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anraimadou · 9 years ago
Letter - Eorzean Style
I will write about the following. Leave one in my inbox/askbox.
Dear future self,
Dear past self,
Dear best friend,
Dear Flame General,
Dear Sultana Nanamo Ul’ Namo,
Dear Elder Seedseer,
Dear Admiral,
Dear Ser Aymeric de Borel,
Dear Mother,
Dear Father,
Dear (sibling name),
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Dear potential lover,
Dear former potential lover,
Dear lover,
Dear (someone dead who is important to you),
Dear (someone in your free company),
Dear ex-lover,
Dear former best friend,
Dear (someone you want dead),
Dear (whoever you wish to write to),
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anraimadou · 9 years ago
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anraimadou · 9 years ago
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(via GIPHY)
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anraimadou · 9 years ago
FFXIV NPC Ask Prompts!
Send in any of the following, and I have to answer with…
Louisoix: What is the greatest sacrifice my character has made?
Nael Van Darnus: Where was my character during the Calamity?
Minfillia: Would my character make a good leader figure?
Alphinaud: What is my character’s greatest dream/aspiration?
Alisaie: How far would my character go for family?
Thancred: Is my character good at singing, or any musical instruments?
Yda: Does my character where any kind of masks?  Literal or figurative.
Papalymo: Who is dearest to my character?
Y’shtola: What’s the highest level of education my character as received?
Urianger: Has my character lost a loved one?
Tataru: What does my character find cute?
Raubahn: What scars does my character have?
Nanamo: Has my character ever been betrayed?
Kan-E-Senna: Is my character good with plants?
Merlwyb: Can my character swim?
Momodi Modi: What’s the best way to woo my character?
Baderon: Does my character have any hidden talents?
Mother Miounne: Is my character the type to care for others?
Hildebrand: Does my character have a history of good/bad luck?
Drillemont: How pious is my character?
Jandelaine: Does my character dye their hair/use makeup/other cosmetic products?
Iceheart: Does my character prefer hot or cold weather?
Lyngsath: Can my character cook?
Landebert: How’s my character’s financial status?
Wilred: What’s the greatest mistake my character has made?
Riol: What’s my character’s greatest success?
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anraimadou · 9 years ago
Letter to The Vanguard’s “Chief”
(( This letter is written in very neat, but semi-broken Eorzean ))
Chief Eksil,
Apologies if letter make no sense.
Xaela man banished from estate return. Do not know how was let in estate, but was let in. Xaela Kojin present. As is Raen Xanadar.
If wish to discuss, please let me know.
- 草切の雷線 (( Doman Script of his name ))
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