#asdfsfdsf i stopped like ten times in the middle of answering the last question because i just teleported myself to 2013
katierosefun · 4 years
Ooohh 1, 4, 7 & 20 for the ask? 🥰
thank you for the ask, ann!!
1: Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
aaah, oh boy—well, given i literally have,,,ten+ wips right now, i guess i’ll just answer about my main two ongoing wips—
so time, wondrous time (continuation of ttm) as been going fairly well. i had to play around with my outline a lot (like,,,i originally had a chapter dedicated to obi-wan first, but then i was like ‘hm...i wanna wait a little before we explore that), and i still kinda shift around the pieces, but i think i’ve finally hit a pattern that i feel comfortable telling the story in! in terms of what i love most about it, i think it has to be that these are really just...little stories of tcw fam being domestic and happy? (just. i’m gonna make everyone so s o f t.)
and uh, i just released most ardently (pride & prejudice obitine au) yesterday, and so far, progress has been good! i’m already halfway finished writing the next chapter, so that’s exciting. i think what i love about this fic the most is just that,,,i mean. first of all. there are some scenes that i’m just d y i n g to get to, but i think that, looking at my outline, i’m excited to explore parts of the story that isn’t romance-centric. like, no one’s denying that pride & prejudice has a killer love story, but there’s also themes about family and class that i think is going to be interesting to re-translate into this fic. (idk i think there’s something to be said about how i’m incorporating certain villains in this story so...)
4: Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
i think i rather like this last paragraph from northern light: 
And even though Ahsoka couldn’t see Anakin and Obi-Wan completely, she knew they were looking out the viewport. Looking at those blue and green lights tangled together in an endless stream.
They were quiet.
And as the ship finally pulled away from the planet, they all let out a sigh: three quiet breaths, mingling with a strange mix of satisfaction and disappointment.
They were quiet.
Eventually, Rex returned with the medics, and Ahsoka was allowed to close her eyes.
But even in her dreams, she saw those blue and green lights dancing around her.
Tangled together in an endless stream…
Ahsoka rather liked that.
it’s about the *hand gesture* s y m b o l i s m. 
7: What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
hm...i think my writing style tends to lean towards more dialogue, somewhat abrupt endings. very short sentences towards the end? i think? i’m not sure if people agree with that lol, and perhaps my style will change in another few weeks, but let’s see! 
20: Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
u h h h h, i think this is gonna be super niche and i am fully prepared to c r i n g e at this later, but! in terms of eiko from time, wondrous time. i mentioned a bit about how i kinda get super nervous about the idea of introducing an original character, especially,,,a padawan character? (come on caroline, who do you think you are? >:() 
so a long, long time ago, i had a different original character by a different name, and i treated her terribly (killed her because i was like ‘lol don’t know what to do with her’. you can tell i was influenced by george lucas because ‘lol female character dies because there’s no way she could have a fulfilling purpose now’.i was like 13 pls cut me some slack asdfsdfds i still cringe at everything i wrote from when i was like,,,13-15. i mean, proud of myself for getting super into writing, but. a c k. a c k. some stuff i am hella not proud of. like,,,again. 13 and full of raging hormones and existential angst, but...caroline what. that is all i’ll say). but anyways, i introduced eiko by mentioning she had a dark ponytail--and that was a trait that i had used with this other original character that i made as a 13 year old. then again, 13 year old me was also hecka sad (who wasn’t??), and i think that kinda translated into that character. 
so...idk. perhaps eiko is a quiet reminder to even myself that maybe,,,growth is a thing? and that maybe,,,we all deserve better in the end?? i’m walking a very thin line here, because i know how difficult it is for people to get invested in original characters, and twt is definitely going to focus on the actual tcw fam and their dynamics with each other, but! lol yeah, some parts of eiko are a callback to what my 2013 writing used to be asdfsdfsd okee that’s allll
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