#asdfghjkl we're stupid
milfbro · 10 months
phillip k dick doesn't like women so this is nothing new, but the Golden Man short story was literally the single worst science fiction short story I've ever read
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 8 months
hi hello for drunken love confessions prompts 16 "This is not a dream, I think. In my dreams we're usually kissing." if anything comes to yooou 💘💘💘
hiii my love thank you SO much for this prompt, it brought me joy when i really needed it, and im sorry it took me so long asdfghjkl
drunk love confessions prompts : "This is not a dream, I think. In my dreams we’re usually kissing."
you fill my head with you | 22K | buddie drunk love confession | ao3
And then everything winded down, their friends decided to turn in and head home. Him and Eddie were the last to leave, and he–
He stumbled out of the bar right beside Eddie. He–Oh god, he threw himself all over Eddie. He flirted. He–he told Eddie that–
Buck’s hand stills, the toothbrush lying on his tongue with dead weight, uncomfortable and somewhat annoying, but Buck can’t even think about that because he fucking told Eddie that he dreams about them kissing.
What the fuck?
What the actual, horrible, unholy fuck?
Buck has to leave.
He needs to find a deep, dark hole to climb inside. Bury himself so that he can never come out.
He told Eddie he dreams about them kissing.
He can never see Eddie again for as long as he lives and that’s such a terrifying, heartbreaking, impossible thought, but that’s the way it has to be.
or, a night of drinking leads to buck confessing his feelings to eddie and they are both very stupid about it
read on ao3
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aceofwhump · 2 months
Hi Ace! Any advice for this newfound adult? (18)
ALSO ALSO I love your page so much its literally one of the bestEST!!! In my eyes you're like a whump celebrity! 😀🔥
Asdfghjkl omg thank you so much!!! You're too kind! I'm glad you enjoy my blog! And hello! Welcome to the adult world! It sucks! lol sorry. I'm not the best at adulting at all but sure I can share some advice. Some things I've learned since turning 18:
Other adults are just as dumb as you feel. We're all drowning and have no idea what we're doing so it's okay to feel like you have nothing down and don't know what you're doing. Cause we all feel like that. We're all just kids trying to make our way in the world.
Work should not be the center of your world. Work is supposed to be the place you go to make money so you can live your life. Don't let it take over your life. Don't let the frustrations of work destroy your mental health. No job is worth that. If it gets to be too much and it's affecting your health, it's time to find another job.
Maintaining friendships can be harder as you reach adulthood because schedules get crazy and people move and such but it's so worth the work. It won't be as easy as it was in high school because you're not gonna see people every day. You have to work hard to make time to see people and remember to text your friends every now and then even if it's just a "hey I'm thinking about you" or sending them a funny gif or video. Make the effort. Reach out to people you care about. Tell them you care about them.
Now I don't know your home life but as someone who still lives with their parents and has never moved out, THAT'S OKAY TO DO. You are not required to move out as soon as possible just to say your an adult. Life is hard and expensive and sometimes it's nice to have people to come home to.
Don't worry about what others think of you. Wear what you want, enjoy your hobbies whatever they may be, eat what you want, live you life for yourself. Not for others. You'll be happier. Trust me.
Go out there and try things!! You're young! Do things! You never know what you might find until you look.
Learn how to budget but remember that it's okay to spend money on "stupid stuff" that makes you happy. Go ahead and buy that stuffed animal or toy you've wanted since you were a kid.
Lists are very helpful for keeping track of important dates, chores to do, bills to pay. Makes lists. Keep them up on the fridge or a bulletin board above your computer.
Take care of your health. Brush your teeth, try to eat healthy, go outside for a walk, etc.
The best advice I got concerning credit cards was this: use one for big purchases but only use it when you have the money in your bank account to pay for the item. So like, go buy a chair with your credit card and then as soon as you can, pay the credit card bill with the money you should have in the bank. That way you don't end up going into massive credit card debt because you're spending money you don't have.
Be patient.
Be open to new things and meeting new people.
Be kind but take no shit. You never know what the other person is going through and we all handle stress and fear in different ways. It never hurts to just be kind when you can. When you can't be kind? Take no shit. Don't let someone walk over. Stand up for yourself.
Wear sunscreen!!!
Find a hobby. And I mean something you do just for yourself that has nothing to do with making any money. Create something. Learn to crochet or knit or make things with wood or draw or build legos or sew or cosplay or write or make movies or photography. SOMETHING that lets you use your hands and that you do just for yourself because it makes you happy. It's also a great way to meet people. Most of my friends I've met through my hobbies. Hobbies are great for your mental health
Put the phone down sometimes and just be in the moment. Just enjoy life for a bit without thinking about taking photos for social media.
Work hard but don't kill yourself. It's good to work hard and have a good work ethic but remember to take a break and don't push yourself beyond your limits.
GO THRIFTING!!! I can't say that one enough. People tend to look down on places like Good Will, Savers, and thrift stores but I can buy a brand new couch for like 30 dollars at these places. I have bought an entire wardrobe for next to nothing. Go thrifting. You'll find some really great things for cheap.
Ask for help when you need it. It's not shameful to ask for help. And that's for everything. Don't understand something at work? Ask a coworker or manager. Not sure how to cook something? Ask a friend or family member if they know how. Struggling with your mental health? Ask for help from a friend or family member. ASK FOR HELP
And finally, there is no deadline or boxes you need to mark off to be considered an "adult". You don't have to get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. to be successful at adulting. Live your life how you want to live your life.
Good luck nonny!!!!
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dreamwritesimagines · 15 days
bucky opened up 🥹 he actually said itttttt, I thought the "I'll make sure you get that crown" was the closest we'd get to a confession at least for now but he actually said it 😭😭 now they both know omgggg I wonder what they're gonna do with this information and if they're gonna fuck it up somehow :)))
also Rhett may be a problem but damn someone really needed to put Ian in his place like that AGES ago, it's one thing knowing your cousin and all "her friends" don't respect you, but for someone from the outside so to speak to come over, take a look at you, deem you laughable, and say it to your face so bluntly, that must have stung in a different way omggg 💀 also in this context why would you say to someone "you need to respect me" literally that sounds so pathetic and childish Ian has absolutely no idea what he's doing! in this context respect is EARNED! you can't just tell someone to respect you that just makes you look so stupid omg he's so annoying
also my love what do you mean Logan called Sunshine princess 😭😭 and I love her so much, she goes "isn't this fun? we're explorers!" while stressed out of her mind and having a terrible morning, ugh she's so cute and she's the best mom ever I literally got a little bit emotional over it bc that's just how many young mothers are really 🥹 always trying to keep things positive for their kids, I think you're capturing that perfectly!
she's so cute she shows gratitude by hugging 😭😭 idk how Logan is gonna keep it together honestly she's so cute and funny, but also poor woman she's horny af I bet she loves sabrina carpenter 💀 and I'm 100% with her ok I deserve jail time for the thoughts that came to my mind when he said "are you always this polite princess" ???????? like sir imma need you to tone it down or you'll get me arrested ugh he's so flirtyyyyy he called her pretty and why do I feel like maybe his love language is acts of service???? like every grumpy man in the world?????
anyways love THANK YOU for the improvement on my weekend and my Monday, you're really giving us the best content anyone could ask for!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Bucky totally said it! ❤️ And he was so so sure that Charm would turn him down, or reject him like he rejected her 😏
Oh Rhett was sooo so right to say it to Ian's face! 😂 Like, Charm and Bucky and all others, they were being kinda soft on him without even realizing purely because of Charm's father, and Rhett did not hold back😈 Chicago rules are different and he does not care whether the person's feelings are hurt at all😏
Respect is definitely earned in that business! ❤️ Like, Rhett earned it, Bucky earned it, Charm is definitely earning it, and Ian just expects people to respect him because of his uncle 😂 And Rhett was like "Nope" 😏
Aaaaaa it's so wonderful to hear that honey! Yesss I think Theo's health, both mentally and physically is the priority for Sunshine, and she is being very careful to make sure he grows up in a very loving and peaceful environment even if her own environment isn't exactly peaceful ❤️ So even if she's stressed out, she will make it look like a game to Theo and keep things totally positive ❤️
Lolll oh Logan is trying to keep it together but between her hugging him, and him sniffing her hair, and her being all cute and rambling with him, he is finding it very hard 😂
Sunshine sooo listens to Sabrina Carpenter ASDFGHJKL I LOVE IT😂
He called her princess! 🥰 He will do that a looooot😏
I totally agree with you on acts of service! ❤️ And Sunshine will be so clueless about it, while Logan is like, fixing everything around her and making sure she's safe and it will be so cuuuute! ❤️
Aaaaaaaa I'm so giggly honeyyyy, thank you so so much! 🥰 You are so sweeeeet! ❤️
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icy-watch · 5 months
THE ANGER ON WUKONG'S FACE YOU DONE GOOFED UP NOW MAQUACK "you! you ruin everything!" get your ShadowPeach notebook out Icy, because I'm so eyeing this line bc?? it sounds PERSONAL, it sounds like Macky has ruined something in the past. it sounds like Macky, as a person, is prone to ruining everything he touches. otherwise Wukong would have said "you ruined everything" to refer to just this instance. kinda sus eh? its an extremely funny line tho, bc we know full well who Macaque was like in the past and you're going to be baffled to see how he became what he is now. I mean, ig the trope of "dying and came back wrong" could apply here. that, and maybe there's more missing scenes to fill in but until then? funny af Mr. "I have a 2 thousand page book talking about my mischief." As a sidenote: I apologize for the person I will become when baby Macky is on screen. I cannot be normal, I need to squish that furry face. anyways- Hehe THAT IS SUCH A GOOD DEER IN HEADLIGHTS LOOK honestly makes you wonder what in the heck Macaque was thinking picking a fight with Wukong in the first episode. He knows his goose is COOKED if Wukong ever gets genuinely ticked off at him. einstein's two facts of the universe were something like: human stupidity is infinite and that Macky will forever get his fluffy butt kicked and absolutely swept. he cannot help this. he's just a complete loser. / aff but YOO can we talk about how ASDFGHJKL that scene of Wukong CRASHING INTO THE PILLARS and literally YANKING MACKY OUT OF HIS OWN SHADOW was??? so freaking funny, like bro tries to get the hell out of dodge and he's just grabbed like a squeaky toy around the neck. "I didn't do this!" "Well you weren't not involved!" ohohooooo. aw man. and look at that paralyzed expression as Wukong rears his fist back seriously wtf was Macaque on trying to fight him when he gets so triggered like this. my heart is cracking and dropping into the sewers as he squeezes his eyes shut and turns away and LOOK ICY he turns so his blind side gets hit WAS THAT INSTINCT??? DID HE DO THAT BEFORE THE STAFF TOOK OUT HIS EYE OR WAS IT BC IF WUKONG HURTS HIM AGAIN HE COULD STILL HAVE THE OTHER EYE BE OKAY HELLO????? also big oof at the way Macaque is shaking is his grip, holding onto Wukong's arm, maybe to lessen the pressure around his neck?? is he feeling choked?? and then he gets dropped like a furry ragdoll. (It will happen again.) So yeah. Even with everything? he's :0 listening to Wukong's plan (is that a bruise on his right cheek at 6:05? eh.) anyways. who wants to see if Macaque's wildly off key reactions to being freshly traumatized continue next episode? (they will and that one is especially yum yum.) "She's completely out of control. If there's a time to go, it's now." *writes that down for later* all part of the theories Icy 😭 keep forgetting there's so much S1-3 context I can't explain yet. "Mei is my best friend, I'd never abandon her when she needs me." CUE WUKONG LOOKING BACK AT MK/MACKY?? "We're heroes, it's what we do!" And wuh hoo, there we go. absolutely decimated Macky's world view up until this point. THE HERO AND THE WARRIOR WERE LIKE THE SUN AND THE MOON- *gets dragged off stage*
I actually made note of those!
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jenny-from-the-bau · 7 months
sometime a few years later they're on the jet just talking and jj casually mentions that it's surprising that no one on the team has dated or been interested in each other before considering how much time they spend together and derek is like "well, except for that one year when me, babygirl, reid, and prentiss were all crushing on you" and jj is like "the what" and penelope chimes in through video call "yeah, remember the one time hotch had to have a seminar with all of us about not pursuing relationships with other members of the team? that was because of you, peaches" and jj just looks so confused and emily is like "wait, you seriously didn't know? i thought everybody knew" poor jj is just baffled that 1) someone on the team would have a crush on her 2) four different people would have feelings for her at the same time 3) none of them told her and they all just assumed she knew
also they definitely have a group chat together that's called something stupid like "jennifer jareau fan club" and when they met will they added him and were all very clear that if he ever hurt jj they'd hurt him
Okay omg Will being in the fan club is actually so amazing asdfghjkl
Imagine him being in it before In Heat and when he shows up and JJ pretends not to know him, everyone is like "girl, we're all in a groupchat..."
Asdfghjkl Emily pushing JJ to Will bcs she knows how much he likes her. They all pretend to be surprised when she says she's pregnant lmaooo
JJ finds out about the gc when the team is over for dinner and she realizes there are inside jokes with Will that *she* doesn't understand hahaha
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 3, Episode 13: Ghostfacers
They really got a tv show
This is like Buzzfeed Unsolved (I've never seen it)
The theme song is giving Power Rangers
Those people are new
Yes, Dean
Oh, it's a documentary format
Poor guy
They're all psychos
The token diversity?
Of course the Winchesters will be there
The Winchesters wouldn't
Intern coffee!
Supernatural bury your gays, this kid is gonna die
They don't have an editor
Wow. So well defended
Dean. You're so loud
Hey, rock music is for the boys!
Where did they get all the equipment?
I don't see it
It's not 2/29 yet
He's hyperventilating
Might as well do PKE while you're at it
Rats!! :DDD
Aw, it's dead :(((
Dude. You have to chill
He sure sounds the part
Sam got it
I'd like to
They were there first
That's definitely sus
Sounds about right
Yes. Yes they are
Captions within captions
Oh, like that one lady from earlier
They could not care less about movie deals.
Intern. You idiot
Bye intern
We're closing in
Whoa, Sam
This ghost does not like tech
Dean. You look like an idiot
He got hit by a train!
Safety in numbers
That's kind of disgusting
Dude. Don't scan Dean
Where's the suicide echo?
That's just sick
Maggie. Why
Dean. That was so scary dude
Now Dean's mad
Not the time, guys
Ed. Why are you watching
Whoa, chill out!
That's so freaky
That's horrifying actually
Rip Corbett
He'll have a bunker
Is that a party hat?
"Inside your duffle bag?"
Ditch the camera
Don't ask, dude
Wow. Potty mouth
Suck it, Spruce
Nooooo don't do that
Even better: rock salt bullets!
Don't do it
I gotta hand it to him, that's kind of brave. But mostly stupid
This is so homophobic somehow
You've gotta go be GAY for the poor DEAD INTERN
I can't believe it's working
Go Corbett!
They've had worse
Cove the camera 😂
It looks a lot weirder when it's not haunted
Not really
Asdfghjkl Spruce needs some work with his camera skills
Dean's slow head turn
He wiped the tape, didn't he
Usually both
Looks like a cross between a bomb and a ghost trap
Zoom, Baby!
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intramoon · 4 years
You know what I just thought about? I would love too see your process of making story posts. Like from the writing to posing, to editing, to dialogue. Everything. Kinda similar to that tag that was going around. aha aha 🤠
And who could have seen this coming, surely wasn’t me! Just a crazy coincidence you bring up that tag because I’ve been wanting to do it but hadn’t been tagged, wow! I’ll definitely do that for you, just cause you asked ;-)
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melchron · 3 years
Nightmare Time 2 Episode 2 Thoughts
Can I just say that I love the 8-bit versions of songs. Jane's A Car sounds so good in 8-bit
Woah woah woah wait. What was that? Why was Homeless Guy in the intro? Is that important? Does that mean anything? I mean Ted was in the episode but still
EMMA!!!! I missed her so much. And she's living her dream good for her
And she sounded super southern just now. Ma'am you live in Michigan
AND ZIGGS!!!! Oh I love them. Please be my friend
Oh we're meeting Grace now? She's not what I expected. And I don't mean because she's played by Angela. I didn't expect her to actually be a nerdy prude I thought Alice was just being mean
Potte Hottay!!!!!!
DADDY?!??! IS THAT THE DADDY WE'VE HEARD ABOUT!??!?! IS HE GONNA GET US- oh nevermind mind he's dead. At least we got another Dylan Dad™️ out of it
OH Bob is saying the the thing!!! The thing the guy that tried to kill Willabella/Hannah said. The "The innocent must suffer" thing
TIG OL BITTIES!! I really hope someone recreates their painting
Emma had a dog quick right that down right that down
OMG Emma and Ziggs were about to go turned into tree people
"You have a fixation with fecal matter and I have had it up to here with you!" I'm sorry W H A T
I knew this would happen. Nick and Matt "Look at the cute Paulkins wedding this is definitely all the episode is" Lang. Of course we can't trust the synopsis. Of course the nighthawks are telepathic now
Ezekiel and the rest of the birds are terrifying
Please let Ziggy go to the bathroom. Did they make Emma poop outside too?! Going to the bathroom will not take that long I promise
Please let them get food they don't want your vomit. Ziggs is vegan they can't even eat that. Ezekiel is really stupid. If you would let them live their lives normally then you would have no reason to fear them getting help. They were going to continue growing weed anyway and I don't believe you need that much
AND you're making them sleep in the barn. Their growing the weed FOR YOU!! They were fine to continue doing so. What are you treating them like this for
"And let this man take our weed?! Issac, never speak to me again." ok so Ezekiel is growing on me
The other nighthawks should unionize
Reason #1852 I relate so much to Emma. Of course she's had her final words picked out since high school. I've been thinking about what mine would be for the past few years. I have a few ideas
I love Emma and Ziggy's dynamic. They are buddies. I'm so glad Emma has a friend it's what she deserves
Just when you think Emma might actually get her happy ending, she gets arrested. Why can't she be happy
That video was definitely made by the the Smoke Club teens what is even happening
OH this video. This is so sexy. Corey and Bryce sound amazing and this song is great. Rip Curt and Kim campers
THE MAYOR!?! I didn't think we would ever meet him. Hello
Their names are Mary and Noah I can't
Grace sweetie you did not need to tell everyone. I appreciate you trying to help but you could have at least asked Steph if she had a plan
Jerry and Jeri I love you!! And their song is so good. This camp has their own record company omg. Them ripping their shirts to reveal the same shirt underneath asdfghjkl
Oh they horny
Are you trying to kill him?!? He told you his blood sugar was low let him have his chocolate. I hate you Corey counselor. Die
That was on a school test?!? How many people did that go through without anyone seeing anything wrong
Steph and Pete are really cute omg. Peter is not at all what I expected. Like he is nerdy but he definitely is Ted's brother. He horny. But also he's not obnoxious like I thought he would be. He's so sweet and chill. He's cool and I like him. Nick did so good
Oh no Gabe is gross I thought he was chill. I wonder if he was only protesting with Grace just to get her to bang him
The lumber-axe puppet looks so cool!!! I love the eye
Grace only showers in a bathing suit? Gabe I don't think you would have wanted to do her
I LOVE that Peter is canonically jacked. This dude is not at all what I expected
Woah woah guys the other campers have to use the showers don't be gross
Noooooooooo not Noah and Mary!!! They were so young!! So pure!! The lumber-axe has no mercy
Of course Ted got put in solidarity confinement. And of course he snuck a p/rn magazine in there. It's cute that Pete found it an felt his brother was with him
Angela's screams!!
He's getting defeated by a p/rn magazine I seriously can't. Thank you Ted?
They let Jon go feral again yay!! I love it when this happens. Jerry is insane and I love it
Woah plot twist Little Jerri (that's how I choose to believe its spelled. A combo of their spellings)
I feel so bad for Jeri. She didn't deserve any of this
Um so is Grace camp director now? Also is she the new lumber-axe? Good for her I think
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tbh I got recommended your fics by a mutual (LOVE ME MY MUTUALS) and I literally haven’t thought about these characters since Legacy came out (I got Unlocked but never read it…oops?), but your fics specifically…yeah. Yeah, I guess I need to go read Unlocked now. The kotlc community is tiny and you are a pillar.
(at least tiny in comparison to the spheres I usually occupy [sigh], I’m very spoiled because of bnha’s massive community of active writers).
Asdfghjkl! I'm so glad I could spark some joy for you in these characters! Thank you so much for reading my works! It means a ton that you enjoyed them so much!!!❤️
To be completely honest, I haven't read Unlocked, either. We'll see if I ever do. I bought it! And then I read the last page and had to take some time off from ever thinking about the books again. And then I proceeded to think about the books more and write a frick ton of fanfic.
I really love this series, and tbh it does remind me a little of the dynamics bnha has with it's characters, all those people and all those friendships!
And the epic amounts of trauma these kids have to deal with.
Like, these kids are so screwed up it hurts me and I need to write fanfic whenever I think about it.
But yeah! Welcome to the tiny kotlc Tumblr fandom! We have art and fics and headcanon! It's all just in tastefully small amounts! Because we all love it VERY much and we're gonna make stuff but also. We are like 200-250 people. Itty bitty fandom.
In my opinion, the nicest thing about it is that randomly, like. We'll hyperfixate on something really stupid as a group. It usually pertains to Fintan, as far as I've noticed. We are mostly done with a debate about whether or not Fintan Pyren has ass. He doesn't. Some people(@fintan-pyren ) like to erroneously claim otherwise. Also last week there was like? Lots of Neverseen Stripper art? I still don't know how that happened. I saw the posts. Still don't know what happened.
And. To call out something I hate about the BNHA community. In a very nice way. None of us think Lord Cassius is sexy. It's pleasant. We all unanimously hate him(at least on kotlc tumblr).
Anyways! I really enjoy small fandoms, and this one is particularly fun to be in! I hope you enjoy what you find on our corner of the hellsite!
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oh-so-heavenly · 2 years
It's time for chapter four of Our Flag Means Death
mary and stede 💔
they look constipated on their wedding,
THEY GAVE THEM GRAVESTONES?? (tbh i'm so dramatic i would like it, i'd show it to everyone i know)
"and don't play pirates with them" aw, why not :(
he's so hot. i mean, he's always hot but here, covered in leather, with long hair and the beard, looking like he hasn't taken a shower in years -he looks extremely hot
"they die quite dramatically, don't they? The Spaniards?" I mean, just above in this post i was saying how I'd like to have my own grave as house decor so, yeah
(sorry but the highlights are gonna probably be just Blackbeard from now on, he deserves it 🔥😌)
What's a frankfurter???
"Can we please focus?" I've got ADHD and I don't like your attitude, so, no :)
Ohh sausages, he's already seeing dicks on the clouds #mood
the uszh™ now available on Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video
that jump was so unnecessary and dramatic I LOVED IT
"hello, everyone I'm Blackbeard" hi, can i get your ig??
"huge fan, sir" that's a simp if i've ever seen one
"they've got a bird guy" unsupervised kindergarten kids indeed
#karl's the bird that's my mental state from now on
once again Stede is there with his tits out... as he should >:)
The Lighthouse 🥺
"and the children did that" look, Stede, my boy. I love you, alright? But AAAAAAAAAA
Blackbeard giggling owns my heart ❤️
"if you don't make a decision soon we're going to fucking die" "oh, now, there's an idea. I haven't done that one yet" i'm DEAD
I'm convinced Blackbeard is justa Gen Z: obviously not straight, has ADHD, loves trinkets and being dramatic all the time
"hooolaaa" jsjsjs me encanta
"who's this Mary then?" R U JEALOUS??
the whole nightmare with Blackbeard looking like how Black Pete described him is hilarious
"do you work for blackbeard??" error 404 ed.exe has stopped working
"if you're not jim, can I be jim" jsjsj
"most pirates i know, they're dead" ok so the bar is pretty low then
✨rather exquisite cashmere✨
"is that Blackbeard" "mh? No, I'm Blackbeard" I CAN'T- 💀
oh, fuck me, his sly smirk and the little "shh"
Frenchie is so stupid but I love him, this guy doesn't have a single braincell
idk viking vampire clown sound's fucking terrifying to me dude
"Nine guns??" That's what bothers him
"You're a fucking lunatic and I like it" that's explicit eroticism and i like it
Izzy just went out of the frame like, i'm done with this shit
"you can be a real bummer sometimes" all the time, don't be shy ed and admit it, he's a party popper
"That's Blackbeard" I love Ed so much
oh, wow, that was a resignation
"do you speak Spanish?" I do, cariño, in case you need any help
Ecclesiastical latin??? (The worst thing is that he's kinda right, Latin is easy when you know Spanish)
Asdfghjkl I cannot believe they were saved by fucking dick clouds
Please no don't make Blackbeard sad he can't be sad, he's like a puppy, he deserves to be happy :(
"just kind of rocky and flat" yes it is, Frenchie, yes it is
They are hugging
he got rid of some gunpowder so he could have his marmalade, you gotta love this guy
More highlights: episode one / episode two / episode three / episode four / episode five / episode six / episode seven / episode eight / episode nine /episode ten
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theeeveetamer · 2 years
Pokemon direct thoughts!
I know this direct happened like twelve hours ago but I had to go to class.
Lmao what the fuck are these wheels. Why are the box legendaries bicycles.
Seriously why is pokemon so opposed to just letting me ride a fucking pokemon like a horse or something? Why does there always have to be weird gear and platform seats and equipment??? Just lemme hop on an Arcanine and hold onto the mane for dear life!!!!!
They even have animations of them running! Why can't you just make them run/swim the whole time?????
Pleaaaaaaase let the grass cat stay quadrupedal
Kinda wish they showed off more new pokemon. I know they want to keep some element of mystery but like... I'm really worried we're gonna get another Kalos-tier dex where I struggle to make up a full team of 6 I like with just the new 'mons.
I'm hoping we get a new Eevee this time around. It's been like three gens GF come on!
Looks like they're replacing the Dynamax gimmick with some weird crystallization gimmick? I'll... see how I feel about it
While Pokemon is pretty uniquely well suited to open world games... I'm kind of over open world games, tbh. I'm hoping there's more to it than just catching dozens of the same pokemon over and over (I liked PLA but like... really, open world games bore me a bit) otherwise I'm not sure
I'm really glad they're adding "no set gym order" as a feature, considering it's been canon since the 90's that Gym leaders just scale their pokemon based on the trainer they're facing.
But no new information on the other two stories??? This is actually something I've wanted in Pokemon for a long time: a game that isn't JUST doing the gym challenges. Like I always thought it'd be cool if you could play a game and do contests instead of gyms as your points of progression. So I'm a little iffy that they say there's three stories... but the only one they talk about is the gym story. Do you have to do all three at once, or can you only go down one for a whole playthrough? I kind of hope its the latter, because the replayability of this game would be GREAT.
I WANT THAT EEVEE BACKPACK (hint for new Eevee? please? New Eevee? Just a crumb of Eevee?)
"Co-op play" do NOT make me interact with other human beings you bastards
Oooooh the tera types thing is neat. Kind of like hidden power, but a whole gimmick on its own. I'm more into this crystal thing now.
Ok looks like you don't just have to wear the dumb school uniform the whole time? I hope not. It looked like there was a shot of someone wearing like a hoodie and other clothes.
Overall I'm like... 6-7/10 on this right now. It has some neat stuff. I really like the idea of the box legendary being with you the whole time (I wish they'd done more with that in Sun and Moon), the open world freeform gym order is a really great idea, I like the pokemon we've seen so far, and the multiple stories has me intrigued. But I gotta see more before I really commit.
I was leaning more toward Violet but... tbh... I think the Scarlet legendary's wheels look less stupid on their riding form and I'm shallow enough to let that sway me if I don't see more tangible differences between them in Violet's favor
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tag urself i’m listening to a mask scream at me to help calm myself down a lil
#ooc#delete later#sdfghj i'm going to probably have to make an actual post about that trip;; we're not leaving til monday probably if i'm going but#asdfGHJKL#no like;; okay you can stop reading the tags now if you are if you don't want to read about a lil more negativity about the trip#last time uh my grandma and i were nearly killed twice- once by some semi who tried passing when he couldn't see us#and once by a heckin;; p r o g r e s s i v e car in the mountains; again trying to pass from the other side when he couldn't see us#we weren't hit either time and my grandma is a great driver and hasn't let anything happen to us yet but#how much more luck can we have?#and my breathing has seriously been weird like i don't know why but if we're going through mountains again which we probably do;; n o#and what if my iphone's battery destroys itself again?#the heck house we're going to down there legitimately feels cursed something bad happens at home any time i go#first time i don't want to talk about; second time the water heater pretty much blew up#the few pluses i can think of are that 1: grandma wouldn't go alone; 2: i'd be able to see some of our friends down there#and 3: this is very likely the last trip; ever;; she's probably going to finally sell the stupid house#oh another minus: one of our friends down there actually died and i'm still not sure i'm ready to go down there and not see him#it's kinda;; it hit hard already but it hits harder once you go down there and fully realize it for yourself#i know that after the first trip; the news hit hard back down at the heck house but actually coming home it hurt so much more#hi yes i'm big paranoid and stressed and sad and i don't know what to do but i'm probably forcing myself to go#because i'm quite sure grandma does want me to go#maybe;; maybe once we get going i'll feel better#if we don't go too far the first day and i feel really bad maybe;; we can turn around?#i need to hold onto s o m e idea of hope here; something to make me feel less stressed#something a little more than listening to wa-wa's weirdly kinda soothing voice#anyways if you somehow actually read all of that i'm;; really sorry- i just needed to vent a bit#i promise it's not necessarily normal of me to need to vent it's just this trip is already taking its toll on me and we haven't even begun#i;; did notice how kinda funny it is though that i made this post in the first place on cortex's blog#no i mean the actual post not the tags#because with the icon it;; looks like cortex is the one listening to a mask scream at him and using that to calm himself down#this;; will hopefully be my last vent post related to the trip
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oyasuminto · 3 years
SINCE WE'RE ALL SHARING TMI STORIES I GUESS- this was fucking stupid and weird and also kinda funny looking back now. when i was a horny teenager a couple years back i was reading this manga on nhentai (lol) and there was this scene of this girl absolutely losing her fucking mind cuz of having a regular toothbrush being brushed against her clit? and i was like. okay. okay. wait. i have to know this. ill try this right now. i fished a spare toothbrush out of one of the drawers in my bedroom that i'd never used before (DID NOT CLEAN IT BEFOREHAND IM PRETTY SURE IT WAS DUSTY. I HATE MYSELF.) and yknow. tried. it did not feel good.... it kinda just hurt? sandpaper on coochie kinda vibe. 0/10, did not get me off. i threw the toothbrush away after.
Yeah, the clit is super fuckin sensitive, you gotta be careful with that shit
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risingphoenix761 · 4 years
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Those numbers up there? The notes on Hell And Apathy, which seems to be the most popular thing on my masterlist. It's a little over a year old and I'm small fry in the fic writing side of Tumblr, so I'm not bitching about the amount of notes. Not the amount of notes...
People are just really fucking allergic to the reblog button, aren't they?
Like, I really don't fucking understand. Are you just liking it so you can find it later? And then just...never coming back to it? Does it not fit your aesthetic? Why do you have a problem with sharing someone's work? Ffs, people don't even comment anymore.
I'm losing count of how many writers I've seen who stopped sharing the things they created because they felt like they were posting into a void. Hell, I've abandoned stories because I felt the same way. We write because we want to, and we feel compelled to tell these stories, but what is the goddamn point of sharing them with anyone if no one fucking bothers to interact with them? Acknowledge them? "I see this cool thing you made and I really like it! Thank you for letting me see it!" IT'S NOT FUCKING HARD. IT'S REALLY REALLY FUCKING EASY TO TELL SOMEONE WHEN YOU LIKE SOMETHING.
"oH, bUT thAt'S whAt tHe LikE buTToN iS FoR!! LoOk at Me, I hiT liKe, I'm SuPpoRtInG yoU!!"
Look, I'm sleep deprived, my joints are killing me, I'm already in a bad mood, and I probably shouldn't be making this post under those circumstances, but you know what? Fuck it. And while we're at it, fuck you. The like button is just a visit to the local business. Do you "support" local businesses by just dropping by and taking a look around? No. That's fucking stupid. You support local businesses by buying from them and telling people about them. SAME FUCKING CONCEPT. You support artists and writers by telling them you enjoy their work, and sharing it so other people can see it. What happens if you don't support local businesses? They close up shop. By not supporting artists and writers, you're telling them the effort they put into sharing their creations with the world is a fucking waste of time, and since nobody likes wasting their time, guess what. Less people are sharing their content. Congratulations. Another local business just shut down, and you could have helped keep the doors open.
I've only got a handful of people on here I share for, so I'm not bitching on my behalf. But as a writer, it hurts to watch other writers get so discouraged, they quit. When you spend so much of your time and pour so much of yourself into something, then work up the courage to let it out into the world, it feels like someone just spit in your face when you think it was for nothing because nobody seems to care.
"WEll, i'D cOmmEnt, BuT I nEveR KnOw whAT to SaY!!"
Ask any writer, and they'll tell you they really don't give a flying fuck what you say, as long as you say SOMETHING. Just say you liked it! A smiling emoji! A keysmash! I make it a point to thank the person for sharing their work! IT DOESN'T MATTER! ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! AND IT'S REALLY FUCKING EASY! WATCH THIS!
This was great! Thanks for sharing!
Asdfghjkl 🤗💔✨😭🎊🤘😂🙌❤
TL;DR: use the motherfucking reblog button if you want to keep enjoying fic and art. Leave the like button the fuck alone for five fucking minutes.
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inevitable-anna · 5 years
Escape The Night S4X06 Spoilers.
Hello, it’s ETN time again! I believe this may be my longest reaction post yet! I’m working on my ‘possessed guest’ theory.
Here we go...
Oohh The Gorgon and The Collector are having an argument!
Ummm... The Gorgon doesn't turn to stone when she looks at her own reflection?
Holy Musical B@tman! The Minotaur came out of nowhere!
R.I.P random Greek warrior dude. Press f to pay respects!
Still loving the opening credits!
*The Gorgon enters the lounge* My mind: "Here's Gorgie!"
Ahh! No! Don't hurt The Sorceress! Bad Gorgon!
ASDFGHJKL! I'm sorry, I know Mortimer is probably dead now, but his statue looks hilarious!
The way The Sorceress was touching the fingertips of Mortimer’s statue, when the guests came back into the lounge. :(
"Oh, baked beans!" I love Ro so much, and I know I say it every time but she's great!
"I will gouge her eyes out for this. Mark my words!" The Sorceress vowed to avenge Mortimer!
"I knew he was a stoner." If Bretman dies I'm gonna be so mad!
Oh, this is the ‘rainiest day’ that Merlin was talking about!
The group used the 'guardian angel' stone!
Ro: *sees Mat* "starts screaming"!
Awww! Mat just lifted Ro up and gave her the biggest hug! Yay! They're reunited! This is the one of the things in the series that I was waiting for and I’m so glad it happened!
Wait? Is Mat's hair purple? It looks good.
No one:
Nikita: *shows up*
Colleen: "Nikita's a really sucky guardian angel because last time I was with her, she shoved me into a box of spikes and murdered me."
Me: :|
"We only have a limited amount of time to save as many of you as possible." Oh? Are Mat and Nikita only here for this episode then? :(
Ro: "Did you join a cult?" Mat: "What?" Ro: "I saw the symbol on her, it's on Joey. You got it." Nikita: "We're the Society Against Evil." Mat: "We're here to help. We're the good guys." Ro: *suspicious af face* "This cult is recruiting. I do not trust them." I just found this funny.
But I do agree with Ro. I don't trust the SAE.
I missed Mat. "I mean, Jael and Ryu are kinda weird. Bit quiet. They puke magic. It's kinda disgusting." Lol
Thank goodness for Mat! "Thinking Gorgon, I immediately think of Greek mythology."
Mat and Ro's friendship is everything! Mat: *thinks of possible solution* Ro: "Mat, you smart. You smart." Mat: "Thank you."
Mat doing a victory dance, when his theory is proved to be correct, is brilliant!
Colleen: "The Collector, despite being a real b*tch, happens to have one in her museum." Does Merlin's note actually say the bit about The Collector being a b*tch or did Colleen add that in? Because it's hilarious to think of Merlin writing that!
Joey: "I volunteer not to hold the shield, so." When was the last time you actually volunteered to do something Joey? Because I can't remember! (This is gonna be really stupid if he volunteered an episode or two ago)
Joey: "The Gorgon's lair is gorgeous." Camera: *shows The Gorgon's lair, which is covered in fog and statues that are actually deceased people* Me: 'If Joey thinks this is gorgeous, I'd hate to see what he thinks is ugly.'
Please let Alex get turned to stone!🤞🏻 Please let Alex get turned to stone!🤞🏻Please let Alex get turned to stone!🤞🏻
Bretman: "Alex tries to look at her through the mirror and Miss Gorgon was like, 'B*tch, you dumb.'" Bretman is still great.
Alex: *gets captured by Minotaur after failing to turn The Gorgon to stone* Bretman: "Why are the cute monsters never grabbing me?" Me: "... Wha?"
I love how whenever the group gets a note and someone reads it out, you can see Ro trying to remember it and figure it out in the background.
Ok, three riddles to open the three gates of the maze. The answer to each riddle will be an object inside the maze. This sounds cool, I love riddles! I’m not great at them but I like them.
Nikita: "Shut up and just look cute. I'm gonna save your ass."
First riddle: "I have a head a tail but no body." No body but it has a head and tail?
Ohh! It's a coin. Good thinking Nikita! And Nikita got captured!
Now we're with team Mat.
Oh so they have to find what each statue was missing and return it to said statue.
Okay, The Sorceress was helping Ro hide from The Gorgon was awesome and now I want The Sorceress and Ro to be friends!
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(Photo credit to @sun-shine-lolli-pops)
Okay, back to the team Nikita.
Second riddle: "Feed me and I live. Give me a drink and I'll die." EEK! I know this one! It's fire, the answer is fire!
Nikita: "A candle. Look for something with fire." Alex: "Don't listen to her." And Alex keeps trying to convince everyone that he's not bad?
Grapes? Okay, now Bretman has used the lighter!
Okay, the second gate has been opened. One more to go!
Bretman has been captured as well.
Now it's Joey's turn! Third riddle: "When you need me you throw me away. When you are done with me you bring me back." Hmm?
Wait! On the table is an anchor! It's the anchor! It's the anchor, Joey!
Third and final gate complete! And Joey didn’t get caught.
Uh oh... Joey has to vote for himself or vote for either Nikita, Bretman or Alex and Joey will get immunity.
Back to team Mat.
Good thinking with the empty pedestals, Ro!
I love how Ro takes the high pedestal and has to, literally, climb on top of it because she's so tiny, while Mat and Colleen have the short pedestal and just have to step onto it.
Ro yelling "Team Cinnamon Roll" is everything! #TeamCinnamonRoll
Colleen: "Mat and I have to stand on the one that says, "Kiss of the jewelled lover." Matt's married and has a kid. I'm married and have a kid. So that ain't happening. So he's gonna get a big ol' kiss on the cheek."
Colleen: "Are we doing this?" Matt: "Give me a kiss, lover!" The way that Matt says that is hilarious!
Mat: "Are you the new Calliope? Are you the one who's shuffling the cards?"
Sorceress: "I'm The Sorceress."
Ro: "She's pretty cool, Matt."
Mat: "Yeah?"
Ro: "Yeah, she's really helpful."
Colleen: "Snake lady freaks me out."
Matt: "Didn't Joey say that she killed him?" That whole interaction was brilliant.
Phew, Joey voted for himself. Which makes my earlier dig about him not volunteering look stupid now.
Ro asks Alex if he wants to go in and he said yes!
WHAT? Who the heck voted for Colleen?
ASDFGHJKL! Bretman: "Miss Colleen, prove yourself, Duchess." It was Bretman!
Alex is going in too!
Alex: "What? Rosanna! I didn't know what I was saying earlier. I was just cold." Ro: "You told me to vote for you!" Anyone getting S1X06 Matt vibes here? When he said he'd do the exorcism and then tried to back out?
Oh this is an interesting challenge! The ‘guardian angels’ Mat and Nikita has to traverse the maze and find the parts of a puzzle, while Alex and Colleen have to assemble the puzzle pieces to make the Parthenon.
Nikita crawls under the legs of the Minotaur! That is gutsy!
Colleen is almost done!
I'm sorry for my language there but what the hell, Nikita?
Nikita has cheated at this challenge and the last person to cheat was Destorm and he automatically forfeited his life as punishment. I feel like Alex should lose now. (I’m not saying this because I dislike Alex, I’m saying because Nikita cheated and I think there should be a punishment.)
No! Where's Matt gone?
Thank goodness! Matt is still alive! He’s just outside the museum.
R.I.P Colleen Ballinger.
First death- stabbed to death inside of the iron ‘maiden of madness’.
Second death- “ripped to pieces” by the Minotaur.
I used to like Nikita... not anymore!
Yesesss! Kill The Gorgon! When Alex tells the Minotaur to stay in the maze, the Minotaur stomps of like a child being sent to their room.
Nikita: "I seem to be doing pretty well for my first mission as a Society Against Evil girl." Nikita: *cheats at challenge, which gets Colleen killed*
Ro: "Alex and Nikita return to the lounge. Which means Matpat and Colleen did not make it." She thinks Mat is dead and she looks so sad! Someone hug Ro! Please?!
Ro: "There's this fire that's starting inside of me that's just starting to ignite, and I'm just... I hate these monsters." #LetRoBeABadass2K19
A lamp? Does this mean that the genie/djnn looking person from the trailer is next?
"Wishes are not free." Well, that's ominous.
And that’s my reaction post for S4X06 done!
And as I thought about the end of this episode, I thought that, apart from Nikita, Rosanna is the only girl left in the group. If Nikita only stays for one more episode then Ro will definitely be the only girl left and that should guarantee that she is one of this seasons survivors! Until I thought that Colleen is seen in the pirates episode, which means she may be revived, which will probably be bad for Ro as they probably won’t have 2 female survivors (Although Ro is is the pirate episode as well). Excluding S2, The survivors are always Joey, a boy and a girl, so it’s unlikely that it would be 2 girls and Joey to win this season unless they decide to change that. But who knows?
Quick question, who do you want to win this season?
Hope you like this post! :)
Have a lovely day!
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