#ash ciel
Hi, could u do yandere ciel, sebastian, ran mao, lau, ash, and hannah from black butler with a reader like teruhashi from saiki k, shes basically a really pretty girl who believes she is completely perfect but acts sweet and humble outside, and has a huge fan club involving other nobles and important politicans, and is actually loved by literal gods and is seen as a goddess to other ppl with ppl willing to sacrifice their life for them all bc just for her beauty.
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Teruhashi Reader | Yandere Black Butler
Your beauty is other-wordly, causing all to indescribable chase after your heart and happiness. As it's always been. And just as your fan base has always been so has your arrogance and narcissism. You know you’re the perfect of most perfect and it's all going to your plan. You worried that even those who might have an inkling of your true thoughts might think to stop you but just like the others they're just as obsessed with you:
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Ciel Phantomhive
“If you’d be willing, the Phantomhive estate would appreciate your visit.”
He’s not offering this is a warning
He wouldn’t trust the uninformed masses to mishandle you
It's best you stay within his trusted care
Forget about being a bargaining chip 
He sees how others revolve around you and he feels the need to insert himself
Perhaps protect you like he wasn’t 
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Sebastian Michaelis
“You are truly someone of power, to deceive so many humans. It's admirable.”
Sees through your actions easily 
Your character is an enigma he finds himself falling for all the same
Perhaps it's not the universal charm you seem to have but your general behavior
Either way, he’s more than happy to be commanded to protect your blissful existence
And it's more than entertaining to watch how the world bends to your twisted will
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Ran Mao
She doesn’t need to speak often for all to know she loves you
Nuzzling into your neck, hugging you from behind, squeezing your chest
Her lack of boundaries works perfectly for her
And you’d be none the wiser holding her roaming hands that had the blood of potential suitors on them
But if Lau approves she’ll start making moves to exact their will
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“Yes, I think that’s a delightful idea Ran Mao!”
He’s intrigued and in love at first sight
Now that first sight most definitely is not when Ciel holds that ball
No doubt he’s been aware of your existence for awhile
Its only a matter of time before he starts making moves to have you in his grasp
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Ash Landers  
“Such purity! You truly are the diamond surrounded by human scum!”
Is definitely unbiased lies
He’s not in love he’s aware of your true purity lies again
He’s madly obsessed no doubt putting you on a deity-like level
He will commit all sorts of atrocities in your name
And should you protest he twists your words
or worst of all he decides you've becomes poisoned
To which he’ll happily sorrowfully remove you’re infected self
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“My master wishes for you to stay…won’t you please (Y/n)?”
As always Alois’ will is but her own
She’s just happy they match up this time
She’d want nothing more than for you to join their family
No doubt she knows her master and he’d refuse to…punish you the way he does her
It’d warm her heart if you came willingly
A family shouldn’t stay apart for too long
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Anon: Could I request Yandere Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus and Ash Landers with a reader who's a young widow/widower who refuses to entertain any thoughts of having another romantic relationship with someone out of a desire to spend the rest of their life as their late spouse's wife/husband.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, delusional thoughts, paranoia, manipulation, blackmailing, gaslighting, threats, arranged marriage, abduction
My one and only partner
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ It's such a tragic event, isn't it? Losing the spouse you adored and loved so much. Yes, life can certainly be cruel. The young Earl gives you his condolences, although more out of an act of formal courtesy than genuine compassion and sympathy for your loss. Your spouse has been an unpleasant thorn in his eye for a while now and if it wouldn't have been for their sudden death, he would have ended up manipulating and sabotaging the relationship himself. With them out of the picture without his doing though, Ciel sees a chance. Your talk about never wanting another relationship again is initially not something he takes serious. You're hurt and shocked, you'll get eventually over it. In the meantime Ciel plays the role of the supporting and kind friend who helps you and overlooks how you're doing. If you're struggling in life due to the loss of your lover, he'll financially support you.
☕ The Earl of Phantomhive stays patient with you for a couple of months where he subtly brings up the idea of you marrying again in some discussions he has with you yet you never hesitate in your answer that you'll never take another spouse. Slowly you wear his patience down though as the seasons pass by and your way of thinking doesn't change. Ciel eventually has to acknowledge that you might just be more serious with your decision than he initially anticipated and your sheer dedication to your late spouse elicits a spark of annoyed envy out of him. It's disrespectful to think in such a condescending way of your dead spouse but Ciel just can't see why you'd love them so much and deny yourself the chance to marry a more suitable person. The more suitable person of course being him. Nothing is fully confirmed just yet though so Ciel continues for now with what he's been doing so far, feigning to be your concerned friend whilst subtly courting you.
☕��As another couple of months pass by and you still don't change your mind, Ciel has to resort to more manipulation and sabotage. A pity, he was hoping to win your heart the more gentlemanly way. He decides to break off the engagement with Lizzy sooner than initially planned and paints himself to be quite shaken by those events. He does it in a way that doesn't damage his relationship with the Midford family though as they're important allies to him. He hopes to gain your sympathy by acting like it hits him harder than anticipated. Additionally he forces you into situations where you have to rely on him more in attempts to earn your gratitude and trust. Those are ways to blackmail you without you really knowing as he still hopes that you'll stop your childish behavior by pushing you. If none of those work though, he sees himself forced to arrange an engagement between you two. It would truly be a pity though if you'd leave him no other choice but to reveal his cold and possessive persone though, wouldn't you agree?
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian puts his best act out to appear compassionate over your loss but his black heart couldn't care less in reality. Instead the early death of your spouse is merely a problem less for him as they dared to touch and take something that belongs to the demon and the demon alone only. He would have gotten rid of them himself but life was this time faster than him apparently. Despite his clear apathy, he still feigns concern and sympathy to gain your trust and even your reliance as Sebastian can't help but see the current situation you're in as a good opportunity to claim your heart which was meant to belong to him in the first place. Emotionally you're very vulnerable right now after all and even if he isn't thrilled by the fact that you waste so much thoughts and tears on this good-for-nothing spouse of yours, it's an ideal chance to grow closer to you and show you that you have a far better option right in front of you. Him.
🐈‍⬛ Sebastian prides himself in showing off his skills and abilities in front of you whilst taking care of you. He helps you in whatever ways he can, always pays you a visit and sees how you're doing. He does some of the chores for you when you're busy and even cooks and bakes for you when he has the time. He's aware of your antics of not wanting to marry ever again but he doesn't take you seriously. No, instead he almost finds your childish determination amusing as he does not believe you to stay true to your decision. Sebastian is far too confident in himself to feel intimidated or insecure. He's swayed many with his looks and his charm. If at all, he views this all as a little challenge. Amuse him a bit if you can, he has all the time in the world. You manage to stay loyal to your decision and the first couple of months, this actually excites the demon. You aren't as easily swayed and he enjoys that you're a harder challenge. That'll make it all the more rewarding when you give in after all.
🐈‍⬛ Apparently the demon has severely underestimated your loyalty and love for your dead spouse as you keep on denying him and his attempts to court you. What was once amusement and fun slowly turns into bitterness and annoyance, black feelings Sebastian has rarely experienced against someone, especially against a dead human. In all possible ways you could compare your deceased spouse to him, Sebastian is better in every way so why would you cling so desperately to someone who is already dead. As a demon, Sebastian will never be able to understand your strong devotion as you're his mate and shouldn't cling to the memories of a dead human. His comments become snarky and passive-aggressive whenever you talk about your dead spouse as he doesn't want to hear you speaking of them in such a wistful manner. You make him slowly lose his patience, an achievement near impossible. He might just come clear with his feelings at one point, giving you the last opportunity to accept him. "No" is not an option for you though.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois should learn to read the room as he gives his darling an emotional response only a heartless asshole would show. The aristocrat is gleeful with the news of the unexpected death of your spouse. He has despised them with every fibre of his being simply for being married to you and being your spouse by law, a spot that should belong to him. They were in his way and if they wouldn't have died so suddenly, Alois would have ordered their death himself. Their death is in his mind like a sign from above, a sign that should tell you that they weren't meant for you. He has such a hard time hiding his sadistic grin and at least acting like he feels sorry as he just feels giddiness rushing through his blood. Finally! Now he can have you all for himself without their disgusting arse anywhere near you. He might just visit their grave out of pure spite, mocking them and laughing at them. They got what they deserved for taking you.
👅 No sense for boundaries and personal space, Alois just acts like an immature and spoiled brat, which he really just is at the end of the day. He's clingy because now there is no spouse of yours around which disgusts him and tempts him to just strangle them for doing as much as touching you. No, instead he's celebrating your new freedom and that you two can now finally be together as he showers you with presents and invites you multiple times a week over to his mansion. He's giddy, joyful and touchy with you as he doesn't even consider the fact that you want to grieve, don't want to hang around him or even start a relationship with him right away. Instead he instantly assumes that you'll accept him and are even happy that your deceased spouse is now gone. That makes him immensely confused when you stop him and tell him firmly that you have no interest in him or anyone.
👅 He's not believing you or at least doesn't want to believe you. Why are you still hung up on that rat? They were only in the way! He should have been your lawful husband from the very start! The brat in him emerges and starts shouting and crying, blames you for being so stupid to choose the wrong person in the first place when you should have just waited for him to come along. Aloid doesn't want to understand and neither will he ever understand, too gone in his head with his pretty fantasy of you two being meant to be together. So he doesn't take your words seriously, refuses that you mean it. Such devotion should only be for him, you can't possibly really feel so strongly about them...right? He rejects that idea of your heart forever belonging to them violently but he grows undeniably more paranoid with the thought constantly present at the back of his mind. You're the one who has the wrong idea here! Alois genuinely believes that you just need some convincing to see that you were wrong, although that means in normal words an abduction and isolation.
Claude Faustus
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🕷️ His facial expression remains cold and apathetic, only the slight hint of a smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips when he hears about the news. What a stroke of luck that is, he doesn't have to bother with this little insect after all. Claude would have a 100% taken care of them himself but that isn't needed because their own stupidity was the death of them. Claude is rather content for the first time in a long while as his mood hasn't been the best ever since he found out that his mate had already been claimed by another human. He hides his smugness about their death in front of you though, sane enough to understand that he'd only earn your ire otherwise. Besides that though, he'll keep his emotionless face though because it is hard faking sympathy and sorrow for someone who has only been a hindrance in his eyes from the very first moment.
🕷️ Claude is merciless as he instantly starts erasing traces of their existence. He tidies your house up to get rid of their stench clinging to every material until his own smell is dominating the house and throws photos and everything else out. The last part he does without your knowledge since you cherish every reminder of your late spouse. It's pathetic and annoying to see you breaking down when you can't find pictures and, worst of all, your own wedding ring anymore. You sob and cry and he can only look at you with cold eyes, doing his best to hide an annoyed sneer. That dead human is barely worth anything besides a mediocre meal in his eyes so why are you so affected? You have him and that's all you'll ever need. Your talk of never wanting another romantic relationship only serves to fuel his annoyance but ultimately he brushes it off as you being dramatically emotional.
🕷️ Claude is rather full of himself after all, is confident that he can charm you and make you forget all about your spouse in no time. His patience is not as good as Sebastian's is though so he grows soon tired of your naive fantasy to live and die as your late spouse's partner. Even the mere mention of their name causes his chest to fill with barely hidden annoyance, his words cold and sharp when he speaks about them. He's just done with you and your stubbornness of clinging to someone who is already buried six feet underneath. He is the one you should choose, not some pathetic and undeserving human. You're his mate after all! His! That's the point where Claude starts using his powers to sabotage you, scare you, torture you mentally a bit to force you into co-dependency. If you still refuse to accept him, deny him what is rightfully his, he'll have no mercy whatsoever. He'll reveal himself to you and will take you for himself just like his instincts demand him to do. Don't worry, you'll forget soon all about your former lover.
Ash Landers
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▫️ Ash has been agonizing himself over that spouse of yours since the first day he found you. Marriage is sacred, a bond special yet for you to give your vow to such a vile human. No one is worthy of you in this city, not even in the entire world. It isn't your fault though as Ash believes that it was your spouse who forced you, abused your kindness and love. Oh, he would have loved to remove that stain himself but perhaps this was divine punishment from heaven. It is a heavy weight less on his shoulders for him now that that vermin is gone, although your safety is still plenty enough to give him multiple heart attacks. You're far from safe after all as you still live in a society with rotten individuals, you're the only pure and untainted flower left. So Ash just has to act and so something before they'll devour you, tear you apart.
▫️ In all his paranoia and panic he only notices after the abduction that you're busily grieving over the death of your husband. Personally, he wouldn't even spare them a single thought and they're especially unworthy of your thoughts and feelings. He's sensitive when it involves you so your tears and your sorrow crush his heart as he enters multiple frenzies, blames your deceased spouse. How could anyone dare to sadden you and be the source of your anguish and tears? Ash tries everything to help you with your pain, has multiple meltdowns whenever he catches the sight of your tears or senses the emotional agony you're in. Parts of him die again and again as he already seems to fail in his role as a guardian angel and it eventually reaches the level where he kneels in front of you with tears streaming down his face, begging you to tell him what he should do to ease your pain.
▫️ He finds out from you that you've decided to never have another romantic relationship so that you can spendthe rest of your life as you're spouse's lawful partner. Initially he has no real problems with that. Sure, he still thinks that such vermin is deserving of such sheer dedication and loyalty from you but that just shows why you're such a pure creature in the first place. No one is worthy of you anyways so the concept of you refusing to love anyone else, or let anyone abuse you again as Ash thinks of it, should be reassuring and it is a little bit for a while. At least until Ash discovers that what he thought were sincere intentions to protect you like any guardian angel should have turned into feelings of longing and desire. Emotions he shouldn't feel towards you as not even he sees himself as deserving of your heart. Yet now the knowledge that you won't even consider falling in love again to waste your precious love on your dead spouse pains him only more but he forbids himself to ever let you find out about his feelings, no matter how many times he has to punish himself. Only your love could save him now.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 8 months
(in no particular order)
Ciel hires a random naked dog man who can turn into a giant wolf to be his servant even though he literally does nothing around the manor and just hangs out with Finny all the time
Finny forms a crush on a character we later find out is an angel named Angela and after the dog village arc ends we never hear of his crush again
For the most part the curry arc is the same, but for some reason they decided to change the ending. In the manga Lau and Ranmao killed Nina and her husband, in the anime everyone becomes evil by eating curry, and Sebastian had to feed them all his curry buns to turn them all good again, WHAT??
Sebastian has sex with a Nun in some cult church
Angela took Vincent and Rachel's bodies and stitched them into a weird Frankenstein looking thing because apparently that would combine their souls in the afterlife so they could be together forever
Also the whole thing with Ciel being kidnapped by the cult is never explained despite Queen Victoria and Angela being responsible for the death of his parents, therefore you'd think they'd also be responsible for the whole cult thing? But they would have no reason to sell a 10 year old to be abused by a cult-
Ash (aka Angela because they're the same person) turns Queen Victoria into A FREAKING LOLI
Ciel is framed for drug trafficking
Sebastian is arrested and kept in a torture dungeon for like 3 days where he is BDSM whipped by Angela for some reason
Fred Abberline dies
Fred before he dies mentions he doesn't have any family yet he has a brother who shows up in season 2-
Lau and Ranmao die yet they also show up in season 2
Lizzy gets kidnapped by a doll man and is almost turned into a doll zombie (not a bizarre doll just a doll zombie)
Sebastian ditches Ciel in France for some reason
Ciel finds Undertaker on some random boat and then Undertaker tells him he's gonna freakin' die
London is on fucking fire
Who caused the fire? Pluto. And thats the only part of the story where he is relevant
The final fight between Sebastian and Ash/Angela is fucking awesome though
In season 2 Ciel is just in a suitcase and has amnesia
Alois pokes Hannah's eye out for spilling a drink or something
Ciel and Lizzy try to find a deer or something and everyone thinks they're gonna break up after just 1 argument
Lau even started a gambling thing where people put down their bets on whether or not Ciel and Lizzy were gonna break up
Some weird old lady set random people on fire because she didn't like her husband, for some reason the fire disintegrated the souls so Grell couldn't collect them which doesn't make sense
Some weird bullshit happens on a train with a Pharaoh, a murderer and Sebastian being cool like always
Alois has a dress up party at his house
Soma and Agni cry because Ciel has amnesia
Soma is dressed up as Sherlock Holmes even though black butler takes place before that came out
Lizzy dresses up as a Native American, lets just say she's lucky Twitter didn't exist in the Victorian Era
Kinda like the whole curry thing everyone turns evil except its from music from a magic instrument Hannah plays and not curry, and Sebastian stops it by playing his own music kind of like the final battle in Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks
Alois crossdresses and turns Ciel bi curious
Sebastian and Claude have sexual tension in the lake
Ciel and Alois have a sword fight, Ciel is thrown off a balcony and Alois is stabbed
We soon find out about Alois' backstory and it's actually quite sad and hits a bit close to home for me, I won't go into detail but the poor kids been through a lot, Alois is genuinely an interesting and kind of well written character its a shame he was put in the non canon pile of shite
Claude then crushed Alois' skull and takes his soul and puts it in a ring
Kids are getting their eyeballs ripped out and apparently Alois is doing all of this, but for some reason Scotland yard THINKS CIEL IS ALOIS WHICH IS SO DUMB BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN WORKING WITH HIM EVER SINCE HE BECAME THE QUEENS CORGI GUARD DOG
He is taken to some doctor and is dumped into a pool of gatorade to fuse his and Alois' souls
Ciel's backstory is basically half of Alois' and half of Ciel's and thinks Sebastian killed his brother Luca
Ciel doesn't like Claude because Claude is a goober
Hannah does a weird thing with Ciel she like... Possesses him? And his eyeball appears in her mouth or something? I had no idea what was going on
Soon it is revealed Hannah was the one who ate Luca's soul and is now feeling like a mother figure for Alois because of it
Grell shows up again (yay) and she keeps trying to take sexy photos of Sebastian
Soon Claude and Sebastian end up at a maze thingy and they need to answer trivia questions to get to Alois/Ciel's soul
Soon they go to some demon island and they end up fighting using a demon sword while Ciel and Alois talk about shit in some void
Claude fucking dies (rip goober)
Alois' soul is finally set free and the poor kid gets to be with his little brother again
Hannah turns Ciel into a demon so Sebastian can no longer eat his soul so Sebastian just becomes Ciel's butler for all eternity and I lowkey feel bad for him, because yeah eating childrens souls is wrong but BRO WORKED SO HARD HE LITERALLY BANGED A NUN FOR THIS CHILD AND THIS IS THE THANKS HE GETS??
Ciel and Sebastian fake their death, the end of season 2 and a few years after that the ACTUAL CONTINUATION OF THE CANON PARTS come out
Ciel in wonderland is very silly
Sebastian as the rabbit is hot for some reason, does that make me a furry?
There is a lot of weird fan service, for example Ranmao keeps shoving her boobs and butt into Ciel's face... LADY THAT IS A 13 YEAR OLD YOU CANT DO THAT-
I'm glad it wasn't canon because I love Ranmao and she would never do that in canon
Madame Red as the queen of hearts is very cool
Weebalu already mentioned this but I wish J Michael Tatum (Sebastian's dub voice actor) did a Alice In Wonderland audiobook in the Sebastian voice
The one where Ciel puts on a play for hamlet was funny, the part where they're practicing is funny because its like an actual theatre club
Soma and Agni are the kids who are always eating, Ciel is the kid who just sucks at acting, Grell is the one who is great at acting but is very annoying and Sebastian is the theatre teacher who wants to commit kms because of all of these stupid kids
Ranmao is seaweed
Grell tries to commit incest during the play-
The special where its basically a 'behind the scenes' thing kind of like an actor AU
Sebastian is a fucking 2010's boy band looking lad
Grell is just amazing in this
In the final "trailer" Grell got pregnant, Queen Victoria built a giant robot, Claude tried to destroy the world with the fucking moon, Hannah... Uhhh lets not talk about what she did, a whole load of "I am your father" type plot twists took place and Alois was Ciel and Sebastian's great great great great great great grand-
The special where theres this character who's basically a self insert but she's a white girl so if you're not either of those its kind of hard getting into it (cries in gay guy)
The POV shots look like something out of Dora The Explorer
Soma wants to marry us for some reason, I wouldn't mind that he's cute
We also get kidnapped by Viscous Druitt for no reason and then Sebastian and Grell save us from a boat in the middle OF THE OCEAN
Finally Will The Reaper (I'm sure there are more specials but I'm lazy)
Grelliam galore
Probably one of the best specials because Grell and William are the main focus and they're just the absolute best
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tormiichu · 6 months
made by me :33
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phantomstatistician · 24 days
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Tag: Canon - Anime (top); Canon - Manga (bottom)
Sample Size: 574 (top); 455 (bottom)
Source: AO3
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shinysamurott9 · 8 months
Since I've been thinking about the series again after replaying some of the games, I wanna share some Megaman Headcanons I have bouncing around. In no particular order:
-X isn't very fond of his armors due to how they serve to upgrade him into a more effective weapon of war, but one of the only ones he actually has a fondness for is the Falcon Armor because he enjoys simply flying with it.
-Zero has the idea to have himself sealed away after the events of X6 but doesn't actually act on it specifically because initially there's reconstructing the world to take care of, but after that he wants to make sure he leaves the world in good hands, or more specifically he wants to make sure X and later Axl will be able to handle things on their own.
-All of Prairie's plushes in her room are custom made by her, including the boss plushes you get for Lvl 4 Victories. This is a hobby she picked up after Zero 4 because she wanted something to give to Ciel whenever she was feeling down. And she later improved her craft and just kept doing it fir herself.
-Ashe regularly holds onto treasures she finds on her adventures if they can't fetch a high price or they come to have some kind of sentimental value. Sone of her notable treasures include: A double gear refresher pickup, a weapon container from X8, a Magnet Beam projector, Magma Dragoon's beads and a Rare Metal from X8. Most of these she doesn't really know what they are so she just calls them whatever she comes up with.
-Ciel is still alive by ZX Advent as she has the same mechanicsl upgrades as the Sage Trinity, she's just still in hiding. Specifically she's hiding in Cyberspace with the help of the Mother Elf, hence why no one has been able to find her.
-Part of Prometheus and Pandora's early life was being used as test subjects for early Model Ws as Albert knew it would be mentally taxing for them and if they died in the process it would still be early enough in their lives that he could just make new ones.
-Prometheus and Pandora, if given the opportunity, would have the ability to use Model A. In canon, only a descendent of Albert can have enough of his DNA to actually use it, Grey being an exception as he was created with the DNA requirement already met to properly fulfill his purpose. However because they were direct creations of Albert, created so early in his plan, he made them as if they were actually his children. So they actually have the DNA prerequisite. It would be cool and I feel like there's enough wiggle room and ambiguity to justify that working.
-Like the Archie continuity, Axl survived until the Elf Wars but died either during or shortly before the final battle with Omega.
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jasminelyoko57 · 7 months
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The beast who sprouts flames, the angel(s) who bask themselves in impure flames.
Kuroshitsuji (S1, E23)
Ah yes, Ciel is relatively calm because he has experienced fire before. When he ordered the trio to slay Pluto, I FREAKING TEARED UP BOTH IN JPN AND HK ISTG.
Also, I can't believe that the act such as mere COUNTDOWN from 10-1 can be sound so badass thanks to Kenneth Chan-yan's splendid voice acting as Sebas *claps*.
He seems to be having fun doing his role, like, OMG, that 'Yes, My Lord' sounds so British and I LOVE IT.
From now on, it seems I'll start calling Ciel with '少爺' (siu3 ye4), hehe :D //slapped
Kuroshitsuji - Toboso Yana
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Cantonese dub by TVB Hong Kong
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sp00ky9 · 4 months
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The fact that my favorite characters are all so different and yet EXACTLY the same needs to be studied
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everyashlanders · 9 months
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I'm going to do something...
@onehellofashadynerd @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom and all y'all simpers or lovers of the Black Butler boys, if you had a chance to write letters to them, send them
Fill my inbox with as much stuff you have for them, unfiltered and proud, anons are allowed too!
The tags can go up to 30 but that doesn't mean it's the limit! I'll count every fan letter per gent and you'll get their reactions!
Grelle is female here
Women would get their own someday
Ships are allowed if mentioned
As much as I said it's fine unfiltered, with those who are under 17 please don't go crazy with it
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nonbinary-weirdo · 4 months
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"I see who you are...
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You are my enemy
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My enemy....
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You are my enemy....
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Are you continuing The big Bad?
Because I love it !
I'm so glad you love it So here you go Last Part 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Big Bad | Ash
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⚫🔵“Such righteousness! Such divinity! Ohhhh~(Y/n)! You came.” ⚫🔵‘It doesn’t sound like I’m the one who’s coming but whatever’ ⚫🔵You bit your tongue opting to unfurl your dagger-pointed chains  ⚫🔵Excitedly he unsheathed his sword flying a foot above before pointing it in challenge  ⚫🔵You meet him with urgency wrapping your chains around his sword as you both fight for control ⚫🔵Slowly being pulled closer you plant your feet to swing him into an adjacent forest  ⚫🔵Taking the opening to start undoing incantation that forced your friend to be trapped ⚫🔵“(Y/n) you amaze me with how much damage a pure human-being can inflict on me, an angel!”  ⚫🔵Nearly completely releasing your friend you turn back around to fling the sword he flung at you ⚫🔵Continuing his attack with by darting towards you at neck breaking speeds you barely dodged ⚫🔵Launching yourself into the sky as you restrained him from behind once again flinging him into the dirt ⚫🔵“You have no one to blame for that but yourself, you so-called servant!”  ⚫🔵On emphasis you im stabbed the dagger into the back of his shoulder from your distanced landing  ⚫🔵Quickly releasing your friend you didn’t react as the black cat crawled to curl around your neck ⚫🔵“You’re an amazing creature, its a shame you enjoy fraternizing with filth–”  ⚫🔵Returning your weapon to nothing more than a choker you jump into the talons of Narcissa who carries you fast enough before Ash can fully recover ⚫🔵“-no worries, I’ll correct that slight flaw…and then…we can truly indulge in one another.”
As you finally were dropped into the portal leading you to your one of many bases you let yourself wince at the aching of your muscles. While you could take on supernatural foes it didn’t make it feel any better especially when you had let your muscles forget the pain while playing maid again. Immediately you began unzipping your ensemble as you heard the magical twinkle of magic and clackking of ice in your tub. Hopping in you let your muscles relax at the soothing burn of ice.
“(Y/n)nya, why are you so sore?! It's like your nyewbie all over again!” 
No longer a cat was Blair, puffing her cheeks as she realized how much you were still wincing while in the ice bath. Reluctantly she came behind you hugging your exposed shoulder letting her nuzzle into your head with.
“Sorry Blair-y, I might have gotten a little soft hanging out with my kid–”
“Your kid!? He wouldn’t let you train?! What a tyrant!” 
“Speaking of after tonight I’ve got to head back. He threw such a fit he’s probably worried himself sick–” 
The cat’s face soured even more as she stared intensely at the back of your head, fighting the jealousy bubbling in her chest. You were always so angry when she would express it so she held back…just for you. Why were you trying to run off to this has-been? Hasn’t he existed long enough without your help?!
“Fine! Then I’m coming with! 
You chuckled, shuffling yourself deeper into the ice. “Not this time. He’s allergic to cats.”
“Huh?! That monster! What about magical ones?!”
“But you can stay in the same city, my friend Adrian, do you remember?”
“Ugh well I guess I won’t be alone the whole time…Fine! I’ve decided I’ll stay in your safe house in the meantime!”
You laughed again before spacing out to think of what you should bring as a gift for your little bro. After all he’d be quite angry and maybe something sweet to lighten his yapping.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can I request for Killua (HxH), Ciel, Alois, Ash (Black Butter), Tamaki, Midoriya (BNHA) and Rei Batsubami (Kakegurui) that when they get home they find their darling hidden in a closet (maybe even crying) because the poor darling was having a panic atack :c
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, paranoia, clinginess, abduction, panic attack
Darling has a panic attack
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ He's slightly frustrated when he comes back home and can't find you nor do any of his human servants know where you are. You couldn't have escaped, he deduces that much when he asks Sebastian about your current whereabouts and the butler advices him to probably check on you, a shallow answer that irritates the Earl as he question the demon again about where you are, finally getting a useful answer from the demon. He heads to the room with quicker steps as Sebastian's advice just spells that something isn't right, although he doesn't see you upon first entering. Until he hears rapid breathing coming from the closet and opens the doors, revealing his darling curled up, trembling and breathing rapidly in and out, barely noticing him. Ciel just stands there for a few moments, blue eyes looking at you as he's unsure what to do. He has an idea of what is happening right now yet still doesn't know how he should act right now. After a few moments he bends down to your height.
☕ He asks you if it's alright to touch you, fully aware that it might not be what you want at the moment. When he has nightmares about the day he lost his family, he doesn't want to be touched either. Very careful and mindful as he guesses that he shouldn't overwhelm you even more, he just stays with you and talks with you. Just attempting to help you focusing on other stuff to calm you down and distract you and he does point out that you should slow down with your breathing, although he doesn't do breathing exercises with you as he doesn't know that that could help. When Sebastian peeks in and asks if the master wants him to prepare some tea to help his darling, he agrees before quickly dismissing the butler. Ciel stays patient and calm, attempts to ask you after you've calmed down what happened to you and if there was something that triggered you. If you experience panic attacks more often, he'll hire someone to assist you and help you.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Now, Alois rarely leaves his s/o alone at all and if he has to, he's usually in a really bad mood so that's more work for Claude. As soon as he returns to his mansion, he's about ready to throw another tantrum as he storms into the bedroom, violently pushes Hannah away who wants to inform him about something. He just throws the doors wide open, eager eyes searching for you as confusion shortly fills him as he initially can't find you. Then he hears the choked sobs coming from the closet and is already feeling the dread, when he rips the doors open only to find you hidden there, shaking and crying, he loses it. Let's be honest, Alois isn't the best in dealing with a panic attack as his attempts to help you are basically just smothering you whilst yelling at Claude, Hannah and the triplets to do someone to make you feel better. So there he is, kneeling down next to you and hugging you closely to his chest as he lashes out on his servants, especially those who were with you are screamed at as he blames them for not doing anything to help you.
👅Alois is probably even going to blame them for making you like this, the fact that his own actions such as his clinginess and his abduction might also be potential triggers for this don't even cross his mind, he's delusional after all. The aristocrat is basically threatening his servants to do anything to help you or otherwise he will punish them all, he just wants his darling to feel better and stop crying.  It's likely that at one point he'll start crying too because he's just so confused to why you're reacting like this and because he just wants it to stop, seeing your tears only makes him feel more paranoid. He's not leaving your side for the entire time either, glued to your hips and about ready to shout at anyone who interrupt you two. Even long after you've calmed down he refuses to budge as he's now triggered himself and for that paranoid. Alois will definitely question you about what made you feel this way and either you give him an honest answer or he'll just make his own conclusion and do something that isn't necessary.
Ash Landers
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▫️For the angel it is physically painful to leave his darling as he has sworn to protect them and keep them safe and sound from all harm. His plans to cleanse London unfortunately do require for him to leave you alone, he has to play his role as the Queen's butler after all. There's always a certain amount of anxiety at the end of those days as he hurries back to you. You have to give him one thing, Ash is unusually perceptive so there's this unexplainable dread when he returns and he just knows that something isn't right when he steps into the house. It's already enough for him to scramble to your room, noticing the muffled sounds coming from the closet. His hands are already shaking when he opens the doors but one look at your trembling form, eyes red and puffy from all the crying, and he's pushed over the edge and starts crying too. His poor darling! Ash falls down on his knees, hands still shaking as he tries to reach out to see if he can touch you.
▫️In all honesty, he's partially aware that he should stay composed but that is quite difficult when seeing you having a panic attack. He looks like he's about to have one too, asking you what he can do to make you feel better. Anything, he'll do anything to help you to calm down. He's very distraught and blames himself. If he would have just stayed with you instead of playing with that rotten puppet of his, you might have not suffered from a panic attack. Ash eventually manages to get you out of the cramped closet and into bed, even if he has to lift you up and carry you, so that he can better attend to your needs. He's doing the breathing exercises with his darling though as he notices that they feel a uncomfortable tightness in their chest and that they're clearly hyperventilating. At this rate he needs those breathing exercises just as much, he experiences similar symptoms. He skips the next few days and instead stays with you, terrified to abandon you again like he did before and leave you suffering all by yourself. It's his fault in his mind and that thought pushes him into punishing himself again.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀 Killua is protective and paranoid as he's scared for his s/o and their safety, considering from which family he comes from. On the other hand he can't just take his darling everywhere, especially if he has certain things to take care of. Considering his occupation, Killua has keener senses than the average person so he notices that something feels odd when he returns home and it's when he picks up the sound of rapid breathing and muffled sobs that he storms to your room, eyes quickly falling onto the closet. As soon as he sees your form hunched over inside the closet, his heart just twinges because he can sense the waves of fear and dread coming from you. He still tries his best to stay calm though, crawls towards you and asks you what's wrong. He'd love to just take you in his arms, he has a feeling though that you might not want to be touched at the moment so he probably starts with slightly touching your hair and caressing it, doing his best to stop you from hyperventilating.
🪀 He's freaking out a bit on the inside as well as he's not used to dealing with someone who has a panic attack so he can only really guess what would help right now. At one point he gets you out of that cramped space though, head racing with thoughts of what he should do right now. He tries to distract you, gives you chocolate to munch on or suggests for you two to watch something to take your mind off whatever it is that made you panic. You end up eventually still in his arms as he cuddles you, his grip slightly tighter on you as some of your panic seems to transfer to him as he starts hyperfocusing on every little creak and sound, slightly paranoid as he doesn't know what triggered your panic attack. Or perhaps he doesn't want to consider that your abduction might be the potential trigger. Killua definitely watches over you more closely after that day though, scared that it'll happen again. He's upset that you had to go through something like this in the first place, wants to help you to not suffer from another panic attack anytime soon.
Izuku Midoriya
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💚 Between his life as a hero and self-proclaimed lover of his darling, Midoriya is far more often on missions to save people and catch the bad guys, time he sometimes would prefer to dedicate with his s/o. This guy is definitely through, he has some serious delusional issues going on to the point where he likes to think that you're unhappy when he's gone so he often buys you presents as a way to make it up for you. After a long day of work he is just looking forward to seeing you but his happy mood drops quickly when he enters your bedroom only to find you hiding in the closet, in the midst of a panic attack. Izuku knows what it's going on, I'd like to think that he's gone through something similar before, that doesn't make him panic any less though because it's his sweetheart suffering from a panic attack right now. His intention to comfort you is pure but he's probably being a bit too smothering in his approach as seeing you going through something so terrible is one of the worst things to him. Seeing you like this forces tears into his eyes.
💚 Midoriya switches sort of back and forth between drowning you in hugs and kisses and giving you sweets or other things in order to shift your focus on other things. If you like some specific food, he instantly gets it from the fridge, because he always has stocked up what you like. He does the breathing exercises with you, he's encouraging you to focus on him and he's sweetly praising you all the time, although he is very clingy. He's freaking out on the inside still and only gradually calms down when he realises that your heartbeat slows down a bit and your breathing normalizes itself. He's burning to ask you what triggered you but still decides to wait for a while longer, a while longer where he keeps you wrapped up in his arms. He dedicates a few pages to the topic of panic attacks afterwards, writes down what can help and buys items like different kinds of scents or just something to squeeze, basically anything to help you stay grounded.
Tamaki Amajiki
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🌗 Tamaki is also a hero and has to leave his darling at home. From a logical point of view he understands that it's necessary, he has to earn money after all to provide for the both of you but that doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking or fraught for him. His darling is his biggest comfort, his security blanket and even if their relationship is currently a bit strained due to his abduction, Tamaki emotionally relies on them a lot. He returns with hopes of not being yelled at only to come that close to suffering from a panic attack of his own when he sees you hidden in the closet, trembling and hyperventilating with tears cascading down your face. I'd still label him as the one who would deal with a panic attack the best simply because I genuinely believe that he has experienced them himself. So he knows what to do and first of all he wants to move you out of the closet and at least sit down on bed because it's already cramped as it is inside there and he wants to help you right now.
🌗He gets everything he can think of that could help, from a different assortment of scents to plushies to hug and squeeze to some herbal tea to hopefully soothe your nerves. Whilst you find yourself surrounded by all the different stuff he has given you, afterwards he's staying right next to you. Shaky hands are rubbing your back or are running through your hair all whilst he's trying to instruct you through the breathing exercises with you. Tamaki needs them right now too in order to not suffer from a panic attack too. He's having a relentless inner monologue, the voice in his head unable to shut up as it blames him for being the reason why you're currently going through such a horrible experience. What other explanation could there be after all? You've been unhappy ever since the abduction so it's his fault. It's that idea that ultimately pushes his own tears to fall down as he starts apologizing all of a sudden. He didn't mean for this to happen. He just didn't want to be abandoned by you. He'll do better from now on.
Batsubami Rei
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❣️After being freed from the Hundred Devouring Families, Rei has been able to live a fairly good and comfortable life. She's diligent and hard-working, dutiful with the job she has now. It's all for her darling after all who gave her new life a purpose, she wants to be able to provide for them. She always looks forward to seeing you after a long and tiring day of work but when she finds you in the closet, shivering and breathing rapidly, she quickly turns serious. She's been working as a servant for the Bami Clan since her childhood and she has definitely seen enough people being destroyed by them so she is familiar with what a panic attack looks like. She's taking on a composed and calm attitude though to give her darling a sense of security and safety as she gently kneels down to their height and starts talking with them to have them focus on her. She just starts having a conversation with her darling and talks about different topics to divert their attention from any negative thoughts.
❣️After a while she manages to talk you into leaving the closet and sitting down on bed, asks you if there's anything you want her to fetch you quickly. If there is, please tell her and she'll retrieve it for you. Rei is obviously concerned about why you're experiencing from a panic attack but she doesn't want to question you too intensely about what triggered it just yet. She doesn't want to risk you only panicking more so she just waits until you've calmed down enough before attempting to ask you what happened. In the meantime she just stays with you and talks about her own day and stuff she knows that you're interested in. She dotes on you slightly after you've calmed down as she advices you to sit back and take it easy for a while to recover from the emotions and physical symptoms you just experienced. Just let her serve you and take care of you for a while. Rei would like to know if there was a specific trigger and if you've ever had a panic attack before because if this turns out to happen more often, she'll definitely get you professional help.
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orangejuice707 · 8 months
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Love how ciel just protects the child and interacts with it whereas ash is dense towards loving the prince but loves him regardless
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daedalus901 · 2 months
Black butler oc I wrote for a fanfic
Name:Alexei Blanc
Title: count of Blanc, “the lindworm prince”
Relatives: Ivan Blanc (father), Tanya Blanc (mother), Henry Barrymore (uncle)
Butler: Ash Landers
Appearance: black medium length hair, amber serpentine eyes (common in men in his family), scars on his neck he covers with concealer, pale, usually dressed in gray and whites
Personality: very ethereal, detached, extremely religious, seemingly airheadish, polite
Inspirations: revolutionary girl utena, claudia from silent hill 3, Haku from naruto and Zagreus from Hades
Introduction: “once upon time, in a far off land there was a Queen. Oh what a unhappy Queen she was unable to bare children, no one to take the king’s throne. So she set off to find a miracle, she prayed to find something. Till finally she found a witch in the creeky woods. Finally! Someone to grant her wish, God had truly blessed her the old crone said to the queen “plant these seeds during the full moon in the most sanctified soil, then two roses shall bloom. Eat the red rose for a son and the white rose for a daughter. But never eat both or the consequences will be grave.” The queen left tears of joy, she planted the seeds in the most beautiful spot in the royal garden. She waited till dawn and as the witch said two roses had bloomed. A red rose and a white rose, for the queen so dearly wanted a son she ate the red one. It was a heavenly taste, so sweet beyond words. Ignoring the witch’s warning she ate both, months had passed and she found herself in labor. Her miracle baby would be born but something was wrong….she had twins the youngest a beautiful baby boy and the eldest a vile lindworm. Such a shameful creature indeed the creature slithered away to consume anyone in its path. Such a vile creature indeed”
Backstory: his mother died in childbirth and his father Ivan thought him a hell spawn. They lived a abroad Ivan choosing military service taking Alexei with him while his uncle Barrymore took over the role of lindworm prince, hiding the darkness of Englands underworld keeping the watchdog’s escapades hidden from the public. Alexei was abused by the previous Count eventually the ship they were on wrecked Alexei the only survivor with his slowly dying breathes he asked God for a savior. Then a Angelic light appeared before him (Ash landers) and the angel offered a contract he will become his Saint in exchange for one wish, Alexei’s wish is something only him and ash know. He returned home Ash a butler clad in white by his side and his uncle Henry died under mysterious circumstances but suspect foul play. He sees himself in ciel and wants to “save ciel” from Sebastian (it’s very queercoded)
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indigoipsum · 2 years
Dknsjsjsjjsjs my kuroshitsuji hyperfixation is in overdrive too 😭
It’s one of those things that’s like comfort food yknow? Anyway I’m happy to be part of this little kuro renaissance on tumblr 💙 I made this account a week ago because my thoughts were Too Strong and I was going on my browser looking at black butler tags and accounts anyway so I might as well make an account 🤷🏻
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Also here have the silliest official art I’ve ever seen. What is this. I used to have this on a shirt but I gave it away and I’d like to think someone got jumpscared in a Goodwill
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