#ashby lavellan
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OC then v OC now
Darva Lavellan--2016 v 2019
Ashby Lavellan--2017 v 2019
Fisk Lavellan--2016 v 2019
Livonah Lavellan--2016 v. 2019
Dimitri Enallasani--2017 v. 2019
@idrelle-miocovani tagged anyone in this and I’ve been wanting to hop on the bandwagon. Here’s to three years of some of these kiddos and how they have changed since I created them!
I’m gonna tag: @dirthara-mama, @apostatetabris, @vvakarians, @sulevinblade, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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–> Agent Athwen “Ashby” Lavellan | Dagger + Bow Dalish Assassin | (+) Level Headed, Peaceful, Knowledgeable | (-) Worrywart, Timid, Decisive
“Agent Lavellan has pulled no less than a dozen new agents out of dangerous situations; it is not a reflection on the training the agents of the Inquisition, but to Athwen’s own training. Few know of her outside the Inquisition because she is so effective in getting into and out of situations with no one knowing. She is remiss to speak of herself, words far from her strong suit. Her sister, Captain Livonah Lavellan, has enough words for the both of them. But she has a firm understanding of the situation we are in and her own actions in the scheme of things; she understands the risks without a shadow of a doubt.”
–A note found on Leliana’s table within the rockery
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I was tagged by @heraldofwho and @ielmoe for this character meme!
I’m gonna tag: @myronmuse, @smolpocketmonstercoffee, @kadara-skies, @acepavus, and anyone else who hasn’t gotten tagged who wants to be tagged! Go for it! Also no obligation to do this!
I couldn't add everyone ever to it, but this is the main crew for Darva’s world state and Dimitri’s world state. (minus Miriam and Daniel since they’re both cheering mcdonalds).
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*throws self into fire*
Late to the gravy train of making LGBTQIA+ memes for my Lavellans (and one Enallasani). I’m also pretty sick with nothing to do, so I got time to burn.
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What do they like best about their best friend? For anyone and everyone you want to answer for?
Ooooh thanks for the ask! I’m gonna say who they’re closest to in the inner circle and then within their group of friends (like all my lavellans).
Find this meme here: X
It’s a tie between Cassandra and Dorian for best friend and he’s not ashamed of that. Darva loves how Cassandra is headstrong and knows what she wants and what lengths she’s willing to go to get what she wants. She’s seen wrong in the world and she wants to correct it and he admires her greatly for it. He also loves her taste in shitty romance novels and when she reads them to him if he can cajole her into reading them to him.
Him and Dorian were friends before they ended up together and Darva finds his impeccably funny humor to be fantastic. Darva is hellishly fond of snarky wit. On a more serious note, he deeply admires Dorian’s commitment to doing the right thing and having so much faith in the country he came from. It’d be an easy thing to cast aside Tevinter and think it’s a hopeless cause like everyone else, but he thinks his country is worth enough to change it. He loves it so much that he wants to see it change because he knows it can be better. It’s something he sees between Cassandra and Dorian and he’s drawn to that.
Outside of the Inner Circle, Livonah is his closest and most dear friend. He loves her blunt attitude for all it is and she’s got such a zeal and zest for life and what’s around the next corner. Like, her going out adventuring is like her constantly being like what’s around the corner? what’s around the corner? She’s always looking for more and he will get dragged along with her even though at times he’s still got that attitude of staying put from his years of being stuffed into the clan.
She’s quite close with both Blackwall and Sera both as individuals, but the havoc that can ensue when they’re both in a room together is what she lives for. She also lives for the nights when the tavern gets taken over by the Chargers. But, she loves Blackwall because he’s got this grounding sense to him. To her, he’s got this thrum of humor and liveliness underneath of that shell of seriousness and she wants to pry that open and see more of that part of him. Not like she can’t respect that he doesn’t want that sometimes, but she does try and tease and cajole that out of him. And she loves when he indulges her. But she also likes that calming when she gets herself too strung up; when she’s going so fast that she’s nearly panicking and everything is going tooooooo fast. He can be there and calm her down.
With Sera it’s like them being close in age and energy. Livonah likes how she can bounce her ideas off of her and Sera is always right then and there to provide suggestions or a joke or some crude remark. They both enjoy pranks far too much. But, they also get it in that they both don’t understand the whole Herald and Corphyeus business. Like, why does it have to be so complicated? Livonah would follow Darva to the ends of the earth, but she’s going to be wondering the whole time. Like she wonders and wonders and it doesn’t make sense and her and Sera share that frustration.
Outside of the Inner Circle, she’s closest with Darva and Fisk. Darva has always been a constant in her life; she’s known him as long as he’s been alive. She loves his soft edges and quiet smiles for people he cares about. She loves how he’s got so much on his plate but he keeps going; like he takes a long good cry about it and then gets up and keeps moving. Livonah loves Fisk because of zir sense of self and swagger. Ze has a way about zem that pulls people in and is inviting and Livonah doesn’t know how ze manage it, but ze do and she–begrudgingly–finds it admirable. Plus Fisk always has fantastic jokes.
Fisk is closest with Josephine and Vivienne within the Inner Circle. Ze admires Josephine’s ability to always keep her head cool in intense political discussions and how she can spin things to the advantage of the Inquisition. Like Fisk is good at it, but ze only has the management of the elvhen affairs of the Inquisition. Josephine manages everyone and everything else. She’s a force to be reckoned with and ze loves that. Ze also loves how, despite the years in the game, she hasn’t lost that youth and spirit to her. It’s easy to become discouraged, but she always looks for brighter things. Like how she talks about The Game being discouraging and baneful, but she misses meeting people the most out of it all.
Fisk admires Vivienne’s presence and command. She walks into a room and everyone notices her; they want to know her, to be her. She got this power and grace that ze never really saw before. It’s not like ze is attracted to her, but her grace and beauty are things that ze greatly admires. Plus, her power in the game is nothing to sneeze at. But, past that ze sees her as just a person too. She’s all of these wonderful and fantastic things, but she’s human too. (Human as in relatable; not as a comment to her being human in regards to Fisk being an elf). 
Outside of the Inner Circle, Fisk is probably closest to all three of zir clanmates. Like ze couldn’t chose between them if ze had to. Ze likes them for all different reasons. Fisk loves Darva because Darva’s tenacity and dry humor. Like Fisk knows that he kinda learned from zem with the humor, but Darva took it to a whole new level. Livonah is the most wonderful spitfire girl and Fisk loves her boundless energy and how she’s always at a hundred, ready to go and kick ass. Ze likes Ashby because she’s got a calmness to her with a pinch of anxiety that makes everyone not lose their heads. Everyone in the group–including Fisk–needs that.
She is definitely closest to Varric and Bull within the Inner Circle. Ashby loves Varric’s stories, but more than that she finds his thoughts behind the stories to be even more interesting. He’s got this strange sort of optimism going on that she’s really drawn to; kinda like the optimism that Darva and her both share. She loves how he’s got this funny streak of always ending up in the worst situations despite how he doesn’t try.
Ashby and Bull are close at first by virtue of them having similar jobs. Ashby does spy work and Bull does spy work. So much of her early liking of him was based in that work. Like how he could take down a target, or turn a little bit of information in his favor. She was particularly drawn to the different fronts of how he goes about getting what he wants from people. Ashby sort of shares that want of trying to find out what’s below the surface like Livonah and she picks at him in her own little ways, trying to see which part of him is who he actually is. It’s almost like a puzzle, but one she won’t get bored with once she solves it; if she ever does solve it.
Outside of the Inner Circle, she’s closest with Darva and Fisk. Her and Darva had much more of a mentor and student relationship until Darva grew into his own hunter and there wasn’t so much of her teaching him as there was working with him. She likes the quietness of him which is a drastic contrast to her sister Livonah. Ashby likes Fisk in a way of looking up to zem. She got to see below the mask that Fisk keeps up and finds the bits of awkwardness and goofiness to be the best part of Fisk.
Wowza that got long! But thanks for the ask!
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Before the destruction of Haven, one could find several small shrines around Haven in hidden places. Near the gates, there were small wolf statues for Fen’Harel hidden to guard against harmful spirits. In some of the trees near the hunting grounds, there were sigils and symbols of Andruil carved into the bark. Some of the kitchen pots had small symbols of Sylaise drawn into the soot, disappearing when they were used next. On the wagons taking the dead gathered from the temple, simple owl designs were drawn in soot on the side of them. Once or twice, people would scratch or wipe away such symbols, knowing them to be heretical. Still, they would reappear around the camp.
Even with the move to Skyhold, the symbols reappeared across the hold. The cooking pots once again got the symbol drawn into them and the cooks would always leave it be; it was too much work to remove them. The small wolf statues reappeared and a few of them were hidden outside of the Inqusitor’s quarters. Their eyes glowed red when people would enter with ill intent, obviously enchanted by a Dalish Mage. Many of the trees in the garden were expertly carved with symbols of Andruil, not unlike the tattoos decorating Fisk’s face. Master Dennet found small symbols carved into the wood near the stall doors and the horse tack; he once asked Ashby before she left on a mission and she said they were for Ghilan’nain, the goddess of the Halla and navigation. Whenever someone who was Dalish in service of the Inqusition died, a small paper with a prayer for Falon’din written on it was found tucked next to their body. Cassandra looked closely at a dagger Fisk once gave her, seeing small symbols engraved in the blade. She asked Darva about them and he told her they were for Elgar’nan and Mythal so that they would always watch out for her. Dagna found little bobbles and fun toys with a drawing of a June’s knot carved into them. She knew the symbols well from the tattoos smattering across Darva’s face.
It doesn’t take long for people to realize it’s Darva, Fisk, Livonah and Ashby who make and do such things. Darva told them that in a world where their worship illegal, elves still find their ways to honor their Creators.
“Worship always finds a way.”
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Kiddo’s nicknames and why:
Darva: Bee. He’s Bee because his name translates to “like a honey bee”. It’s also because he’s quick on his feet, but can really hurt you. Also, he isn’t a Bumble Bee or honey bee. Just Bee.
Livonah: Swan. She’s Swan because she’s very pretty and graceful, but she can be a mean piece of shit when she wants to be. She hides the awfulness under the prettiness
Ashby: Princess. She’s Princess because she comes off as incredibly nice and kind. Like it’s some fairy tail level of niceness. Varric thinks she fell out a book and into their lives.
Fisk: Charms. Zir charms because ze could literally charm anyone out of anything. Ze is incredibly smooth and very, very good with words. (Tbh if Leliana had gotten zem, ze would be a bard for her rather than a diplomat for Josephine. Darva likes zem better as a diplomat to function as like a second Inquisitor when he is indisposed).
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What the kiddos do after the end of Inquisition and after Trespasser:
Fisk: After the defeat of Corphyeus, ze spends much of zir time dealing with the court for Darva, helping advocate for the reclaimation of the Dales and helping Cassandra with the Seekers. The work takes zem all over Orlais and many other places as well. Zir is kept very very busy, but ze deeply enjoys the work. Ze grows zir hair out more by the Council ze can pull it back into a long braid.
After the disbanding of the Inquisition, Fisk splits zir time between helping the Dales transition into elvhen hands again along with helping Cassandra rebuild the Seekers. Ze never officially becomes a Seeker, but ze do become an ambassador in a very loose sense since the Seekers keep very reclusive. Ze and Cassandra stay together and end up married in a small, private ceremony. They keep their wedding rings on necklaces.
Livonah: During the two years she split time between her squadron that continued to help Ashby and helping Blackwall peruse finding the men who used to be in his company. She also takes on more of a spy/informant role since her traveling with Blackwall takes her all over Thedas. She adopts her own raven who she names after her mother, Isaterial, who died with the chaos in Wycome.
After the Inquisition is disbanded, she fully joins Blackwall on his travels around Thedas. She keeps in contact via Isaterial, but nonetheless her letters are few and far between. Eventually, the two of them settle down in the reclaimed Dales outside of the Dirthavaren and it isn’t long before Livonah becomes pregnant and a healthy baby boy is born. They name him Sarris after her and Ashby’s father.
Ashby: She spends much of her time continuing her work as an agent of Leliana, albeit going out less. She continues to work with Livonah’s squad when she needs to along with the Chargers as well. She’s the one who moves around the least during the time and spends a lot of time with Darva. She’s the second one to find out about the Mark growing steadily worse in the months before the Council.
After the Council, she works closely with Leliana to take care of the secrets and influence the Inquisition amassed; none of the information truly disappears, but people are given the illusion that it’s disappeared. She also tackles tracking down any surviving members of clan Lavellan. She has some success in tracking down a few surviving members who settle down in the Dales, not far from Livonah and Blackwall. She later joins the Chargers as they take mercenary work again, always staying close to her lover Bull. They never marry or have children, but they were both happiest when they were near each other. She’s also an incredibly doting aunt to Sarris.
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Morrigan: Many Orlesian commanders consider such skirmishes good sport.
Ashby: I know well enough. Darva's father was killed by one such "sporting" outing.
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–> Captain Livonah Lavellan | Mage (Inferno + Storm) | Arcane Warrior + Spirit Healer | (+) Loyal, Considerate, Passionate | (-) Stubborn, Type A, Flighty
“Captain Lavellan is young–only 26 when most of the soldiers she commands are much older than her–but she is far from inexperienced. She is equally strong in both constitution and magical prowess. She undoubtably has her own stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise–a spitfire she was called–but she is no beyond reason. She is far from unreasonable if one takes their time to examine her reasonings. Granted, one might have little time to ponder such matters since she bounces eagerly from topic to topic.”
“Ultimately, treat her with respect, consider her opinions, and trust in her and she will give you much the same. No doubt a trait the soldiers in her care will soon learn.”
–A note from Inquisitor Lavellan to Commander Cullen Rutherford considering his clanmate
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Quick and dirty Darva backstory:
Born 9:11 Dragon on the road outside of Ansburg after a long and difficult pregnacy.
Almost drowned at five years old. His mother becomes much more controlling and limits his excursions outside of the camps they make, paranoia for her only child getting the better of her.
His father and Livonah go on expeditions outside of the clan without her permission to explore and to learn more. They both beg the clan traders to bring them all sorts of books back, hoping to learn more of life outside the clan.
At age fourteen, Darva’s father dies in an attack on the clan. Darva witnesses his death by decapitation, wisked away before he too is killed.
His mother blames Darva for his death, blaming his lack of skills and how he ran, rather than that being rescued. Darva is forced to swallow down his grief to deal with his mother’s overwhelming grief.
He continues to be isolated within the clan unless on training matters. Ashby becomes his mentor, teaching him her skills with a dagger. His abilities grow, working him towards becoming a capable Dalish assassin.
At eighteen after receiving his vallaslin, he comes out to his mother and the rest of the clan. His mother takes this poorly, her reasons never justified beyond “looking too much like his father.”
This angers Darva who has suffered for years under her hand and their relationship crumbles and breaks down.
Darva leaves the clan at age twenty.
He spends the next several years bouncing from free marcher city to city, picking up pick pocketing and card games to make money. He occasionally does hired mercenary or assassination work, but he is content to stay in seedy bars and dives, cheating money.
He moves north to places like Rivan and later Llomerryn, getting his ear piercings as well as his septum and hip tattoos. He moves around many of the bars and taverns, keeping a low profile as a low grade pick pocket and sneak thief. He is content to remain inconspicuous, watching how the world outside of his clan works.
He spends much of his time with unsavory types like pirates and criminals, but he never joins a crew or an assassin’s league.
He eventually grows tired and worried for his clan, the news of the mage rebellion troubling. He makes his way back to the Free Marches and finds his way to clan Lavellan.
He refuses to join up with them fully, his mother still being alive, but he follows them nonetheless.
When his clan mates were charged with the task of heading to the Conclave, he intercepted them and took the message, sending the pair back home.
He traveled south into Ferelden, stealing a nobleman’s horse along the way, making it to Haven safe and sound.
Other notes:
He is still very committed to his faith and his people. He wishes Deshanna or anyone would have more to settle his mother, but he knows how it appeared that he was handling things well.
He did not handle things well, still dealing with the effects of grief and the complicated feelings of his mother’s part in that.
First started learning card tricks and games in the clan. He relies on a fast talking script and unfamiliarity with his brand of card games to cheat very drunk people out of money. He isn’t very proficient at such things outside the circumstances he sets up.
Likes oranges, baklava, sweet potato and turnip
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Soon I’m gonna do a map of Fisk’s tattoos since ze has the most out of my Lavellan squad, but also one of those head turn around ones.
But like a list of some of his tattoos:
—An arrow pointing up on the back of zir neck and going up into zir hairline. Ze got it not long after ze received zir Vallaslin.
—Two sets of lines at the tops of zir thighs. Ze also has a set of three arrows that start at zithip bones and trail down towards zir nethers and thighs. They make zem feel sexy. That’s the whole reason.
—A set of curling branch like tattoos across the tops of zir shoulders. They honor Mythal and Livonah.
—A design like June’s tattoos around zir left calve and foot. They honor June and Darva. Ze also has a curling pattern of tattoos on zir bicep like Darva’s tattoo.
—Ze’s right hand is covered in tattoos with curling vines in negative that curl up to zir wrist. They’re for Ashby.
—Ze’s left hand has arrow like designs from zir palm and down zir index and middle finger for Andruil. It is also mirrored onto zir palm. Each time ze fires zir bow, ze honor Andruil.
—Ze has little dots and rings around zir toes as simply adornments. They make zem feel pretty.
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Day 8: Fighting 2--Morality
This one is going up late because its been a hell of a week...
Darva Lavellan:
He does enjoy fighting, but he doesn’t take much joy in killing others. Although that isn't going to stop him if someone is coming to kill him. He’s going to kill them first, no doubt. However, he enjoyed killing Corypheus. He had it coming for everyone and himself in particular; he’d caused so much pain and disaster. He deserved to die. He knows he’ll enjoy killing Solas if/when he gets the chance. Darva won’t let the world die without a damn good fight; he’s not going to lose Dorian as long as there is breath in his lungs. He is going to be his judge, jury and executioner when that day comes.
He doesn’t always enjoy the violence, but if it's deserved by his own moral compass, he won’t hesitate. It’s a necessary evil.
The first person he killed was a bandit that jumped him. He had gotten separated from Ashby, his mentor, and he knew he was in questionable territory. He was seventeen. The bandit jumped out of the bushes and attacked him first. He got several nasty bruises and some good cuts before he got the bandit in the gut and in the neck. Ashby found him on his knees in the grass, covered in blood and the blood lying in front of him. She panicked, thinking him seriously hurt, before she got a close look at him and found that he was just covered in blood. He had a hard couple of days of no sleep and swearing he still smelled like blood even after two baths. He did manage to get past the trauma of it, but he still remembers watching the man die.
He has nightmares over the fight with the Saarabas at the end of Trespasser. The nightmares from that time are pretty intense anyway, but that fight is the one that is terrifying for him. He feels like he’s back there with all the magic crackling in the air and the blood. The pain of the mark haunts him like phantom pains; really intense ones that he can’t do anything about because there’s nothing to squeeze or hold to stop the pain. The scars hurt too. After those dreams, he usually has a hard time the next day. He can get all dissociated and feeling like that can haunt him being awake. It’s one of those times you don’t come up behind him and scare him; well, unless you want a knife in the gut.
Eth Tabris:
She enjoys the fighting and she enjoys killing when it’s deserved. Darkspawn are the exception though. She finds it hilarious to kill them, regardless of morality. There aren’t enough words to describe how bad darkspawn are and how much they deserve to die. Plus, they smell bad.
She’s realized that violence is the only real option there is at times and she will employ it to reach her goals. Especially when those whom she cares about are threatened. She isn’t one for remorse when that occurs.
The first person she killed was the guards in the estate and she feels zero remorse for it. It’s a big blur for her. Although, she intensely remembers killing Vaughn. She stabbed him in the gut and got real close to his face to watch the light leave his eyes and the breath leave his chest. She wanted him to know that a “filthy elf” had driven her sword into him and killed him. She has zero remorse.
She has a lot of intense nightmares of the fight that killed her brother after the Circle. She doesn’t have time to really grieve or process it, so she would wake herself up with the intensity of them. She can feel the magic in the air and hear him screaming; once or twice she swears he’s out there, calling for her before she remembers she saw his mangled body and held him close. It’s some bad reoccurring trauma.
In Awakening AU, she has really bad nightmares about killing the Archdemon. It was a bad feeling between the taint in her blood causing issues and Alistair's death. After those nightmares, she doesn’t sleep the rest of the night. If they’re on the road, she’ll take the watch for the rest of the night. If they’re back at the Vigil’s Keep, she’ll do paperwork or pen a letter to Leliana. She won’t talk about them with the others, even if they insist. Anders probably knows the most about what happened and her trauma, but even that scarce.
(They don’t get to know her very well and vise versa and it’s something she comes to regret by the time Inquisition rolls around.)
Tomorrow is Day 9--Social Status!
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Lavellans on Corphyeus:
“Everything dies. People, animals, plants, spirits and the like. Even gods can die. Andraste died and the Maker is silent. The Archdemons come from the old Tevinter gods. Even my own gods have been locked away and silenced. Anyone claiming godhood needs to know this—recognize it. They are not immortal. Still, they do not leave this world without a fight.”
“Ya get old, ya forget things. Goin’ by what he be sayin’ he’s had good long whiles t’think ‘bout what happened; long time t’make new things up, t’forget things. T’make things not ya own fault. I dunno if he’s tellin’ the truth or nah, but be a keepin’ that n ya mind.”
“I cannot fathom as to why he believes what he does; why he thinks burning the world down around him to make everyone think as he does will be successful. It’s enough to look at history to know that never works—one cannot expect the people of Thedas to believe all in one thing. He’s running a fool errand, but one that could burn down the world. Be careful.”
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My Inquisition kiddos in a modern setting:
Darva’s name is Daniel and he works between a job at a dry cleaners and a small nerd store in a mall. The nerd store caters to a lot of dnd folks but has a good selection of games, movies and old records. Daniel wants to start a small book section in it. During the night and his days off he attends college and works towards getting a degree in computer programming. It’s hard for him with his dyslexia but he makes it work through special programs he makes himself. He plays in several dnd games at the shop, but doesn’t run his own game.
Him and Dorian met through a combination of Dorian seeing him in the small nerd shop and that Dorian frequents the laundry mat to get his suits and other clothes dry cleaned. They live together in a small one bedroom apartment above a coffee shop; they can afford it because Dorian is somehow loaded. Darva still insists on paying for his own things. They have a cat named Numin and a dog named Da’len; both were rescues that Ashley (Ashby) patched up.
Livonah is Libby and she goes to school full time and is only a freshman. She wants to go into a field where she can help merge practical science into magic in terms of medicine. She has a job at a local gym where she mainly does boxing and wrestling classes for youth and adults. Daniel started attending her classes after he started T. She frequents Darva’s workplaces a lot and even runs her own dnd campaign out of the shop. She keeps herself incredibly busy.
She met Blackwall when he came in to take classes. It was kinda awkward until Libby kicked his ass half a dozen times and then all bets were off. Libby lives with Ashley (Ashby) and Bull while Blackwall has his own small place. He has a Jack Russell terrier named Wood Glue.
Fisk’s name doesn’t change; it’s just Fisk still. Ze graduated from college a few years back with a degree in marketing and gender and sexuality studies. Ze works for a non profit to benefit LGBTQIA+ youth and young adults to provide resources for transitioning and support. Daniel was actually one of the first people to approach the non-profit about hormone therapy and he worked with them to help establish that aspect of the program. Krem was also a big help and is also employed by the non-profit. Ze also does some online management and tech support for several high profile companies which makes zem a majority of zir money. Fisk plays in Libby’s dnd game and when ze has time ze visit Daniel. Ze also takes classes from Libby.
Fisk and Josephine met through business connections as the non-profit grew. Josephine was hired on as a PR for the non-profit and their relationship grew from their. Josephine is incredibly interested in the whole gaming scene Daniel is into and wants to run her own political intrigue based dnd campaign. They live together in a small house they bought and renovated together after they got married.
Ashby is Ashley and she is kept incredibly busy since she’s a graduate student studying veterinary medicine. She spends a lot of her time on that, but she always makes it a point to come and visit the lot of her friends and her sister at least once a week. She often hosts bbqs and dinner parties for the lot of them and they’re always fantastic. Ashley is like the #1 best person to go to for fantastic food and someone to comfort you no matter what. She isn’t into dnd, but she wants to help Daniel start the mini book section in the store.
None of them are exactly sure how Bull and her met and neither of them care to tell the rest of them. Bull mainly does automotive work in his own shop; he can fix nearly anything if he’s given the time to figure it out. Weirdly enough him and Dorian knew each other before they were introduced via friend of a friend. Ashley and Bull live in a three bedroom townhouse along with Libby. They own the place and the garage is essentially an at home workshop. Bull wants a bigger place so he can get another motorcycle. Ashley says they have to get married first.
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