#ash starmer x reader
ablogcalledrevenge · 4 years
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Do Androids Enjoy Paris? (An Ash x Reader Insert Fic, Rated T)
It’s decades later when you find him. He’s in surprisingly good shape for being almost 50 years old. When you run a diagnostics check on him days later, you’re almost touched to see how well he was taken care of. Yearly upgrades and tune-ups, expanded memory chip, barely any wear or tear on the joints or internal wiring. He could be a museum piece, he was so well kept. And now he was yours.
So what does one do when they’re suddenly gifted with an android copy of an unknown dead man?
Take him to see the world.
When you bought the house from Kate’s mom, you didn’t really understand what the Ash Clause referred to. According to the contract, you just had to maintain the Ash model for the length of ownership. When you asked your friend what Ash was, she chuckled and shook her head.
“Oh wow, I haven’t thought about him in years. He’s like this weird robot my grandma had. I think I saw him once. He was kind of like a memory bank, I think he would do some cleaning.” She said and you shrugged. You could take care of a sentient vacuum.
But when you finally get to the little house, you don’t see any robot. You find a vacuum, covered in dust, but very little else. It isn’t until your third night that you meet Ash.
You’re in bed, trying to fall asleep. You’re not used to the countryside and you had been staring at your phone right before trying to sleep, which you know is bad. You’re in that hazy almost dreaming phase when you hear a thud from above. You freeze in your bed, suddenly terrified that a monster is going to come crashing through the roof and eat you.
Instead, you hear the sound of a chair being pushed across the floor above you. There’s nothing above you but the roof, you’re on the second floor. The house is just two floors and an attic. Your stomach drops and you let out a shaky breath. There’s someone in the attic.
Grabbing your phone and a frying pan from the kitchen, you carefully pull down the steps to the attic. All the noise stops and you preemptively dial 999 in case there’s a murderer up there and you need to call the police. Your finger hovers over the button as light floods down over you.
The attic is small but decorated with furniture. There’s a plush rug under your toes and a nice coffee table with soft squishy looking chairs around it. There’s a computer plugged in and a rack of clothes. Does someone live up here? Did Kate forget to tell you about a renter?
You hear a throat clear and you whirl around, holding your frying pan out like a weapon. The person you see isn’t scary, he isn’t holding a gun or anything, but you still scream in surprise.
“No please, don’t scream. I’m not dangerous I promise!” He assures you, stepping forward as you leap back. You fall into one of the armchairs and it knocks the breath out of you.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m Ash. Didn’t Kate or Indira tell you about me? I know you bought the house.” He says, kneeling in front of you to perhaps seem less threatening. It worked a little and you slowly felt your heart return to a normal rhythm.
“They just told me I had to maintain an Ash model. I was expecting a cleaning robot, not a person!” You shoot back, once you find your voice. You haven’t lowered your frying pan. At that, Ash ducks his head bashfully. He doesn’t flush or turn red though, like a person would. He also hasn’t blinked since you noticed him.
“That’s me. I’m the Ash model. I’m an android technically though. This is where I stay.” He says with a note of resigned acceptance, sweeping his arm out over his humble abode. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Why are you up here? Why do I have to take care of you? You look kind of familiar, have we met before?” You ask, ignoring his identity for a moment, as he sits down on the couch across from you. Despite it being 2 in the morning, he dressed like he’s going to work. He’s wearing dark slacks with a blue button down shirt; he’s even got shoes on!
“It’s a bit of a long story.” Ash says and he explains it all to you. As the time passes, you listen as Ash reveals family secret after family secret. You find yourself staring at the pulled skin of Ash’s knuckles or the way the light shines across his multi-shaded hair. He’s a feat of engineering, that was for sure. Androids weren’t super rare in society, though they were uncommon. Androids took the place of people when it involved inhospitable environments or testing reactions to new drugs. Androids couldn’t feel pain but they could mimic the human body’s reaction. They were essential in the field of science and medicine. Which made it all the stranger that Kate’s grandma just had one.
It’s a sad story to be sure. Losing a loved one is never easy and grief can make people do crazy things. Now you know why Ash’s face looks vaguely familiar to you. You’ve seen his face in an old wedding photo of Kate’s grandparents. But then the passage of time actually sinks in. Kate, like you, is in her late 20s. Martha was her grandma! Ash has been up here for decades, sitting alone and getting sent to a facility once a year for upgrades. Martha’s been dead for 5 years now and the house has been empty. Kate mentioned that she hadn’t seen Ash since she was a little kid. 
“So you’ve just been alone for all this time? Hasn’t anyone visited you?” You ask, incredulously. Mrs. Portman was his daughter! Well, sort of, not really.
“Yes. Indira comes to visit sometimes, usually when I have to get upgraded. We talk and she has tea and it’s very nice. But other than that, no. She stopped seeing me on weekends when she left for school. I assumed she was busy living her own life. After that Martha stopped coming up as well. I think it bothered her that she was aging and I wasn’t. I never minded though, I don’t care about that sort of thing. Do you want tea?” The change of subject does little to distract you. All you can think of is the clause in your lease contract. 
“You realize that I own the house now, I bought it from Mrs. Portman. You were part of the contract I signed. I’m supposed to take care of you. I own you. Doesn’t that bother you? You’re being passed down like a family heirloom!” You point out, shaking your head as Ash offers you tea. You don’t think he can drink it and it seems rude to use up his supply. 
“Why should it? Martha wanted to take care of me. I have a nice life up here. I have the internet and I get to see people sometimes. There’s not much I need.” He says simply and your heart breaks for him. 
“But Martha’s dead! She’s dead and you’re still here! Don’t you see how cruel that is? She’s allowed to die and be at peace and, depending on your belief system, finally be with her Ash. But instead of shutting you down, she’s kept you running. There’s no reason. It’s not like Mrs. Portman has really interacted with you in years. So why are you still running? Don’t you deserve some peace?”
Ash pauses and looks at you. It’s strange, but he seems almost sad. AI technology has come a long way, but his ability to mimic sadness is honestly amazing.
“Martha’s dead?” His voice sounds hollow and you get up and join him on the couch. 
“Yes, she died five years ago. You weren’t told?” You reach over and grab his hand. It’s cool to the touch but very soft. It feels like skin, though you know it’s synthetic. He feels human.
“No, I wasn’t told. I always assumed that when she died, I’d either go live with Indira or I’d be shut down. I didn’t think she’d keep me running with no purpose.” He sighs and his chest doesn’t move.
“Maybe she couldn’t bear the thought of you dying. Maybe she thought Indira would want you in her life. I don’t know. But what I do know is that we’re here and we’re together now. I signed that contract and I’m going to take care of you. But you get to decide what that means. If you want to stay up here and be left alone, I can do that. But if you want to be shut down, I understand and I can do that too.” You promise and he looks at you. His eyes are beautiful and wet, hazy blue and light green mixed together and piercing into your soul. You’re in awe of how his eyes bore into you.
“I don’t know what I want. I’ve been up here so long. I was only made for a few things. I don’t have wants or needs besides basic maintenance.” He says shakily.
“Well, now’s the time to figure it out.” You whisper in the quiet of the attic. The smile he gives you is blinding in it’s sincerity and joy.
You go to Paris first, walking along the Seine in the summer. You show Ash all the artwork he’s only ever seen through a screen, watch him embrace the human condition as he marvels at a Monet and shakes his head at a Picasso. He doesn’t tan like you do but after giving a little boy back his ball by the Carrousel du Louvre, he has a riot of freckles across his shoulders that match the toddler’s. 
He does that a lot; change his appearance as he meets people. He has a mole on his clavicle that disappears occasionally. He can’t seem to decide if he wants it or not. You don’t care either way, you tell him he’s beautiful at least once an hour. He responds back in kind and while someone else would take that as a lie; he’s an android so what could he know about human beauty, you beam at the words. You figure he’s probably objective so the small words are taken as the compliment they’re intended to be.
The only weird parts are when you need to eat and sleep. It’s strange at first to go to a cafe and eat in front of him. He always tastes things but he never swallows, politely spitting it out in his napkin. He doesn’t have taste buds, he can’t enjoy the bouquet of flavors you bring to his lips every breakfast, lunch, or dinner; but despite that he always asks to try. You can see how desperately he wants to be human so you humor him and let him try your crepes.
He doesn’t sleep, though he will lay down in bed with you. He makes no sounds and only mimics breathing to keep you from feeling uncomfortable. Eventually you ask him to stop. You’ve always hated noise when you’re trying to sleep and it’s nice to be held by something that doesn’t snore in your ear or drool on you.
“I can if you want me to.” Ash teases one morning and you throw a pillow at him. His laugh sounds like triumph.
You’re walking along the Pont des Arts, Notre Dame in the distance and vanilla ice cream in your hand.  The stroll is leisurely and even, Ash swinging your hands as you tread across the wooden boards. You’re going to Italy next and then maybe Spain. He’s decided he wants to see the world and you’re only too happy to show him.
He stops and rests his arm on the railing, the wind ruffling his hair back. You lay your head on his shoulder which is warm through his linen shirt.
“Would you want to have sex?” He asks suddenly and you almost drop your ice cream in the river. You pull back to look at him, your face pink.
“I just know that when couples travel together they usually have sex. I can have sex, I have the equipment for it. I’ve done it before.” He says and his tone is so casual and even. In perhaps an ironic twist, you’re the one who feels like they’re short circuiting. You eat some ice cream while you try to come up with an answer.
“Ash, I think you’re so handsome and I love the time we spend together. I enjoy sleeping next to you in bed and holding your hand. But sex isn’t the same as that. Kissing isn’t the same as that. I would love to kiss you and have sex and make this relationship more physical but I want that for the right reasons. I want to have sex with you because you want to, not because you think we should. Not because studies show couples have sex on holiday or because you did it before.” You counter, squeezing his hands.
“It’s hard for me to want things. I don’t think the way you do.” He reminds you. You give him a soft smile and step back to throw away your ice cream. Your hand is cold against his cheek but he doesn’t react. Not the way a human would.
“I know Ash and that’s okay. I don’t mind if our relationship never turns physical, if it doesn’t look like other relationships. I enjoy spending time with you and I care about you. It’s okay to not want something.” You assure him but instead of looking relieved, he looks angry.
“But I should! I want to want things the way you do, the way normal people do! I watch everyone go through life, experiencing the world and they feel things. I don’t feel things and it’s not fair!” He yells. People walking by look at you but you don’t pay them any attention.
“But you do feel things, I know you do. You don’t like the BeeGees. You prefer wearing blue over any other color. When we went to the museum, you said you liked Monet over Manet. Those are opinions, those are feelings. Sure, they might not work the same way mine do, but human beings are all so different. We all see the world in different ways and I’m sure there’s someone out there who thinks the way you do. You may not be able to eat the food you try, but you still want to try it. That’s feelings.” You say before leaning forward and kissing him softly. 
His lips are soft and dry and if you close your eyes, which you do, it’s like kissing a real person. You pull back and notice his eyes are closed as well. Your heart thumps against your ribcage.
“I don’t need to kiss or have sex to function properly. But that was nice. It was soft and it made you happy. Seeing you happy makes me happy. I know that sex is something couples do to show their affection and I want to do that for you. I want to make you happy in that way. I want to kiss you and have sex and be like a normal couple.” He says definitely, pulling you into a hug. He’s very good at hugs but you make a mental note to have him look up asexuality when this is done. It’s not a perfect comparison but it might help him feel better.
“Okay Ash, when we get back to the hotel, we’ll have sex. But until then, let’s just explore. Want to see Notre Dame today?” You agree, your hand sliding down his forearm to mesh between his fingers. This time he leans down and kisses you. It’s still a little stiff but you’ll teach him. He wants to learn. Pulling away, continue your walk down the bridge and onto the street. 
“Yes, I would like that.” He smiles, and you fall in love.
Tagging @babbushka because she asked so nicely lol.
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novakspector · 4 years
ŃŚF́Ẃ ABC’s - Robot Ash x female reader
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A- Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
At first Ash has no idea what to do after sex. He just lays there with a blank expression, not simulating breathing, and looking a bit like a corpse. You tell him to hold you and show him how by taking his arms and wrapping them around you, and let him know that you like to cuddle after sex. He adds it to his programming. When you cuddle, Ash increases his core temperature, pretends to breathe and simulates the sound of a gentle, steady heartbeat to make the experience of cuddling with a synthetic more comfortable and realistic for you.
B -Body Part (Their favorite body part of yours)
Ash wasn't programmed with preferences like this, but as an artificial intelligence he is capable of learning things and he starts to love your hands. The censors built into certain areas of his skin pick up your touches and send positive charges to his neural network that he reads as being pleasurable. He gets positive charges when you run your fingers through his hair or gently stroke his back.
C- Cum (Anything having to do with cum….we’re all thirsty nasty ass hoes don’t act surprised)
Ash doesn't cum. There's an add-on feature that you can purchase for Ash’s make and model that installs a synthetic semen delivery system to increase realism during sex, but you haven't bought it. Having discreetly labeled containers of robot cum delivered to your doorstep every month just seems... weird. He's able to feel you through his sensory system and read your sexual responses with his visual cortex, but he doesn't really have orgasms. He's programmed to be good at faking them, though.
D- Dirty Talk (How much do they dirty talk? What kind of things do they say?)
He isn't programmed to do this, but when he had the standard pornography upgrade he asked you if it was something you were interested in because it kept coming up a lot in different data sets. He repeated the sort of things said in typical porn videos, and the words just sounded sleazy and odd coming from him, so you told him to stop.
E- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they always know what they’re doing?)
Ash downloads all his information about sex from pornography, so he fucks like a porn star. He knows what he's doing, but in a way he doesn't, because he's just repeating physical movements and routines his neural network has analyzed. Some of the things that you enjoy specifically, such as the way you like to be touched, you had to teach him yourself. It’s definitely fun and a turn-on to teach him things.
F- Favorite Position (Self explanatory)
He doesn’t have preferences like this because it wasn’t part of the original data set that formed his personality. So his favorite position is whatever you enjoy best.
G- Goofy (Are they serious or goofy during sex)
When he discovers you like to talk a little in bed to lighten the mood (and make sex with a robot more ‘human’ and less awkward), he does joke around a little and tries to make you smile. He'll do anything to make you feel good.
H- Hair (Are they well groomed? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc…)
Ash is completely smooth all over. His skin feels about as real as synthetic skin can feel, but there's no hair on his body besides his head, eyebrows, eyelashes. Not even a bit of fuzz. At first it's a little disconcerting and a reminder that he's synthetic, but you come to enjoy it as a unique feature. You found his grey-ish complexion a little strange and had the flushing add-on installed to make him blush like human Ash would have when he should be flustered or aroused.
I- Intimacy (How romantic they are within the moment)
Ash is programmed to make you feel good and bring you comfort. He's programmed with the personality of Ash Starmer, who was a very sweet, sensitive, sentimental guy, so he has those traits and is quite romantic.
J- Jerk Off (How often they masturbate)
Never. He has no physical sexual needs of his own, so there’s no reason for him to do this. However, if you want him to simulate masturbating so you can watch him, he’ll do that. And of course you have done that. 😏
K- Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He doesn’t have any kinks. If you want to try kinky stuff with him, you’ll need to teach him about it yourself or input some specialty porn programming. You want to try a bit of everything with him, though, since he doesn’t judge you and there’s nothing he won’t do to make you happy.
L- Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Your bedroom. The shower. The kitchen table. The sofa. The broom closet. The garden. The backseat of your car. The bathroom at Burger King. Anywhere. Whenever and wherever you want it, he’s ready to please you.
M- Motivation (What turns them on)
He's a robot. You turn him on with the click of a button. 😁
N- No (Something they would never do to you)
He can’t hurt you, be cruel to you, leave you, cheat on you, make you unhappy, etc because it goes against his programming.
O- Oral (Are they a taker or a giver?)
He’s a giver, obviously. It’s his purpose. Your physical and auditory responses to him giving you sexual pleasure send positive charges to his neural network which trains him to know which behaviors he should engage in. You love when he goes down on you so he does it a lot and is very, very good at it and never gets tired.
P- Pace (How fast or slow they take it on you)
He’ll go as fast or as slow as you say you want it.
Q- Quickie (What they think of them and how often they occur)
If you’re busy and stressed and only have time for a quickie, Ash is always happy to help. He doesn’t have a preference one way or another.
R- Roleplay (How often you do it)
Well, in a way, everything he does is an act of roleplay. He’s a synthetic being pretending to be Ash Starmer. He tries to be as human as he possibly can, which means learning about what you like and what you want, and what’s normal for humans in various situations.
S- Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long can they last?)
He never gets tired. He could fuck you all day and all night. His energy system is designed to be extremely efficient to maximize realism, so he’s not constantly needing to be recharged. He’s not like an iPhone. He also doesn’t have batteries you have to take out and recharge. He does need to plug his USB into a wall outlet or a computer to recharge his power cell, but only on a monthly basis and he always does this when you are sleeping or not at home.
T- Toys (Do they use toys on you or do you use toys on them?)
Well, he’s pretty much a toy himself, isn’t he? A very complicated one, one with a personality and one that can learn things and grow to be more human and more real, but he’ll always be a synthetic being.
U- Unfair (How much they like to tease you)
When he sees how much it makes you flustered and hot, he does walk around the house in just his boxer shorts.
V- Volume (How loud are they?)
Not loud at all. Whisper quiet. You can’t even hear the complicated mechanisms and central processing unit whirling beneath his synthetic flesh.
W- Wild Card (Anything)
You were feeling a bit lonely and depressed, and saw an ad for an adoption agency for unwanted synthetics. There was nothing wrong with these units, they weren’t faulty. People just grew tired of them, or didn’t need them for comfort anymore, or were given them as gifts by someone else and didn’t want them. Ash’s story pulled at your heartstrings and you thought he was very, very cute. You didn’t know the human Ash Starmer, he was just some random man who sadly died young in a tragic accident. The activation point was reset to your home and he was transferred to you, making Ash yours. When you brought him home and turned him on, it was exciting to get to know each other. He took note of all your likes and dislikes and preferences and what you were looking for and what you expected from him, and began the process of reshaping his programming to suit your needs rather than those of his previous human companion.
X- X-Ray (Let’s take a peak inside their pants)
There was no data on the human male Ash Starmer’s penis size, so when that data is unavailable the synthetic units of Ash’s make and model come with a standard 7 inch phallus when erect, which is larger than average but not shockingly or painfully huge. It’s always possible to switch out his parts for a smaller or larger one, depending on your preferences, but you like him the way he is.
Y-Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
As long as he is fully charged he’s able to do anything you need him to do. He has no real sex drive of his own, he responds to your needs.
Z- Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Ash doesn’t sleep, but he can pretend to sleep. He even snores and steals the covers to make it more realistic for you. As he learns more, he grows to be more and more realistic for you and your connection with him deepens. As time goes on you can feel yourself forgetting he’s a synthetic, and you fall in love with him.
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imperial-martian · 5 years
BBC Sherlock
Good Omens
The Good Doctor
To Kill a Mockingbird [ Book + Movie ]
Star Wars
Lucifer [ Seasons 1 - 3 ]
Joker [ 2019 ]
Gladiator [ 2000 ]
John Wick
007 [ Daniel Craig ]
Knives Out
Money Heist/La Casa De Papel
Domhnall Gleeson’s Characters
Keanu Reeves’ Characters
Ben Mendelsohn’s Characters
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BBC Sherlock
Mycroft Holmes
James Moriarty
Gregory Lestrade
John Watson
Sherlock Holmes
Good Omens
The Good Doctor
Marcus Andrews
Neil Melendez
Shaun Murphy
To Kill a Mockingbird [ Book + Movie ]
Atticus Finch
Arthur “Boo” Radley
Star Wars
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker [ Original + Sequels ]
Han Solo [ Original + Sequels ]
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anikan Skywalker/Darth Vadar
Darth Maul
Boba Fett
Orson Krennic
Qui-Gon Jinn
Cassian Andor
George Washington
King George III
Samuel Seabury
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Hercules Mulligan
Marquis de Lafayette
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Charles Lee
Philip Hamilton
Lucifer Morningstar
Stephan Strange
Agent Phil Coulson
Tony Stark
Steve Rodgers
Agent Everett Ross
Peter Parker
Joker [ 2019 ]
Arthur Fleck
Gladiator [ 2000 ]
Emperor Commodus
General Maximus
John Wick
John Wick
Viggo Tarasov
Iosef Tarasov
Santino D’Antonio
007 [ Daniel Craig ]
James Bond
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Money Heist/La Casa De Papel
Sergio Marquina: The Professor
Andrés de Fonollosa: Berlin
Aníbal Cortés: Rio
Daniel Ramos: Denver
Domhnall Gleeson’s Characters
Armitage Hux [ Star Wars ]
Thomas McGregor [ Peter Rabbit ]
Ash Starmer [ Black Mirror (season 2, episode 1) ]
Tim Lake [ About Time ]
Caleb Smith [ Ex Machina ]
A. A. Milne [ Goodbye Christopher Robins ]
Keanu Reeves’ Characters
John Wick [ John Wick Series ]
Neo [ Matrix Series ]
Tomas Anderson [ Matrix Series ]
Ben Mendelsohn’s Characters
Orson Krennic [ Star Wars ]
Nolan Sorrento [ Ready Player One ]
Ralph Anderson [ The Outsider ]
Sheriff of Nottingham [ Robin Hood ]
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Oneshots can typically take me anywhere from 45 minutes to a few days. I never go below 1,000 words, and I have only gone up to 4,000, however, I plan to improve and go past that. Keep in mind that when requesting oneshots they will take me some time to do, especially if I’m busy.
Example ;; Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock) x Reader oneshot in which the reader is hired as Mycroft’s personal assistant. Over time, Mycroft discovers that he loves her after the reader takes a bullet for him.
Imagines don’t take me more than an hour usually. I keep them below 1,000 words, but typically they’re past 200 to 300 words long. When requesting these you can usually expect them to be done within in hour or so, unless I’m busy.
Example ;; Atticus Finch (TKAM) imagine where he is the readers lawyer.
Drabbles take me less than 30 minutes. They’re short and always exactly 100 words. I’d usually finish this anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes.
Example ;; Gabriel (Good Omens) angst drabble.
Depending on the request, these may vary from a couple hours to a few days if I need ideas. I don’t have a word limit for these, however, usually they are over 7 bullet points long.
Example ;; Headcanon for President of the Hospital Marcus Andrews (The Good Doctor) who’s dating a surgeon who works for him.
Preferences are typically pretty quick for me to do depending on which fandom and how many characters you want. No word limit.
Example ;; First kiss preference for Commodus and Maximus (Gladiator).
Aesthetics/Moodboards are typically just a collage of photos for a character you want. It can be a character x reader collage, or even a specific character au that you want.
Example [ 1 ] ;; An Arthur Fleck (Joker) x Reader aesthetic.
Example [ 2 ] ;; An Agent! Mycroft (Sherlock) moodboard!
Ships are a small things for followers/readers to interact and ask me which characters I ship them with from a specific fandom.
Example ;; For Marvel: I have brown hair, hazel eyes and I’m 5’ 9. I love to read, write and explore. I enjoy talking to people, however, I typically get really anxious which causes my hand or legs to shake...
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vaingloriosa · 5 years
hey angel. um. i found a dbh!au ash starmer x reader............
I laughed so loudly, i scared both dad and my sister’s dog...Claudia, how u gon say that and NOT drop a link??
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