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antispopausandstuff · 5 months ago
Romantic Homicide
[ synopsis - a rewrite of 'Don't Go' by Nate Stevenson // 'Taking Control' s5 ep 6 ]
for a moment, the hero can barely inhale.
those claws, holding onto her so tightly, that she can barely process anything else. not even her own heartbeat.
she wants to let go.
but then Catra would fall deeper.
would that be her fault, too?
after slowed time, Adora finds it in herself to push up onto her feet, adjusts her grip on the woman in her arms, and walks. it's a strange feeling, to be so sluggish and energized at once. exhaustion. adrenaline.
from fear.
she didn't know when they got to the empty room. an extra space.
"...Catra," she breathes, quiet and ragged. a simple command. no, a plea, to let go. the Magicat's ear twitches once, her hold loosening only slightly, but not setting her free.
Adora sets her down on the bed.
the claws stay.
"let go," she says, unable to be as harsh as she wants to be.
all this time, and she's still soft.
when the hands release her, Adora breathes further.
silence continues as clothes are found and water is given. they don't talk. what could be said at this moment that would change anything, ever, at all? what could be forgotten?
the exit is right there. she could leave. she wants to.
yet, she still stops when that voice calls to her. for her.
looking over her shoulder, blue and yellow eyes stare right at her, something like guilt trapped within them. one that couldn't be trusted, after all these years of pain and suffering, of blood and an unforgiving darkness. one that grew and grew until no room was left.
guarded, Adora slowly turns. "what is it?" she asks, neutral and distant. the distance that was always there protruding and showing itself out in the open without spilling.
the Magicat shifts in her spot.
"i..." a swallow. nerves. "why did you come back?"
come back.
is that how she viewed it?
"why did you come back? we both know i don't matter."
"i can't let you die here."
at the time, thoughts were messy and looking deeper could've cost more than it was going to be worth.
but now...
with bated breath, she stands straight and forward. "i didn't," she replies, states, blunt, direct, and impersonal. as it should've been.
silence hangs over once more.
and she leaves.
when she comes to ( from what, she doesn't know ), a hand is on her shoulder, calloused, chipped, bruised, yet gentle and inviting.
"you were spacing out again," he explains, lowering his hand to hers as worry settles in his eyes. "is it... Catra?" he asks next, though he sounds expectant.
of course he is.
Adora breathes again. without a word, she nods, and the archer sits by her, hand at her waist as he pulls her into an embrace. she wraps an arm around him in turn, head on his shoulder.
she was exhausted.
it was hard, to care for someone you wanted to stay away from.
to hold back against someone who shouted at you.
to keep the words "of course i hate you" in your throat.
she didn't lie, but she wasn't able to speak the truth, either.
all the hero could do was walk away.
"i'm such an idiot."
talking to Glimmer was hard.
less difficult than Catra, more difficult than Bow.
but she had to do it. she had to.
"...why was she so nice to you?"
it was a selfish question. she knew that.
but the Queen's eyes showed sympathy anyway.
Glimmer had spoken of her time with Catra on Horde Prime's ship. said she wasn't so terrible, for a time, and even listened to her every now and then until she just... suddenly saved 'her'.
and Adora couldn't help but feel...
logically, she knew Catra was only out for herself at that time ( maybe all the time ), but it still hurt, somehow, to hear that she was different, if it was only for a time.
why couldn't she be different for me?
"you're such an idiot."
"i think she just wanted to feel better about herself. in a weird, self-pitying way," Glimmer answers.
that was the only answer possible.
because Catra couldn't have wanted more than the power she was given, now could she?
"don't you get it?! i am NEVER going to go with you!"
a hand. warm, almost hot, through the fabric of her jacket, seeping into the skin of her shoulder. "Adora," the Queen called out, bringing her back to the world around them.
for now, reality was kind and bittersweet.
Catra's claws were bared.
in the next instance, that hand was pinned to the wall, the grip over it almost vice. the claws didn't go away.
Adora could barely hear the voices around her.
with furrowed brows, her chest heavy, she slowly let go and took steps back. "we're doing this," she declares, unforgiving. "and if hiding from the people you've almost killed will make you feel better, we'll drop you off and you never have to see us again!"
taking a deep breath, she slowly turns away. "i'll never have to see you again," she mutters, walking across the unstable ground.
but, before she could escape, that damned hand grabbed her wrist.
"Adora, wait!"
looking down, the Magicat was on her knees.
the hand dragged down until it wrapped around the hero's palm, keeping her there.
a skip. nerves bundled in her gut, an urge in her throat.
let go of me.
those blue and yellow eyes showed themselves.
...and she did.
it was nightfall, according to Entrapta.
regardless, everyone was exhausted and wanted to sleep.
but Catra didn't want her to go.
sitting on the mattress, Adora fiddled with her necklace. somewhere along the way, the sword transformed itself. maybe it was the anxiety of everything, of Catra being here, right behind her.
the answers were unclear.
many seem to be nowadays.
the voice cut through her thoughts, low, almost rough. she didn't fully hear what was said, but she knew well enough.
everything suddenly felt more closed in.
slowly, rigidly, Adora shifted her position, laying down on her side, one leg in contact with the floor with the other on the mattress. she was facing away.
she didn't want the covers.
the ship was silent.
and the hero didn't sleep.
just listened to the Magicat's breathing turn to snores and hope she didn't wake up to need her again.
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antispopausandstuff · 1 month ago
Glimmer and Castaspella's relationship in my rewrite can be summed up as "Warrior of the Mind" and "My Goodbye" by EPIC. wasn't even intentional, but, boy, do i love when my hyperfixations meld.
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antispopausandstuff · 8 months ago
my SPOP universe pt. 1 - character bios ( very long, i'm sorry )
disclaimer // note - it'll be SPOP-focused, but i do take a 'few' things from the original show and implement them here.
preferred style(s) - ATLA // LOK, ROTTMNT, LMK ( s1-s4 ), Spiderverse, or Kill la Kill
( part of the reason for these styles is the VFX, battle coordination, and creature // environmental design, esp with vibrant media like Spiderverse, ROTTMNT, and LMK )
theme song - something akin to "The Call" by League of Legends or "The World That Ends in Three Days" by Koji Kondo, ROZEN, & Celica Soldream.
rating - PG-15 ( i'm not a writer for young children and don't handle things in a very kid-friendly way )
note - here's some gender // sexuality hcs of the characters, though it isn't all of them.
established changes:
the runestones don't exist
the cast is 18+ unless stated otherwise
roles will be changed for plot relevance or sense ( for ex, neither perfuma, entrapta, scorpia, spinerella, or netossa are royals )
the first ones are not evil
mara and adora are the only she-ras
most ships will remain noncanon
there's no white people here, sorry
cast ( pt. 1 ) . . .
Adora - Long Lost Princess of Eternia, Force Captain ( former ), Daughter of Hordak and Shadow Weaver, and She-Ra. 20 yrs old, 5'0, was abducted as an infant, from her home planet, and taught to be a solider for the Horde. raised by Shadow Weaver and Hordak ( it's separate care, not romantically coded ). unofficial caretaker of Catra.
she was raised to be very serious and no-nonsense like, always remaining calm and strategic in drastic situations to prevent the worst case scenario. due to this built-in stoicism, along with other factors, Adora struggles with interpersonal relationships and knowing her own sense of self, including what she is or isn't comfortable with ( such as unnecessary conflict ).
before She-Ra is even a possibility, the weight of the world was already bestowed upon her shoulders, and she sets on carrying out her duty to protect the world from those who wish to harm it.
beneath it all, however, Adora is a young woman who desires connection and peace. she secretly hopes for that to be her reward.
design would be inspired by Cal, Zav 1, Zav 2, Zav 3, and Fern ( blue guy ) by animatorroseoak, Midas by sleeepybacon, and with these details by me! outfit color palette would go from black and red to white, gold, and blue. just to clarify, though she is mythical, she'd still be afro-latino coded.
theme song - Song of Healing by The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra
Glimmer - Princess of Brightmoon, Daughter of Queen Angella and King Micah, and Leader of the Rebellion. 19 yrs old, 5'6, was raised by her widowed mother ever since she was an infant. due to her lineage, she is a demigod and will likely live longer than the average Etherian.
ever since she was born, Glimmer's powers were too great for her body to handle, causing her to lose control very quickly, especially when her emotions were heightened. Angella brought her to Castaspella, her aunt and the greatest sorceress on Etheria, to teach her control and balance.
Glimmer has always been a bright mind with an even brighter personality, striving for excellence and success, and has never let her misfortunes, whether it be her powers going haywire or a plan not going through, weigh on her. at least, that's what she shows to her people and mother.
but, on the inside, she is actually very insecure over her lack of understanding of her own powers, what her mother thinks of her, and how she can handle being future Queen. afraid of change and what fate could hold for her, Glimmer is avoidant of talking about her upcoming role to Brightmoon, seeing Castaspella again ( they haven't talked in years ), or taking a break from her leadership in the Rebellion.
design would be inspired by Ube by kleahvii, Mika by kienan_lafferty, Marlowe & Buwa by sleeepybacon. high focus on the astral theming, with minor details of the angelic theme. i imagine her with either pinkish blonde hair or black hair with pink and blue ombre streaks. her species would be a hybrid of elf ( Micah ) and chimera ( Angella ).
theme song - Termina Field by Koji Kondo & ROZEN
Bow - Guardian of Whispering Woods, Friend of Madame Razz, Best Friend of Princess Glimmer's, Son of George and Lance, and Co-Leader of the Rebellion. 20 yrs, 6'0, is a runaway from home after a particularly bad argument ensued between himself and his family. he is a pacifist and uses his archery to assist, not to cause harm ( or, at least, irreversible harm ).
his reasons for running away aren't exactly known, even to Glimmer herself, and he always gives half-truths or not-necessarily-lies to anyone who asks about his family and history. but he is very open about his beliefs, his current living situation ( currently resides in the Whispering Woods ), and how he feels.
as the Rebellion's mechanic and stealth strategist, Bow uses his technological intelligence and creativity to aid his allies. he's proven time and time again to be reliable, intuitive, and thinking of just about everything. whether or not that's a good thing.
in contrast to his secrecy, Bow is open-minded, well-meaning, and has a very strong belief in kindness. after living in the Whispering Woods on his own for a few years, and experiencing hardships unbeknownst to anyone else, he aims to be the example for others that people weren't for him.
design would be inspired by Jequ and Agnes by dewfroq, and Earth-42 Miles Morales in Across The Spiderverse. i think i want to make him a cyborg-type of character.
theme song - Goron Lullaby by The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra
Angella - Queen of Brightmoon, Mother of Princess Glimmer, Widowed Wife of King Micah, and Angel of Etheria. 47(?) yrs old, 7'5, her exact origins are unknown, even to her daughter. some speculate that she was born from a star or moon, others guess she is from a different dimension entirely. the only one who even had an idea was the late King Micah.
benevolent, calm, and wise, Angella has been Queen for longer than she has been anything else. in some ways, she considers that a blessing. in others, she considers it a curse. accepting her fate decades ago, the pain has dulled enough to be barely noticeable.
though most don't know it, she has lived way longer than almost any of the Etherians, having experienced more than the Horde's genocide and eventual war. maybe even the universe beyond Despondos.
her abilities align, though not rely on, with the moons and stars, especially with specific constellations. but, as Despondos has a lack of those constellations ( and there are much less stars in the sky ), Angella has not reached her full power in decades.
it's only to Glimmer that she shows her true self, the self that is curious, easily endeared, and overall heartful and passionate, which is a stark contrast to the all-knowing, mysterious, powerful being that is the Queen of Brightmoon. because of this, her daughter has a hard time explaining to others that her mother isn't as stonewalled as she appears.
design would be inspired by Lucifer by fourleafisland, Sera by idolomantises, and Lifegiver and Sold Adopt Design by sleeepybacon. she is a flight-based chimera that has a lot of astral and angel theming, with her facial features obscured by a secondary, smaller set of wings.
theme song - Song of Time by The St. Louis Ocarina Trio
Hordak - Emperor of the Fright Zone, Father of Adora, The 'Big Boss'. 55 ( appearance wise ), 6'7, his origins are about as unknown as Angella's. it's unknown if he even likes or dislikes to discuss it, as no one has dared to ask him about his life before the Horde.
having brought Etheria to its knees decades ago, Hordak is easily bored or disinterested in his surroundings, often indulging himself in sadism for entertainment. however, he does have a soft spot for his children, Imp and Adora, and finds enjoyment in their company.
when She-Ra comes around, he isn't all that irritated. in the beginning, at least. in fact, he's rather riveted by the new challenge. discovering her identity, however, made all the difference. now, he constantly has to pick between being a father and being an Emperor.
design would be inspired by Fei by cronchy_baguette, Jacks by par0llel, Unnamed OC by crazycomet107, and Miguel O'Hara Illustration by sairasays. his design would definitely be a mix of cyborg and beast, lots of predator and prey metaphors.
theme song - Elegy of Emptiness by The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra
Shadow Weaver - Sorceress of the Fright Zone, Second In Command, Mother of Adora and Catra. 50(?), 5'11, was raised in the Crimson Waste, but ran away and became a student in Mystacor at a young age. after obtaining the dark arts, however, she was banished and considered a freak of nature. soon after, she was found by Hordak.
the 'freak of nature' title didn't leave, however. rather, Shadow Weaver had to embrace it in order to become immune, using her dark magic to protect and provide for herself and whatever or whoever she needs to succeed or gain power.
she keeps most, if not all of her relationships at arms length, paranoia and trust issues running deep. though this doesn't exclude her daughters, Adora and Catra, it's less so with them. even if it's for separate reasons.
after Adora turned on the Horde, this instilled Shadow Weaver's already unstable mindset and kicked it into overdrive. obsessive, aggressive, and erratic in behavior, she eventually becomes a danger to herself and others.
design would be inspired by Peter Pan & Captain Hook Illustrations by sairasays, The Heads and The Witch by kelpible, and Arek ( 3rd form ) by sleeepybacon. her design would be parallel to her life as Light Spinner.
theme song - Midna's Theme by Monsalve
Catra - Cadet of the Horde ( former ), Force Captain, Daughter of Shadow Weaver. 19 yrs, 5'7, was abducted as a toddler and taught to be a solider, though succession rates are varying. she was originally born in a Kingdom, but her memories are limited and she's rather uninterested ( or unmotivated, it's not clear ) in finding out where she's from.
as she was raised by Shadow Weaver, Catra became an odd mix of codependent, lazy, defiant and aggressive, borderline sadistic, obsessive, and jealous, driving away most people, which only solidified her unhealthy relationships.
once Adora left the Horde, she was no better than her mother, in terms of mental decline, and it was part of the reason why she became Force Captain. unofficially speaking.
design would be inspired by Eralisto by animatorroseoak, Bacon 1 and Bacon 2 by sleeepybacon, Cairo by cronchy_baguette, and Elliot by spam0_llel. i like to think her design becoming more and more feral // unhinged as she develops.
theme song - Majora's Mask by Koji Kondo & ROZEN
Scorpia ( Lynda ) - Force Captain, Ex-Warrior of the Crimson Waste, Sister of Octavia, Harbinger of Poison. 21 yrs, 6'3, a fighter with a tough exterior, but a gentle soul. once she gets to know you, anyway. in her time in the Horde, she has formed a bond with Octavia and knew of Catra and Adora, but hadn't met them personally until Catra becam Force Captain.
after running away from the Crimson Waste after killing the leader, Scorpia was recruited by Hordak for her strength and poison // paralytic touch. though, it wasn't exactly like she had a choice.
when meeting Catra, the two were at arms-length for a while, with Scorpia being a little off-put by the other's intensity in bringing Adora back. but, somehow, they eventually become friends. as much as they could be, anyway, considering the circumstances.
design would be inspired by Gora ( tall, dark-haired goliath ) by pen.lilixeesketche and Tora and Gabu by par0llel. i read up the original character's details and decided to have kind of a 'mish-mash' of the original and reboot ( not quite, though ).
theme song - Bolero of Fire by Giulio Capone
Entrapta ( Es'Tra ) - The Fae of Entanglement, Lady of Dryll, Heart of Technology. Late 40s ( forgot specific age ), 4'10, works for the Horde as their technician, isolated and muted, but finds comfort in the Emperor's company. when he has time for that.
no one really knows why or how she got there, but it's evident that she's chronically exhausted and has a habit of becoming hostile with those who don't respect her space ( it's how she met Catra one on one ). when she's in a better mood, however, she's more likely to talk, but not guaranteed, and shows to always have more knowledge than anyone would expect.
in the rare instances she's completely happy, Entrapta is very friendly, engaging, and there's an increased percentage she'll share technology // technological-know-how with you.
design would be inspired by Bitten Lady and Faubron by animatorroseoak, Eris by boots.oc, and Remi by par0llel. lots of plant cycle symbolism in her environments and hair.
theme song - Song of Storms by ROZEN
Double Trouble ( Rebekk ) - Diamond of Mischief, Multi-Mask, Fae of Deceit. Early 20s ( exact age is unknown ), 5'11, a busybody that absolutely hates the Horde, which helps them not give a damn about anything more than bare minimum privacy, and who also happens to be Glimmer's cousin, adopted by Castaspella.
when they're not busying spying on the Horde, Double Trouble spends time working on their own plays and shows or trying to play around with their peers, being a generally needy person that craves attention and validation. it's not hard to make them happy, though. usually, a simple compliment makes their entire day.
none of their family knows of their work, though. and they'd like to keep it that way.
design would be inspired by Rue by lizard_b.rain, Thraniavas by spidertams, Cantaluse by animatorroseoaks, and Original Character Animation by kelapabiru. a random design tidbit that doesn't really matter, i like to think their hair is dyed blonde, but they have brown // black roots.
theme song - Minuet of Forest by Giulio Capone
not all of the character biographies, not even close, but i'm currently working on pt. 2 as we speak, so that'll be out soon! probably will have a pt. 3 and pt. 4, though, there's a lot to go through.
thank you for reading! this and pt. 2 took forever.
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antispopausandstuff · 1 month ago
decided that i wasn't gonna die with my ideas, so here's at least some of 'em ( note, they're subject to change )
!!! VERY DARK !!!
warnings - severe abuse, death, attempted s__cide, and self-harm
not particularly in perfect order of events.
Adora . . .
ever since she was an infant, Adora was a lab rat for a variety of malpractices and extreme experiments. as a result, she has high pain tolerance, is immune to most drugs, and an instinct of danger.
killed Flutterina's mom at age 14 ( based off what might've been a fanmade series of the original She-Ra show ), as the Horde would use their 'disobedient' slaves as 'actual lessons' once a cadet was deemed strong enough. as Flutterina's mother was kind, even in her last words, but was considered an 'easy fight', thus Adora having to kill someone else, Adora attempted suicide the same night. and it wouldn't be the last time this happened.
due to Shadow Weaver's magic, Adora doesn't remember most of the experiments or that she killed anybody at all. this is because mental breaks would be very common, to the point it grew to be expected, and they wouldn't go away if she could remember. in present day ( post-defection ), Adora has conflicting feelings on being mind wiped.
because of her high pain tolerance, she's unfazed by Catra clawing her. if she is hurt, it's on an emotional level, but that eventually doesn't matter, either.
once defected, Adora has intense anxiety, evidence of her sheltered living ( misunderstandings of family dynamics, social cues, always tense with authority figures, culture shocks, etc. ), and nightmares, the former and latter from the fear she'll be hunted down for her betrayal.
can't quite understand how she feels about those she called family, especially Hordak. ( "they've taught me so much, and they weren't... terrible to me. not always. but i don't know anything anymore. maybe i never knew anything to begin with." ) it's these conflicting feelings that trap her in the cycle of trying to save Catra from the Horde, blaming herself for the other's actions, and apologizing frequently, in and out of her relationship with Catra.
after earning Angella's trust, Angella tries to earn Adora's ( it doesn't look that way, though ), wanting to be the mother figure the poor thing clearly never had.
Swift Wind is always, always, looking out for Adora and is very protective of her. he can and will stab a bitch ( and has, guess who it is ) for her.
the disc fucks her up. like, a lot. too many things resurface, and when she's completely aware and conscious, Adora immediately falls into a severe panic attack.
but if she thought the disc was bad, she ain't seen nothing yet ( the Portal, Angella's sacrifice ). i love her, i swear-
when she goes to rescue Flutterina with Peekablue, she's hit with the forgotten memory and almost immediately feels sick. it's disorienting the entire way, but she has to push through. Flutterina has never seen her before.
Adora pledges allegiance to all of Etheria post-defection, but she personally pledges herself to Flutterina after telling her the truth. Flutterina has... a reaction ( leaving it vague on purpose ).
i think Horde Prime's arrival is around the time she confesses, amongst several other things thrown at her, so Adora is suffering a huge mental decline and gets abducted. she doesn't make attempts to escape.
Horde Prime convinces her that she can redeem herself from all the pain she's caused, of the evil she's done, and she becomes part of his fleet ( i'm hesitant to call it a cult ).
this is the BIGGEST if, but maybe Hordak making a temporary alliance with Glimmer and Bow to rescue Adora?
Chipped Adora might be a thing...
Glimmer . . .
terrified of change and huge commitments, has been avoiding her aunt's teachings after a particularly bad accident ( resulted in Glimmer's scar on her right eye ). but is considered a prodigy with how effective she is at using her current skillset.
was a child when Micah died, part of her fears stems from that, but she hides it from Angella out of another fear of disappointing or overshadowing her mom's struggles.
hides almost everything from her mom as a result of everything above, and even sometimes struggles telling the truth to her best friend, Bow.
is viewed as the most unserious Princesses, as she not only uses humor and excitement to cope with serious situations, thus coming off as if everything's a game, but is impulsive, reckless, and a bit hardheaded. for a time, Bow is the only one who understands this and doesn't get upset with her.
because of her fear of change, she becomes jealous of Adora the closer she gets to Bow ( this foreshadows the whole "i don't want to be left behind" thing ), and is part of why she's hostile when they first meet. though, to be fair, she's justified in being hostile with a Horde soldier, anyway.
though she doesn't entirely trust Adora yet, Bow does, and that prompts her to at least try ( even though her jealousy streak is still kinda ongoing ), with varying degrees of success. however, there's one incident where she really hurts Adora's feelings ( this would happen in whatever would replace the Princess Prom episode, as Glimmer is still kinda using Adora as a prop ), and Bow gets pissed because Glimmer's been acting super weird and is blaming it on everybody else. then the kidnapping ensues.
when everyone gets back to Brightmoon, she has her first completely honest conversation with her mom, even though it's hard, and, while Angella is disappointed, she understands where her daughter is coming from and tells her they'll get through this together.
with Angella's help, she apologizes to Bow and Adora. they make up ( Bow does take a minute to warm up, though ). and she writers a letter to Castaspella: Dear Aunt Castaspella, I know it's been a few years since I last visited Mystacor, and I'm sorry. How is Double Trouble? Are they doing alright? I miss them. I don't really have an excuse as to why I didn't come back. I know you're disappointed in me, especially since you had such faith that I'd be a great sorceress. But I was scared. Even before I burned my eye, I was terrified. I didn't want to mess up. I didn't want to let you down. But I ended up doing that, anyway. I'm really sorry. If you'll have me, I'd love to come visit again. Or, maybe, you could visit Brightmoon? I know you're always worried about the barrier, but Juliet could watch it for just a few hours, right? Miss you and love you. Your niece, Glimmer
it's not quite as easy to bounce back, though, as Glimmer takes all of her mistakes to heart and can't let them go. Castaspella isn't keen on leaving the barrier under someone else's supervision, so Glimmer ends up visiting, partially hoping to heal and improve her magic ( Shadow Weaver still messed it up badly in this vers ). Double Trouble wants to catch up and bond, but Glimmer's too in her own head and ends up dismissing them.
the lessons end up being a bust and, well, Castaspella doesn't take it too well and Glimmer's traumatic memories kick in. it's revealed that, as a result of being pressured and pushed beyond her limits, Glimmer's magic went haywire and that's how she burned her eye. while this is going on, DT helps Adora and Bow get past the guards, and the three of them defend Glimmer.
"i-i'm trying, i'm trying so hard, but it hurts, and you- you just don't care! i thought the only reason i left was because i-i was afraid of letting you down, but... but now, i see that i left because i was afraid of you!"
though Castaspella isn't the best, she still heals Glimmer, but coldly sends her off, breaking her niece's heart. DT tries to say that it wasn't fair, but is ignored. they deeply apologize to their cousin, and the two share a hug. DT says that if she needs anything, to let them know and they'll be there.
Angella has the mind to start a fight, but supports and comforts her daughter instead.
huge time skip, probably, but when Angella passes, Glimmer is completely devastated, unprepared, and her magic is unstable. she's stressed, tired, and has never felt more alone in her life. Castaspella comes to the ceremony, but only DT talks to her. they, including Adora and Bow, spend time talking, laughing, and crying together.
for one reason or another, Shadow Weaver is in Brightmoon and takes advantage of Glimmer's grief and unstable magic. for a while, Glimmer is guarded, the attempted manipulations unsuccessful, but she's worn down overtime. she needs a mother figure right now. the only one she could have, Castaspella, still won't talk to her. eventually, Shadow Weaver is allowed to walk freely.
a manipulative, power hungry woman + three traumatized young adults, with one of them being the one said power hungry woman raised, Glimmer, Adora, and Bow are divided. they're all exhausted, hurt, angry, and are trying to push through to become the leaders they need to be for Etheria, but it feels like everything is falling apart. Bow is the first one to walk away.
Heart of Etheria doesn't exist here ( i cannot make any goddamn sense of it ), so it's mainly Shadow Weaver that is tearing them apart, isolating the three of them in different ways. Glimmer's magic eventually becomes dark, relying on her pain.
Adora ends up leaving, too, but not because of being blamed for Angella's sacrifice ( she believed that long before Glimmer said it ). rather, because Glimmer's dark magic had physically harmed her, reminding her of Shadow Weaver. an accident, but a terrifying one.
now all alone, with Adora eventually abducted, Bow nowhere to be found, Glimmer spirals and Shadow Weaver takes the opportunity. though she's stronger, Glimmer is corrupted.
though it'd be a victory, dismantling a section of the Horde with her magic and her army, it'd be presented as isolating, violent, and depressing. it's not a victory for her, because her best friends are gone, her parents are gone, she has no one. except a certain cousin and aunt.
DT convinces Castaspella to get her head out of her a- i mean, to be give Glimmer the support she desperately needs, and, while Glimmer is in the midst of nearly destroying everything around her, Castaspella apologizes.
things aren't immediately mended. though Glimmer is grateful, she can't trust her aunt again. further cousin bonding, Glimmer thanking DT for their help.
Bow . . .
ran away from home after a particularly distressing argument with his dads, relating to failing his studies after complete and utter burnout, being found sneaking out of the house, and engaging in interests that didn't align with their expectations and beliefs, archery and technology.
originally became nihilistic post-runaway in the midst of his wandering travels, and almost succeeded in taking his own life, but he was found by Madame Razz.
co-lived in the Whispering Woods with Madame Razz and the fauna, grew up giving half-truths about his family. it eventually becomes routine. and he tried to be more optimistic.
by the time he's found by Glimmer, he's more or less the Bow we know, but is really confused as to why a Princess is there. because why would a Princess be there? their friendship is sorta on a rocky start, as Glimmer keeps trying to do everything herself and is kinda mean to Bow, but he's insistent on helping.
they talked about their family life and they find a connection in not matching the expectations pushed upon them. and that's what started it all! we love trauma-bonding.
even though he's good at handling conflict ( for the most part ), Bow has intense anxiety about it every time and is almost always on the verge of making himself sick. we would see a scene of him actually vomiting after his argument with Glimmer.
not sure if he'd meet Entrapta early, but if he did, he'd admittedly love her genius, and Entrapta would be soft 'cause why is this strangely adorable child so enamored with her work?
during his imprisonment, Bow has a panic attack because 1. he just fought with his best friend and keeps questioning if he did the right thing, and 2. he has claustrophobia and completely forgot until now. then Kyle comes in.
after the panic attack, Bow would ask how Kyle even knew how to do that, with the boy explaining that it was really common in their sleeping quarters and he eventually learned how to help. then, asking why Kyle would even help him, considering they weren't on the same side, Kyle says "you reminded me of someone." he doesn't elaborate on who, and Bow doesn't ask ( it's Ado- ).
the two talk, relating to and laughing with each other. it's the first both of them have felt relaxed in a while, even though they're both in a less-than-relaxing situation. Bow is a little hesitant, but offers Kyle a space in the Rebellion. "i think Adora would like someone from her old home. might calm her down a bit." Kyle is surprised, but, after a moment, accepts.
when Bow is rescued, he panics, because he realizes that he left Kyle behind and feels really terrible about it. it's the first time he's broken a promise since running away, and the thought brings him a lot of stress.
Angella being his mom 'cause she's gonna be the mom to all of Glimmer's traumatized friends.
i think he should have a solo episode every now and then, so one of them would be him going back to the Horde for Kyle. and Rogelio, because he wasn't going to separate them. it's through them that he discovers someone named Lohni is missing ( this would ensure the Lohni rescue mission ).
there'd be implications or subtle details in the background, or foreground, i think, of when Bow would relate a little too much to a situation ( like Glimmer's relationship with Castaspella ). he's not too obvious about it in front of others, but when it's just him, that's when we'd be able to see everything. the way he has to take deep breaths to calm himself, trying to hype himself up or lower expectations, etc. i want there to be a disconnect from how much we know about him in comparison to the cast. so far, the one who knows the most about his mental state is Kyle, but they're still in the stage of being friends, so he doesn't know a whole lot ( also, my personal favorite tidbit to think about, Bow actually does reveal a little bit of his anxieties, unknowingly, in battle ).
oh, the dads. ohhhh, the dads. while Bow doesn't have 12(?) brothers, he does still have a few, with him being the youngest. and, when he comes back 'home', his dads still compare him to them! fun! /s ( not sure if this would be a solo episode or not, i think both have interesting routes ). and they'd also pretend nothing happened, his brothers would either brag or ask invasive questions, and Bow would largely be dismissed or ignored.
either way, he'd eventually come clean on why he didn't talk much about his family, and Glimmer and Adora would understand.
not sure if i'll actually do this, but like... Portal Bow... literally cracking under the pressure. his body is. cracking.
after Angella's death, Glimmer's reign, this would be near Bow's breaking point. he continues trying to deescalate conflict, keep his friends together, but when he gets kidnapped ( still with Sea Hawk, cuz. ) and, well, neither of his best friends notice, Bow's old pessimism returns and he doesn't return to them with his usual warmth in personality. it's there, but not as vibrant.
soon after Glimmer is in training with Shadow Weaver, Bow gets ridiculed, shamed, and threatened by the same woman, but that almost makes no difference to anyone besides them. not because they don't care, but because they don't know and haven't asked Bow if he's really okay. or, in one person's case, can't find the time. Bow's mental state is bordering on critical, and his fight with Glimmer, her argument about trust, it leads him to explode.
after, Bow disappears. and Shadow Weaver may be the reason.
Angella's death being the final nail in the coffin for our three protagonists wasn't intentional, at all, but it works so well.
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antispopausandstuff · 4 months ago
my SPOP universe pt. 3 - character bios ( it's still long )
disclaimer // note - it'll be SPOP-focused, but i do take a 'few' things from the original show and implement them here.
preferred style(s) - ATLA // LOK, ROTTMNT, LMK ( s1-s4 ), Spiderverse, or Kill la Kill
( part of the reason for these styles is the VFX, battle coordination, and creature // environmental design, esp with vibrant media like Spiderverse, ROTTMNT, and LMK )
theme song - something akin to "The Call" by League of Legends or "The World That Ends in Three Days" by Koji Kondo, ROZEN, & Celica Soldream.
rating - PG-15 ( i'm not a writer for young children and don't handle things in a very kid-friendly way )
note - here's some gender // sexuality hcs of the characters, though it isn't all of them.
established changes:
the runestones don't exist
the cast is 18+ unless stated otherwise
roles will be changed for plot relevance or sense ( for ex, neither perfuma, entrapta, scorpia, spinerella, or netossa are royals )
the first ones are not evil
mara and adora are the only she-ras
most ships will remain noncanon
there's no white people here, sorry
cast ( pt. 3 ) . . .
Flutterina ( Abby ) - Small One, The Beautiful Butterfly, Chrysalis, Friend of Peekablue. 19 yrs old, 4'7, previously a slave for the Horde, but was freed by Adora and Peekablue and brought to refuge. after taking time to heal from her injuries, she joined the Rebellion and pursuing revenge.
though she's very timid and anxious, Flutterina is very determined and passionate about her interests and objective to take down those who harmed her, never having a moment of doubt.
as a result of the abuse she suffered, she has chronic pain in her back and often relies on her butterfly friends to assist in her spying and scouting. when she visits, Peekablue often helps by massaging.
otherwise, Flutterina commonly found reading, writing, singing, or listening to radio. most of her hobbies are partially due to the fact she developed agnosiophobia ( phobia of the unknown ) in her time of healing from the Horde.
design would be inspired by Sploot by unknownspy, Doodles and Emojitober by elentori, Hanasaki Miyabi Art by gigili_jiggly, and Aurora by looz__y. having a lot of cottagecore fairy thoughts, and i love imagining her with her butterfly friends. lots of pink and purple.
theme song - Ilia's Theme by Video Game Players
Peekablue ( Penelope // Quill ) - Watchful Feathered Friend, Guardian of Peace ( former ), All-Seer, Friend of Flutterina. 21, 5'9, a shut-in afraid of their own abilities, finding them a curse and presumed to be dead. that is, until they're found saving Flutterina.
riddled with migraines, distorted vision, anger, and guilt, Peekablue is someone who's dispirited, depressed, and distrustful of everyone but their dear friend. because of their mental and physical struggles, they're almost always in bed or taking medication ( healing spells or plants ).
only feeling like themselves around Flutterina, peaceful and loving, they may have developed a codependency on her, as they don't have energy to do much of anything when she's not visiting.
design would be inspired by King Timeline and Green Doodles by sleeepybacon, Zenith by mekaiime, and Lapis Lazuli Illustration by elentori. in contrast to Flutterina, their colors would be a lot of greens and blues. i like to imagine them flying with her. oh, and i used they // them pronouns cuz i made them genderqueer, but used singular for easier reading.
theme song - Light Spirit's Message by Asuka Ohta, Toru Minegishi, & Aaron Grubb
Spinerella ( Cynthia ) - Lady Whirlwind, Dizzying Defender, Wife of Netossa. 33, 5'9, a dancer who resided in a faraway, closed off village that was ignorant to the Horde's existence, thanks to the leader. living peacefully together, Spinerella and Netossa only discovered the war when they visited Thaymor.
aside from dancing, Spinerella takes a particular interest in subjects relating to the dead and dark arts, finding them intriguing and not as black and white as people believe them to be. people wouldn't know this, though, as she usually only shares this hobby of hers with those she's close with, partially due to past prejudice.
she finds her whirlwinds fun, so she likes to mess with her enemies, putting them in multiple spins in a row until she eventually gets bored or asked to stop. usually by her wife.
honest, bold, and finding humor in most situations, Spinerella's main goal in life is to live it to the fullest and be unapologetically herself. she's getting pretty close!
design would be inspired by Mulan Illustration and Lily by cronchy_baguette, VII by puglianoregion, Raven Redesign and Starfire Redesign by polluxery, and Pink Adopt Batch by sleeepybacon. i imagine her hair always moving, wearing flowy fabrics, and having lots of wind // cloud markings or tattoos. she kinda also gives me Meg from Hercules vibes.
theme song - Requiem of Spirit by Giulio Capone
Netossa ( Vivian ) - Lady Snare, Captivating Beauty, Wife of Spinerella. 33, 6'0, a marksman who resided in a faraway, closed off village that was ignorant to the Horde's existence, thanks to the leader. living peacefully together, Netossa and Spinerella only discovered the war when they visited Thaymor.
she's always loved luxury and fashion, having a tailoring business on the side within her hometown, and is keen on making sure everything's in brimming order. she loves practicality with flair.
with her trickery and agility, Netossa is able to capture even the most bothersome of foes in a relatively short time, not wanting to waste any more if she doesn't have to. she's mildly annoyed that this makes her come off as impatient to some people.
sweet, efficient, and levelheaded, Netossa strives for excellence and success in her life and everything she does.
design would be inspired by Auset by cronchy_baguette, Thumbelina Illustration, Wedgwood Gijinka, and Ambrosia 1 by pix_bun, Amira by aruceli, and Lorena by fernandadiasartwork. we need more luxurious black women ( and black people in general ) in our rep, to be quite honest.
theme song - Prelude of Light by Giulio Capone
Castaspella ( Emi // Esmerelda ) - Queen of Mystacor, Enchantress Who Hypnotizes, Older Sister of Micah, Sister-In-Law of Angella, Aunt of Glimmer, Mother of Double Trouble. 50, 5'10, a sorceress who was a prodigy of her time before her reign as Queen. after the disappearance of Light Spinner, however, Mystacor took a hit and became a target in the line of fire, resulting in it being forced into hiding within the clouds.
after isolation and the death of her brother, Castaspella became strict and cautious out of paranoia for the worst to come, resulting her being perceived as less than forgiving. however, her people remain grateful for her guidance and protection. which is more than she can say than for her child, Double Trouble, and her niece, Glimmer.
design would be inspired by Persona Doodle and Drishy by ollyc_herb, Spectrum and Noir by kennnajean, and Yuhua by velinxi. i don't think she'd be a natural ginger, so her hair may be dyed. maybe that's where DT got it from. anyway, she kinda gives Odalia vibes, but if Odalia was a "wrong things for the right reasons" kinda person. devastated woman.
theme song - Time's End - Remixed by Theophany
Lohni - Second In Command ( former? ) & Best Friend of Adora, Friend of Rogelio and Kyle, Daughter of Turron. 19, 5'8, a troubled soldier who's stuck in the crossfire. after Adora's defection, Lohni had the mind to follow, wanting to remain loyal to her best friend. but after Shadow Weaver found out...
[ no information found. ]
design would be inspired by Philomena by animatorroseoak, Boxer Ragatha Design by pika.vani & burrotello, Knight by sleeepybacon, and Avon by nudeerah. i wonder what Turron thinks of his daughter.
theme song - Courage by Arcade Player
Rogelio - Horde Soldier, Scaled Marksman, The Caged, Best Friend of Kyle, Friend of Lohni and Adora. 19, 6'3, a previously caged boy until he was deemed 'safe' by the Horde, resulting in claustrophobia, nyctophobia, trypanophobia, and anxiety inaccurately perceived as anger or standoffish behavior by most. due to his traumas, including prejudice, he struggles with speech and socialization.
he's fiercely loyal, kind, and protective of his friends, cherishing them after everything he's gone through and them showing they would never hurt him. but after Lohni's disappearance, he becomes on edge with the Horde's intentions.
design would be inspired by Benjamin & Tink by keona_star, Satyrs & Tinker Bell Illustrations by sairasays, and Eyefest Doodles by sleeepybacon. looks intimidating, but is actually just a big dork that loves his found family.
Theme Song - Link Is Coming by Arcade Player
Kyle - Horde Solider, Peacekeeper, Best Friend of Rogelio, Friend of Lohni and Adora. 18, 5'4, seen as expendable for his lack of physical prowess or 'useful' skills, Kyle is invisible to most of the Horde and, when he's not with his friends, is often left alone to his own devices. due to this, he becomes a very knowledgeable person and manages to find supplies to defend himself and others with.
with his emotional intelligence, something that is incredibly stunted in the Horde, he is able to soothe others if they're in moments of anger, panic, or some other form of emotional compromise better than most would say, and puts empathy at the forefront of his mind when it comes to de-escalation.
like Rogelio, he's been concerned on where Lohni is and why she disappeared. maybe they have to work together to find her.
design would be inspired by Amari by keona_star, Wonder Duo & Co Doodles by miithers, & MTA by agrestecore. before she disappeared, Lohni saw Adora in Kyle. just a little tidbit.
Theme Song - Kakariko Village by Video Game Players
ough, this took me a long time! sorry for the wait! the next and final(?) part will be with the Crimson Waste and Horde Prime!
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antispopausandstuff · 8 months ago
my SPOP universe pt. 2 - character bios ( still very long )
disclaimer // note - it'll be SPOP-focused, but i do take a 'few' things from the original show and implement them here.
preferred style(s) - ATLA // LOK, ROTTMNT, LMK ( s1-s4 ), Spiderverse, or Kill la Kill
( part of the reason for these styles is the VFX, battle coordination, and creature // environmental design, esp with vibrant media like Spiderverse, ROTTMNT, and LMK )
theme song - something akin to "The Call" by League of Legends or "The World That Ends in Three Days" by Koji Kondo, ROZEN, & Celica Soldream.
rating - PG-15 ( i'm not a writer for young children and don't handle things in a very kid-friendly way )
note - here's some gender // sexuality hcs of the characters, though it isn't all of them.
established changes:
the runestones don't exist
the cast is 18+ unless stated otherwise
roles will be changed for plot relevance or sense ( for ex, neither perfuma, entrapta, scorpia, spinerella, or netossa are royals )
the first ones are not evil
mara and adora are the only she-ras
most ships will remain noncanon
there's no white people here, sorry
cast ( pt. 2 ) . . .
Light Hope - First Ones' Artificial Intelligence, Mentor of Adora, Old Friend of Mara's. Age is unknown, 7'0, was created by the First Ones to aid in She-Ra's journey of heroism. however, due to an incident, she has lost a few memory files relating to the past.
having suffered the loss of Mara, the incident she doesn't recall, and being forced to dormancy, Light Hope became repressed in her emotions and thought process, only focusing on She-Ra and her destiny. but there are moments where her original programming takes over and she is warmer with Adora. it is very sporadic and can come off as off-putting.
despite her orders, she is much like the heroine herself, craving connection more than anything else, but her coding doesn't fully understand this. as a result, Light Hope is unintentionally self-destructive or sabotaging, overriding her desires with the objective of her creation.
the sorest point of hers is it frustrates her most that she can't even remember the name of who created her.
design would be inspired by Spark by sleeepybacon, Vahagn by ollyc_herb, and Heidi by boots.ocs. instead of a hologram, i decided to make her a robot ( partially for personal design reasons ), and she'd have at least minor rusting on the metal plating.
theme song - Oath to Order by Koji Kondo & Aaron Grubb
Mara - First She-Ra, Protector of Eternia, The Last Star. Late 20s to Early 30s, 5'9, was a Princess turned General at a young age and had been involved with the First Ones her entire life. history of her is limited and scattered over Etheria, but it's evident that her end was devastating.
before her time as She-Ra, Mara was a kind, genuine soul with a passion for nature and magic. the First Ones always had trouble with her from childhood to early teenhood, where she had a tendency to wander around and run away from home at any hour to explore.
but, due to her training, amongst other things, she did not have any peers. at least, not ones that wanted to spend time with her. so, when Light Hope was created, this adventurous side of her was only emphasized and she desperately wanted to show her new friend the world around them and continue learning.
after becoming She-Ra, she slowly changed. hardly having time for her interests, constantly training and needing to improve, answering distress signals, Mara became worn and a shell of her former self. long gone were the days of adventure, of her talking to Light Hope endlessly, of showing all the exciting things she found. she didn't have the spark in her eyes anymore.
until she made a choice.
and that choice involved a baby.
design would be inspired by Momoka by kienan_lafferty, Kiraya by kleahvii, and Asteria by dewfroq. a young, starry-eyed child to an older, war-torn woman, doomed by fate until the very end. even when she was at her happiest.
theme song - Terrible Fate ( Remixed ) by Theophany
Madame Razz ( Regina ) - The Witch of the Whispering Woods, Friend of Bow, Unofficial Guardian of Mara and Adora. 60s-70s ( by appearance ), 6'2, is a mysterious, but very spritely witch that resides in the Whispering Woods, which is why the Rebellion has it as their security. because of her nature and age, Razz is often underestimated.
her memories are affected by her age, which makes her use a journal to write spells and important information she'll otherwise forget. usually, though, Broom writes it down for her.
Razz tends to confuse Adora for Mara, due to their shared features and having a similar name ( 'ra' ), but she wouldn't treat the young woman any differently regardless. she loves them both very much.
but where has her Mara gone?
design would be inspired by Grandma Aldreda by canarywitch, Gnomus by pen.lilixeesketche, and The Outcast Comic by xeonsoda. i looked up Twiggets and, while there's not a lot of information about them, the i do wanna learn more into the nature and obscuring the face aspect of the original.
theme song - Tatl & Tael by Aaron Grubb
Mermista ( Elaysia ) - Princess of Salineas, Daughter of King Mercia, The Pearl of the Seas, Best Friend of Seahawk's. 21 yrs old, 5'5, lost her mother in the war at a young age and has a strained relationship with her father, due to his grief leading him to making less than optimal decisions.
taking after her mother, Mermista is ambitious, bold, composed, and a bit of a bookworm. disregarding her father's beliefs of leaving the Horde be, she often isn't home and is instead rescuing prisoners // slaves from Hordak's rule alongside Seahawk, an ex-pirate and old friend of hers.
in her downtime, she's much more laidback and sassy, finding fun in banter, wisecracks, and conversation about literature or history. but she's definitely not against having a few adventures of her own.
design would be inspired by Storyteller by sleeepybacon, Indy by nahusnab, and Silence of Dawn Illustration by elentori. due to her real name and its origin, there might be Greek inspiration in her design and the environments of Salineas mixed in. absolutely want to make her merfolk side more present.
theme song - Zora's Domain by Music Legends
Seahawk ( Jeoff ) - The Captain of Solar Sailor, Ex-Pirate of the Seas, Best Friend of Mermista's. 20 yrs old, 6'1, raised by his father, Falcon, until he suddenly disappeared without a trace. for nearly a decade after that, he became a pirate that eventually aided the Horde for some time, until Mermista came along. though the history is unclear, it is obvious the two have a bond that can't be broken.
he's always held regret for his actions and continues to atone for them to this day, showing he is a hardworking and compassionate person underneath. before the Rebellion grew, he and Mermista worked together and apart to mess with the Horde's plans.
during the Rebellion's growth, the two joined after Adora, Glimmer, and Bow aided them in their personal mission. Seahawk grows to have a particular fondness for Bow.
in his downtime, he's usually either sculpting, writing, or darting.
design would be inspired by Marcus and Iulius by distyx and aliceperazzolo, Monroe by reddsmess, and Benny by linxy_animations_official. yeah, he's basically the 1980s' version with some rewritten details, what of it? oh, and he's bulky. good for hugs.
theme song - Gerudo Valley by Video Game Players
Frosta ( Min // Mackenzie ) - Queen of the Kingdom of Snows, Ice Empress of Etheria, The Ice Witch. 18 yrs old, 5'2, became an orphan at the age of 13 and has been Queen ever since, assisted by their royal advisor and guards.
to the people, they are compassionate, understanding, and talkative. but to complete strangers, Frosta is frigid and has a tendency to come off as condescending or hostile, but it sprouts from the protectiveness over their Kingdom and not wanting further pain after the loss of their fathers.
in spite of this, though, they are the warmest with Mermista and Seahawk out of everyone else involved with the Royals. Seahawk even makes them laugh.
design would be inspired by Ria by pearljeli, Ning Suzhen by artzy_paw, Takashi Naoki by meijinn, and Arya by lapstle. i've had thoughts on them being a Magicat as well, for a couple of reasons. unfortunately, i'll have to reinvent the species from the ground up, since Nate didn't do anything with them.
theme song - Midna's Lament by Video Game Players
Perfuma ( Tara ) - The Wandering Flower, The Flower Maiden, Nature's Caretaker. 22 yrs old, 6'3, a lone nomad who travels across Etheria, making her very difficult to find if you're not paying attention. she was kidnapped by the Horde, due to her indifference and pacifism towards them. because she didn't make fuss, no one knew she was captured to begin with.
she's very bubbly and energetic, often seeing the best of a situation, even if it's unlikely to happen. having a strong belief in friendship, love, and self-care, Perfuma is always willing to help when she can, physically or emotionally, and thrives on bonding with others, even with her enemies.
because of her outgoing nature and complete indifference to anyone attacking her, there have been multiple stories about her around Etheria, with many people thinking she's either an unstoppable force or a magnet for trouble.
design would be inspired by Bonnie by ayegyolk, Unnamed OC by kleahvii, Sorrel by idolomantises, and Lottie by sleeepybacon. her species would be of an orchid moth ( or moth orchid? ), which i think are very cute and fit her well.
theme song - Faron Woods by Arcade Player
deadass kinda imagining ships already.
this doesn't count when i said "most ships will be uncanon", i meant ships from the show-
and platonic // familial relations, too.
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antispopausandstuff · 2 years ago
hello! ( disclaimers, warnings, & boundaries )
name’s ashe! i am @asheillustrates​ anti-spop account, because this show is still highly praised and antis spread like a virus. i am part of that virus.  disclaimer - if you’re a stan that is not willing to hear the other side, do not even bother coming at me. it’s wasting your time and mine.
for ( most ) of my SPOP aus - masterlist ( slow updates )
for rewrites - #ashe_rewrites . WARNINGS . . . - talks of abuse ( physical, mental, emotional, etc. ).  - criticisms of catra, glimmer, and any other spop character worth criticizing ( but mainly catra and glimmer ).  - talks of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other offenses against marginalized communities. - talks of nate stevenson and his...issues. as well as criticism of his crew ( VAs included, unfortunately ).  - criticisms of writing ( in terms of plot development, character development, background, tropes, etc. )  - criticisms of the spop fandom ( generally and individually ).  - i will not be sugarcoating my thoughts. do not expect me to be polite about this just because of the lgbt+ rep, or lack thereof, or of how nate and his crew worked so hard, etc.  . BOUNDARIES . . . - do not talk to me as if we’re friends if we don’t actually know each other. - do not harass/stalk/insult/etc. me or others for having different viewpoints than you. speak to others ( and to me ) respectfully. otherwise, you will be blocked.  - do not talk to me about ship discourse, why i’m wrong about certain ships, etc. i don’t care, it wastes time, and i will most likely avoid the discussion all together anyway. - do not talk to me like i am a little child. do not use “hun(ny)/babe/etc.” to me in a condescending way. do not infantilize me. if you do, you will automatically be blocked without a second thought.  - do not talk to me about sexual things. do not talk to me in a sexual manner. i am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with sexual discussions with people i do not know.  may add more in the future. thank you for reading.
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