ura-niia · 3 months
Goodmorning, I woke up with two odd texts this morning
One just broke their toaster in their workplace for the 5th time
And the first thing the other one did after their surgery was to call me a clown
I love my moots 🫶
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kamenriderw · 3 months
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undertaleafterdark · 2 years
i'm surprised thinking of her melodic voice, crying out in utmost ecstasy, didn't get you tentingly hard already. i thought you were supposed to be a quickshot.
*Now now... who said he isn't hard already?
*He is avoiding your gaze.
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spanishskulduggery · 21 days
The -go Verbs
When you're learning the present tense, there's a subset of verbs that are commonly called the -go verbs, because the present tense yo form ends in -go
The verbs in question are usually one of two things: just plain irregular, or regular except for that particular conjugation
The -go verbs include:
tener "to have" -> tengo
hacer "to do/make" -> hago
decir "to say" -> digo
poner "to put" -> pongo
venir "to come" -> vengo
salir "to leave/exit" -> salgo
valer "to be worth" -> valgo
oír "to hear" -> oigo
caer "to fall" -> caigo
traer "to bring" -> traigo
These will also apply to the majority of verbs that are connected to them
satisfacer "to satisfy" -> satisfago
componer "to compose" -> compongo
bendecir "to bless" -> bendigo
maldecir "to curse" -> maldigo
prevenir "to prevent" -> prevengo
sobresalir "to stand out/to exceed" -> sobresalgo
atraer "to attract" -> atraigo
And so on
These are important to keep in mind for two reasons.
First is eventually when you get to present subjunctive; present subjunctive takes its conjugations from the present tense yo forms
As an example, if decir goes to digo, then you'll notice that present subjunctive looks like diga, digas, diga, digan, digamos
You'll also see some of this for commands, but that's a whole other topic with its own host of weirdness all its own...
The second thing is that many of these verbs will have an irregularity in the future and conditional tenses; not all of them, but enough to be aware of
As an example, tener goes to tengo... but then in future it would be tendré "I will have" and then conditional tendría "I would have / I could have"
...You'll find that the irregularities in future and conditional often come with a D, R, or RR [as an example saldría, haría, querría]
Future and conditional share the odd conjugation patterns but the ending is different; pondré/pondría, haré/haría, diré/diría etc
All of that to say is for present subjunctive if it's irregular in the yo that's the pattern you follow
...and future/conditional tends to take its irregularities from the -go verbs [but not always, as querer is irregular there and there are some others, but in general the -go verbs tend to be a small subset because of expected weirdness]
*Small Side Note: There's also one other verb to note technically that is also a -go verb. That is asir which goes to asgo. The verb asir is "to grab/seize" but it's highly unlikely that you'll use it or see it. There are some contexts where you'll see el asa (technically feminine) or el asidero meaning "handle" or more literally "place to grab"... but you almost never see asir in regular usage.
Predominantly if you're saying "to grab/hold onto" you are either using agarrar or aferrar, or in some countries like Spain it's coger
[but be careful about using coger, because in some countries that's quite a vulgar verb for "to fuck"]
I only mention asir because if you look up the -go verbs, they will mention asir but it's not the common verb used for what it means. It's included on the list of -go verbs, and that's usually where people will see it the most. To be clear - outside of the verb list, I can't say I've seen or heard asir used in common Spanish because there are just so many more common verbs to use
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utytimeline · 7 months
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I wanna a Asgoe pwushie for my birfday.
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gaokogeki · 2 years
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auddityy · 20 days
its awesome how mac demarco was the unmistakable symbol of wearing normal clothes for white teenagers 10 years asgo. wearing jeans amd a tshirt with a button up was like woahh haha mac demarco fan much??
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artnerd1123 · 2 months
Fuckin. Uh. Hi, 1, 5, and 23 pls for any fandom(s) of your choosing :V
Yeehaw a trio :elmofire:
1: What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Hooh that’s a good question, hmm… honestly any ships in hk with pale king that aren’t him X white lady. I just? Huh? Why. Why would u do that to whoever he’s with hfjmddk. He’s awful and the fandom seriously babies him for being a literal war criminal what the fuck.
Nd then there’s ALSO asgo/riel. Particularly postgame- early game it’s like 100% canon and very cute, but just… toriel’s moved tf on dude!!! She wants nothing to do with him! In BOTH games she doesn’t have anything good to say about him! Clearly he still loves her, but just. Dude. She Does Not Like Him Anymore At All. I don’t see them getting back together for any reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But again that’s just me, u do u gang, I simply will not partake <3
Oh nd then there’s any fandom ships that fall under my dni X] fuck all of that to hell and back nd get out of my house, disgostang
5: Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Oh yeah, definitely. I used to have a fondness for und/yrus before I realized a lot of the reason people liked it is bc it split up the canon lesbian couple. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth nowadays :/
Papal/phyne, however, I very much adore <3
23: Unpopular character you love?
Winter wof my beloved <3 he’s a fuckass jerk but I still think he deserved better, and moon has two hands!!! So does qibli!!! Cmon man!!!!!!!! They’re a set pls do not separate :(
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necessitoescribir · 2 years
“Yo-Go” verbs
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I. HACER — to do; to make
Yo Hago
Tu Haces
Él/Ella/Usted Hace
Nosotros Hacemos
Vosotros Hacéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Hacen
II. TENER — to have
Yo Tengo
Tu Tienes
Él/Ella/Usted Tiene
Nosotros Tenemos
Vosotros Tenéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Tienen
III. VENIR — to come
Yo Vengo
Tu Vienes
Él/Ella/Usted Viene
Nosotros Venimos
Vosotros Venís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Vienen
IV. PONER — to put; to play
Yo Pongo
Tu Pones
Él/Ella/Usted Pone
Nosotros Ponemos
Vosotros Ponéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Ponen
V. SUPONER — to suppose
Yo Supongo
Tu Supones
Él/Ella/Usted Supone
Nosotros Suponemos
Vosotros Suponéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Suponen
VI. SALIR — to leave; to go out; to date
Yo Salgo
Tu Sales
Él/Ella/Usted Sale
Nosotros Salimos
Vosotros Salís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Salen
VII. DECIR — to say; to tell
Yo Digo
Tu Dices
Él/Ella/Usted Dice
Nosotros Decimos
Vosotros Decís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Dicen
VIII. TRAER — to bring
Yo Traigo
Tu Traes
Él/Ella/Usted Trae
Nosotros Traemos
Vosotros Traéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Traen
IX. OÍR — to hear
Yo Oigo
Tu Oyes
Él/Ella/Usted Oye
Nosotros Oímos
Vosotros Oís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Oyen
X. VALER — to cost; be worth
Yo Valgo
Tu Vales
Él/Ella/Usted Vale
Nosotros Valemos
Vosotros Valéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Valen
XI. OBTENER — to get; to obtain
Yo Obtengo
Tu Obtienes
Él/Ella/Usted Obtiene
Nosotros Obtenemos
Vosotros Obtenéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Obtienen
XII. CONSEGUIR — to get; to succeed
Yo Consigo
Tu Consigues
Él/Ella/Usted Consigue
Nosotros Conseguimos
Vosotros Conseguís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Consiguen
XIII. ASIR — to grasp, to seize
Yo Asgo
Tu Ases
Él/Ella/Usted Ase
Nosotros Asimos
Vosotros Asís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes Asen
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
I define shipping for myself as ‘a dynamic I find interesting (not necessarily cute, wholesome, or healthy)’, and ‘a dynamic I actually seek out content for.’
My opinion of Asgo.rudy is that it’s really cute, snd I can see easily why people like it. I’d even perhaps enjoy seeing it happen in canon, because we don’t get many love stories about older couples, so two old bi or gay men finding love later after messy and complicated divorces is REALLY sweet, and we probably need more stories like that.
Quite regrettably I just happen to find their wives more interesting than them at this moment. Not even in a shipping way, the lore brain is just MUCH stronger than the romance brain. (that said the romance brain is very weak and the lore brain very strong. It was always a poor matchup.) So I kinda don’t really think about Asgo/rudy and I doubt I’ll ever like it enough to look for content of it. (tho to be fair I only look for content of precisely two ships, neither are in this fandom.) But it’s a very very sweet concept and I generally approve— not that any of you need my approval.
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ura-niia · 4 months
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All this was happening while I was binge watching good omens
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tristan-arcelona · 2 years
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Jerome the robot
Boing boing
Going going
Dert vert champ
Asdefinitely the same thing
Crunk juice
Let it loose
Asgoing the tough
The tough get goong
Asdoing thenrobots
Thenrobots of mars
Heoing the robots
Along as the time is here inwant this monent to be special
The end
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
@trussy-kween replied:  Can you explain the verbs? I know i could look them up individually but itd be nice to have them all together with an explanation
So this is in reference to some of the weirder irregularities in verbs.
There are many weird irregularities especially in present tense. They’re very important especially the yo form - because the yo form is how you conjugate present subjunctive
Quick example: irregular verb decir turns to digo “I say” in present tense... this affects subjunctive; diga, digas, diga, digan, digamos
As for the other ones I mentioned - this is mostly in reference to verbs that have irregularities but aren’t always “irregular” the way ser or ir might be
It’s usually for the sake of phonetics or spelling, but some are real curveballs. I mention them as verbs that are minor categories of assorted weird ones, much less dramatic than the stem-changing verbs but still important
My examples were distinguir, prohibir, vencer, argüir, asir, reír, huir, and fingir as less talked about weird ones [but don’t worry about argüir or asir]
distinguir “to distinguish” is mostly regular but in present tense yo it's distingo but it’s otherwise regular 
prohibir “to prohibit” takes an accent mark in its conjugations for the most part like reunir or continuar but it's unexpected to have to write prohíbo; though I get it, it's to keep the O and I sounds distinct. I will say I have seen it conjugated without the accent mark, it’s not technically correct, but it’s there
vencer “to vanquish” or said of things like warranties it means “to run out/expire”; but in present tense yo it’s venzo which throws people off (me. I’m people.) In general verbs ending in -cir or -cer tend to go to -zco... like conducir to conduzco or conocer to conozco. 
However, a handful of verbs like that go to -zo instead... primarily vencer, convencer “to convince”, and sometimes useful in specific contexts is fruncir where it’s normally “to pull together” or “to gather/draw together”... in sewing or tailoring it means “to gather fabric”. 
BUT the main use of fruncir in common Spanish is fruncir el ceño “to furrow one’s brows”. If you read a lot of first person fiction or fanfiction, you see a lot of frunzo el ceño “I furrow my brow”
As for argüir which is mostly legalese and situational as “to contend” or “to make an argument”, it’s arguyo. In regular Spanish, you’re going to say things like opino “I am of the opinion”, or creo “I believe”, or pienso “I think”. If it has to be more formal or a stance you usually see afirmar “to claim”, aseguar “to claim/affirm”, or more formally argumentar “to argue / to make an argument”
asir you never use. It’s obsolete but it means “to grab” or “to seize”, and it’s a -go verb; that’s how I came across it with it being asgo but no one has ever used it around me. Honestly I think if I said it people might think I said asco “disgust”
Now, reír “to laugh”, sonreír “to smile” and freír “to fry” are E=>I verbs, but to keep the I sound they take accent marks
It’s because IO is a diphthong and comes out as yo. To make sure you know it’s a verb conjugation and keep the I stressed it’s río, sonrío, frío etc.
(Not to confuse frío “I fry” with frío “cold”)
huir is an odd but expected case. Rather than have you write “huo” which would sound odd in Spanish it’s huyo, huyes, huye, huyen, huimos. 
fingir is finjo, finges, finge, fingen, fingimos
This one makes sense phonetically; GI and GE have a sort of H sound, and to preserve that they change it to finjo. It’s basically regular; but to make sure you’re having that H sound instead of a hard G sound of “fingo”, they make it finjo
This happens with most -gir or -ger verbs... exigir “to demand/exact” for yo form is exijo, and proteger “to protect” turns to protejo in the yo form
Spanish is an extremely regular language in its spelling and pronunciation. It goes out of its way to make the letters match the phonemes/sounds, sometimes at the confusion of people learning, but it does really help standardize expected pronunciation... mostly
There are many verbs that change spellings in certain tenses to preserve the right sound
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aguadecachoeira · 2 years
se eu me envolvo com alguém primeiro eu co-crio como levar a relação pra dar tudo certo mais se eu pego ranço e asgo no meio da estrada é pq havia algo errado e quando é rompido todo meu sentimento bagunça não por gostar mais sim pq tudo que eu criei e planejei se desfez e gera uma frustração e aí leva um tempo para eu me reerguer e poder amar novamente e aquele que se foi eu trabalho o perdão internamente e agradeço pela passagem se eu aprendi algo e foi significativo e desejo tudo de mais puro e bom em sua vida eu só não quero criar ódio nem remoer aquilo porque atrapalha o novo que pode dar certo na frente
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eskimisbiplak · 2 years
aa asgo neden. üzdün beni yaaa
Canim istemiyo
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ut-poppy-askblog · 3 years
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Omega Timeline: Mini Stories - Core and Mr. Asgore
Special thanks to @superkirbylover for putting together the tileset.
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