ibukitten · 11 years
*slides this url to you, and nunny's too*
Opinion on;
Character in general: Sanzo is... heh. I don't have a particular like for him and Ibuki has a hard time figuring him out since he doesn't trust people-- but he's not that bad either. Not as bad at some of her actual friends, haha. Nunny, on the other hand, is a complete sweetheart and I appreciate her a lot, a real cutie and also strong and brave and honest girl, yes I like a lot!How they play them: Very well! I have nothing to complain about!The Mun: Holly is sweet and there was only one instance where we differed but I'm glad we still talk and interact with our muses. uvu
Do I:
RP with them: No current threads I think, but there's maf and we RPed already.Want to RP with them: Ayeee
What is my;
Overall Opinion: A very good opinion I'd say!
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bleureine · 11 years
Send ϡ for a MENTAL STATE headcanon.
The reason Diva's have a childlike mindset and doesn't know right from wrong is because she was never taught anything when she was younger! Even know she struggles with it a hundred or so years later because by the time she was taught things, her brain was already developed and it's hard.
Send ♆ for a BODY headcanon.
Saya and Diva look exactly alike, minus their eye colours and bust size! Diva was able to grow a bigger dust than her dear sister.
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zombiesandbutts · 11 years
"I can't believe Jimmy Jr. still isn't here. If anyone needs me, I'll be groaning beneath the table."
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"Uhhhhhhh... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh hh h hh hh h h hhh hhh hh h h h h h h... Jimmy Jr..."
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finalorder · 11 years
Ghost, nymph, siren
Ghost: Do you have any regrets?
"Taking into consideration on everything that has happened... No."
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"I don't have any regrets."
Nymph: What are you like when you’re by yourself?
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"Maa, I'm not sure. Sleepy, I guess." It is easier to think in the company of another, after all.
Siren: If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
"...Anything, you say?" There is a person he already has in mind, and a devious smile flashes upon his face.
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"Then I'll have Konzen play one of those flashy machines with neon lights. They're called arcade games, I believe?"
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the21sacraments · 11 years
"What happened to you?"
"Nothing really. Some man decided to spill his blood on me, that's all."
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timidronin · 11 years
2. 6. 11.
 Do you associate yourself with this character in any way?
Okay, I used to associate myself much more with him than I do these days, honestly but but just... not the positive traits unfortunately. The positive side of his character is basically what I would kind of like to be? 
Are you confident in this muse?
I...think I've got the his characterization right but it's always difficult to bring it out right, I need to tone down his ...freaking out but yeah. I'll hope I'll get to rp all the aspects of his character hehe. He's honestly pretty amazing. In the manga especially.
 If you could tell your character something right now what would it be?
Man, I would straight up ask him for advice for lots of things hehe. He got his shit together so well in the end and...yeah. I would just tell him he's neat?? 
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aforaran · 11 years
4. 12.
4. What do you dislike about your character?
If anything, I want more lore about him.
12. Do you think you and your character would get along in real life?
Yes. Possibly. In the sense that I would, in awe, do whatever he commanded of me.
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saiyukifangirl22 · 11 years
Yes, of course it's from the episode with the cat! It's her favorite episode!
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the21sacraments · 11 years
[I don't know much about your character, so I can't say how well you roleplay him based on canon. But I do love your characterization, and your writing never ceases to amaze me with how wonderful it is!]
I really don't deserve this praise but thank you so much! In canon, Walter only has a few lines of dialogue so a lot about him has to be pulled from other sources (like the Crimson Tome).
I like to think I've gotten better with my writing since I joined citta at least, no idea what my characterization is like.
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