phonypizza · 5 months
(( 🎵 I will take more of those Chai beats ))
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Your last chance Last summer Your last dance Beat to your own drummer
Go out fighting Go out young A flash of lightning Eclipse the sun
Brace yourself for the grand finale!
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bladesfromthedark · 5 months
(( (For the headcanon meme) 156. Restrictions ))
Send me a number, and I will write a headcanon based on that word. 156: Restrictions.
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Previously, Dark Matter Swordsman had never been given the opportunity to experience true freedom. Their existence has nearly always been marred with restrictions. As a creation and servant of Zero, they are expected to maintain certain behaviors. Always follow their master's will, and do not divert from the purpose they are given... Seeing as this was essentially "programmed" into them, it was practically impossible for Swordsman to betray Zero's ambitions.
...Had that always been the case?
Swordsman, in one form or another, has been alive for a long time. Would absolutely nothing about them change for eons? The answer is... no, they are not that stagnant. Not... willingly.
Perhaps at one point, an older "version" of theirs had started to view Dark Matter's goals as futile. What do any of them gain from these invasions? All they do is bring others down to their level. It never eased their pain. What is the point? Disobeying Zero went against their nature, but during those rare occasions, Swordsman questioned their actions...
But an entity tied to a hivemind cannot hide their growing dissent so easily. At the first signs of any development in their personality which "distracted" from their purpose, if not outright went against it, Swordsman would find themself-
An eternally restrictive existence. Always a servant. Never allowed to change. Over and over and over...
...Until now.
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ghostbustingreen · 1 year
Luigi's in Halloween Town! || @asklordofthelost
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❝A-Are-a you a... f-friendly ghosty?❞
Normally Luigi would be tempted to flee in terror upon seeing the other, but something about the juicy taste of the pumpkins here eased his nerves. ❝I-I'm-a tryin' to find-a the hotel...❞
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thebananwithaplan · 10 months
(( Sets down a little snow globe with a cute gingerbread house in it. It also plays a little festive tune when it's wound! ))
It's pronouced 'gift', not 'jift'. (Accepting!)
Look at that tiny snow globe! With a little cookie house and a little music box built in to go with it. It's probably not something he should be mesmerized with, but...
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. "Time to shake this up and play it on re-wind for the next 10 minutes." ....Alright, then.
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gildead · 1 year
@asklordofthelost/@multimyriad wants some plots!
Hurry seems to be a big fan of Damon's music at this point, what with how many times he's dropped everything to immediately flock to him and sit by. Maybe there's a way for a teensy little Cyndaquil ghost to make music with him, even if it's just hitting the ground with a stick rhythmically.
Also, since Damon's often around the Smash Mansion... offers him a Lucina.
I think Gold might like to meet Orlando as well! He might be a little hesitant at first since Dusknoirs are reapers, but he's never seen a contest before since they're not in Johto... and maybe Orlando might be interested in trying out a Pokéthlon, who knows.
I really love seeing Death interact with the creepypasta kids, so maybe him and Gold trying to comfort a ghost Pokémon of some type?
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outofmylab · 2 years
📩 !
send 📩 for a random headcanon about my muse
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dexter is a very aggressive nintendo fan! if your games aren't made by nintendo he is Not interested. he likes all of their franchises but he really likes pokemon specifically and loves getting into the intricacies of it. out of the kanto pokedex squirtle is his favorite starter and his favorite pokemon is porygon but he's also a fan of beedrill and magneton
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lultimagoccia · 7 months
(( 18. How did you come across the roleplay community? ))
𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤. [ x ]
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( i came across internet rp back on the first forum i ever signed up for the day i turned 13! my dad used to take us kiddos to the d & d sessions he DMed when we were kids, too, so i was pretty familiar with the concept even before i discovered it was a thing online, too.
for tumblr rp specifically, iiiii wanna say i saw a few rp blogs floating around for mlp back when i was more active in that fandom. i was more familiar with ask blogs since those were more popular back in the 2010s, and i kinda jumped from running an ask blog to an rp blog. )
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parttimepuff · 1 year
(For Luna!) Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? What are they like personality-wise? Can we see them?
Luna lit up at the question. This was a topic she could get behind! "Thanks for asking! I have three pets and you can absolutely see them!" She chimed. Leaning over, she scooped up a black cat who seemed perfectly fine with being lifted. It was impressive, given the feline wasn't much smaller than she was. "This is Winston! He's pretty skittish around new people and loud noises, but very sweet once he's used to you."
Setting him down, Luna wandered over to her couch where the second cat, a calico, was snoozing. "And this is Cassandra, his sister. She's much more headstrong than Winston, heh. She ends up protecting him from anything that spooks him. Not as affectionate as he is, but I know she still loves me as much as I love her." She grinned.
"And lastly," Luna started, approaching her bed for her last pet, "there's Marigold." On her pillow sat a Sewaddle, nibbling on some leaves she'd taken from the tree the house sat in. "She's my little adventurer! Since she makes her own leaf hoods, she has to go looking for new ones when the old ones wilt. I try to go on daily walks with her, but she'll explore on her own, too. Figured out how to open the windows." The puff chuckled.
"They're all great pets! Keeps me from getting lonely when I'm on my own for awhile. I'm lucky to have them."
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mirrorlings · 2 years
(( For Shadede - ♩ - A song that makes me think of my muse. ))
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Wake me up, I found a dream I can't escape from Has it been so cruel to you? I had another person waiting on the other side So when I fell to the ground, they would pick me up And the blood looks real but the feeling doesn't hurt me I can't remember your name But big red lights are coming down to take me One day they'll come for you too
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asklordofthelost · 8 months
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   ~ asklordofthelost guide:
- If you're new or need a refresher, please read this page before following or interacting:                                             Rules and About Page If I have followed you and you are an RP blog, feel free to take a look at any of my side RP blogs if you’d like: Death      Fandomless OC(s)      Multimuse Thank you so much for visiting, and have a lovely day! -
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🍪: What is something that's sentimental to your OC?
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I guess i have a fair bit of sentimental items in my possession. You can say I cherish these quite a lot. Do you have any items you find have sentimental value, Sir?
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madeimpact · 3 years
📝 + Any Kirby characters you've ever considered? o:
No Neg, stop that, you don't need more muses || @asklordofthelost || Accepting
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To be honest, not strongly? I’m gonna be up front, I’ve only finished Epic Yarn. Looking to change that with the new Kirby coming this year, though.
That being said? Just to be novel, I never see fuckin’ ANYONE talk about Prince Fluff. So maybe on the basis of “well who the fuck else would write him,” he would probably be interesting to write? I’d have to replay Epic Yarn, but man, what a cozy game.
Of course, the pink ball himself is also a scrunkly. So like,
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ghostbustingreen · 10 months
(( what is the first thing they notice about a stranger? ))
things to think about for characters
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Luigi is an anxious soul, so he tends to take immediate notice of body language and expression. He'll be the first to notice if you look sad, but he can also misread things when he's anxious.
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year
(( 👤 So what'd ya think of Death himself, Banana? ))
Better not end up with knives around me ((Accepting!))
That 'reverse Grim Reaper'? The one who should have finished him off, but instead healed him back up to normal when he was down? Whereas others would have taken the opportunity to... not be as forgiving?
He still hasn't quite understood why.
Since that day, anyone who's been trying to poke their noses and try to ask him about his 'participation' of the Spring Seminar, the Banana's been careful to deny it every single time so far. Play it as clueless as he could like any other time someone tried to pull up potential allegations on him.
...'Guilt?' What's that? It simply doesn't exist in the 'criminally-selfish and greedy' host's vocabulary. Not anymore.
...It shouldn't.
...It can't.
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...It should have been dead long ago. But seems like it's another part of himself that's also slowly making a comeback.
. "....What else is there to add?" Vague. But it's not his usual voice of denial, either...
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gildead · 1 year
@asklordofthelost asked for some funky tunes:
🎵 - A song that reminds me of my muse’s backstory
No More (Lost Silver Song) - LongestSoloEver
Colder every step Forever haunted by a voice unknown An echo from before Hollow soul within Colors fading, left in monochrome Their words are clear, no more
Is it cheating if I put in a song literally inspired by Lost Silver? Who cares if it's literally a banger?
My version of Gold does play fast and loose with the original creepypasta, but that's mainly because Lost Silver as a whole is a very symbolism-heavy story. If you're taking everything there at face value, it gets really silly real fast. I think LSE really got that, because the symbolism and lyricism within this song fucks HARD.
Also you may recognize some of the lyrics here. That's because this song is the OTHER major inspiration for my tags aside from Juno's Monochrome cover. (Face This Nightmare in particular comes from here.)
Anyway this song is underrated as hell.
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outofmylab · 11 months
(( 💞This is totally a good idea - can be for anyone he's interacted with! ))
positivity meme!
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"While I... would like to have a word with its creator about certain topics, I cannot help but be impressed by the composition of... FLUDD, I suppose... it is called. It is very unorthodox, but that is not a negative thing in this circumstance. I am highly interested in studying it further, as it seems to be an entirely unique device rather than a mass-produced one. That— is what I would assume, anyhow. It simply looks too unusual to be manufactured in that manner. I would like to know the decisions and environmental conditions that led to such a device being conceived. I am... intrigued, as I have stated prior."
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