#ask bambam
zhouxiangs · 4 months
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MY STAND-IN (2024) | Episode 4
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prplocks · 8 months
could you do new bambam locks?
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Here sweet❤❤
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97-liners · 1 year
okay i saw eric nam ask mark lee (nct) this so i'm sending it to a bunch of people bc i'm curious: you have to make a kpop super group consisting of at least 5 idols from any existing group, who are the members?
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+ bambam
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
bestie, kamerad, the one and only delta, fuck does that [...] MEAN 😭😭
You don't wanna know.
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kpop-tarot-predict · 11 months
what is the truth behind BamBam’s controversy? Did he actually feel attracted to Haerin or was it a misunderstanding to put it simply?
Oh lord…😭 this is going to be my last reading for today, everything else is going to be done tomorrow! Thanks for being patient guys
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the truth behind BamBam’s controversy
How did he feel about the controversy?
The first card drawn is the Page of Cups (upright). In the context of BamBam's reaction to the controversy surrounding his choice of Haerin as his ideal type, this card suggests that he approached the situation with a genuine and heartfelt intention. BamBam may have been genuinely drawn to Haerin's unique qualities and saw her as a source of inspiration. He may have felt a strong emotional connection with her and saw her as someone who could bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table.
The second card drawn is Justice (reversed). This card signifies imbalance, unfairness, and lack of accountability. In relation to BamBam's reaction, this card suggests that he may have felt unjustly criticized or judged for his choice. He may have felt that the controversy surrounding his decision was blown out of proportion or that there were double standards at play. BamBam may have struggled with the lack of fairness and balance in the way the situation was handled, leading to feelings of frustration or resentment.
The third card drawn is the Six of Wands (reversed). This card represents setbacks, self-doubt, and a lack of recognition. In the context of BamBam's reaction, this card suggests that he may have felt discouraged or disheartened by the controversy. He may have questioned his own judgment or felt that his intentions were misunderstood. The lack of recognition or support for his choice may have left him feeling uncertain about his position or influence within the industry.
What does BamBam think of Haerin?
before and now after the controversy
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The controversy caused a big shift in his thoughts of Haerin, prompted by the public reaction and the potential impact on their careers. He went through a period of introspection and reevaluation of his preferences. The death card suggests moving away from previous patterns of thought or behavior, growing through this experience.
But before any of that happened I drew the lovers card: this card suggests that there may have been a sense of deep appreciation, respect, and potentially even admiration. The Lovers card is often associated with deep emotional connections and bonds, which could imply that BamBam saw Haerin as more than just a peer in the industry. Before the controversy, he might have felt a strong affinity towards Haerin. It could be a sense of admiration, respect, or a connection on an artistic level. She was healing to him. He felt drawn to her. I think he also had an idealized or romanticized idea of her (that generally fans have of their idols)
Was he actually attracted to her?
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Ace of wands and the star make me say yes, but the nine of cups reverse indicate a delay or obstacle in achieving your desires or emotional fulfillment.
I mean this is just messy … can other tarot readers give me their perspective on my inbox cause I could be interpreting it wrong ? Maybe?
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bambam-margera · 5 months
Fav HIM song?? ( mine is 100% buried alive by love or join me in death )
wings of a butterfly is where it’s at 🙏🏻
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briankang · 2 years
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see a better version of my side, i’m like a feather now i feel so light. what do you want? i’ll give you everything, for sure, I’m riBBon. now i’ve comeback to my spot, when i close my eyes, i feel so right. what do you want? i’ll give you everything, for sure, i’m riBBon.
— riBBon - bambam (2021)
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markie-baby · 8 months
Boyfriend Mark is cute and everything but I need HUSBAND 💍
Thought you could trip me up by sending this request again, GOTCHA BICH
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Hopefully this will satisfy you 🫡💕
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
ult biases are hoshi changbin and bambam
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tell me who your ult bias(es) are and i’ll give you pics of them!! 💕💕
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steve-o420 · 5 months
- bam :3
What's up dude!
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ishusi · 5 months
sacabambaspis song upon ye https://youtu.be/aPkwGhwU_FY?si=2EBRuCf7yYCI_IlU
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peachjy · 9 months
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I love seeing my sister dipping her toes in kpop 😏
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kpop-tarot-predict · 11 months
sorry this is my last time asking about the controversy, but I was curious if Haerin even knew who BamBam was, and what did she think of the controversy
- Did Haerin know who he was before the controversy?
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Not really? There was no prior connection before the controversy, she may have heard about him, her opinion of him was influenced by external influences. She was not fully aware of his status as kpop idol.
-What does Haerin think of BamBam now after the controversy?
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She sees that he’s stuck or paralyzed in a situation OR this card suggests that she may feel stuck in her perception of BamBam, unable to see the situation from a different angle. There might be a resistance to change or a reluctance to let go of preconceived notions. Haerin could be holding onto old beliefs or judgments that are preventing her from forming a clear and unbiased opinion of him.
Knight of Swords means that she sees BamBam as someone who is bold, assertive, and not afraid to speak his mind. Haerin may admire BamBam's straightforward nature, however, there is a cautionary note with this card, as it can also indicate impulsive behavior or a tendency to rush into saying things without considering the consequences.
The Two of Pentacles (reversed) suggests that Haerin may perceive BamBam as someone who struggles to find a sense of stability or consistency in their life. Haerin might see BamBam as someone who is constantly juggling different tasks or commitments, leading to a sense of chaos or unpredictability.
While reading, I felt like there’s truly this unresolved issue that is a bit of a burden, she struggles to understands his true intentions, so when it comes to BamBam she might feel a little overwhelmed
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bambam-margera · 5 months
Y’all quit it my guy is NOT twink, he’s a badass metal enjoying totally punk rock non twink - ⭐️Anon
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bamdora · 1 year
I still can't get over that fact that he found 17-23 very young and when someone answered 37 he was like "finally someone my age"???? my dude???? you are 25 yourself??? 20 is closer to that then 37????
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domxbot · 2 years
Bruise for Mr. Bang
[ bruise ] — how does your muse tend to small, sex-related injuries on themselves or their partner?
It depends on what caused them and where they are. If they need something to soothe the skin then I have ointments for it. If they happened to bleed then I will clean them up and make sure the marks are covered to avoid infection. I do not get injured myself.
— @sugarbabybambam
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