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annawritesblog · 4 years ago
Rooftops (a.i.)
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Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader
Summary: Y/N and Ashton have been dating for 3 years. Ashton takes Y/N to a rooftop restaurant where he plans to propose. 
Word Count: 1k 
A/N: This is my first story and my first language is not English so I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes. Also I got inspiration for this imagine from a Tumblr author, sadly I can’t remember their name. Anyway, if you were the one who wrote a similiar imagine, thank you for the inspo. Enjoy:)
You were just getting ready for an anniversary date with your long time boyfriend, Ashton. You guys have been dating for 3 years and you couldn’t be happier. You loved Ashton with your whole heart and he felt the same way.
You have just finished putting on a beautiful red dress and you only needed to put on some jewelry. You were upstairs in the bathroom when you heard Ashton yell.
“Y/N! Hurry up, we’re gonna be late.” He yelled from downstairs.
“Give a minute. I’m almost ready.” You yelled back.
5 minutes later you were all done and excited for your date. You grabbed your purse and walked downstairs. Ashton was sitting on the couch looking at his phone. As soon as he heard that you came downstairs, he put away his phone and stood up from his seat. He looked at you and a smirk appeared on his face.
“You look...just wow.” He tried to form sentences, but he was amazed by your beauty. He stepped closer to you and put his hands on your waist.
“Thank you.” You said and wrapped your hands around his neck. He leaned in to give you a kiss, but you pulled back. He gave you questioning look.”I have red lipstick on. You don’t want any of that.” You said and he sighed. 
As you guys went out the door, his hand now resting on your lower back, he whispered in your ear.
“Can’t wait until that dress is on the floor.” You never got used to these comments he made every once in a while. An even bigger smile appeared on your face as he opened the door of the car he had ordered.
You guys both sat in the car and Ashton gave the driver the address. 10 minutes later you have arrived at a beautiful restaurant. He opened the door that lead to a big area full of tables. You walked to a waiter who stood behind a table. The restaurant looked fancy and very expensive. 
“Good Evening. Do you have a reservation?” The waiter asked.
“Yes. Under Irwin, for two.” Ashton said and the waiter gestured towards the stairs. You guys went up the stairs which lead to a beautfiul and big rooftop. Weirdly no one was there even though you were sure that the restaurant is a really famous one.
“Here is your table, and the menu.” The waiter said and put the menus on the table.
You guys both thanked him and you grabbed the menu. As soon as you opened the menu, you saw that it is a very expensive restaurant. Ashton always did this. He liked to spoil you with beautiful things even though you always said you are not with him because of his money. Ashton saw the questioning look on your face.
“Babe, choose anything you want. Don’t look at the price.” He said and looked into your eyes.
“But everything is so pricey.” You said and he just laughed a little.
“Don’t worry about it. Today is special.” He said and took your hand.
You decided to go with it and eventually chose something from the menu. You went with salmon and salad, while Ashton went with shrimps. As you waited for your food, you couldn’t help, but notice that you guys were still the only one on the rooftop.
“How come we’re the only ones up here?” You asked and he looked up at you.
“I don’t know. Maybe, uhmm...maybe no one made a reservation for today.” He said and turned his attention back to his food that just have arrived. You did the same and a few minutes later you finished the food and ordered dessert.
“And also, we would like a bottle of champagne.” He said after you ordered dessert. 
The two of you had a good talk just about life in general and minutes later the waiter came back with the champagne. He poured it into your glass and turned around to your boyfriend. Ashton raised his eyebrow and the waiter nodded. You didn’t understand why he did that, but decided to ignore it. The waiter left and Ashton smiled at you. Suddenly a slow song started to play which was weird, considering when you arrived there was no music. 
Ashton grabbed his glass and stood up. Just when you wanted to ask what he’s doing, he grabbed your arm and gently pulled you up from your seat.
“There is a beautiful view from over there.” He said and pointed to the other end of the area. 
You walked there with the glass in your hand and looked at the beautiful city in front of you.
“It’s really pretty.” You said and Ashton nodded behind you. He had his arms around you and his face was so close to your neck that you could feel his hot breath. 
Slow songs were still playing in the background and the whole thing was like a movie. He put his glass on the table next to you and spun you around which almost made you fall.
“You look incredible.” He said and tugged a stray of hair behind your ear. You just let out a little giggle.
“You said that already today.” 
“I’m gonna say that until the day I die.” He said and stepped back a little. “Y/n.” He said and pulled something out his pocket. Before you could’ve said anything, he was on one knee. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m not the only one who thinks that. My family, the lads, everyone. You make me a better person and I want to wake up next to you every single morning. So, Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man in this World and marry me?” He asked and revealed a beautiful diamond ring. Your eyes were full of tears and you just nodded. “Is that a yes?” He asked.
“Yes, yes. A hundread times yes.” You said and he stood up. You hugged him and his grip was stronger than ever. He pulled away and slid the ring on your finger. Without another word, you kissed him strongly, not caring about your lipstick anymore.
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5sosmybois-blog · 7 years ago
Telling Him You’re Pregnant (Ashton)
To you, there was nothing scarier than finding out that you’re pregnant. Your first thought was that there was no way in hell anyone or anything that large was coming out of you. Your next thought was your boyfriend, who was off on a world tour enjoying life with his best friends; how could you do this to him? You knew that he would drop everything for you and come home if you told him, but you didn’t want that for him. You left the doctors office with pamphlets and a prescription for some vitamins that your doctor had recommended. You decided that you could swing a short visit to the guys while they were on tour to tell Ashton the news, so the plans were arranged, him being none the wiser of the life changing news you would be delivering during your trip. When you arrived at the airport exactly a week after finding out about your pregnancy your feelings on the situation had changed. You had decided that even if he didn’t want to be involved you would still keep the baby and raise it on your own. It took a couple days for you to finally bring up the subject with your boyfriend, 3 days to be exact. “Ashy can I talk to you? Its serious.” You said as you sat down on the hotel bed wrapped up in your robe after your shower. “Sure love of course, what’s on your mind?” He asked as he leaned forward on the bed to be more on your level. “I’m pregnant” you blurted before you even had time to consider the gravity of the statement. His mouth dropped open as he looked at you “I-Wow uhm, how far along?” he asked and you gladly supplied him the information. You were roughly 6 weeks along. “So that would have been like. The night before I left” he concluded and ran a hand through his hair, you could tell he was panicking. “Obviously it’s going to be a little tough but I think we can do it, I love you and I’ve dreamed of having a family with you, just because it’s sooner than I expected doesn’t mean it’s not something to celebrate,” He continued. You felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off your shoulders, doing it on your own was worst case scenario. You were so excited that he wanted to have this baby with you. 
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the-punk-rock-nerd · 7 years ago
Snippet!! Coming soon!
(I know I say that a lot, but I’m actually doing it with this one.)
“You don’t like her?”
“No! We’ve been best friends for years! I have no interest in being her boyfriend! Honestly, we’re brother and sister. There is no, and never will be, a connection inside of us that says we should date. If you like her, go after her! Just know that if you hurt her, I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll end up poor, naked and in Alaska.”
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shittyfandomimagines · 6 years ago
Word count: 1,661
Fluff galore
(GIF creds to owner)
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“Leo you can’t pull aunt y/ns’ hair when I hold you,” I warn and he had the cutest giggle as he lets go. “Mama, mama!” He blubbers and I shake my head. “I’m not mama, I’m aunt y/n.” I remind him but my heart feels full to even be around a child, let alone my own nephew.
“Y/n I’m home, oh there’s a baby,” Ashton yells through the corridor but quiets down when he sees me on the couch with Leo. “My sister needed to get a lot of stuff done today and asked if I could watch Leo,” I explain and Ash comes closer. “Ash ash!” Leo trots over to Ashton and I deadpan.
How does Leo remember Ashton’s name but not mine? I’m his aunt, his blood. I feel so betrayed, well not really but this kid will learn my name by the end of the day.
“Leo! My little buddy.” Ash plops on the floor and Leo engulfs him in a hug. Ashton was giggling and so was Leo, Ashton kept giving him kisses all over Leo’s face. “Ash!” He yells in his baby voice, my heart was all giddy and tight.
Ash and I have been married for 2 years and we never explored having kids. He promised me that once the newest album was out and the tour was over, he was gonna be all about having a baby with me.
Seeing Ashton play so well with Leo made me sad in a way, I have always loved children. I have a huge family and seeing everyone with their children always made my heart hurt a little. I have never blamed Ashton’s career for me not getting that connection as a mother, and I would never blame him. That’s not my job to.
Sometimes in our lives, we have to decide when is the right time and I commend Ashton for holding off because he didn’t want me raising our child alone. It’s helped that my sister had Leo 18 months ago, I had time with a baby in my family that wasn’t just going to my 2nd cousin. Leo was my nephew and I felt like being an aunt was a higher title than a cousin.
It’s always the way that mothers have that immediate connection to their babies. Like if I am holding Leo and he’s all loving to me, but my sister could walk in and we wouldn’t matter anymore. The moment he sees his mom, it’s all her. That’s her son and he will always choose her. I just want that connection.
“Mama mama!” Leo comes running back to me, taking me out of my thoughts, and I grin a little when he collides with my legs. “Baby boy, I am not your mama, I’m Y/n,” I say again for the second time today. “Eat. Eat.” He chants and I pick him up in my arms. “Let’s see what we have in the kitchen, Leo.” I walk into the kitchen and I hear Ashton follow. “Here I’ll take him as you look around,” Ash suggests and takes him out of my arms, putting him on the counter softly.
I pull the yogurt out the fridge, grabbing one of the CapriSuns that Ashton still buys for himself. I grab the smallest spoon and stick the straw inside the drink. Leo starts clapping and giggling in excitement, I open the strawberry yogurt and dip the spoon in. He opens his mouth voluntarily and I feed him it. Ashton holds the drink out for him once Leo swallowed the yogurt.
That cycle continued until the yogurt was half empty and Leo was obviously full. “Let’s go watch some Paw Patrol,” I say and guide Leo off the countertop, he runs as fast as he can towards the living room with his short little legs.
He tries to get on the couch but he didn’t have the height to. Ashton sits down and lifts him up beside him, but Leo climbs onto Ashton’s lap. I turn on the tv and find Paw Patrol, then situate myself beside Ash, he wraps his arm around me.
I start to flutter my eyes close, I’ve been so exhausted from just the past 4 hours that he’s been here. I’m just glad Ashton finally came home so I could catch a break. Just as I felt myself doze off, a smell hit me like a truck.
I have been around babies my whole life and I know exactly how shit smells like from a tiny human. I check the back of his diaper and of course, I was right. “Okay Leo, let’s get our diaper changed,” I say and Leo whines a little, he’s always hated this part. I start to get up but Ashton pushes me back a little. “I’ve got this, I’ve seen Calum do it to Mason. I’ve got this in the bag.” He reassures and stands up with Leo, grabbing his diaper bag off the loveseat.
I hear Ashton cooing at Leo and I can only imagine that Ashton is making faces at him, only because I could hear the loudest giggles ever. “Isn’t uncle Ashton the best! I’m the best, aren’t I?” I hear Ashton’s baby voice. “Ash Ash!” I hear Leo shout.
Ashton settles back down beside me, we all get in the same position but this time Leo is laying on Ashton’s chest. “30-minute power nap?” Ashton asks and I nod frantically.
“Aren’t you the cutest baby, aren’t you?” Ashton’s voice wakes me up. “You are gonna be the cutest cousin to my little baby, you can protect the baby. Then, we can have sleepovers with you, Mason, Michaels’s little baby Leah. Hopefully, Luke has a little baby too and it’ll be a whole 5sos party with you included.” I hear him ramble and Leo just laughs at his toys, having no idea what was going on.
Ashton starts to trot the little-stuffed panda bear closer to Leo. “Panda is gonna get you!” Ashton says as he gets closer with it. “Ah, He got you!” He tried to stay as quiet as he could, Leo erupts with laughter. “No!” He yells and Ashton makes the shushing sound. “Aunt Y/n is sleeping, we don’t want to wake her. She’s a big bad bear when she wakes up. Shhhh.” Ashton whispers and I roll my eyes, but he’s right.
My mind goes back to Ashton mentioning having his own baby, it made me want to smile but I didn’t want Ashton knowing I was awake. I would love to have a baby with him and I know that the last music festival they’re playing at is like 3 weeks from now.
I try to imagine our baby girl having his soft curls, my eyes but Ashton’s nose. I hope to god that she would have Ashton’s laugh. She’d have his dirty blonde hair and maybe the color of my hair included. If it was a boy, I can only imagine him being an exact copy of Ashton, just a miniature version.
The knocking on the door ‘wakes’ me up from my sleep. “I got it,” I say and roll off the couch, when I open the door I see my sister. “Hey, come in. He’s had his nap and ate some yogurt for lunch. He’s probably due for another meal.” I say as we both walk towards the living room. Leo was helping Ashton put his toys back inside the diaper bag. “Good job helping uncle Ashton, buddy,” Ashton says as he hugs him gently.
“C’mon baby, say goodbye and give kisses to uncle Ashton and aunt Y/n.” My sister says and Leo runs back to Ashton. Leo covers Ashton’s face with kisses, yelling bye and saying ‘Ash Ash.’ Leo runs to me and I squat down, he does the same thing with the kisses. “Bye-bye, aunt Y/n.” He tries to pronounce my name and my eyes widen. “He finally said it!” I cheer and my sister gives me a look. “He says your name all the time at home, it’s always when he sees the picture of us 3 at my wedding.” My sister admits and I grin... that little brat.
“Bye guys, be careful going home,” I say as Ash and I walk with them towards the door. Once they leave, Ash and I walk back into the living room, collapsing beside each other. We both sigh loudly.
I change the channel to Ghost Adventures and I listen to a ‘ghost’ screaming in one of the buildings they’re in. “I want one,” Ashton says and I turn my head to him. “A ghost?” I ask in a confused voice. “No, a baby. I want one with you right now.” He boldly confirms and I smile.
“Well, you know you can’t just get one right this moment,” I say jokingly and he rolls his eyes playfully. “Yes, but we can always try right now. My last festival is in 3 weeks, but for a while, I will be all yours.” He suggests and starts kissing my neck. I push him off a little and look into his eyes.
“Ash, this is serious. I don’t want to have a baby right now if you’re going to just to have to leave soon after I give birth. I would never want to hold you back from your career.” I was being serious and I see his eyes soften. “Baby, you’re my wife and giving me our child will never hold me back. Family will always come before music, you know this. Calum had Mason and Mikey had Leah, they both took time off and we all obliged. They will do the same for us.” He says and my heart feels giddy again.
“Let’s have a baby,” I say and his eyes widen. “Let’s have a baby?” He repeats and I nod quickly.
“Thank god.” He says as he pounces on top of me.
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5secondsofnerd-blog · 9 years ago
Ashton #1 - CDs girl -
Summary : She was more fascinating than music OR Y/N works in a CD shop, and Ashton comes everyday just to see her. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First week. The rain was pouring hard outside, and Ashton was running in the streets under the sounds of thunder and cars. He was searching for a place to hide from the storm coming. The lights of a shop caught his attention and he ran inside. The sounds of the outside were really muffled by the walls and the light music in the shop. He realized it was a CD shop. He never noticed it before. Ashton began to walk through the rows of CDs, looking through the titles and artists names. He loved music. It was just something he couldn't explain, music was such an escape, everyone could understand the lyrics differently and like a melody for different reasons. "Hello, are you searching for something?" He heard a light voice near him and turned suddenly to face the person. She was breathtaking. Her hair were a  little bit messy, and she didn't wear much makeup, and she was so beautiful, with her piercing gaze, he felt like she could see right through him and read his mind with just one look. Her smile was so warming, she probably gave the same to each customer, but it made him feel special. She had a tiny dimple on the corner of her mouth, barely visible. She was…fascinating. That's what she was. "Uhm, I, I actually, yeah, I was just, looking through the CDs, I guess." He mumbled, still looking at her. "I'm Ashton." He added, feeling completely stupid. She was amused by the awkward guy, who seemed confident on the outside. She let out a little laugh. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Ashton." Second week. Seven days passed, and Ashton came in the shop every single day. She never missed to smile at him, and he felt his cheeks flush every time. Most of the time, he followed her through the rows, letting a distance between them for her not to notice that he looked at her more than he looked at the CDs. Today, he saw Y/N approaching him and his brain was a mess when she talked to him. "Hello Ashton, how are you ?" She smiled brightly, but it seemed as if her smile was more sincere this time. "I, I am fine, I mean, yeah and how are you ?" He responded awkwardly. A little conversation took place between the two, and when Ashton got out  of the shop, he couldn't tear the smile off his face. Fifth week. Today, Ashton had a goal. He was going to ask Y/N on a date. During the past three weeks, there were more conversations every day, and he tried to remember every single detail about her. The only flowers she liked were roses, and she prefered chocolate from candies and cats from dogs. Her favourite artist was Amy Winehouse and she loved listening to her albums in the shower, or anytime in the day or night. She played piano and would love to play every instrument of this planet. She never wore jewels, and always forgot to style her hair. She hated skirts and loved dresses, but prefered shorts. That's what Ashton was thinking about while he got out of the shower, an Amy Winehouse's song playing lowly in the room. He dressed quickly and went to buy some roses. They were beautiful and made him think of Y/N. He stayed a little bit in front of the shop, nervousness surrounding him, before going in. He went through the alleys and spotted Y/N behind the cash register counter. But she wasn't alone. So Ashton got out of the shop, not even saying a hello or a goodbye. He promised to himself that he'd never go back to this place. When he got in his apartment, he trashed the flowers and couldn't stop anger through his brain. He couldn't think of anything but Y/N kissing a guy behind the cash register counter.
Don't forget to ask me requests or anything, I won't bite you xx.
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michaelslovelyangel-blog · 9 years ago
Questionable Ashton- Ashton Irwin imagine
Mondays suck. And today was no different. Ashton Irwin. Your neighbor. School badass. Your worst nightmare. He teased and bullied you since you moved in five years ago. Five years of his bullshit. He was the reason you were scared to fall asleep at night. You tapped your pencil on the desk, waiting for the clock to sound off the bells so you could go home as soon as possible. You’ve been able to avoid Ashton so far this school day. It would be great if it was all day. And yet, the minutes ticked into hours it felt like. Your head was getting dizzy and your lungs filled with anxiety. Anticipation. “So, can anyone review what Newton’s First Law is?” Your teacher trailed on, pacing from one side of the black board to the other like usual. “Y/N?” You snapped back into reality and you were just about to say the answer when the bell rung and the students were dismissed. You rushed to your locker, opening it and grabbing your backpack. You slammed your locker shut and rushed out of the school doors. You were in such a hurry that you ran into someone and it felt like being smacked with a bunch of bricks. You looked up and to your horror you saw Ashton staring down at you with something unreadable in his eyes. “Anyway Ash. Catch ya later!” His friends said and walked away. You tried to do the same but you were stopped and pushed against the red bricked wall. He had a smirk playing on his face. “Y/L/N. Where do you think you’re going?” “Umm-” You started and he cut you off. “Meet me at the bleachers. 8 o’ clock.“ He said and walked away. You stared after him in awe. -What was that?- You asked yourself. You weren’t sure if this was a prank or not. But, you couldn’t really risk it, you had to go. God knows what he would do if you didn’t show up and it wasn’t a prank. You called your mom to have you picked up and waited. Soon, you went home and decided that you might as well get dressed into something you could sneak out in. “7:10… let’s go…” You whispered to yourself. Your mom had already gone to work and your dad is probably sleeping from night work. You opened your window and shut off your light. You swung one leg after the other out of the window, stepping on the side of the house for some leverage. You jumped down and did a little roll thing so it would hurt less when you landed. You then stood up casually and walked to school, briefly mentally and physically preparing yourself for whatever Ashton had planned. You got there in about 20 minutes and headed to the bleachers. 28 minutes early. “You actually came…?” You heard Ashton say from the shadows as you got closer to the bleachers you saw his body outlined by a little light from the football field.
“Yeah. Why did you want me here?” You were now about a foot away from him and you noticed how much he towered over you. “I- well… I was just going to tell you that I’m really sorry. I was just teasing you and it was funny. And then you cried. And that hurt. I hurt you for five years… I’m really sorry Y/N.” He sounded sincere. But you were suspicious and remaining so. Until the liar can be proven other wise. “You say that. But you don’t really mean it.” You looked at him and stayed skeptical. “I really do Y/N. I’d do anything to make it up to you.” At this point you were having conflicts with yourself. Trust him? He never gave you a chance to trust him before. What if he’s lying? You stayed quiet and looked at the grass beneath your shoes. “Y/N, if you aren’t going to accept my apology then at least know that I really am sorry.“ There was something different in his eyes, like almost a hurt colour that shone in his chocolate brown eyes. You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Fine. I accept your apology.” “Really?!” Wow, boy did he say that with enthusiasm. You smiled and nodded. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He did the unthinkable and grabbed your waist to pull you into a tight hug. You awkwardly hugged him back and he let go. You two were inches apart now and were making direct eye contact. “I have to go, Ashton. I’ll talk to you tomorrow at school?” “Okay Y/N… Do you need a ride?” He asked and stepped away from you. You shook your head. “Goodnight Ashton…” You turned on your heel and quickly made your way to your house. You struggled making your way through your bedroom window, but surprisingly made it in without making a lot of noise. You closed your window and went immediately to sleep. —————–
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savemeirwin · 9 years ago
I’d Save You Anytime - Ashton Irwin
Requested: anonymous yes
Content Warning: not much
Word Count: 1023
Author: Kris
You wanted something different tonight, something fun not the usual stay in and watch movies, or suffer tumblr. You wanted excitement, you wanted to get into trouble. But how in the world were you gonna do that if you knew nothing about that type of life.
You knew your best friend was going out to a party. You were always invited to go along about you always declined. But not tonight you were gonna have a taste of what was new.
Texting Y/BFF for a ride your phone rings.
" Hey Ash." You answer your phone.
" What are you doing?" He asks sweetly.
" About to go to a party? And you?"
" What but you hate parties." He says.
" I know but I'm just bored."
" Then come over to my house." He says you hear the hunk of the horn walking to the window you see your bff waving at you.
" Ashton they're here." You say grabbing your flannel.
" You're weird. Call me if you need me." He says and hangs up.
" Hurry up." B/F/N yells.
You walk out and you could tell they were already hungry for tonight. Knowing that this wasn't such a great idea made you feel rebellious. Sitting in the car you can smell the beer lingering in their mouths. You look at your phone and Ashton text says " Having fun." You ignore it and watch your friends.
" I can't believe you are actually coming out tonight." Y/BFF/N says looking at you from the front seat.
" Yeah me too." You say smiling awkwardly at her other friends.
" It's a college party." Y/BFF/N says smirking.
" What."
" Yeah." Says the girls next to you.
I exhale and look out the window. College party means its gonna be crazy as what you see on tv. Once you get to the party, Y/BFF and her so called friends all go separate ways. Leaving you at the front door to defend yourself.
Your phone rings. Ashtons name appears and you smile.
" Hey." You say.
" Having fun." He asks.
" Yesss. Totally." You say sarcastically.
" Liar." He says.
Its nearly midnight and the only thing you have done at the party is talk to Ashton. The party starts to is get louder and wild. College guys playing intense Beer Pong, a cloud of smoke above the stoners on the couch. You walk outside with a red cup in hand and Ashton on your phone. You listen to him yell at Michael.
" Can you maybe pick me up?" You whisper in the phone.
" What." He says Michael yelling in the background.
" Nothing." You reply. Though you wanted him to pick you up, you didn't want the I told you so from Ashton.
" I gotta call you back Michael's being I dick!" Ashton says before you could say yeah he hangs up.
You look around this new place, a bunch of kids trying to be people who they weren't. You look at your lock screen 12:56 am. Then back at the party. You walk through the party getting more irritated as a guy tries to hit on you.
" Cops!" Some kid yells which puts the whole place in a panic. Everyone seemed to ran, bumping you and pushing you out of the way. You walked out the side door, looking for your best friend. The car was gone, but your best friend sat on the floor.
The cop yelled and people were being arrested for underage drinking. Red cup in hand you look at the brown liquid that you never put to your lips. You quickly toss it away and look for the car you came in. You see your best friend sitting in the grass, so run to her and grab her.
" Y/N oh man I thought you left." She says.
" Shhh."
You guys start to walk away, a little afraid your hope no ones stops you. This wasn't the thrill you were seeking for tonight.
" I'm sort of drunk but not really." Your Best Friend says.
" I'm not." You say.
When you feel like you've gotten far you call the only person who could save you.
" Y/N!!!" Ashton yells.
You turn around and see Ashton honking his horn with Michael's bright red head sticking out of the car window. You ran to the car, your best friend beside you.
" Hey don't move!" A cop yells. So you dont move.
" Get in the car!" Michael yells.
You move.
" I said dont move." The cop yells you freeze, Y/BFF/N grabs your arm but you're too shocked you don't move with her as she gets into the car.
" What are you doing! GET IN THE CAR." Ashton yells.
" Sorry!" You yell jumping into the back seat.
" Go! Go!" Michael yells. Ashton drives off.
" What the fuck they arent even chasing us! WHAT I LET DOWN!" Michael shouts.
" Thank you." You tell him.
" No problem." He says.
" Fuck that's a lot of cops though." Michael says as his head is still turned to the party.
The car ride was full of Ashton's spotify playlist and of Michael yelling at his Nintendo DS. Ashton dropped off Michael first.
" You know I was worried about you like all night." He says looking at you through the rear mirror.
" I'm sorry." You tell him.
" Like really worried that I drove passed the party like 2 times." He said chuckling a little.
" Why didnt you save me earlier." You say.
" Cause you didnt ask to be saved." He says.
" I did." You say.
" I know I heard you." He says smiling hard.
When you reach your house, Ashton helps you take your best friend up to your room. Trying not to make so much noise as your parents are sleeping.
When your best friend crawls into your bed. You look at Ashton.
" You look pretty." He says pulling the hair out of your face.
He never did this and it made your stomach drop. You had like him for a long time.
" Thank you." You say dropping you head he picks it up and kisses your lips.
" I'd save you anytime."
-I dont know what a crazy night is lol because I always stay home writing or drawing theses dudes. thanks for reading -KRIS
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spideypoolstark · 9 years ago
"Take my money" me @ 5sos when they release new shit
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lucas-hammings96 · 10 years ago
Single Dad!Ash (for Maddy)
buzz. buzz. Silence. buzz. buzz. Silence. You sigh and make a fist to knock on the front door when you hear a noise from inside the big house. “Coming!” A thick accent yells and you hear steps coming closer and a baby crying. “Hi.” A man with fluffy hair and a big smile greets you. You look down and see baby vomit on his green sweater and food on the baby’s face. “Hello!” you smile and reach a hand out to shake. “You must be Maddy?” “Yes. Good to meet you, Mr. Irwin; is it?” “Yes. Thank you so much for coming on such short notice.” He says loudly over the baby crying. “It’s no problem, really. And who’s this!?” You reach for the two-year old and she stops crying and looks surprised. “This is Amelia, and she likes you haha. Why don’t you come in?” He asks and hands over his daughter. You walk into his home and see a young boy about seven years old sitting on the floor building with Legos. “Riley, this is Miss Maddy, and she’ll be keeping an eye on you and your sister tonigh-“ “I know, daddy. Another babysitter.” He speaks as if he’s older than he is; not looking up from his creation. “Well then.” Mr. Irwin says and brushes his hands on his already dirty sweater. “I think I’ll head upstairs to wash up for my date tonight. Again, thank you so much!” he walks upstairs quickly. You decide to sit on the couch, after getting a cloth from the kitchen to wipe off Amelia’s face. “So, you like Legos?” you ask the boy in front of you. “Yes. I really like them.” “Me too! I used to build-“ “My daddy’s upstairs so I can say this: you don’t have to be worried, we’ve had many sitters before. My daddy goes out with pretty girls sometimes but they’re not my mommy. I want my mommy to come home, but daddy says she can’t.” Shocked, you struggle to gather the words for a sentence, “I’m not nervous, you two seem like great kids! I’m sorry about your mommy, I hope your daddy finds a good woman though, he seems nice.” “She has a new husband now.” “I’m really sorry about that, Riley.” You frown; this poor family. “It’s okay Miss Maddy,” he smiles, “We are a happy family.” You smile and brush some of Amelia’s hair out of her face and she giggles. “How do I look?” a strong voice says from the top of the stairs. Mr. Irwin makes his way down the steps and stops at the bottom. Wearing loose, yet fitting dark jeans, a light blue button up, under a grey sweater and dress boots; he looks way better than in vomit. “Well I like you better without baby throw-up on your shirt.” you giggle. “I felt it wasn’t that casual of a date.” he laughs. “You look great, Mr. Irwin. She’s one lucky girl.” you smile and stand up from the couch with Amelia on your hip. “Why, thank you.” he smiles. After an awkward silence for a few seconds he claps his hands together and leads you into the kitchen. “Her bottle is in the fridge, formula instructions are on the box, but I’ve already fed her so I doubt you’ll need to make more than what’s in the fridge. Riley knows where his snacks are, uh, no tv after 9, school tomorrow; and-uh…I think you’re all set. It’s 7:43 now so-oh shit!” He gasps and covers his mouth with his hands after cursing. You look at him wide-eyed and Amelia laughs at her daddy’s embarrassed face. “That’s a dollar!” Riley says from the floor. “I know, bud. Thank you.” he blushes and places one in a jar. “Anyway, I’m running late, I should be home by 10:30-ish and, as you just heard, NO cursing!” he laughs and heads to the front door. You can’t help but smile at his embarrassment, he was so cute-Uh oh, you thought to yourself. “Goodbye! See you in a little. Bye Riley, bye Amelia. Love you both very much.” and he leaves.
After a few hours of TV, burning popcorn, taking silly selfies on Mr. Irwin’s iPad, and a few tickle fights, the kids begin to settle down and you put on Nemo to watch together. Amelia falls asleep soon and you carry her to her crib in her room. Riley complains about being tired and walks himself to his room and you tuck him in. When you come back downstairs, you hear a door close and see Mr. Irwin walk in and pull his sweater off roughly and toss it on the couch. You stop mid-way down the stairway. He sits on the couch and runs his hands through his hair, frustratedly. “I take it it didn’t go too well?” You continue down the stairs and pause at the bottom of the stairs. “It started off well; she was funny, thought i was too. She was beyond beautiful and her laugh pulled me in. But there weren’t many things we held in common. The spark was missing. But that all could have changed after more dates but there’s always one thing about me that is a turn off for women.” he paused and you wandered what the hell was wrong with these women, from what you’ve learned about him so far, he seems like an amazing person. “My kids.” You felt your heart break as his voice cracked. He stood up and walked to the back porch, opening the door and walking out on it. “No woman wants a man who has kids from a previous marriage.” “That’s ridiculous.” you say under your breath. “What?” “I said that’s stupid. I’m not sure what women you’ve been seeing or where and how you meet them, but you should start looking elsewhere.” “I don’t follow.” he turns to you. “Well obviously the woman you need HAS to accept the fact that you’re divorced with kids. And that should not be a determining factor in a relationship. Those women may be beautiful and perfect on paper but they’re obviously shallow if they haven't even attempted to try and meet your children; and trust me they’re awesome kids!” “How do you know I'm divorced?” he comes closer. “Riley likes to talk.” you nervously say, realizing you know more than he wanted you to know. “I’m sorry i should just leave-” you turn to go back inside. “No.” you turn back around to see him looking you up and down. “Yes, I am divorced. She was having an affair and I found her in our bed with another man. I took the kids and left immediately. Amelia was only a couple of months old at the time and Riley was too young to understand what was happening, but old enough to get to know and love his mom. I gained full custody of them both within the last year and my ex is now married to that other man. It was difficult, but we moved on and the three of us are happy, but I date actually mostly for them, for a mommy for them.” he looks down and puts his hands in his pockets, shrugging his shoulders at the last part. You try to take in all that he’s told you, mentally screaming because of that thick accent. It takes you a minute to respond and he notices. “I’m sorry, that was way too much-“ he smiles and puts a hand on his forehand. “No, no. It’s totally fine. Thank you for telling me that,” you look up and meet his stare again, those attractive eyes shimmering at you, “I think you’re way too good for those women. They don’t deserve another thought if they don’t want the whole package along with you.” “You’re right. I need to start looking elsewhere.” he steps closer, inches away from your face. Looking down at your lips and back up to your eyes, he looks deep into your eyes for permission. You feel the heat creeping up your neck and onto your cheeks. Looking away from his gaze, you say “Thank you, Mr. Irwin for the opportunity to work-“ “Ashton.” he says softly. “What?” “Call me Ashton.” he says even softer. “Right, Mr. Irw- I mean Mr. Ash-I mean Ashton. I think I should, um,” you lock eyes for the like hundredth time tonight and think to yourself what the hell are you waiting for? kiss him! No you work for him. So!? you could WORK for him. your conscious winks at you. “Why such the hurry?” his accent becomes thicker, if possible and he brings his hand to your lower back. “Mr. Irwin- I” “Ashton.” he softly corrects and pulls you into him, placing the other hand on the side of your neck. Leaning in, he meets your lips and slowly kisses you. Your eyes close quickly and you kiss back. Hot damn what a kisser. He slips his tongue into your mouth and moves his hand to your side and lower back, pulling you closer. Your hands move to his neck and tug on his soft curls at the base of his neck. Pulling back, he breathes then moves to your neck, and a soft moan escapes your mouth and both his hands grip your hips as he smirks into the rough kisses. He sucks on your skin then runs his tongue over the already bruising skin. “Ashton.” you gasp when you nips at your collarbone. He pulls away and takes your hand, pulling you inside, closing the door quickly. Kissing you again in front of the couch, his hand cups your ass and he bites your lower lip. You grab and start unbuttoning his shirt; sliding it off of his arms, still locked at the lips. He lifts you up to sit on the edge of the back of the couch and your hands run over his toned upper body, tracing tattoos you never imagined him to have. “Bedroom?” you say, out of breath. “I can’t make it there. Couch” he says blatantly, slipping your shirt over your head and you stand, pulling your leggings off and tossing them to the side. Thank God I shaved my legs; you think. He walks you around to the front of the couch and you take charge, pushing him gently down on the couch and climbing on top; straddling his waist. You catch your breath and start tracing his muscles again. “Excited, are we, Mr. Irwin?” you smirk and cup his hard-on through his jeans; earning a low groan when you remove your hand. You start to unbuckle his belt and he helps you remove his jeans. You bring your lips to his again and sit yourself on him. The friction of the thin fabric between each other makes you both moan. You start to move back and forth, agonizingly too slow for his liking. “Dammit, Maddy. You fucking tease.” he grabs your hips and moves you faster, but you fight him, wanting to make this as long and as pleasurable as possible for the both of you. He sits up and pushes you back, placing you on your back. “Two can play at this game, darling.” his accent is super thick and his voice is low and full of lust. He slips two fingers into your underwear and starts rubbing your sex slowly. “Oh, Ashton. Faster.” you moan and he smiles, going even slower than before but applying more pressure. One finger slips inside you, followed by another. He starts slowly pumping his hand in and out, building your orgasm. “Oh my god, I’m gonna-“ “Not yet, baby girl.” he stops his movements and pulls your panties off completely, along with unclasping your bra. Kissing you again roughly, he massages your breasts with one hand and rubs your inner thigh with the other; so close to your burning sex. When you both pull away from the kiss you get off the couch and sit on your knees on the carpet, grabbing the hem of his boxers and pulling them down and off, tossing them somewhere with the rest of your and his clothing. He whimpers a bit when you touch him gently, rising up to meet his member, eye-level. You look up at him and notice his darker than before eyes, filled with lust. You look him in the eyes as you slowly take him into your mouth, he’s fucking huge don’t choke you idiot. You grab him at the base of his shaft and move yourself on and off, bobbing your head. “Ohh fuck, Maddy.” he throws his head back and groans, grabbing your hair out of your face. “Thats another dollar, baby.” you say, pulling him out of your mouth. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, babe, that’s 2 quarters.” he groans and pushes himself back into you. You pick up the pace and he moans loudly and deeply; turning you on. “Stop, stop stop.” he huffs and you pull away. “I need to finish in you, damn you’re good at that.” you smirk and he lays you back. Kissing you on your lips, cheeks, neck; marking his territory, moving down to your collarbones, in between your breasts, and along your stomach. You tangle your fingers in his soft curly hair as he moves lower and lower; towards where you need him the most. He gives you a single kiss, “It’s an Australian kiss; down under.” he giggles to himself and lightens the intense mood. He rolls on a condom and kisses you roughly, bringing back the lust. He opens his eyes and looks right into yours as he slides into you slowly, groaning loudly; louder than your gasp as you take in his large size. “Ashton-oh my g-“ You finish in a high moan as he starts moving slowly. “Stop the damn teasing, faster.” you whine. He agrees, needing this as much as you do. He thrusts hard and fast, quickening his pace. “Oh, oh oh, OH!” you yell as he hits the perfect angle. Biting his lip, he re-creates that angle to give you the most pleasure. “You feel so fucking good, baby girl.” he says in your ear deeply. “Keep talking to me, Ashton.” you whine and bite your lip as he moves faster. “Since I first saw you at my front door, I’ve been thinking of how much I wanted to kiss your beautiful lips. Even at dinner I thought of you. And on the porch, that lighting made your ass look so fucking good. Maddy, you feel so fucking good.” He breathes heavily. “Oh, baby I’m close.” “And i made you stop calling me Mr. Irwin because it only made me imagine you whimpering that as I slammed into you over,” he slammed hard, “and over,” he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder to increase the angle of his thrusts, “and over.” he pushes harder into you. “Ashton, Im-“ “Hang on baby girl.” he clenches his eyes shut and his thrusts become sloppy but faster. “Mr. Irwin,” you basically cry out loudly, reaching your climax and scratching your nails down his muscular back. “Holy fuck, yeah that did it.” he groans and you feel him twitch inside you, releasing into the condom. The two of you rode out your orgasms and he kissed you roughly as his thrusts became sloppy. He pulls out and ties off the full condom and throws it away. Ashton then lies on top of you and rests his head in the crook of your neck; grabbing a blanket to cover the two of you on the couch. You run your fingers through his damp hair and close your eyes with a smile. Suddenly, you two awake to the pitter-patter of small footsteps stopping at the top of the stairs. “Daddy! Are you okay!?” Amelia asks. “I’m fine, sweetie.” he giggles. “Are you okay, Miss Maddy?” she asks. “Yes Amelia I’m fine, go back to bed now, darling.” “Okay!” she goes back to her room. Ashton looks up at you and you both laugh a little. “You were right, I should’ve looked for you since the beginning.” “And you owe that cursing jar $9.00” you wink. “You counted?” “Of course, it was hot.” You both laugh a bit and cuddle close until sunrise.
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savemeirwin · 9 years ago
Copy Cat Irwin
Requested: Yessssssss
Content Warning: nahh its just too cute :) 
Word Count: 483
Note: This is the first imagine I’ve done hope you like it!!
Author: New bee Kris x
“ Are you ready?” Ash said looking at you smirking.
“ Of course.” You say trying hard to hide your nerves. He smiles at you.
“ It’s gonna be fine.” He tells you. “ It only hurts a lot.”
“ Ashton you’re the worst.” You tell him and he hugs you.
“ Y/N you’re gonna be fine. You’ve been wanting this for a long time. Now that I got time off tour I thought why not today.” Ashton says.
“ I know and thank you.” You tell him and you hug his arm as you guys talk to the tattoo shop.
“ What are you getting?” You ask him and he shrugs.
“ I cant decided on a tramp stamp or a sun around my belly button.” He says looking at you.
“ You have to be kidding.” You say laughing.
“ Of course.”
“ Well whats it gonna be. Matching tattoos??” You ask smile ear to ear.
“ Hmmmm depends.” He says.
You guys get to the shop and your super nervous. Ashton kisses your forehead and opens the door.
“ Ash!” The artists say.
“ Hey guys.” He yells and walks over to his friends he shakes hand and then pulls you close to him.
“ This is Y/N.” He tells them and the all introduce themselves to you. “ She’s the girlfriend.”
You awkwardly wave at them and take a deep breath.
“ Hey I’m Hannah.” One of the artist’s says. “ I’ll be tattooing you today.”
“ Hi.” You say and Hannah walks you over to her work. You fall in love with everything and want everything.
You decide to go with a ying yang with an arrow through it. Ashton comes by and takes a look at your sketched tattoo.
“ That is sick.” He says.
“ I love it.” You say.
Hannah proceeds to go on and place the tattoo sketch on and begins tattooing. You hold your breath and the needle hits your skin. The pain is bearable. You guys talk about Ashton and his touring and her art and about how you met Ashton.
When you get home you realize you never saw what Ashton got, you were to busy in love with your tattoo.
“ Ashton what did you get?” You say looking up from your tattoo.
“ Nothing much.” He says.
“ Where did you get?”
“ Same spot as yours.” He says shrugging like its nothing.
“ Well what is it?” You ask again eager.
“ Come here.” He says smiling.
He pulls up his sleeve and the visible art work shows, he was twinning the same symbol as yours in the same spot.
You feel you cheeks go hot red and Ashton smiles wildly. You run your hand over the plastic wrap around his tattoo.
“ You know Y/N since I tour way too much and I miss you. I feel like with these matching tattoos that your closer to me.” He says with a blank face and biting his lip he kisses you.
“ You’re so corny.” You say biting your lip you kiss his lips.
“ But somehow you love it.” He says kissing you this time.
– I’m not very good with grammar and stuff so I apologize for an error I have done. But hope you find this cute. –
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5soswishes · 10 years ago
You think he’s going to hit you (requested)
You didn’t ask for a specific boy so I’m just gonna do Ash because I’m feeling it k thanks for requesting x
“Oh my God Ashton he’s a friend! The fact that you’d ever think I would be cheating on you makes me question this whole relationship! I love you so much it hurts, can you not see that?” You shouted at your boyfriend. Someone had tweeted him a picture with you and one of your best guy friends, and it had absolutely blown up. You had known this guy since kindergarten and the friendship was a hundred per cent platonic. 
“But he’s kissing your cheek, Y/N! Do you not get it? Being in this sort of relationship, where we’re so often apart, we have to be honest and able to trust each other! You make me sick, Y/N,” Ashton spat. He was furious, you’d never seen him this mad before.
“Ashton for fucks sake, you can trust me! I’m telling you, there’s never ever been anything romantic between us, he’s kissing my cheek because he had had a lot to drink and we were having a good time out with old friends, he gets very loving when he’s drunk! I can’t believe you, Ashton, please get out,” you said, pointing at the door. Ashton shot his hand up, and you jumped back covering your face, scared he was going to hurt you, but when you looked up again his hand was in his hair.
“What?” he said.
“I ... I thought you were going to hit me,” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes. The look he gave you made your heart shatter.
“Are you serious? I would never hit you, Y/N. Please don’t ever think that. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry,” he stuttered, slowly stepping forward, touching your cheek. “I’m an ass, I love you so much please just don’t-” he wasn’t able to finish his sentence before he burst out crying.
“Ashton it’s okay, don’t worry please I’m sorry it was just a misunderstanding,” you tried to calm him down, rubbing his arms. “Hey, look at me. Ashton,” you said as you swept his hair away from his face. “I love you. Let’s not fight over this.” He nodded and slowly leaned in to kiss away your tears as you used your thumbs to wipe away his. 
Why am I crying
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obsessedwithsauce · 10 years ago
Please Don't Leave Me (Ashton)
Request: can you plz do an imagine were you are with Ashton and you guys have been friends with each other for a long time, but this is right before he got famous and he's about to go ok your with 1D and you guys promise to be friends forever and you have a really emotional goodbye at the airport. You didn't want him to go but you knew that you would have to let him go at some point. Not having your best friend around 24/7 was going to be hard but you knew that this was an amazing opportunity for him. His band was getting more and more popular and they were about to go on tour with One Direction. You knew what was to come when he left, sleepless nights, lonely days. Even though it was selfish, you wanted him to stay here. Today was the day, he was leaving to go to America and you had to force yourself not to cry. You had arrived at the airport and you wanted the walk to the entrance to be endless. Ashton's arm was resting on your shoulders and it took awhile to sink in that this would be the last time for a while that u would be this close to him. "Y/N...Look at me, it's not that long, it's only 6 months." You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes and you let one escape by mistake, "Babe please don't cry, I don't want to see you upset, your too beautiful to cry. Listen...You will always be my best friend no matter what, I love you and I promise I will speak to you as much as I can." Before you could say anything, you were wrapped in Ashton's arms, trying to soak up his scent so you wouldn't forget it, "Ash...Please don't leave me, I know I joke around saying that I don't need you but I do." You managed to choke out the words but it made you cry even more, "I will be back before you know it Y/N and it will be like I never left." He was now crying and you could tell that even though he was so excited to be leaving, it saddened him that he wouldn't get to see you everyday, "I love you Ash." You stepped away from him but he pulled you back as if he needed to savour the moment even more, "I love you too Y/N, I won't forget about you I promise, best friends forever." He kissed your forehead and you looked up at him, taking a picture of him with your mind, "Forever." He walked away looking back every so often, waving and smiling. Yes, you were going to miss him but you knew that your best friend was living the dream and you were so happy for him. a/n: here it is then, I actually got quite emotional writing this even though it is probably shit!
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