#ashton and bryana
Shower Sex Masterlist
A long hard fuck, you say? (Muke smut) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: Michael and Luke have shower sex, that's pretty much all you need to know
feels like i’m dreaming but i’m not sleeping (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 29k
Summary: “But saying that out loud is just..” the blonde boy trails off, his voice weakened and unsteady, “Makes me feel kind of pathetic, I guess.” “Pathetic?” Calum parrots, “Therapy isn’t just for people who have issues, Luke. I have patients who just like to tell me about their life because they want to. You have this preconceived notion that therapy is only for broken people.”
or, luke has too many problems but calum doesn’t mind them.
his only reason (ao3) - theonlyreason michael/luke T, 9k
Summary: there's a reason why 'the only reason' was gender-neutral
In The Dark (Like Meteorites) (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum/ashton E, 26k
Summary: Ashton falls for Calum at a nightclub, and then for Calum's boyfriend, too.
I Wouldn't Know What to Say If I Had You (ao3) - bitscrawford (orphan_account) luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: “Can’t we just… shower together or sumthin’?”
Ashton’s brow furrows and he turns to look at Luke. “Are you serious?”
“Can’t two bros shower together without it being gay?”
Kinky (ao3) - wastedheartmuke michael/luke M, 43k
Summary: While moving into their new apartment, Luke finds a list of kinks Michael wants to try.
Seems like vanilla sex isn't enough for his boyfriend, but is Luke willing to try some kinky things?
Kissing And Touching Like No One Else (Do You Say That I'm A Sweetheart?) (ao3) - Migs luke/calum E, 1k
Summary: "Hi baby." Calum whispers as he joins Luke under the steaming hot shower, sneaking his arms under Luke's armpits as he hugs the blond from behind. His cock nestles perfectly between the plush globes when the blond arches his back towards the touch.
"Hi." Luke smiles as he turns his head sideways so that Calum can kiss his cheek.
OR: Cake shower sex
Like A Virgin (Touched For The Very First Time) (ao3) - DontGetTooCloseItsDarkInside michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: "So I have a head canon that Mikey was a bottom back in 2011 when he lost his virginity to Luke. Can you have them just like non stop fucking? Like Michael realizes he has feeling for Luke and after months of pining from the both of them Michael finally loses his virginity to Luke and they don't stop having sex for like daaaays!"
Lost Hearts (ao3) - CliffordAffliction ot4 E, 177k
Summary: Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael live in four different worlds in high school and each one of them is in love with someone who loves someone else. This can’t possibly end well…or can it?
So Much Better (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton, michael/luke, bryana/ashton N/R, 84k
Summary: This is good, good for Ashton. He works so hard, always taking care of the boys, he deserves someone who will take his mind off of things, even for a couple of hours to get coffee. Maybe it’ll make him better, and by extension, the band better. Maybe Bryana is a good thing for everyone. Yet, even now, as Calum tries to think of how great Bryana could be for Ashton, he can’t help but think that he would be so much better.
Or the one where Calum and Ashton have been Friends With Benefits for years, and Calum thought his feelings for Ashton were simply sexual until Bryana came into the picture.
that’s why you like it (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum E, 69k
Summary: Calum starts doing workouts in the garden over the summer and Michael spends the whole time with his hand down his pants (until Calum takes matters into his own hands).
The Way You Take Away My Breath (ao3) - dracomalfloy michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Michael accidentally reveals to the world that he and Luke shower together
Tie That Binds - @ashtcnirwin (elivigar) E, 98k
Summary: In which Luke wants to explore miscellaneous kinks and Ashton strikes him as a good candidate to do said exploring with with.
Touchy Feely (ao3) - sammyswagstar ot4 E, 9k
Summary: The fic with demisexual Michael and ot4 that no one asked for. Michael gets handsy in the shower with his best friends and they take advantage of him, before they all get their happy ending. Pun intended?
Where You Go, I'll Follow (ao3) - fourdrunksluts, reversecow calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 211k
Summary: This story follows Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton on their journey to self-discovery. Through first loves, heartbreaks, and friendship, this is the behind the scenes of what the cameras didn't show through the years. 
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sleekervae · 10 months
Yoü & I [2.5]
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A/N: You know when I was getting to the end of this chapter I had Madelaine Kahn's "I'm Tired" from Blazing Saddles lol. But thanks for your patience, I'm happy to have some more breakthroughs in my writer's block ☺️
Warnings: some depression, slight angst, practical jokes
Charlotte's next song came pretty easily over the next week. Aside from the previous one she showed Kimberly -- titled 'Empty' -- for the first few days on the road Charlotte sat in her bunk, plucking way at her guitar and scribbling down all the misgivings she was feeling. It helped, it made her feel a lot better. And soon enough, she stopped being so upset with Luke.
Luke had respected her request for space as the tour progressed from the outer cities of New York and into Virginia. But they were still polite to each other, they sat together at breakfast and would goof off with their friends in the bus. But he never pried into her mindset, he didn't push her to do anything. He could see her beacon was burning out but he was determined to keep her lit for as long as possible. He wouldn't intrude, but he would support her. 
The girls were heartbroken to learn of Ashton and Bryana's breakup. It was a mutual thing, kept relatively quiet. Nevertheless, Ashton put a brave smile on, assuring his friends that he would be okay. There'd be other girlfriends, for sure, but it was still a sad feat. The girls especially loved Bryana, who was the polar opposite of Melody. 
Chloe however seemed to score in the dating pool. Passing through Syracuse, Chloe had caught the eye of an adorable young woman at a ramen restaurant. Eva was a college student, a little shorter than Chloe with dark, close-cropped hair and a smile that -- according to Chloe -- radiated sunshine and daisies. Chloe was so captivated by Eva that she didn't realize her wonton slipped off her spoon and splattered into her bowl, sending soup everywhere. 
"Dammit, Chloe!" Kimberly snapped, she and the girls grabbing a multitude of napkins to clean the mess.
However, Chloe wasn't all too concerned with a wonton soup spill. It was only when Maria noticed the drummer was throwing heart eyes that she urged Chloe to go talk to her.
"Go introduce yourself," she urged.
"No way," Chloe replied urgently, "She watched me bomb the table with soup,"
"That's one of the more forgivable things you've done," Kimberly said, earning her a swift under-the-table kick from Charlotte.
"What Kimberly meant is you won't ever know if you don't try. Besides," Charlotte turned to the young woman sat two tables behind them, "She's giving you Hallmark eyes," 
"Go to the Hallmark eyes," Kimberly nodded. 
With enough encouragement, Chloe plucked up the courage to go talk to Eva. It had turned out that Eva had tickets to see the show tonight, and that only made the smile on Chloe's face go wider. She invited her to come hang out with them afterwards, probably off to a bar or something before they'd pack up for tomorrow. 
Eva was ecstatic to meet the girls, as well as the guys from 5sos. She wasn't one to deny that she had a bit of a fangirl moment, too. But she was most captivated by Chloe the entire night, watching her galaxy ombre hair thrash as she ravaged the percussion. The two girls spent the entire night talking, discussing everything from the worlds' politics to what toppings they preferred on their ice cream. Chloe never wanted the night to end.
Regardless to say, Chloe was sad to leave Syracuse the next day. However, Eva had given Chloe her number and told her to keep in touch. Chloe had a huge smile on her face the entire bus ride to Darien. 
Charlotte was glad at least two of her girls were finding luck in the romance department. She had some suspicions about Maria and Calum. Just before they set off on the road, a photo of the pair had been published to some gossip fad website. Calum and Maria definitely spent the day together at Venice Beach, looking cozier than the girls would've expected. But when asked about it, Maria played it off as just her and a friend hanging out. Calum was the same when approached by the guys. 
Tonight the bands were playing in Holmdel: the Hamptons of New Jersey -- as Maria so lovingly referred to. In the ten days the tour had been on the road, Charlotte had completed another song, entitled 'Good to be Alive'. Despite its optimistic title, the themes and words were more sardonic and polarizing, a reflection of where Charlotte felt she stood: she was happy to be alive, but right now her life kind of sucked. So, what else was there to do accept turn her misery into music?
It wasn't all just misery for Charlotte, however. She suspected the boys were up to no good. When she and the girls came crashing through the green room they were all huddled together, looking rather suspicious as they sprung apart suddenly, trying to come off as natural.
"What's the ploy?" Maria asked, coming to plop down on the couch. 
"We were talking about what we're gonna' do for Luke's birthday," Michael replied. Luke scowled over at him. 
Chloe's face lit up, "Hey! That's right! The baby is twenty in six days!" she awed at Luke. Luke pouted and folded his arms like a child.
"I'm not a baby," he muttered. 
"Oh, it's okay, honey," Kimberly smirked, "You just won't get wrinkles as fast as Ashton, is all,"
"Hey!" Ashton protested, "What did I ever do to you?" Kimberly just stuck her tongue out at him. 
Charlotte sat on the arm rest of the couch, dressed in ripped baggy jeans, fish nets, and a Ramones shirt she clearly cut at the waist to turn into a crop top. She smiled at Luke.
"So, what are we doing for your birthday?" she asked coyly.
Luke huffed, "Trying to convince Harry to change the dates in Canada so I could at least have a drink," he sighed.
"Oh, yeah. We're in Canada tomorrow," she thought aloud.
"We're in Camden on his birthday," Michael said. 
"Ah yes, Camden," Maria nodded, "The Jersey of New Jersey,"
"Why are you shitting on Camden?" Calum asked.
Charlotte snorted, "You've clearly never been to Camden," 
"What does that mean?" Luke asked. 
"Just don't wear your jewelry and nice watches, is all," Kimberly warned. 
There was a sudden swift knocking at the door, "Capers! Ten minutes!" the stage manager hollered.
Chloe groaned, "Ugh, already?"
"Come on, ladies," Maria urged, waving her hand at the boys, "We've got to set the bar for these losers," 
"You wish," Ashton snickered.
"Have a good show!" Michael called happily.
"Break a leg!" Calum piped after.
"Avoid the projectiles!" Luke said. 
Charlotte glanced cautiously at the four boys before they all filed out, an uneasy feeling sitting within her.
"Those eggheads are up to something," Kimberly surmised.
"Oh, good. You guys feel it, too," Charlotte said. 
"Like he said," Maria huffed, "Watch out for flying projectiles,"
Luke had cracked open a can of coke as he watched the girls from the wings. He couldn't help but smile when he heard his favourite part of 'E.V.O.L' so sardonically sung by Charlotte. That -- and watch the way she danced in those jeans.
Charlotte had her focus on the roaring fans she she broke into the post-chorus, bending down and crouching at the front row as she sang,
"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker, Every kiss you give me makes me sicker, A day in the dark, a day in a cloud of gloom, yeah"
From the corner of her eye she saw Luke and couldn't help the giddy smirk that spread over her face. She turned to him as she sang into the mic,
"I look at you, you look at me. Milk and roses, squeaky clean, Well, you're the best I've ever seen... and what!?" she turned the mic at the audience, who sang back perfectly, 
"That's fucking right!" 
Luke couldn't help it, he always felt electrified watching Charlotte perform. He'd be standing on that stage in less than an hour but there was always an element of badassery in her stage presence. She tossed the mic in the air and caught it with ease as the song went into the bridge, the tension in the theatre building slowly before the anticipated eruption of pink and roses.
"It only takes two lonely people, To fuck love up and make it evil, It only takes a drop of evil, To fuck up two beautiful people,"
Out of nowhere, Luke felt a hard tap on his shoulder. He jumped, but relaxed when he saw it was only Michael. He had on a Ninja Turtle beanie, complete with eyeholes for the mask. 
"You ready mate? 'Sex' is next," he said.
Luke grinned mischievously at the matching Ninja Turtle beanie in his hands, nodding enthusiastically as he pulled it over his head.
"Let's do it,"
Charlotte drank a bit more water when the song finished, Chloe towelled off her sweaty neck and Kimberly tuned her guitar for 'Sex Yeah' coming up next. 
Maria, feeling especially cocky, called for the entire theatre's attention, "Hey guys," she spoke confidently into the mic, garnering the rest of the band's attention, "Who am I?"
She started playing her guitar to 'She Looks So Perfect', bouncing and jumping similarly to how Michael would play. The crowd went ecstatic.
"Perfect likeness!" Charlotte said into the mic, glancing back at the wings. Luke had disappeared.
Kimberly then joined in on bass, prompting Charlotte and Chloe to happily join in on their respective ends and do an impromptu cover of SLSP. Charlotte moved and acted how she'd seen Luke do on stage: awkward and tall,
"Simmer down, simmer down, They say we're too young now to amount to anything else, But look around, We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now, If you don't swim, you'll drown, Don't move --"
"HONEY!" the crowd finished, then went on to sing the chorus without the band.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Chloe said into her mic, waving her hands to pipe them down, "Wrong band guys! Wrong song!" 
"Later on," Charlotte promised, "This next one is a reminder to all of you to take sex ed seriously!"
"Wrap it before you tap it," Kimberly quickly added. 
Seconds into the song, the boys were already putting their revenge prank into action. Armed with screwdrivers and wrenches and expertly disguised in their Ninja Turtle beanies, they were ready to go to war.
"Could we get arrested for this?" Calum asked, semi-cautious of what kind of trouble they'd be in with maintenance and stage hands.
Ashton shook his head, "We'll get a stern talking to and that's it," he said, "Come on, they're nearly halfway,"
Catch the Caper were none the wiser as they performed 'Sex Yeah' without a hitch, jumping and having fun while also informing the public about dastardly double standards and biased gender roles in a modern society. 
"If history could set you free (from who you were supposed to be), If sex in our society (didn't tell a girl who she would be), 'Cause all my life I've tried to fight what history has given me, me"
If it wasn't obvious, the sex education the girls received in school was appalling. 
Charlotte exhaled quickly before the second verse, "If women were religiously recognized sexually," she then sauntered over to Kimberly, standing just behind her and mirroring a grab at her backside, "We wouldn't have to feel the need to show our ass-ets to feel free,"
But as pre-chorus came, the girls were stunned when four ninjas in black rushed the stage. Then they went to work and trying to dismantle Chloe's drum kit. 
"Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, Sold my soul, and yeah, the truth hurts,"
Charlotte was in shock at first, gawking and still singing word-for-word before quickly registering the 5sos guys were only trying to get cute with their set. Poor Chloe was playing the drums and trying to bat them away with her sticks. Kimberly and Maria were helpless to do anything, figuring the best they could do was keep playing. 
"Tired image of a star, acting naughtier than we -- Jesus!"
Charlotte tried to come to Chloe's rescue, batting, pushing and pulling at the boys as they got a hold of the medium tom. But she was suddenly lifted into the air and thrown over a broad shoulder. It was Luke, given the scent of familiar cologne. Charlotte's only defence mechanism was to slap his butt to ill affect as he placed her at the end of the stage, sticking his tongue out at her before running back to help his mates. She was quick to run after him but the drum had already been dismantled from the rest of the set.
"Fuck you!" Chloe shouted at the guys, though she couldn't help but be entertained by their shenanigans. The crowd just ate it up! 
The boys triumphantly carried out the medium tom; it took two of them to do it. Charlotte just followed in defeat, shaking her head at the audience as she started singing again. Even she couldn't help but have a laugh.
"'Cause all my life I've tried to fight what this fuck-er-y has given me. Oh my God,"
Maria's only coup de grace was to snatch the beanie off of Calum's head, putting it on herself before tearing back to finish the song. Luckily, the guys hadn't come back to destroy any other pieces of their set. 
That all really just happened in front of nine-thousand people.
The guys couldn't help but peak around with giddy, nervous but anticipating a raucous outburst from the girls when they'd come off stage. They meant no harm of course, and Chloe didn't pretty good considering she was short a drum. 
"Hey guys," Chloe finally spoke when the song finished, glancing at where her med tom used to be, "I think I'm missing something,"
Kimberly shook her head, "Quick! What's the natural predator of a turtle?"
"A backhand over the face," Charlotte replied sharply, jumping onto the drum platform to check on Chloe, "You okay?"
"I'm good! I got this," Chloe told her confidently, "Go be magical!"
Luckily, the rest of Catch the Caper's set finished without any more indignities. And they noticed when they came off stage that the guys had seemingly disappeared. In the dressing room they left the med tom, on the batter head was scribbled: 5SOS RULEZ!
"I hate that they wrote it with a 'z'!" Kimberly grimaced. 
"My poor drum," Chloe shook her head, "Damaged and defiled by a bunch of hooligans,"
"It's alright, Chloe," Maria assured her, "We won't let this stand," 
The guys played another excellent show, though they were all weary of an oncoming attack at any point in the night. To their surprise, the girls never tried to humiliate their set. The guys relax a little and play their show in full. 
However, they weren't expecting such quick retaliation on the Capers' part in terms of creativity. An hour and some later, after the concert had come to a close, they were shocked when they returned to their dressing room and found themselves in a bit of a drown. 
"Woah!" Michael stopped dead in his tracks but his body shouldn't repel the force of motion, and he nearly tripped into the hundreds and hundreds of little plastic cups filled with water. Luckily, Luke and Calum caught him just in time. 
"Well, this is new," Calum noted. 
Not only was the floor a square-footed slipping hazard, but all of their bags and gear were stuffed at the top on an amp -- at the other side of the room.
"This battle is not over!" Ashton declared mightily. 
"No," Luke shook his head, "But it may get a little soggy,"
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gloombeauty · 2 years
The following photos are Evan and Frances. Do you have a better version of these?
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For fucks sake, none of these are Evan Peters. It's Ashton Irwin. The girl with him is his ex-girlfriend Bryana Holly. He's the drummer for 5SOS. These pics are old. lol
I could tell from the 2nd pic that this mess is from IG.
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Never believe any of those accounts on IG. They're mostly run by teenagers. Especially the accounts obsessing about every detail of Evan's condo apt and Frances. They have fun taking a pic of someone who somewhat remotely looks like Evan and pass them off as him. You know, just to have "new pics of Evan" especially if there's a girl in the pic - it's always either Emma or Frances.
Evan is not the only guy who wears a fucking casio watch to bed. lol
Hope that answers your question. 
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calumhoodgoss · 2 months
idk if they ever were mutuals, but none of the inner circle (boys and crystal/sierra) still follow Margaret. Considering amh is still besties with her, the 4 of them (cal, ash, brandy, marg) must have hung out or been close so I think her unfollow Ashton makes sense that’s she’s on Margaret’s side. And also makes sense that maybe the other wives/gfs aren’t close to amh if she’s still hanging out with “an outsider” aka an ex
hmmm this is an interesting theory but i just cant imagine them having to pick sides to the point of unfollowing someone on insta. like why unfollow your boyfriends best friend just because youre still friends with his ex? i have plenty of friends that have broken up and ive stayed friends with both parties even though i only knew one of them first, like i just cant imagine it being only because of that
plus i really cant imagine the wives caring about her being friends with an outsider/ex as crystal still follows bryana. i dont think the wives are necessarily the best people but i dont think theyre as low as like highschool clique bullying - i hope not at least
but still could be something to consider!
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hollywoodfamerp · 10 months
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M, she/her, 30+, GMT +2
Ashton Irwin, 29
Perrie Edwards, 30
Male, he/him
Musician, drummer for 5 Seconds of Summer
 Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, Bryana Holly
Victoria De Angelis, Chace Crawford, Ethan Torchio, Barbara Palvin
He’s a sideblog and he’s coming in fresh without any history. 
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dorks-in-band · 7 years
I’ve missed you guys❤️
Hello loves I know it’s been ages but with them in hiatus and me starting college life really just didn’t allow me to be on here but since the boys are back and better than ever I’m ready to dedicate time to this blog again!!
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rebelwith0utacause · 3 years
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Overstimulation Masterlist
Burned By Love (ao3) - JcLoveex (orphan_account) luke/ashton T, 3k
Summary: "I don't think you do babe, I think you're lying." Luke smirked lightly, even though his pants were so fucking tight. "Are you lying Ashton? You don't want me to fuck you, you want that guy to fuck you don't you? You want him to spread you open and fuck you senseless don't you? Want him to eat your ass and call you those names you love so much while you ride his tongue, don't you Ash?"
Or the one where Luke has to remind Ashton who he belongs to.
But If We're Gonna Do Anything We Might As Well Just Fuck (Does He Take Care Of You) (ao3) - Migs luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: Luke was hoping for a pass on his coursework. He got more. Much more.
OR: Student Luke and Professor Irwin.
Do You Wanna Fuck? (Yes I Wanna Do These Nasty Things With You) (ao3) - Migs ot4 E, 2k
Summary: Calum was in a search of spatula but all he has found was Luke playing with himself.
drowning in you (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: the one where michael entertains calum's overstimulation kink.
Emerald (ao3) - avid_Alice michael/calum M, 2k
Summary: Michael's emerald eyes will forever be a place where Calum can get lost.
How about we go? (ao3) - ObamasCeilingFan michael/calum M, 1k
Summary: In which Michael finally gets the balls to ask the feminine boy who turns everyone down, to homecoming.
I'll Meet You in the Bathroom (ao3) - 1loulu5 luke/calum E, 1k
Summary: Calum and a certain blond have some fun in the bathroom.
In The Dark (Like Meteorites) (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum/ashton E, 26k
Summary: Ashton falls for Calum at a nightclub, and then for Calum's boyfriend, too.
It's a hell of a feeling though (ao3) - thenewbrokenscene michael/luke M, 58k
Summary: [AU, actor/model Luke and musician Michael]
After a recent scandal and the subsequent publicity nightmare, Luke Hemmings doesn't need any more trouble. He's just trying to enjoy his best friend's birthday party. But who the fuck invited Michael Clifford?
santa, won't you bring me the one i really need? (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum E, 19k
Summary: in which calum shows up unannounced to his family's christmas and finds his ex-boyfriend has taken his place.
that’s why you like it (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum, bryana/ashton E, 69k
Summary: Calum starts doing workouts in the garden over the summer and Michael spends the whole time with his hand down his pants (until Calum takes matters into his own hands).
the best thing that ever happened (ao3) - citiesbelow ot4 E, 4k
Summary: “We were talking the other day and we realized that we pretty much only have any of this because of you,” Luke said, shrugging. “I mean, if you hadn’t decided to stop hating me and ask me to start a band instead, obviously we’d never have made friends, and Cal and I wouldn’t have been friends with each other either, and you were the one who knew Ash and asked him to join the band. And obviously we’ve all thought about that before, we’ve talked about it plenty, but we would never have been able to date each other either if not for you doing all of that back when we were kids, and we wanted to thank you. With sex,” he added, as if the context didn’t make that obvious.
OT4 anniversary sex in which they all spoil Michael as much as they can!
twink boy bottom erotica. (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum E, 13k
Summary: in which luke agrees to be calum's model for his photography project.
you bite my lip, you spike my blood (ao3) - iambic_pulse michael/luke/ashton E, 12k
Summary: In which Ashton's biggest kink is giving his boys anything and everything they want.
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sleekervae · 1 year
Yoü & I [1.7]
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A/N: Re-editing this story has been good for me on a give-my-brain-a-break-from-life level.
Warnings: self-conflicting emotions, small angst, fluff
"Morning, honey," Melody's smiling face and perfectly messed, yet neat bed head was illuminated in the soft light of the morning. She sat on the edge of the bed with two hot coffees already prepared.
"Morning," Luke smiled, moving to sit up against the headboard. 
"How's your back?" she asked. Luke had had a bit of a stiff spine since he'd spent the other night on Charlotte's couch. It occurred now and again, but it wasn't anything a couple Tylenols couldn't fix.
"Not bad," he replied. The bed in his house was always more preferable than a couch and there was the added bonus of getting to wake up beside his girl. Though, they rarely cuddled in the night as Melody always said he was like a human furnace -- always overheated. 
"I'll make us some breakfast," Melody placed the second coffee mug on the bedside table and gave him a sparing kiss. She left the bedroom wearing only his t-shirt. 
Melody had sent Luke a lengthy text apology yesterday, explaining yet again how out of line she was and how she would promise to calm down. And like always, Luke went crawling back to her, swallowing every apology like it was water. But when she slipped up, Luke could see that Melody was trying. She was doing everything she could to prove herself with this last round and even if Luke's minor instincts told him this was just another honeymoon phase, it was much nicer to be getting along and laughing rather than fighting and crying. 
They couldn't always make time for each other, they were both professionals so it was to be expected; but when they could make time for each other Melody was as sweet at cherry pie. Sure, the insensitive comments flew out now and again but Luke had taken to letting them slide in favour of keeping the peace. 
Charlotte meanwhile was going out of her mind whenever Melody was around. Having to be home for the next little while meant that even when they were all hanging out, significant others would tag along and Melody just couldn't stop rubbing her the wrong way. Even Bryana had picked up on it long ago and the two of them had had a lengthy conversation about how -- mean Melody was. 
And yet, time and time again, Charlotte kept her mouth shut for the sake of her friend. Maybe that was why she kept letting Luke into her home after their spats, because a part of her knew that the nights they shared were all she was ever going to get from him. 
"It's not like I haven't tried warming up to her," Bryana shook her head as they walked the marina together, "But she just has this unpleasantness about her that I can't shake off. I come home and I need to have a shower after we hang out,"
Charlotte looked out over the crowds swarming Venice Beach, "What does Ashton say?"
Bryana scoffed, "Ashton can't stand her. But you already knew that. As far as he's concerned, he'd put a rocket up her ass before he'd ever willingly hang out with her. She's just so... so..."
"Cold," Charlotte said glumly, "I just don't understand how Luke lives like he's in fucking Lovers' Lane one day and then the next he's over at my place crying his eyes out,"
"How often is he at your place?" Bryana asked. 
Charlotte shook her head, "About as often as I was calling him over Ben," 
"Damn," the taller blonde sighed. 
"Do you ever wonder why we're so... self-destructive as a species?" she asked.
Bryana raised her eyebrows, "Damn, you going hardcore philosophical on me?" 
"It just bothers me," Charlotte shrugged, "Three years I let myself get tossed around in a salad spinner of emotional turmoil. Now I'm watching Luke go through what I went through; we both see the same thing in each other and yet willingly stay in a precarious and chaotic situation. I mean -- that must register as clinical insanity!"
Bryana glanced at the ground thoughtfully, kicking some loose pebbles that were left on the blackstop, "Well, ask yourself: why did you stay with Ben? When you had every single person in your life telling you how toxic that relationship was, why did you stay?" 
Charlotte replied immediately, "I didn't want to be alone," 
"But sweetie, you're not alone. Your girls love you to death, just like how the guys love Luke like their own brother!" she said.
"I don't know what it is," Charlotte shook her head, "I just didn't want to leave because I was scared to be alone. Maybe I have daddy issues or something but... the idea of him leaving me was so fucking terrifying that I would do anything to make him stay. And in the end, I still lost," 
Bryana nodded, "And maybe Luke needs to lose before he can wake the fuck up. Because we all know if he sticks with this girl, his sanity won't be long for this world," 
It was five days before 5 Seconds of Summer and Catch the Caper would take off for the next leg of the Sounds Live Feels Live tour. The guys were spending the day filming a new music video for their fully developed demo of 'Girls Talk Boys'. And Luke had a little proposition for Charlotte.
"You want me to be in your video?" she sounded shocked, yet a tad excited as she talked into her cellphone.
"Don't sound so surprised, you've been in our videos before," he replied, referencing to when Catch the Caper featured as "bad girls" for their video for 'Good Girls', "You're a natural actress,"
"Bullshit. What do you want me to do?" 
"Well, let me set the scene: you're Sigourney Weaver all alone in your trendy New York apartment, and all of the sudden shit! There's a ghost living in your fridge and it wants to eat your soul!" Luke explained.
"How original," she chuckled. 
He smirked back, "And you act all terrified and victimized until four unexplainably handsome, professional supernatural exterminators come to your place to remove the ghost safely and humanely," 
"You can remove ghosts humanely?" she asked, "What the hell do you bait them with?"
"We haven't planned that far ahead in our thesis," Luke replied, "You wanna do it?"
"Of course I wanna do it!"
The next day Charlotte showed up to the designated studio where she was thrusted into all things Ghostbusters. The crew had even recreated the signature Ghostbusters' hearse and had put together almost authentic Ghostbusters gear for the boys. And somehow, Michael had been 'volunteered' to dress up as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. 
She and Calum had to wolf whistle when Michael came waddling in, looking like a sumo-wrestling sailor.
"Looking good, babe!" Charlotte awed.
"Charlie's thinking thoughts," Calum smirked, "Charlie's having ideas seeing your legs in those marshmallows," 
"You're runway material!" she cheered. 
Michael rolled his eyes, "You guys suck at flattery,"
Charlotte was set up in a small kitchenette that reminded her of the studio apartment she used to share with Maria when they first branched out. There was another actor in an all black, skin-tight suit and alien-esque type of mask. He was supposed to hide in the fridge and spring out at the guys in an attack, where Charlotte would 'hit' him with the frying pan to take him down. 
Ashton and Michael's mock bravery was almost admirable, only Charlotte couldn't help but burst into giggles at the faces Michael pulled when he was wrestling with the 'ghost'. Ashton wasn't much help to Michael as he jumped around from counters to chairs into the exceedingly small space to try and terminate the creature -- until Charlotte would come in and bump the ghost with her frying pan. If anything, the ghost looked more like he belonged in the Alien series, but she wouldn't say anything. It was all just for pure fun.
Charlotte was allowed to hang out on set after her scenes were finished, and she had fun watching the boys be heroic Ghostbusters. It reminded her of their heroism in the 'Don't Stop' video, the one where Calum absolutely despised his lime green costume. They were hunting for ghosts in libraries with floating books, and trailing through basements looking for a Slimer plush. 
And of course, it wouldn't be a complete Ghostbusters homage without some gooey, green slime. 
In Charlotte's opinion, Calum was the luckiest as hardly any of the plastic-smelling goop spattered on his face. The boys had flashbacks to their Kids Choice Awards performance where they were literally showered in the stuff. After his own sliming, Luke ran a hand through his goopy hair and his eyes fixed on Charlotte sitting in one of the folding chairs. She and another producers were applauding their award-worthy performance.
"Hey Shorty, can I have a hug?" he asked, extending his goop-dripping arms toward her. Charlotte immediately leaped out of the chair.
"Not gonna happen, Tolan," she replied defiantly.
Luke feigned hurt, "But I trapped a ghost for you!"
"Ashton trapped the ghost for me! And he didn't even do it right!" she exclaimed.
"Hey!" Ashton whined, "I distracted him for you!"
"That's the thanks we get for doing a civil service," Michael huffed. 
Luke took the moment to dive and try to grab Charlotte, but she ducked out of the way just in time. He spent the next five minutes trying to chase her down and slime her.
"Slime was not in my contract!"
"Oh, c'mere!"
Charlotte was packed up yet again, bags stationed by the door as she preened and fixed her makeup in the bathroom mirror. Tomorrow, the tour would continue to England, tonight however Charlotte and the girls would have a night out. It was Maria's twentieth birthday. They still weren't old enough to frequent any clubs, but that didn't stop Maria from having a little get together at her own place. And surely she would have some alcohol ready on standby. 
Taking one final glance in the mirror, Charlotte had a crippling pang of deja vu flood through her. Her hair was curled in bouncy rings and her eyes lined in dark, smokey makeup. And yet, there was something oddly familiar about her look, the clothes she wore and the excitement she felt. The last time she was on her way to a birthday bash was just over a year ago with Luke -- where he met Melody. It felt as though it was only yesterday when he had her cornered on her couch, begging her to come with him to this party he had no interest in...
"Why don't you take one of the guys with you?" she asked, trying to look past his towering figure to watch her Dr. Who episode.
"They already made plans, and Harry really wants me to show up. Boost my image or some shit like that," Luke whined, moving to block her view again, "Come on, it'll be more bearable if you're there with me," 
Charlotte glared up at him, "What the fuck would a nobody like me do at some socialite's stupid birthday party? It's at a club and we're not even old enough to drink,"
"Like that's stopped you before," he scoffed, getting down on his knees and literally begging, "C'mon, Char, please? I will fucking -- I'll come over and do your dishes for the next month, or even your laundry! Better yet -- I'll grant you access to my HBO account for the rest of the year!" 
Charlotte shook her head at him. The introvert in her told her 'no friggin' chance in hell', but Luke's pleading puppy dog eyes had more effect. Besides, there was always the perk of free food.
"If I say yes, will you stop being a pain and let me watch my Dr. Who in peace?" she asked.
"Absolutely!" he nodded desperately. 
"Then you got a deal. Now, sit down and shut up," they shook on it. Luke gasped in victory and plopped down next to her, both of them getting lost in the travels of the TARDIS, "We can still discuss that HBO account, though," 
Charlotte snickered at the memory. It was ironic how adamant he was about not going to this party, and it wasn't even an hour in before she had been dumped when Melody was presented to him on a pedestal. 
She also remembered how blasé Ben had been when she told him about this party. He wasn't all that interested in talentless celebrities and neon nightclubs, he instead wanted to talk about the recruiters that were coming by the college to look for fresh new talent, and how badly he wanted to get picked. Charlotte's life was so much cooler than Ben's, and yet he never seemed to want to talk about what was happening in her life. 
Charlotte pushed the memory out of her head. Instead, she grabbed the box of bougatsa she picked up from their favorite bakery -- one of Maria's favorite desserts -- and made her exit. 
Maria lived close enough that Charlotte could just walk there. Looking up at the skyscraper where she lived, she could clearly see her little apartment twinkling with multi-colored strobe lights. Ducking into the lobby, she could see the elevator doors just beginning to close.
"Hold the elevator!" she shouted, sprinting to catch the lift. Luckily, the occupant stuck his hand out to hold the doors long enough so Charlotte could slip inside. She was pleasantly surprised to find Calum was her kind stranger.
"Thanks," she huffed.
"No problem," he grinned, toting a gift box that was too neat for him to have wrapped himself, "You look nice,"
"So do you," a distinctive scent suddenly caught her nose, "Do you smell bergamot?"
"Yeah, it's my cologne," he nodded, "Tom Ford," 
"Oh, nice," Maria loved the smell of citrus and bergamot, "You got her a gift?"
"Yeah," Calum nodded, turning a slight tint of red as he glanced at the box, "I know she told us not to bring nothing for her but... I mean, it's a birthday party. You feel naked showing up without a gift," 
Charlotte smiled at him, "That's sweet of you! Whatcha' get her?"
"Just a spa box set thing. It's peach champagne scented," he said.
"Oh, fancy," 
"Yeah. They had a vanilla one but it just seemed too plain for Maria," he shrugged sheepishly. 
Charlotte glanced up at the ceiling, still smiling like a little fool, "She's definitely anything but plain, that one," 
"What did you get her?" Calum asked. 
Charlotte glanced at the dessert box, "Bougatsa. You know the Greek dessert with the pastry and the hot custard inside? I mean, it's not hot right now 'cause they'd melt but... you know... ovens," 
Calum's face immediately lit up, "Oh shit, you're the best!" he beamed, "I haven't had that stuff in so long!"
"Well, we'll get ya' reintroduced tonight," she grinned.
The elevator doors slid open and they walked side-by-side to Maria's apartment. She had sent a text to her guests saying that the door would be unlocked and they could just slip right in. Music was already pulsing through the room and the typically tidy apartment was decorated with an assortment of pale pastel balloons. On the counter was a decadent and extravagant cake decorated in frosting roses and bejewelled belts. 
"Hey! There you are!" Maria suddenly tackled Charlotte in a hug. She was dressed to the nines in a cute red mini dress paired with her favorite gold hoops. The only detractor was that she was barefoot, and quite frankly, Charlotte didn't blame her. 
Maria's eyes went wide when she saw the box in Charlotte's hands, "Is this what I think it is?"
"If you're thinking about bougatsa, you're bang on the money," Charlotte grinned. 
"Oh my God! I love you! You can just set them down on the counter there, babydoll,"
"Will do," 
Calum smiled when she hugged him next, "Happy birthday, Maria!" 
"Thanks for coming, Cal!" she gushed.
"Well, what else would I be doing on one of my best mate's birthdays?" he replied. 
The pleasant scent of fragrant citrus wafted through her nose then, "... Are you wearing a new cologne?" she asked him.
Calum blushed a little, "Yeah... thought I'd try bergamot this time,"
Maria smiled, "I like it. It suits you,"
Charlotte backed away slowly, wandering over to the refreshment table where Ashton was already sipping on his own red cup.
"Nice of you to join us," he grinned, "You look smashing,"
"You're not so bad yourself," she beamed, pouring herself a glass of vodka and cranberry. When she turned around she could see Maria and Calum were still deep in conversation, they had barely left the door's threshold. 
"You ready for Europe tomorrow?" Ashton asked, nudging Charlotte gently.
"Oh, am I ever!" she replied, "I think the last time we were in Amsterdam we stayed long enough for like -- a shitty pizza or something, and then we had to move on," 
"We'll take you 'round more this time," Ashton grinned back, "So long as Chloe doesn't try to pick up another phrase book," he nodded over to the couch where the now green-haired drummer was sitting with Michael, Kim, and some of their other friends.
"Kim put her foot down this time. No more Rosette Chloe," she chuckled.
Ashton shrugged, "Not like I won't miss her -- 'cause I won't," 
Charlotte took another look around the room, realizing that somebody was missing from their friend group, "Is Bryana hanging around somewhere?" she asked.
Ashton's smile faltered a little bit, "Oh, she couldn't make it tonight. Had a thing. But she sends her love," he replied. 
"You uh -- you guys went out the other morning, right?" he asked her suddenly. 
Charlotte nodded, "Yeah,"
"What did you talk about? I-If you don't mind me asking," 
Charlotte was unsure as to what sort of answer he was looking for, but she told him the truth, "We erm... we discussed our shared distaste for a particular somebody," 
They both looked towards the kitchenette where Luke and Melody were hanging out. Melody was talking to another girl while Luke was chilling against the fridge, drinking from his own cup. The moment he saw Charlotte staring back at him his eyes twinkled a little bit. He was relieved to see her, wanted nothing more than to go over to her and free himself from the less than thrilling conversations of social media influencers.
Ashton was disgusted. Melody had Luke tethered on a metaphorical leash and it drove him mad. And when he looked at Charlotte she was staring at them too, but not with distaste. She seemed more disappointed than anything. It gave Ashton a little hope that maybe she was thinking the same thing he was. 
If Ashton had it his way, he would've pushed Luke and Charlotte together months ago...
"After tonight, he's free of her for three whole months,"
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tallkslow · 6 years
‘‘when i fell out of love, we basically started speaking a different language’‘ who hurt u ash
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Healing Masterlist
Bleeding heart (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 35k
Summary: Time changes. Some would say that all of his wishes came true and in some way they did. That's why he stopped wishing upon the stars like he did when he was a naive child. Because all those wishes led him up to this moment in time. A time where Luke stopped wishing upon a star and instead felt himself become one. Each and every day he felt his mind leaving his body and float away. It's only a matter of time now until he's leaving the atmosphere and becomes a floating rock himself. A rock without its glow, just a cold hard rock that no one sees and cares about.
Or Luke's past relationship haunts his ever waking moment and everything comes crashing down during the highly anticipated Meet You There Tour.
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum, past luke/ashton E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart... and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
from the bottom of your heart (ao3) - merlypops luke/calum T, 736
Summary: Luke is sad and cold but Calum's love keeps him warm.
Gifted (ao3) - SinisterMind michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 3k (WIP)
Summary: the outcast is invisible
the druggie sees the future
the popular jock can read minds
the victim can heal
but whatever, really
hold me down, throw me in the deep end & watch me drown (ao3) - bloodsparks (orphan_account) fem!luke/fem!michael M, 8k
Summary: Luke is hurting, and god knows so is Michael, but being together makes the pain a little less vivid.
if i knew from the start, would it change a thing? (ao3) - acetominophen luke/ashton N/R, 35k
Summary: "All I painted was you, Ash. It was always you." But Ashton wasn't listening to him at all. His silver-lined eyes were trained on the hand-written words at the bottom of the canvas, unblinking.
Luke's gaze followed his and his lips parted because shit, he'd forgotten. He'd forgotten that he'd titled this one.
'Poisoned myself again. LH'.
i'll hold you through the night until you smile (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Ashton's burning himself out trying to give other people light, and Luke makes Ashton feel alive again.
in silent screams, in wildest dreams, i never dreamed of this (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke E, 1k
Summary: Michael felt numb before he met Luke, and then he felt everything.
Just A Little Ol' Little Bit (ao3) - HurtKummelAineBlanderson michael/luke G, 718
Summary: Michael realises he might be starting to heal.
Maelstrom (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton, michael/calum E, 225k
Summary: Ashton is struggling, Luke is hiding, and Michael and Calum just want to make things work. (And maybe Ashton and Luke fall in love too. Maybe.)
Mirrors Of This House (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 11k
Summary: Luke is left broken and Ashton tries to put him back together again.
your string of lights is still bright to me (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum, bryana/ashton, luke/omc E, 81k
Summary: Michael is struggling to be the father his daughters need. Until he meets Calum again.
4 notes · View notes
lostinaswirlingsea · 8 years
Listen, you don’t have to love Crystal and be her number one stan, but don’t send hate to someone who makes Michael so happy
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