#ashes of valkana
mapas-fantasticos · 1 year
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Map of Valkana from TitansGrave: The Ashes of Valkana (Map by Andy Law).
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cityandking · 1 year
playtest, level one, and background (for minah)
ty!!! // d&d player asks
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
At this point I've played every class besides artificer (as a player; I have an artificer NPC). I think I'd like to try a couple of the fighter subclasses. maybe battle master? I'd like to try a bard/warlock too; I think that would be a fun combo.
Level One: What was your first experience with D&D? How did you hear about it? What was your first game like?
A friend recommended I watch Ashes of Valkana, which was a short actual play show hosted by Wil Wheaton. Laura Bailey was on that, which is how I ended up finding CR, and the rest is history. My very first game I played at my kitchen table. I was an archer in a Dragon Age flavored oneshot that same friend ran, and then I ended up DMing for that group for about a year and have been playing ever since.
Background: Does your PC get up to anything that you don't narrate often? Any background habits, activities, plots? Do you share these through other avenues (e.g. a group chat, table cross-talk, posting online)?
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rafawriter · 7 years
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contessajellyfish · 6 years
if you remember when i had the url slethkk or heaven forbid olympicloser or drcrush,,,,, you're stronger than any us marine
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cat-hesarose · 7 years
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My friend showed me titansgrave: ashes of valkana and I immediately started thinking about the half-orc-half-elf that I would totally play if someone would JuSt rUn a pLaYtEst
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propaganda-train · 7 years
It's super exciting and will update as the campaign progresses. For those just starting out in Table Top, my ask is open for you to send in requests, tips, tricks and pirate jokes :3 
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dr-archeville · 5 years
Star Trek: The Next Generation and The Big Bang Theory star Wil Wheaton says he's been shorted profits from a web series, according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Wheaton and his loan-out company Media Dynamics on Monday sued Legendary Geek & Sundry for breach of contract.  The actor claims Legendary in 2015 hired him to create, write, executive produce and host a web series called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana and he'd be paid $50,000 and 50 percent of the net profit from the series.
Legendary had the exclusive right to distribute and promote the web show, but it was supposed to "consult meaningfully" with Wheaton before doing so, according to the complaint.  The actor says Legendary defied that provision and negotiated license agreements with Sinclair Broadcasting, Hulu and Pluto TV without informing him.
Wheaton expects Legendary has collected significant fees in connection with those deals, and therefore he's due his share, but says the company won't let him audit its books.
Wheaton is seeking at least $100,000 in damages and is asking the court to order that a full accounting be conducted.
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wilwheaton · 7 years
Wil is there anything fans of Tabletop and Ashes of Valkana can do to encourage their continued existence?
Not really. I hear you, and I’m doing what I can to do something about it. That’s all I can say.
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a-spec-aesthetics · 7 years
Heya, it's kinda heckin' specific but could I get an aroace moodboard with a certain series? It's called Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana. If not, one with steampunk is cool too!
posted! I’m really sorry for the delay
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onpiracyanddice · 7 years
This is a blog documenting THE PIRATES OF VALKANA, a fun spin on Will Wheaton's the ashes of valkana. My name is Kayla and I'm gming this epic quest over the next few months. Expect to see character introductions, fun adventures, and the occasional dumpster fire. I'll leave the ask open for advice, questions for struggling gms, and those just curious :3 After the campaign is said and done a full plot with notes, the character sheets and everything in the spirit of table top gaming!
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Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana fic, major spoilers up to episode/chapter 5. S’Lemley fluff.
As the campfire burned low, with everyone else asleep, S’Lethkk still couldn’t put the thoughts out of his mind. What if he blamed me… What if they had gotten hurt… Why couldn’t he just have stayed out of trouble? Why… Why wasn’t I there… I should have been there. He tried one more time to fall asleep, hoping things would be better in the morning. His mind would be rested, refreshed, and seeing more clearly. Things would be brighter in the morning, right? But that was just wishful thinking, and he knew it. It never worked out that way; at least, it hadn’t the last few nights. Ever since he heard the cursed word “Kinagytus”.
He heard a quiet, shrill gasp on the other side of the fire pit.
“Lemley?” he whispered.
“Oh, S’Lethkk…” she replied, equally as quiet. “I was just… you know, stretching. My arms.” She quickly raised her arms and pretended to stretch, letting out a yawn.
“More like stretching your lungs,” he chuckled. She laughed in reply, slightly embarrassed. “Bad dream?”
“Oh, you know… The usual. Magical stick, glowey hands. Chasing me. Weird, right? Like that could have come from anything real… at all...” she implied, sarcastically.
S’Lethkk sighed. “The staff… I’m sorry. I didn’t know… I didn’t know it…”
“Scared me? Yeah, well, let’s be honest,” she chuckled, “what doesn’t? It’s just me, little ol’ Lemley. Can’t even do sleep well.”
“You do a lot more than you think,” he stated compassionately.“Yeah, coming from Mr. Bucket over there,” she teased.
“Hey, one time!” he retorted good-naturedly, but a bit too loudly, causing Aankia to stir lightly in her sleep.
“Shhh, quiet! They’re sleeping,” she whispered intently.
“Oh, right…” he whispered back, humoring her as she walked over and sat down next to him so they could talk more easily.
“… Thanks,” she said, after a pause.
“For what?”
“The… you know, the compliment and everything.”
“Oh… Yeah,” he smiled, looking her in the eyes as much as he could in the dim light.
Another pause. “I… I’m sorry. About K’Lath.”
He smiled again, this time more sadly. “Thanks.”
“I wish,” she spoke slowly, “I could have gotten to know him…”
“Yeah… So do I… I think he would have liked you.”
“Really? Do you think so? Well, I mean, who doesn’t, really?” She gently whipped her short, pink locks behind her shoulder, but apologized after a pause. “I’m not really that great, I know,” she smiled relentingly.
“I think you are. My brother would have thought so as well. I… I’ve been around, you know. I know a good thing when I see it.” As if it were an afterthought, he added, “When you first found me, that… That wasn’t the first bit of trouble I’d gotten myself into.”
“Really? Tell me about it!” she asked, excitedly. “Or, oh… You probably don’t want to talk about it, do you?” she realized awkwardly. “I’m sorry. I should go back to sleep.” Lemley started to get up, but felt a gentle hand pulling her back down.
“No, it’s just… There’s not that much to tell. I was looking for my brother, you see. I just… wasn’t welcome many places where I might have found him. At least, my Saurian half wasn’t.”
“Oh… I understand… Sort of.”
S’Lethkk chuckled lightly. “Got in a lot of fights,” he added, still with a smile on his face.
“Did you win?” she inquired brightly.
“Most,” he answered, his eyes full of happy memories. “But not all.”
“Oh… I see…” she trailed off. “Hey, how come you’re still up? I mean, I had my dream that woke me up, you know, forlorn hope and all… Did it give you nightmares, too?”
“No, not really… I just… can’t sleep.”
“Too much light? We can probably poor some water on the fire to make it--”
“It’s not the fire… but thank you.”
“Yeah, ‘course… It’s your brother, isn’t it?”
He let out a sigh. “Yeah.”
“See, I know things,” she smiled, simply but compassionately. “I’ll bet he loved you.”
“Your brother! He was probably on his way to find you when he… You know…”
“Yeah… Yeah, maybe he was.” S'Lethkk paused. “Doesn’t much matter now, though, does it?”
“Of course it does! I’d hate to think my parents… Well… I’m sure he loved you, your brother. How could he not? I mean, c’mon, you are pretty great. He probably forgave you a long time ago. You know, for whatever it was that you did. Or that he did. Or…” she trailed off.
He paused reflectively. “Thanks, Lem. I… I think I needed to hear that.”
“Yeah, you know…” she slapped his arm gently, “friends, all that…” She stood up.
“I… I just wish I fit in here more.”
“What do you mean? You fit in with us great!”
“Well, there’s you and Aankia, yeah… You’re good friends. And then Kiliel, she… She understands all of us. She helps, she fights, and she’s too short to get in the way of anything,” he joked. “But me, I’m… In addition to being the only man here – other than Jeremy, that is – I’m just… Mr. Bucket.”
“Hey, now…” Lemley sat back down. “I was just joking, you know me…”
“Yeah, but you’re right. I don’t do much. I don’t fit in. I’m the one who put us all in danger with the Kinagytus, and all for my dead brother.”
“That was our choice, S’Lethkk. We wanted to help.”
“And you did. But if something had happened… It would have been my fault. I don’t belong here, I do more harm than I do good. Like I said, I know something good when I see it, and I also know when I’m… kind of… ruining it.”
“Keep thinking like that and you’ll end up alone for the rest of your life,” she stated bluntly, deciding that for once it was okay to be serious. “You lost your brother, I understand that… Really. I do. I lost my parents… Twice. And it was my fault, at least the second time… But then I found Aankia. And then… And then we found you. This…” She paused for a while, then inhaled and continued. “I loved my Saurian parents, I really did. They raised me. They were all I ever knew. But we were never really… a family, you know what I mean? This… The four of you… You’re the only family I’ve ever known. Aankia, Kiliel, you, even Jeremy. You’re a part of this family now. There’s no getting out of this one, we won’t let you,” she chuckled slightly. “This is your home. Here. With us, wherever we are. I’m not letting you go anywhere.” She placed her hand on his. “Unless it’s to sleep, of course. That, you can do. And probably should, actually. Did you know that you go crazy if you don’t sleep? It’s because of dreams. I learned that once. If you don’t dream, then you lose your mind. Though, you can lose your mind from a dream, depending on the dream…”
S’Lethkk chuckled. “I’ll try my best not to go crazy, then.”
“You do that.” She stood up with a smile.
“Don’t worry about it.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek, but instantly made a face. “Blah, scales… Never kissed scales before.”
He smiled. “At least you don’t have to live in them.”
“Aankia says they’re not so bad… They look good on you,” she complimented, slightly awkwardly, but neither one minded. “Goodnight, S’Lethkk.”
“Goodnight, Lem.”
They both fell instantly to sleep, uninterrupted.
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heroofshield · 7 years
Questions! Tag You’re It!
I was tagged by @scknight05!
The rules are simple: Answer eight questions and tag eight people.
Last movie you watched: Wonder Woman! (it’s just as good the second time around)
Last song you listened to: Rocketman by Elton John
Last book you read: Cinderella’s Dress by Shonna Slayton (although I’m currently reading Scarlett Fever by Maureen Johnson)
Last thing you ate: Pasta w/ alfredo sauce and chicken
Where would you want to time travel: Limiting this to Top 3 Tudor England, Edwardian England, and 1970s French Riviera.
Fictional character you would like to hang out with: Wonder Woman
Favorite superhero as a child: Robin (Dick Grayson)
Current fandom obsession:  Mass Effect: Andromeda/Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana RPG
Not gonna tag anyone (’cause they don’t do them anyways) but if you want to do it, go ahead!
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nerdarchy-blog · 7 years
The TitansGrave role-playing game show is a top-notch production
The TitansGrave role-playing game show is a top-notch production
Returning readers might make me eat crow for the RPG encounter planned for this session. D&D is hiding in shadows and moving silently this week while the Fantasy Adventure Game Engine sets the stage for Geek & Sundry’s TitansGrave: The Ashes of Valkana. There is a huge variety of live streamed and recorded RPG play sessions out there. The merits, value and impact are debatable among many, but not…
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hufflepuppy · 8 years
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Kiliel, Aankia, Lemley in Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana.
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