#ask for fafic writers
valisi-clark · 8 years
46. Share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet. 
Thank you for the ask! This scene is from the Vespers series that I haven’t finished. It’s less than 1,000 words, and I don’t know how I feel about it anymore. 
This takes place after Levi has threatened to break Erwin’s legs. Of course, in the manga, Levi storms off and slams Erwin’s office door. I think this is also the chapter where he listens to Armin talk about his dream to see the ocean (someone correct me if I’m wrong, I’m bad with chapter numbers)? And I headcanon that Levi went back to Erwin to support his dream in some way. To smooth out some of the damage. So, he goes to check on him before bedtime. 
Levi opened the door to Erwin’s quarters without knocking. Erwin looked up from his task, a bit surprised. 
“Hey,” Levi said. He shut the doorbehind him and leaned against it. Erwin was sitting at his table,looking uncertain. That’s when Levi noticed that Erwin had a nailfile on the table with his fingernails against it. “What the hell areyou trying to do?” Levi leaned away from the door and walked acrossthe room. The closer he approached Erwin, the more it seemed Erwinwas leaning away from him.
“Levi,” Erwin said, still a bitconfused. Levi picked Erwin’s hand up from the table and looked athis fingernails. Levi glared down at him.
“You’ve fucked them up,” Levimuttered. Erwin’s nails were crooked and pointed in various places.Levi dropped Erwin’s hand and looked around for his chair. It waspushed against a far wall. “And you moved my shit.” Levi walkedcasually over to his favorite armchair and picked it up. It felt heavierthan he remembered, but he carefully moved it across the room untilit was sitting in front of Erwin. Levi sat down, picked up the emeryboard from the table and took Erwin’s hand again. He began working at the ravagednails, trying to square them out. Normally, Erwin would ask him for help with tasks like this. Maybe slamming his office door had been too much. 
Levi could still feel Erwin’s blue eyesheavily staring at him, but he didn’t acknowledge it, as if nothinghad happened.
When Levi had finally smoothed Erwin’snails out, he dropped the file on the table and leaned back in hischair, crossing his arms.
“Check them,” Levi said. Erwinlifted his hand and and checked his fingernails. Despite the damage he had done, Levi had found a way to smooth out the edges. Levi always found a way. Erwin resisted the urge to put his fingers in his mouth and test thenails on the inside of his bottom lip.
“They look better,” Erwin admitted, dropping his hand to his lap.Levi’s gray eyes were watching him intensely. “Thank you,” Erwinoffered, unsure of what Levi wanted.
“You should’ve just asked for help,”Levi said. He noticed that Erwin’s throat bobbed when he swallowed.
“I didn’t expect that you wanted tosee me,” Erwin said. Levi unfolded his arms and rested them on thechair, crossing his legs.
“I was pissed,” Levi said. “But Iget it now.” Erwin tilted his head, eyeing Levi speculatively.
“You understand?” Erwin asked. Levi nodded.The shame settled heavily in Erwin’s stomach. “I’m sorry, Levi,”Erwin said. “I haven’t been completely honest with you for awhile.”
“Then tell me now.” Erwin looked down at his one hand and stared at his smooth fingernails again. In a moment, he lifted his eyes and looked to Levi.
“This dream of mine,” Erwinmuttered. “I’ve never wanted anything so badly. I know that it willlead us to freedom, but I want it for the most selfish reasons.”  
“I disagree,” Levi said flatly.Erwin narrowed his eyes.
“It’s not negotiable, Levi.”
“Erwin, did you ever notice thatpeople continued to have children after we lost Wall Maria?”Erwin’s brows pinched together and his head tilted in curiosity. Leviwas about to make a point.
“Of course they did,” Erwin said.
“Of course they did?” Levi frowned.“Why, Erwin? Why would anyone do that? We lost a hugepercentage of the population within a year, and then the governmentsent another percentage of them on a suicide mission. What saneperson would bring another life into this world when all of that shitwas happening? That’s the most selfish thing anyone could have done.”Erwin shook his head, not understanding.
“Are you saying we should haveprohibited people from procreating?”
“No,” Levi said. “I’m saying thateven something as serious as the possible annihilation of humanity won’tstop people from fucking.” Erwin’s confusion fully changed his facethen. “Even if they were only making more Titan food, they wantedsomething to distract them from how shitty they felt. So, they madesomething they thought would bring them joy. Because people can’tstand to look at the big picture, Erwin.” Levi stopped and clenchedhis teeth for a moment, but then he pressed on. Erwin had to hear the words. “You’ve beenlooking at the big picture for years now, but you’ve finallyexhausted yourself doing that. So, you’ve decided to distractyourself.”
“Shut up, and listen to what I’msaying,” Levi insisted. “Humanity is still as important to you asit ever was, but it’s alright to want other things.” Erwin liftedhis hand and ran it through his blond hair nervously. “It’s alrightto stop looking at the bigger picture to focus on something you wantfor a little while.” Erwin looked at Levi then.  He knew that Leviwas trying to give him something, and he didn’t understand why.
“Earlier today you were going tobreak my legs to pull me away from it,” Erwin said.
“No,” Levi shook his head. “I wasgoing to break your legs to give you an out.”
“If you wanted a reason to say thatyou couldn’t go instead of choosing not to go, I would have given itto you,” Levi said. Erwin’s lips parted and his jaw hung slack.“But it was a trade. So, I’ve come to collect.” Erwin closed hismouth and licked his dry lips.
“What’s the price?”
“Whatever happens out there, even ifit turns out to be nothing you hoped, you have to besatisfied,” Levi said. His gray eyes were heavy lidded then, andErwin had never seen Levi look so mournful. Erwin looked down at thefloor then, and he thought about the price of chasing this dream. Whatif they finally reached the basement and there was nothing? What if he never made it to the basement at all? “Erwin,”Levi muttered. Erwin looked up at him again. “Be satisfied,” Levivoice cracked around the words. The pain under those words hit Erwin squarely in the chest, and he didn’t realize that he was nodding until the look in Levi’s eyes softened. 
Thanks again, anon!
Ask for Fanfic Writers
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babycheese-6v6 · 3 years
29, 38, and 49 for the writers ask game !! (unrelated but i think i failed chem gbye)
i wanna slap this bitch already
29.  Favourite villain
Lee Taemin . sorry but when hes the just too cruel, you never know when hes sneaking behind your back (i havent written down the fics so its a spoiler hahahah)
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
...i dunno what do you think bro? uh i guess its ink heart? its was too weird the yandere obsession of sehun
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Taemin from love for you, sweet on you, cafe midnight, yours truly, once upon a time-
yeah thats all i swear BUT HES SO SWEET AND CUDDLY I LOVE HIM
Fafic Asks!
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altegos · 6 years
The niggling questions I contantly ask myself as a fafic writer on tumblr in 2018
Am i posting often enough?
How much longer can I push this update before I lose my audience??
Do my readers like what they read?
Do they have a fave character?
What can I do differently? Can this work?
What if they don’t like it?
Oh god what if they don’t like it?
please help me I hope someone loves this new spin off
Are they all sick of me?
Did I screw up? I feel like I screwed up
I’m proud of this. (not a question, but what I always end up saying)
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For the fafic writer ask #34 and #38 please and thank you. 😘
Thanks for the ask! You’re my first EVER!!!!
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before? What scene was it?
I like to think that all writers put some aspects of themselves into their art… I have a scene from a WIP (and, quite frankly, I’m not sure it will ever be finished) of my MC reflecting on their favorite memory of a deceased loved one. I 100% channeled my favorite memory of my late mother into this. My mom used to sneak me out of the house after my brother was asleep and we would lay on our front lawn to watch meteor showers. We didn’t talk much but just laid there taking it all in. I also used to write fic for a show called “In Plain Sight” wherein the main character deals with feelings of loss and abandonment and I absolutely related to her and channeled my own inner demons into my characterization of her.
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did? 
Quite frankly, “Inhibitions (and the Art of Letting Them Go)” I am super surprised to find has been popular! It was my reintroduction to fanfic writing after nearly 10 years!
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dreashipsallloves · 7 years
Identity ask :3! 2, 3, 12, 17, 22, 27. (Feel free to ask me more questions, or stuff related to fandoms or ships if you want xD!) Tbh we're literally having a conversation together more than anything else
2. Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? If so, who?
- I’ve spoken with a few, and they’re all so amazing and talented and creative(and I love them), I’m several years older than most of them, but I think we may think a lot alike, unfortunately, I’m so awkward I haven’t really been able to talk super closely to them to find out, y'know?
3. List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
- IDK why this one’s so hard for me to answer~(。•́︿•̀。)
12. Dog person or cat person?
- I skipped everything and answered this first, hehe, I am both, I love dogs and cats, they both have their perks, my Momma prefers dogs to cats so we have 2 dogs inside, but we feed some stray cats, and they all love me~(๑・ω-)~♥”
17. Would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
- I would definitely hope so, I always try to be as much myself as possible, I feel like sometimes I’m more me online than irl, does that make sense?
22. List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
- Napping. Reading Fafics/Manga. Watching YouTube vids. Apologizing to inanimate objects when I accidentally bump into them(I’m so clumsy). Hanging out with my family.
27. Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
- Again, I would definitely hope so, I was raised in a strict religious household, so growing up I wasn’t allowed to do anything I really wanted appearance-wise, I wasn’t able to wear black, or wear anything with skulls on it, I couldn’t even put on black nail polish, until high school when I started rebelling and being more myself, I cut my hair in super weird ways, I accepted my sexuality, I actually got teary-eyed when I cut my hair, the way I have it now, for the first time, it makes me so happy~(♡˙︶˙♡)
Haha, yeah, I tend to do that a lot~ I’m sorry, notifications are shit on mobile, so I hope you haven’t been waiting for too long for this~흫_흫 but it definitely goes both ways, hun, if there is anything else you wanna ask, I’m practically an open book~
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babycheese-6v6 · 3 years
8, 17, 39 for the writers ask game!!
oooh thanks allie!
8.     Oldest WIP
Uh huh, my SuperM series Super One. My first fic here but I kinda stopped it as of now cus I need to fisnihs my oneshots and very few people read series HAHAHAHA
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
Setting the mood HAHAHAHA i need to set the mood for any fic orrrrr i write based on my mood i can't write a fluffy fic whilst feeling sad and vice versa
39. Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
okay this is tough...honestly most of my characters are mundane as hell but i think it will be super one where everyone has crazy super powers-
Fafic Asks!
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