#asha roanhorse x mc
thelonewolfstar · 3 years
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Okay that default name made me laugh. Why would you name your pig, Bacon? 😅
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I named it Wilbur from Queen B, but I'm not fan of naming pets after people.
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What is it about Asha that reminds me so much of Jen Espinoza from AME? She's like Jen and Aster in one. I feel bad for Asha when she tells MC she feels taken for granted, but I am glad there's an option for MC to tell her he/she won't take her for granted. Despite having a little diamond scene with her in book 1, I'm glad her diamond scene aren't all about sex or making out. I really enjoy her conversations with MC. I laughed everytime she brought MC to that christmas diner. 😅 Asha and Brooklynne are my favorite in this book. I like the Anna Marie-Cliff thing it's lowkey cringeworthy and hilarious. 😅 I like the drama between Juliette and Percy, yes Percy is awful but I hope he will come around. I am curious whether Dallas will be able to clear his name. I am furious at that Alex's boyfriend for framing him for a crime he didn't commit.
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Asha bribing the Oakleys with supplies, in exchange for a full time job for MC. Lmao 😅
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storm-holt · 4 years
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Day 5 of bscaw: Asha Roanhorse
(For the record I know I’m late but I needed to make these, to show my appreciation for the only mayor I respect 🥰🥰🥰)
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imdeane · 4 years
Big Sky Country  Appreciation Week (Day 7): Free Day
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Yes, it’s late. I’m procrastinating and I’m a piece of trash. But I really want to make this edit done because these characters deserve it. Have some photo group and wedding.
“It's all in the view. That's what I mean about forever, too. For any one of us our forever could end in an hour, or a hundred years from now. You never know for sure, so you'd better make every second count.” ― Sarah Dessen
For @bsc-appreciation-week​ hosted by @storm-holt​
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spacetravels · 5 years
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mc is so lucky, he gets to kiss the future mayor of sweetridge
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Big Sky Country, Book 2, Ch. 2
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Honestly, I never thought I’d be saying this… but I have a feeling that the PB team is already doing their best to improve a lot of the things that us readers complaint about in the very first book. It’s not like Big Sky Country is suddenly becoming one of the greatest Choices books, but this time there is something that just feels right when reading the story, something that it didn’t happen to me while reading Book 1.
My guess is that these new vibes the book gives me are related to the characters, more than to the story itself. Have you noticed how the screen time of the characters seems to be pretty well balanced so far? Have you also noticed how the relationships between the characters seem to flow more naturally as well?
There are three scenes that made me feel like something is changing in this series. The first one was the scene with Brooklynne. The fact that they went to the mall to buy her some new clothes is kind of secondary… it’s the conversation they shared what makes me feel they’re developing a deeper bond. And at least in my story, this makes a lot of sense. Not only my MC and Broklynne are the only girls at the Oakley ranch (yeah, I’m playing as a girl), they’re both city girls moving into a whole new world to have a whole new life. So they’re basically living the same process, but at different ages, and this could be a little more complicated for Broklynne. So trust me, there will be times when she’ll probably need an older girl just to talk about “girls stuff” or about things that she can’t talk to her dad about. So it’s nice to see this kind of sisterly relationship between them.
The second scene is the one with Sawyer, who is my MC’s LI. I don’t know how the scene goes if you’re not dating him, but in my case, the scene was pure cuteness. You may see a couple where they both care for each other, a couple who acts and behaves like a team… and a couple who seem to be genuinely happy and in love. If I had to choose a MC/Sawyer scene, the one in the kitchen would definitely take the #1 spot as of today. Everything about this scene was cute… it was warm, familiar, nice… it flows naturally… it really made me feel like the MC found his/her place in the world.
And the third one has to be the scene the scenes with Asha. She’s not my LI, but I’m really glad that she’s getting more screen time, after she was basically forgotten in the first book. I’m also glad that she decided to run for Mayor, we all know that she’s the best and that she’ll probably win this thing. However, it scares me to see that we may have a new Teja here. She’s already tired; we don’t need another character that’s overworking. Maybe Miles decides to stay in town so he can help her with the store during the campaign?
Even though the problems in Sweetridge seem to be taken from a Hallmark movie (the modest and hard-working people that live in town must face some “evil enemy” that usually belongs to a large corporation or has plenty of money and wears a suit), I think there will be a lot of things happening in future chapters. Not only we’ll be having the Mayor campaign, but the town will be part of reality television (I’m so relieved to see that the show doesn’t seem to be what I thought at first!! I only wonder if PB will remember that they can’t show Dallas on camera). Of course, we’ll be having the different issues with our friends and the rest of the characters in this book. And even though it worries me to see that maybe there’s too much stuff to be handled, if the book continues to be like the first two chapters, I’m quite optimistic.
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tracyschmosby · 6 years
the mere fact that you get to just hug asha or wave goodbye at the end of her diamond scene SCREAMS SLOW BURN AND I'M ALL FOR IT -- don't even get me started on the lingering looks and touches
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boneandfur · 6 years
Sneak Peek: Riding Lessons
Canon-divergence. NSFW. Dick Mulligan x BSC MC. Comment to be tagged when it drops! Sneak peek rated mature for sexual innuendo
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Every man has a tell, that's what mama always said, and damn if she wasn't right. Dick Mulligan is eyeing her up and down from the other end of the midway like he's in prison for life, and she's his conjugal visit.
Juniper Rainbow-Raven Willow, once called Wren, once called Maybelle, smiles to herself and ignores him, like he isn't the man she came here to see, like he isn't making his way over to her right now, shoulders thrown back and chest puffed out, strutting like a red rooster. Instead, she leans back against the wall of the air rifle booth, surveying her domain, looking at every man in a ten gallon hat and faded blue jeans, until he's right in front of her, thumbs nocked in his pockets, fingers pointing down at the impressive bulge outlined by tight denim.
Dick Mulligan clears his throat like he's suddenly shy, though they both know he's no such thing. Juniper's mama always said, Make him work for it. And she intends to, though whatever Dick thinks he'll get out of the bargain is negligible. If Juniper plays her cards right, she'll be ten grand richer, and as for Dick...
"Can I help you?" Dick has a deep, rich baritone that rumbles through his chest, and Juniper looks up from under her lashes, as though he hasn't already undressed her a thousand times with those steel gray eyes. "Didn't you come here with them Oakley boys? You lost?"
She bites her bottom lip, playing with the hem of her short skirt, his eyes on the creamy expanse of her thighs and the slight peaking of her nipples as the breeze picks up. "No, sir." Juniper raises her chin, meeting his gaze full on, and a shiver runs right down her spine. "I'm right where I ought to be. This is where we sign up to ride in the rodeo, right?"
Dick runs a hand over his chin, tugging at his beard thoughtfully. "Ain't Oakley ridin'?"
Juniper shrugs, as though she could care less. "He sprained his ankle." Sawyer is laid up in the back of the truck, icing his ankle and swearing a blue streak. That ten grand was so close she could almost taste it, and to have it snatched away... Well. Dick is still studying her, as though she's become infinitely more mysterious. "What?"
Dick chuckles, lifting a strand of her golden hair. "Can you even ride, Goldilocks?"
Juniper lets out a low, husky chuckle, flicking one of the silver buttons on Dick's chest and stroking her finger down. "Hard and fast, cowboy."
Dick grabs her fingers in his hand as they brush his belt buckle, his eyes dark. He opens his mouth, about to say something, but he closes it again when Asha bustles up to them, clipboard in hand. The moment between them stretches, broken only when Asha coughs delicately.
"Juniper! What's this I hear about Sawyer gettin' hurt?" Asha tugs on her arm, and Juniper allows herself to be led away, feeling Dick's fingers brush against hers, igniting a spark that's sure to burn down the whole fair, hell, the whole town.
Juniper twirls a lock of hair, aware of Dick's eyes burning a hole into her back. "He sprained his ankle. It's swollen up like a grapefruit. I wanted to..." she swallows, looking back at Dick. "Ride in his place."
Asha looks at Juniper, then down at her clipboard. "I don't think..."
"Let the little lady ride if she wants to." Dick chuckles in amusement. "I'll give her some pointers. Ain't that right, darlin'?"
Asha's nostrils flare. "She doesn't need help from you, you bast--"
"Careful there, Ms Roanhorse. We wouldn't want anyone to think you had a preference." Dick's hand rests proprietarily on Juniper's lower back, and she can feel the heat of it burning through the cheap cotton, making her wonder for a brief moment what it would feel like on her bare skin. "You want me to show you how to ride, little lady?"
"Hard and fast," Juniper whispers under her breath.
Asha's head whips up. "Sorry?" She pulls Juniper aside. "You sure you didn't hit your head? That man is a real bastard. You want me to come? I wouldn't want you to get yourself into trouble..." Asha's bottle-green eyes search Juniper's face. She's a kind woman, Asha, but Juniper can't give Asha the kind of gentle love she so obviously yearns for. She left that gentle girl behind her long ago. "Honey, he's a real bad man."
Juniper sneaks a look back at Dick. He's cupping his hand to light a cigarette, his eyes on the two women with their heads bent together. A real bad man. Well, she's a real bad girl. If Asha knew the half of it, she wouldn't be warning Juniper off. She wouldn't even want to know Juniper at all. "I think I can handle myself."
Asha squeezes Juniper's bare shoulder. "If you need help, you just holler, honey."
"Asha Roanhorse! We need your help down by the 4H pens!" A very pregnant, very blonde woman with apple cheeks waddles up, distracting Asha. "We got an escaped goat, and..."
"You'll be hollerin', all right." Juniper lets out the breath she didn't know she was holding when Dick's lips brush against her ear, a husky timbre in his voice that makes her shiver all over. "You ready, Goldilocks?"
Juniper looks up at Dick, feeling a girlish blush heat her cheeks. "Only if you're fixin' to show me, cowboy." That damn Georgia drawl, thick as molasses, slips out when she least expects it, and Dick's gray eyes flicker in surprise. "Where are we headed?" Back to Boston proper, like she didn't grow up moving from place to place, like she wasn't born looking over her shoulder, moving from town to town, from carnival to carnival, finally disappearing into the anonymous obscurity of the commune. Once she hit eighteen, she lit out of there, and she doesn't mean to make the same mistakes her mama made, no siree. But standing here, in front of this man, she knows why her mama took her aside when she was just fifteen, back when she still swore she'd never be as wild as Opal Mae, back when she thought she'd still have a chance to be somebody else, other than what she was.
Stay away from the dangerous ones. I don't care if he lights you up inside like a Roman candle on the Fourth of July, baby girl. You play with fire and you're like to get burned.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Big Sky Country, Book 2, Ch. 4
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
Yeah, yeah… I know I’m late… but I really, really, really had to write this post about Platinum last night!
Blue Sky Country is a lightheaded book, so it’s not like you really expect “super exciting things to happen”… you only expect “things to happen”. And yeah… things happened in Chapter 4… especially if you used diamonds.
Because yes, diamonds seem to have made a difference this time, to the point I can’t imagine very well what happens if you don’t buy those scenes. For example, I’m curious to know what happens in Asha’s campaign if you don’t make the buttons. I played that diamond scene and then at the rodeo a lot of things seemed to be about them, especially when we saw Charlie wearing one of Tate’s buttons and then Bentley accused Asha of stealing the idea from Jasper. I wonder how the scene at the rodeo goes if you don’t play that previous diamond scene at the store. I tried to look for it, but I didn’t find it. Do they just cut off the whole thing? Does Bentley accuse Asha of something else?
We also had some extra stuff if we bought the outfit. And it was a whole scene where got a chance to participate in the pre-rodeo activities by catching a goat. I don’t know, I think this time my diamonds were well invested.
But this chapter was all about seeing Sawyer in action. I’m really glad that his effort paid off (even though it was pretty obvious, we need the story to continue after all!) and I have to admit I’m pretty excited to see him going to the nationals. But probably my favorite part of the rodeo has to be what happened before the rodeo itself. It was especially nice to see Cliff admitting to be super proud of Sawyer following his dream. It seems like Cliff always felt this burden of seeing Sawyer doing what he had to do instead of doing what he wanted to do (let’s remember that Sawyer was in charge of the ranch in the first book) and now all that guilt has gone. I also liked to see Duke so worried about Sawyer, as they both have gone a long way from fighting about everything to almost living together in peace. But by the end of the chapter, I have to admit I was a little worried as well… it’s not like PB gives us this type of dialogs “for free”. I wouldn’t be impressed if Duke’s concerns become a reality and Sawyer has some accident in future chapters (maybe something caused by Dick? If he tried to do it once, he may do it twice!).
I wouldn’t like to finish this post without talking about the relationship between Sawyer and the MC (sorry if you’re not romancing him, but I just can’t skip this). When I choose a LI for my MC I tend to do it based on who I think is the perfect match for her (nope, no Eros involved here… yes, I always play as a girl) and even at the end of the first book I wasn’t that convinced about Sawyer being my MC’s perfect match (I was about to remain single, because… why not?). But OMG… they are seriously becoming the sweetest couple I’ve seen in a long time. Every scene we’ve had with Sawyer in this book has been nothing but pure cuteness. From that scene in the kitchen a few chapters ago, to Sawyer not only teaching us how to ride rodeo horses, but also supporting us while catching the goat and asking us to go with him to the nationals in this chapter, everything seems so pure, so familiar, so warming… I swear I wouldn’t like to see another wedding book in a long time, but these two are definitely meant to be.
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crazy-loca-blog · 5 years
Personal thoughts on Big Sky Country, Book 2, Ch. 3
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
I’ve been trying to do this for two days in a row. The first one, I got that annoying server error that appears right when you want to play. The second one… power outage and no Internet connection… so let’s try to do this thing fast (thank God for the data mobile plan and the notebook battery).
This time, it took me a while to realize what to write about. I don't think it was a bad chapter, but I don’t think there were many things to say about it either. But… we got a pigeon… yeah guys, we got a cute and adorable pigeon! And I can already tell it will be Cliff’s weakness. All that hard, country man exterior, melt as soon as Bacon (loved the default name, so I kept it) was on his lap.
Last week, I was also wondering what’s going to happen to Dallas, as he supposedly can’t appear on TV. So I found it way too weird when he accepted to be on camera, and even that we had to pay diamonds for us to help him to do it. It felt weird because it wasn’t our place and it wasn’t our moment to be on camera. It felt weird because it wasn’t our story to tell. It felt weird because the whole scene looked “fake”… pretty much as reality TV. I kind of regret spending diamonds on the scene, to be honest. Of course, you have to be super naïve to believe that he won’t have to face any consequences, so this shooting will probably lead to a major drama in future chapters.
I’m also pretty sure that Dallas won’t be the one who’ll make Sweetridge to win the bid. The one who’ll make us win this thing will be Curly. Did you see that coming? I seriously thought at first that we were just teasing him, I never expected that shipping him and Bentley would be the real deal. And not only because Curly seemed to be a very, very secondary character in the first book, but also because I can’t help wondering if it will be just a crush or how things will end. They both come from different worlds, just like our MC and his/her LI, the difference is that Bentley does have an actual job waiting for him at home.
Finally, I’m pretty glad to see that we are not going to be as involved in Asha’s campaign as I thought we would be. You know, it’s OK to help, but I was a little worried that we would be so involved on this that we would end up having the same problem that we’ve been facing in other books lately: too many things in the plot and too little time to cover everything properly. We just can’t be in charge of EVERYTHING and I already think we will be quite busy trying to help Juliette. So when I heard that Curly would be in charge of Asha’s campaign, I admit I was relieved.
So far, I like what I read, I think this book is already better than the first one. However, I don’t get to understand very well why it seems like PB has problems trying to reach some balance regarding the screen time of the LIs. We haven’t seen much of Sawyer this time and that’s fine, because it has been a nice chance to see more of other LIs such as Asha and Dallas. But the problem is that now Sawyer is giving me the same vibes as Reed in Bachelorette Party: he’s becoming a LI that’s being left out of the main plot (and even the “secondary plots” if we think about Juliette’s and Dallas’ storylines) and I don’t know if I feel fully comfortable with it. I like what I’ve seen of Sawyer, but at the same time I’m trying to figure out how PB will include him in the plots and nothing seems to “feel right”… at least not yet.
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spacetravels · 6 years
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tfw you have a crush but don’t realize you have a crush
UHHHHH quick warm-up before werk
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