a-decent-human-being5 · 5 months
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Now this is feminism
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So it seems I may have severely underestimated tumblr’s ability to let my spam a bunch of videos
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a-decent-human-being5 · 7 months
Posting this bad boy on here because tiktok muted it and I honestly really liked it
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a-decent-human-being5 · 2 months
Drawfee Thursday has a good ring to it honestly
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I hope that if we ever do learn Rosé’s last name it’s just some stupid pun and the real reason she hides it is because it’s embarrassing as hell that her last name is Shampain or something
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a-decent-human-being5 · 9 months
Not to analyze a character that was in barely any episodes, but do you guys think that Ramona feels like Cerise is ashamed of being the daughter of the big bad wolf. Like we know that Cerise isn’t ashamed of her dad or anything like that but do we think Ramona knows that. Like Ramona makes such a big deal about the fact that Cerise wears a hood like that’s what she tells her dad she’s upset about when he confronts the girls. To be fair literally not more than a few seconds later she acknowledges that if anyone found out they’d flip their crowns, so deep down I think she knows Cerise has to hide that part of herself for the sake of their family and not by choice. However it still must be hard to not take it to heart a little when she’s literally calling you a wet dog in the hallways.
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If I had a nickel for every time drawfee made a kind of creepy and weird girl character and to show she’s creepy and weird she steals clothes from dead people I’d have two nickels
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a-decent-human-being5 · 2 months
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I love in this episode that one of the twins is probably just tagging along with her sister’s friend group and that it’s not the one you would think it is
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a-decent-human-being5 · 2 months
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Made some drawtectives themed mock tails today
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a-decent-human-being5 · 3 months
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Watching drawtectives on the big screen to prepare for season three lets go
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a-decent-human-being5 · 4 months
I hope that in season three York is like super pretentious about the fact that he knows how to read now I just think it would be silly 
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Mutant mayhem really said fuck it everyone is visually impaired
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I’ve only ever seen Jancy be headcanoned as a lesbian or aroace and I just love that no matter what we can all agree that pi Jancy True is not into men
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a-decent-human-being5 · 3 months
Lydsday thing where BJ’s being over protective of Lydia, sense she’s the greatest and only deserves the best partner obviously, so he keeps trying to sabotage their date, but because it’s Wednesday all his efforts only make him the greatest wing man by pure accident.
Like he turns her drink to blood and Wednesday is all like how did she know B- was my favourite. He sneaks snakes in her seat and Wednesday is like what a romantic gesture for her to do.
Eventually though sense Wednesday was not only chill with all his antics but actively enjoyed them she completely has Beetlejuice’s blessing.
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a-decent-human-being5 · 5 months
So I saw one TikTok and now it got me in a spiral about Apple and her being selfish so here are my very long and messy unfiltered thoughts that I just needed to write out but the TikTok word restriction was just too short for my liking.
I feel like people will sometimes portray Apple as just a selfish jerk who only cares about herself and in some sense she is but it’s also much deeper than just that. Apple is selfish but I think it’s also important to acknowledge that she’s doing it out of fear. You’re probably thinking yes the fear that if you don’t follow your story you may disappear, and well yes I think that is a big factor, as well as what she tells herself and others she’s afraid of, I think more than that it’s the fear of change and uncertainty.
She’s afraid of what will happen if things change this drastically from a social structure she’s always been happy in and benefits from and told her whole life would be the thing that brought her happiness. Her destiny seemed like it was always a safety net for her something concrete that she knew would happen and knew it would be with a happy ending. It’s so incredibly important to her and her whole life is built around it.
So when Raven chooses not to sign it’s like that safety net was taken away from her. Like she’s been told her whole life that her destiny would bring her happiness and as result Apple has always associated these two things together. Following your destiny gets you happiness. Of course she understood that destiny required some sacrifice like eating a poison Apple or sleeping for a hundred years. But because of her association of destiny and the fact that her sacrifice wasn’t as big as others she just saw this as a small step before that happy ending. I think she probably put this mentality onto everyone else as well. So of course when Raven doesn’t sign Apple thinks that she’s being selfish. I mean in Apple’s eyes she’s basically disregarding and erasing other people’s chance at happiness just because of a few struggles in her story right.
The thing that I feel like is so crucial about Apple and her actions is she is doing what she thinks is best for everyone and what will get her friends both safety as well as happiness and she is also wrong about this. She’s too afraid to let go of the preconceptions she’s been thought and held true for her whole life that following your destiny will get you a happy safe life that she ends up being everything she claims is wrong with rebelling. She selfishly looks past the wants and struggles of others fixating on upholding a safety net that for others was nothing more than a pit of spikes they were forced to fall into.
And also none of this is to justify her actions like I said before her actions are very selfish. I just feel like people look at her and hate her for those actions and never take into account the why of it all which is a real shame because the way is very interesting.
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a-decent-human-being5 · 3 months
My Thoughts and Opinions on all the Season One Drawtectives Witnesses Because I Just Finished Rewatching it
(Spoilers under the cut btw)
Buzz: Yeah his design is adorable the drawtectives are completely valid to just melt the second he comes on screen. I adore his voice and the fact that he doesn’t really talk that much, very fun contrast with the cute design. His crush on Dr. Fontaine is also incredibly cute glad they got to sit next to each other at Huck E. Heese. Wish I could eat some of his food but that’s kinda how I feel about all fictional chefs cause I like good food.
Don Jovi: What a name. I remember when I first watched the show I didn’t like him very much because he was the first witness to say “well you gotta earn the clue about the murder” but all things considered they’re chill. I don’t have many thoughts on them though other than the fact that it’s funny how even he finds the crew’s love for Buzz to be a bit much.
Avis Smythe: He obviously didn’t do it but I absolutely feel like he would kill for his son, even though he doesn’t actually know his age lol. Idk he just defends Ogalvy as a good kid so much, despite how blatantly obvious of a troublemaker he is, that I absolutely could see him killing for him if it came to that. Which brings me to yeah in terms of being a good dad he probably should set more boundaries but I love that he just lets Ogalvy do basically whatever weIl also swearing up and down that he’s such a good boy. I get why he was chosen as the fall guy but I also love that the crew went the complete opposite direction with it of “well it couldn’t be Avis cause he’s so nervous he’d probably just tell us if he did it”. However that does always make me wonder how he was able to be a good mole in his job. Also I didn’t say it yet but for him and Ogalvy both the designs are amazing. The reveal that they aren’t actual bird people is iconic. I love how their designs still perfectly match the masks like I would expect no one else under those masks you know.
Ogalvy Smythe: He’s such a little chaotic troublemaker of a kid I absolutely adore it. The fact that this child is not just a thief but a dedicated thief is amazing. Like he’s actively getting so upset when he realizes that there were expensive jewels in this house that someone who’s not him already stole. It’s perfect. He’s also Such a funny character like his lines are iconic and consistently had me laughing. It’s just that complete accurate bluntness that a 5 or something year old has. I don’t want to repeat myself too much but it should be said just how good his design is. Like he is just an egg and I love that for him. It’s not that important and makes sense but I do appreciate just how fitting the cartoon characters he assigned to each of the drawtectives are. Like yes Rosé gets hot lady, York gets hot guy, and Grendan gets dog, perfect. Also speaking of the drawtectives I love how they all eventually came around on him. And of course you can’t talk about Ogalvy without talking about his bond with Rosé. It’s adorable love these thief buddies love that Rosé takes him under her wing despite the fact that she’s trying to get out of that lifestyle. I love it all. Rosé asking what all he stole to try and see if he has the jewels is both a very smart move on her end and such a cute little bonding moment. Plus that gave us all the iconic line of “the hearts and minds of the people”. Overall I just absolutely love Ogalvy he’s probably my second favorite witness and despite his criminal tendencies, or let’s be honest here do in large part to them, he’s such a fun and charming character.
Faucon: Coolest person ever. I love how laid back she is it can sometimes be very funny just how chill she is about absolutely everything. Like just how cool she is was something so refreshing that it was almost comical. Love how she inspired Grendan to change up his name for the first time that’s pretty cool. Even though the name change is just a joke at that point Faucon is still just so supportive of it like it’s real sweet to see. Objectively she’s just the down to earth celebrity but she’s so good at being it you know. She’s cool and understanding while also not down playing her fame. I feel like most down to earth celebrities in fiction fall into a trap of just disregarding or not really liking their fame but that’s not really Faucon. She might be chill and not actively bringing up her status as a celebrity but she still loves her music and her band and if her interactions with the drawtectives is anything to go off of her fans too. She is truly just so nice and supportive about like absolutely everything. Even for something simple like Grendan not knowing many songs her immediate response is, that’s fine and you shouldn’t feel like you have to lie about it. Ended up loving her a lot more than I previously did upon rewatch.
Harper Justice: A lot of people love Harper but I’m not one of those people. I get why other’s like her so much but I am York in this situation. Her spoiled contradictions in her morals upset me. I also can’t stand how she didn’t give them any clues at the end of it. I do like her a lot more in the one shot stream where she’s less drunk and angry, plus giving her a pet that she loves immediately makes her more endearing. This post is only really about season one though so as it stands I still don’t really like her. I hope that her and her mom get closer after she tells her the truth about her past though. I just think it would be nice especially since they’re the only members of the justice family that are left.
Sam Ug: Sam gives us a lot of interesting information after Grendan uses their power on her. I really think her past as a criminal is intriguing especially in relation to Sorin giving her a second chance and her not really trusting people because of her past. Love that she’s based on a dragon and the cigarette representing the smoke is a cool choice. Kinda unrelated to her as a character but her drawing prompt is one of my absolute favorites in season one. It’s just so funny to watch the crew explain photoshop actions in traditional art wording as everyone is just sitting there like damn you really brought your whole ass art kit here tonight huh Grandma. Overall though I think she’s interesting and her past has some cool implications about how she is currently.
Emery Justice: Emery is a horrible evil dad killer we know this, however sense we do know this it can be a little fun to watch him upon rewatch. Like seeing him so quickly agree with any witness the drawtectives propose. Watching him talk up how strong the person must of had to be to overpower his dad. How he out the gate says he wants to help catch whoever is responsible for his father’s death. Like I don’t really like Emery and he’s probably my least favorite witnesses of this season, but sense he is the murder he can also be kinda interesting for that reason.
Susan Fontaine: She’s very sweet and very proficient in her field of work which I respect. She’s actually so sweet that it catches the crew completely off guard, which is pretty funny to watch considering they’re so not used to someone being so agreeable and easy to work with. I think it’s cute how she knows most celebrities because of the interns at her job like it’s just kinda sweet. To me her listening to her interns about casual stuff kinda just shows her caring nature even outside of this case. Also I already said it when talking about Buzz but they’re pretty cute together. Them sitting at Huck E. Heese is adorable. Yeah she’s nice and sweet but I honestly don’t have many thoughts about her outside of that.
Llarm Alasa: My favorite witnesses. He is fashionable for one like the outfit is just great. I completely forgot that he opened it up with the drawing prompt immediately but I kinda love it. It kinda feels like a fun contrast to Dr. Fontaine who gave them all the information up front and then asked for a drawing after just for fun. I don’t know if this was at all intentional but it sure works out nicely with their episodes being back to back. Him just wanting to do something by getting into the drawing challenge dose makes sense though cause as he says he’s been in this room for ever. Also he’s so incredibly tired which again is completely fair considering he’s the last witness and had to just sit in this room for 10 hours. And all this on the same night that one of his best friend died like that sucks so much. He’s so clearly not doing well right now given the whole situation so he tries to distract himself with invention ideas so he doesn’t have to think about it. He basically says this himself. He also brings up how he tends to bury himself in his work to distract from his personal problems which just has me sitting there like bud that’s an awful coping strategy. I’m just glad that at the end of it though the drawtectives give him a new thing for him to think about with whether or not anyone there has been an animatronic the whole time. Also can I just say that his response of “that would be amazing” to that thought is so funny. Like given the witnesses track record you think he would just say it sounds stupid or something but no, to him that idea is cool as hell. It’s just so endearing and speaking of things that make him endearing, I’m great at segways I know, I love him for being a cat owner. Plus it’s a black cat that’s named after something he really enjoys which appeals to me specifically as someone who also has a black cat that was named after something I enjoyed. It is a slight upset that he doesn’t show the crew any cat photos but like he comes around in the end by telling them to follow his Binstagram so I won’t hold it against him. Honestly the only real slight I have against him is that you can not go around picking up obvious murder weapons off the floor my guy. Like do I kinda respect him for not really trusting the bumbling idiots that are the B team cops? Yes. Do I think that could be an interesting thing to think about considering he was Sorin’s close friend and wanting an important piece of evidence to be taken care of properly kinda shows a weird sense of care for him? Also yes. But do I think it was a good move? Absolutely not. At least he eventually trusts to give it to Jancy and the other three. Also I do think he’s mainly trusting Jancy over the drawtectives considering he actively lets out a sigh of relief when she comes in the room. Anyways I’m sorry that I rambled so much about my favorite but I just love him so much he’s literally my favorite witnesses/npc of the entire series.
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