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SEONG HA-NA TASK 01: Character Development
To Die Would Be An Awfully Great Adventure
Full Name: Seong Ha-na (成 하나)
Nicknames: Hana
Face Claim: Moon Ga-Young
Age: 26
Birthday: July 31st
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: (i.e. hair color, hair length/cut, height etc.) N/A
Perfect Vision or Glasses?: Perfect Vision
Scars/Birthmarks?: Hana has her fair share of scars that litter her skin from healed over cuts from a training her fellow crew to (TW abuse) marks across her palms from where her tutors growing up had reprimanded her. She also has a crescent shaped birthmark located behind her left ear.
Tattoos?: Hana has tattoos littered across her body- collecting different pieces like art as she details her life story across her skin
Piercings?: Yes. Hana has multiple pierces up around both of her ears as well as that of her belly button.
Posture: Hana has a relaxed ease about her. She will on occasion call about her regal background to adjust her posture depending of which role she’s playing, but typically Hana is the type to make herself far too comfortable where ever she is- kicking back in her seat, slouched shoulders, putting her feet up on some table and cocking her head mischievously to the side.
Dominant Hand?: Ambidextrous
Activity Level?: Above Average
Physical Strength: Average
Speed: Above Average
Agility: Above Average
Accuracy: Above Average
Stamina: Above Average
Can They Swim?: Yes! (What kind of Pirate Lord would they be if they couldn’t?)
Clothing Style: For a pirate, Hana is incredibly fashion forward. She’s always on the look out to pinch a pretty garment or two. As for her style, black is her signature color and she enjoys clothes that show their fair bit of skin, that command authority and are easy enough to move around in.
Accessories: Hana is not one to skimp on the accessories. Besides the numerous rings and earrings she wears, she is also known to accessorize with a hefty amount of weapons on her at all times. From different sets of daggers to poison dipped hair pins, the pirate lord is prepared for a fight at any given time.
Any Allergies?: Raspberries
How Do They Sleep?: With one eye open. Hana can fall asleep just about anywhere, but she is a light sleeper. The slightest creek of the floorboard or sound of a breath sending her brows quirking up at you in question.
Any Additional Details?: N/A
Languages: Hana speaks english and the popular languages of Shīqù Hǎi'àn (Korean, Mandarin, Japanese etc.) fluently, but she also knows bits and pieces of a number of different languages that she has picked up over the years from traveling Ashbourne and conducting trade.
Do They Curse?: Yes and often
Favorite Word?: Fuck ;)
Least Favorite Word?: Bastard
Good Habits: As tough as Hana would like to seem, she is far more generous than she lets on- giving her portion of diner on occasion to starving children on the streets or to those of her crew. She never forgets a face and has a habit of ‘taking in strays’, finding herself looking after those who seem to have nobody else and donating some of their wealth to the impoverished.
Bad Habits: It is a long list ranging from arrogance to a habit of mocking and teasing just about anyone she comes into contact with. She’s someone who doesn’t often take things all too seriously and yet doesn’t tolerant stupidity, who laughs at other’s expenses, is far too blunt for her own good, and tends to become defensive or misdirect the conversation when it becomes far too vulnerable for her own liking.
Any Specific Ticks?: Hana can often be caught mindlessly twirling her own hair or fidgeting with on of the rings wrapped around her fingers - twisting them back and forth especially when she’s deep in thought or wants something to set her eyes on rather than the floor.
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?: shīqù hǎi'àn 失去海岸 (The Lost Coasts)
Birthplace?: Shīqù Hǎi'àn 失去海岸 (The Lost Coasts)
Social Class: Hana was born into the Upper Class, but now spends her time surrounded by the underclass- preferring to associate with thugs and criminals
Biological Parents/Parental Figures: Kim Hye-Kyo (Mistress of the Late Duke) & The Late Duke of the Lost Coasts (Name - TBD as of now)
Additional Family Members: (Siblings, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles etc.): Sibling: The Duke/Duchess of the Lost Coasts
Pets?: haru (a messenger hawk) & joo (a black cat)
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?: Her Father
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?: Her Mother
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: {I’ll put together a connections page at a later date but all of the things ;D }
Current Occupation: Pirate Lord
Dream Position: Pirate Lord
Past Jobs?: Pirate/Lady of the Lost Coasts
Spending Habits: Hana is a frequent spender- taking what she wants when she wants it. She very rarely pays for anything herself and when she does, it is questionable whether the money she is using was stolen or out of her own pocket.
In Debt?: No. She isn’t one to owe a debt or borrow without paying it back.
Intellect: Above Average
Enneagram type: 8. The Challenger
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Quick Tempered
Element: Fire
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Birth Stone: Ruby
Drives/Motivations: To look after her crew and protect her ship/make-shift family first and foremost. But, she is also driven to be the antithesis of her brother as much as she can. If they are the great Duke of the Lost Coasts, then she is an outlaw, a scoundrel and a criminal so that no one can ever question her sibling’s right to rule or pin them against each other out of their own free will once more.
Hopes: To protect those she cares about and live her life to the fullest in whatever capacity that may be
Fears: Irrelevancy and being incapable of looking after those she holds dear
Dreams: Hana doesn’t allow herself to dream for more than that of tomorrow or live in anything greater than the moment, since the things she may have dreamed about once upon a time - a family that isn’t bond by the laws of politics or a great love of her love of her own- seems like a fairly impractical wish at this point. Now, she just wants to have a good life before she inevitably goes down with her ship.
Sense of Humor?: Between her teasing smile and quick-witted remarks, it is rare to see Hana being serious.
Most At Ease When?: When she’s set sail, overlook the waves from a perch on one of her ship’s masts
Least At Ease When?: When speaking openly about her past or having to ride in an enchanted lift
Talents: knife throwing, sword fighting, drinking, dancing, playing cards, gambling etc.
Shortcomings: A short attention span, a tendency to act on her impulses, a disregard for authority besides that of her own etc.
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: (If so, did they ever get caught?) Hana has created far more crimes than she can count and has been caught for a couple of them, but if she has been caught, she’s either managed to escape being brought in or allowed herself to be caught intentionally in order to do business with the Royal Navy to meet face to face with that of her family.
Are They A Team Player?: Depends on the team. They can be when it comes to their crew.
Can They Play an Instrument?: Yes. Hana was trained to play a handful of instruments such as piano, harp etc.
Braid Hair?: Yes
Tie a Tie?: Yes
Pick a Lock?: Yes
Cook?: Hana would say yes, but anyone whose tried her cooking would probably disagree
Drink?: Yes
Use Drugs?: Yes
Are They Prone to Violence?: Yes
Prone to Crying?: No
Believe in Love at First Sight?: No, but they do believe in lust at first sight
Color: Black
Food: Galbi or Okonomiyaki
Beverage: Anything with alcohol in it
Flower: Cherry Blossom
Scent: Citrus
Mode of Transportation: Pirate Ship
Season: Summer
Mode of Transportation: Enchanted Lifts
Season: Winter
I finally got around to making her a pinterest board- https://pin.it/3hd9EaK
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Task 01 - Character Development
As we near our opening, we wanted to kick things off with our first task! Below you will find a blank template that will hopefully allow for you to delve into your characters a bit more and help with plotting as we approach our first event. From what your characters look like to their astrology signs, feel free to answer as many or as little of the questions below as you would like. You can even make a character mood board aesthetic to go along with your answers if you so choose. This task is completely optional, but we wanted to gift our members with something fun to do as we count down to our opening date and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Full Name:
Face Claim:
Romantic Orientation:
Sexual Orientation:
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: (i.e. hair color, hair length/cut, height etc.)
Perfect Vision or Glasses?:
Tattoos?: (What do they look like? Feel free to include pictures and what the meanings are behind them if you character does have them)
Dominant Hand?:
Activity Level?:
Physical Strength:
Can They Swim?:
Clothing Style:
Any Allergies?:
How Well Do They Sleep?:
Any Additional Details?: (Do they have a favorite physical feature about themselves? Are they part of the disabled community? Do they have any health issues? etc.)
Do They Curse?:
Favorite Word?:
Least Favorite Word?: (Something they’d never be caught dead saying)
Good Habits:
Bad Habits:
Any Specific Ticks?:
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?:
Social Class:
Biological Parents/Parental Figures:
Additional Family Members: (Siblings, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles etc.)
Notable Past Relationships?:
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?:
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?:
Ideal Partner?:
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: (Feel free to link a connections page if you would like to make one)
Current Occupation:
Dream Position:
Past Jobs?:
Spending Habits:
In Debt?:
Intellect: (i.e. average, above average, below? etc.)
MBTI Type:
Enneagram type:
Moral Alignment:
Introvert or Extrovert?:
Emotional Stability?:
Zodiac Sign:
Birth Stone:
Sun Sign:
Any additional signs, elements or houses worth noting?: (Feel free to include a link to a character natal chart if you so choose)
Sense of Humor?:
Biggest Achievement:
Biggest Regret:
Most At Ease When?:
Least At Ease When?:
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: (If so, did they ever get caught?)
Are They A Team Player?:
Can They Play a Instrument?:
Braid Hair?:
Tie a Tie?:
Pick a Lock?:
Use Drugs?:
Are They Prone to Violence?:
Prone to Crying?:
Believe in Love at First Sight?:
Animal/Mythical Beast:
Mode of Transportation:
Feel free to list out any additional stats we may have missed!
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Arturo L. Task 001 / Character Development
Are you a bad person?
Depends on who you ask...
Full Name: Arturo Augustus Gaspar Luna
Nicknames: Art, Artie, Fairwinds Cow
Face Claim: Diego Boneta
Age: 30
Birthday: November 11
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/him/dumbass
Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: n/a
Perfect Vision or Glasses?: Needs glasses sometimes for reading when pollen is bad or exhausted
Scars/Birthmarks?: Sofa scars on his hands and knuckles for farming and boxing; three inch long scar along his left side of his face from when his father beat him when he was a child.
Tattoos?: A crescent moon on the upper left bicep,
Piercings?: Right earlobe, he never puts on in unless he’s feeling sassy
Posture: Relaxed
Dominant Hand?: Right
Activity Level?: High
Physical Strength: Average
Speed: Average
Agility: Above average
Accuracy: High
Stamina: Average
Can They Swim?: Yes
Clothing Style: Linen and wool; dark academic; natural colors with greens, blues, and browns.
Accessories: Wool suit coats
Any Allergies?: Pollen and Lemongrass
How Well Do They Sleep?: Heavy
Any Additional Details?:
Accent?: Latin/Spanish
Languages: Spanish, English, Mandarin/Cantonese, Italian, and Latin
Do They Curse?: Yes, like a sailor
Favorite Word?: Moot or Fuck
Least Favorite Word?: No
Good Habits: Determined worker
Bad Habits: Flirting
Any Specific Ticks?: Is really good at betting card games
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?: Fairwinds
Birthplace?: Mareas Vivas Casona (Spring Tides Manor), Fairwinds Seaside
Social Class: Upper Gentry
Biological Parents/Parental Figures: Gaspar and Elizabeth (both deceased)
Additional Family Members: Three sisters, one deceased brother
Pets?: Faustina, long hair black tabby
Notable Past Relationships?: TBA
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?: TBA
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?: TBA
Ideal Partner?: Beautiful ladies that think he’s funny
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: TBA
Current Occupation: Jack of All Trades, Guild master/Councilor
Dream Position: He has his dream job
Past Jobs?: Student, apprentice
Spending Habits: Lavish but cautious
In Debt?: Some lingering debts to a pirate or two...
Intellect: Average
Enneagram type: Type Three, the Achiever
Moral Alignment: Netural Evil
Temperament: Sanguine-Melancholy
Element: Water
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
Emotional Stability?: Getting better, virtually stable
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio and Taurus
Birth Stone: Topaz
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Ascendant: Taurus
Moon: Capricorn
Any additional signs, elements or houses worth noting?: Scorpio Mercury; Libra Venus; Libra Mars
Drives/Motivations: Failure, destitution,
Hopes: To help Fariwinds achieve greatness no matter the cost for the Queendom
Fears: Bankruptcy
Dreams: Retiring at his seaside state surrounded by his large and loving family
Sense of Humor?: Low brow
Biggest Achievement: Turning the guild back around after his father’s misleading
Biggest Regret: Not standing up wit his father sooner
Most At Ease When?: He’s surrounded by his family and friends
Least At Ease When?: He’s losing investments
Talents: Slight of hand
Shortcomings: Becomes withdrawn when he gets stressed
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: Yes, and is probably committing one as I type this
Are They A Team Player?: Yes
Can They Play a Instrument?: Yes, the guitar
Braid Hair?: Yes, but badly
Tie a Tie?: Yes
Pick a Lock?: ...yes
Cook?: Just some basics
Drink?: Yes
Use Drugs?: Yes
Are They Prone to Violence?: Yes
Prone to Crying?: Yes
Believe in Love at First Sight?: Yes
Color: All shades of greens and blue
Animal/Mythical Beast: Kelpie
Food: Pumpkin pastries
Beverage: Red wine
Flower: Pansy
Scent: Sea brine, sun bleached wood,
Mode of Transportation: Brigantine ship
Season: Autumn
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Tell me that I'm cutthroat, I think you got your eyes closed. Feel the fear and swallow back the tears. Let weakness disappear. There's nobody but me here—the killer in the mirror.
Full Name : Kieran Aidoneus Devereux Belmonte
Nicknames : Kier, Shadow, various aliases
Face Claim : Matteo Martari
Age : 34
Birthday : December 28th
Gender : Cis Male
Pronouns : He/Him
Romantic Orientation : Demiromantic
Sexual Orientation : Bisexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC : He’s 6′3″ and has intense, amber eyes that resemble the golden lamps that light up much of Stone Garden.
Perfect Vision or Glasses? : Nearly perfect vision.
Scars/Birthmarks? : Too many scars to count.
Tattoos? : None. Not because he doesn’t want any, but because he avoids distinguishable markings.
Piercings? : One in his upper left earlobe.
Posture : Straight and tall when he’s walking, but has a tendency to lean in chairs/slump when sitting.
Dominant Hand? : Ambidextrous
Activity Level? : Very active, his job requires him to be in peak shape.
Physical Strength : 8/10
Speed : 9/10
Agility : 10/10
Accuracy : 10/10
Stamina : 9/10
Can They Swim? : Yes, though not great. During his visits to the Lost Coasts he learned to swim well enough that he won’t drown, but there aren’t a lot of opportunities to practice down in the caves.
Clothing Style : He dresses almost exclusively in dark colors, with occasional metallic colors like gold or silver accenting his wardrobe. Places practicality and durability over style. Avoids clothing that makes him stand out or attracts much attention.
Accessories : Very minimal. The most you’ll see him wearing is a simple earing and a few rings.
Any Allergies? : Very mild sun allergy (skin begins to feel irritated the longer he’s in direct sunlight)
How Well Do They Sleep? : Not great. Often struggles to fall asleep and is a very light sleeper, so any noise can wake him up. Though when he feels extremely comfortable (usually only when his hound is around) and his body is exhausted he can sleep like a rock.
Accent? : Blend of Italian and British
Languages : Fluent in English, Italian, and Gaelic. Conversational Russian and Greek.
Do They Curse? : Absolutely
Good Habits : Rarely late, good listener, keeps his word when it comes to deals
Bad Habits : Overdrinks, habitual liar, cracks his knuckles
Any Specific Ticks? : Running a hand through his hair when he’s stressed or deep in thought and clenches his jaw when frustrated.
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In? : Stone Garden
Birthplace? : Stone Garden
Social Class : Lower social class, though middle economic class.
Biological Parents/Parental Figures : Silas Belmonte (father †), Estelle Belmonte (mother †), Gemma Aarden (caretaker †)
Additional Family Members : None he is aware of.
Pets? : While he doesn’t technically consider it a pet, Kieran domesticated an orphaned Hellhound when he was young that he later named Kérberos.
Notable Past Relationships? : TBD
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget? : His Father
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive? : Himself
Ideal Partner? : Doesn’t think he’s capable of falling in love and doesn’t believe he’s worthy of being loved.
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For? : TBD
Current Occupation : Mercenary/Thief
Dream Position : As a child he dreamed of leaving Stone Garden to become an astronomer, but now can’t see himself with any job other than his current occupation.
Past Jobs? : Miner
Spending Habits : Kieran never wants to feel the anxiety of not knowing when he’ll eat again or he’ll have enough to pay rent, so he spends very little on anything other than necessities and saves up most of his money.
In Debt? : No
Intellect : Above average
Moral Alignment : Neutral Evil
Temperament : Melancholic
Element : Earth
Introvert or Extrovert? : Introvert
Emotional Stability? : Stable, but repressed
Birth Stone : Tanzanite
Sun Sign : Capricorn
Moon : Scorpio
Ascendant : Taurus
Drives/Motivations : Kieran’s lack of control and strength during his younger years drives who he is today. Rather than allow other people to control him or be afraid of them, he’s made himself the most fearsome person in any room he walks into. He doesn’t care much for political or social power, but still wants to be powerful. Refuses to be the scared little street rat of his past ever again.
Hopes : He believes hope is for the weak—those who lack the drive and ability to get what they want beyond just dreaming of it.
Fears : For a man who seems to have already lost it all at a young age, the idea that he has anything more to lose seems strange. But the possibility of losing the life he’s built for himself, becoming weak and unable to defend himself again, scares him.
Sense of Humor? :
Biggest Achievement : Killing his father. Making himself known as a renown mercenary in Ashbourne’s criminal underworld.
Biggest Regret : Killing his father
Most At Ease When? : In the middle of the night when he is watching the stars by himself.
Least At Ease When? : During a job.
Have They Ever Committed A Crime? : A better question would be when is he not committing a crime?
Are They A Team Player? : If it’s required of him, though he prefers to work alone.
Can They Play a Instrument? : Ocarina, self-taught.
Braid Hair? : No
Tie a Tie? : Yes
Pick a Lock? : Yes
Cook? : Enough to get by, but nothing too skilled.
Drink? : Yes
Use Drugs? : No
Are They Prone to Violence? : If provoked, yes.
Prone to Crying? : No
Believe in Love at First Sight? : No
Color : Gold or black
Animal/Mythical Beast : Hellhounds
Food : Pasta e fagioli
Beverage : Brandy, if alcoholic, and a bicerin, if non alcoholic
Flower : Hellebore (especially the onyx odyssey hybrid)
Scent : Pine
Mode of Transportation : Enchanted lift
Season : Winter
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Rowan Scott, Lord of Thieves
people always shoot down my ideas and I’m sick of it. two sentences in and everyone’s already shouting “what the fuck that’s illegal” or “you can’t do that” let me talk dear god
Full Name: Rowan Scott
Nicknames: Ro (if you are anyone other than their parents calling them that you won’t get a response, though.)
Face Claim: Asia Kate Dillon
Age: 35
Birthday: April 10th
Gender: non binary
Pronouns: they/them
Romantic Orientation: panromantic
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: head is usually shaved like Aisa’s but owing to their busy schedule sometimes starts to grow out a little scruffy, they’re taller than the FC standing at around 5’8
Perfect Vision or Glasses?: perfect vision
Scars/Birthmarks?: arms and hands are littered with small scars, especially around their knuckles, from a life living and working around mines and stone
Tattoos?: Dozens all over their body, thick bold line work with the occasional splash of colours like red green or orange. Thematically dark too- daggers, skulls, etc, with blacksmithing tools and raw precious gems scattered about as filler pieces. Notable pieces include the hellhound head taking up space on their left forearm, baring its blood coated teeth, the scorpion tattoos on their collarbones- very large and poised as if about to fight- and the fang tattoos that encircle their knees. (They also have an inner lip tattoo that says stoned, but it’s rare that anyone sees that.)
Piercings?: Quite a lot in their ears, but Rowan never wears earrings that dangle, it’s all studs, bars, and very small hoops, also their right eyebrow
Posture: intimidating and tall, steady. Doesn’t fidget. Usually stands either with their hands clasped behind their back, or one hand on the head of their hellhound.
Dominant Hand?: Right
Activity Level?: Average
Physical Strength: Above average
Speed: Average
Agility: Above average
Accuracy: Average
Stamina: Above average
Can They Swim?: No
Clothing Style: Dark colours and generally basic pieces; lots of vest tops and cargo pants, a lot of it is patched together with scraps of other fabrics. They will occasionally wear a maxi skirt, but Rowan really has to be in the right sort of mood for it. They have a few more formal outfits for important meetings taking place outside of stone gardens to avoid being too obvious; crisp shirts, a handful of ties.
Accessories: A little more of a punk edge, if Rowan isn’t out on a mission or meeting and not bothered about blending in. Belts with heavy chains, leather cuffs. They avoid wearing anything too fussy or delicate.
Any Allergies?: Nope
How Well Do They Sleep?: After a life lived in the mines Rowan can sleep through almost anything. They’ve trained their hellhound to give a special alert bark to wake them if they suspect danger.
Any Additional Details?: An almost ever present cough- hey, it’s dusty in stone gardens- Rowan often has to clear their throat before speaking, but they’ve mastered the art of using that to command the attention of a room.
Languages: English first, but Rowan can hold a vague conversation in a handful of other languages owing to the residents from all over that end up in stone garden.
Do They Curse?: Frequently.
Favorite Word?: Power
Least Favorite Word?: Help
Good Habits: Will only kill you as a last resort. Always remembers birthdays.
Bad Habits: Smoking, stealing, lying, betraying, exacting public revenge, bribing a duchess
Any Specific Ticks?: Rowan tends to try and remain still, but you may see them kiss their teeth or pinch the bridge of their nose.
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?: Stone Garden
Birthplace?: Stone Garden
Social Class: For the Stone Garden, their parents and now Rowan in turn present a lower middle class front, but Rowan has a lot more money and valuables than anyone knows.
Biological Parents/Parental Figures: Their mother is a merchant and their father is a blacksmith, both well respected within the community while also remaining involved with the black market that Rowan now has a strong influence over.
Additional Family Members: A few scattered about the Stone Garden, but none they are particularly close with, bar their uncle on their fathers’ side, who works alongside him as a shady blacksmith.
Pets?: A hellhound (though only one is consistently seen at their side, it’s rumoured that Rowan is capable of using that hound to call on more from within the pack to attack, should they ever need to.)
Notable Past Relationships?: Rowan keeps entanglements of the romantic sort private. As far as anyone not directly involved is aware, they’ve never had a relationship of note.
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?: There may or may not be a sweet girl from their younger years, the relationship was as secret as any other, with plenty of longing glances across courtyards and furtive touches of hands under the table. As their involvement in the criminal underbelly of Stone Garden grew, Rowan felt it wise to end the relationship before things got messy or she was put at risk. They still see her around the garden every now and then, and the two will sometimes share a smile and a glance. Rowan knows they are both safer if she stays ignorant, and away from them.
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?: Rowan doesn’t hold grudges. They deal with their grievances by getting revenge, and move on.
Ideal Partner?: Someone unafraid of risk, with a sharp wit and questionable moral code
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: TBA
Current Occupation: Lord of Thieves
Dream Position: Lord of Thieves
Past Jobs?: Thief, smuggler, etc
Spending Habits: Rowan does not tend to throw money around frequently, at least not visibly, a lot of their money is earmarked for shady deals.
In Debt?: No
Intellect: Smart enough to be the Lord of Thieves with a heavy influence over Ashbourne’s black market and smuggling rings.
MBTI Type: ISTJ-A - the Logistician, Assertive
Enneagram type: Type 8 - The Challenger
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil if you’re from outside of Stone Garden, Chaotic neutral if you were raised in that same environment, and generally have less qualms and greyer morals to begin with.
Temperament: Choleric
Element: Fire
Introvert or Extrovert?: A bit of an introvert, in the sense that Rowan keeps a lot of things close to their chest and that can make social situations hard work to navigate, so they need time to recharge.
Emotional Stability?: Fairly stable. Though they do have the occasional explosion it will generally happen behind closed doors. Any public fall out or act of revenge that follows will have been carefully considered.
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birth Stone: Diamond
Drives/Motivations: power, money, influence, fun
Hopes: to maintain control of their gang of thieves without having to resort to too much fear mongering or blackmail
Fears: getting in trouble for being the lord of the criminal underbelly
Dreams: to eventually have someone loyal to them on the throne of Stone Garden
Sense of Humor?: Dark, deadpan, difficult to discern if they are serious or joking sometimes
Biggest Achievement: becoming lord of thieves
Biggest Regret: probably a few unnecessary or reckless risks in their youth
Most At Ease When?: alone
Least At Ease When?: in tense negotiations, especially with folk from other dukedoms
Talents: thievery, con-artistry, manipulation, strategic thinking, slipping through a crowd unnoticed
Shortcomings: Ruthless, has no sense of loyalty, frequently makes and forgets about cups of coffee
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: A trick question
Are They A Team Player?: Most people would say yes, Rowan is not going to correct them
Can They Play a Instrument?: a little guitar and piano
Braid Hair?: no
Tie a Tie?: yes
Pick a Lock?: yes
Cook?: enough to get by
Drink?: yes
Use Drugs?: yes
Are They Prone to Violence?: they can be
Prone to Crying?: no
Believe in Love at First Sight?: no
Color: purple / yellow
Animal/Mythical Beast: hellhound / parrot
Food: burger / sushi
Beverage: beer / orange juice
Flower: totally indifferent
Scent: sandalwood / citrus
Mode of Transportation: enchanted lift /
Season: autumn / summer
Their pinterest; https://pin.it/5eWc9up
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YASMIN YILDIRIM TASK 01: Character Development
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Full Name: Yasmin Melek Yildirim
Nicknames: Yas, Mina
Face Claim: Esra Bilgiç
Age: 30
Birthday: September 18th
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Details About Appearance That Differ From FC: (i.e. hair color, hair length/cut, height etc.) N/A
Perfect Vision or Glasses?: Perfect Vision
Scars/Birthmarks?: {TW Self Harm} Yas’ body is littered in scars. Faint tally marks from the each life she had taken back when she used to work as a mercenary lines her back, while deeper cuts she has inflicted more recently upon herself lay scattered haphazardly across her hips and any place she can hide them.
Tattoos?: Yasmin has one very fair tattoo of two stars laid across her collarbone. A reminder of all of those nights ago when she would find herself sprawled out upon some abandoned rooftop dreaming of what could have been.
Piercings?: Yas has two piercings in each of her lobes
Posture: Yasmin has excellent posture, very rarely being caught with her shoulder slumped or her head not being held high
Dominant Hand?: Ambidextrous
Activity Level?: Very Active. Although Yasmin may be a duchess, she spends a great deal of her free time still training with the Tower Spies to ensure she never loses the edge that she once had back when she was a spy
Physical Strength: Average
Speed: Above Average
Agility: Above Average
Accuracy: Above Average
Stamina: Average. Although Yasmin used to have above average stamina, it has slowly decreased over the years given how much of her time is now devoted to life at court rather than life as a spy.
Can They Swim?: Not all too well. Although she may be able to keep herself somewhat a float, growing up in the desert, means that she is hardly a strong swimmer.
Clothing Style: Yasmin’s personal style is far more comfortable and simplistic than one would assume from the duchess of artists. If she were to choose her own attire for herself, it would most likely consist of billowing pants and a cloak. But, as the acting duchess, Yasmin’s attire has much more colorful and regal, modeling a different outfit per occasion as she shows off the designs of her own people.
Accessories: A poison ring and a dainty pendent around her neck of the sun. It almost seems cheap around in neck in comparison to the elegant gowns and garments she wears on the daily, but the necklace was a gift she had received during her life on the streets. One of the only belongings she still has from that time in her life.
Any Allergies?: N/A
How Well Do They Sleep?: Yasmin has a hard time falling asleep at night. Being far too paranoid for her own likely, she often spends the nights dreading the worst and having grown up on the streets, it is hard for her to feel at peace in the lavishly decorated bedroom of the duchess. Often feeling as though she is more of a stranger in her own chambers than belonging to it or to it her.
Any Additional Details?: (Do they have a favorite physical feature about themselves? Are they part of the disabled community? Do they have any health issues? etc.) Yasmin’s left side is ever so slightly quicker than her right do to an injury she acquired on a job back when she was working as a mercenary that she never fully recovered from
Accent?: Yasmin has a refined manor of speaking. She has worked to remove any inflections from her voice if she can help it, but occasionally her prim facade will falter as her past comes seeping back into her voice.
Languages: English, Turkish, Arabic, Latin, Spanish etc. (She knows a fair deal of many languages. Some better than others.)
Do They Curse?: On occasion. But, rarely, if ever, in public.
Favorite Word?: Found
Least Favorite Phrase?: “I love you”
Good Habits: Yasmin carries a smile that has a way of putting those around her at ease; She has a way about her of making anyone she is speaking to feel important whether it be a foreign duke or members of her staff or people she bumps into on the street; she is incredible detail oriented and will go out of her way to ensure the wellbeing of her people whether they are strangers to her or not
Bad Habits: Has a bad tendency of chewing or biting down on her lip when in deep in thought (something she is trying to work on); {TW Self Harm} digs her nails deep into her skin (the palms of her hands), pinches herself or mindlessly scratches away at herself often until it leaves a mark or she draws blood
Any Specific Ticks?: fidgets with the hem of her sleeves or twiddles anything in hand (knife, pen etc.)
Which Dukedom Do They Reside In?: Kum Diyari (Sandspell)
Birthplace?: Kum Diyari (Sandspell)
Social Class: Yasmin was born into poverty, but overtime she was able to climb her way up to becoming part of the upper 1% as she takes her place amongst the nobility.
Biological Parents/Parental Figures: Leyla and Altan Yildirim
Additional Family Members: (Siblings, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles etc.) TBD (I’m still deciding :O)
Pets?: TBD (Also still deciding 0:) )
Notable Past Relationships?: The thieves she grew up around; the spy who took her in/trained her to be who she is now
Person You Can’t Seem To Forget?: Kaan (her first love/the man who robbed her and left her for dead)
Person You Can’t Seem To Forgive?: Her father for never once allowing her feel safe as a child
Any Additional Connections Your Character May Be Looking For?: (Feel free to link a connections page if you would like to make one) {I’ll put together a connections page at a later date but all of the things ;D }
Current Occupation: Duchess of Kum Diyari (Sandspell)
Dream Position: A traveling performer or maybe that of a painter. As much as Yasmin grew to resent her father for embracing the nature of a starving artist to the point where he life was put in danger, there was once a time when Yasmin wanted nothing more than to paint and travel the world. She’d fall to sleep dreaming about the day where she may be able to run off and see the world.
Past Jobs?: Yasmin, growing up, was a thief, before becoming a Spy/Mercenary for Kum Diyari & the Crown
Spending Habits: Frugal. Yasmin is very strategic when it comes to budgeting, preferring to spend her own delegated allowance on that of her people or on a smart political move rather than expenses for herself. Her lavish dresses are typical borrowed from that of local artists of Sandspell so that she can help promote their work. Yas is not apposed to spending, but she often fews each purchase as that of a calculated investment. She also keeps very few personal belongings, having a hard time feeling that anything, right down to her position truly belongs to her.
In Debt?: No.
Intellect: Above Average
Enneagram type: 1. The Reformer
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperament: Calm and mild tempered
Element: Earth
Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
Emotional Stability?: - Presents themselves as calm, composed and collected whilst dealing with anxieties and negative thoughts
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birth Stone: Sapphire
Drives/Motivations: To ensure Kum Diyari remains a prosperous place of knowledge and artistry. To live up to the perfect image of ‘duchess’ and the ‘beacon of hope’ her people look to her are
Hopes: For the wellbeing, wealth and prosperity of Kum Diyari; To allow the youth of Sandspell the ability to chose their own paths rather than feel forced in one direction to due to necessity
Fears: Of inadequacy as a leader
Dreams: To one day feel as though her choices are solely that of her own; to act upon her deepest desires
Sense of Humor?: Witty one liners, soft spoken/cooed whispers, & alluring smiles as if to say the joke she just made is a secret between two
Biggest Achievement: Earning the faith and trust of that of her people/being viewed as the heart of Sandspell
Biggest Regrets: Sacrificing the parts of herself she once held in the highest esteem to be the leader she feels is expected of her to be & giving her heart to someone who didn’t deserve her love let alone her trust
Most At Ease When?: Painting, Getting lost in the treasure trove of knowledge kept in the tower, listening to those around her speak of their greatest passions (especially those of her people), sneaking off to the edge of her Dukedom’s coast to watch the sun rise or set upon the horizon
Least At Ease When?: In crowded gatherings in which all of the attention is directed to her; in settings where she is expected to ‘perform’ the role she plays far too well
Talents: Strategizing, painting, debating, holding intellectual conversations, dancing, playing multiple instruments, speaking multiple languages, one on one combat etc.
Shortcomings: Situations that require a great deal of vulnerability; Has a tendency to withdrawn herself emotionally in favor of thinking strategically
Have They Ever Committed A Crime?: (If so, did they ever get caught?) Yes. She has committed quite a few crimes although she prefers to brush over her past. She was caught once by what would later become her mentor at the tower. A spy for Sandspell who saw potential in her and took her under their wing rather than turning her in.
Are They A Team Player?: She is for the most part. Although, she does have a tendency to keep her cards far too close to her own chest.
Can They Play an Instrument?: Yasmin is skilled in quite a few instruments ranging from the violin to the flute to the piano etc.
Braid Hair?: Yes
Tie a Tie?: Yes
Pick a Lock?: Yes
Cook?: Yes
Drink?: Yes
Use Drugs?: Yes
Are They Prone to Violence?: No. She will fight if provoked, but Yasmin tries to avoid conflict when possible.
Prone to Crying?: Not in public. Behind closed doors however is another story.
Believe in Love at First Sight?: No. Yasmin used to once upon a time, but nowadays, she’s not even sure if she believes in love anymore.
Color: Red
Animal/Mythical Beast: Unicorn
Food: Baklava
Beverage: White Wine
Flower: Desert Rose
Scent: Eucalyptus and Mint
Mode of Transportation: Horseback (Technological wise though either Enchanted Carriages or Bullet Trains)
Season: Spring
Link to her Pinterest: https://pin.it/kQVHuMR
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