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quintiliusheartripper · 2 years ago
pls show and tell me more about Octavos??? (@commanderhorncleaver)
Im going to be completely honest with you i do not know wben this was sent to me so i hope it wasnt long ago 😭 tumblr mobile on my new iphone (i used to be a android user lol but my dad gave me his old phone since my own broke) is weird
Anyway!!! Octavos!!!
A massive charr at 13ft, his whole bloodline is known for being monsterous sized gaurdians even from ancient times. He is one of my three grothmar born and raised charr (the other two being Vytt, quint’s father and Kytt who is uriahs father) who was given to an ash legion fahrar outside of the main city. It wasnt easy growing up, both because of his size in a place like the ashlegion but because his fahrar wasnt exactly the best. Like rylands there was a lot of abuse just to break the cubs down to be obedient and to harden them for the world.
Regardless hes always been quite a soft but extremely smart charr under his now threatening exterior. His mission for the ash legion after his graduation would be to infiltrate blood legion and root out or track any flame legion comings and goings within their ranks. Even better if he could get juicy tidbits on blood legion too. The best part is it was honestly easy because he just had to go in the ooze pits.
What he didn’t expect was the current imperators son to choose him. Thats right bangar chose him. It was definitely a double edged sword that octavos would have to dance around. Bangar in his youth likely wouldnt be any different from any other charr due to the fact theres still wars to be had against the humans and the flame legion. So i compensate in my writing by making him a little fucking nepotism asshole who would point out his fathers position anytime he wants something. Eventually bangar would realize that this massive charr wasnt as dumb as he pretended to be and they would eventually get into a very close, very casual, relationship. Afterall bangars one and true love is almorra but lets face it bangars the type to fuck others but be a pissy abusive baby when his girlfriend fucks someone else.
Anyway fast forward about ten years after, octavos has quite the dossier and has realized cracks and holes in grothmars defences. Octavos blends perfectly into blood legion, even getting the nickname The Devourer due to his appetite and eatting habits. But things start to get hot, literally, as some important players turn to the flame legion in secret. Plans are whispered among spies and defectors of a bombings and a invasion- the enemies exploiting areas octavos would have noted as weak points. He had a choice to either keep quiet and let it happen or come up with a plan to prevent it and come clean to the imperator about what he was and he did just that.
With the alarms sounded he gave the instructions on how they could prevent it, who to jail with hard evidence to back it up, and he helped lead something that would have had grothmar fall to the burgeoning flame legion.
Regardless bangar is extremely upset about the fact someone he was so weak with and shared so much to was a spy. In my head this plus almorra dumping him for a much nicer ash legion soldier is why he hates ash legion with a passion LMAO
I had done a tiny comic thing for charrtober. Id like to one day expand it more
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But this leads to hims become a tribune for ash and head of defence for grothmar, appointed and suggested by the blood imperator. Bangar would soon rip his fathers throat out and become blood legion imperator and the two will instantly start butting heads. Octavos was progressive- he wanted reforms for fahrars both to make it so they were less abusive but so that the intergration of all the legions meant better teamwork. He would also advocate for the treaty and ceasefire as he put forth economic prosperity especially with trade relations and switching people to more important more dire circumstances like branded.
Octavos would eventually find himself in a odd predicament. He was the type who, when travelling the countryside, would help captured humans be able to escape especially if it looked like they werent soldiers. Usually he would buy them and free them. Sometimes he would even kill the charr if they were violent enough. Which he did upon meeting his future mate Silva. The human had known nothing but slavery under the charr (this is years 30-20 years before ceasefire) and upon seeing their violence octavos killed them, took the human with him, and told him to escape to the shiverpeaks. But silva was too scared to try and so octavos struck a deal that he could live in his house (something along the hillsides where the farmwrs are in grothmar) but would be called his slave untill he felt brave enough to go ahead and run. Silva would stay and while octavos would insist he didnt need to do anything silva would help feed octavoses pets and water his rooftop garden. (One pet is a tiny devourer he named Miss Pepper and a skritt named Biknip who was kicked out by the other skritt and just loves how big octavos is. So pet isnt the right word but everyone who sees him says hes octavoses pet) while octavos kept himself from acting inappropriate to someone he was aiming to help and save it was silva who fell for him and they would start a secret relationship in a age a human charr relationship was extremely taboo especially in grothmar. Dont be fooled by the fact he has a mate though. He has quite a few cubs who are adults by now and is still very sexually open to anyone who has the guts to ask him.
As years go by bangar appoints crecia and slowly but surely he loses his positions of power in grothmar. He and crecia are positive towards one another though, octavos sometimes giving tipsand even argued to bangar about the conditions for flame legions integration. He didnt agree to forcing the cubs to assimilate to blood legion as that will cause future animosity that they do not need. Like crecia they will always remember who theg were. He would again bang on about better fahrar structures and wpuld take the commanders and almorras side about aurene. He didnt want war anymore and instead wanted to see the charr become protectors, a spy network, and craftsman for the benefit for the rest of tyria. He would soon continue to butt heads with bangar even more as he railed on him about his failure to deal with the renegades that were hurting charr and foreigners. He would speak out against the antiforeigner sentiment since it rose to not just be about humans anymore. (He could understand that animosity. Like bangar he has seen what the humans can be capable and im still one to believe that while anet plays the humans in a good light due to gw1 i highly doubt the warcrimes just stopped at skinning a charr and wearing their pelts as armor . Or atleast i like to assume it was a lot more even in terms of the horror the two nations did to one another)
Renegades would plant a listening bug into a toy that octavos bought to give to biknip and soon bangar knew of octavoses illicit relationship that disgusted him. He gave octavos a ultimatum before the planning for the legion gathering truely came into motion. Retire early or have your mice killed. He retired, reluctantly. A part of him wishes he had stood up against him more. Maybe if he screamed more it wouldnt have came to civil war. His mate would soon live life as almost a werecharr, using magic. To go between human and charr. They liked the courage they felt as a charr but knew he was safe in octavoses arms even as a human. They would have a baby girl late in their life.
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harukaemberfall · 4 years ago
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My Ash Legion Armor is complete!
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icedcoffeecatstudios · 4 years ago
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Katullus Shotspire, Legionnaire of the Shot warband, and a super grumpy Necromancer. Picked on by his siblings for being a small Charr with “unattractive” horns. That doesn’t matter though, Ash appreciates his size and willingness to serve his legion to the best of his abilities, despite having a bad back. He leads by example and is not a rule breaker. He is willing to sacrifice himself for his warband, despite the harm it causes him.  Being a necromancer means he has his share of demons, but the ability to control them is that matters. There isn’t a lot of his backstory in the first 37 pages, but he is one of the main characters. https://www.deviantart.com/icedcoffeecatstudios/art/Story-Espresso-and-the-Shot-warband-861946953
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van-larkh · 5 years ago
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Inktober 2019 #13 Ash
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quintiliusheartripper · 2 years ago
Quint: mostly similar to the game. He specialized in self inflickting blood magic though and tends to be all around up in your face. While the lore has it that the reapers werent invented pre 1327 I still consider him such. He has a extremely aggressive style thats in your face due to a lack of self preservation in his blood legion years. The most different is his magic isnt cold based but more on his shroud, light and flame made from the mists. his family comes from a loh line of necromancers so his magic is naturally attuned to it. It isnt untill he meets the kodan that the magic goes from blood to more mist magic
Uriah: engineer. he doesnt really fight but can hit his wrench real hard on you or make you regret coming up to him by using his welding torch on you. He made a rifle that is less shotgunny like the one in game and more like the deadeye that stops magic flow in peoples bodies...but he doesnt use it often. (Also hes making mech suits basically but he doesnt tend to see combat). He has no magic as far as he knows so he was goven this job when he looked more male presenting as a teen (he is intersex)
Muisi: tiny 5ft plus sized shroom warrior has magic. Shes technically a spellbreaker in game. I imagine she gains her warrior superhuman strength through magic that she focuses on where she needs. Always been like this but i imagine her being secretly soundless pushed her to be stronger
Tryphon: pretty much the same as herald but different spirits that are mostly pirste based. Used to be a healing based gaurdian. Learned it from his mom
Octavos: healing based gaurdian that uses his size and weight to his advantage. So he will fucking wreck you. Think "the best healig is dps", kinda strats for him mostly. But he does steo from the carnage if he knows someone on his team is hurt. Magic runs in his blood and he is from a gaurdian family.
Melanthios: a revenant that specialized in teleportation and traps so i guess he would be dragon hunter huh? Different spirits still. He died and came back to life- before he was a teleportation and trap gaurdian lol. Probably what was encouraged by his warband and ash legion fahrar
Vytt:, basically in game. Hes just a sneaky little ranger thats poison based. He uses tatttoos magically connected to kytt to pull mesmer magic out to use for hiding and quick escapes. Became a ranger b3cause he loves his animals and hes ashlegion.
Kytt: a mesmer with a lot of glamours and invisibility spells- his illussions are smokey instead of the butterflies. Couldnt do shit for most his life and was teased about it in the fahrar. but when vytts life was threatened he was able to teleport and make a fake clone in their place and found out he was a mesmer, hiding it from everyone but vytt...untill they joined the flame legion.
GW2 OC question of the day |
For your GW2 OC (or OCs)–what is their class? Do you consider them cut and dry one of the in-game classes, or do they have their own special class outside of those limitations? What are their favourite weapons to fight with? Have they always been this class, or have they changed classtype over their time on Tyria? What started them off on that path of that class (natural more knack for magic? et cetra)?
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brahameirssonssleftnipple · 11 years ago
if you type u over 500 times into the moonbase chat alpha system, put on headphones and turn the bass up, you can feel time and space
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varae-ver-you-are · 11 years ago
ashlegion replied to your post: ...
This is not me, but I’m doing pretty damn good, how about yourself?
Doing a LOT better than I have been. Just a little stressed with getting the moving stuff. C: 
I may try to get some GW2 play time in soon.
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quintiliusheartripper · 2 years ago
🖊️Quint has taken up teaching at the sanctuary, something that he intended to do if he lived long enough to retire in the legions. Mostly its cooking classes and classes about the world since quint has more experience in that than the kodan do. He loves this all deeply
🖊️Ive done some finaggling witht his point in quints life when he went through trial and was kicked out of the ash legion. quint committed what looked like a murder of a very very high ranked ash official but during the trial he and his defense were able to show that this person was a flame legion spy. However the paper work for him being booted out of the ashlegion was already signed and made official so he ended up joining a blood legion warband. Anyway desertgrave didnt want to see his face as someone who had a relationship with his dame, whose killer looks so much like quint. So far this is the version i enjoy the most but wr will see in like a year or two lol.
🖊️When Stoics ranger companion, a polar bear named Akat, dies quint will be devastated. The closest thing hes ever had as a pet who helped him and kept close. After the proper kodan ceremony he ends up skinning, taking teeth, nails, bones, and the skull from the corpse. He will get the skull gilded and decorated for display and get jewerly made of some of the parts he taken. He will make a fur cape for himself as akat always helped him stay warm during their trip to drizzlewood and anytime he and stoic did patrol around the sanctuary. The bear will cotninue to in death. Honestly stray and stoic are a little offput at first by the entire ordeal considering its strange for them but they come to understand this is quints way of mourning. Quint would even admit that if his dame hadnt died in the way she did he would have done something similar with her as its been a tradition passed down the bloodline since before the flame shaman era.
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icedcoffeecatstudios · 4 years ago
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I know I announced this a few days ago, but I have the first 37 pages of a roleplay inspired story posted. The pages are now available on deviant art.
 Pic of Espresso, the subject of the story, for attention.
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eva-420 · 11 years ago
ashlegion replied to your post: theres this new thing you can buy that lets you kill people in ur own faction and since sargeras is 99999% alli then its just a constant massacre
if you kids were on horde I’d offer to drag you over to my realm, it’s pretty much completely dead sans my own guildies, and they won’t kill you with the item if you ask them to stop
what realm are you even on? i want to main horde again, preferably on a pvp server that isnt 75%+ alliance (or pve server)
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varae-ver-you-are · 11 years ago
Orange ice Cream, Strawberry tea
Orange Cream: Something I've always wanted to tell you.
--- I think you're a pretty cool guy. I really hope you do well and I'm actually glad we got to be friends. 
strawberry tea: favourite outfit
I like my overshirts and jeans. Something simple, casual and fun. C: 
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eva-420 · 11 years ago
ashlegion replied to your post: kiango liked your post: ...
You’ll also have to earn the favor of the mighty dragon garrosh, who guards the gates of kiangos castle
thats what the sacred crystals are for dude
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galgo23 · 12 years ago
ashlegion replied to your post: im so upset about tfios every time i think about...
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fanged-one · 12 years ago
ashlegion replied to your post: WHYY CANT IT BE TOMORROW ALREADY I JUST WANT...
rofl nerd
dude its not funny ok. this is some serious stuff goin' on here and theise babies are going to be my pride and glory. SO IT AINT FUNNY OK MISTER. 
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