#ask Erii
heareriispurr · 2 months
hi! try this :) https://pin.it/135PXK007
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im basically one of tsu's sisters.
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eriisaam · 16 days
I saw your tags on that Cassette Beasts post, and you seem pretty knowledgeable on monster collecting games! Do you have any recommendations for someone who hasn’t ventured far outside the Pokemon umbrella? I’m excited to try Cassette Beasts, and I loved Moonstone Island and Ooblets which had monster collecting elements, and I don’t know if Slime Rancher counts as a monster collector but I LOVE Slime Rancher. Past that and Pokemon, I don’t know much about the monster collecting/taming genre, but I’d like to explore it more!
Yeah! I got some! And I'd argue Slime Rancher absolutely counts! I will also add too that Cassette Beasts, Ooblets and Slime Rancher are already great picks in themselves in the genre. (Though as you are already familiar with them, I'll skip them below, but they're definitely great games.)
Granted, I will preface that while I watched a lot of these games either in terms of Gym Leader Ed's coverage, people poking it, or release trailers and screenshots, I've been limited on time to play them in depth enough to talk about the gameplay or story aspects (with a handful of exceptions), but I'll try my best to help as much as I can! Ed, however, does go into more depth of games, follows news on dev updates (especially games still in development or early access), and sometimes he's done LPs of them outright, and he may still be best to get a more informed opinion on some of these, especially ones I hadn't been able to play myself.
The best part about the genre, especially lately, is that it's gotten more broad in terms of how the games play, how you collect and/or handle the monsters, and what other game they are inspired by and/or play similarly to (and whether or not said game is Pokemon). There's as many games that are the "yay, two cakes!" of Pokemon, just as there's many games who have monster-collecting elements but the gameplay is vastly far removed from it, so my recommendations will be split based on those criteria.
(It's also a pretty beefy list, so I'll put it under a read more)
In terms of "yay, two cakes!" games (or games that play as close as possible to Pokemon):
The Nexomon series
Visually and gameplay-wise, Nexomon has a lot in common with the DS era of the pokemon games in sprite style, and Pokemon in general in combat. The series are turn-based battling with nexomon you catch and evolve, gym-leader-adjacents you battle, and stories directly tied to their legendary nexomon along the same vibe as earlier Pokemon game plots. Both games tend to frequently go on sale (and moreso on the switch) and while the second game improved a lot in some quality of life changes from the first game, the plot is a direct continuation of the first game and thus will spoil and/or assume you've already beaten the first game. There's also a third one in the works slated to take on an open world direction and full 3d instead.
Disc Creatures
Like Nexomon, Disc Creatures draws inspiration from a specific generation of Pokemon, but this time the gameboy and gameboy color era. Arguably, it looks and plays like a midway point between the VERY early pokemon games, as well as the Telefang games (better infamously known as the base games which were poorly translated and transformed into what we most-likely know them as Pokemon Diamond (not DPPlt) and Jade). You battle not only with a team of three creatures, but like Telefang, all of them take part in battle simultaneously (rather than a 1V1 fight). (Though unlike Telefang, you don't have to call them or wait on their arrival likewise). Although battles otherwise play out similarly like both respective games (turn-based move-picking battle), the creatures work on individual skill trees based on species.
Coromon draws a lot of inspiration from pokemon, but takes a more 'spiritual sucessor' approach, rather than base it on any specific gen, and has a unique 2d pixel art style likewise. The gameplay sticks to the familiar battling style of you doing turn-based battles with your coromon, tame and train and evolve said mons, and not only find 'shiny' equivalents, but there's actually two (the base form is called 'standard' while the two other forms are 'potent' and 'perfect'), in addition to certain species also having skins (and said skins also differing slightly to still retain the distinct appearance of the base coromon being standard/potent/perfect, rather than obscure it). A key difference, however, is that in addition to the health of your coromon, you also need to pay attention to their stamina, which is adjacent to PP in pokemon, but universal across all moves, rather than individually-move-tied.
Monster Crown
I'll give this cautious optimistic recommendation though I'll explain why so in a moment. In the same way Coromon is more 'spiritual successor' than 'on the nose' like Nexomon in the GBA-DS era of Pokemon, Monster Crown is the same equivalent to Disc Creatures of being more 'spiritual successor' than (sort of) 'on the nose' to the GB-GBC era games like Disc Creatures. Also like how Disc Creatures isn't as closely tied to Pokemon like Nexomon or Coromon, and deviating in its own style or mixing it with Telefang otherwise, Monster Crown has an art style a bit closer to the GBC zelda games (and distinct from it even then), and a much different presentation for otherwise keeping to the 1v1 turn-based battle style familiar from Pokemon. That being said, I say 'cautiously optimistic' as while the devs seem to not only still be in semi-active works updating the game (but especially the PC version), the game does reportedly suffer from a lot of bugs, and I'm made aware too there's reports that the switch version of the game isn't as kept up-to-date on updates nearly as frequently as the PC/Steam version.
In terms of games similar to pokemon, but with not-so-pokemon-esque mon designs:
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition
What were previously the first and second individual games of the Cyber Sleuth series had been combined to package both games in one file (that you can select either/or on bootup) in this version. Compared to a lot of the other Digimon games (some of which I'll bring down further below, just for now, put a pin on that), Cyber Sleuth (both games) feature a turn-based battle format that is a bit more along the lines of Pokemon's, give or take that you battle with three digimon in a party, and some moves vary between targetting one, or targetting multiple targets at once (so if you're familiar with 3v3 pokemon battles ala the 3DS era, this is very reminiscent of that). If you can forgive Digimon having monster designs swerving all manner of ways between 'cute like pokemon' to 'what the fuck is that thing?' to 'Is that a literal pile of shit?!' all the way up to either someone's fursona or 'that's a whole ass person', Digimon Cyber Sleuth is just comfortable enough not to be too wildly far off from how a Pokemon game plays, but also having its own distinct identity in how it handles battles and raising up your Digimon. One key takeaway, however, is that a digimon has a far wider branching path of evolution forms compared to Pokemon, and not all digimon may appear as 'connected' as like a pokemon's evolution family. That being said, even in-game, the game does hold your hand in giving you a hint of which digimon you can evolve (or digivolve rather) your current digimon into (and tells you outright what that digimon is, if you've already obtained one before), and outright tells you the conditions of how to evolve what into what-else.
Yo-Kai Watch series
Specifically, I played the first game, and will primarily describe that, but rather unfortunately as the first game was originally on the 3DS, and other than its (also 3DS) sequels, the series had a sharp phase-out of localized releases since then and are only somewhat floating the idea in the Switch era of going back to attempting localized releases again (and I'm not sure if they ever followed through or not). Nevertheless, Yo-Kai Watch is a series far and well more adored in Japan than internationally (it's right up there with Pokemon, Sanrio, and one of its inspos in Doraemon), and it takes what you're familiar with in both the Pokemon style of turn-based battling and the above mentioned Digimon approach, and makes it way more interactable and turn it on its head. For starters, you battle with a team of six yokai, but ALL OF THEM are utilized in battle, with three active at once, and the three others in the backrow. It heavily makes use of the touch screen, so rather than just click commands and make things go brr, the yokai will automatically attack whoever they feel like (although you can pin a specific target, and they'll all redirect to attack that target exclusively instead), but on top of that, while your yokai run on auto-pilot, you instead play a series of mini-games during battle where you can do, among other things: Heal your yokai of a status effect, rotate your yokai set so you can rotate which of your six is currently actively battle, and which ones retreat to the backrow (for you to tend to uninterrupted), use items pretty much on the fly like your typical pokemon heal items, or supercharge your yokai so they'll get to their supers quicker, the effects of which vary between yokai species. On top of that, many yokai evolve into different species, but many others can be fused together to make different species instead, and you primarily collect and swap out yokai in the form of medals you earn when befriending them post-battle (either by chance or scripted-gift otherwise). Yokai also vary on synergy in teambuilding, so if you have certain yokai combos active on the same (active) team, they may gain additional buffs from it.
If you can look past many of the yokai being... uh...
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...interestingly designed... the story, the atmosphere, and the yokai and the way they react to the world and each other is incredibly 'sucked into a saturday morning cartoon' vibed and super engaged out of a lot of the monster taming/collecting games.
In terms of games with creatures similar to Pokemon, but are based on different genres of games:
Hear me out.
I know a lot of people have misgivings with this game. Some are warranted (there's certain mons a bit too on-the-nose to pokemon), but there's many, many other points that are bad-faith reaches at best (of the "person who thinks Renamon is a rip-off of Vulpix" variety), or outright wrong and long since debunked. I could (and had many times in the past) gone at length about many of these bad-faith points, but for the sake of not derailing the point here, that is best set for a different post entirely.
Palworld, contrary to what many would say, is not actually as joined-at-the-hip close to Pokemon as it seems, outside of the clear inspiration behind some of the design or design-direction thereof of the monsters (and for that matter clearly was inspired by other monster taming games such as Monster Rancher, which I'll discuss lower down, or even cutesy-aesthetic creatures in general like Story of Season's livestock or 90s anime design styles like My Neighbor Totoro). The monster designs aside, they actually lean more in familiarity sense of 'fakemon fangame romhack of a pokemon game' in style direction than 'just pokemon but recolored', and the more you surround yourself in pals, the more you get used to them just in a general sense.
The gameplay is actually much closer to Ark or open world explore-and-build games along the lines (some being similar to a lot of 3d farming or town-building games even), give or take a Breath-of-the-Wild coat of paint. (Worth noting, while a massively beefy game, it's also half the size of Ark proper.) You're pretty much turned loose into a massive open world, one that's surprisingly seamlessly interconnected that you can see far off with a depth a lot like Minecraft in some ways, and you can do whatever the hell you want from there: The world's your oyster. Although it does provide things for you to do (namely the gym-leader equivalent of the Battle Tower Leaders to face off, or certain landmarks that are also achievement-tied), you can do whatever you want with the pals you run into, and gradually craft your way into better and sturdier buildings, unlock more broader items, weapons, and upgraded variants, and get strong enough to challenge more varieties of pals. Although pals don't evolve (similar to Monster Rancher), some species do have different alt variants (usually a different color and element and with a different suffix), and all of them have a chance to have a 'lucky' variant spawn, where they'll glitter, make an audible noise (like Legends Arceus but more prolonged rather than sudden and brief), and they'll always have the Lucky trait, which gives them additional buffs. The pals each individually have different moves they learn either naturally or when given items, up to four traits (good, bad, or neutral) which can be passed down via breeding, and all of them specialize in a variety of different ways, so a pal not fit for battle might have a more utility use. I should also point out that contrary to its sales pitch or popular belief, cruelty is NOT the only option, and is actually far more beneficial (and in your face) about keeping your pals healthy, well tended to and cared for, and them eagerly rushing over to help you any time you try to work on something and then cheering for you after. Resources you would've also gotten in the 'crueler ways' can also be gotten peacefully simply by catching them.
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Sanctuary is a Metroidvania style game in terms of mobility around the map and how certain monsters play with it via field moves, but when otherwise caught in the battles themselves, it has a similar turn-based strategy of monsters taking turns trading picked moves and see what happens. Each battle works on a graded system where, ideally, when you complete a battle as quickly as possible with a lot of combos, you get a better grade, and in turn, better item yields for said grade. Instead of capturing monsters, you instead have a chance for a monster you fought to drop their egg, and said egg can be instantly hatched into your own copy of that monster. Each and every monster has a skill tree that can unlock different things from new moves, upgrades to preexisting moves, stat buffs, or certain effects applied to their moves in addition to any inherent abilities they may have. On top of that, certain monsters might have field moves that are useful for navigating your way through the map, including monsters who can activate certain levers, monsters who can hover/fly over gaps, monsters who can help you reach certain heights, and so on and so forth. Monster teams are also key, as carefully-built teams with good synergy can make huge combos, and consistently give you the best drops.
Digimon World series
Like I said above, Digimon dabbled on quite a number of games in its clumsy growing pains of finding its own identity. Its initial roots, Digimon World, has a lot in common with its original background as a Tamagotchi spin-off series prior to the anime Digimon Adventures being thereafter (incorrectly) labeled as a "Pokemon rip-off", and thereafter spiraling the Digimon franchise in all manner of weird directions (either loosely related to World like World Champions, semi-similar with Digimon World Dawn and Dusk, all the way up to the above Cyber Sleuth being entirely its own thing). The entirety of the World series (of which include entries like Next Order on steam) has you raise your digimon by assigning them into different facilities and/or training areas, usually, and these facilities can vary between either increasing more traditionally-used-for-battle stats (like their health, or their attack and defense), to outright increasing or decreasing their affinities (elements, in a way, which factor into evolution a lot). Compared to the above Cyber Sleuth where you have more control of when a digimon digivolves, into what, and outright tells you the requirements, World (but especially earlier games, or versions that lean heavily into V-Tamers, another series similar to the World series and is more identical to its Tamagotchi ancestor), leans into you getting more of a surprise when digimon grow dynamically and evolve on their own, based on various factors like whether or not you won/lost a certain number of battles, care mistakes or lack thereof, certain stats being at or above/below a certain point, or their highest affinity at the time, much like how Tamagotchi did. While I can't speak for how Next Order plays (between closer to World, closer to Cyber Sleuth, or a more balanced and in-control combination), the earlier you go back in the series, the closer it is to Tamagotchi's variant style.
Digimon Survive
And then there's this game which throws Digimon into a whole other secret third gameplay option. Digimon Survive is part visual novel, and part tactical RPG, so rather than be like a battle style ala Pokemon like Cyber Sleuth, or be a monster care sim like World, it leans heavily on being more like Fire Emblem in gameplay style, and takes everything about the way the digimon partners bond with their human tamers in the anime series, and takes it for a very dark ride instead. This time, instead of be a monster you raise into a gradual and widely-branching tree like Cyber Sleuth, or carefully meter your stats and care styles like World, not only will some digimon be unlocked either when certain criteria are met, or when you beat certain levels, but some digimon evolutions are exclusive to the different branches of the main storyline itself.
Monster Hunter Stories
Although the mainline games play very differently, and are more monster slaying than monster taming (with one almost-example, we'll get to that below), Monster Hunter Stories and its sequel take on a different approach of you raising and taming effectively smaller pet variants of the bosses of the mainline games, to use not only as riding mounts, but battle partners in a turn-based battle style RPG. You usually have an active party of three who take turns attacking each, and takes a much more different mood and atmosphere approach compared to the mainline games as a whole. Its worth noting, however, that although Steam does include both games, the switch version also offers amiibo support otherwise.
Beastie Bay DX and Pocket Stables
I include these two games in the same note because both of them are made by Kairosoft and are two games of a loooong laundry list of themes Kairosoft explores. Both are pretty tiny, pretty chill and casual games (emphasis on casual), so while some might say it might be a bit too casual as to be boring, they're both very "play on your phone to pass time/run in the background" chill raising games that don't have a lot of the stress as a lot of the above games. Beastie Bay DX is a more focused monster-raising game, while Pocket Stables is a horse derby game with pet raising elements. Similar to a lot of Kairosoft's games, they usually have a tycoon approach to a lot of their different game themes, these two included, as you focus on building or placing facilities or buildings in an open space to various effects, sometimes comboing nearby buildings for added boosted effects, and gradually improving your creatures through where you send them out, what facilities you build, item use, and more.
In terms of games with monster collection and/or training aspects, but not as a main focus:
Rune Factory series
By and large the Rune Factory series is a farming game first, along the lines of its siblings in Harvest Moon and/or Story of Seasons. But instead of buying and raising livestock, the livestock are monsters you fight, and depending on the game, so are some of the love interests. You have the ability to fight various monsters and different bosses, and the monsters may vary on various properties, be it to passively generate a certain craft resource (like a lot of the standard livestock in the mainline series), as mounts you can ride for faster transport, as powerful party members for battle, or as helpers who can automate the process of assisting you with chores throughout your farm. This is in addition to the townsfolk themselves, as some of the games (particularly the later ones) also can have you recruit different villagers in addition to the monsters.
Monster Hunter Rise
As mentioned above with Monster Hunter Stories, while the mainline games are more about hunting monsters like live prey or active threats, Rise is a slight exception in that it not only continues the trend of past and current games of allowing you to recruit the cat-looking palicoes (or felynes, they go by a few names throughout the series...) which can assist you with various different properties depending on their professions, but also the palimutes, large, rideable dogs who can help you travel faster and jump up certain landmarks. Both assist you in battle, but both have different pros and cons to them, and you might run into in-game generated ones who you can further collect to have more variety in different ones with different professions and coat colors/styles.
Meowjiro is a fairly humble and down-to-earth pixel art game where your primary focus is being a convenience store cashier and employee. By day, you perform various different tasks and try to keep up with the store, including cleaning trash and water puddles, the evidence of a certain shiba inu's crimes, restock shelves when they get emptied, heat up food, prepare soft serves, and of course, ring up customers as they come in.
The mon-collecting aspect comes in the reason you work the grueling life of a one-man army konbini store owner: Your cat(s). At the end of the day, you come home to tiny pixelated cats, who always start off as kittens, and whom you can evolve into a variety of ways based on what you feed them. In addition, you can also spend your hard earned cash on different furniture to decorate your home, or certain perks to make the store job less grueling.
(That being said, as stressful and high-paced as the game is, failing a task only causes a minor pay deduction, not anything super punishing, so it's stressful, but not as stressful as a meaner game could've been.)
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Hear me out.
Yes, it's a platformer game (or shooter game, or treasure-hunt game, depends on the level), and on the surface, it looks nothing like a mon game, nor plays like one.
However, the reason why it's mentioned here is moreso for a side game included in the game: The chao gardens.
SA2:B is a game that weaves both the main game and side game of Chao Gardens together pretty snuggly. You're provided 2 free chao in your default neutral garden, plus 2 more free eggs whenever you unlock the other two gardens after certain criteria are met. Chao are pure pet-raising, rather than strictly mon-levelling-and-raising, but they have a VERY dynamic approach in not just how they evolve, but the gradual ways they change depending on quite the variety of factors. These can include, but not limited to: The color and style of the egg they came out of (or combo of parents if bred), what animals you gave them (which you can collect animals and chaos drives in the main game to then give to these chao), what fruit you feed them (especially certain bought ones, not just the home-grown ones), and even which character you played as when tending to them all matter. They not only can evolve based on an alignment system, but also later dramatically evolve based on stat combinations you raised them on and which of their stats were the most pronounced. You can further also utilize them in either chao races, or chao karate (though the latter is semi-random in comparison to a typical mon battle game).
Honorable Mention
Monster Rancher series (and spinoff Kaiju Master)
An older series along the age of if not predating Pokemon and Digimon, Monster Rancher have mons who (most of the time) don't evolve, are pretty brutally punishing in how to unlock certain secrets or raise and train the best fighting-capable monster who can win all tournaments, and while its a very unique stand-out compared to Pokemon and Digimon, it's a pretty harsh game in terms of difficulty to get used to and jump in compared to the others. That being said, it's also time and again surprisingly detailed about the sheer depth in variety of alts for a given monster, how their genetics work in fusions (and fusions are a pretty detailed feature in this), and its signature quirk that makes it stand out is that the monster you get (when not buying whatever's in the store) are all randomized based on things you feed the game. The first few games can draw all manner of monsters based on what CDs you insert (the steam remake gets around this by merely letting you straight up look up what CD you want, be it game or audio CD otherwise, and gets around it through that), while later games carry on the spirit of the same gimmick ala the key words you type up, or drawings you put into it. The game is not exactly the friendliest in terms of difficulty, but if you aren't scared off by the challenge, nor how dopey a lot of the monster designs are, its worth a mention in its own right.
As much as I was tempted to include other mentions, primarily games not released yet that's coming soon or in the works, I think I blew this post up with way too much words huh orz
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r0zzk1ll · 5 months
Do you think riker asked him to do that or did he just do that
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that isnt even the og image tooHEHEEELEPEMEM
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*click, click click*
The clock hands on Tonys face clicked as time slowly passed. It was the only thing heard as Tony calmly and silently read a book.
Well, that was until there was the loud metal thump of a computer hopping. Colin slowly slid over to tony as he read.
“Oh. What is it Colin?” Tony asked
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ask-the-adult-cups · 1 year
HALLO guys!! What do you all think of each other??
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Cuphead: Remember that time Mac first met Bendy and he thought he was The Devil in disguise so he totally freaked out?
Mugman: Oh yeah! That was really funny. haha
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eriiahnie · 2 months
hai babie ^^ how are u
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parttimepuff · 2 years
(kxllerclaws) Practically on cue, a bundle of wrapped gifts from the Minett family appeared by Luna’s home on Christmas morning. The paper designs varied, from snowflakes to reindeer to tree ornaments, while a tray of holiday cookies of all sorts was secured in cellophane. In particular, the latter was addressed to everyone, as it was theirs to share!
In Gremlin’s box, this time there were a bunch of Krampus-themed DVDs, as opposed to there only being bad movies. At least some of them should be “okay” on the scary scale. Plus, there were some refined wooden blocks as well, each a different size, intended for whittling and sculpting.
For Luna, there was a cushion – which may appear ordinary to her, but it was actually a neck cushion for humans. However, compared to her size, it could be used to comfortably cradle her whole self, which could be nice for reading or watching something. There were also the usual veggie seeds, plus some hot cocoa mixes in jars just for her!
Lastly, packaged for Rev and his family were quite a few things. There was a scarf intended for Rev himself, which matched his haloes in color. It was even fuzzy to imitate the flame effect!
Additionally, many books could be found as well. Children’s books such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, and The Grinch were for Orbee, while there were action-packed comic books for Beep to keep her attention. They were age appropriate and featured different heroes, mainly because it was unsure which ones she would like.
[Happy Holidays to all of you! We wish you well into the New Year, and hope to see everyone again real soon! With all our love, the Minetts] – the attached card read.
Despite Beep's adventure, the whole family was still able to come together for Christmas day. They could set aside any lectures to spend the time enjoying the holiday. One tradition they all loved was the arrival of the Minett's gift after they'd sent off their own. Luna had already brought the lot inside and set them up to be opened before the other four arrived. Each of them picked up their own present, tearing them open with differing levels of enthusiasm and violence while munching on the Christmas cookies.
The dream demon laughed aloud at the Krampus themed movies. "Not the best quality, but that's kinda the fun of these. Some are pretty entertaining if I remember right." Gremlin explained to the others, setting them aside. He'd watch them later, definitely not with Orbee here. His expression softened at the second gift. They'd absolutely be put to use, maybe making something for the Minetts.
Luna was quick to sit the cushion around herself, like detachable armrests. She didn't quite understand why that made Gremlin and Reverie snicker. It was very cozy for her. "Can't wait to plant these, too! And I'll absolutely be making this soon." The puffball gestured to the hot cocoa mixes. "They'll be perfect to pair with the cookies."
The scarf matched Reverie's halos just as intended. He may not be so affected by the cold as most, but it was still helpful and appreciated. So he silently thanked them as he watched his kids open their books, shredding the wrapping paper. "THEY TOOK PICTURES OF THE MOVIES!" Beep exclaimed, the first to uncover her present. "Pft, I think these came first, but it's still really cool!!" Her father pointed out, looking over at the selection.
Beep flipped through them, totally enamored, as Orbee struggled with their own gift, finally opening it. They had refused help with it. Reverie couldn't help but smile at them both. "Hey, Dad?" His daughter piped up, taking her eye off the comics. "Yeah, Beep?" He replied. "What do all the words say?" She asked. "…ah." The dream fae breathed. Right. She didn't know how to read. At least, when she wasn't actively using his own memories to figure things out.
"I'll read 'em to you and, do my best to teach you." Reverie promised, something he kicked himself for not doing sooner. The offer made his daughter's eye light up. Pushing their own books over to the two, the solosis spoke up. 'Orbee learn, too? With Orbee books?' Orbee asked. "Orbooks..." Beep muttered to herself. Their father grinned. "Of course!" He assured them, their own eyes lighting up. 'Yessss!' They exclaimed. Their older sister leaned over to them, looking over the books. "Your's have a bunch of cool pictures too, I like the snake." Beep added, pointing to The Hungry Caterpillar. 'Yeah!! Funny snake!' Orbee agreed. Reverie chuckled. It seemed they also didn't know what a caterpillar was. He could fix that. "Heh, we can read that first." He told them, taking the book as the two gathered around. Gremlin and Luna watched on, happy to see them enjoying themselves. Their friends really knew how to make the day more special.
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gummigoo-cult · 7 months
We're the Gummigoo Cult, and if it isn't obvious, we worship the tadc character Gummigoo. Every Wednesday we sacrifice parmesan cheese to Gummigoo. Help spread the word!
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skippyv20 · 8 months
Scandal Suggestion for saintmeghanmarkle!
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here with my vote regarding JH, the IGLBW and the question, “What is the worst scandal that could pop up?” Welllll….how about…there are NO kids? We have not been presented with authentic, verifiable, real-time photos by a credited press corps of them ever! The royal family has never been seen with them at a public event. There is the very photo edited one with PP, ERII and Dorito looking MM holding a doll. Since then, there are years of out of focus, photoshopped images of different looking children, not even the correct age, claimed to be the “no show” kids.
I am sticking with there are no kids, including surrogates. I think they begged people to borrow their children for some crazy reason. It has been said that neither of the ex-royals were capable of reproducing. Yet, they went on record describing outrageous birthing events with MD’s that were not there or who closed up their clinics after she said they were her medical group. She trotted and squatted for months and months with fake moon-bumps. It was all a big joke for her. That is what the Firm, KCIII and lawyers are probably working on. Yes, the royal ship has sailed it seems, leaving the dock rats to scramble, but they are still complicit by not stating the truth from the get-go, while adding extensions on their blinders. Now, they need hip boots and gas masks to clean up this mess.
This megalomaniac grifter, coached by her mother IMHO, ran circle$ around the royal family, not caring what they did and continue to do, tarnishing the House of Windsor. The heart breaker was using the super personal nickname that ERII expressly asked no one else use. Her entire royal family understood and happily respected this request except JH. But there it was in bright sunshine, on top of PP’s flower covered casket, signed in HMTQ’s own handwriting. That was just too much temptation for one so consumed in rage. The gaslighting games will continue until she is shut down but who has the gumption or the legal power to do so?
Thank you dear Pilgrim!  Great post🙂❤️
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boysplanetrecaps · 9 months
The Great Produce 48 Rewatch: Ep 2, Signal Song [Part 2]
Hey there, National Producer! (That's you, you cutey-pie!)
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When we left off with this ridiculous(ly important) project, we were watching the trainees rehearse for the "signal song," Nekko-ya. In this post, we'll finish off talking about their rehearsal period. It's a comparatively shorter post. Woot woot!
We pick up with the girls in F class, who have noticed that the letter F, in the mirror, looks like a Korean double K (ㅋ) . Used alone, ㅋ can mean “LOL” or “ha ha”, so they jump up and down and laugh seeing the equivalent of “LOLOLOLOL” on their backs. 
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They’re in the middle of joking around when Dance Bae comes in. Immediately, they quiet down. They’re all scared of her, but here’s the thing about Dance Bae -- she’s not a total psychopath. She just has no patience for untalented girls using the show as a springboard for their acting career. If you try hard, and listen to her, she’ll treat you with basic kindness. 
She notes that most of the girls are Japanese and tells them they’ll have to work hard. They try the chorus, working on their synchronized dance, and she says that they’re doing better than the C class, which makes them feel great. She congratulates them on how hard they’re working, saying “I thought you’d be a mess since you’re F-class. But you’re doing a lot better than expected, so, fighting!!”
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I love how Ahn Ye Won, the YG KPlus model, looks like an actual giant in this photo. She’s only 5’7! 
A lot of this segment focuses on Chiba Erii, aka Sailor Mercury, second from the left in the photo above, shown in what is apparently some kind of glitch mode. She does not know how to sing, and she doesn’t seem to enjoy learning to dance. A lot of these girls find this process difficult but still seem… I don’t know, interested? But Erii is barely there. I’m not accusing her of laziness. I’m saying that she’s so miserable that she’s checking out. It’s kind of uncomfortable to watch. One really wonders why she came on the show. 
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She doesn’t normally have such a full upper lip, so maybe she was having some sort of allergic reaction or something here. That might explain why she was so out-of-it. 
They dance in a group, and Dance Bae notices how disconnected Erii is. She asks Erii to dance alone, and Erii, fully enmeshed in this nightmare from which awakening isn’t possible, complies. It gives off vibes like someone should have edited in really loud sneaker noises. It only takes a few moments for Dance Bae to stop her, saying that Erii is just as bad as Sohye (from Produce101 -- a girl who obviously just went on the show to launch her acting career and accidentally won). Dance Bae tells her to work harder if she ever wants to get out of F class, and Erii begins to cry, hiding her face in her shirt. 
The other girls don’t seem to have much sympathy for Erii. 
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Left to right: Yabuki Nako; Bibian; and Tanaka Miku. We haven’t really met Nako or Miku before, because they sang the Banana song together that was just too hot for MNET!
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Here’s another shot of them from earlier in the scene so you can see what they look like from another angle. Left to right, this is Bibian, Nako, Natsume, and Miku.
Anyway, to go back to what I was saying about the girls not seeming to have much sympathy for Erii as she’s crying. The look on especially Bibian’s face is very much… not… sympathetic. I am not saying anything bad about any of these girls. I have no idea if Bibian and Erii hate each other. I have no idea if Bibian even had this expression on her face at that moment, in reaction to Erii crying. What I do know is that if there is animosity among AKB48 girls -- and there definitely, objectively, factually is -- it is caused by the AKB48 system itself, which is (or at least was) designed in such a way that animosity runs through the whole project like fudge ripples through a fudge ripple. They’re always competing in the General Elections (or at least, they were doing so at the time this aired), and always competing for who will sing on the A side or even a B side of a single. I’ll talk more about this later on with regards to gravely-voiced Noe and some rumors about her, but there are lots of stories about AKB girls physically attacking each other, or hiring other people to do so, and/or starting malicious rumors, really nasty stuff like that. I just have to be glad that the worst of that seems to be in the past, and that for whatever reason, you don’t tend to hear about stuff like that in Kpop these days. I also think it’s sweet that when put in an environment where people tend to help each other and cooperate, the AKB girls very quickly adjust and begin to adapt that perspective. It shows that at heart, most people really want to be friends. At least, I’d like to believe that that’s true. 
Ok, back to it. Erii crying kicks off a montage of other F-class girls crying. They know that if they don’t move up from F-class, they won’t even be allowed to stand on stage during the big performance of Naekkoya. Honestly, they get to me, because most of them, I know, are working hard and it has to be so stressful to be so young, so far from home, working so hard on so little sleep. Bibian’s comments might be the saddest: “I can’t even be in Class F. I’m so much worse than that.” As if she’s heard what they said in their interviews, Dance Bae tells them, with unexpected softness, “Let’s all go up to the higher classes. I really want to see you all perform on stage…. Let’s pull the A graders down! Let’s go. Fighting!” See, I told you from the start that she’s not the psychopath around here. 
Then there’s a really cute montage of the F-class girls working together and trying to encourage each other. A Japanese girl offers Hyewon a sweatshirt, pantomiming “being cold”, and Hyewon understands and accepts it.  Matsuoka Natsumi interviews that the Korean trainees came over to talk to her when she was crying. 
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I'm pretty sure that that's Ahn Ye Won, the YGK+ model, comforting her.
As the Love Theme from Produce 48 plays, they all say that they’re working the hardest because they know they have the furthest to go. Even Erii is working hard! I’m here sitting on my cat paw cushion shouting at the computer screen. FIGHTING, girls!! FIGHTING!!! Also please get some sleep!!!
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Heading Into the Final Eval - 1:36:53
It’s the night before they will record their individual performances of Naekkoya for their final evaluation. Some of the girls are lying in bed, practicing the lyrics and hand movements. Others, like Takeuchi Miyu’s Korean roommates, are still practicing, leading her to wonder out loud, in slow Korean, “Don’t the Korean trainees sleep?” Sakura notes the same thing, that they seem to just keep practicing instead of sleeping, so she’s doing the same. She’s embarrassed that seven years after her own debut, she’s not nearly as good as the other girls. But it’s obvious that part of the problem is that she’s completely exhausted. Girls! Listen to your unnie! You need to sleep or you’re going to have a complete brain collapse tomorrow! 
Choi Yeonsoo, one of the YGK+ models, tries to help Minami, aka Sailor Mars/Lemon-chan’s mom, who looks like she’s about to drop. She’s only 14, for heaven’s sake.
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Yeonsoo uses little drawings to try to communicate.
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Side note: to any of my lovies who are studying for something, remember that your brain is part of your body and if you don’t take care of your body with enough sleep and stuff, your brain also won’t work well and it’ll be hard to learn. Please try to get some sleep! Your health is important.
They are all working together and trying to help each other. Most of them want to make it to A class (or stay in A class) so that they could be in the center. As if it isn’t obviously going to be Sakura. 
Ok, that’s it for this post! In the next one, we’ll begin talking about the grade reassignments. See you then!
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hectab · 2 years
Dragon King - Chapter 1 (Super abridged plot summary)
Hi, I just finished reading the first chapter of the new book.
You can read it here in english.
It is really long, so here's a compressed version for those who don't wanna read the whole thing.
After returning from Japan, Lu Mingfei, Caesar and Chu Zihang make an oath to dedicate their lives to dig Herzog's past and prevent him from returning. They call it "Project Pai" based on Caesar's favorite manga series 3X3 Eyes. (Because each one of them would be a pair of eyes, constantly looking for Herzog). Caesar swearing on his father's name meant nothing, he wouldn't use his favorite character's name in vain.
Caesar graduated and passed down the presidency of the Student Union to Lu Mingfei.
Caesar wants to return to Cassell to form an alliance between the Student Union and Lionheart, he invites Chu Zihang but he's unavailable.
The ship of cultists
Chu Zihang went to the Arctic Circle to search for Maria of the Stars, a Nazi German socialite who was the leader of a cult called "The Far North" and is now 130 years old. Herzog was once a member of this cult.
Chu Zihang boards the Yamal. A former sovier icebreaker transformed into a tourist cruise ship. Now it's being rented by the Far North. It is full of wealthy tourists who want to spend Christmas there.
Lu Mingfei asks Zihang on an email if he's going to spend his winter break in Cassell or in Beijing, so he can go with him.
Zihang's health has seriously deteriorated, the Execution Bureau wants him to become a teacher so he won't transform into a Death Servitor in combat.
Zihang enters Maria's room, but instead he finds her great granddaughter Reginleif, a blond girl in her twenties. She's very strong. After a brief fight, she decides to answer his questions.
Maria of the Stars died years ago, Reginleif is the new Saint of The Far North. Herzog left the cult and they were weary of him.
Zihang is soon captured by Sasha Rybalko, the ship's captain. Sasha is a member of the Russian Special Forces, who infiltrated the ship. He's not aware of the Dragons' existence. He and Zihang become friends. Sasha wants to know more about Reginleif and the ship's leadership.
On Christmas morning, Chu Zihang is ambushed by Olrune and Hervor, Vincent's mercenaries. Vincent claims to be Reginleif's servant. This whole fight is merely a test of strength.
Vincent is clearly the one in charge, he used to be Maria's husband, to make things short, he's evil... Very evil.
The Secret Party is popularly known as "The Abraham Blood Pact".
The Far North used to be called "The Twilight Dogma" and they were members of the Secret Party. EVA says their records are classified, but they used to be followers of Odin.
This obviously sparks Zihang's interest, but his health keeps deteriorating. EVA tries to convince him to go down to the bar and fall for someone or just join the festivities.
Sasha and his men have discovered a draconic entity growing on the ship and taking control of it. It's essentially merging its body with the Yamal and setting course for a strange location.
The cult of Odin worshippers believes in Hyperborea, Odin's land, the gate to the kingdom of god. They sell special tickets to hybrids with unstable blood and promise them a cure for their condition. They're going there.
Sasha flirts with a woman named Cassandra and she's later found dead in his room. Sasha calls Chu Zihang to help him figure out what happened. Cassandra was a spy for the Henkel family, she tried to send them a video through Sasha's unsupervised laptop, in which Vincent tries to sell her one of the special tickets.
As proof of Reginleif's authenticity, she is shot dead in the video, but she comes back to life. (This is a ruse).
Reginleif, Hervor and Olrune are clones of Maria of the Stars. Reginleif pretends to be the real Maria.
Reginleif is a lot like Erii Uesugi in this story. She was artificially conceived from someone with the Black King's genes, she's imprisoned on a ship and constantly tries to escape because she wants to see the outside world.
Reginleif's blood can cure unstable hybrids. She's very valuable to the cult.
Reginleif wants to fall in love. When she was 14 she sneaked into a tourist's room, so the cult decided to give her one week of vacations per year, in which she can join the tourists, party, drink and hook up with the guests.
Reginleif is a lot like Xia Mi, it is later revealed that Vincent gave her recordings of Xia Mi so she could imitate her to manipulate Chu Zihang. Regardless, Reginleif is rebellious, whimsical, loud and confident.
Reginleif makes a deal with Zihang, she gives her information, he gets her out of the ship. She tries to seduce him on multiple occasions to make sure that he'd stick to his word, to little success.
Reginleif is physically punished by Hervor and Olrune for disobeying Vincent's rules. This seems to be a common occurrence.
Worldwide killings
The ship is boarded by the passengers who bought the special tickets. Among them is the main investor, a man who asks to be called "Macallan" like the bottle of whiskey in his hand.
Macallan brought coffins with him, and he wears a plague doctor's mask (the one with a beak).
Macallan claims that, after they reach Hyperborea, the guests who brought the tickets will become the new gods of the world.
Schneider is signing his resignation letter when news of the situation reach him. He rips the page to shreds and starts the successor to the Greenland Mission.
Anjou is visiting Henkel (his old rival in the Secret Party) for information about Cassandra. Both he and Henkel are ambushed by killer drones, but they survive using Time Zero and Henkel's revolvers.
The drones kill dozens of important hybrids all over the world, including multiple members of the school board and Sakurai Nanami.
The cult is essentially killing the "old gods" so they can rule the world after they reach Hyperborea.
The cult hacks the Gattuso's orbital weapon and use it to bomb Chicago and Cassell College. The school is protected with a special Yanling shield.
The Gattusos destroy it before it reaches them in Italy. Caesar stays to reassure his people, then leaves to join Zihang in the Arctic circle. He brings Finger with him.
Lu Mingfei's plane is attacked by a swarm of drones and all contact with him is lost.
Henkel theorizes that Lu Mingfei was Anjou's attempt to create a Dragon King of his own to be used as a weapon.
The old gods
Chu Zihang figures out the situation. Hyperborea is where the Black Emperor Nidhogg's embryo is growing. Macallan doesn't plan to cure the unstable hybrids on the ship, he just brought them as food for Nidhogg.
Maria was infected by Nidhogg's embryo in the 1940s, she had Nidhogg's genes and so does Reginleif.
Macallan makes everyone on the ship demented through a Yanling skill called "Saha World".
Reginleif decides to escape, she loses a fight against her "sisters" Hervor and Olrune, but the monster growing on the ship kills them for her.
The monster is Maria of the Stars, she didn't actually die, she just mutated into a super organism and was trapped by Vincent, she's bringing the ship to feed Vincent and co. to Nidhogg as revenge.
Reginleif frees Maria and tries to escape by helicopter to no avail.
Chu Zihang tries to fight Macallan, who in turn rewinds time. He invites Jörmungandr to join them and she takes control of Zihang's body.
Jörmungandr puts Zihang in a vision of their high school basketball court. She promises to have Xia Mi make him company while his consciousness is imprisoned.
Reginleif fails to escape and decides to come back and free Chu Zihang, she is attacked by the brain-controlled passengers and brought down.
Jörmungandr makes a blood pact with Macallan so they can rule the new world together after killing Nidhogg.
Macallan intends to feed Nidhogg's embryo, then force it to hatch prematurely, kill it and eat the corpse to get his power.
He invites Jörmungandr to kill Reginleif with him, as a symbol of their rejection of "the new gods".
Reginleif cries to Chu Zihang that she likes him and he hears her.
Jörmungandr attacks Macallan instead. She knows that he revealed Fenrir's location to Cassell College and later ate his skeleton. She pushes Reginleif to safety.
Jörmungandr tells Sasha to get Reginleif out of the ship while she stays to fight Macallan, fulfilling Chu Zihang's promise to rescue her.
Macallan reveals that he managed to have a child, a pure-blooded child, which was previously impossible.
Macallan rewinds time again but he's exhausted, Jörmungandr starts to win the fight, but their blood pact prevents it. Macallan feeds her to Nidhogg's embryo.
The new king
Macallan is the Dragon King of Sky and Wind.
He kills Nidhogg's embryo and prepares to consume it, but he's weakened by the fight.
Inside of their shared dream, Jörmungandr gives Chu Zihang control of their body and all of her power, because he's not restricted by the blood pact and therefore he can kill Macallan.
When he asks her how she knows that he will return control to her, she kisses him on the lips as Xia Mi, and tells him that she'll take Xia Mi away from him if he doesn't.
He comes back as a Dragon King, Odin calls him "Chu Zihang, the King of Earth and Mountains."
Macallan theorizes that Jörmungandr planned to give Zihang control from the start, as a way to wait for Macallan to be debilitated by his fight against Nidhogg, but also for more sentimental reasons.
He also says that Jörmungandr was in love with Zihang.
Zihang can still hear and feel Xia Mi cheering him up and patting him on the back.
Chu Zihang sees in Jörmungandr's memories that Macallan is Odin.
Odin offers him to rule the world together, but Zihang only wants revenge.
Their fight is interrupted by Nidhogg's resurrection.
Ragnarok begins. Tsunamis, massive earthquakes and volcano eruptions all trigger at the same time.
The end?
The entire world launches their nuclear weapons towards the Arctic circle, Caesar mentions that humanity just sent their own civilization back to the starting point.
Lu mingfei is in a lifeboat, as soon as a giant tsunami is about to reach him, Lu Mingze slows time down to have some wine with him.
There's not much the little devil can do, he's not omnipotent and he doesn't think he can survive this either.
Nono calls Lu MIngfei through his satellite phone, but seeing the end near, there's not much he can tell her.
He throws the phone on the water and shares a final drink with Lu Mingze.
The giant wave engulfs them.
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heareriispurr · 2 months
why is your art style so delicious
like it's the cute looking anime with big eyes sort but not overly done so it's just ✨ perfect ✨
KEEP IT UP I WILL CONSUME - er, enjoy it all!
(I loved the KamiJirou one best though)
ive always loved anime art styles in gen that i manifested it in my own, im really glad you like it!!! 💗💗💗💗
the kamijirou one is def a fave jirou looked stunning i fell in love w her all over again,, thank you for this ask it was such a delight to see 💗🥰
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eriisaam · 2 months
(sorry if it's been mentioned before or in a tag somewhere but i'm curious!) what are some of your fav pokemon? :)
Ohman I have so many that its hard to narrow down, especially since some vary by criteria 😭Pikachu and Mew were among the oldest and longest favorites, but otherwise:
Togekiss, Blissey, Milotic and Pachirisu were my favorites battle-wise and Blissey still ends up carrying me a lot of the three even into SV.
The beast trio (Raikou, Entei, Suicune) and bird duo (Lugia and Ho-oh) for their lore but also them, Missingno, Lugia and Mew just for the sheer history they have in their creation (accidental or otherwise)
Ratatta, Bidoof, Pachirisu (again) and Pikachu either for their memetic infamy history (F.E.A.R Ratatta, Moody Bidoof, World Championchip 2014's Se Yun's Pachirisu, the amount of times GameFreak tried really hard to try to make Pikachu more meta-viable...)
Xerneas, Alolan Marowak, Lunala, Cursola and Tandemaus/Maushold design-wise
and Pikachu, Mew Celebi and the chikorita family for sentimental reasons.
Pokemon's just been packed with a lot of history and memories that even my least favorite ones still have a sort of favorite-but-in-a-secret-different-direction part to them.
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
Don’t be afraid to send me asks~! I would love to write for you!!!
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(( Yato is simply adorable. )))
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A little bit about me? I’m a huge fan of Genshin, but also— Incredibly unmotivated which means my exp is maxed for my AR which is still 45. Proud Traveler main, that’s never gonna change, either. Like— Do I have other five stars? Yes. Do I plan on putting Lumine first? Absolutely.
I have a bunch of OC(s) * My hobby is collecting them. I’m more than happy to share info about them and the artists I commissioned them from. Just— I probably won’t shut up about them if you ask, so yeah—
My Zodiac sign is scorpio ♏️
I am an INFJ or INFP, they like to swap✨
I’m 20✨
You can find me on Discord here:
((feel free to hmu. I love making new friends. Also, writing recs are always appreciated ))
My personal blog for whatever purpose is:
@dreams-and-dillemas [ ??? ]
My alt blog for OC purposes is: @dreams-and-drawings ~!!!
I go by Aria or Ria, though I have a few friends who call me Dream or Sincerely.
Any/Other for pronouns ✨ Idk who gender is— gender?? who??
If I had to pick a major Kin I have it would be Zoro, from One Piece. I am very squirrel brained and I get lost often. Like— People have left my co op in Genshin bc I got lost looking for a boss. ((Especially the Gevioshap— that one always gets me.))
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My fandoms? K-Project, Noragami, Fairy Tail, Danganronpa, Yuri on Ice, KnY, AoT, Atla, Pokémon, Jujutsu Kaisen, JJBA, Naruto, To Your Eternity, Tokyo Revengers, Tokyo Ghoul, BNHA, One Piece, Bungou Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Obey Me, and Twst.
* I will write anything for the fandoms above—
* I will write for OC(s) if given a detailed description (OC /Canon or OC/OC are both fine)
* I will write smut, but nothing involving non-con or r4pe
* Any Headcanons for characters that are children will be PLATONIC ✨ ((ie. Chibi characters in Genshin or Erii in Bnha ))
* I am more than willing to help you come up with OC backstories or abilities, as well.
* You can ask me questions, too— I try to be an interactive author, but writer’s block is sometimes a pain.
!!! * [ Slowly going to start following you all back. I just worry at times _(´ཀ`」 ∠) ???]
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((We love our anons </3))
🥚- Taken
🦀 - Taken
🥟- Taken
⚡️- Taken
[ Once again, asks are welcome and very much appreciated </3 Seriously, I live to write for ya’ll. /hj ]
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ninjasmart · 1 year
Thank you for your extensive answer. It took me some time to understand it. I read the Secret last year as an introduction to LOA & I'm currently reading The Neville Goddard Book Collection. I find it really interesting & it makes one think in a different way. When I read the formula of the Law of assumption it sounded like magic. I've watched E Hicks on youtube, would you say one should stay away from her considering what you wrote? Casey & Cannon are new to me which books would you recommend?
Casey & Cannon - all of it, anything you can get your hands on.
Wayne Dyer as well. I sometimes rewatch his lectures just to hear them in a new light.
As for Abraham Hicks - she talks about really good stuff. However, there is a big caveat. Her whole reaching is about You-You-You-the-all-powerful-You but that is separating you from Source and the energy you might get will not be from the light. Do you catch my drift?
We are truly powerful creators. But we are surrounded by angels. And we have a higher power than us. And we should never ever forget that. Ever!
Otherwise we will not return Home after we cross over. See, we are part of the universe. Just like each molecule is part of oir body. We belong to that big organism called God, yet we are separate. We have individuation.
What happens to molecules in the body who Decide that they will do what they want to do? That they are the highest power there is? That they are powerful creators, not the whole body?
What happens? They establish their own rules, cause they are bit, they multiply, they Become cancer and they end up kil**ng their host and dying with it. Do these cells rule the worl Do they manifest? No. They do not. They die.
So, if you listen to Esther Hicks - keep in mind that her teaching is self-centered and aims at disconnecting you from God, from prayer, from honoring all that is practices. If you keep that on mind when listening to her and if you take any and all of her advice with a very, very critical ear, then go ahead and listen to her. Just make sure that you ask for your angels to show you the good in her teachings and protect you from the bad.
I saw a portrait of ERII today. It was random. See, she spent her life praying for UK, praying for her people. She was a pios woman. Many will say - ooh, she's just from a different era. But no. Her devotion to pray for her people has earned her a special status behind the veil. Part of her can still stay, still protect. Her portraits are special. I don't know about what exactly. Yet. I think someone will find out soon. There will be a miracle of some sort. Her image, a spesific one, from when she was young queen, will make a difference. I don't know for what but people will want to have it in their home. Maybe long life, protection, long marriage, education, children. I don't know. I really don't. But this image is special and people will start recognising it.
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Its the best you can do, your so brave 🥺
We miss you a lot tho we wish you the wbolute best!
)eriying yhrid adk eith my beby brothers heaf icer my goof eye ifk if yhis ask eill make sense !-;)
Thanks Squishy❤️
And yes that made sense. Your lil brother is adorable ❤️
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