like to help you on your farm.”
You hum to hide your surprise. Not because his request is startling, though it is very bold, especially for only just having met each other. You’re instead shocked by how quickly your wish seemed to be granted. Maybe he is a demon. But you’ll nevertheless entertain his haphazard job application.
“Hmm. What’s your name?” you ask.
“Ah, right. My name is Jade,” the demon answers with his smooth-ass voice. “My apologies for neglecting to introduce myself sooner.”
You give him your name in return. Jade smiles again. It’s almost unsettling.
“I’ll warn you that it’s a lot of work, Jade. And I can’t give you much more than food and lodging in return. You still interested?”
You rack your brain for any more upfront reasons that would dissuade Jade from working for you.
“And in terms of food…” you start, “You’re alright eating mushrooms?”
Jade stares at you, eyes wide. Is he blushing?
“You’d feed me your mushrooms?” he whispers.
Ah, so he’s not a fan. Disappointing. Still, you answer.
“Breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” you reply. “Not by themselves, of cour—“
“When may I start?” Jade cuts you off.
“Working here, for you. When may I start?”
Succinctly put, Jade isn’t a demon. In fact, you’d go as far to say that Jade is an angel. A gentlemanly, mushroom-loving angel. Two months in, he does more than his fair share of work on the farm and eats whatever you cook. Often, despite already having laboured in the burning hot sun, doing the heavy lifting that he insisted you shouldn’t do, Jade helps you in the kitchen.
Like he is now. Actually, this time, he’s doing most of the cooking as you wash the dishes and cooking utensils.
A few weeks ago, Jade practically begged you to bring him on one of your hikes. If it was anybody else who asked, you wouldn’t have agreed. But you had to admit: you’re fond of Jade.
From your countless conversations, you learned that Jade lost both his parents to vicious pirates when they were at sea, leaving behind Jade and his brother, Floyd. Jade also told you that he has a funny friend named Azul. The way Jade reminisces about Floyd and Azul is endearing (and also makes the latter seem really pathetic, to be honest), and you can tell he really loves them since he’d left his home to make a better life for the three.
Despite his rough past, he’s perfect. Hardworking, strong, smart, observant, dependable, beautiful, sweet… You could list hundreds if not thousands of things you love about him. The hard part is keeping your praises to yourself, keeping them from spewing out your mouth every time you’re in his presence.
Jade always does as you wish when you ask. But your one deepest wish is selfish, something you can’t ask of him.
You wish he’d never leave your side.
“Dinner’s ready,” Jade gently announces to you, disrupting your internal pining monologue. You can see his closed-eye smile directed at you from the corner of your eye, and you feel your heartbeat quicken.
You grab two bowls from the cupboard and pass them to Jade’s waiting hand. His fingers brush yours in the process, and you have to stop yourself from flinching away. Don’t be suspicious! Act normal! Stop being a pathetic sap!
“Oya, you’re quite red.” Ugh, dammit, blush! “Are you feeling unwell?”
Jade reaches his right hand toward your forehead, which you quickly bat away.
“Am I? I feel fine,” you assure, hoping you sound natural enough. You feel your face warm even more.
“Are you sure?” Jade scrutinizes your flushed face, mere inches between you. “You really are quite red.”
Now, as sweet as he is, Jade loves teasing. Even though he doesn’t like you back—not that he knows of your crush on him—he still plays with you. And your poor heart by association.
You turn away from Jade like a petty child refusing to eat their vegetables. The bastard follows your face with his own as you turn.
“Fufufu,” he chuckles, “you really are quite adorable, aren’t you?”
Your eyes bulge in surprise before you instinctively shield your probably-tomato-red face with your hand.
“Oh,” Jade sighs with a smile, retreating to his personal bubble of space. “How I wish to never leave your side.”
Those words promptly open the floodgates to your endless praises for Jade. Ultimately, in tears, you end up confessing your undying love. In response, Jade smiles at you, wider than you’ve ever seen, eyes half-lidded. He’s so beautiful.
So much for keeping your feelings under wraps.
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naughtystiel · 1 year
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Here's another list of fics that I've read! They're all amazing, but the first two? They hold a special place in my heart because of how tender they are. If you decide to read them - prepare for an emotional rollercoaster.
You can check out the previous fic rec list here.
Happy reading! ♡
Restless wanderer
Just west of the town Porthgwarra, Cornwall, Robert Singer’s farm lies, a mess of ravaged land gaping out onto a fretting sea. Robert's orphaned godson, Dean Winchester, is named sole beneficiary of the farm - and though he hasn't seen his godfather in fifteen years, he travels across the Atlantic with his brother and half brother to care for Singer in his old age and tend to the farm. All of them hope to leave behind the squalor and famine of their old life.
What Dean meets is the bird-infested home of a widowed eccentric, and a new shepherd whom he can neither stand nor see any use for - stoic, rude and conceited, Dean plans to fire the mysterious and wandering Mr Novak the moment he comes into legal possession of the farm. But upon the shepherd's offer to teach him the trade, in anticipation of Dean replacing the man himself, Dean finds in the wild and roaming man a steadiness and certainty his own life has never yet contained. And one day Dean will have to ask, not tell, the shepherd to stay.
Down by the water
AU, set in 1853 — When Castiel loses everything dear to him due to a botched river crossing, including his supplies, livestock, covered wagon, and even his wife, he has no where to turn, no way to survive stranded in the middle of his journey. That is, until he meets Dean Winchester, who offers him a life saving deal: in exchange for help on his farm, Dean offers to provide much needed room and board. But how will this decision affect Castiel as he moves through his grief, and discovers feelings he never would have expected? Fighting with injury, pain, grief, and even the threat of death, Dean and Castiel find themselves in the one place they would have never expected: down by the water, struggling to accept their unforeseen love.
Dark side of the moon
Five months into his six month mission, an accident leaves Flight Engineer Dean Winchester stranded on the moon. It comes down to a man he has never met to bring him home.
Angel in the iron mask
Finally free of his actual shackles, Castiel finds himself in a situation a lot worse than being locked in the dungeon with an iron mask to conceal his face. The intrigues of the court will make his head ache, but it would all be worth it if he could just find a way to save the omega that had been enslaved to him.
Protect and serve
Sam Winchester is America's newest sweetheart. An in-demand actor and all around Boy Next Door. However, with his fame comes the need for protection. And Sam only trusts his older brother, and former beat cop, Dean, plus his best friend, Castiel Novak, to keep him safe. However, Castiel and Dean share not only a desire to keep Sam safe, but also a lot of friction between them. In an attempt to smooth the edges, Sam pleads with them to find a way to make things work. Castiel thinks Dean needs discipline. Dean thinks Castiel needs to lighten up. Together, they discover a lot more about each other than anticipated.
Playing with fire
When two best friends foray into a supposedly no-strings sexual relationship, someone is bound to catch feelings, someone is bound to fuck up, and someone is bound to beg for forgiveness; because that’s the recipe for a romantic comedy.
But life is not a romantic comedy, no matter how much Dean Winchester secretly wishes it was.
Instead, we present: Boy finds out boy, who has been his best friend for over twenty years, is secretly a Dom. Boy then sorta tricks boy into taking him on as his new sub. Boy discovers a side of himself he never knew existed. Boy is in way over his head.
In which Dean and Cas weather quarantine together like any Good Friends would — by developing outstanding skills in self-deception and providing all the casual affection and strictly platonic* orgasms the other could possibly need to make it through.**
*Really not platonic
**Spoiler: They need a lot.
For centuries, the Winchester princes have taken omegas from the northern town of New Eden to bear the royal heirs before exiling them to the countryside - a punishment for a past dispute caused by the town's strict beliefs. When Prince John marries Lady Mary of Campbell and puts a Queen on the throne, however, most people assume the tradition has been set aside.
Thus, it's a complete surprise to Dean when he's sent to New Eden to retrieve the girl they've arranged for.
Cas, as a male omega in backward New Eden, has been ostracized and condemned by his town since he presented. To make matters worse? His sister is being given away to the crown prince of Winchester, never to return.
But when the morning before the prince's arrival dawns and Anna is nowhere to be found, the town's council decides there’s only one thing for it:
They’ll simply have to give him Cas instead.
It's the end of the world (as we know it)
The year is 1996, and Dean’s stuck in Kankakee, Illinois while Dad’s on a long-haul hunt. It��s not too bad. He’s even got a friend, now—even if Cas is a weird, gawky loner kid who gets way too intense about his sci-fi novels and doesn’t know how to stop staring. Just business as usual.
Until his dad comes back, and it isn’t.
The year is 2011, and the shadows known as ‘angels’ and ‘demons’ are falling from cracks in the sky, raining death, destruction, and monsters where they pass. When the Joint Task Force asks for their help in stopping the end of the world—John Winchester, his sons, and a ragtag band of hunters—well, that’s just business as usual, too.
Until Dean meets the cold blue eyes of their team liaison—Dr. Castiel Novak.
The meaning on my skin
Castiel Novak never wanted to be a Dominant. Living with the mark on his skin that designates him as one has haunted him every day of his life, and he goes to great lengths to avoid the part of his biology that he hates. When he makes the decision to get a tattoo with the intent of hiding his mark away, he meets Dean Winchester: tattoo artist and confident submissive.
Dean turns Castiel’s world upside down and subverts every expectation Castiel ever had about himself and his designation. Will Dean be able to teach him how to be comfortable in his own skin?
Roll with it
For two years, Dean’s been slaving away beneath his boss – many label him a secretary, but he fucking hates that and feels like it only applies to someone wearing a pencil skirt, so he insists on his title of Executive Assistant. And for what? In the vain hope that one day he’ll manage to become an editor for Sandover Publishing, and that he’ll see the manuscript that he’s slaved over since college finally realized in print.
That’s the dream, anyway.
Right now, he’s fucking late.
Dean wants to be an editor. Castiel just wants to stay in the country.
‘The Proposal’ – as you’ve never seen it before.
Stay in my arms (if you dare)
Grammy award-winning singer/actor Dean Winchester is on top of the world. His latest role has him tipped for an Oscar nomination and his life is damn good, thank you very much. That all comes crashing down after a series of death threats forces his manager, Bobby Singer, to hire a bodyguard. Bobby knows just the man for the job. Castiel Krushnic, former CIA field agent and the only person Bobby would trust to protect Dean.
Tensions are high and personalities clash from the first meeting, with Dean unwilling to change his lifestyle and Cas just wanting to do the job in peace. A series of events turns the pair into reluctant friends while both try to ignore their growing attraction for each other.
Dream house
Castiel Shurley and his best friend Dorothy Baum have decided to move in together. After his aunt assumes they are dating, she offers them money for the house, but only if they apply for a famous reality show ‘Dream House’. Since they could use the money and he doesn’t want to come out to his aunt, Castiel and Dorothy agree to fake date for the show. But things go wrong when Dorothy falls in love with the show’s producer and Castiel starts to develop feelings for one of the hosts.
Dean Winchester is a co-host of ‘Dream House’, along with his brother. Sam, being a realtor, finds a fixer-upper and Dean turns it into a perfect house for their clients. Even though he has what most people only dream about, Dean is incredibly lonely. He had bad experiences with relationships in the past and he doesn’t think he will ever meet anyone who can earn his trust. Until he meets Castiel.
I'll be good
Dean has always been the good guy. He made the hard decisions and rose to the occasion whenever his family needed him. He became a parent way too soon after the deaths of John and Mary Winchester along with Sam’s big oops moment. Resettling his entire life to Beaufort, NC for the sake of those he loves the most.
Now at 25 an opportunity to finally be good to himself has been delivered in the form of one gorgeous Castiel Novak. The new arrival to town is the worst driver Dean has ever seen. As the eldest Winchester strives to overcome several bumps along the road of life can he also help Cas to steer towards a happily ever after with him or will Novak’s turbulent past cause them to crash and burn?
In other words a BDSM love story.
Shatter me
Dean Winchester started his day in seven easy steps.
Step one: Survive attack from a giant drool monster
Step two: Shower and shave
Step three: Suck down a cup of coffee while walking the drool monster to her favorite tree
Step four: Feed and water the drool monster
Step five: Have a balanced breakfast of microwaved egos, six medications, and two more cups of coffee
Step six: Check his email and schedule for the day
Step seven: Pack the pup and himself a hearty lunch and leave for work
In none of these steps did it say: meet your soul mate, hate them on sight and cause bodily harm…. and yet.
Crashing in
Castiel Novak is convinced he’s the last unwillingly single person in Lupine Cove. Even Gabriel, his perpetual bachelor brother, has found love. It’s probably because Cas leads the most boring life in existence. He’s a gay man living in a rented, one-room cottage in the same small coastal town he grew up in, just getting by as the owner of the same convenience store he was practically raised in. The most excitement he gets is chatting with the locals or maybe, if he’s unlucky, oversleeping and rushing to work. So when a baby is left at the Safe Haven drop-off at the local fire station, he takes the opportunity to step in for the child temporarily, at least until suitable parents, plural, can be found.
Life certainly gets more interesting.
And it gets even more interesting when a handsome man comes crashing—literally—into his life.
Dean didn't think that his life as a detective could get much worse after Castiel was promoted to lieutenant.
Castiel was a stickler for the rules, had no sense of humour, and never seemed to give Dean a break, even though they used to be partners.
But then, despite all of their questionable history, the two are asked to go undercover on a case in the wealthy suburbs of California. . . as a married couple.
Lead by your beating heart
After a night of celebrating (heavy drinking) with his brother surgical intern Dean Winchester discovers that his resident, talented Cardio surgeon Castiel Novak, is...well a huge douche bag...kind of hot but still a huge douche bag. A douche bag that he's stuck with for the rest of the year, that's if he survives the year without Castiel killing him and making it look like an accident. So why is it that an easy friendship forms between the two men that swiftly becomes something Dean never expected to find when he moved to Chicago.
Bold will hold
All Dean Winchester wants is to open his own tattoo shop, which is why he signs up for Tattoo Gods, a tattooing reality show with a $100,000 grand prize. He also wants to avoid making an ass of himself on national TV, and he definitely wants to avoid falling for Cas Novak, another artist who’s not only his direct competitor, but someone he’s had an unspoken rivalry with since before he started apprenticing, and is just as ridiculously talented as he is stunning (and, as Dean comes to find out, kind and funny and passionate and sincere). Is that too much to ask?
Apparently, yes. Yes, it is.
Breathing into you
‘Beware the deep sea, that’s where the monsters come from.’ Dean had heard these words since birth, his father’s warnings shaping him into the man he is today.
That’s not the root of Dean’s hatred for merpeople, though. Twenty years after the day tragedy had touched the Winchesters’ lives forever as well as the end of the Great War between humans and mer, Dean is still haunted by that moment. But loving the sea is just as much a part of him as the dread for the merfolk, so when he isn’t working at the local bar, he is there, underwater, immersed in the vast blue his mother used to speak of in her bedtime stories.
Dean knows, however, that the sea can be as ruthless as it is soothing. When he is caught in the middle of a storm and faces the anger of the waves, the mysterious appearance of a stranger with blue eyes as clear as the waters Dean loves losing himself in forces Dean to question the truth behind his father’s old mantra.
Hot water
Castiel hated public showers.
In which Castiel is forced to use the company shower after hours and ends up doing unspeakable things he never thought himself capable of...
AU-fic containing mystery attractions and a lot of hot water.
I can make you scared
So this is how it goes. Best day of Dean Winchester’s life. Loses his job, finds out he’s been cheated on, gets dumped, all in the course of one fucked up Thursday. Drinking himself into oblivion is the natural response, right? A chance encounter in a dingy dive bar gives Dean a new friend who sees his problems and likes him anyway. Now, as Dean struggles to pick up the pieces of his life, Castiel just might help him put them back together in a way he never expected.
Fear of falling (apart)
In a world where D/s relationships are the norm and Chicago is caught up in a three-way mob war, Russian mob boss Castiel Krushnic makes John Winchester an offer he can't refuse: one that will make Dean Winchester his own.
Cuffed to an angel
Dean Winchester has a lot going for him: he's beloved by his students, he's finished writing his first book, and he's living comfortably in New York City. The only problem is... he's single. That wouldn't bother him much if his family wouldn't be visiting for the holidays. With cuffing season over, Dean has to face his family alone... or will he?
Castiel DiAngelo is a simple detective who hasn't really celebrated Christmas in over 9 years, holidays and family being a sore spot for him. But after taking Dean up on an offer, he finds that you can't really avoid the holidays.
Will these two be able to pull off a seminal holiday trope? Or will certain developments get in the way...
(don't) stop texting me
Castiel Novak is relatively happy living his solitary life as a Starbucks Barista. He lives alone with a cat named Hamburger, and he has one (1) emotional support friend, Gabriel.
Unfortunately, he is plagued by the fact that some guy (see: a random hot dude named 'Dean') is giving out Castiel's phone number as his own. And he's been doing it for months.
So, of course, when Castiel's at work and a hot stranger gives him his own phone number for the Starbucks Rewards Program... well... it doesn't go well.
Sweet boy
NOTE - nothing sexual happens between them until Dean's 18
Dean's sixteen when he meets John's well-to-do boss, Castiel Novak, and he's quick to develop a crush during a time where he's only begun to discover his preferences. He dates the beautiful Lisa and practically raises his younger brother Sam, because it's what John expects. But Castiel appears to see Dean in a way no one else does, and despite him knowing there's no way anything can happen between them, he relishes in the idea that Castiel cares at all for his well-being.
Between mounting pressures from a teenage Sam that no longer wants a caretaker, John's nudging for Dean to follow a career path he doesn't want, and a mysterious check for the exact amount of one semester at the school Dean had been eyeing, Dean finds himself reconnecting with Castiel.
And Castiel has a very interesting proposition for him.
Down time
It’s been said that Dean Winchester is a bit uptight but in his opinion being focused on producing quality work is nothing to be ashamed of. He would grudgingly admit he tends to get too worried about his work and schedule and that it’s beginning to wear him down. In a fit of work induced exhaustion, he decides to indulge in a deeply buried desire of his…
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destieltaggedfic · 5 months
Hey bestie! Do you have any fics where dean thinks he is or could fake a relationship with cas (like he thinks what he feels for cas is platonic but he's willing to fake it for cas)? Thank you mwah!
oh hey! I had something similar to this a while ago. So some of these are Dean clinging to his heterosexuality saying he loves Cas and is willing to be in a relationship with him, but no on sexy front (for as long as that lasts)
Did I post this morning? why yes I did, but I've finally finished finding fic for this ask so I wanted to get it out.
I said show me something – ilovehowyouletmefall   Ao3
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  With Cas back, Dean isn’t really sure what he is feeling but if it means Cas will stay with him, he will give the angel everything he wants.  But Cas has to promise to stay.
Word Count: 7k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
Devotion – howevernot   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Being aromantic means that Dean can’t give Cas the kind of relationship that he thinks the ex-angel should have, but when they talk it though they find something that can work for both of them.  Even if others (Sam) don’t understand it
Word Count: 4k                                 No Sex
profoundly bonded (by law) – sobsicles   Ao3
Set S15 AU.  Its all over, and they’ve given up hunting.  Sam has moved into an apartment in town but Dean and Cas have bought a farm house they are renovating.  One day Cas asks if Dean would marry him, not being able to think of a reason against it Dean says yes.  Being married changes nothing about their friendship until one day it does.
Word Count: 20k                              Graphic Sexual Acts  
A Blowjob's A Blowjob – icouldgowithyou   Ao3
AU.  It’s a case of mistaken identity when a guy claiming to be an incubus turns up on Dean’s doorstep asking to be killed because he refuses to feed without the consent of his victims.  Dean’s not really sure he believes this guy but offers his services under the strict understanding that he’s not gay or anything.
Word Count: 33k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Goodnight Kisses – ImYourHoneyBee   Ao3
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  Dean was quick to tell Cas he loved him and wanted to be with him too when they got him back, although he wasn’t comfortable being with a guy, Cas’ compromise was that he wanted a goodnight kiss every night.  It doesn’t take Dean too long to realise that he’s a lot more fine with Cas being dude-shaped than he thought.
Word Count: 9k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
I would do anything for love... but I won't do that – startswithf   Ao3
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  As soon as he got Cas back Dean told him that he loved him too and he wants to stay with Cas forever, but he just doesn’t think he can be in a physical relationship with him, but he will give Cas as much as he can.
Word Count: 11k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
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exepilled · 6 months
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erm redesign oopsies but anyways some notes about party pals redesign and og! used and ocs ig….
made them look more like kinito to fit the au since it’s a swap au
made the party hat smaller kind of like fanon ennards hat
I gave them cursor like tail— so you can tell it’s supposed to be player
They go by pal or y/n, doesn’t matter which is kinito calls them pal, while sawyer and oliver call them y/n
Made OG! Player look like prismo from adventure time, thought it would suit them since they are depicted as a black box in KinitoPet
Yes OG player uses gen alpha slang despite not being gen alpha, don’t ask!! 🔥🔥🔥
they think it’s fucking hilarious
Sawyer and Oliver sorta get along (they tolerate each other for y/n)
they both show distaste towards kinito (both swap and og kinito)
they like jade and sam tho
Kinitoswap is different then kinitopet with more sorta Andy’s Apple Farm and BrandonWorks sort of themes/elements
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shhh-secret-time · 6 months
Star Park AU: Stan Marsh Edition
-> Lives on Tegridy Farms with his family. His dad sold their house and moved them out to the valley when Stan was ten. (They're essentially where Marnie is in game.)
-> Sparky is still alive but he's getting older, so he sticks to laying on the porch waiting for Stan to get back
-> Plays football with Clyde, Craig, and Tolkien! Kenny and Cartman will join in sometimes and he practically drags Kyle out to join them.
-> He works for Joja Mart with his sister. They'd both rather work there than be near their dad.
》 He's saving up to move back to the city, or so he says. Truth be told he can't leave behind Sparky or his Mom.
-> He bought his own chicken coop and has a few chickens of his own.
-> He goes to the saloon every night, most nights by himself
-> But on Fridays, after Jimmy's comedy act, him and his band will play!
-> On Sundays when everyone else is in church or doing their own thing. Stan and Kyle will go up to the summit past the railroad tracks and spend hours up there. Catching up and just unwinding.
-> He probably has a mini event that's kind of like Sam's 2 heart event, where he asks the Farmer what type of music they like.
Gift Guide:
Loves: Pizza, Survival Burger, Book of Mysteries, Frozen Tears, Beer (This changes after Heart Event 6)
Likes: Joja Cola, Apples, All Eggs, Void Esscene, Large Milk
Neutral: All Fruit (Except Apples), Coffee, Peppers
Dislikes: Fertilizer, Daffodil, Any Fish, Pink Cake
Hates: Rabbit Foot, Coleslaw, Clay, Beer (After Heart Event 6)
Loved: "Dude! Are you sure?! Man this rules!"
Liked: "Oh, uh thanks! Should I get you something back?"
Neutral: "Cool, I'll find a use for it."
Disliked: "What...is this? Why?"
Hated: "What the fuck were you thinking?"
Given any alcohol after Heart Event 6: "Why would you give me this?! You know I'm trying to stop!"
Heart Event @ 2:
Stan is throwing empty beer bottles at the passing train, they shatter just as the Farmer approaches him. He looks back at them with a grin offering one for them to throw. He mentions that he was drinking with his friend Kenny but he had to go, so now he's just passing time. He's not quite drunk yet but he's tipsy. When the Farmer takes the bottle and throws it he relaxes a little, says that he's glad they're not put off by the behavior. After a little bit of silence, he asks them why they moved to the Valley. There's not a lot of money in farming and then makes a comment about how he fucking hates it. How he feels isolated from the rest of the town sometimes.
-> Feels that way sometimes doesn't it? But at least you have your friends (+)
-> You're literally closer to town than I am, don't your friends come to visit you? (-)
If First Option: He mulls it over and decides you're right. He should he grateful he at least has them. Though lately it feels like they're drifting apart. Stan comments how you must feel lonely being new to town and all.
"Oh well. I guess we can be lonely losers together. Farmer buddies and all that."
If Second Option: Stan doesn't really appreciate the sass. He wasn't looking for a pity party, just wanted to kinda vent. He makes note not to talk about it again.
"Yeah sure. I guess, but you didn't have to be a dick about it."
Heart Event @ 4:
Stan and his friends are playing pool at the tavern, a rare instance where they're all off work and finally get to hang out. He leans over the pool table and sinks another ball, much to Kyle's annoyance. As the Farmer comes in Cartman makes a comment that Kyle is getting his ass kicked and bad. It prompts Kyle to snap at him and shake the pool cue at him. Kenny and Stan laugh a little before Stan realizes you're there. He smiles and gestures for you to come over! Now that you're here they have enough for teams. Farmer is confused because there's already four of them, they make five. Stan whispers in their ear, explaining that Cartman won't play with Kyle anymore. He lost one time and now he's convinced that Kyle cheated. Something about how there's no way Kyle would ever actually win a game fair and square. When you agree he gets excited and before anyone else gets the chance he announces that you'll be on his team!
"Awesome! We're gonna smoke these guys! Kenny wrack 'em! Farmer is with me!"
⚠️ TW: Attempted suicide ahead ⚠️
Heart Event @ 6:
Stan's drinking again. Right next to the railroad tracks but this time he's got one foot on the railroad, rocking back and forth. There's glass bottles around him, unbroken and too many to count. He almost stumbles down to the ground but he keeps himself up. Farmer approaches and that's when they hear the sound of the train coming in, and it's coming fast. Stan had no intentions on moving, in fact he looks like he's about to fall forward willingly. The dead look in his eyes tells them that much. Farmer runs across the field and tackles him into the ground, the train narrowly missing the both of them. Stan lays there having just had the wind knocked out of him. His head is spinning and he feels sick, but he also feels the Farmer on his chest and his back against the ground. He's not dead. Then it hits him, you almost died to save him. You who's kept talking to him despite everything, even when he was being an ass.
"You....you could have gotten yourself killed why would you do that?"
-> I couldn't just stand there and watch you die Stan!
-> Are you crazy?! You almost got us both killed!
-> I don't know...my legs just moved on their own.
-> (Just hug him)
If First Option: Stan starts crying and presses his palms into his eyes. He lays there and sobs, but he feels safe enough to do it.
"Hey Farmer...hic...can you help me to Kyle. I'm scared."
If Second Option: He grits his teeth and digs his hand into the dirt. Stan knows what he did was crazy, he can't be mad at you for snapping like that. You just saved his life. But he didn't ask you to.
"Fuck...I know. Look, just help me get to Kyle. I think I'm gonna be sick."
If Third Option: Stan doesn't know what to say but he thinks he gets it. He just closes his eyes and tries to stop the dizzy ride his drunken state is on. He doesn't want to move but he can't just lay here all day.
"Do you think Kyle is gonna yell at me...if I show up looking like this? Maybe if I just go to sleep I won't have to think about it."
If Fourth Option: Stan freezes he wasn't expecting the Farmer to do that. They should be angry with him, furious. But they're hugging him and clinging to him for dear life. His life. Stan wraps his arms around them and starts to cry. It's the most vulnerable he's been with anyone in a long time.
"Shit...fuck dude...just please don't let me go. I don't wanna go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Heart Event @ 8:
It's early morning when the Farmer steps out, they're greeted with the sound of music. Stan is sitting on their porch playing his old guitar, the acoustic one that's seen better days. When the Farmer gets closer he looks up at them for a moment, unable to look them in the eye for too long. After a moment of silence, he tells them that Kyle got it out of storage for him. Says it'll help him focus on something other than the withdrawals and that Kyle put him in contact with a therapist. He thanks the Farmer for saving his life, and apologizes that they had to see that. As he plays a somber tune again he makes a comment, this is the first time he's been on their farm. First time he's been out this way since they moved into the valley. He confesses that your farm is a lot nicer than his dad's and that maybe farming isn't so bad. Farmer sits beside him and he quietly continues playing, they've never heard him play this song before.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I've been a jerk to you. You and Kyle shouldn't have to take care of me, but you did. You care and I should remember that. Sparky would have been really upset if I never came home. So thanks...for everything."
When given the bouquet:
"!! I don't understand why you'd choose me, but...I'm selfish and I want you all to myself. So I accept!"
Heart Event @ 10:
Stan is leading Farmer past the railroad tracks, he doesn't even seem bothered much anymore to be here. He leads them up the path that he's taken a thousand times. There he leads them to the summit, his favorite spot to be at. They sit together at the edge if the cliff with their legs dangling off the side. He admits to them that he liked coming up here a lot as a kid, when his dad and him would fight it was his little hiding spot. Then he brought Kyle and it became special. The days where he'd get stupid drunk he'd think about just falling forward like that day with the train. But it's because of those amazing memories with his best friend, he could never bring himself to do it. They're special and he wouldn't want to ruin them for Kyle. It's things like that, that remind him why he's alive. Things like you. He smiles at the Farmer and tells you this. Tells Farmer he wants to continue to make more memories with them so he has a reason. His hand inches closer to theirs, not quite touching. Before he can pull away, Farmer takes his hand and slides closer to him. They rest their head on his shoulder and look up towards the big illuminated moon that's in front of them. Stan wraps his arm around them and lays his cheek on top of their head.
"Every moment with you reminds me why I'm here. I'm not...perfect and I don't think I'll ever understand why you choose to stick around. But I meant what I said, I want you around me always. I can breath with you around."
Heart Event @ 14:
Stan's outside playing with Sparky and Farmer's pet, when he moved in he brought his beloved dog with him. Sparky seems to be getting better every day he's here and Stan couldn't be happier. Farmer walks up with hearts in their eyes, making him a little bashful. He rubs the back of his neck just as Sparky brings the ball back. He mentions that he really loved animals, and that he's always had a soft spot for them. Farmer questions him about his love for Survival Burgers, which he quickly points out that they're made of Cave Carrot NOT beef! After a little while of playing with the pets he sits in the field with them, looking over their hardwork. Stan turns red and starts ranting about how the last time he went to visit his dad, he started nagging him about grandkids. He's embarrassed because Randy has never mentioned it before and it makes him uncomfortable.
"He's such an ass! You'd think he'd stop trying to tell me how to live my life after I moved out. Why doesn't he bother Shelly with this?!"
-> He probably does. We don't have to have kids if you don't want them! I'm just happy you're here with me! Don't let him get to you!
-> Don't let your dad pressure you into anything you're not ready for. It's our relationship and we'll decide when and if we want kids. But if you're anything like you are with Sparky towards kids, I think you'd be a great dad!
If First Option: Stan grins and tells them they're right as always. He leans down and kisses the top of their head. Sparky walks over with the Farmer's pet and lays in their lap. Stan smirks and makes a comment about how they could just get another dog.
"Our farm is big enough for another one right? We could get one or two more puppies. They could help with the sheep and chickens! Help dig holes!"
If Second Option: Stan says he'll think on it. Later that night while Farmer is cleaning up the dishes and putting them away. Stan walks up behind them and wraps his arms around them. He murmurs in their ear that he's been doing nothing but thinking about what they said. The thought of starting a family with them is starting to sound appealing, plus it could be fun raising a mini them. He presses a kiss into their temple.
"You really think I'll make a good dad? I just don't wanna end up like mine...but if you're with me I think I could do it. And if they're anything like you, they'll be an amazing kid."
Random Marriage Quotes!!
"You looked really adorable asleep last night...you also drooled on my arm."
"Having a bad thought day...I might be a little off today. I'm sorry."
"Babe, you got dirt on your face. C'mere, let me clean it. Just let me take care of you butthead!"
"Sparky and I watered the crops today! How do you know how much to give them? I feel like I'm drowning them."
"Fed the animals! They're doing great! Would...you judge me if I took a nap out in the field with them?"
"Hey...real quick...I uh- I love you. I know I don't say it enough and I'm sorry, but I really do."
"Morning. Made you some pancakes! I stole the recipe from my mom! Why do you look scared?"
"Hey babe, I'm going to visit my parents today. Please feel free to come save me when you're done doing what you need to do."
"Are you coming to the tavern tonight? We're playing a new song tonight, I wrote it for you."
"You know, when I was a kid, when I got nervous, I'd throw up. You make me nervous sometimes but I- hey! I'm not going to puke on you, I'm not twelve. Get back here!"
Tag List: @hunnysnoops
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(Me nervous)
Farm au is here!
Fa!Kinito: Good afternoon, kiddo! Hope we didn't surprise you with our appearance! My friend just really wanted to gift you something! Right SamSam?-
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Fa!Kinito: Oh- Wait a minute where's he? I thought he was standing here right a minute ago!
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Fa!Kinito: Pardon! I'll bring him back here, he probably got a little bit nervous and shy. It's not bad thought, everyone can get nervous about something!
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Fa!Kinito: And here he go! Meet my Sam, one of my best friends!
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Fa!Kinito: So, what did you wanted to gift him SamSam?
Fa!Sam: *pulled the book forward a little bit*
Fa!Kinito: A book? What a sweet gift SamSam! I'm sure he'll likes it!
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Fa!Kinito: Well, we better already head to our device before Jade starts worrying! Hope to see you later kiddo!
*the book disappeared from Sam's hands*
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(Me really hope that multiverse thing is legal in this ask blog, because if not I'll smooch your Kinito on the forehead/platonic/pos)
(About what the book you decide, I don't really know about what your Kinito likes to read the most)
(Damn, I forgot about Fa!Kinito's pockets, well, not big deal though)
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"...also, how did you get into my computer from your device? I'm just curious......I should check if I can go to the web world now that the internet is connected again"
Yep, multiverse stuff is alright (I should put this in the welcome post too-), also I like your AU Kinito (and Sam)!
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The kinito x sam ship
Fa!Kinito: Oh, well, that's okay, everyone can ship whoever they want :]
Fa!Sam: *dead*
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irelandking · 1 year
avenger/agent reader fic recs
bucky barnes x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut
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one shots:
devotion - @avecra
When a mission with Sam goes wrong, and you’re left bruised and battered, Bucky is there to piece you back together. ❤️😔
teach me - @buckyalpine
bucky x inexperienced reader, Prompt: 7. Sleep princess, you need it 🔥
lessons in love - @violentdelightsandviolentends
Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you. ❤️
the last first kiss - @witchywithwhiskey
you and bucky barnes have gotten close while on a month-long SHIELD mission together, but when natasha romanoff starts asking bucky about his relationship with you, you overhear something that makes you think your feelings are entirely one-sided. ❤️😔
scary movie - @moonbeambucky
The Avengers spend their night off watching a scary movie. ❤️
fallin' for you - @moonbeambucky
The Avengers spend their day off at a farm near the compound where the leafs aren’t the only things that have fallen ❤️😔
lucky - @moonbeambucky
Bucky Barnes was not a lucky man but after meeting you will his luck change? ❤️😔
eyes - @samingtonwilson
Bucky can’t make eye contact very much anymore even with the girl he loves because he’s scared of what he’ll see, or really of what he might not see. (prompt “Please just look at me while I confess, after that you can look anywhere you like, I swear.” is bolded in story) ❤️
mission report: laundry day - @buckysmischief
You and Bucky have been secretly dating for over a year, what will it finally take for the others to find out? ❤️
a wish for 100 - @viollettes
Midnight strikes, officially marking Bucky’s 100th birthday. You surprise the super-soldier with a small treat and a gift that has potential to change everything. ❤️
a thief in the night - @redgillan
A Buck imagine where you both have a secret affair at the tower and one time you’re over at his apartment and you spend another night together. After you cuddle afterwards, you get up to leave but Bucky grabs you and pulls you back into him, begging you to stay cause he dont want it to be a secret anymore. You stay and get official then :) Also with a smutty part hihi :) Requested by Anonymous. ❤️🔥
always more of a hot chocolate person - @ijustreallylovezebras
At meetings with the rest of the Avengers tea and coffee is always offered around but the reader always says no ❤️
a bid on bucky - @samingtonwilson
You spend thousands of dollars at a bachelor auction for Bucky when you could’ve had him for free this entire time. ❤️
repairs - @samingtonwilson
 In love with the robotics expert in charge of repairing his arm, Bucky’s explanations for malfunctions get more and more creative. - requested by @elaine-spades ❤️
get to know you - @notimetoblog
A Secret Santa gift exchange brings two unsuspecting Avengers closer. ❤️
the pain you feel - @meek-boy-rogers
Y/N can feel the pain Bucky is enduring, and vice versa. She feels the immense pain, he feels the soft touch of her fingers along his arm after particularly painful days. (Soulmate AU the two can feel pain, touches, etc.)  ❤️😔
out the window - @meek-boy-rogers
Y/N is set on befriending Bucky Barnes. She is set on making him as comfortable as possible in the Avengers Tower. She wants him to trust more people. ❤️
why is she wearing my hoodie? - @writing-soldiers
Bucky tries to figure out the reason behind his missing hoodie one day, relishing in the idea that might be a win-win situation for both of you.. but what might that lead to?  ❤️
this means war - @moonbeambucky
Pranking the Avengers was all fun and games but when Bucky snaps you wonder if you’ve gone too far. ❤️😔
a harmless crush - @omg-foreverfilledwithweird-posts
Assigned to the Winter Soldier by S.H.I.E.L.D to help him to accommodate to society, staying in the Avenger’s tower, and occasionally doing paperwork for STARK industries, you’ve grown close to James Buchanan Barnes, developing a crush on him in the process. So when you, reluctantly, tag along to a baseball game with the Avengers, and the kiss cam lands on you and Bucky, things get interesting. ❤️
the date - @softlyspector
Bucky is a nervous wreck that asks the reader on a date. It goes differently and better than expected. Anxious!Bucky. ❤️
healing and healed - @softlyspector
Y/N is always healing Bucky, no matter how small the injury. Based on this ask. ❤️
music - @softlyspector
Bucky doesn’t really understand ‘modern’ music. The reader is there to help ❤️
tease - @beckzorz
A fake date with a Danish alien tech dealer. Bucky gets bored, and maybe a little jealous, while he’s waiting in the command truck outside. It’s all downhill from there. 🔥
you're teasing me - @the-bau-quinjet
Sam offers to help you when Bucky refuses to duet with you on karaoke night. ❤️
my name isn't - @the-bau-quinjet
You find out the guys (Bucky, Steve, and Sam) have a bet as to who can kiss you first, so you confront them at Tony’s team building karaoke night. ❤️
i can do more - @the-bau-quinjet
The team underestimates Y/N’s strength until one day when her powers save them all ❤️
distraction - @itsapeterthing
request: “bucky x reader where reader is really attracted to bucky’s fighting side while he’s defeating the bad guys?” ❤️😔
made to fit - @abovethesmokestacks
reader knits bucky a sweater ❤️
seven minutes in heaven - @lokidoki-imagines
There was no prompt for this one, but I just needed to write a bit of Bucky loving and this kinda just came out…Sorry not sorry for the straight up filth! Just remember to wrap it before you tap it kids  🔥
imagine being in a secret relationship with bucky - @yeahbutimagine
Combining @crayonbreaker ’s request with an other one I got. The prompts were n°32 (you know what’s the best part about not wearing makeup/ you can rub your eyes whenever you want) and the 2nd rq by @anahi0101 wanted a fluffy fic where the reader and Buck have been secretly dating and the team finds out. ❤️
drunk in love @bethdutten
you get a little drunk at one of tony’s celebratory after-mission parties. and bucky is there looking so fine and-- fuck it. you can’t keep your hands off him ❤️🔥😔
one of the guys - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you play get down mr. president with the boys and get hurt ❤️😔
number one fan - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you prank bucky by wearing falcon merch ❤️
keep warm - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you and bucky after a mission in a safe house sharing a bed ❤️
drunk words are sober truths - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
bucky gets drunk off asgardian mead and confesses his feelings ❤️
concussed - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
“Hello! I’m an absolute wh0re for hurt/comfort and wanted to request if you could pleeeeaase write reader really sick with a concussion + soft caretaker Buck?” ❤️
be my sidekick - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you and bucky go and see movies together and get together ❤️
how's your head? - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you get harassed on the subway and bucky helps take care of you ❤️
seeing red - @buckysfaveplum
bucky can’t just sit and watch as a man makes you uncomfortable in a bar ❤️
more than safe - @witchywithwhiskey
when you're injured on a mission in sokovia, bucky barnes comes to help—and you share a soft moment together ❤️😔
make believe on christmas eve - @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
When your family insists you bring your [nonexistent] long-term boyfriend over for Christmas, you panic. You hadn’t expected to be put in this situation; you never thought you’d actually have to bring “him” over. ❤️
drive? - @softlyspector
Bucky asks the reader on a date to which she readily agrees. Or, Bucky’s attempt at a car make out. ❤️
i love you - @ugh-supersoldiers
‘I love you’ isn’t a phrase you expect to hear from Bucky Barnes anytime soon, so when those three daunting words slip from your lips on a romantic getaway around Christmastime, your certain he won’t respond well, but he proves you very wrong… ❤️🔥
trapped - @notyetneedcoffee
Reader is trapped on a mission with Bucky. Sex pollen story.🔥
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vladdyissues · 11 months
Please give us som Vlad headcanons!!! :)
Oh boy, you're gonna wish you'd never asked 😆 Long post ahead
🎧 Vlad is a huge fan of 80s synth-pop and new wave. Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Smiths, Duran Duran, Tears For Fears, Pet Shop Boys, a-ha, and New Order, to name just a few.
🎵 On a similar (quarter) note, music from the late 70s and early 80s is still difficult for him to listen to because it reminds him of the years he was pining for Maddie, the accident, and being hospitalized. Mid-80s music and beyond, when he began to take his life back and build his wealth and power, is his "good old days" music.
🎹 Another music headcanon: In Familiar, I hinted at Vlad being a pianist. I think he'd look pretty hot playing a saxophone, maybe even a trumpet. And Martin Mull is a pretty good guitarist and singer, so Vlad also having those talents would be really cool. But I like to believe that Vlad plays the geekiest, dorkiest, nerdiest, most Slav-coded instrument of all: the accordion. Just imagine him torturing Danny and Sam and Tucker with polka music and ballads about cheese while on a camping trip. Maybe Wulf howling in agony from somewhere in the woods.
🧀 Yeah, he’s basically the negaverse equivalent of Weird Al.
👂 Vlad got his ear pierced in the mid-90s.
🔥 Despite being a fire specter ("having a fire core", to use the phandom terms), Vlad loves the cold. Winter is his favorite season, Christmas his favorite holiday. A bit of a spoiler for either chapter 13 or 14 of Familiar: Vlad is a superb ice skater.
💔 Besides his mother, Maddie was the only woman Vlad ever loved.
🐄 Vlad grew up the son of a poor Wisconsin dairy farmer. His mother was a first-generation Romanian* immigrant. He was the first member of his family to go to college, and on a full scholarship. He has no siblings. (*I may adapt Vlad’s nationality depending upon the story/art/situation, but generally I like to HC him as Romanian, which you can see on his backpack here in this AU.)
👊 Vlad was a victim of bullying in his teen years. Because of his first name and his ethnicity—not to mention his appearance and disposition: skinny, gangly, "ugly", shy, nerdy, poor—Halloween was always a miserable time for him: getting pelted with plastic vampire fangs in the hallways at school; cruel nicknames like "Count Vladislob" or "Vladis-louse"; racist remarks about his Romani mother; "Bleh bleh! I vant to suck your bluud!" It was awful.
✌️ Because he spent so many years being made to feel ashamed of his unusual name, when he became rich and successful after obtaining his ghost powers, he put his name and initial everywhere. V for Vlad.
🏈 Vlad got his love of Green Bay from his father. Apart from a shared surname, it was one of the only two (2) things he and his dad had in common.
🔧 Working on farm machinery like tractors and hay balers was the other. Vlad and his dad would often fix the farm equipment themselves rather than hire a mechanic—mostly out of necessity. Vlad is still pretty good with a monkey wrench, though in college his focus shifted from engineering to physics after meeting Jack and Maddie.
🚀 Vlad grew up in the sixties. Space race, the moon landing, the Cold War. Every kid his age had space fever. Vlad was no exception. His bedroom walls were a collage of stars, rockets, shuttles, astronauts, and cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin was his hero. He wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. (Just like Danny.)
🩸 I mentioned this on another post, but I'll add it here, too: Vlad's obsession with gaining more power stems from the trauma and weakness he experienced when he was hospitalized. He made a vow to never be that helpless again.
🪦 Both of Vlad's parents were dead by the time he got out of the hospital. He was estranged from the rest of the Masters family and therefore had no one to turn to.
👶 Because of this, Vlad became obsessed with having a family of his own. Ironically, the accident sterilized him. He will never be able have biological children.
🍪 Some of Vlad’s happiest memories are baking with his mother. He had (and still does have) quite a sweet tooth—and a penchant for cooking.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
Welcome back!!!
For a prompt I offer u: mha stardew au (thank u concerned ape for 1.6 and the inspiration bc o have been playing non stop lmao)
Izuku coming to pelican town to escape the city (and Bakugo idk) to a lil farm. My man cleared a whole trash heap on his own he can clear a couple acres of land and grow crops. And raise chickens cows and what have you (named after various all might movie characters bc I feel like this would be a no-quirk au)
Idk who would be who but I’m a sucker for both den and shindeku so:
Sebastian - shinsou (could also be aizawa)
Sam - denki (could also be yamada)
Abigail - jirou (could also be kayama)
Evelyn - recovery girl
George - gran Torino
Maru - Momo
Shane - honestly Bakugou (or todoroki,,,,,,,,,,, or also aizawa lol)
Emily - hatsume maybe?
Haley - ?
Penny - could also be Momo. Maybe uraraka?
Harvey - iida maybe? Uhhhhh
Vincent - kotaro
Jas - eri
Clint - he is a blacksmith so hatsume although their personalities are like opposite lmao
I don’t really have anything else but I just thought it was a silly little idea that u might enjoy (although I can’t remember if you’ve played sdv - I highly recommend as a relaxing cute farming game tho!!)
Re: prev. Stardew ask (sometimes things Do Not leave ur brain)
Aizawa as Marlon!!!
Aoyama could be Elliot although emily might not be a bad shout
Sato as gus
Mina as haley
Kirishima as alex
Nedzu as the wizard
Nejeri as Emily??
I mean obviously the characters don’t have to match up but it’s fun
This is delightful
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fictionallemons · 10 days
happy wincest wednesday! if you could put salmondean in any random environment to see how they act (e.g., an escape room, a cruise ship, a ballroom dancing class), where would you want to put them and why? -lizzy
Happy WW!! This is such a good question. For some reason my brain went to “lamaze class” ... guess I have mpreg on the brain? But for a non-AU environment...I’d love to see them on a farm. Maybe they have to keep a small farm running for a few days...Sam getting all dirty in the vegetable garden and Dean struggling to milk a cow, with some time left over for rolling around in the hay loft. Maybe baking an apple pie in there somewhere. Could be fun!
Thanks for the ask!
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Masterlist 2
Making a second one because apparently the first broke. But I will link the first one here. If a post is angst, NSFW or I think may be triggering I am putting a * next to it.
Archive of our own
My own AU/fIc writings
TF Cowboy AU
All my work below the read more because it is now quite long:
Autobot Headcanons:
Mirage, Bee, Hot Rod, Crosshairs halloween paint
Hound, Hot Rod, Bee, Rung, Tailgate halloween movies
Bee, Optimus, Hot Rod NSFW*
Bee, Hot Rod, Optimus, Brains, Wheelie designer bot
TFP bots help newly transformed human
Lockdown as a father*
Hot Rod, Bee, Optimus, Mirage sad comfort at a gun range*
Hot Rod, Bee, bots play too rough with their kid
Bee comforts S/O after being called a con*
Bee, Hot Rod, Hound, Optimus react to S/O, Rung and Tailgate getting yelled at*
Hot Rod, Bee, Optimus react to S/O getting asked out by another bot
Mirage, Nitro Zues, Roadbuster dating
Bee's S/O gets hurt angst*
Crosshairs, Hot Rod, Bee and Barricade with a fashion designer S/O
Who confesses first Optimus, Bee, Hot Rod, Dino
Bay bots react to their friend being a sports star
Bee reacts to seeing his kid for the first time
Hot Rod reacts to getting a puppy
Hot Rod, Bee, Hound react to dinobot minis hurting their inside
TFA bots and elite guard react to bots like Glitz and Glam from HB
TFP Bots react to befriending minicons
Bay Hot Rod teaches female human French
Bay Hot Rod cuddles and fluff in bed
RTOB Mirage with an S/O who gets ill
Mirage teaching his S/O the Cybertronian language
Dino, Hot Rod, Bee react to falling in front of their crush
Optimus, Bee, Crosshairs and Megatron react to a Medusa reader
Optimus, Hound, Bee, Hot Rod, Crosshairs react to another bot revving their engine at them
Bay bots react to someone they are not attracted to confessing to them
TFP Bots react to seeing a human baby
Hot Rod with a pregnant S/O
Dino, Bee, Hot Rod, Hound react to femme thinking they are attractive
Dino finds out Bee is dating his cousin
ROTB Mirage with a pregnant S/O
Rotb Mirage with reader headcannon after he has a nightmare
Bay Ratchet with a pregnant S/O
Traits the Bay bots find attractive
Fluff with old bay bots
Bee, Dino, Hot Rod, Nitro Zeus and how they flirt
ROTB bots comfort their partner taking a test
Bay Bee jealous of his Cyber S/O playing games
Cogman, Bee, Hot Rod, Wheelie react to a clumsy bot
Bay bots react to a bot with a farming alt mode
Bots react to Bee dating a super attractive femme
Dino, Bee, Hot Rod, Nitro Zeus react to a femme who finds battle masks attractive
All the old mechs meet
Optimus, Dino, Bee, Hot Rod as parents
Bay bots reacting to a bot having a kid as a companion
Autobot Oneshots:
TF Cowboy AU Optimus x reader
Optimus x librarian human reader
Bay Ratchet x Ironhide x GN human reader NSFW
ROTB Mirage x human reader with fear of the ocean
Hot Rod holoform x human female NSFW
Optimus x human reader: Optimus gets injured during battle*
Human teacher Optimus x female reader student
Blind human Orion Pax x reader
Optimus reassures female friend after scaring her*
TFP Arcee x human reader slight angst*
Hot Rod x fem reader NSFW*
Noah Diaz x fem reader
Bee x femme cybertronian reader
Hot Rod x human female reader
Bumblebee angst after Sam's death*
Medic reader helps all the old autobots
Decepticon Headcanons:
Megatron's child leaves to be with an Autobot*
Lockdown with twin kids*
Blackout with an S/O
TFP cons react to twin cons like Glitz and Glam
TFP bots and cons react to sparklings
Decepticon oneshots:
Shockwave learning about Earth plants
Soundwave adopts a new cassette
TFA Megatron x male Cybertron with insomnia
Megatron x Autobot reader
Megatron x Autobot reader part 2 NSFW
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